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English Language L1
8 th Grade PART I = 50 points
PART II = 40 points
Name: Date: 10 points granted
Surname: Class:

PART I. Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

A. Translate the following types of films: (1,25x8=10p)
1. romance …………………………………….. 5. science fiction …………………….……….
2. drama ……………………………………….. 6. action film ………………………………….
3. comedy ……………………………………... 7. horror film ………………………………….
4. documentary ……………………………….. 8. animated film ……………………………...

B. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs using the First Conditional: (10x1p=10p)
a) I ……………………….. (stay) at home if it ………………………. (rain) tomorrow.
b) They ………………. (visit) London Eye if they ………………….….. (go) to England.
c) My parents …………………….. (give) a hug if I …………………. (arrive) home early.
d) If the baby …………………… (not / eat), we …………………………. (see) the doctor.
e) If you ………………… (wait) for me, I …………………………. (help) you.

C. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs using the Second Conditional: (10x1p=10p)

a) I …………………..……. (finish) the project if I …………………….. (have) enough time.

b) Daniel ………………..…. (lose) weight if he ………………….….. (stop) eating so much.
c) If she ……………….. (want) to talk to me, she …………….……………. (ring) up.
d) Our friends …………..….. (be) really angry if we ……………………… (not / go) to their party.
e) If we …………………… (know) how to solve this problem, we …………………….…. (do) it.

D. Complete the sentences using either the First or the Second Conditional: (10x2p=20p)
a) What would you do if you win / won the lottery?
b) She wouldn’t be so nervous if she does / did her homework.
c) Melissa won’t go / wouldn’t go out later if she doesn’t finish her homework.
d) You won’t earn enough money if you don’t work / didn’t work more hours.
e) I will stay / would stay home if it rains this afternoon.
f) Jenny will make / would make a nice cake if she knew how to cook well.
g) She will go / would go on a trip if she has got holidays in August.
h) My boss will get angry if I don’t finish / didn’t finish the report on time.
i) If someone stole my car, I will report / would report it to the police immediately.
j) We wouldn’t learn Maths if we don’t have / didn’t have such a good teacher.

PART II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)
E. Read the following text:
What is Generation Z? It is a name given to people born between 1995 and 2010. Also called
Centennials, because they were born into the world at the turn of the century, they arrived with a
tablet and a smartphone under their arm.
Many studies show that the Internet is vital to them, influencing their way of living, studying and
socializing. Consequently, their lifestyle is also influenced by YouTubers who show them what to eat,
what games to play, how to get dressed and how to react in different situations.
Although the use of technology makes them less interested in interpersonal relationships, they are
the ones who started supporting social causes on the Internet. In addition, because they are
immersed in the digital world, Centennials are quite impatient. That gives them the ability to
multitask, but their attention span is limited.
In conclusion, Centennials are independent, but demanding, which makes them quite successful
in achieving their goals. They represent 32% of the world population, but a new generation will take
the lead in a few decades. Those born after 2010 have been termed the Alpha Generation. What will
their behavior be like? In a couple of years, we will see how noticeable the generation gap is!

a) Tick the sentences below T (true) or F (false): T F

1. The text is about a generation (a group of people born on a specific period) and its behavior.
2. The people born between 1995 and 2010 are called the Alpha Generation.
3. The Centennials represent 23% of the world population.
4. YouTubers have become influencers by showing others what they eat, play and even dress.
5. The Centennials were not the ones who started supporting social causes on the Internet.
b) Answer the following questions according to the text: (5x2p=10p)
1. Why are the Centennials called like that? …………………………….………………..……………….….
2. What qualities have people from Generation Z or Centennials? ………………………….………..……
3. Who started influencing Centennials’ behavior and lifestyles? ..……………………………………...…
4. How is the Centennials’ attention span? ………………………………………………............................
5. How is the generation of people born after 2010 called? ………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (5x2p=10p)
c) The generation gap describes a difference of opinions between younger people and their
parents or grandparents. Do you feel like there is a generation gap between you and your parents?
Give at least 2 different examples.
……………………………………………………………………………………………….................................. (10p)
d) Are there any influencers or YouTubers that you like or follow? Give at least 2 examples and
tell us why do you like them.
..................................................................................................................................................................... (10p)

Limba engleză L1
Clasa a VIII- a

• Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităţi de rezolvare corectă a cerinţelor.

• Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărţirea punctajului total
acordat pentru test la 10.

PART I - VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR______ (50 de puncte)

A. (8 x 1,25 p = 10 points)
1. romantic / de dragoste 5. Științifico-fantastic
2. dramă 6. acțiune
3. comedie 7. de groază
4. documentar 8. animație
B. (10 x 1 p = 10 points)
a) will stay, rains b) will visit, go c) will give, arrive d) doesn’t eat, will see e) wait, will

C. (10 x 1 p = 10 points)
a) would finish, had b) would lose, stopped c) wanted, would ring d) would be, didn’t go
e) knew, would do

D. (10 x 2 p = 20 points)
a) won b) did c) won’t go d) don’t work e) will stay
f) would make g) will go h) don’t finish i) would report j) didn’t have
PART II – READING COMPREHENSION______ (40 de puncte)
a) (5 x 2p = 10 points)
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F

b) (5 x 2p = 10 points)
1. Because they were born into the world at the turn of the century, they arrived with a tablet and a
smartphone under their arm.
2. The ability to multitask. They are independent, but demanding, which makes them quite successful
in achieving their goals.
3. Their lifestyle is also influenced by YouTubers.
4. Their attention span is limited.
5. Those born after 2010 have been termed the Alpha Generation.

c) opinion (10 points)

d) opinion (10 points)

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