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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

11th Edition
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ISE Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 11th Edition

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Preface from the Authors
When the three of us decided to write a book, we were united by one strongly held principle: Corporate
finance should be developed in terms of a few integrated, powerful ideas. We believed that the subject
was all too often presented as a collection of loosely related topics, unified primarily by virtue of being
bound together in one book, and we thought there must be a better way.
One thing we knew for certain was that we didn’t want to write a “me-too” book. So, with a lot of
help, we took a hard look at what was truly important and useful. In doing so, we were led to eliminate
topics of dubious relevance, downplay purely theoretical issues, and minimize the use of extensive
and elaborate calculations to illustrate points that are either intuitively obvious or of limited practical
As a result of this process, three basic themes became our central focus in writing Fundamentals
of Corporate Finance:

We always try to separate and explain the principles at work on a common sense, intuitive level
before launching into any specifics. The underlying ideas are discussed first in very general terms
and then by way of examples that illustrate in more concrete terms how a financial manager might
proceed in a given situation.


We treat net present value (NPV) as the basic concept underlying corporate finance. Many texts
stop well short of consistently integrating this important principle. The most basic and important
notion, that NPV represents the excess of market value over cost, often is lost in an overly mechan-
ical approach that emphasizes computation at the expense of comprehension. In contrast, every
subject we cover is firmly rooted in valuation, and care is taken throughout to explain how particular
decisions have valuation effects.

Students shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that financial management concerns management. We
emphasize the role of the financial manager as decision maker, and we stress the need for mana-
gerial input and judgment. We consciously avoid “black box” approaches to finance, and, where
appropriate, the approximate, pragmatic nature of financial analysis is made explicit, possible pit-
falls are described, and limitations are discussed.

In retrospect, looking back to our 1991 first edition IPO, we had the same hopes and fears as any
entrepreneurs. How would we be received in the market? At the time, we had no idea that 23 years
later, we would be working on an eleventh edition. We certainly never dreamed that in those years we
would work with friends and colleagues from around the world to create country-specific Australian,
Canadian, and South African editions, an International edition, Chinese, French, Polish, Portuguese,
Thai, Russian, Korean, and Spanish language editions, and an entirely separate book, Essentials of
Corporate Finance, now in its eighth edition.
Today, as we prepare to once more enter the market, our goal is to stick with the basic principles
that have brought us this far. However, based on the enormous amount of feedback we have received
from you and your colleagues, we have made this edition and its package even more flexible than pre-
vious editions. We offer flexibility in coverage, as customized editions of this text can be crafted in any
combination through McGraw-Hill’s CREATE system, and flexibility in pedagogy, by providing a wide

variety of features in the book to help students to learn about corporate finance. We also
provide flexibility in package options by offering the most extensive collection of teaching,
learning, and technology aids of any corporate finance text. Whether you use only the text-
book, or the book in conjunction with our other products, we believe you will find a combi-
nation with this edition that will meet your current as well as your changing course needs.

Stephen A. Ross
Randolph W. Westerfield
Bradford D. Jordan
This book was designed and developed explicitly for a first course in business or corporate finance,
for both finance majors and non-majors alike. In terms of background or prerequisites, the book is
nearly self-contained, assuming some familiarity with basic algebra and accounting concepts, while
still reviewing important accounting principles very early on. The organization of this text has been
developed to give instructors the flexibility they need.
The following grid presents, for each chapter, some of the most significant features as well as a few
selected chapter highlights of the 11th edition of Fundamentals. Of course, in every chapter, opening
vignettes, boxed features, in-chapter illustrated examples using real companies, and end-of-chapter
material have been thoroughly updated as well.

Chapters Selected Topics of Interest Benefits to You

PART 1 Overview of Corporate Finance
CHAPTER 1 Goal of the firm and agency problems. Stresses value creation as the most fundamental
aspect of management and describes agency
Introduction to Corporate
issues that can arise.
Ethics, financial management, and Brings in real-world issues concerning conflicts
executive compensation. of interest and current controversies surrounding
ethical conduct and management pay.
Sarbanes-Oxley. Up-to-date discussion of Sarbanes-Oxley and its
implications and impact.
Minicase: The McGee Cake Company. Examines the choice of organization form for a
small business.

CHAPTER 2 Cash flow vs. earnings. Clearly defines cash flow and spells out the
differences between cash flow and earnings.
Financial Statements, Taxes,
and Cash Flow Market values vs. book values. Emphasizes the relevance of market values over
book values.
Brief discussion of average corporate Highlights the variation in corporate tax rates
tax rates. across industries in practice.
Minicase: Cash Flows and Financial Reinforces key cash flow concepts in a small
Statements at Sunset Boards, Inc. business setting.

PART 2 Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial Planning

CHAPTER 3 Expanded DuPont analysis. Expands the basic DuPont equation to better
explore the interrelationships between operating
Working with Financial
and financial performance.
DuPont analysis for real companies Analysis shows students how to get and use real-
using data from S&P Market Insight. world data, thereby applying key chapter ideas.
Ratio and financial statement analysis Uses firm data from RMA to show students how
using smaller firm data. to actually get and evaluate financial statement
Understanding financial statements. Thorough coverage of standardized financial
statements and key ratios.
The enterprise value–EBITDA ratio. Defines enterprise value (EV) and discusses the
widely used EV–EBITDA ratio.
Minicase: Ratio Analysis at S&S Air, Illustrates the use of ratios and some pitfalls in a
Inc. small business context.


Chapters Selected Topics of Interest Benefits to You

CHAPTER 4 Expanded discussion of sustainable Illustrates the importance of financial planning in
growth calculations. a small firm.
Long-Term Financial Planning
and Growth Explanation of alternative formulas for Explanation of growth rate formulas clears up a
sustainable and internal growth rates. common misunderstanding about these formulas
and the circumstances under which alternative
formulas are correct.
Thorough coverage of sustainable Provides a vehicle for examining the interrelation-
growth as a planning tool. ships between operations, financing, and growth.
Long-range financial planning. Covers percentage of sales approach to creating
pro forma statements.
Minicase: Planning for Growth at S&S Discusses the importance of financial plan and
Air. capacity utilization for a small business.

PART 3 Valuation of Future Cash Flows

CHAPTER 5 First of two chapters on time value of Relatively short chapter introduces just the basic
money. ideas on time value of money to get students
Introduction to Valuation:
started on this traditionally difficult topic.
The Time Value of Money

CHAPTER 6 Growing annuities and perpetuities. Covers more advanced time value topics with
Second of two chapters on time value numerous examples, calculator tips, and Excel
Discounted Cash Flow
of money. spreadsheet exhibits. Contains many real-world
Minicase: The MBA Decision. Explores the financial pros and cons of pursuing
an MBA degree.

CHAPTER 7 Bond valuation. Complete coverage of bond valuation and bond

Interest Rates and Bond
Valuation Interest rates. Discusses real versus nominal rates and the
determinants of the term structure.
“Clean” vs. “dirty” bond prices and Clears up the pricing of bonds between coupon
accrued interest. payment dates and also bond market quoting
TRACE system and transparency in Up-to-date discussion of new developments in
the corporate bond market. fixed income with regard to price, volume, and
transactions reporting.
“Make-whole” call provisions. Up-to-date discussion of a relatively new type of
call provision that has become very common.
Islamic finance
Minicase: Financing S&S Air’s Discusses the issues that come up in selling
Expansion Plans with a Bond Issue. bonds to the public.

CHAPTER 8 Stock valuation. Thorough coverage of constant and non-

constant growth models.
Stock Valuation
New! NYSE market operations. Up-to-date description of major stock market
Valuation using multiples. lllustrates using PE and price/sales ratios for
equity valuation.
Minicase: Stock Valuation at Illustrates the difficulties and issues surrounding
Ragan, Inc. small business valuation.

Chapters Selected Topics of Interest Benefits to You

PART 4 Capital Budgeting
CHAPTER 9 First of three chapters on capital Relatively short chapter introduces key ideas
budgeting. on an intuitive level to help students with this
Net Present Value and Other
traditionally difficult topic.
Investment Criteria
NPV, IRR, payback, discounted Consistent, balanced examination of advantages
payback, and accounting rate of and disadvantages of various criteria.
Minicase: Bullock Gold Mining. Explores different capital budgeting techniques
with nonstandard cash flows.

CHAPTER 10 Project cash flow. Thorough coverage of project cash flows and the
relevant numbers for a project analysis.
Making Capital Investment
Decisions Alternative cash flow definitions. Emphasizes the equivalence of various formulas,
thereby removing common misunderstandings.
Special cases of DCF analysis. Considers important applications of chapter
Minicase: Conch Republic Electronics, Analyzes capital budgeting issues and
Part 1. complexities.

CHAPTER 11 Sources of value. Stresses the need to understand the economic

basis for value creation in a project.
Project Analysis and Evaluation
Scenario and sensitivity “what-if” Illustrates how to actually apply and interpret
analyses. these tools in a project analysis.
Break-even analysis. Covers cash, accounting, and financial break-
even levels.
Minicase: Conch Republic Electronics, Illustrates the use of sensitivity analysis in capital
Part 2. budgeting.

PART 5 Risk and Return

CHAPTER 12 Expanded discussion of geometric Discusses calculation and interpretation
vs. arithmetic returns. of geometric returns. Clarifies common
Some Lessons from Capital
misconceptions regarding appropriate use of
Market History
arithmetic vs. geometric average returns.
Capital market history. Extensive coverage of historical returns,
volatilities, and risk premiums.
Market efficiency. Efficient markets hypothesis discussed along
with common misconceptions.
The equity risk premium. Section discusses the equity premium puzzle and
latest international evidence.
The 2008 experience. Section on the stock market turmoil of 2008.
Minicase: A Job at S&S Air. Discusses selection of investments for a 401(k)

CHAPTER 13 Diversification, systematic and Illustrates basics of risk and return in a

unsystematic risk. straightforward fashion.
Return, Risk, and the Security
Market Line Beta and the security market line. Develops the security market line with an intuitive
approach that bypasses much of the usual
portfolio theory and statistics.
Minicase: The Beta for Detailed discussion of beta estimation.

Chapters Selected Topics of Interest Benefits to You

PART 6 Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial Policy
CHAPTER 14 Cost of capital estimation. Contains a complete, Web-based illustration of
cost of capital for a real company.
Cost of Capital
Geometric vs. arithmetic growth rates. Both approaches are used in practice. Clears up
issues surrounding growth rate estimates.
New! Firm valuation. Illustrates the free cash flow approach to firm
Minicase: Cost of Capital for Hubbard Covers pure play approach to cost of capital
Computer, Inc. estimation.

CHAPTER 15 Dutch auction IPOs. Explains uniform price auctions using recent
Google IPO as an example.
Raising Capital
IPO “quiet periods.” Explains the SEC’s quiet period rules.
Rights vs. warrants. Clarifies the optionlike nature of rights prior to
their expiration dates.
IPO valuation. Extensive, up-to-date discussion of IPOs,
including the 1999–2000 period.
Minicase: S&S Air Goes Public. Covers the key parts of the IPO process for a
small firm.

CHAPTER 16 Basics of financial leverage. Illustrates effect of leverage on risk and return.
Financial Leverage and Capital Optimal capital structure. Describes the basic trade-offs leading to an
Structure Policy optimal capital structure.
Financial distress and bankruptcy. Briefly surveys the bankruptcy process.
Minicase: Stephenson Real Estate Discusses optimal capital structure for a medium-
Recapitalization. sized firm.

CHAPTER 17 Very recent survey evidence on New survey results show the most important (and
dividend policy. least important) factors considered by financial
Dividends and Payout Policy
managers in setting dividend policy.
Effect of new tax laws. Discusses implications of new, lower dividend
and capital gains rates.
Dividends and dividend policy. Describes dividend payments and the factors
favoring higher and lower payout policies.
Optimal payout policy. Extensive discussion of the latest research and
survey evidence on dividend policy, including
life-cycle theory.
Stock repurchases. Thorough coverage of buybacks as an alternative
to cash dividends.
Minicase: Electronic Timing, Inc. Describes the dividend/share repurchase issue
for a small company.

Chapters Selected Topics of Interest Benefits to You

PART 7 Short-Term Financial Planning and Management
CHAPTER 18 Operating and cash cycles. Stresses the importance of cash flow timing.
Short-Term Finance Short-term financial planning. Illustrates creation of cash budgets and potential
and Planning need for financing.
Purchase order financing. Brief discussion of PO financing, which is popular
with small and medium-sized firms.
Minicase: Piepkorn Manufacturing Illustrates the construction of a cash budget and
Working Capital Management. short-term financial plan for a small company.

CHAPTER 19 Float management. Thorough coverage of float management and

potential ethical issues.
Cash and Liquidity
Management Cash collection and disbursement. Examination of systems used by firms to handle
cash inflows and outflows.
Minicase: Cash Management at Webb Evaluates alternative cash concentration systems
Corporation. for a small firm.

CHAPTER 20 Credit management Analysis of credit policy and implementation.

Credit and Inventory Inventory management Brief overview of important inventory concepts.
Management Minicase: Credit Policy at Howlett Evaluates working capital issues for a small
Industries. firm.

PART 8 Topics in Corporate Finance

CHAPTER 21 Foreign exchange. Covers essentials of exchange rates and their
International Corporate Finance
International capital budgeting. Shows how to adapt basic DCF approach
to handle exchange rates.
Exchange rate and political risk. Discusses hedging and issues surrounding
sovereign risk.
Minicase: S&S Air Goes International. Discusses factors in an international expansion
for a small firm.

CHAPTER 22 Behavioral finance. Unique and innovative coverage of the effects of

biases and heuristics on financial management
Behavioral Finance:
decisions. “In Their Own Words” box by Hersh
Implications for Financial
Case against efficient markets. Presents the behavioral case for market
inefficiency and related evidence pro and con.

CHAPTER 23 Volatility and risk. Illustrates need to manage risk and some of the
most important types of risk.
Enterprise Risk Management
Hedging with forwards, options, and Shows how many risks can be managed with
swaps. financial derivatives.
Minicase: Chatman Mortgage, Inc. Analyzes hedging of interest rate risk.

Chapters Selected Topics of Interest Benefits to You

CHAPTER 24 Stock options, employee stock options, Discusses the basics of these important option
and real options. types.
Options and Corporate Finance
Option-embedded securities. Describes the different types of option found in
corporate securities.
Minicase: S&S Air’s Convertible Bond. Examines security issuance issues for a
small firm.

CHAPTER 25 Put–call parity and Black–Scholes. Develops modern option valuation and factors
influencing option values.
Option Valuation
Options and corporate finance. Applies option valuation to a variety of corporate
issues, including mergers and capital budgeting.
Minicase: Exotic Cuisines Employee Illustrates complexities that arise in valuing
Stock Options. employee stock options.

CHAPTER 26 Alternatives to mergers and Covers strategic alliances and joint ventures and
acquisitions. why they are important alternatives.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Defensive tactics. Expanded discussion of antitakeover provisions.
Divestitures and restructurings. Important actions such as equity carve-outs,
spins-offs, and split-ups are examined.
Mergers and acquisitions. Develops essentials of M&A analysis, including
financial, tax, and accounting issues.
Minicase: The Birdie Golf–Hybrid Golf Covers small business valuation for acquisition
Merger. purposes.

CHAPTER 27 Synthetic leases. Discusses controversial practice of custom-

tailored, “off-balance-sheet” financing.
Leases and lease valuation. Essentials of leasing, good and bad reasons for
leasing, and NPV of leasing are examined.
Minicase: The Decision to Lease or Covers lease-or-buy and related issues for a
Buy at Warf Computers. small business.
In-Text Study Features
To meet the varied needs of its intended audience, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance is rich in valu-
able learning tools and support.

Vignettes drawn from real-world events introduce students to the chapter concepts.



PART 5 Risk and Return T
This feature maps out the topics and learning
goals in every chapter. Each end-of-chapter
problem and test bank question is linked to a
Some Lessons from learning objective, to help you organize your

Capital Market History assessment of knowledge and comprehension.


WITH THE S&P 500 UP about 32 percent and the NASDAQ index up about 38 percent in 2013, stock
market performance overall was well above average for the year. However, investors in Fannie Mae had to be
thrilled with the 1,333 percent gain in that stock, and investors in Freddie Mac had to feel pleased with its 963
percent gain. Of course, not all stocks increased during the year. Stock in communications services company NII
Holdings fell 63 percent during the year, and stock in retailer JC Penney fell 54 percent. These examples show that
there were tremendous potential profits to be made during 2013, but there was also the risk of losing money—
lots of it. So what should you, as a stock market investor, expect when you invest your own money? In this chapter,
we study almost nine decades of market history to find out.

Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you should understand:

LO1 How to calculate the LO3 The historical risks on
For updates
on the latest return on an investment. various important types of
happenings in
finance, visit LO2 The historical returns on investments.
various important types of LO4 The implications of
finance.blogspot investments. market efficiency.


This learning tool continues to be an important Future Value of Project
Cash Flows 700
feature of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. $642
In almost every chapter, color plays an 600
extensive, nonschematic, and largely self-
Future value ($)

evident role. A guide to the functional use of FV of initial investment $481
color is on the endsheets of the text.
FV of projected cash flow


0 1 2 3 4 5

Future Value at 12.5%

$100 Annuity $300 Lump Sum
Year (Projected Cash Flow) (Projected Investment)
0 $ 0 $300
1 100 338
2 213 380
3 339 427
4 481 481
5 642 541


WORDS BOXES Robert C. Higgins on Sustainable Growth
This series of boxes are the
popular articles updated from Most financial officers know intuitively that it takes money to make money. Rapid sales growth requires
increased assets in the form of accounts receivable, inventory, and fixed plant, which, in turn, require money to pay
previous editions written by for assets. They also know that if their company does not have the money when needed, it can literally “grow broke.”
a distinguished scholar or The sustainable growth equation states these intuitive truths explicitly.
Sustainable growth is often used by bankers and other external analysts to assess a company’s credit-worthiness.
practitioner on key topics They are aided in this exercise by several sophisticated computer software packages that provide detailed analyses
in the text. Boxes include of the company’s past financial performance, including its annual sustainable growth rate.
Bankers use this information in several ways. Quick comparison of a company’s actual growth rate to its sustainable
essays by Merton Miller on rate tells the banker what issues will be at the top of management’s financial agenda. If actual growth consistently
capital structure, Fischer exceeds sustainable growth, management’s problem will be where to get the cash to finance growth. The banker thus
can anticipate interest in loan products. Conversely, if sustainable growth consistently exceeds actual, the banker had
Black on dividends, and best be prepared to talk about investment products, because management’s problem will be what to do with all the
cash that keeps piling up in the till.
Roger Ibbotson on capital Bankers also find the sustainable growth equation useful for explaining to financially inexperienced small business
market history. A complete owners and overly optimistic entrepreneurs that, for the long-run viability of their business, it is necessary to keep
growth and profitability in proper balance.
list of “In Their Own Words” Finally, comparison of actual to sustainable growth rates helps a banker understand why a loan applicant needs
boxes appears on page xlv. money and for how long the need might continue. In one instance, a loan applicant requested $100,000 to pay off
several insistent suppliers and promised to repay in a few months when he collected some accounts receivable that
were coming due. A sustainable growth analysis revealed that the firm had been growing at four to six times its
sustainable growth rate and that this pattern was likely to continue in the foreseeable future. This alerted the banker to
the fact that impatient suppliers were only a symptom of the much more fundamental disease of overly rapid growth,
and that a $100,000 loan would likely prove to be only the down payment on a much larger, multiyear commitment.

Robert C. Higgins is the Marguerite Reimers Professor of Finance, Emeritus, at the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.
He pioneered the use of sustainable growth as a tool for financial analysis.


Very commonly, the sustainable growth rate is calculated using just the numerator in our
expression, ROE 3 b. This causes some confusion, which we can clear up here. The issue
has to do with how ROE is computed. Recall that ROE is calculated as net income divided
by total equity. If total equity is taken from an ending balance sheet (as we have done con-
sistently, and is commonly done in practice), then our formula is the right one. However, if
total equity is from the beginning of the period, then the simpler formula is the correct one.
I i i l ’ll l h i bl h dl f hi h


As we discussed in this chapter, ratios are an important tool for examining a company’s performance.
Gathering the necessary financial statements to calculate ratios can be tedious and time-consuming.
Fortunately many sites on the Web provide this information for free. One of the best is www.reuters These boxes show students
.com. We went there, entered the ticker symbol “HD” (for Home Depot), and then went to the ratio
page. Here is an abbreviated look at the results: how to research financial
issues using the Web
and then how to use the
information they find to
make business decisions.
Work the Web boxes also
include interactive follow-up
questions and exercises.

The website reports the company, industry, and sector ratios. As you can see, Home Depot has
higher quick and current ratios than the industry.

1. Go to www.reuters.com and find the major ratio categories listed on this website. How do the categories
differ from the categories listed in this textbook?
2. Go to www.reuters.com and find all the ratios for Home Depot. How does the company compare to the
industry for the ratios presented on this website?

Actual events are integrated throughout the text, tying chapter concepts to real life through illustration and
reinforcing the relevance of the material. Some examples tie into the chapter-opening vignette for added


How to Calculate Present Values with Multiple STRATEGIES
Future Cash Flows Using a Spreadsheet
Just as we did in our previous chapter, we can set up a basic spreadsheet to calculate the present values of T
This feature introduces
the individual cash flows as follows. Notice that we have simply calculated the present values one at a time students to Excel and
and added them up:
shows them how to set up
spreadsheets in order to
analyze common financial
problems—a vital part of
every business student’s

Brief calculator tutorials appear in selected chapters to help
students learn or brush up on their financial calculator skills.
These complement the Spreadsheet Strategies.

How to Calculate Present Values with Multiple Future
Cash Flows Using a Financial Calculator
To calculate the present value of multiple cash flows with a financial calculator, we will simply discount the
individual cash flows one at a time using the same technique we used in our previous chapter, so this is not
really new. However, we can show you a shortcut. We will use the numbers in Example 6.3 to illustrate.
To begin, of course we first remember to clear out the calculator! Next, from Example 6.3, the first cash
flow is $200 to be received in one year and the discount rate is 12 percent, so we do the following:

Enter 1 12 200
Solve for 2178.57

Now, you can write down this answer to save it, but that’s inefficient. All calculators have a memory where
you can store numbers. Why not just save it there? Doing so cuts way down on mistakes because you don’t
have to write down andyor rekey numbers, and it’s much faster.
Next we value the second cash flow. We need to change N to 2 and FV to 400. As long as we haven’t
changed anything else, we don’t have to reenter IyY or clear out the calculator, so we have:

Enter 2 400
Solve for 2318.88

Chapter sections are intentionally kept short to promote a step-by-step, building block approach to learning. Each section is then
followed by a series of short concept questions that highlight the key ideas just presented. Students use these questions to make
sure they can identify and understand the most important concepts as they read.

Concept Questions
3.3a What are the five groups of ratios? Give two or three examples of each kind.
3.3b Given the total debt ratio, what other two ratios can be computed? Explain
3.3c Turnover ratios all have one of two figures as the numerator. What are these
two figures? What do these ratios measure? How do you interpret the results?
3.3d Profitability ratios all have the same figure in the numerator. What is it? What do
these ratios measure? How do you interpret the results?

These tables succinctly restate key principles, results, and equations. They appear whenever it is useful to emphasize and
summarize a group of related concepts. For an example, see Chapter 3, page 69.

PV for a perpetuity 5 C r [6.4] LABELED EXAMPLES

For example, an investment offers a perpetual cash flow of $500 every year. The return you Separate numbered and titled
require on such an investment is 8 percent. What is the value of this investment? The value examples are extensively
of this perpetuity is: integrated into the chapters.
Perpetuity PV 5 Cyr 5 $500y.08 5 $6,250 These examples provide detailed
For future reference, Table 6.2 contains a summary of the annuity and perpetuity basic applications and illustrations of
calculations we described. By now, you probably think that you’ll just use online calcula- the text material in a step-by-
tors to handle annuity problems. Before you do, see our nearby Work the Web box! step format. Each example is
completely self-contained so
students don’t have to search
Preferred Stock EXAMPLE 6.7 for additional information. Based
Preferred stock (or preference stock) is an important example of a perpetuity. When a
on our classroom testing, these
corporation sells preferred stock, the buyer is promised a fixed cash dividend every period examples are among the most
(usually every quarter) forever. This dividend must be paid before any dividend can be paid useful learning aids because
to regular stockholders—hence the term preferred. they provide both detail and
Suppose the Fellini Co. wants to sell preferred stock at $100 per share. A similar issue of
preferred stock already outstanding has a price of $40 per share and offers a dividend of $1 explanation.
every quarter. What dividend will Fellini have to offer if the preferred stock is going to sell?

Key Terms are printed in bold type and defined within the text the first time they appear. They also
appear in the margins with definitions for easy location and identification by the student.


These Web links are provided in the margins of the text. They are specifically selected to accompany text
material and provide students and instructors with a quick way to check for additional information using
the Internet.

1. A petition is filed in a federal court. Corporations may file a voluntary petition, or

involuntary petitions may be filed against the corporation by several of its creditors.
2. A trustee-in-bankruptcy is elected by the creditors to take over the assets of the debtor
The SEC has a good overview corporation. The trustee will attempt to liquidate the assets.
of the bankruptcy process in its 3. When the assets are liquidated, after payment of the bankruptcy administration costs,
“Online Publications” section at
the proceeds are distributed among the creditors.
4. If any proceeds remain, after expenses and payments to creditors, they are distributed
to the shareholders.

Called out in the text, key equations are identified by an equation number. The list in Appendix B
shows the key equations by chapter, providing students with a convenient reference.

Based on our examples, we can now write the general expression for the value of a bond.
If a bond has (1) a face value of F paid at maturity, (2) a coupon of C paid per period, (3) t
periods to maturity, and (4) a yield of r per period, its value is:
Bond value 5 C 3 [1 2 1y(1 1 r)t ]yr 1 Fy(1 1 r)t [7.1]
Present value Present value
Bond value 5 of the coupons 1 of the face amount

Throughout the text, important ideas
Average Returns: The First Lesson 12.3
are pulled out and presented in a As you’ve probably begun to notice, the history of capital market returns is too complicated Excel Master It!
to be of much use in its undigested form. We need to begin summarizing all these numbers. Excel Master
highlighted box—signaling to students Accordingly, we discuss how to go about condensing the detailed data. We start out by coverage online
that this material is particularly relevant calculating average returns.
and critical for their understanding.
For examples, Chapter 10, page 313;
The obvious way to calculate the average returns on the different investments in Table 12.1
Chapter 13, page 434. is simply to add up the yearly returns and divide by 88. The result is the historical average
of the individual values.
EXCEL MASTER For example, if you add up the returns for the large-company stocks in Figure 12.5
for the 88 years, you will get about 10.61. The average annual return is thus 10.61y88 5
Icons in the margin identify concepts 12.1%. You interpret this 12.1 percent just like any other average. If you were to pick a year
and skills covered in our unique, RWJ- at random from the 88-year history and you had to guess what the return in that year was,
the best guess would be 12.1 percent.
created Excel Master program. For
more training in Excel functions for AVERAGE RETURNS: THE HISTORICAL RECORD
finance, and for more practice, log on Table 12.2 shows the average returns for the investments we have discussed. As shown, in a
typical year, the small-company stocks increased in value by 16.9 percent. Notice also how
to McGraw-Hill’s Connect Finance for much larger the stock returns are than the bond returns.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance These averages are, of course, nominal because we haven’t worried about inflation.
to access the Excel Master files. This Notice that the average inflation rate was 3.0 percent per year over this 88-year span. The
pedagogically superior tool will help get nominal return on U.S. Treasury bills was 3.5 percent per year. The average real return on
Treasury bills was thus approximately .5 percent per year; so the real return on T-bills has
your students the practice they need to been quite low historically.
succeed—and to exceed expectations. At the other extreme, small stocks had an average real return of about 16.9% 2 3.0% 5
13.9%, which is relatively large. If you remember the Rule of 72 (Chapter 5), then you
k h i kb k f h l l l i ll h 13 9 l h


Every chapter ends with a concise, but thorough, summary of the important ideas—helping
students review the key points and providing closure to the chapter.


2.1 Cash Flow for Mara Corporation This problem will give you some practice work- AND SELF-TEST
ing with financial statements and figuring cash flow. Based on the following informa-
tion for Mara Corporation, prepare an income statement for 2015 and balance sheets
for 2014 and 2015. Next, following our U.S. Corporation examples in the chapter, Appearing after
calculate cash flow from assets, cash flow to creditors, and cash flow to stockholders the Summary and
for Mara for 2015. Use a 35 percent tax rate throughout. You can check your answers
Conclusions, each chapter
against ours, found in the following section.
includes a Chapter
2014 2015 Review and Self-Test
Sales $4,203 $4,507 Problem section. These
Cost of goods sold 2,422 2,633 questions and answers
Depreciation 785 952
allow students to test
Interest 180 196
Dividends 225 250
their abilities in solving
Current assets 2,205 2,429 key problems related
Net fixed assets 7,344 7,650 to the chapter content
Current liabilities 1,003 1,255 and provide instant
Long-term debt 3,106 2,085


REVIEW AND 1. Liquidity [LO1] What does liquidity measure? Explain the trade-off a firm faces
between high liquidity and low liquidity levels.
2. Accounting and Cash Flows [LO2] Why might the revenue and cost figures shown
THINKING on a standard income statement not be representative of the actual cash inflows and
outflows that occurred during a period?
QUESTIONS 3. Book Values versus Market Values [LO1] In preparing a balance sheet, why do
This successful end-of- you think standard accounting practice focuses on historical cost rather than market
chapter section facilitates value?
your students’ knowledge 4. Operating Cash Flow [LO2] In comparing accounting net income and operating
of key principles, as well cash flow, name two items you typically find in net income that are not in operating
cash flow. Explain what each is and why it is excluded in operating cash flow.
as intuitive understanding
5. Book Values versus Market Values [LO1] Under standard accounting rules, it is
of the chapter concepts. possible for a company’s liabilities to exceed its assets. When this occurs, the own-
A number of the questions ers’ equity is negative. Can this happen with market values? Why or why not?
relate to the chapter- 6. Cash Flow from Assets [LO4] Suppose a company’s cash flow from assets is neg-
opening vignette— ative for a particular period. Is this necessarily a good sign or a bad sign?
reinforcing student 7. Operating Cash Flow [LO4] Suppose a company’s operating cash flow has been
critical thinking skills and negative for several years running. Is this necessarily a good sign or a bad sign?
the learning of chapter 8. Net Working Capital and Capital Spending [LO4] Could a company’s change in
NWC be negative in a given year? (Hint: Yes.) Explain how this might come about.
What about net capital spending?
9. Cash Flow to Stockholders and Creditors [LO4] Could a company’s cash flow to
stockholders be negative in a given year? (Hint: Yes.) Explain how this might come
about. What about cash flow to creditors?
10. Firm Values [LO1] Referring back to the Microsoft example used at the beginning
of the chapter, note that we suggested that Microsoft’s stockholders probably didn’t
suffer as a result of the reported loss. What do you think was the basis for our
11 E i V l [LO1] A fi ’ l i l h k l f


Students learn better when they have plenty of opportunity to practice; therefore, FCF, 11e, provides extensive end-of-chapter
questions and problems. The end-of-chapter support greatly exceeds typical introductory textbooks. The questions and problems
are separated into three learning levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Challenge. Answers to selected end-of-chapter material appear
in Appendix C. Also, most problems are available in McGraw-Hill’s Connect—see page xxiv for details.


1. Building a Balance Sheet [LO1] KCCO, Inc., has current assets of $5,300, net BASIC
fixed assets of $24,900, current liabilities of $4,600, and long-term debt of $10,300. (Questions 1–12)
What is the value of the shareholders’ equity account for this firm? How much is net
working capital?
2. Building an Income Statement [LO1] Billy’s Exterminators, Inc., has sales of
$817,000, costs of $343,000, depreciation expense of $51,000, interest expense of
$38,000, and a tax rate of 35 percent. What is the net income for this firm?
3. Dividends and Retained Earnings [LO1] Suppose the firm in Problem 2 paid out
$95,000 in cash dividends. What is the addition to retained earnings?
4. Per-Share Earnings and Dividends [LO1] Suppose the firm in Problem 3 had
90,000 shares of common stock outstanding. What is the earnings per share, or EPS,
figure? What is the dividends per share figure?
5. Calculating Taxes [LO3] The Dyrdek Co. had $267,000 in 2014 taxable income.
Using the rates from Table 2.3 in the chapter, calculate the company’s 2014 income

Located at the end of the book’s chapters, these minicases focus on real-life company situations that embody important
corporate finance topics. Each case presents a new scenario, data, and a dilemma. Several questions at the end of each case
require students to analyze and focus on all of the material they learned from each chapter.


Bullock Gold Mining

Seth Bullock, the owner of Bullock Gold Mining, is evaluat- Year Cash Flow
ing a new gold mine in South Dakota. Dan Dority, the compa-
0 2$525,000,000
ny’s geologist, has just finished his analysis of the mine site.
1 74,000,000
He has estimated that the mine would be productive for eight
years, after which the gold would be completely mined. Dan 2 97,000,000
has taken an estimate of the gold deposits to Alma Garrett, 3 125,000,000
the company’s financial officer. Alma has been asked by Seth 4 157,000,000
to perform an analysis of the new mine and present her rec- 5 185,000,000
ommendation on whether the company should open the new 6 145,000,000
mine. 7 125,000,000
Alma has used the estimates provided by Dan to determine 8 102,000,000
the revenues that could be expected from the mine. She has 9 235,000,000
also projected the expense of opening the mine and the annual
operating expenses. If the company opens the mine, it will
cost $525 million today, and it will have a cash outflow of $35
million nine years from today in costs associated with closing 1. Construct a spreadsheet to calculate the payback period,
the mine and reclaiming the area surrounding it. The expected internal rate of return, modified internal rate of return,
cash flows each year from the mine are shown in the table. and net present value of the proposed mine.
Bullock Mining has a required return of 12 percent on all of 2. Based on your analysis, should the company open the mine?
its gold mines. 3. Bonus question: Most spreadsheets do not have a built-in
formula to calculate the payback period. Write a VBA
script that calculates the payback period for a project.

For instructors interested in integrating even more online resources and problems into their course, these Web activities show
students how to learn from the vast amount of financial resources available on the Internet. In the 11th edition of Fundamentals,
these Web exercises are available to students and instructors through Connect.
Comprehensive Teaching
and Learning Package
This edition of Fundamentals has several options in terms of the textbook, instructor supplements,
student supplements, and multimedia products. Mix and match to create a package that is perfect for
your course!

Customize your version of Fundamentals 11e through McGraw-Hill’s Create platform. Teach the
chapters you want in the order you want—your rep can show you how!

Keep all the supplements in one place! Your Connect Library contains all the necessary supplements—
Instructor’s Manual, Solutions, Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank, and PowerPoint—all in one easy-
to-find, easy-to-use, integrated place: your Connect Finance course.

• Instructor’s Manual (IM)

Prepared by Denver Travis, Eastern Kentucky University
A great place to find new lecture ideas! The annotated outline for each chapter includes lecture
tips, real-world tips, ethics notes, suggested PowerPoint slides, and, when appropriate, a video

• Solutions Manual (SM)

Prepared by Brad Jordan, University of Kentucky, and Joseph Smolira, Belmont University
The Fundamentals Solutions Manual provides detailed solutions to the extensive end-of-chapter
material, including concept review questions, quantitative problems, and cases.

• Test Bank
Prepared by Kay Johnson
Over 100 questions and problems per chapter ! Each chapter includes questions that test the
understanding of key terms in the book; questions patterned after learning objectives, concept
questions, chapter opening vignettes, boxes, and highlighted phrases; multiple-choice problems
patterned after end-of-chapter questions at a variety of skill levels; and essay questions to test
problem-solving skills and more advanced understanding of concepts.

• Computerized Test Bank (Windows)

Create your own tests in a snap! These additional questions are found in a computerized test bank
utilizing McGraw-Hill’s EZ Test testing software to quickly create customized exams. This user-
friendly program allows instructors to sort questions by format; edit existing questions or add new
ones; and scramble questions for multiple versions of the same test.

• PowerPoint Presentations
Prepared by Denver Travis, Eastern Kentucky University
The PowerPoint slides for the 11th edition have been revised to include a wealth of instructor
material, including lecture tips, real-world examples, and international notes. Each presentation
now also includes slides dedicated entirely to ethics notes that relate to the chapter topics. In
addition, the PPTs provide exhibits and examples both from the book and from outside sources.


Applicable slides have Web links that take you directly to specific Internet sites, or a
spreadsheet link to show an example in Excel. Go to the Notes Page function for more
tips and information while presenting the slides to your class.

Student resources for this edition can be found through the Library tab in your Connect
Finance course. If you aren’t using Connect, visit us at http://connect.mheducation.com
to learn more, and ask your professor about using it in your course for access to a great
group of supplement resources!

• Excel Resources
For those seeking additional practice, students can access Excel template problems
and Excel Master, designed by Brad Jordan and Joe Smolira.
• Narrated PowerPoint Slides
The Narrated PowerPoints provide real-world examples accompanied by step-by-
step instructions and explanations for solving problems presented in the chapter. The
Concept Checks from the text are also integrated into the slides to reinforce the key
topics in the chapter. Designed specifically to appeal to the different learning methods
of students, the slides provide a visual and audio explanation of topics and problems.
Click on the slide and listen to the accompanying narration!

Along with having access to all of the student resource materials through the Connect
Library tab, you also have password-protected access to the Instructor’s Manual, solutions
to end-of-chapter problems and cases, Instructor’s PowerPoint, Excel Template Solutions,
video clips, and video projects and questions.


Students receive free access to this Web-based portfolio simulation with a hypothetical
brokerage account to buy and sell stocks and mutual funds. Students can use the real data
found at this site in conjunction with the chapters on investments. They can also compete
against students in their class, and around the United States to run the most successful
portfolio. This site is powered by Stock-Trak, the leading provider of investment simulation
services to the academic community.


FinGame Online 5.0
By LeRoy Brooks, John Carroll University
(ISBN 10: 0077219880/ISBN 13: 9780077219888)
Just $15.00 when packaged with this text. In this comprehensive simulation game, stu-
dents control a hypothetical company over numerous periods of operation. The game
is now tied to the text by exercises found on the Connect Student Library. As stu-
dents make major financial and operating decisions for their company, they will develop
and enhance their skills in financial management and financial accounting statement


by Mark A. White, University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce
(ISBN 10: 0073217093/ISBN 13: 9780073217093)
The information and procedures in this supplementary text enable students to master the
use of financial calculators and develop a working knowledge of financial mathematics and
problem solving. Complete instructions are included for solving all major problem types
on four popular models: HP 10B and 12C, TI BA II Plus, and TI-84. Hands-on problems
with detailed solutions allow students to practice the skills outlined in the text and obtain
instant reinforcement. Financial Analysis with an Electronic Calculator is a self-contained
supplement to the introductory financial management course.


McGraw-Hill’s Connect Finance is an online assignment and as-
sessment solution that connects students with the tools and re-
sources they’ll need to achieve success.
McGraw-Hill’s Connect Finance helps prepare students for their future by enabling
faster learning, more efficient studying, and higher retention of knowledge.


Connect Finance offers a number of powerful tools and features to make managing
assignments easier, so faculty can spend more time teaching. With Connect Finance,
students can engage with their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning
process more accessible and efficient. Connect Finance offers you the features
described below.

Simple Assignment Management

With Connect Finance, creating assignments is easier than ever, so you can spend more
time teaching and less time managing. The assignment management function enables
you to:
• Create and deliver assignments easily with selectable end-of-chapter questions and
test bank items.
• Streamline lesson planning, student progress reporting, and assignment grading to
make classroom management more efficient than ever.
• Go paperless with the eBook and online submission and grading of student assignments.

Smart Grading
When it comes to studying, time is precious. Connect Finance helps students learn more
efficiently by providing feedback and practice material when they need it, where they need
it. When it comes to teaching, your time also is precious. The grading function enables
you to:
• Have assignments scored automatically, giving students immediate feedback on their
work and side-by-side comparisons with correct answers.
• Access and review each response; manually change grades or leave comments for
students to review.
• Reinforce classroom concepts with practice tests and instant quizzes.

Instructor Library
The Connect Finance Instructor Library is your repository for additional resources to im-
prove student engagement in and out of class. You can select and use any asset that
enhances your lecture. The Connect Finance Instructor Library includes all of the instructor
supplements for this text.

Student Study Center

The Connect Finance Student Study Center is the place for students to access additional
resources. The Student Study Center:
• Offers students quick access to lectures, practice materials, eBooks, and more.
• Provides instant practice material and study questions, easily accessible on the go.

Student Progress Tracking

Connect Finance keeps instructors informed about how each student, section, and class
is performing, allowing for more productive use of lecture and office hours. The prog-
ress-tracking function enables you to:
• View scored work immediately and track individual or group performance with
assignment and grade reports.
• Access an instant view of student or class performance relative to learning objectives.
• Collect data and generate reports required by many accreditation organizations, such
Continually evolving, McGraw-Hill Connect has been redesigned to provide the only true
adaptive learning experience delivered within a simple and easy-to-navigate environment,
placing students at the very center.
• Performance Analytics—Now available for both instructors and students, easy-to-
decipher data illuminates course performance. Students always know how they’re
doing in class, while instructors can view student and section performance
• Mobile—Available on tablets, students can now access assignments, quizzes, and
results on-the-go, while instructors can assess student and section performance
anytime, anywhere.
• Personalized Learning—Squeezing the most out of study time, the adaptive engine in
Connect creates a highly personalized learning path for each student by identifying
areas of weakness, and surfacing learning resources to assist in the moment of need.
This seamless integration of reading, practice, and assessment, ensures that the focus
is on the most important content for that individual student at that specific time, while
promoting long-term retention of the material.



Students want to make the best use of
their study time. The LearnSmart adaptive
self-study technology within Connect Finance provides students with a seamless combi-
nation of practice, assessment, and remediation for every concept in the textbook.
LearnSmart’s intelligent software adapts to every student response and automatically
delivers concepts that advance students’ understanding while reducing time devoted to

the concepts already mastered. The result for every student is the fastest path to mastery
of the chapter concepts. LearnSmart:
• Applies an intelligent concept engine to identify the relationships between concepts and
to serve new concepts to each student only when he or she is ready.
• Adapts automatically to each student, so students spend less time on the topics they
understand and practice more those they have yet to master.
• Provides continual reinforcement and remediation, but gives only as much guidance as
students need.
• Integrates diagnostics as part of the learning experience.
• Enables you to assess which concepts students have efficiently learned on their own,
thus freeing class time for more applications and discussion.

Smartbook is an extension of LearnSmart—
an adaptive eBook that helps students focus
their study time more effectively. As students read, Smartbook assesses comprehension
and dynamically highlights where they need to study more.
For more information about Connect, go to http://connect.mheducation.com, or
contact your local McGraw-Hill sales representative.


Tegrity Campus is a service that makes class time available
24/7 by automatically capturing every lecture in a search-
able format for students to review when they study and
complete assignments. With a simple one-click start-and-stop process, you capture all
computer screens and corresponding audio. Students can replay any part of the class with
easy-to-use browser-based viewing on a PC or Mac.
Educators know that the more students can see, hear, and experience class resources,
the better they learn. In fact, studies prove it. With Tegrity Campus, students quickly recall
key moments by using Tegrity Campus’s unique search feature. This search helps students
efficiently find what they need, when they need it, across an entire semester of class re-
cordings. Help turn all your students’ study time into learning moments immediately sup-
ported by your lecture.
To learn more about Tegrity, watch a 2-minute Flash demo at www.tegrity.com.


At McGraw-Hill, we understand that getting the most from new technology can be chal-
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Assurance of Learning Ready

Assurance of Learning is an important element of many accreditation standards.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11e, is designed specifically to support your as-
surance of learning initiatives. Each chapter in the book begins with a list of numbered
learning objectives that appear throughout the chapter, as well as in the end-of-chapter

problems and exercises. Every test bank question is also linked to one of these objec-
tives, in addition to level of difficulty, topic area, Bloom’s Taxonomy level, and AACSB
skill area. Connect, McGraw-Hill’s online homework solution, and EZ Test, McGraw-Hill’s
easy-to-use test bank software, can search the test bank using these and other catego-
ries, providing an engine for targeted Assurance of Learning analysis and assessment.

AACSB Statement
McGraw-Hill Education is a proud corporate member of AACSB International. Under-
standing the importance and value of AACSB Accreditation, Fundamentals of Corporate
Finance, 11e, has sought to recognize the curricula guidelines detailed in the AACSB stan-
dards for business accreditation by connecting selected questions in the test bank to the
general knowledge and skill guidelines found in the AACSB standards.
The statements contained in Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11e, are provided
only as a guide for the users of this text. The AACSB leaves content coverage and assess-
ment within the purview of individual schools, the mission of the school, and the faculty.
While Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11e, and the teaching package make no claim
of any specific AACSB qualification or evaluation, we have, within the test bank, labeled
selected questions according to the eight general knowledge and skills areas.
To borrow a phrase, writing an introductory finance textbook is easy—all you do is sit down at a word
processor and open a vein. We never would have completed this book without the incredible amount
of help and support we received from literally hundreds of our colleagues, students, editors, family
members, and friends. We would like to thank, without implicating, all of you.
Clearly, our greatest debt is to our many colleagues (and their students) who, like us, wanted to try
an alternative to what they were using and made the decision to change. Needless to say, without this
support, we would not be publishing an 11th edition!
A great many of our colleagues read the drafts of our first and subsequent editions. The fact that
this book has so little in common with our earliest drafts, along with the many changes and improve-
ments we have made over the years, is a reflection of the value we placed on the many comments
and suggestions that we received. To the following reviewers, then, we are grateful for their many

Ibrahim Affeneh Uchenna Elike Randy Jorgensen

Jan Ambrose Steve Engel Daniel Jubinski
Mike Anderson Angelo V. Esposito Jarl G. Kallberg
Sung C. Bae James Estes Ashok Kapoor
Robert Benecke Cheri Etling Terry Keasler
Gary Benesh Thomas H. Eyssell Howard Keen
Scott Besley Dave Fehr David N. Ketcher
Sanjai Bhaghat Michael Ferguson Jim Keys
Vigdis Boasson Deborah Ann Ford Kee Kim
Elizabeth Booth Jim Forjan Deborah King
Denis Boudreaux Micah Frankel Robert Kleinman
Jim Boyd Jennifer R. Frazier Ladd Kochman
William Brent Deborah M. Giarusso Sophie Kong
Ray Brooks Devra Golbe David Kuipers
Charles C. Brown A. Steven Graham Morris A. Lamberson
Lawrence Byerly Mark Graham Qin Lan
Steve Byers Darryl E. J. Gurley Dina Layish
Steve Caples Wendy D. Habegger Chun Lee
Asim Celik Karen Hallows Adam Y. C. Lei
Christina Cella David Harraway George Lentz
Mary Chaffin John M. Harris, Jr. John Lightstone
Fan Chen R. Stevenson Hawkey Jason Lin
Raju Chenna Delvin D. Hawley Scott Lowe
Barbara J. Childs Eric Haye Robert Lutz
Charles M. Cox Robert C. Higgins Qingzhong Ma
Natalya Delcoure Karen Hogan Pawan Madhogarhia
Michael Dorigan Matthew Hood Timothy Manuel
David A. Dumpe Steve Isberg David G. Martin
Michael Dunn James Jackson Dubos J. Masson
Alan Eastman Pankaj Jain Mario Mastrandrea
Adrian C. Edwards James M. Johnson Leslie Mathis

John McDougald Russ Ray Rhonda Tenkku

Bob McElreath Ron Reiber John G. Thatcher
Bahlous Mejda Thomas Rietz Harry Thiewes
Gordon Melms Jay R. Ritter A. Frank Thompson
Richard R. Mendenhall Ricardo J. Rodriguez Joseph Trefzger
Wayne Mikkelson Stu Rosenstein George Turk
Lalatendu Misra Kenneth Roskelley Michael R. Vetsuypens
Karlyn Mitchell Ivan Roten Joe Walker
Sunil Mohanty Philip Russel Jun Wang
Scott Moore Gary Sanger James Washam
Belinda Mucklow Travis Sapp Alan Weatherford
Barry Mulholland Martha A. Schary Gwendolyn Webb
Frederick H. Mull Robert Schwebach Marsha Weber
Michael J. Murray Roger Severns Jill Wetmore
Randy Nelson Michael Sher Mark White
Oris Odom Dilip K. Shome Susan White
Keith Osher Neil W. Sicherman Annie Wong
Bulent Parker Timothy Smaby Colbrin Wright
Megan Partch Ahmad Sohrabian David J. Wright
Samuel Penkar Michael F. Spivey Steve B. Wyatt
Pamela P. Peterson Vic Stanton Tung-Hsiao Yang
Robert Phillips Charlene Sullivan Morris Yarmish
Greg Pierce Alice Sun Michael Young
Steve Pilloff George S. Swales, Jr. Mei Zhang
Robert Puelz Lee Swartz J. Kenton Zumwalt
George A. Racette Philip Swensen Tom Zwirlein
Charu G. Raheja Philip Swicegood
Narendar V. Rao Brian Tarrant

Several of our most respected colleagues contributed original essays for this edition, which
are entitled “In Their Own Words,” and appear in selected chapters. To these individuals
we extend a special thanks:

Edward I. Altman Robert C. Merton Jeremy Siegel

New York University Harvard University University of Pennsylvania
Robert C. Higgins Jay R. Ritter Hersh Shefrin
University of Washington University of Florida Santa Clara University
Roger Ibbotson Richard Roll Bennett Stewart
Yale University, Ibbotson California Institute of Stern Stewart & Co.
Associates Technology
Samuel C. Weaver
Erik Lie Fischer Black Lehigh University
University of Iowa Merton H. Miller

We are lucky to have had skilled and experienced instructors developing the supplement
material for this edition. Thank you to Eric McLaughlin for his work thoroughly revising and
updating the PowerPoint presentations and for organizing and distributing the wealth of
annotated instructor notes from the book into these teaching materials. We greatly ap-
preciate the contributions of Joe Smolira, Belmont University, who worked closely with

us to develop the Solutions Manual and to create Excel Templates for many of the end-
of-chapter problems. Thank you also to Kay Johnson for thorough updating, revising, and
tagging of every problem in the test bank. Thanks to Denver Travis for expertly developing
and reviewing the PowerPoint slides and Instructor’s Manual for the eleventh edition.
The following University of Kentucky students did outstanding work on this edition of
Fundamentals: Andrew Beeli and Steve Hailey. To them fell the unenviable task of technical
proofreading, and in particular, careful checking of each calculation throughout the text
and Instructor’s Manual.
Finally, in every phase of this project, we have been privileged to have had the complete
and unwavering support of a great organization, McGraw-Hill Education. We especially
thank the sales group. The suggestions they provide, their professionalism in assisting
potential adopters, and the service they provide to current users have been a major factor
in our success.
We are deeply grateful to the select group of professionals who served as our devel-
opment team on this edition: Chuck Synovec, Executive Brand Manager; Jennifer Upton,
Product Developer; Melissa Caughlin, Executive Marketing Manager; Kathryn Wright,
Core Project Manager; Matt Diamond, Designer; Bruce Gin, Assessment Project Manager.
Others at McGraw-Hill/Irwin, too numerous to list here, have improved the book in count-
less ways.
Throughout the development of this edition, we have taken great care to discover and
eliminate errors. Our goal is to provide the best textbook available on the subject. To en-
sure that future editions are error-free, we gladly offer $10 per arithmetic error to the first
individual reporting it as a modest token of our appreciation. More than this, we would like
to hear from instructors and students alike. Please write and tell us how to make this a bet-
ter text. Forward your comments to: Dr. Brad Jordan, c/o Editorial—Finance, McGraw-Hill
Education, 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge, IL 60527.

Stephen A. Ross
Randolph W. Westerfield
Bradford D. Jordan
Brief Contents
PART 1 Overview of Corporate Finance


PART 2 Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial Planning



PART 3 Valuation of Future Cash Flows





PART 4 Capital Budgeting




PART 5 Risk and Return



PART 6 Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financial Policy






PART 7 Short-Term Financial Planning and Management




PART 8 Topics in Corporate Finance








PART 1 Overview of Corporate Finance
1.1 Corporate Finance and the Financial Manager 2
What Is Corporate Finance? 2 2.1 The Balance Sheet 21
The Financial Manager 2 Assets: The Left Side 21
Financial Management Decisions 2 Liabilities and Owners’ Equity: The Right Side 21
Capital Budgeting 2 Net Working Capital 22
Capital Structure 3 Liquidity 23
Working Capital Management 4 Debt versus Equity 24
Conclusion 4 Market Value versus Book Value 24
1.2 Forms of Business Organization 4 2.2 The Income Statement 25
Sole Proprietorship 4 GAAP and the Income Statement 26
Partnership 5 Noncash Items 27
Corporation 5 Time and Costs 27
A Corporation by Another Name . . . 7 2.3 Taxes 29
1.3 The Goal of Financial Management 7 Corporate Tax Rates 29
Possible Goals 8 Average versus Marginal Tax Rates 30
The Goal of Financial Management 8 2.4 Cash Flow 32
A More General Goal 9 Cash Flow from Assets 32
Sarbanes-Oxley 9 Operating Cash Flow 33
1.4 The Agency Problem and Control of the Capital Spending 33
Corporation 10 Change in Net Working Capital 34
Agency Relationships 10 Conclusion 34
Management Goals 10 A Note about “Free” Cash Flow 34
Do Managers Act in the Stockholders’ Interests? 11 Cash Flow to Creditors and Stockholders 35
Managerial Compensation 11 Cash Flow to Creditors 35
Control of the Firm 12 Cash Flow to Stockholders 35
Conclusion 12 An Example: Cash Flows for Dole Cola 37
Stakeholders 12 Operating Cash Flow 37
1.5 Financial Markets and the Corporation 13 Net Capital Spending 37
Cash Flows to and from the Firm 14 Change in NWC and Cash Flow from Assets 38
Primary versus Secondary Markets 14 Cash Flow to Stockholders and Creditors 38
Primary Markets 14 2.5 Summary and Conclusions 39
Secondary Markets 15
Dealer versus Auction Markets 15
Trading in Corporate Securities 15
Listing 16
1.6 Summary and Conclusions 16

PART 2 Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial Planning

CHAPTER 3 3.2 Standardized Financial Statements 54
Common-Size Statements 54
Common-Size Balance Sheets 54
3.1 Cash Flow and Financial Statements: Common-Size Income Statements 55
A Closer Look 50 Common-Size Statements of Cash Flows 56
Sources and Uses of Cash 50
The Statement of Cash Flows 52

Common-Base Year Financial Statements: CHAPTER 4

Trend Analysis 56
Combined Common-Size and Base Year Analysis 56 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL PLANNING
3.3 Ratio Analysis 57 AND GROWTH 91
Short-Term Solvency, or Liquidity, Measures 58 4.1 What Is Financial Planning? 93
Current Ratio 58 Growth as a Financial Management Goal 93
The Quick (or Acid-Test) Ratio 59 Dimensions of Financial Planning 93
Other Liquidity Ratios 60 What Can Planning Accomplish? 94
Long-Term Solvency Measures 60 Examining Interactions 94
Total Debt Ratio 60 Exploring Options 94
A Brief Digression: Total Capitalization versus Total Avoiding Surprises 94
Assets 61 Ensuring Feasibility and Internal Consistency 95
Times Interest Earned 61 Conclusion 95
Cash Coverage 62 4.2 Financial Planning Models: A First Look 95
Asset Management, or Turnover, Measures 62 A Financial Planning Model: The Ingredients 95
Inventory Turnover and Days’ Sales in Inventory 62 Sales Forecast 96
Receivables Turnover and Days’ Sales in Pro Forma Statements 96
Receivables 63
Asset Requirements 96
Asset Turnover Ratios 64
Financial Requirements 96
Profitability Measures 64
The Plug 96
Profit Margin 65
Economic Assumptions 97
Return on Assets 65
A Simple Financial Planning Model 97
Return on Equity 65
4.3 The Percentage of Sales Approach 98
Market Value Measures 66
The Income Statement 98
Price–Earnings Ratio 66
The Balance Sheet 99
Price–Sales Ratio 66
A Particular Scenario 101
Market-to-Book Ratio 67
An Alternative Scenario 102
Enterprise Value–EBITDA Ratio 67
4.4 External Financing and Growth 105
Conclusion 68
EFN and Growth 105
3.4 The DuPont Identity 69
Financial Policy and Growth 107
A Closer Look at Roe 69
The Internal Growth Rate 107
An Expanded Dupont Analysis 71
The Sustainable Growth Rate 108
3.5 Using Financial Statement Information 73
Determinants of Growth 109
Why Evaluate Financial Statements? 73
A Note about Sustainable Growth Rate
Internal Uses 73 Calculations 111
External Uses 73 4.5 Some Caveats Regarding Financial Planning
Choosing a Benchmark 74 Models 112
Time Trend Analysis 74 4.6 Summary and Conclusions 113
Peer Group Analysis 74
Problems with Financial Statement Analysis 78
3.6 Summary and Conclusions 80

PART 3 Valuation of Future Cash Flows

CHAPTER 5 5.2 Present Value and Discounting 132
The Single-Period Case 132
Present Values for Multiple Periods 133
5.3 More about Present and Future Values 136
5.1 Future Value and Compounding 125 Present versus Future Value 136
Investing for a Single Period 125 Determining the Discount Rate 137
Investing for More Than One Period 125 Finding the Number of Periods 140
A Note about Compound Growth 131 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 144
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Title: O Atheneu (chronica de saudades)

Author: Raul Pompéia

Release date: July 17, 2022 [eBook #68541]

Language: Portuguese

Original publication: Brazil: Livraria Francisco Alves, 1888

Credits: Laura Natal Rodrigues (Images generously made available by the Biblioteca Brasiliana USP




2ª Edição definitiva

(Conforme os originaes e os desenhos deixados pelo autor)



Propriedade litteraria e artistica dos editores.




«Vaes encontrar o mundo, disse-me meu pae, á porta do Atheneu.

Coragem para a lucta.
Bastante experimentei depois a verdade d'este aviso, que me despia, num
gesto, das illusões de criança educada exoticamente na estufa de carinho que
é o regimen do amor domestico, differente do que se encontra fóra, tão
differente, que parece o poema dos cuidados maternos um artificio
sentimental, com a vantagem unica de fazer mais sensivel a creatura á
impressão rude do primeiro ensinamento, tempera brusca da vitalidade na
influencia de um novo clima rigoroso. Lembramo-nos, entretanto, com saudade
hypocrita, dos felizes tempos; como se a mesma incerteza de hoje, sob outro
aspecto, não nos houvesse perseguido outr'ora e não viesse de longe a
enfiada das decepções que nos ultrajam.
Euphemismo, os felizes tempos, euphemismo apenas, igual aos outros
que nos alimentam, a saudade dos dias que correram como melhores. Bem
considerando, a actualidade é a mesma em todas as datas. Feita a
compensação dos desejos que variam, das aspirações que se transformam,
alentadas perpetuamente do mesmo ardor, sobre a mesma base phantastica
de esperanças, a actualidade é uma. Sob a coloração cambiante das horas,
um pouco de ouro mais pela manhã, um pouco mais de purpura ao crepusculo
—a paysagem é a mesma de cada lado beirando a estrada da vida.
Eu tinha onze annos.
Frequentara como externo, durante alguns mezes, uma escola familiar do
Caminho Novo, onde algumas senhoras inglezas, sob a direcção do pae,
distribuiam educação á infancia como melhor lhes parecia. Entrava ás nove
horas, timidamente, ignorando as licções com a maior regularidade, e
bocejava até ás duas, torcendo-me de insipidez sobre os carcomidos bancos
que o collegio comprara, de pinho e usados, lustrosos do contacto da
malandragem, de não sei quantas gerações de pequenos. Ao meio-dia,
davam-nos pão com manteiga. Esta recordação gulosa é o que mais
pronunciadamente me ficou dos mezes de externato; com a lembrança de
alguns companheiros—um que gostava de fazer rir á aula, especie
interessante de mono louro, arrepiado, vivendo a morder, nas costas da mão
esquerda, uma protuberancia callosa que tinha; outro, adamado, elegante,
sempre retirado, que vinha á escola de branco, engommadinho e radioso,
fechada a blusa em diagonal do hombro á cinta por botões de madreperola. Mais ainda: a primeira vez
que ouvi certa injuria crespa, um palavrão cercado de terror no estabelecimento, que os partistas
denunciavam ás mestras por duas iniciaes como em monogramma.
Leccionou-me depois um professor em domicilio.
Apezar d'este ensaio da vida escolar a que me sujeitou a familia, antes da verdadeira provação, eu
estava perfeitamente virgem para as sensações novas da nova phase. O internato! Destacada do
conchego placentario da dieta caseira, vinha proximo o momento de se definir a minha individualidade.
Amarguei por antecipação o adeus ás primeiras alegrias; olhei triste os meus brinquedos, antigos já! os
meus queridos pelotões de chumbo! especie de museu militar de todas as fardas, de todas as
bandeiras, escolhida amostra da força dos estados, em proporções de microscopio, que eu fazia formar
a combate como uma ameaça tenebrosa ao equilibrio do mundo; que eu fazia guerrear em
desordenado aperto,—massa tempestuosa das antipathias geographicas, encontro definitivo e
ebullição dos seculares odios de fronteira e de raça, que eu pacificava por fim, com uma facilidade de
Providencia Divina, intervindo sabiamente, resolvendo as pendencias pela concordia promiscua das
caixas de páu. Força era deixar á ferrugem do abandono o elegante vapor da linha circular do lago, no
jardim, onde talvez não mais tornasse a perturbar com a palpitação das rodas a somnolencia morosa
dos peixinhos rubros, dourados, argentados, pensativos á sombra dos tinhorões, na transparencia
adamantina da agua...
Mas um movimento animou-me, primeiro estimulo sério da vaidade: distanciava-me da communhão
da familia, como um homem! ia por minha conta empenhar a lucta dos merecimentos; e a confiança
nas proprias forças sobrava. Quando me disseram que estava a escolha feita da casa de educação que
me devia receber, a noticia veio achar-me em armas para a conquista audaciosa do desconhecido.
Um dia, meu pae tomou-me pela mão, minha mãe beijou-me a testa, molhando-me de lagrimas os
cabellos e eu parti.
Duas vezes fôra visitar o Atheneu antes da minha installação.
Atheneu era o grande collegio da época. Afamado por um systema de nutrida reclame, mantido por
um director que de tempos a tempos reformava o estabelecimento, pintando-o geitosamente de
novidade, como os negociantes que liquidara para recomeçar com artigos de ultima remessa; o
Atheneu desde muito tinha consolidado credito na preferencia dos paes, sem levar em conta a
sympathia da meninada, a cercar de acclamações o bombo vistoso dos annuncios.
O Dr. Aristarcho Argollo de Ramos, da conhecida familia do visconde de Ramos, do Norte, enchia o
imperio com o seu renome de pedagogo. Eram boletins de propaganda pelas provincias, conferencias
em diversos pontos da cidade, a pedidos, á sustancia, atochando a imprensa dos logarejos, caixões,
sobre tudo, de livros elementares, fabricados ás pressas com o offegante e esbaforido concurso de
professores prudentemente anonymos, caixões e mais caixões de volumes cartonados em Leipzig,
inundando as escolas publicas de toda parte com a sua invasão de capas azues, roseas, amarellas, em
que o nome de Aristarcho, inteiro e sonoro, offerecia-se ao pasmo venerador dos esfaimados de
alphabeto dos confins da patria. Os logares que os não procuravam eram um bello dia surprehendidos
pela enchente, gratuita, espontanea, irresistivel! E não havia senão acceitar a farinha d'aquella marca
para o pão do espirito.
E engordavam as letras, á força, d'aquelle pão. Um benemerito. Não admira que em dias de gala,
intima ou nacional, festas do collegio ou recepções da corôa, o largo peito do grande educador
desaparecesse sob constellações de pedraria, opulentando a nobreza de todos os honorificos
Nas occasiões de apparato é que se podia tomar o pulso ao homem. Não só as condecorações
gritavam-lhe do peito como uma couraça de grillos: Atheneu! Atheneu! Aristarcho todo era um
annuncio. Os gestos, calmos, soberanos, eram de um rei—o autocrata excelso dos syllabarios; a pausa
hieratica do andar deixava sentir o esforço, a cada passo, que elle fazia para levar adiante, de
empurrão, o progresso do ensino publico; o olhar fulgurante, sob a crispação aspera dos supercilios de
monstro japonez, penetrando de luz as almas circumstantes—era a educação da intelligencia; o queixo,
severamente escanhoado, de orelha a orelha, lembrava a lisura das consciencias limpas—era a
educação moral. A propria estatura, na immobilidade do gesto, na mudez do vulto, a simples estatura
dizia d'elle: aqui está um grande homem... não vêem os covados de Golias?!...
Retorça-se sobre tudo isto um par de bigodes, volutas massiças de fios alvos,
torneadas a capricho, cobrindo os labios, fecho de prata sobre o silencio de
ouro, que tão bellamente impunha como o retrahimento fecundo do seu
espirito,—teremos esboçado, moralmente, materialmente, o perfil do illustre
director. Em summa, um personagem que, ao primeiro exame, produzia-nos a
impressão de um enfermo, d'esta enfermidade atroz e estranha: a obsessão
da propria estatua. Como tardasse a estatua, Aristarcho interinamente
satisfazia-se com a affluencia dos estudantes ricos para o seu instituto. De
facto, os educandos do Atheneu significavam a fina flôr da mocidade brasileira.
A irradiação da reclame alongava de tal modo os tentaculos através do
paiz, que não havia familia de dinheiro, enriquecida pela septentrional
borracha ou pela charqueada do sul, que não reputasse um compromisso de
honra com a posteridade domestica mandar d'entre seus jovens, um, dois, tres
representantes abeberar-se á fonte espiritual do Atheneu.
Fiados nesta selecção apuradora, que é commum o erro sensato de julgar
melhores familias as mais ricas, succedia que muitas, indifferentes mesmo e
sorrindo do estardalhaço da fama, lá mandavam os filhos. Assim entrei eu.
A primeira vez que vi o estabelecimento, foi por uma festa de
encerramento de trabalhos.
Transformara-se em amphitheatro uma das grandes salas da frente do
edificio, exactamente a que servia de capella; paredes estucadas de
sumptuosos relevos, e o tecto aprofundado em largo medalhão, de magistral
pintura, onde uma aberta de céu azul despenhava aos cachos deliciosos
anginhos, ostentando atrevimentos roseos de carne, agitando os minusculos
pés e as mãozinhas, desatando fitas de gaze no ar. Desarmado o oratorio,
construiram-se bancadas circulares, que encobriam o luxo das paredes. Os
alumnos occupavam a archibancada. Como a maior concorrencia preferia
sempre a exhibição dos exercicios gymnasticos, solemnisada dias depois do encerramento das aulas, a
accommodação deixada aos circumstantes era pouco espaçosa; e o publico, paes e correspondentes
em geral, porém mais numeroso do que se esperava, tinha que transbordar da sala da festa para a
immediata. Desta ante-sala, trepado a uma cadeira, eu espiava. Meu pae ministrava-me informações.
Diante da archibancada, ostentava-se uma mesa de grosso panno verde e borlas de ouro. Lá estava o
director, o ministro do imperio, a commissão dos premios. Eu via e ouvia. Houve uma allocução
commovente de Aristarcho; houve discursos de alumnos e mestres; houve cantos, poesias declamadas
em diversas linguas. O espectaculo communicava-me certo prazer respeitoso. O director, ao lado do
ministro, de acanhado physico, fazia-o incivilmente desapparecer na brutalidade de um contraste
escandaloso. Em grande tenue dos dias graves, sentava-se, elevado no seu orgulho como em um
throno. A bella farda negra dos alumnos, de botões dourados, infundia-me a consideração timida de um
militarismo brilhante, apparelhado para as campanhas da sciencia e do bem. A letra dos cantos, em
côro dos falsetes indisciplinados da puberdade; os discursos, visados pelo director, pansudos de
sisudez, na bocca irreverente da primeira idade, como um Cendrillon mal feito da burguezia
conservadora, recitados em monotonia de realejo e gestos rodantes de manivella, ou exaggerados, de
voz cava e caretas de tragedia fora de tempo, eu recebia tudo convictamente, como o texto da biblia do
dever; e as banalidades profundamente lançadas como as sabias maximas do ensino redemptor.
Parecia-me estar vendo a legião dos amigos do estudo, mestres á frente, na investida heroica do
obscurantismo, agarrando pelos cabellos, derribando, calcando aos pés a Ignorancia e o Vicio,
miserrimos trambolhos, consternados e esperneantes.
Um discurso principalmente impressionou-me. Á direita da commissão dos premios, ficava a
tribuna dos oradores. Galgou-a firme, tezinho, o Venancio, professor do collegio, a quarenta mil réis por
materia, mas importante, sabendo falar grosso, o timbre de independencia, mestiço de bronze,
pequenino e tenaz, que havia de varar carreira mais tarde. O discurso foi o confronto chapa dos
torneios medievaes com o moderno certamen das armas da intelligencia; depois, uma prelecção
pedagogica, tacheada de flôres de rhetorica a martello; e a apologia da vida de collegio, seguindo-se a
exaltação do Mestre em geral e a exaltação, em particular, de Aristarcho e do Atheneu. «O mestre
perorou Venancio, é o prolongamento do amor paterno, é o complemento da ternura das mães, o guia-
zeloso dos primeiros passos, na senda escabrosa que vae ás conquistas do saber e da moralidade.
Experimentado no labutar quotidiano da sagrada profissão, o seu auxilio ampara-nos como a
Providencia na terra; escolta-nos assiduo como um anjo de guarda; a sua licção prudente esclarece-
nos a jornada inteira do futuro. Devemos ao pae a existencia do corpo; o mestre cria-nos o espirito
(sorites de sensação), e o espirito é a força que impelle, o impulso que triumpha, o triumpho que
nobilita, o ennobrecimento que glorifica, e a gloria é o ideal da vida, o louro do guerreiro, o carvalho do
artista, a palma do crente! A familia é o amor no lar, o estado é a segurança civil; o mestre, com o amor
forte que ensina e corrige, prepara-nos para a segurança intima inapreciavel da vontade. Acima de
Aristarcho—Deus! Deus tão sómente; abaixo de Deus—Aristarcho.»
Um ultimo gesto espaçoso, como um jamegão no vacuo, arrematou o rapto de eloquencia.
Eu me sentia compenetrado d'aquillo tudo; não tanto por entender bem, como pela facilidade da fé
cega a que estava disposto. As paredes pintadas da ante-sala imitavam porphyro verde; em frente ao
portico aberto para o jardim, graduava-se uma ampla escada, caminho do andar superior. Flanqueando
a majestosa porta d'esta escada, havia dous quadros de alto relevo: á direita, uma allegoria das artes e
do estudo; á esquerda, as industrias humanas, meninos nús como nos frisos de Kaulbach, risonhos,
com a ferramenta symbolica—psychologia, pura do trabalho, modelada idealmente na candura do
gesso e da innocencia. Eram meus irmãos! Eu estava a esperar que um d'elles, convidativo, me
estendesse a mão para o bailado feliz que os levava. Oh! que não seria o collegio, traducção concreta
da allegoria, ronda angelica de corações á porta de um templo, dulia permanente das almas jovens no
ritual austero da virtude!
Por occasião da festa da gymnastica, voltei ao collegio.
O Atheneu estava situado no Rio Comprido, extremo, ao chegar aos morros.
As eminencias de sombria pedra e a vegetação selvatica debruçavam sobre o edificio um
crepusculo de melancolia, resistente ao proprio sol a pino dos meios-dias de Novembro. Esta
melancolia era um plagio ao detestavel pavor monacal de outra casa de educação, o negro Caraça de
Minas. Aristarcho dava-se palmas d'esta tristeza aerea—a atmosphera moral da meditação e do
estudo, definia, escolhida a dedo para maior luxo da casa, como um appendice minimo da architectura.
No dia da festa da educação physica, como rezava o programma (programma de arromba, porque
o secretario do director tinha o talento dos programmas) não percebi a sensação de ermo tão
accentuada em sitios montanhosos, que havia de notar depois. As galas do momento faziam sorrir a
paysagem. O arvoredo do immenso jardim, entretecido a côres por mil bandeiras, brilhava ao sol vivo
com o esplendor de estranha alegria; os vistosos pannos, em meio da ramagem, fingiam flôres
collossaes, numa caricatura extravagante de primavera; os galhos fructificavam em lanternas
venezianas, pomos de papel enormes, de uma uberdade carnavalesca. Eu ia carregado, no impulso da
multidão. Meu pae prendia-me solidamente o pulso, que me não extraviasse.
Mergulhado na onda, eu tinha que olhar para cima, para respirar. Adiante de mim, um sujeito mais
proximo fez-me rir; levava de fóra a fralda da camisa... Mas não era fralda; verifiquei que era o lenço.
Do chão subia um cheiro forte de canella pisada; através das arvores, com intervallos, passavam
rajadas de musica, como uma tempestade de philarmonicas.
Um ultimo aperto mais rijo, estalando-me as costellas, espremeu-me, por um estreito córte de
muro, para o espaço livre.
Em frente, um gramal vastissimo. Rodeava-o uma ala de galhardetes, contentes no espaço, com o
pittoresco dos tons energicos cantando vivo sobre a harmoniosa surdina do verde das montanhas. Por
todos os lados apinhava-se o povo. Voltando-me, divisei, ao longo do muro, duas linhas de estrado com
cadeiras quasi exclusivamente occupadas por senhoras, fulgindo os vestuarios, em violenta confusão
de colorido. Algumas protegiam o olhar com a mão enluvada, com o leque, á altura da fronte, contra a
rutilação do dia, num bloco de nuvens que crescia do céu. Acima do estrado, balouçavam docemente e
sussurravam bosquetes de bambú, projectando franjas longuissimas de sombra pelo campo de relva.
Algumas damas empunhavam binoculos. Na direcção dos binoculos distinguia-se um movimento
alvejante. Eram os rapazes. «Ahi vêm! disse-me meu pae; vão desfilar por diante da princeza.» A
princeza imperial, Regente nessa época, achava-se á direita em gracioso palanque de sarrafos.
Momentos depois adiantavam-se por mim os alumnos do Atheneu. Cerca de trezentos; produziam-
me a impressão do innumeravel. Todos de branco, apertados em larga cinta vermelha, com alças de
ferro sobre os quadris e na cabeça um pequeno gorro cingido por um cadarço de pontas livres. Ao
hombro esquerdo traziam laços distinctivos das turmas. Passaram a toque de clarim, sopesando os
petrechos diversos dos exercicios. Primeira turma, os halteres; segunda, as massas; terceira, as
Fechavam a marcha, desarmados, os que figurariam simplesmente nos exercicios geraes.
Depois de longa volta, a quatro de fundo, dispozeram-se em pelotões, invadiram o gramal, e,
cadenciados pelo rhythmo da banda de collegas, que os esperava no meio do campo, com a certeza
de amestrada disciplina, produziram as manobras perfeitas de um exercito sob o commando do mais
raro instructor.
Diante das fileiras, Bataillard, o professor de gymnastica, exultava, envergando a altivez do seu
successo na extremada elegancia do talhe, multiplicando por milagroso desdobramento o compendio
inteiro da capacidade profissional, exhibida em galeria por uma serie infinita de attitudes. A admiração
hesitava a decidir-se pela formosura masculina e rija da plastica de musculos a estalar o brim do
uniforme, que elle trajava branco como os alumnos, ou pela nervosa celeridade dos movimentos, effeito
electrico de lanterna magica, respeitando-se na variedade prodigiosa a unidade da correcção suprema.
Ao peito tilintavam-lhe as agulhetas do commando appensas de cordões vermelhos em trança. Elle
dava as ordens fortemente, com uma vibração penetrante de corneta que dominava á distancia, e
sorria á docilidade mecanica dos rapazes. Como officiaes subalternos, auxiliavam-no os chefes de
turma, postados devidamente com os pelotões, sacudindo á manga distinctivos de fita verde e
Acabadas as evoluções, apresentaram-se os exercicios. Musculos do braço, musculos do tronco,
tendões dos jarretes, a theoria toda do corpore sano foi praticada valentemente alli, precisamente, com
a simultaneidade exacta das extensas machinas. Houve após, o assalto aos apparelhos. Os
apparelhos alinhavam-se a uma banda do campo, a começar do palanque da Regente. Não posso dar
idéa do deslumbramento que me ficou d'esta parte. Uma desordem de contorsões, deslocadas e
atrevidas; uma vertigem de volteios á barra fixa, temeridades acrobaticas ao trapezio, ás perchas, ás
cordas, ás escadas; pyramides humanas sobre as parallelas, deformando-se para os lados em curvas
de braços e ostentações vigorosas de thorax; fórmas de estatuaria viva, tremulas de esforço, deixando
adivinhar de longe o estalido dos ossos desarticulados; posturas de transfiguração sobre invisivel
apoio; aqui e alli uma cabecinha loura, cabellos em desordem cacheados á testa, um rosto injectado
pela inversão do corpo, labios entre-abertos offegando, olhos semi-cerrados para escapar á areia dos
sapatos, costas de suor, collando a blusa em pasta, gorros sem dono que caíam do alto e juncavam a
terra; movimento, enthusiasmo por toda a parte e a soalheira, branca nos uniformes, queimando os
ultimos fogos da gloria diurna sobre aquelle triumpho espectaculoso da saude, da força, da mocidade.
O professor Bataillard, enrubecido de agitação, rouco de commandar, chorava de prazer. Abraçava
os rapazes indistinctamente. Duas bandas militares, revezavam-se activamente, communicando a
animação á massa dos espectadores. O coração pulava-me no peito com um alvoroço novo, que me
arrastava para o meio dos alumnos, numa leva ardente de fraternidade. Eu batia palmas; gritos
escapavam-me, de que me arrependia quando alguem me olhava.
Deram fim á festa os saltos, os pareos de carreira, as luctas romanas e a distribuição dos premios
de gymnastica, que a mão egregia da Serenissima Princeza e a pouco menos do Esposo Augusto
alfinetavam sobre os peitos vencedores. Foi de vêr-se os jovens athletas aos pares aferrados,
empuxando-se, constringindo-se, rodopiando, rolando na relva com gritos satisfeitos e arquejos de
arrancada; os corredores, alguns em rigor, respiração medida, beiços unidos, punhos cerrados contra o
corpo, passo miudo e vertiginoso; outros, irregulares, bracejantes, prodigalisando pernadas, rasgando o
ar a pontapés, numa precipitação desengonçada de avestruz, chegando esbofados, com placas de
poeira na cara, ao poste da victoria.
Aristarcho arrebentava de jubilo. Pozera de parte o comedimento soberano que eu lhe admirara na
primeira festa. De ponto em branco, como a rapaziada, e chapéo de Chile, distribuia-se numa
ubiquidade impossivel de meio ambiente. Viam-no ao mesmo tempo a festejar os principes com o
rizinho nasal, cabritante, entre lisonjeiro e ironico, desfeito em etiquetas de reverente subdito e
cortezão; viam-no bradando ao professor de gymnastica, a gesticular com o chapéo seguro pela copa;
viam-no formidavel, com o perfil leonino rugir sobre um discipulo que fugira aos trabalhos, sobre outro
que tinha limo nos joelhos, de haver luctado em logar humido, gastando tal vehemencia no ralho, que
chegava a ser carinhoso.
O figurino campestre rejuvenescera-o. Sentia as pernas leves e percorria celeripede a frente dos
estrados, cheio de comprimentos para os convidados especiaes e de interjectivos amaveis para todos.
Perpassava como uma visão de brim claro, subito extincta para reapparecer mais viva noutro ponto.
Aquella expansão vencia-nos; elle irradiava de si, sobre os alumnos, sobre os espectadores, o
magnetismo dominador dos estandartes de batalha. Roubava-nos dous terços da attenção que os
exercicios pediam; indemnisava-nos com o equivalente em surprezas de vivacidade, que desprendia de
si, profusamente, por erupções de jorro em roda, por ascensões cobrejantes de gyrandola, que iam ás
nuvens, que baixavam depois serenamente, diluidas na viração da tarde, que os pulmões bebiam.
Actor profundo, realisava ao pé da letra, a valer, o papel diaphano, subtil, metaphysico, de alma da
festa e alma do seu instituto.
Uma cousa o entristeceu, um pequenino escandalo. Seu filho Jorge, na distribuição dos premios,
recusara-se a beijar a mão da princeza, como faziam todos ao receber a medalha. Era republicano o
pirralho! Tinha já aos quinze annos as convicções ossificadas na espinha inflexivel do caracter!
Ninguem mostrou perceber a bravura. Aristarcho, porém, chamou o menino á parte. Encarou-o
silenciosamente e—nada mais. E ninguem mais viu o republicano! Consumira-se naturalmente o infeliz,
cremado ao fogo d'aquelle olhar! Nesse momento as bandas tocavam o hymno da monarchia jurada,
ultima verba do programma.
Começava a anoitecer, quando o collegio formou ao toque de recolher. Desfilaram acclamados,
entre alas de povo, e se foram do campo, cantando alegremente uma canção escolar.
Á noite houve baile nos tres salões inferiores do lance principal do edificio e illuminação no jardim.

Na occasião em que me ia embora, estavam accendendo luzes variadas de Bengala diante da

casa. O Atheneu, quarenta janellas, resplendentes do gaz interior, dava-se ares de encantamento com
a illuminação de fóra. Erigia-se na escuridão da noite, como immensa muralha de coral flammante,
como um scenario animado de saphira com horripilações errantes de sombra, como um castello
phantasma batido de luar verde emprestado á selva intensa dos romances cavalheirescos, despertado
um momento da legenda morta para uma entrevista de espectros e recordações. Um jacto de luz
electrica, derivado de fóco invisivel, feria a inscripção dourada em arco sobre as janellas centraes, no
alto do predio. A uma d'ellas, á sacada, Aristarcho mostrava-se. Na expressão olympica do semblante
transpirava a beatitude de um gozo superior. Gozava a sensação prévia, no banho luminoso, da
immortalidade a que se julgava consagrado. Devia ser assim:—luz benigna e fria, sobre bustos eternos,
o ambiente glorioso do Pantheon. A contemplação da posteridade em baixo.
Aristarcho tinha momentos d'estes, sinceros. O annuncio confundia-se com elle, supprimia-o,
substituia-o, e elle gozava como um cartaz que experimentasse o enthusiasmo de ser vermelho.
Naquelle momento, não era simplesmente a alma do seu instituto, era a propria feição palpavel, a
synthese grosseira do titulo, o rosto, a testada, o prestigio material de seu collegio, identico com as
letras que luziam em aureola sobre a cabeça. As letras, de ouro; elle, immortal: unica differença.

Guardei, na imaginação infantil, a gravura d'esta apotheose com o atordoamento offuscado, mais
ou menos de um sujeito partindo á meia-noite de qualquer theatro, onde, em magica beata, Deus Padre
pessoalmente se houvesse prestado a concorrer para a grandeza do ultimo quadro. Conheci-o solemne
na primeira festa, jovial na segunda; conheci-o mais tarde em mil situações, de mil modos; mas o
retrato que me ficou para sempre do meu grande director, foi aquelle—o bello bigode branco, o queixo
barbeado, o olhar perdido nas trevas, photographia estatica, na ventura de um raio electrico.
É facil conceber a attracção que me chamava para aquelle mundo tão altamente interessante, no
conceito das minhas impressões. Avaliem o prazer que tive, quando me disse meu pae que eu ia ser
apresentado ao director do Atheneu e á matricula. O movimento não era mais a vaidade, antes o
legitimo instincto da responsabilidade altiva; era uma consequencia apaixonada da seducção do
espectaculo, o arroubo de solidariedade que me parecia prender á communhão fraternal da escola.
Honrado engano, esse ardor franco por uma empreza ideal de energia e de dedicação premeditada
confusamente, no calculo pobre de uma experiencia de dez annos.
O director recebeu-nos em sua residencia, com manifestações ultra de affecto. Fez-se captivante,
paternal; abriu-nos amostras dos melhores padrões do seu espirito, evidenciou as facturas do seu
coração. O genero era bom, sem duvida nenhuma; que apezar do paletot de seda e do calçado raso
com que se nos apresentava, apezar da bondosa familiaridade com que declinava até nós, nem um
segundo o destitui da altitude de divinisação em que o meu criterio embasbacado o acceitara.
Verdade é que não era facil reconhecer alli, tangivel e em carne, uma entidade outr'ora da
mythologia das minhas primeiras concepções anthropomorphicas; logo após Nosso Senhor, o qual eu
imaginara velho, feiissimo, barbudo, impertinente, corcunda, ralhando por trovões, carbonisando
meninos com o corisco. Eu aprendera a ler pelos livros elementares de Aristarcho, e o suppunha velho
como o primeiro, porém rapado, de cara chupada, pedagogica, oculos apocalypticos, carapuça negra
de borla, fanhoso, omnipotente e máu, com uma das mãos para traz escondendo a palmatoria e
doutrinando á humanidade o b-a-bá.
As impressões recentes derogavam o meu Aristarcho; mas a hyperbole essencial do primitivo
transmittia-se ao successor por um mysterio de hereditariedade renitente. Dava-me gosto então a
peleja renhida das duas imagens e aquella complicação immediata do paletot de seda e do sapato
raso, fazendo alliança com Aristarcho II contra Aristarcho I. no reino da phantasia. Nisto afagaram-me a
cabeça. Era Elle! Estremeci.
«Como se chama o amiguinho?» perguntou-me o director.
—Sergio... dei o nome todo, baixando os olhos e sem esquecer o «seu criado» da estricta cortezia.
—Pois, meu caro Sr. Sergio, o amigo ha de ter a bondade de ir ao cabelleireiro deitar fóra estes
Eu tinha ainda os cabellos compridos, por um capricho amoroso de rainha mãe. O conselho era
visivelmente salgado de censura. O director, explicando a meu pae, accrescentou com o rizinho nasal
que sabia fazer: «Sim, senhor, os meninos bonitos não provam bem no meu collegio...»
—Peço licença para defender os meninos bonitos... objectou alguem entrando.
Surprehendendo-nos com esta phrase, unctuosamente escoada por um sorriso, chegou a senhora
do director, D. Emma. Bella mulher em plena prosperidade dos trinta annos de Balzac, fórmas
alongadas por graciosa magreza, erigindo, porém, o tronco sobre quadris amplos, fortes como a
maternidade; olhos negros, pupillas retintas, de uma côr só, que pareciam encher o talho folgado das
palpebras; de um moreno rosa que algumas formosuras possuem, e que seria tambem a côr do jambo,
se jambo fosse rigorosamente o fructo prohibido. Adiantava-se por movimentos oscillados, cadencia de
menuetto harmonioso e molle que o corpo alternava. Vestia setim preto justo sobre as fórmas, reluzente
como panno molhado; e o setim vivia com ousada transparencia a vida occulta da carne. Esta
apparição maravilhou-me.
Houve as apresentações de ceremonia, e a senhora com um nadinha de excessivo desembaraço
sentou-se no divan perto de mim.
—Quantos annos tem? perguntou-me.
—Onze annos...
—Parece ter seis, com estes lindos cabellos.
Eu não era realmente desenvolvido. A senhora colhia-me o cabello nos dedos:
—Córte e offereça a mamãe, aconselhou com uma caricia; é a infancia que ahi fica, nos cabellos
louros... Depois, os filhos nada mais têm para as mães...
O poemeto de amor materno deliciou-me como uma divina musica. Olhei furtivamente para a
senhora. Ella conservava sobre mim as grandes pupillas negras, lucidas, numa expressão de infinda
bondade! Que boa mãe para os meninos, pensava eu. Depois, voltada para meu pae, formulou
sentidamente observações a respeito da solidão das crianças no internato.
—Mas o Sergio é dos fortes, disse Aristarcho, apoderando-se da palavra. Demais, o meu collegio é
apenas maior que o lar domestico. O amor não é precisamente o mesmo, mas os cuidados de
vigilancia são mais activos. São as crianças os meus predilectos. Os meus esforços mais desvelados
são para os pequenos. Se adoecem e a familia está fóra, não os confio a um correspondente... Trato-os
aqui, em minha casa. Minha senhora é a enfermeira. Queria que o vissem os detractores...
Enveredando pelo thema querido do elogio proprio e do Atheneu, ninguem mais pôde falar...
Aristarcho, sentado, de pé, cruzando terriveis passadas, immobilisando-se a repentes inesperados,
gesticulando como um tribuno de meetings, clamando como para um auditorio de dez mil pessoas,
majestoso sempre, alçando os padrões admiraveis, como um leiloeiro, e as opulentas facturas,
desenrolou, com a memoria de uma ultima conferencia, a narrativa dos seus serviços á causa santa da
instrucção. Trinta annos de tentativas e resultados, esclarecendo como um pharol diversas gerações
agora influentes no destino do paiz! E as reformas futuras? Não bastava a abolição dos castigos
corporaes, o que já dava uma benemerencia passavel. Era preciso a introducção do methodos novos,
suppressão absoluta dos vexames de punição, modalidades aperfeiçoadas no systema das
recompensas, ageitação dos trabalhos, de maneira que seja a escola um paraiso; adopção de normas
desconhecidas cuja efficacia elle presentia, perspicaz como as aguias. Elle havia de crear... um horror,
a transformação moral da sociedade!
Uma hora trovejou-lhe á bocca, em sanguinea eloquencia, o genio do annuncio. Mirámol-o na
inteira expansão oral, como, por occasião das festas, na plenitude da sua vivacidade pratica.
Contemplavamos (eu com aterrado espanto) distendido em grandeza épica—o homem sandwich da
educação nacional, lardeado entre dous monstruosos cartazes. Ás costas, o seu passado incalculavel
de trabalhos; sobre o ventre, para a frente, o seu futuro: a reclame dos immortaes projectos.


Abriam-se as aulas a 15 de Fevereiro.

De manhã, á hora regulamentar, compareci.
O director, no escriptorio do estabelecimento, occupava uma cadeira rotativa junto á mesa de
trabalho. Sobre a mesa, um grande livro abria-se em columnas massiças de escripturação e linhas
Aristarcho, que consagrava as manhãs ao governo financeiro do collegio, conferia, analysava os
assentamentos do guarda-livros. De momento a momento entravam alumnos. Alguns acompanhados.
A cada entrada, o director lentamente fechava o livro, marcando a pagina com um alfange de
marfim; fazia gyrar a cadeira e soltava interjeições de acolhimento, offerecendo episcopalmente a mão
pelluda ao beijo contricto e filial dos meninos. Os maiores, em regra, recusavam-se á cerimonia e
partiam com um simples aperto de mão.
O rapaz desapparecia, levando o sorriso pallido na face, saudoso da vadiação ditosa das férias. O
pae, o correspondente, o portador, despedia-se, depois de banaes comprimentos, ou palavras a
respeito do estudante, amenisadas pela gracinha da bonhomia superior de Aristarcho, que punha
habilmente um sujeito fóra de portas com o riso fanhoso e o simples modo impellido de segurar-lhe os
A cadeira gyrava de novo á posição primitiva; o livro da escripturação espalmava outra vez as
paginas enormes; e a figura paternal do educador desmanchava-se, volvendo a simplificar-se na
esperteza attenta e secca do gerente.
A este vae-vem de attitudes, feição dupla de uma mesma individualidade e contingencia commum
dos sacerdocios, estava tão habituado o nosso director, que nenhum esforço lhe custava a manobra. O
especulador e o levita ficavam-lhe dentro em camaradagem intima, bras dessus, bras dessous.
Sabiam, sem prejuizo da opportunidade, apparecer por alternativa ou simultaneamente; eram como
duas almas inconhas num só corpo.
Soldavam-se nelle o educador e o emprezario com uma perfeição rigorosa de accôrdo, dois lados
da mesma medalha: oppostos, mas justapostos.
Quando meu pae entrou commigo, havia no semblante de Aristarcho uma pontinha de
aborrecimento. Decepção talvez de estatistica; o numero dos estudantes novos não compensando o
numero dos perdidos, as novas entradas não contrabalançando as despezas do fim do anno. Mas a
sombra de despeito apagou-se logo, como o resto de tunica que apenas tarda a sumir-se numa
mutação á vista; e foi com uma explosão de contentamento que o director nos acolheu.
Sua diplomacia dividia-se por escaninhos numerados, segundo a categoria de recepção que queria
dispensar. Elle tinha maneiras de todos os gráos, segundo a condição social da pessoa. As sympathias
verdadeiras eram raras. No amago de cada sorriso morava-lhe um segredo de frieza que se percebia
bem. E duramente se marcavam distincções politicas, distincções financeiras, distincções baseadas na
chronica escolar do discipulo, baseadas na razão discreta das notas do guarda-livros. Ás vezes, uma
criança sentia a alfinetada no geito da mão a beijar. Saía indagando comsigo o motivo d'aquillo, que
não achava em suas contas escolares... O pae estava dois trimestres atrazado.
Por diversas causas a minha recepção devia ser das melhores. Effectivamente; Aristarcho
levantou-se ao nosso encontro e nos conduziu á sala especial das visitas.
Saiu depois a mostrar o estabelecimento, as collecções, em armarios, dos objectos proprios para
facilitar o ensino. Eu via tudo curiosamente, sem perder os olhares dos collegas desconhecidos, que
me fitavam muito ancho na dignidade do uniforme em folha. O edificio fôra caiado e pintado durante as
férias, como os navios que aproveitam o descanço nos portos para uma refórma de apresentação. Das
paredes pendiam as cartas geographicas, que eu me comprazia de vêr como um itinerario de grandes
viagens planejadas. Havia estampas coloridas em molduras negras, assumptos de historia santa e
desenho grosseiro, ou exemplares zoologicos e botanicos, que me revelavam direcções de applicação
estudiosa em que eu contava triumphar. Outros quadros vidraçados exhibiam sonoramente regras
moraes e conselhos muito meus conhecidos de amor á verdade, aos paes, e temor de Deus, que
estranhei como um codigo de redundancia. Entre os quadros, muitos relativos ao Mestre—os mais
numerosos; e se esforçavam todos por arvorar o mestre em entidade incorporea, argamassada de pura
essencia de amor e suspiros cortantes de sacrificio, ensinando-me a didascalolatria que eu, de mim
para mim, devotamente, jurava desempenhar á risca. Visitámos o refeitorio, adornado de trabalhos a
lapis dos alumnos, a cozinha de azulejo, o grande pateo interno dos recreios, os dormitorios, a
capella... De volta á sala de recepção, adjacente á da entrada lateral e fronteira ao escriptorio, fui
apresentado ao professor Manlio, da aula superior de primeiras letras, um homem aprumado, de barba
toda, grisalha e cerrada, pessoa excellente, desconfiando por systema de todos os meninos.
Durante o tempo da visita, não falou Aristarcho senão das suas luctas, suores que lhe custava a
mocidade e que não eram justamente apreciados. «Um trabalho insano! Moderar, animar, corrigir esta
massa de caracteres, onde começa a ferver o fermento das inclinações; encontrar e encaminhar a
natureza na época dos violentos impetos; amordaçar excessivos ardores; retemperar o animo dos que
se dão por vencidos precocemente; espreitar, adivinhar os temperamentos; prevenir a corrupção;
desilludir as apparencias seductoras do mal; aproveitar os alvoroços do sangue para os nobres
ensinamentos; prevenir a depravação dos innocentes; espiar os sitios obscuros; fiscalisar os amizades;
desconfiar das hypocrisias; ser amoroso, ser violento, ser firme; triumphar dos sentimentos de
compaixão para ser correcto; proceder com segurança, para depois duvidar; punir para pedir perdão
depois... Um labor ingrato, titanico, que extenua a alma, que nos deixa acabrunhados ao anoitecer de
hoje, para recomeçar com o dia de amanhã... Ah! meus amigos, concluiu offegante, não é o espirito
que me custa, não é o estudo dos rapazes a minha preoccupação... É o caracter! Não é a preguiça o
inimigo, é a immoralidade!» Aristarcho tinha para esta palavra uma intonação especial, comprimida e
terrivel, que nunca mais esquece quem a ouviu dos seus labios. «A immoralidade!»
E recuava tragicamente, crispando as mãos. «Ah! mas eu sou tremendo quando esta desgraça nos
encandalisa. Não! Estejam tranquillos os paes! No Atheneu, a immoralidade não existe! Velo pela
candura das crianças, como se fossem, não digo meus filhos: minhas proprias filhas! O Atheneu é um
collegio moralisado! E eu aviso muito a tempo... Eu tenho um codigo... » Neste ponto o director
levantou-se de salto e mostrou um grande quadro á parede. «Aqui está o nosso codigo. Leiam! Todas
as culpas são prevenidas, uma pena para cada hypothese: o caso da immoralidade não está lá. O
parricidio não figurava na lei grega. Aqui não está a immoralidade. Se a desgraça occorre, a justiça é o
meu terror e a lei é o meu arbitrio! Briguem depois os senhores paes!... »
Affianço-lhes que o meu tremeu por mim. Eu, encolhido, fazia em superlativo a metaphora sabida
das varas verdes. Notando a minha perturbação, o director desvaneceu-se em afagos. «Mas para os
rapazes dignos eu sou um pae!... os máus eu conheço: não são as crianças, principalmente como
você, o prazer da familia, e que ha de ser, estou certo, uma das glorias do Atheneu. Deixem estar... »
Eu tomei a sério a prophecia e fiquei mais calmo.
Quando meu pae saiu, vieram-me lagrimas, que eu tolhi a tempo de ser forte. Subi ao salão azul,
dormitorio dos medios, onde estava a minha cama; mudei de roupa, levei a farda ao numero do
deposito geral, meu numero. Não tive coragem de affrontar o recreio. Via de longe os collegas, poucos
áquella hora, passeando em grupos, conversando amigavelmente, sem animação, impressionados
ainda pelas recordações de casa; hesitava em ir ter com elles, embaraçado da estréa das calças
lanças, como um exaggero comico, e da sensação de nudez á nuca, que o córte recente dos cabellos
desabrigara era escandalo. João Numa, inspector ou bedel, baixote, barrigudo, de oculos escuros,
movendo-se com vivacidade de bacoro alegre, veio achar-me indeciso, á escada do pateo. «Não
desce, a brincar?» perguntou bondosamente. «Vamos, desça, vá com os outros». O amavel bacoro
tomou-me pela mão e descemos juntos.
O inspector deixou-me entre dous rapazinhos, que me trataram com sympathia.
Ás onze horas, a sineta deu o signal das aulas. Os meus bons companheiros, de classes
atrazadas, indicaram a sala de ensino superior de primeiras letras, que devia ser a minha, e se
O professor Manlio, a quem eu fôra recommendado, recommendou-me por sua vez ao mais sério
dos seus discipulos, o honrado Rebello. Rebello era o mais velho e tinha oculos escuros como João
Numa. O vidro, curvo dos oculos cobria-lhe os olhos rigorosamente, monopolisando a attenção no
interesse unico da mesa do professor. Como se fosse pouco, o zeloso estudante fazia concha com as
mãos ás temporas, para impedir o contrabando evasivo de algum olhar escapado ao monopolio do
Este luxo de applicação não provinha do simples empenho de fazer attitude de exemplar. Rebello
soffria da vista, tanto que muito tarde podera entregar-se aos estudos. Recebeu-me com um sorriso
benevolo de avô; afastou-se um pouco para me dar logar e esqueceu-me incontinente, para afundasse
na devoradora attenção que era o seu apanagio.
Os companheiros de classe eram cerca de vinte; uma variedade de typos que me divertia. O
Gualterio, miudo, redondo de costas, cabellos revoltos, motilidade brusca e caretas de simio—palhaço
dos outros, como dizia o professor: o Nascimento, o bicanca, alongado por um modelo geral de
pelicano, nariz esbelto, curvo e largo como uma fouce; o Alvares, moreno, senho carregado, cabelleira
espessa e intonsa de vate de taverna, violento e estupido, que Manlio atormentava, designando-o para
o mister das plata-fórmas de bond, com a chapa numerada dos recebedores, mais leve de carregar que
a responsabilidade dos estudos; o Almeidinha, claro, translucido, rosto de menina, faces de um rosa
doentio, que se levantava para ir á pedra com um vagar languido de convalescente; o Maurilio,
nervoso, insoffrido, fortissimo em taboada: cinco vezes tres, vezes dous, noves fora, vezes sete?... lá
estava Maurilio, tremulo, sacudindo no ar o dedinho esperto... olhos fulgidos no rosto moreno, marcado
por uma pinta na testa; o Negrão, de ventas accesas, labios inquietos, physionomia agreste de cabra,
canhoto e anguloso, incapaz de ficar sentado tres minutos, sempre á mesa do professor e sempre
enxotado, debulhando um rizinho de pouca vergonha, fazendo agrados ao mestre, chamando-lhe
bomzinho, aventurando a todo ensejo uma tentativa de abraço que Manlio repellia, precavido de
confianças; Baptista Carlos, raça de bugre, valido, de má cara, coçando-se muito, como se o
incommodasse a roupa no corpo, alheio ás cousas da aula, como se não tivesse nada com aquillo,
espreitando apenas o professor para aproveitar as distracções e ferir a orelha aos vizinhos com uma
setta de papel dobrado. Ás vezes a setta do bugre ricochetava até á mesa de Manlio. Sensação;
suspendiam-se os trabalhos; rigoroso inquerito. Em vão, que os partistas temiam-no e elle era matreiro
e sonso para disfarçar.
Dignos de nota havia ainda o Cruz, timido, enfiado, sempre de orelha em pé, olhar covarde de
quem foi creado a pancadas, aferrado aos livros, forte em doutrina christã, facil como um despertador
para desfechar as licções de cór, perro como uma cravelha para ceder uma idéa por conta propria; o
Sanches, finalmente, grande, um pouco mais moço que o venerando Rebello, primeiro da classe, muito
intelligente, vencido apenas por Maurilio na especialidade dos noves fóra vezes tanto, cuidadoso dos
exercicios, emulo do Cruz na doutrina, sem competidor na analyse, no desenho linear, na
O resto, uma cambadinha indistincta, adormentados nos ultimos bancos, confundidos na sombra
preguiçosa do fundo da sala.
Fui tambem recommendado ao Sanches. Achei-o supinamente antipathico: cara extensa, olhos
rasos, mortos, de um pardo transparente, labios humidos, porejando baba, meiguice viscosa de crapula
antigo. Era o primeiro da aula. Primeiro que fosse do côro dos anjos, no meu conceito era a derradeira
das creaturas.
Entretinha-me a espiar os companheiros, quando o professor pronunciou o meu nome. Fiquei tão
pallido que Manlio sorriu e perguntou-me brando, se queria ir á pedra. Precisava examinar-me.
De pé, vexadissimo, senti brumar-se-me a vista, numa fumaça de vertigem. Adivinhei sobre mim o
olhar visguento do Sanches, o olhar odioso e timorato do Cruz, os oculos azues do Rebello, o nariz do
Nascimento, virando de vagar como um leme; esperei a setta do Carlos, o quinau do Maurilio,
ameaçador, fazendo cócegas ao tecto, com o dedo feroz; respirei no ambiente adversa de maldita hora,
perfumado pela emanação acre das resinas do arvoredo proximo, uma conspiração contra mim da aula
inteira, desde as bajulações de Negrão até á maldade violenta do Alvares. Cambaleei até á pedra, O
professor interrogou-me; não sei se respondi. Apossou-se-me do espirito um pavor estranho.
Acovardou-me o terror supremo das exhibições, imaginando em roda a ironia má de todos aquelles
rostos desconhecidos. Amparei-me á taboa negra, para não cair; fugia-me o sólo aos pés, com a noção
do momento; envolveu-me a escuridão dos desmaios, vergonha eterna! liquidando-se a ultima
energia... pela melhor das maneiras peiores de liquidar-se uma energia.

Do que se passou depois, não tenho idéa. A perturbação levou-me a consciencia das cousas.
Lembro-me que me achei com o Rebello, na rouparia, e o Rebello animava-me com um esforço de
bondade sincero e commovedor.
Rebello retirou-se e eu, em camisa, acabrunhado, amargando o meu desastre, emquanto o
roupeiro procurava o gavetão 54, fiquei a considerar a differença d'aquella situação para o ideal de
cavallaria com que sonhara assombrar o Atheneu.
Como tardava o criado, apanhei aborrecido um folheto que alli estava á mesa dos assentos,
entradas de enxoval, registros de lavanderia. Curioso folheto, versos e estampas... Fechei-o
convulsamente com o arrependimento de uma curiosidade perversa. Estranho folheto! Abri-o de novo.
Ardia-me á face inexplicavel incendio de pudor, constringia-me a garganta exquisito aperto, de nausea.
Escravisava-me, porém, a seducção da novidade. Olhei para os lados com um gesto de culpado; não
sei que instincto me acordava um sobresalto de remorso. Um simples papel, entretanto, borrado na
tiragem rapida dos delictos de imprensa. Arrostei-o. O roupeiro veio interromper-me. «Larga d'ahi! disse
com brutalidade, isso não é p'ra menino!» E retirou o livrinho.
Esta impressão viva de surpreza curou-me da lembrança do meu triste episodio, crescendo-me na
imaginação como as visões, absorvendo-me as idéas. Zumbia-me aos ouvidos a palavra aterrada de
Aristarcho... Sim, devia ser isto: um entravamento obscuro de fórmas despidas, roupas abertas, um
turbilhão de frades bebados, deslocados ao capricho de todas as deformidades de um monstruoso
desenho, tocando-se, saltando a sarabanda diabolica sem fim, no empastado negrume da tinta do
prelo; aqui e alli, o raio branco de uma falha, fulminando o espectaculo e a gravura, como o estigma
complementar do acaso.

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