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1. The essence of the Constitution is to (a) safeguard the right and freedom of the citizens (b)ensure tyranny and oppression
of the masses (c)encourages military intervention in politics (d)suppress the views of the minority group

2. The chief executive in a parliamentary system of Government is known as the (a) president (b)speaker (c)prime minister
(d) Governor general

3. A cardinal feature of rigid constitution is that it (a) can only be amended by the judiciary (b)requires a special procedure for
its amendment (c) requires 2/3 majority for its amendments (d) requires the votes of the electorates for its amendments

4. The rule of the privileged nobility is referred to as (a) plutocracy (b)monarchy (c)aristocracy (d)autocracy

5. Local government laws are known as (a)decrees (b)acts (c)bye laws (d)orders

6. Judicial independence means that the courts are independent of the (a)civil service and the bar (b) executive and the
legislative (c)legislature and the ministry of justice (d) executive and the ministry

7. A constitution that has a special rules for its amendments is said to be (a)written (b) federal (c)confederal (d)rigid

8. In which of the system of Government is the principle of collective responsibility best upheld? (a) Presidential (b)cabinet (c)
military (d) traditional

9. Which of the following countries is operating a unitary constitution? (a)Nigeria (b) Canada (c) Britain (d) America

10. The executive is (a)a committee of the legislature (b)the body that execute the policies of government (c)the highest
organ of government (d)none of the above

11. A cabinet system of government is practised in

(a)the USSR (b)the USA (c)the People's Republic of China (d)the United Kingdom

12. The idea of democracy as a system of Government was inherited from the (a)USA (b)Italy (c)Greece (d) China

13.Which of the following terms is different from the others? (a) constitutionalism (b)fascism (c) dictatorship (c)

14.The legislature in every state of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is called the (a)State national Assembly (b)State legislative
assembly (c)house of assembly (d)state house of representatives

15.Aristocracy is the system of Government in which the few rule for (a)their benefits (b)the benefits of all (c)the benefits of
their friend (d)the benefits of a few

16.The first military coup in Nigeria occurred on (a) October 1,1960 (b) October 1,1963 (c) January 15,1966 (d) January

17. A nation state is synonymous with a (a) sovereign state (b)dependent territory (c)nation (d) political community

18. A citizen expresses loyalty to his nation by (a)participating in sport (b)supporting political parties (c) singing the national
anthem (d)lobbying for ministerial appointments

19.Pressure groups are (a) organizations which want to overthrow the government (b) organizations which seek to influence
the policies of government (c)associations of people who share the same ideology (d) political parties

20.The executive is the body that (a) executes armed robbers (b)interprets the law (c) implement laws (d)enacts laws

21. It is the duty if every citizen to (a)go to school (b)jump queues (c)to perform civic responsibilities (d)to be happy
22. The head of the judiciary in every state of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is called (a)Honourable chief of Justice (b)head
of judicial service (c)Chief Judge (d) president

23.A constitution is rigid if (a)the sources are too many (b) the constitution is foreign (c)the provisions are too detailed (d)the
process of changing is too cumbersome

24. The highest legislative body in Nigeria is the (a)House of representatives (b)Senate (c) National Assembly (d)State

25. Pressure groups are important because they (a)enjoy publicity (b)are not interested in the welfare of the state (c)
represent groups who may otherwise be ignored (d)manage political crises for their members

26. In the parliamentary system of Government, executive powers are vested in (a)the President (b)Parliament (c)the cabinet
(d)the few powerful men in the country

27.The elements in politics are (a)war and peace (b)order and conflict (c) patriotism and economic sabotage (d)nationalism
and freedom

28. The main objective of pressure groups is to (a) influence the public (b) influence the government decisions (c) organise
strikes and demonstration (d) criticize the government

29. A bill that applies to the whole population and is intended to promote the general welfare is called (a)private law (b)a
decree (c)an appropriation bill (d) public bill

30. Nigeria adopted a republican constitution on (a)October 1,1960 (b)October 1,1963 (c)May 1,1967 (d)October 1,1979

31.Legitimacy is determined mainly by (a)Charisma (b)Influence (c)acceptance (d)desire

32.Political sovereignty belongs to (a)The people (b)government (c)military (d)parliament

33.The most distinguishing characteristics of the state is (a)government (b)population (c)territory (d)Sovereignty

34. One of the attributes of a sovereign state is that (a) practices the presidential system of Government (b)has the capacity
to defend itself from external aggression (c)it is not indebted to other countries

35.An indispensable feature of any government (a)A written constitution (b)independence of the judiciary (c)the separation
of power (d)political power

36. In a democratic system _______ (a)Majority Vote (b)Legal sovereignty shouldn't be unquestionable (c)Electoral college is
always necessary (d)Minority vote but majority rule

37. Which of the following is true of a parliamentary system of government?(a)clear seperation of government
organs(b)strict operation of bicameral legislature (c)removal of government by impeachment.

(d)adherence to majority rule.

38. One of the advantages of a bicameral over a unicameral legislature is that it (a)is cheap to maintain

(b) promotes social equality (c)takes less time for the bills to be passed (d) prevents the passage of ill-considered bills.

39. Some pre-colonial Nigerian societies are described as stateless because (a)they had no formal governmental institutions
(b)they had no definite political boundaries

(c)their population was too small(d)they were not independent.

40. The method used by the British to facilitate the administration of Southern Nigeria was (a)persuasion

(b) dialogue (c)divide and rule (d)trade association.

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