BST Project 1

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Study the various types of leaves made available to employees. Leaves can be considered as
financial cost to the organization. What other tangible and non-tangible benefits does the
organization stand to gain from incurring this cost? Do the benefits justify the cost?


2. types of leaves
3. Leaves can be considered as
the financial cost to the organization



6. Do the benefits justify the cost?


The provision of leaves is essential to maintain employees' overall health and well-being. A healthy
work-life balance is necessary for employees to keep their physical and mental health, which can directly
impact their job performance. For instance, employees who work long hours without adequate rest and
time off are more likely to experience fatigue, stress, and burnout, which can negatively affect their
productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction.

Furthermore, leaves are critical for employees facing personal or family emergencies. For instance,
employees may require time off to care for a sick family member or attend to a personal crisis, such as a
death in the family or a natural disaster. Providing leaves for such situations demonstrates an
organization's commitment to its employees' well-being and can significantly improve employee morale
and engagement.

Another significant benefit of providing leaves is its ability to reduce absenteeism and turnover.
Employees who are consistently overworked or feel unsupported by their employer are likelier to take
unplanned absences or seek employment elsewhere. By providing adequate leave benefits,
organizations can demonstrate their commitment to their employees, foster a positive work culture, and
reduce the likelihood of absenteeism and turnover.

Overall, while leaves are undoubtedly a financial cost to the organization, their benefits regarding
employee well-being, productivity, and retention justify the cost. By providing adequate leave benefits,
organizations can demonstrate their commitment to their employees, foster a positive work culture, and
ultimately contribute to their success.

Write from your book.


While leaves provide numerous benefits to employees and the organization, they also come at a cost.
The cost of delivering leaves includes the financial expenses associated with paid leaves and the indirect
costs related to the disruption of business operations.

The direct costs of providing leaves include salaries, wages, and benefits paid to the employee while on
leave. These costs can be significant, particularly for organizations with generous leave benefits or a
large workforce. In some cases, such fees may even result in financial strain for the organization.
In addition to direct costs, leaves can also result in indirect costs for the organization. For instance, if
many employees take leaves simultaneously, it can disrupt business operations, resulting in decreased
productivity and potentially lost revenue. Moreover, finding temporary replacements for employees on
leave can be challenging and result in additional costs and disruptions.

Despite the costs associated with leaves, it is essential to note that they are a necessary and valuable
investment for organizations. The benefits that employees derive from leaves, such as improved well-
being and job satisfaction, ultimately lead to better productivity and retention, which can significantly
benefit the organization in the long run. Additionally, providing leave benefits can help organizations
attract and retain top talent and foster a positive company culture, enhancing the organization's
reputation and competitiveness.

Therefore, while leaves can be considered a financial cost to the organization, their benefits regarding
employee well-being, productivity, and retention justify the cost. Organizations need to strike a balance
between providing adequate leave benefits while ensuring business continuity and efficiency.


Here are some tangible benefits that organizations can gain from providing leaves to their employees:

Reduced healthcare costs: Leaves can help reduce healthcare costs associated with employee illnesses
and injuries. When employees take time off to rest and recover, they are less likely to suffer from work-
related health issues, which can result in lower healthcare costs for the organization.

Improved productivity: By providing employees with leaves, organizations can help ensure their
workforce remains productive and engaged. Employees who take time off to rest and recharge are often
more effective when they return to work.

Enhanced employee retention: Employees provided with leaves are more likely to stay with the
organization longer. This can result in lower recruitment and training costs for the organization.

Reduced absenteeism: Adequate leave policies can help reduce unplanned absences, increasing
productivity and efficiency.

Increased employee morale: Providing leaves to employees can enhance employee morale, resulting in
a positive work environment and increased job satisfaction.
Compliance with labor laws: Providing leaves to employees can help organizations comply with labor
laws and regulations. Non-compliance can result in legal penalties and a damaged reputation.

Improved employer branding: Providing employees with leaves can help enhance an organization's
reputation as a caring and responsible employer. This can help attract and retain top talent and improve
employer branding.

Increased operational efficiency: By providing adequate leaves, organizations can ensure that their
employees remain healthy and rested, improving operational efficiency. When employees are well-
rested and free from stress, they are more likely to work efficiently, reduce errors and improve quality.
This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and improved organizational

Overall, these tangible benefits highlight the importance of providing leaves to employees as a valuable
investment for organizations.


Here are some non-tangible benefits that organizations can gain from providing leaves to their

Enhanced company culture: Organizations that prioritize the well-being of their employees by providing
leaves can develop a positive and supportive company culture. This can improve employee retention,
attract top talent, and improve the organization's overall reputation.

Improved work-life balance: Providing leaves to employees can help them achieve a better work-life
balance, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation.

Increased creativity: When employees take time off from work, they can pursue other interests and
engage in activities that can stimulate their imagination. When they return to work, this can result in
fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

Reduced employee turnover: Adequate leave policies can help reduce employee turnover. This can lead
to reduced recruitment and training costs and improved continuity in the workplace.
Improved employee relationships: Providing leaves can help employees build stronger relationships
with their colleagues and supervisors, enhancing teamwork and collaboration.

Reduced workplace stress: Leaves can help reduce workplace stress, resulting in better employee health
and well-being, improved job satisfaction, and increased productivity.

Increased job flexibility: Providing leaves can offer employees greater flexibility, allowing them to
manage their work and personal commitments more effectively. This can lead to improved job
satisfaction and reduced stress.

Improved employee well-being: Providing leaves to employees can help improve their physical and
mental well-being by giving them time to rest, recharge, and care for personal needs. This can result in
reduced absenteeism, improved employee engagement and job satisfaction, and a healthier and more
productive workforce.

Overall, these non-tangible benefits demonstrate the value of providing leaves to employees beyond the
direct financial cost to the organization.


Providing leaves to employees is essential for their overall well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity.
When employees are given time off to rest and recharge, they are more likely to return to work feeling
refreshed, energized, and motivated. This can improve job performance, increase productivity, and higher
employee engagement.

When employees are absent from work due to illness or personal reasons, it can harm the organization's
performance. Providing leaves can help to reduce absenteeism, which in turn can reduce recruitment and
training costs. This is because recruiting and training new employees is generally more expensive than
retaining existing ones.

Providing leaves can also lead to increased revenue and improved customer satisfaction. This is because
well-rested and motivated employees are more likely to provide high-quality service and products to
customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, providing leaves can help organizations attract and retain top talent. When potential employees
are looking for a new job; they often look at the benefits package offered by the organization. Providing
leaves can be a significant factor in attracting top talent to the organization, as it shows that the
organization values its employees and is committed to their well-being.
Providing leaves can also help to build a positive company culture. When employees feel that their
organization cares about their well-being and values their contribution, they are more likely to be satisfied
with their job and feel motivated to work hard.

Finally, providing leaves can improve an organization's reputation as a responsible and caring employer.
This can positively impact the organization's brand image and attract customers who value social

Overall, while providing leaves comes with a financial cost to the organization, the tangible and non-
tangible benefits often outweigh this cost. Therefore, investing in employee well-being by offering leaves
can be a sound business decision that benefits employees and the organization.

In today's competitive business environment, where talent acquisition and retention are critical to an
organization's success, providing leaves can be a significant factor in attracting and retaining top talent.
Employees are looking for a work-life balance and opportunities to take care of their physical and
mental well-being. By providing leaves, organizations can create a positive work environment that
promotes employee well-being, increasing job satisfaction, commitment, and engagement.

Moreover, providing leaves can also help organizations to improve their bottom line. Organizations can
save on recruitment and training costs by reducing the turnover rate. Employees who feel valued and
cared for are likelier to stay with the organization, leading to higher retention rates. Additionally,
employees who take leaves to recharge and rejuvenate will likely return to work with renewed energy
and focus, leading to increased productivity and higher-quality work.

On the non-tangible benefits side, providing leaves can help organizations build a positive company
culture. Employees who feel that their employer cares about their well-being are likelier to be loyal and
committed to the organization's mission and goals. A positive company culture can lead to better
teamwork, collaboration, and communication and a more harmonious and productive work
environment. Additionally, a reputation as a responsible and caring employer can attract top talent,
leading to a competitive advantage in the job market.

In conclusion, leaves are a vital component of an organization's human resource policy, and the benefits
of providing leaves to employees far outweigh the cost. By investing in employee well-being through
leaves, organizations can improve their bottom line, attract and retain top talent, and build a positive
company culture. Ultimately, organizations need to recognize the importance of employee well-being
and ensure that they provide adequate leaves to maintain a healthy and productive workforce.


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