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Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about Animals.
- Which animals are going to die out in the near future?
To determine (dəˈtərmən: xác định) which animal species (ˈspēSHēz) are going
to die out in the near future depends (phụ thuộc) on factors such as habitat (ˈhabə
ˌtat: môi trường) loss, climate change, human activities, and so on. Species
(ˈspēSHēz) that are the danger of extinction (ikˈstiNG(k)SH(ə)n) include
mountain gorillas (ɡəˈriləs), blue whales, tigers, giant pandas (ˈjīənt ˈpandəs),
Kakapo parrots (ˈperəts), Amur leopards (ˈlepərds: báo hao mai), and more.
- What do humans hunt animals for?
Humans hunt animals for various (ˈverēəs: nhiều) reasons, including:
- Food: Humans need meat to provide energy for sustaining life.
- Clothing: Animal skins are used to make clothes and bags.
- Medicine (ˈmedəs(ə)n): Bones and bile of many animal species are used in
traditional (truyền thống) medicine, such as horse (hôrs) bones, tiger bones and
bear (ber) bile.
- Population (ˌpäpyəˈlāSH(ə)n: dân số) control: Some animal species
reproducan(ˌrēprəˈdo͞ os: sinh sản) rapidly (ˈrapədlē: nhanh chóng), causing
imbalances in ecosystems (ˈēkōˌsistəm) and negatively (ˈneɡədivlē; tiêu cực)
impacting crop seasons and transportation (ˌtran(t)spərˈtāSHən). Hunting is
cnegativel (kənˈdək(t)əd: tiến hành) to control their population, such as mouse,
snails, rabbits and so on.
- Sport or recreation (ˌrekrēˈāSH(ə)n: giải trí): Some people enjoy the thrill
(Thril: hồi hộp) of hunting and the challenge (ˈCHalənj: thử thách) of catching
- Cultural (ˈkəlCH(ə)rəl: văn hóa) and traditional practices (ˈpraktəs: tập tục):
Hunting holds cultural and traditional significant (səɡˈnifək(ə)nt: có ý nghĩa)) in
many societies, often as part of rituals (ˈriCH(əw)əl: nghi lễ).
Hunting can serve (sərv: phục vụ) various purposes (ˈpərpəs: mục đích), but it
must be carried out responsibly (rəˈspänsəblē: có trách nhiệm) to conserve (bảo
tồn) species populations (ˌpäpyəˈlāSH(ə)n) and maintain (mānˈtān: duy trì)
ecological (ˌekəˈläjək(ə)l) integrity (inˈteɡrədē: toàn vẹn).
- What should we do to protect endangered animals?
Add rare (rer:hiếm) and endangered (inˈdānjərd) animal species to the
national conservation list.
Establish reserves (thành lập khu bản tồn) for rare and endangered animal
Breed (brēd: nuôi) rare and endangered animal species.
Prohibit (prəˈhibət: cấm) hunting, destruction (dəˈstrəkSH(ə)n: phá hủy) of
habitats (ˈhabəˌtat) for rare animals.
Raise (nâng cao) public awareness (əˈwernəs: nhận thức) about the protection
of rare and endangered animals.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Customs and Traditions.
- What traditional celebrations are there in your country?
In my country, we have traditional celebrations like: New Year’s Day (where
people gather (ˈɡaT͟ Hər: tụ tập) with family and friends to welcome the new year
with fireworks (ˈfī(ə)rˌwərk: bắn pháo hoa), special meals (bữa ăn đặc biệt), and
cultural performances (các tiết mục)), National Day, Hoa Lư Festival in Ninh
Bình, Lim Festival, Hung Temple Festival.
- How do visitors learn about other countries’ customs?
Tourists (khách du lịch) can learn about other countries’ customs (ˈkəstəmz)
through travel, books, and cultural events. Tourists can learn about other
countries' customs through various means. One common (ˈkämən) way is
through cultural exchange programs (chương trình), where individuals immerse
(iˈmərs: đắm chìm) themselves in the culture of another country through
homestays, language classes, and participation (pärˌtisəˈpāSH(ə)n: sự tham gia)
in local festivals and traditions. Morever, museums (viện bảo tàng), cultural
centers, and educational institutions (ˌinstəˈto͞ oSHən: tổ chức) often offer
exhibits (iɡˈzibət: triễn lãm), workshops (ˈwərkˌSHäp: hội thảo), and lectures
(ˈlek(t)SHər: bài giảng) on different cultures, providing insights (ˈinˌsīt: cái nhìn
sâu sắc) into their customs and traditions. Travel guides (ɡīd: hướng dẫn), books,
documentaries (ˌdäkyəˈment(ə)rē: phim tài liệu), and online resources (ˈrēˌsôrs:
nguồn) also offer valuable information (ˌinfərˈmāSH(ə)n: thông tin) about the
customs and traditions of different countries.
- Is it important to know about other people’s customs?
It’s important to know about other people’s customs to understand and respect
different cultures. Understanding and respecting other people's customs is
crucial (ˈkro͞ oSH(ə)l: rất quan trọng) for fostering (ˈfôstəring: bồi dưỡng)
cultural (ˈkəlCH(ə)rəl) awareness (əˈwernəs: nhận thức), promoting cross-
cultural communication (kəˌmyo͞ onəˈkāSH(ə)n: giao tiếp), and building
harmonious (härˈmōnēəs: hài hòa) relationships in a diverse (dəˈvərs: đa dạng)
world. It helps prevent (prēˈvent: ngăn chặn) misunderstandings, conflicts (xung
đột), and cultural insensitivity (ˌinˌsensəˈtivədē: thiếu nhạy cảm). Moreover,
knowing about other people's customs enriches (inˈriCH: làm giàu, phong phú)
our own lives, broadens (ˈbrôd(ə)n: mở rộng) our perspectives (pərˈspektiv: tầm
nhìn), and promotes (prəˈmōt: thúc đẩy) empathy (ˈempəTHē: sự động cảm) and
tolerance (ˈtäl(ə)rəns: dung hòa) towards (təˈwɔːdz: đối với) different cultures.
Overall, it contributes (kənˈtribyo͞ ot: đóng góp) to creating a more inclusive (in
ˈklo͞ osiv) and interconnected (ˌin(t)ərkəˈnektəd: liên kết với nhau) global
(ˈɡlōb(ə)l: toàn cầu) community (kəˈmyo͞ onədē: cộng đồng).
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: Your sister wants to keep a pet. There are three suggestions: a
dog, a cat, and a parrot. Which do you think is the best option?
I think a dog would be the most choice. Because dogs are very loyal (ˈloi(ə)l:
trung thành) to their owners (ˈōnərs: chủ nhân). Many people keep dogs to
protect their homes, property and themselves from danger. Raising a dog helps
reduce stress and entertain. For me, dogs are easier to raise than cats and parrots.
Cats and parrots are not as loyal to their owners as dogs. If you are careless,
parrots can fly away at any time, and cats often scratch (skraCH: cào) people.
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: Young generations should learn about traditions.

Learning about previous

generations Understanding about culture

Importance of

Developing a sense of respect

(Your own idea)

Young people should understand that learning about tradition is not just about
recounting (rēˈkounting: kể lại) the stories of previous (ˈprēvēəs: đi trước)
generations but is also a crucial (ˈkro͞ oSH(ə)l: rất quan trọng) part of
understanding one's cultural identity (īˈden(t)ədē: danh tính). Firstly, learning
about past generations helps us better understand our origins (ˈôrəj(ə)n: nguồn
gốc), the efforts (ˈefərt: nỗ lực), and challenges (ˈCHalənj: thách thức) they
faced in building the communities and nations we have today. Secondly, delving
(delving: đi sâu) into the culture of a people helps us deeply grasp the values
(ˈvalyo͞ os: giá trị), pride (prīd: niềm tự hào), and soul (sōl: linh hồn) of a nation.
Thirdly, developing a sense of respect is a natural outcome (ˈoutˌkəm: kết quả)
of understanding and cherishing (ˈCHerəShing: trân trọng) what traditions have
bestowed (bəˈstō: ban tặng) upon (əˈpän) us. Lastly, embracing (əmˈbrāsing: đón
nhận) tradition cultivates (ˈkəltəˌvāt: nuôi dưỡng) a strong sense of identity (ī
ˈden(t)ədē: bản sắc) and belonging (bəˈlôNGiNG: sự thuộc về), empowering (im
ˈpouəring: trao quyền) young people to navigate (ˈnavəˌɡāt: điều hướng) the
complexities (kəmˈpleksədē: sự phức tạp) of the contemporary (kənˈtempəˌrerē:
đương đại) world while staying grounded (ˈɡroundəd: giữ vững) in their heritage
(ˈherədij: di sản). Thus, by studying and implementing (phát huy) tradition, the
youth (yo͞ oTH) not only honor (ˈänər: tôn vinh) the past but also enrich their
present (ˈpreznt: hiện tại) and shape a more resilient (rəˈzilēənt: kiên cường)
Thời gian làm bài:10 phút
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Topic 1: Let’s talk about Weather.
- What's your favorite weather? Why?
Spring is my most favorite season. There's something magical about the
transition from the chill of winter to the warmth of spring, the blossoming
(ˈbläsəmiNG: nở hoa) of flowers, and the renewal (rəˈno͞ oəl: sự tái sinh) of
life all around. It's a time of rejuvenation (rəˌjo͞ ovəˈnāSHən: sự trẻ hóa) and
growth, which I find inspiring (inˈspī(ə)riNG: cảm hứng).
- What do you usually do during your favorite weather (or season)?
During spring, I enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it's taking walks in
nature, having a picnic in the park, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the
sunshine. I also enjoy visiting national parks in the spring. It's the perfect time
to see the trees and enjoy the fresh (trong lành) air.
- Does the weather ever affect what you do?
The weather definitely (ˈdef(ə)nətlē: chắc chắn) affects my activities. In
spring, when the weather is mild (mīld: ấm áp) and pleasant (ˈpleznt: dễ chịu),
I feel motivated (ˈmōdəˌvāted: có động lực) to go out and participate (pärˈtisə
ˌpāt: tham gia) in outdoor activities. However, if it's raining or too cold, I
might opt to stay indoors and pursuep(pərˈso͞ o: theo đuổi) indoor hobbies like
reading or watching. So, yes, the weather plays a significant role (rōl: vai trò)
in shaping my daily routine (ro͞ oˈtēn: lịch trình) and activities during my
favorite season.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Traditions.
- How do you celebrate an important occasion in your family, such as a
wedding or a birthday?
To organize an important family occasion (dịp) such as a wedding or birthday,
careful preparation (chuẩn bị) is necessary (kỹ lưỡng). We need to choose the
location (địa điểm), time of the party and the number of guests. The highlight of
the party will be the small shows, menu and decoration (trang trí). The most
important thing is to create a fun, friendly space (không gian) and preserve ( lưu
giữ) memorable (đáng nhớ) moments of the party by taking photos and videos.
- What are popular traditions in your country?
In my country, there are many common customs such as Tet, New Year’s Eve
celebration, Hung temple festival, wedding ceremony and more. On these days,
everyone in the family gathers (quây quần), eats, drinks, and sings together.
These traditions not only bring (đem lại) cultural value but also bring each
family member closer together.
- What advice about customs in your country would you give visitors?
For tourists to my country, I would advise them to get (tiếp nhận) the local
traditions with an open mind (cởi mở) and respectful attitude (ˈadəˌto͞ od: thái
độ). Take the time to learn about the customs such as habit of bowing (cúi đầu)
when meeting, removing shoes (giày) before entering someone's home or dress
politely (lịch sự) when visiting temples. Joinning in local festivals can also
provide valuable insights (cái nhìn sâu sắc) into the culture (văn hóa) and create
(tạo) memorable (đáng nhớ) experiences (trải nghiệm). Moreover, being open to
trying new foods and learning a few basic phrases (cụm từ) in the local language
can go a long way in fostering (thúc đẩy) connections (mối liên kết) with the
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: Your class is choosing one effective way to learn History. There
are three options: making mind maps, learning via TV documentary and
going to historical places. Which do you think is the best choice?
In my opinion (quan điểm), visiting historical locations is the most effective
(hiệu quả) way to learn. Being present (có mặt) at a historical site allows (cho
phép) students to interact (tương tác) with the environment, confront (đối mặt)
and gain (có được) greater insight into the context (ngữ cảnh) in which historical
events took place (đã diễn ra). Moreover, visiting historical places helps students
touch and sometimes feel historical aspects (khía cạnh), thereby being able to
remember them better. Going to historical locations brings a sense of realism
(thực tế) and fullness (trọn vẹn) that mind maps and TV documentaries cannot
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: Climate change can be caused by various factors.

Greenhouse gases Burning fossil fuels

Causes of climate

Cutting down trees (Your own idea)

Climate change is affected by many factors. Firstly, Carbon dioxide (CO2) and
methane (CH4) are greenhouse gases that trap (giam giữ) heat (nhiệt) in the
atmosphere, leading (dẫn đến) to global warming. Secondly, coal (than), oil and
natural gas are fossil (hóa thạch) fuels (nhiên liệu) used in industry (công
nghiệp) today. Burning them will release (phát ra) large amounts (số lượng) of
CO2 into the atmosphere, increasing (tăng) the greenhouse effect (hiệu ứng).
Thirdly, when forests (rừng) are destroyed (bị phá hủy) for farming, urbanization
(đô thị hóa) or uncontrolled logging (khai thác gỗ), natural carbon storage (dự
trữ) is reduced, leading to an increased greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.
Finally, environmental pollution negatively affects the ecosystem, thus
impacting the climate. These factors often impact each other, so if you want to
limit (hạn chế) climate change, you need to improve (cải thiện) those factors at
the same time.

Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about Public transport.
- How often do you take the bus?

I rarely (hiếm) take the bus because I get bus sick. I often ride a motorbike. I
feel riding a motorbike is very convenient (thuận tiện) because I can ride any
time I want without having to wait like riding a bus. Best of all, I don't get
sick when riding a motorbike.
- Which is more convenient: taking the bus or taxi in your city?

Regarding convenience, it often varies depending on factors such as traffic

conditions, cost (chi phí) and personal (cá nhân) preferences (sở thích). In my
city, buses have cheap fares (giá vé) and are easy to catch on fixed (cố định)
routes (tuyến), but bus routes are only available (có sẵn) in towns, not in the
countryside. On the contrary (ngược lại) , although taxis are more expensive,
you will be picked up (đón) at your door without having to jostle (chen lấn)
with other people.

- Are there any public transport problems in your city?

In my city, like many others, there can be various public transport problems.
These issues may include overcrowding during peak hours, delays due to
traffic congestion, safety concerns. Efforts are often made by local authorities
to address these problems through improvements in public transportation
systems, such as expanding routes, upgrading vehicles, change route and
promoting alternative modes of transport like cycling or walking.
Ở thành phố của tôi, như nhiều nơi khác, có thể xuất hiện các vấn đề liên quan
đến giao thông công cộng. Các vấn đề này có thể bao gồm quá tải vào giờ cao
điểm, chậm trễ do ùn tắc giao thông, lo ngại về an toàn. Các cơ quan chức
năng thường nỗ lực giải quyết các vấn đề này thông qua việc cải thiện hệ
thống giao thông công cộng, như mở rộng tuyến đường, nâng cấp xe cộ, thay
đổi tuyến đường và thúc đẩy các phương tiện giao thông thay thế như đạp xe
hoặc đi bộ.

Topic 2: Let’s talk about Riding a bike.

- How often do you ride a bike?
I haven't ridden a bike in a few years. When I was in high school, my bike
broke down so my dad bought me a new electric motorbike. Since then I no
longer ride a bike, although I have ridden a bike to school since I was a child.
- Do you ride a bike when you were a kid?
Yes, I have been riding a bike since I was a child, I think since I was six years
old. I still remember when I first learned to ride a bicycle, my mother stood
behind me to keep me from falling. And after an afternoon of practice (luyện
tập) I learned to ride a bicycle. I rode a bike for a few years until my dad bought
me a new electric motorbike.
- How can riding a bike improve your health?
I think cycling is very beneficial for health. Cycling is a form of exercise that
helps increase cardiovascular (tim mạch) health, endurance (sức bền) and muscle
strength. Every bike ride will help burn calories and reduce stress. In short,
cycling is not only a means of transportation but also brings good health.
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: You are writing a report about a historical place in Hanoi. There
are three options: Co Loa Citadel, One pillar Pagoda, and Ngoc Son
Temple. Which place would you write about?
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: People should use public transportation more.

Reduce carbon footprint

Reduce traffic jams

Public transport
Be cheap and (Your own idea)

I think public transportation is becoming more popular and people should use it
more. Firstly, public transportation can carry (chở) many people at once, which
somewhat reduces (giảm) current traffic congestion (ùn tắc). Secondly, if people
use public transport more, it will reduce the need to buy private (riêng) cars,
thereby reducing amounts of carbon. Thirdly, means of transport often have
cheap tickets (vé) and fixed (cố định) routes, making it convenient (thuận tiện)
for many people. In addition, the more people use public transportation, the
more this type of transportation will develop, benefiting our country.
Thời gian làm bài:10 phút
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Topic 1: Let’s talk about Animals.
- What animals you would like to have as pets? (muốn nuôi thú cưng gì)
Well like most people love having, I want dogs or cats! I like dogs because they
are loyal and playful. Not to mention (chưa kể), they can protect our homes,
property and us from danger. Also, I want to keep cats because they’re
independend (độc lập) and I enjoy listening to them when they purr (gáy).
- Do you like to see animals in the zoo? (có thích đi sở thú không)
To be honest (thực sự), I am really into exploring (khám phá) the animal
kingdom, so zoos are the perfect places for me to get to know more about
mammals (đv có vú), birds, reptiles (bò sát), amphibians (lưỡng cư), and fish. At
the zoo, where i could directly (trực tiếp) see giraffes eating leaves (lá),
elephants walking very slowly, sleeping tigers, crocodiles (cá sấu) swimming in
the lake and many other interesting things. Every tim i go to the zoo it makes mư
very happy.
- What is the most popular animal in your country? (con vật phổ biến ở
nước bạn)
I think the animal that most people keep in my country is the dog. Many people
raise dogs to protect their homes, property and themselves from danger. A lot of
Vietnamese children grow up (lớn lên) with fond memories about their puppies
(chó con) as their childhood (thời thơ ấu) best friend. Besides (bên cạnh đó), you
can see that there are many dog rescue (cứu hộ) groups in the main cities, which
aims (mục đích) to save dogs from being abandoned (bị bỏ rơi) or kidnapped (bị
bắt cóc).
Topic 2: Let’s talk about History.
- Do you like to learn about history? (có thích học lịch sử không)
Wow, I am into reading history, not only of our country, Vietnam but also other
countries in the world. History is not only a subject to me, it is also a source
(nguồn) of invaluable (vô giá) information (thông tin) about our origin (cội
nguồn) as well as the victorious (hào hùng) past of our ancestors (tổ tiên).
- How did you learn history when you were young? (học lịch sử như thế
nào khi còn nhỏ)
Actually, when I was a child, I only learnt history through a text book but at that
time I was not so interested (quan tâm) in it because there were so many things
that I had to remember. Then my grandfather took (đưa đến) me to a bookstore
to buy books in history and I have developed an interest in historical figures
(nhân vật lịch sử) such as King Le Loi or Heroine (nữ anh hùng) Vo Thi Sau.
- What do you think we can learn by studying events of the past? (học được gì
bằng cách nghiên cứu sự kiện lịch sử)
I suppose we can have many things from historical events. For example, if we
study war, there will be knowledge (kiến thức) related (liên quan) to domination
(sự đô hộ) or weapons (vũ khí). However, the most important lesson is that each
historical event is either a mistake or a pride, we should look at them carefully to
improve (cải thiện) our strengths (điểm mạnh), to maintain the pride and not to
let the mistakes occur (xảy ra) again.
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: You are going to take your child to a place in which he/she can
learn about animals. There are three options: Thu Le zoo, Lotte Matt
aquarium, and Cuc Phuong national park. Which do you think is the best
For me, if I have time, I will take my child to Thu Le zoo. Because there
children can see about many animals such as: mammals, birds, amphibians
(lưỡng cư), reptiles (bò sát) and fish. Children can know about the eating habit
of the animals and they also can know about the behaviour of animals. Above
all, learning about animals for children takes a lot of time, so I have to take her
to the zoo many times. So I need to consider ticket price. Thu Le zoo has much
cheaper ticket prices than Lotte Matt aquarium. Finally, I think Cuc Phuong
national park is not safe for children because there are many insects (côn trùng)
and snakes there.
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: It’s important to keep traditions.

National identity Traditions contain experience from

many generations
Keeping traditions

Be proud of your culture

(Your own idea)
Preserving (giữ gìn) and respecting tradition is one of the important things of a
country. Firstly, tradition is not only rituals (nghi lễ) and customs but also
profound (thâm thúy, sâu sắc) cultural values passed down from many
generations that create the unique (riêng biệt, độc nhất) national identity (bản
sắc) of each culture. Secondly, tradition contains (chứa đựng) the life
experiences of ancestors (tổ tiên) through fairy tales (cổ tích), grandparents'
advice, and familiar customs. All are precious (quý giá) memories for human
development and maturity (trưởng thành). Thirdly, be proud of your own culture
because that is also the way you respect yourself and the tireless (không mệt
mỏi) efforts (nỗ lực) of your ancestors (tổ tiên, ông cha) to make our country
what it is today. Finally, preserving and promoting (phát huy) culture is also
preserving and developing the nation's reputation (danh tiếng), making the world
better understand Vietnam.
Thời gian làm bài:10 phút
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Topic 1: Let’s talk about Environmental Protection.
- What do you often do when you see the rubbish on the street? (thường làm
gì khi thấy rác trên đường)
When I see rubbish on the street, if it's small, I will pick it up and dispose (vứt
bỏ) of it properly (đúng cách) in the nearest bin. If it's hazardous waste (rác
thải) or a large amount of rubbish, I may report it to the local authorities
(chính quyền) or appropriate (thích hợp) agencies (cơ quan) for proper
handling (xử lý). I might take photos of the rubbish and share them on social
media to raise (nâng cao) awareness (nhận thức) about proper waste disposal
(xủ lý).
- Have you ever taken part in any environmental events? (đã từng tham gia bất
kỳ sự kiện môi trường nào chưa)
Yes, of course! Last year I taked part in an event in my hometown, which was
all about preserving nature... We were taught (được dạy) about the greenhouse
effect and I learned about many endangered species in the world.
- What has your government done to prevent pollution? (chính phủ đã làm gì
để ngăn ngừa ô nhiễm)
The Government has implemented (triển khai) many measures (biện pháp)
and policies (chính sách) to prevent environmental pollution such as: laws and
regulations (quy định) on controlling and minimizing (giảm thiểu)
environmental pollution, promoting (thúc đẩy) the use of clean (sạch) energy
(solar energy, wind, hydroelectric power), encourage (khuyến khích)
recycling (tái chế) and waste treatment (xủ lý), protect and expand (mở rộng)
ecologically important areas, educate and create awareness (nhận thức) about
environmental pollution.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Your hobbies.
- Do you like collecting things? Why/ Why not? (có thích sưu tập đồ vật
No, I have no passion for collecting (sưu tập) objects. Because I think you
have to really like a certain (chắc chắn, thực sự) type of object to collect it. Even
though (mặc dù) I have my hobbies like listening to music or reading comics, I
have no interest (hứng thú) in collecting it.
- Which do you prefer: listening to music or reading comics? (thích nghe nhạc
hay đọc truyện tranh hơn)
I enjoy listening to music and reading comics equally (như nhau). I often
listen to music and read comics on my phone. However, because my eyes are
nearsighted (cận thị), reading comics on my phone for a long time can make my
eyes dry (khô) and tired. Therefore, I spend more time listening to music than
reading comics every day.
- What is your favourite type of music? (thích loại nhạc nào)
In my free time I often listen to music to relax, but I’m not too picky (khó
tính) in choosing music. I often listen to popular songs or new songs. People call
this the Pop genre (thể loại). Pop songs have simple melodies (giai điệu) but are
very catchy (bắt tai). Music helps me dispel (xua tan) feelings of depression
(chán nản). Thanks to music, I feel this life is much more interesting. Somerimes
I can find a few friends just because I like the same song. I feel pop music is
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: Your class is going on a two-day field trip to HaiPhong and is
deciding on how to get there. There are three suggestions: by train, by
rental bus, and by motorbike. Which do you think is the best option?
My class is many people, so renting a bus to Hai Phong is the best choice. We
can choose our time and route without being dependent on public transportation.
During the trip to Hai Phong, everyone in the class could talk, sing and bond
with each other. Taking the train is not good because it has a fixed (cố định) time
and route. If the whole class rides motorbikes on the road, there will not be
enough vehicles and it will not be safe in bad weather.
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: Pollution has many effects on human beings.

Unsafe water and soil

Less farming land

More diseases (Your own idea)

Environmental pollution affects us a lot. First of all, the waste treatment

process (quá trình) of industrial parks (khu công nghiệp) is not clean,
pollution of the human living environment such as soil (đất) and water
pollution, making them no longer clean and safe. Second, when soil is
polluted, arable land (đất trồng trọt) will be narrowed (thu hẹp), reducing the
amount of food each crop. Third, an unsafe living environment threatens (đe
doạn) human health, more diseases and diseases that take a long time to heal.
Finally, environmental pollution not only negatively affects humans but also
affects animals, plants and our planet such as climate change, global
warming, greenhouse effect... Therefore, each person needs to be aware and
responsible for protecting the environment, so that the environment becomes
better and better.
Thời gian làm bài:10 phút
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Topic 1: Let’s talk about your daily activities.
- What are somethings you do most days? (mọi ngày thường làm gì nhất)
Every day, I usually wake up at seven a.m, if I have classes, or nine to ten
a.m, if it's a day off. Then I take care of personal hygiene (vệ sinh cá nhân)
and go to school or study at home while listening to music. I usually only eat
two meals a day, lunch and dinner, skipping breakfast. If it's a school day, I
will eat at a food stall, having dishes like sticky rice, fish noodle soup, or fried
rice with eggs. On days off, I cook at home. I have lunch around twelve
o’clock and dinner around seven p.m. I have a habit of taking a shower (tắm)
after dinner, and although showering late is not good, bathing after a meal
leaves me feeling like I have more time to relax while showering. Like many
others my age, I go to bed very late, usually in the early hours of the next day.
So, I tend to wake up later as I mentioned.
- Do you have enough time for all your daily activities? (có đủ thời gian cho
mọi hoạt động hàng ngày không)
Yes, I have enough time for all daily activities. Because if I have classes, I'll
go to school, and if it's a day off, I'll just stay at home. I prefer staying at
home and don't often go out because it's quiet (yên tĩnh) and peaceful indoors
(thanh bình), unlike the outside noise. Moreover, I tend to sweat (mồ hôi) a lot
when I move around, and sweating makes my clothes wet (ướt), which makes
me uncomfortable (không thoải mái).
- What do you like to do at weekends? (cuối tuần thích làm gì)
On weekends, I enjoy staying at home. I'll sleep until I wake up naturally,
without needing an alarm clock to wake me. In the house, my favorite place is
my bed. I feel like if I didn't have to do personal hygiene and eat, I could stay in
bed all day. I can do everything I need to do in bed, such as sleeping, studying,
reading books, comics, listening to music, snacking, and so on. My mom often
reminds me to go out and play more, but I find staying home all day very good.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Sport and Fitness.
- Do you play any sports? (bạn có chơi môn thể thao gì)
Yes, I do play badminton. But lately, I haven't been playing much because my
badminton racket (vợt) is kept at home while I study far away and don't bring it
- What do you prefer – team sport or individual sports? Why? (bạn thích môn
thể thao đồng đội hay thể thao cá nhân)
I prefer individual (cá nhân) sports over team sports. Because I enjoy playing
badminton, which is an individual sport. I once played a team sport, tug of war
(kéo co) and then my hand started bleeding (chảy máu) because I exerted too
much force (dùng sức quá mạnh). Although playing tug of war was quite fun, the
bleeding was still a bad memory for me.
- Should all gym be free for people over 60s? (các phòng tập thể dục có nên
miễn phí cho những người trên 60t không)
Exercising daily is very good for health for people over sixty. However, I
think fitness centers operate for profit, so offering free gym access to people
over sixty, although it may attract more customers, would not be profitable.
Therefore, instead of offering free access, fitness centers should offer a fifty
percent discount for people over sixty.
Tập thể dục hàng ngày rất tốt cho sức khỏe của những người trên sáu mươi
tuổi. Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ các trung tâm thể dục hoạt động với mục đích lợi
nhuận, vì vậy việc cung cấp dịch vụ tập thể dục miễn phí cho những người trên
sáu mươi tuổi, mặc dù có thể thu hút nhiều khách hàng hơn, nhưng sẽ không
sinh lợi nhuận. Do đó, thay vì cung cấp dịch vụ miễn phí, các trung tâm thể dục
nên giảm giá nửa giá cho những người trên sáu mươi tuổi.
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: You are considering a birthday present for a friend who loves the
green lifestyle. There are three suggestions: a plant, a refill water bottle,
and a pure cotton shirt. Which present would you give your friend?
I will choose to give a tree on my friend’s birthday. Because me giving her a
plant on her birthday is not only a meaningful gift but also shows my care and
respect for her green lifestyle. It is a way to encourage (khuyến khích, động
viên) her to continue (tiếp tục) to maintain (duy trì) and develop good habits and
protect the environment. Moreover, I think the other two suggestions (gợi ý) of
giving a refilled water bottle or a pure cotton shirt do not leave a deep
impression (ấn tượng) like a plant.
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: Young people should be encouraged to cycle.

A way to keep fit Environment protection

Reasons for cycling

A way to reduce stress (Your own idea)

Young people should ride bicycles more because it brings many good benefits.
First, cycling is a full-body activity that helps burn calories. It not only helps
maintain (duy trì) shape (vóc dáng) but also reduces the risk of obesity (béo phì).
Second, using bicycles instead of cars or motorbikes helps reduce emissions (khí
thải) and air pollution, contributing (góp phần) to environmental protection.
Third, cycling is a great recreational (giải trí) and relaxing activity. When you
cycle, you can escape (thoát khỏi) the pressure (áp lực) of work and daily life,
reduce stress and feel comfortable. Moreover, cycling helps us find more friends
with similar (cùng, tương tự) interests (sở thích) and explore (khám phá) new
places together.
Thời gian làm bài:10 phút
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Topic 1: Let’s talk about Environment Protection.
- What are the biggest environmental problems in big cities? (vấn đề môi
trường lớn nhất của thành phố lớn)
The biggest environmental problems in big cities often include air pollution,
water pollution, waste management (quản lý) issues, loss of green spaces. If
these environmental problems are not improved (cải thiện) promptly (kịp
thời), they will negatively (tiêu cực) affect humans, animals and plant.
- What do you often do to protect the environment? (thường làm gì để bảo vệ
môi trường)
To protect the environment, I prefer using environmentally friendly products
such as paper cups (cốc giấy), bamboo straws (ống hút tre), natural soap bars
(bánh xà phòng tự bánh), and so on. At the same time, I also share these
products on social media for everyone to know about.
- Do you think schools should educate children to recycle (tái chế)?
Yes, I believe that schools should educate children about recycling and
environmentally friendly practices (thực hành), teaching good habits
regarding (về, liên gian tới) environmental awareness (ý thức) and
responsibility (trách nhiệm), contributing (đóng góp) to protecting the planet
for future generations.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Your daily activities.
- What do you often do in the evenings?
In the evenings, I usually rest (nghỉ ngơi) and relax after a long day. This
might involve watching TV, reading comics or listening to music. I like staying
at home in the evening rather than going out because evening is family time.
Staying at home helps me stay away from the dangers of contact (tiếp xúc) with
strangers (người lạ) and gives me a feeling of safety in a familiar space.
- Which do you prefer: spending your evenings with family or with friends?
When it comes to spending evenings, I would choose to spend time with
family rather than friends. Because I prefer staying at home rather than going out
in the evenings
- Do you do the same thing in the evenings as you did in the past?
My evening activities have changed compared to the past. I still have the habit
of relaxing in the evenings, but the relaxation time has become shorter than in
the past. Recently (gần đây), due to upcoming final exams, I usually spend three
to four hours studying in the evenings. After that, I relax by listening to some
music before going to bed.
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: You are thinking of taking up a class at the gym. Your friend
makes three suggestions: yoga, aerobics, and sports dance. Which class
would you choose?
I would choose to take a yoga class because yoga is an effective (hiệu quả)
relaxation method (phương pháp). Yoga helps improve (cải thiện) overall health,
balance the body, reduce stress and increase (tăng) concentration (sự tập trung). I
feel like aerobics and dance sports are not suitable (phù hợp) for me because
they are both fast (nhanh) movements (những động tác). I tend to sweat a lot
when I exercise (tập thể dục, bài tập, vận động) a lot, and the sweat wets my
shirt, making me uncomfortable.
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: Celebrating festivals is important in preserving a country’s culture.
Passing the legends Connection with families
and friends
Reasons for
celebrating festivals

A break from regular (Your own idea)


Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about Summer.
- Do you like summer in Hanoi?
No, I don’t like summer in Hanoi. Because summer in Hanoi is hotand I often
sweat (mồ hôi) a lot, and sweating makes my clothes wet (ướt), which makes
me uncomfortable (không thoải mái).
- What do you do in summer when the weather is very hot?
When the summer weather is very hot, if there's no need to go out, I prefer to
stay indoors all day. In Hanoi, I've rented (thuê) a room for a flat rate (giá cố
định) of one million six hundred thousand dong per month. That's why when
I'm at my place, I keep the air conditioning (điều hòa) on all day without
worrying about the electricity bill (tiền điện), which is really fantastic (tuyệt
- Do you go on holiday every summer?
No, I don’t go on holiday every summer. While for many people summer is a
great time for vacations (kỳ nghỉ), for me, having to go outside during summer
feels like torture (tra tấn). Imagine (tưởng tượng) when you step (bước đi) out
the door, you will have to face the hot feeling of summer, sweat will wet your
clothes and stick to your body, making you uncomfortable. It was such a bad
experience (trải nghiệm)!
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Personal experience.
- What usually makes you happy and unhappy?
I often find joy in simple things that happen in life. It could be when I get a
good night's sleep, when I read an engaging (hấp dẫn) comic book during my
free time, when I hear a good song, or when I cook a delicious meal that suits
my taste... At the same time, I also feel unhappy due to small things like when
the pen runs out of ink, when my hands get dirty (bẩn) right after washing them,
or when the comic series I like stops updating new chapters because the author is
busy, and so on.
- Does the weather affect how you feel?
Yes, the weather plays a significant role (vai trò) in my mood. I often sweat a
lot in hot weather, and that’s not comfortable at all. That's why I don't like
summer even though it brings many delicious fruits (hoa quả). When living
through summer, what I look forward to the most is the rain showers that help
alleviate (giảm bớt) the heat to some extent (phạm vi); the sound (tiếng) of
raindrops (mưa rơi) makes me feel peaceful (yên bình). On cooler or chilly days,
my mood is usually very good because the cool air makes my body feel
- How do young people make themselves happy in your country?
In my country, young people often find happiness through various means.
Some immerse (đắm chìm) themselves in social activities with friends, while
others pursure (theo đuổi) hobbies or interests that bring them joy (niềm vui).
Moreover, exploring (khám phá) new experiences, traveling and seeking (tìm
kiếm) personal grwoth and self – improvement are common avenues for young
people to find happiness.
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: Your house is about 1km far from your school. Your school is
holding a special event in which students can choose one way to go to school
to protect environment. There are three suggestions: walk on foot, ride a
bike, and get a ride from parents. Which do you think is the best option?
I think cycling to protect the environment is the best choice. using bicycles
instead of cars or motorbikes helps reduce emissions (khí thải) and air pollution,
contributing (góp phần) to environmental protection. Cycling is not only a
means of transportation but also helps improve (cải thiện) health. Although
walking to school every day also helps me improve my health, it takes more
time. And my parents use motorbikes as a means of transportation, so if I let my
parents take me to school, it's not protecting the environment.
Part 3: Topic Development (4’)
Topic: Keeping a pet benefits elderly people in many ways.

Keeps them Keeps them active

Keeping a pet

(Your own idea)

Makes them happy
Elderly people having a pet will benefit in many ways. First of all, pets are ideal
companions (bạn đồng hành) that provide closeness (sự gần gũi) and a feeling of
not being alone for the elderly. Second, having to go for a walk or participate in
pet care activities can motivate (thúc đẩy) older adults (người lớn) to exercise,
helping to maintain physical health. Third, keeping pets can bring joy and
entertainment to the elderly, when they participate in activities such as walking,
playing with pets, or simply watching them play. Moreover, pets can be a bridge
to help the elderly make friends and communicate with others, building new
social relationships.
Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about your hobbies.
- Do you have any hobbies? What are they?
Of course, everyone has their own hobbies, and I'm no exception (ngoại lệ).
My hobbies are listening to music and reading comics. Regarding (về) my
music hobby, I can listen to music all day without getting bored (chán). The
app I often use for listening to music is Zing MP3. I can listen to various
genre (thể loại) of music, so I have a habit of choosing a first song to play, and
then the app will play the next songs randomly. Trying to guess the song title
based on the initial melodies is also a hobby of mine. As for my hobby of
reading comics, I spend less time on it compared to listening to music.
Because I'm nearsighted (cận) and read comics on my phone, looking at the
screen for a long time makes my eyes tired and dry. Moreover, I'm quite picky
(khó tính) when it comes to choosing comics, so it's rare for me to find a
comic series that I find engaging (hấp dẫn).
- Can you make money from doing your hobbies? Would you like to make it?
I haven't figured out (tìm ra) how to make money from my hobbies of
listening to music and reading comics yet. So far, my hobbies have only
provided me with mental (tinh thần) satisfaction (sự hài lòng) rather than
material value (giá trị vật chất). I would be very happy if my hobbies could
help me earn money, and if given the opportunity (cơ hội), I would pursue
(thử làm, theo đuổi) that.
- Are there any hobbies you would like to try before you get old?
Yes, I want to go see the concert of a few singers whose songs I like very
much before I get old, that is Ha Anh Tuan, Phan Mạnh Quỳnh.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Plants.
- Do you like to have plants in your home? Why(not)?
I only grow (trồng) plants indoors when needed, not because I enjoy it, such
as for food or home decoration (trang trí).
- Do you have plants at home?
Oh yeah, I'm living in a rented (thuê) room and don't have my own house. The
place I'm renting doesn't have any plants. However, if you're asking about the
house I grew up (lớn lên) in with my parents, it had a lot of plants because my
mother loved gardening (làm vườn).
- Do you know how to take care of the plants? If yes, how? If no, would you
like to learn?
I don't know much about taking care of plants because I don't have a passion
(đam mê) for gardening (làm vườn), so I haven't researched it much. However,
my mother’s hobby is gardening, so I know a little bit about it. My
understanding of plant care is quite general (tổng quát). I know that if you want
seeds (hạt giống) to sprout (nảy mầm) quickly (nhanh), you should soak (ngâm)
them in water for a while before sowing (gieo hạt) them in the soil (đất). Or if
it's sunny outside, you shouldn't water the plants even if the soil is very dry, and
so on.
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: Your class is discussing about the future most popular means of
transport. There are three suggestions: electric cars, buses, and sky trains.
Which do you think is the best option?

Part 3: Topic Development (4’)

Topic: Children should be taught about the importance of protecting the

Clean air to breathe happiness

Reasons for

Source of food (Your own idea)

Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about Games.
- Do you play any games?
- What games are popular in your country?
- Do you think it’s important for people to play games?
Topic 2: Let’s talk about Giving gifts.
- When do people give gifts or presents in your country?
- When did you last receive a gift? When was it?
- Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?

Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)

Situation: Your friend got stressed and is feeling bad. What would you do to
help her feel better: invite her to eat out, go shopping with her or ask her to
hang out. Which do you think is the best choice?

Part 3: Topic Development (4’)

Topic: More and more young people get obesity due to some reasons.

Fast food consumption

Stress from work or
Reasons for

Less time for doing exercise (Your own idea)

Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about travelling by plane.
- Have you ever travelled by plane?
I have never traveled by plane until now. That's because the places I've
traveled to haven't been far enough to require flying. The farthest place I've
ever been is only about a hundred kilometers away from my home.
- Do you think travelling by plane is common in your country?
When I was born, traveling by plane was not common in my country.
However, as I have grown up, the country has developed rapidly, and plane
travel has become popular among many people.
Khi tôi sinh ra, việc đi máy bay không phổ biến ở quốc gia của tôi. Tuy nhiên,
khi tôi lớn lên, đất nước đã phát triển nhanh chóng và việc đi máy bay đã trở
nên phổ biến với nhiều người.
- What are the disadvantages of travelling by plane?

Topic 2: Let’s talk about ways to keep fit.

- Do you do exercise everyday?
- What do you often do stay healthy?
- What are the benefits of doing sports?

Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)

Situation: You are going to make a short presentation about one meaningful
activity you do to protect environment in class. There are three suggestions:
plant trees, use recycled bags when shopping and clean your
neighbourhood. Which do you think is the best option?

Part 3: Topic Development (4’)

Topic: There are many ways to tackle obesity.
Eating a balanced diets
Doing sports

Ways to tackle

Raising people’s (Your own idea)


Thời gian làm bài:10 phút

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Topic 1: Let’s talk about riding a bike.
- How often do you ride a bike?
I haven't ridden a bicycle for several years. I'm studying far from home, and I
get around by riding a motorbike with my roommate.
- What are the benefits of riding a bike?
The benefits of cycling are numerous. Firstly, it's a great form of exercise that
helps improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and overall fitness.
Cycling also promotes mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety.
Additionally, it's an eco-friendly mode of transportation, reducing carbon
emissions and congestion on roads. Moreover, cycling can save money on
transportation costs and contribute to a more active lifestyle.
Các lợi ích của việc đi xe đạp là nhiều. Đầu tiên, đó là một hình thức tập thể
dục tuyệt vời giúp cải thiện sức khỏe tim mạch, sức mạnh cơ bắp và thể chất
tổng thể. Đi xe đạp cũng thúc đẩy sự cân bằng tinh thần bằng cách giảm căng
thẳng và lo âu. Ngoài ra, đây là phương tiện giao thông thân thiện với môi
trường, giảm lượng khí thải carbon và tắc đường. Hơn nữa, việc đi xe đạp có
thể tiết kiệm tiền cho chi phí đi lại và đóng góp vào lối sống tích cực hơn.
- Why have most people cycled to work recently?
Recently, many people have been cycling to work due to several reasons.
Firstly, it's an environmentally friendly mode of transportation, which aligns
with the increasing awareness of environmental issues. Secondly, cycling helps
individuals avoid traffic congestion, especially in urban areas where traffic jams
are common during rush hours. Additionally, cycling promotes physical activity
and contributes to a healthier lifestyle, which is becoming a priority for many
people. Lastly, with the rising costs of fuel and transportation, cycling offers a
cost-effective alternative for commuting.
Gần đây, nhiều người đã chuyển sang đi xe đạp đi làm vì một số lý do. Đầu
tiên, đó là một phương tiện giao thông thân thiện với môi trường, phù hợp với
việc tăng cường nhận thức về các vấn đề môi trường. Thứ hai, việc đi xe đạp
giúp cá nhân tránh được tắc đường, đặc biệt là ở các khu vực đô thị nơi tắc
đường thường xuyên xảy ra vào giờ cao điểm. Hơn nữa, việc đi xe đạp thúc đẩy
hoạt động thể chất và góp phần vào một lối sống khỏe mạnh, điều này đang trở
thành ưu tiên của nhiều người. Cuối cùng, với sự tăng giá của nhiên liệu và chi
phí đi lại, việc đi xe đạp mang lại một lựa chọn kinh tế cho việc đi lại hàng ngày.
Topic 2: Let’s talk about habits.
- Do you have any good habits?
Of course, everyone has their own good or bad habits, and I'm no exception. I
think one of my good habits is being conscientious about attending classes
regularly, even if they're not mandatory. I also have a habit of listening to upbeat
songs to regulate my emotions whenever I feel stressed, instead of keeping it all
inside, and so on.
Chắc chắn rồi, mỗi người đều có những thói quen tốt và xấu riêng của họ, và tôi
cũng không ngoại lệ. Tôi nghĩ một trong những thói quen tốt của tôi là tự giác
đến lớp đầy đủ, ngay cả khi không có điểm danh. Tôi cũng thường nghe những
bài hát sôi động để điều chỉnh tâm trạng mỗi khi cảm thấy áp lực, thay vì giữ nó
trong lòng.
- What are some bad habits you want to change?
I have a few bad habits that most young people tend to have, such as staying up
very late and irregular eating habits. I can't remember exactly when these habits
started, but they've been around long enough that recently I've been feeling like
my health isn't as good as it used to be. I'm quite concerned and trying to change
these bad habits to get back to the best state for my body.
Tôi có một số thói quen không tốt mà hầu hết các bạn trẻ thường có, như thức
khuya và ăn uống không đều đặn. Tôi không nhớ rõ thói quen này bắt đầu từ bao
lâu, nhưng nó đã tồn tại đủ lâu để gần đây tôi cảm thấy sức khỏe của mình
không còn như trước. Tôi khá lo lắng và đang cố gắng thay đổi những thói quen
xấu này để có được tình trạng tốt nhất cho cơ thể.
- Why do many young people want to take up new challenging habits?
Many young people want to take up new challenging habits because they seek
personal growth and development. These habits often provide opportunities to
learn new skills, broaden their horizons, and push their limits. By embracing
challenges, they can break out of their comfort zones, gain confidence, and
discover their potential. Additionally, challenging habits can be exciting and
fulfilling, offering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Overall, young
people are motivated to pursue new challenges as a means of self-improvement
and enrichment.
Nhiều thanh niên muốn thử nghiệm những thói quen mới thách thức bởi họ đang
tìm kiếm sự phát triển và tiến bộ cá nhân. Những thói quen này thường cung cấp
cơ hội để họ học được những kỹ năng mới, mở rộng tầm hiểu biết và vượt qua
giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách đối mặt với những thách thức, họ có thể thoát khỏi
vùng an toàn, tăng cường sự tự tin và khám phá tiềm năng của bản thân. Ngoài
ra, những thói quen thách thức còn mang lại niềm hứng thú và sự mãn nguyện,
mang lại cảm giác hoàn thành và hài lòng. Tổng quát, thanh niên được động viên
thử nghiệm những thách thức mới như một cách để tự cải thiện và làm giàu bản
Part 2: Solution Discussion (3’)
Situation: You friend living in the city wants to spend this weekend relaxing
outside. Which do you think is the best option: camping, going to Ba Vi
resort or going to the beach? Why

Part 3: Topic Development (4’)

Topic: Playing sports is advantageous in many ways.
Healthy lifestyle
More confidence
Advantages of sports

Social life (Your own idea)


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