Sport in Water Prof Ajani

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Classification or Waler Sr,orls

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Primary '!av ig,~11011... v P:imary Navig~tion

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Sports i11 i·:xck r
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TJ 111s :111d Con dit ions
Secuncb ·,. l'-J c1 . i:;ation ... Y i Secondary Navigation ... • I
You ,, ,,, 11•.·1: • 'u11w I l)_i rectorv and News/ Ch;ssification Of Water Sports i I

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P1Jbli:;lied by t !oko G1\1 up on July 3,201 l

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The1,: ,1.\· 11:1n,1 types or sports th:it encompass water. These water sports are divided int o tli(ce c,~h.jgi;ries and .
these u, ..:gori c., arc b,iscd on the relation of the sports to the water such as "in the water, on the 1·,:afc)' c111cl under
water'' rc)p8ctively._ · , :"
Sport~ dune in the waler are as follows: l.

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Di, ing (1 /T springboards or platforms-· this is usually done at a swimming area where d_/ffe1:ei11 heights are
ill\ ulvet 1. i ;
• s ,.111 n111i ,; ~ - thi s sport may include outdoor and indoor swimming. Swimming may be )ilone f1y
ind , . .du or rcl,1ys depending on the types of race and discipline. Different strnkes a1 1cl lapses alsn ,1re
()1,-· ' l.''ec
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• Mudern pentathlon - this will include swimming, fencing, pistol shooting, horsebackj11111j)\11g and uoss
count ry running.
Sv1whr0i1 izecl diving and swimming - this is a hybrid of swimming, gymnastics aIJd ballets and ii i,; .
11 ,, u. ,li y t:\Jne at swimming pool. ,.
\'\',:bt,h,1 - it is pL1yed with a waboba ball on pools or beaches.
• W,1!1..T :J(li o - thi s game is played by team.

Sport ~ dtrnt· on the water:

• il o,:ti11g - this sport or adventure uses different types of boat.

• 11,,,1 1raci ng - th e sport use power boats to participate the race.
,;i;,i.c" ir:s! - thi s :;port is usually driven by one kneeling or seated person to navigat e jhc 1w1-rm1· boa' using

~i ng k -b'acled paddle. .
• S,1ding in this particular game, the boat is using wind for forward motion.
• lfol'. ing - a kind of water sport clone on lakes, rivers or ocean depending on the type f)i' di scipl ine ,111d

Spor:s l 1,1Lkr water:

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Classification Oi Walc,r Sports

• ,-·. ,, ,· .;;,.· 1110 -- whe n you're on an adventure, some area allows diving. 1· . t · I ·q1·c
.. · • · '· ' ' b · · I - ·e•1lional scuba c 1vin° ec 1111 ' ·
'i J ,. ., , l'ivino ·- it is an underwater act1v1ty anc uses 1ec1 ' ' I b I· by ser1(·11·ng the bail to,
· ' • ..:-w:li er '=' rugby' - this is similar tu rugby fioot ba11 . Two tearns
· I11wts nn, ,e !.!Oi'· ·s , . ,.,
1h · c1ppo11ent's goal.




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The lis t (,[difk rent spurts done at water is very interesting and is recognized by the Exeter sports council.
Differern lypes of water sports have become one of the growing sports aU over the world.

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