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106 Hypothesis and Experiment

activity enabled the plant problem to be solved rapidly .

But any attempt to generalize the experimental observa-
tions based on this hypothesis would be filled with un-
certainty .
If, by contrast , a longer range program of investigation
would have been possible , a more creative type hypothesis
could have been proposed . Since the structure of the solid
catalyst and changes occurring on it during reaction are
poorly understood , concepts by postulation would have
to be proposed as a basis for any such hypotheses . Con-
cepts such as the nature of the support , the mode of ad-
sorption of reactant on the discrete nickel crystals , and
the geometry of the pores would suggest relationships be-
tween variables which could be stated as hypotheses .
These hypotheses , when confirmed , would suggest other
experiments and finally permit valuable generalizations
which are productive of new ideas and inventions and
possess great predictive power .

Oncea relationship between variables is established

with some acceptable degree of probability , the powerful
tool of mathematics may be used to predict , design , and
create with the minimum of additional laboratory work .
If, however , just a causal relation has been discovered ,
only that relation is definitely known , and usually only
the particular problem in question can be solved .

The ambiguity in "usually " is intentional since the re-

markable but rare so - called " accidental " discoveries will
continue in all fields . These seem to happen to the keenest
experimentalist whose power of observation is far superior
to the average . He detects a rubbery mass in a reaction
vessel and proceeds to develop causal hypotheses and con-
firms one by determining the cause . In so doing he invents
a new polymerization process . One cannot help but won-
der if these astute workers do not also employ more imag-
inative hypotheses than simple cause and effect . Imag-

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