Acc 123

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Follow the following instruction:

1. Open Spreadsheet or Excel application available at your devices

2. Click “Ctrl+Shift+S” then type your respective group name and date today as the file name. Follow this format:
groupname.aug242023 (example accountingmaster.aug242023)
3. On Sheet 1, type the following:
 On A1 ---> Name
 On B1 ---> Age
 On C1 ---> Birth year
 On D1 ---> Birth month
 On E1 ---> Birth day
 On F1 ---> Gender
4. Following the Instruction #3, input the following
 On column A ---> the complete name of your members
 On column B ---> the respective age of each member
 On column C ---> the respective birth year of each member (example: 2006)
 On column D ---> the respective birth month of each member (example: 11)
 On column E ---> the respective birth day of each member (example: 22)
 On column F ---> the respective gender of each member
5. Rename Sheet 1 to “Practice Sheet”
6. On the same sheet, using the same data, do the following:
 In 1st column, type numbers 18 to 25 anywhere in the sheet, preferably below the data indicated in #4
 In 2nd column, type numbers 1998 to 2007 anywhere in the sheet, preferably below the data indicated in #4
 In 3rd column, type numbers 1 to 12 anywhere in the sheet, preferably below the data indicated in #4
 In 4th column, type numbers 1 to 31 anywhere in the sheet, preferably below the data indicated in #4
 In 5th column, type Female, then Male anywhere in the sheet, preferably below the data indicated in #4
 Select a cell and type, “=countif(highlight the range for age,click age) ; example “=countif(C2:C7,A10); do this for
all of the ages from 18 to 25 as indicated in #6
 Select a cell and type, “=countif(highlight the range for birth year,click birthdate) ; example “=countif(C2:C7,B11);
do this for all of the years from 1998 to 2007 as indicated in #6
 Repeat the process until 5th column (gender)
7. Once done with #6, to the following;
 Highlight the tally for age (the result of instruction #6, 6th bullet/check); then go to “Insert” then click the icon for
“pie chart”. Choose your desired pie chart style; customize as desired
 Repeat the process for birth year, birth month, birth day and gender but use the corresponding charts:
→ Age = pie chart
→ Birth Year = Bar chart
→ Birth Month = Column chart
→ Birth day = *any chart the group desires
→ Gender = *any chart the group desires
8. Do not forget the save your progress from time to time.
9. Once done with #7, add another sheet and name it “Activity”
10. Transfer the data from the table at page 2 onwards on the “Activity” sheet and do the following
→ Highlight the data and go to “Data” then choose “Custom Sort” under sort icon
→ Then do the following in order
1. Click “Add Level” 3 times, make sure to check the “My data has header”
2. On “Sort by” choose “Region”
3. On the “Then by” choose “City”, “Category” and “Product” for each “Then by”
4. Make sure the order is “Smallest to Largest” or “A to Z”
5. Once set, click “Ok”

Page 1 of 14
11. On the free space in the “Activity” sheet type the following following this order:

12. Then for “North, East, West…” type “=COUNTIF(highlight the range for region, click the region)” on the cell next to it;
example “=COUNTIF(C2:C245,B247)” ; Do this for each region, i.e North, South, East, West
13. Do the same process with “City” (Boston, New york….), “Category” (bars, cookies…) and “Product”(carrot, bran,
14. For “QTY” beside the “Products” type “=SUMIF(highlight the range for product, click the product like banana,highlight
the range for quantity)”; example “=SUMIF(F2:F245,K242,G2:G245)”
15. For the last the City plus Category type “=COUNTIFS(highlight the range for city, click the city,highlight the range for
category, click the category)”; example “=COUNTIFS(D2:D245,C252,E2:E245,D252)”; Do this for each city and product,
i.e Boston & Bars, San Diego and Cookies…..)
16. Once done, create charts for Region, Product then City and Category using the assigned charts: (you may customize as
→ Region = pie chart
→ Product = Bar chart
→ City and Category = *any chart the group desires
17. Save your final output. The email it; with email Subject as “ACC 123 dated

Regi Categ UnitPri TotalPri

ID Date on City ory Product Qty ce ce
51 1-Jan East Boston Bars Carrot 33 1.77 58.41

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ID073 Cracke Whole
52 4-Jan East Boston rs Wheat 87 3.49 303.63
ID073 Los Cookie Chocolate
53 7-Jan West Angeles s Chip 58 1.87 108.46
ID073 10- New Cookie Chocolate
54 Jan East York s Chip 82 1.87 153.34
ID073 13- Cookie
55 Jan East Boston s Arrowroot 38 2.18 82.84
ID073 16-
56 Jan East Boston Bars Carrot 54 1.77 95.58
ID073 19- Cracke Whole
57 Jan East Boston rs Wheat 149 3.49 520.01
ID073 22- Los
58 Jan West Angeles Bars Carrot 51 1.77 90.27
ID073 25- New
59 Jan East York Bars Carrot 100 1.77 177
ID073 28- New Potato
60 Jan East York Snacks Chips 28 1.35 37.8
ID073 31- Cookie
61 Jan East Boston s Arrowroot 36 2.18 78.48
ID073 Cookie Chocolate
62 3-Feb East Boston s Chip 31 1.87 57.97
ID073 Cracke Whole
63 6-Feb East Boston rs Wheat 28 3.49 97.72
ID073 Los
64 9-Feb West Angeles Bars Carrot 44 1.77 77.88
ID073 12- New
65 Feb East York Bars Carrot 23 1.77 40.71
ID073 15- New Potato
66 Feb East York Snacks Chips 27 1.35 36.45
ID073 18- Cookie
67 Feb East Boston s Arrowroot 43 2.18 93.74
ID073 21- Cookie Oatmeal
68 Feb East Boston s Raisin 123 2.84 349.32
ID073 24- Los
69 Feb West Angeles Bars Bran 42 1.87 78.54
ID073 27- Los Cookie Oatmeal
70 Feb West Angeles s Raisin 33 2.84 93.72
ID073 2- New Cookie Chocolate
71 Mar East York s Chip 85 1.87 158.95
ID073 5- San Cookie Oatmeal
72 Mar West Diego s Raisin 30 2.84 85.2
ID073 8- East Boston Bars Carrot 61 1.77 107.97

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73 Mar
ID073 11- Cracke Whole
74 Mar East Boston rs Wheat 40 3.49 139.6
ID073 14- Los Cookie Chocolate
75 Mar West Angeles s Chip 86 1.87 160.82
ID073 17- New
76 Mar East York Bars Carrot 38 1.77 67.26
ID073 20- New Potato
77 Mar East York Snacks Chips 68 1.68 114.24
ID073 23- San Cookie Chocolate
78 Mar West Diego s Chip 39 1.87 72.93
ID073 26-
79 Mar East Boston Bars Bran 103 1.87 192.61
ID073 29- Cookie Oatmeal
80 Mar EastBoston s Raisin 193 2.84 548.12
ID073 Los
81 1-Apr West Angeles Bars Carrot 58 1.77 102.66
ID073 Los Potato
82 4-Apr West Angeles Snacks Chips 68 1.68 114.24
ID073 New
83 7-Apr East York Bars Carrot 91 1.77 161.07
ID073 10- New Cracke Whole
84 Apr East York rs Wheat 23 3.49 80.27
ID073 13- San Potato
85 Apr West Diego Snacks Chips 28 1.68 47.04
ID073 16-
86 Apr East Boston Bars Carrot 48 1.77 84.96
ID073 19- Potato
87 Apr East Boston Snacks Chips 134 1.68 225.12
ID073 22- Los
88 Apr West Angeles Bars Carrot 20 1.77 35.4
ID073 25- New
89 Apr East York Bars Carrot 53 1.77 93.81
ID073 28- New Potato
90 Apr East York Snacks Chips 64 1.68 107.52
ID073 1- San Cookie Chocolate
91 May West Diego s Chip 63 1.87 117.81
ID073 4-
92 May East Boston Bars Bran 105 1.87 196.35
ID073 7- Cookie Oatmeal
93 May East Boston s Raisin 138 2.84 391.92
ID073 10- Los
94 May West Angeles Bars Carrot 25 1.77 44.25

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ID073 13- Los Cracke Whole
95 May West Angeles rs Wheat 21 3.49 73.29
ID073 16- New
96 May East York Bars Carrot 61 1.77 107.97
ID073 19- New Potato
97 May East York Snacks Chips 49 1.68 82.32
ID073 22- San Cookie Chocolate
98 May West Diego s Chip 55 1.87 102.85
ID073 25- Cookie
99 May East Boston s Arrowroot 27 2.18 58.86
ID074 28-
00 May East Boston Bars Carrot 58 1.77 102.66
ID074 31- Cracke Whole
01 May East Boston rs Wheat 33 3.49 115.17
ID074 Los Cookie Oatmeal
02 3-Jun West Angeles s Raisin 288 2.84 817.92
ID074 New Cookie Chocolate
03 6-Jun East York s Chip 76 1.87 142.12
ID074 San
04 9-Jun West Diego Bars Carrot 42 1.77 74.34
ID074 12- San Cracke Whole
05 Jun West Diego rs Wheat 20 3.49 69.8
ID074 15-
06 Jun East Boston Bars Carrot 75 1.77 132.75
ID074 18- Cracke Whole
07 Jun East Boston rs Wheat 38 3.49 132.62
ID074 21- Los
08 Jun West Angeles Bars Carrot 306 1.77 541.62
ID074 24- Los Potato
09 Jun West Angeles Snacks Chips 28 1.68 47.04
ID074 27- New
10 Jun East York Bars Bran 110 1.87 205.7
ID074 30- New Cookie Oatmeal
11 Jun East York s Raisin 51 2.84 144.84
ID074 San
12 3-Jul West Diego Bars Carrot 52 1.77 92.04
ID074 San Cracke Whole
13 6-Jul West Diego rs Wheat 28 3.49 97.72
14 9-Jul East Boston Bars Carrot 136 1.77 240.72
ID074 12- Cracke Whole
15 Jul East Boston rs Wheat 42 3.49 146.58
ID074 15- West Los Cookie Chocolate 75 1.87 140.25

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16 Jul Angeles s Chip
ID074 18- New
17 Jul East York Bars Bran 72 1.87 134.64
ID074 21- New Cookie Oatmeal
18 Jul East York s Raisin 56 2.84 159.04
ID074 24- San
19 Jul West Diego Bars Bran 51 1.87 95.37
ID074 27- San Potato
20 Jul West Diego Snacks Chips 31 1.68 52.08
ID074 30-
21 Jul East Boston Bars Bran 56 1.87 104.72
ID074 2- Cookie Oatmeal
22 Aug East Boston s Raisin 137 2.84 389.08
ID074 5- Los Cookie Chocolate
23 Aug West Angeles s Chip 107 1.87 200.09
ID074 8- New
24 Aug East York Bars Carrot 24 1.77 42.48
ID074 11- New Cracke Whole
25 Aug East York rs Wheat 30 3.49 104.7
ID074 14- San Cookie Chocolate
26 Aug West Diego s Chip 70 1.87 130.9
ID074 17- Cookie
27 Aug East Boston s Arrowroot 31 2.18 67.58
ID074 20-
28 Aug East Boston Bars Carrot 109 1.77 192.93
ID074 23- Cracke Whole
29 Aug East
Boston rs Wheat 21 3.49 73.29
ID074 26- Los Cookie Chocolate
30 Aug West Angeles s Chip 80 1.87 149.6
ID074 29- New
31 Aug East York Bars Bran 75 1.87 140.25
ID074 New Cookie Oatmeal
32 1-Sep East York s Raisin 74 2.84 210.16
ID074 San
33 4-Sep West Diego Bars Carrot 45 1.77 79.65
ID074 Cookie
34 7-Sep East Boston s Arrowroot 28 2.18 61.04
ID074 10-
35 Sep East Boston Bars Carrot 143 1.77 253.11
ID074 13-
36 Sep East Boston Snacks Pretzels 27 3.15 85.05
ID074 16- Los
37 Sep West Angeles Bars Carrot 133 1.77 235.41

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ID074 19- New Cookie
38 Sep East York s Arrowroot 110 2.18 239.8
ID074 22- New Cookie Chocolate
39 Sep East York s Chip 65 1.87 121.55
ID074 25- San
40 Sep West Diego Bars Bran 33 1.87 61.71
ID074 28- Cookie
41 Sep East Boston s Arrowroot 81 2.18 176.58
42 1-Oct East Boston Bars Carrot 77 1.77 136.29
ID074 Cracke Whole
43 4-Oct East Boston rs Wheat 38 3.49 132.62
ID074 Los
44 7-Oct West Angeles Bars Carrot 40 1.77 70.8
ID074 10- Los Potato
45 Oct West Angeles Snacks Chips 114 1.68 191.52
ID074 13- New Cookie
46 Oct East York s Arrowroot 224 2.18 488.32
ID074 16- New
47 Oct East York Bars Carrot 141 1.77 249.57
ID074 19- New Cracke Whole
48 Oct East York rs Wheat 32 3.49 111.68
ID074 22- San
49 Oct West Diego Bars Carrot 20 1.77 35.4
ID074 25- Cookie
50 Oct East Boston s Arrowroot 40 2.18 87.2
ID074 28- Cookie Chocolate
51 Oct East Boston s Chip 49 1.87 91.63
ID074 31- Cracke Whole
52 Oct East Boston rs Wheat 46 3.49 160.54
ID074 3- Los
53 Nov West Angeles Bars Carrot 39 1.77 69.03
ID074 6- Los Potato
54 Nov West Angeles Snacks Chips 62 1.68 104.16
ID074 9- New
55 Nov East York Bars Carrot 90 1.77 159.3
ID074 12- San Cookie
56 Nov West Diego s Arrowroot 103 2.18 224.54
ID074 15- San Cookie Oatmeal
57 Nov West Diego s Raisin 32 2.84 90.88
ID074 18-
58 Nov East Boston Bars Bran 66 1.87 123.42
ID074 21- East Boston Cookie Oatmeal 97 2.84 275.48

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59 Nov s Raisin
ID074 24- Los
60 Nov West Angeles Bars Carrot 30 1.77 53.1
ID074 27- Los Potato
61 Nov West Angeles Snacks Chips 29 1.68 48.72
ID074 30- New
62 Nov East York Bars Carrot 92 1.77 162.84
ID074 San Cookie
63 3-Dec West Diego s Arrowroot 139 2.18 303.02
ID074 San Cookie Oatmeal
64 6-Dec West Diego s Raisin 29 2.84 82.36
65 9-Dec East Boston Bars Banana 30 2.27 68.1
ID074 12- Cookie Chocolate
66 Dec East Boston s Chip 36 1.87 67.32
ID074 15- Cracke Whole
67 Dec East Boston rs Wheat 41 3.49 143.09
ID074 18- Los
68 Dec West Angeles Bars Carrot 44 1.77 77.88
ID074 21- Los Potato
69 Dec West Angeles Snacks Chips 29 1.68 48.72
ID074 24- New Cookie
70 Dec East York s Arrowroot 237 2.18 516.66
ID074 27- New Cookie Chocolate
71 Dec East York s Chip 65 1.87 121.55
ID074 30- San Cookie
72 Dec West Diego s Arrowroot 83 2.18 180.94
ID074 Cookie
73 2-Jan East Boston s Arrowroot 32 2.18 69.76
74 5-Jan East Boston Bars Carrot 63 1.77 111.51
75 8-Jan East Boston Snacks Pretzels 29 3.15 91.35
ID074 11- Los
76 Jan West Angeles Bars Bran 77 1.87 143.99
ID074 14- Los Cookie Oatmeal
77 Jan West Angeles s Raisin 80 2.84 227.2
ID074 17- New
78 Jan East York Bars Carrot 102 1.77 180.54
ID074 20- New Cracke Whole
79 Jan East York rs Wheat 31 3.49 108.19
ID074 23- San
80 Jan West Diego Bars Carrot 56 1.77 99.12

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ID074 26- Cookie
81 Jan East Boston s Arrowroot 52 2.18 113.36
ID074 29-
82 Jan East Boston Bars Carrot 51 1.77 90.27
ID074 Potato
83 1-Feb East Boston Snacks Chips 24 1.68 40.32
ID074 Los Cookie
84 4-Feb West Angeles s Arrowroot 58 2.18 126.44
ID074 Los Cookie Chocolate
85 7-Feb West Angeles s Chip 34 1.87 63.58
ID074 10- New
86 Feb East York Bars Carrot 34 1.77 60.18
ID074 13- New Potato
87 Feb East York Snacks Chips 21 1.68 35.28
ID074 16- San Cookie Oatmeal
88 Feb West Diego s Raisin 29 2.84 82.36
ID074 19-
89 Feb East Boston Bars Carrot 68 1.77 120.36
ID074 22-
90 Feb East Boston Snacks Pretzels 31 3.15 97.65
ID074 25- Los Cookie
91 Feb West Angeles s Arrowroot 30 2.18 65.4
ID074 28- Los Cookie Chocolate
92 Feb West Angeles s Chip 232 1.87 433.84
ID074 2- New
93 Mar East York Bars Bran 68 1.87 127.16
ID074 5- New Cookie Oatmeal
94 Mar East York s Raisin 97 2.84 275.48
ID074 8- San
95 Mar West Diego Bars Bran 86 1.87 160.82
ID074 11- San Potato
96 Mar West Diego Snacks Chips 41 1.68 68.88
ID074 14-
97 Mar East Boston Bars Carrot 93 1.77 164.61
ID074 17- Potato
98 Mar East Boston Snacks Chips 47 1.68 78.96
ID074 20- Los
99 Mar West Angeles Bars Carrot 103 1.77 182.31
ID075 23- Los Potato
00 Mar West Angeles Snacks Chips 33 1.68 55.44
ID075 26- New
01 Mar East York Bars Bran 57 1.87 106.59
ID075 29- East New Cookie Oatmeal 65 2.84 184.6

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02 Mar York s Raisin
ID075 San
03 1-Apr West Diego Bars Carrot 118 1.77 208.86
ID075 Cookie
04 4-Apr East Boston s Arrowroot 36 2.18 78.48
ID075 Cookie Oatmeal
05 7-Apr East Boston s Raisin 123 2.84 349.32
ID075 10- Los
06 Apr West Angeles Bars Carrot 90 1.77 159.3
ID075 13- Los Cracke Whole
07 Apr West Angeles rs Wheat 21 3.49 73.29
ID075 16- New
08 Apr East York Bars Carrot 48 1.77 84.96
ID075 19- New Potato
09 Apr East York Snacks Chips 24 1.68 40.32
ID075 22- San Cookie Chocolate
10 Apr West Diego s Chip 67 1.87 125.29
ID075 25-
11 Apr East Boston Bars Bran 27 1.87 50.49
ID075 28- Cookie Oatmeal
12 Apr East Boston s Raisin 129 2.84 366.36
ID075 1- Los Cookie
13 May West Angeles s Arrowroot 77 2.18 167.86
ID075 4- Los Cookie Chocolate
14 May West Angeles s Chip 58 1.87 108.46
ID075 7- New
15 May East York Bars Bran 47 1.87 87.89
ID075 10- New Cookie Oatmeal
16 May East York s Raisin 33 2.84 93.72
ID075 13- San Cookie Chocolate
17 May West Diego s Chip 82 1.87 153.34
ID075 16-
18 May East Boston Bars Carrot 58 1.77 102.66
ID075 19-
19 May East Boston Snacks Pretzels 30 3.15 94.5
ID075 22- Los Cookie Chocolate
20 May West Angeles s Chip 43 1.87 80.41
ID075 25- New
21 May East York Bars Carrot 84 1.77 148.68
ID075 28- San Cookie
22 May West Diego s Arrowroot 36 2.18 78.48
ID075 31- San Cookie Oatmeal
23 May West Diego s Raisin 44 2.84 124.96

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24 3-Jun East Boston Bars Bran 27 1.87 50.49
ID075 Cookie Oatmeal
25 6-Jun East Boston s Raisin 120 2.84 340.8
ID075 Cracke Whole
26 9-Jun East Boston rs Wheat 26 3.49 90.74
ID075 12- Los
27 Jun West Angeles Bars Carrot 73 1.77 129.21
ID075 15- New
28 Jun East York Bars Bran 38 1.87 71.06
ID075 18- New Cookie Oatmeal
29 Jun East York s Raisin 40 2.84 113.6
ID075 21- San
30 Jun West Diego Bars Carrot 41 1.77 72.57
ID075 24-
31 Jun East Boston Bars Banana 27 2.27 61.29
ID075 27- Cookie Chocolate
32 Jun East Boston s Chip 38 1.87 71.06
ID075 30- Cracke Whole
33 Jun East
Boston rs Wheat 34 3.49 118.66
ID075 Los
34 3-Jul West Angeles Bars Bran 65 1.87 121.55
ID075 Los Cookie Oatmeal
35 6-Jul West Angeles s Raisin 60 2.84 170.4
ID075 New Cookie
36 9-Jul East York s Arrowroot 37 2.18 80.66
ID075 12- New Cookie Chocolate
37 Jul East York s Chip 40 1.87 74.8
ID075 15- San
38 Jul West Diego Bars Bran 26 1.87 48.62
ID075 18-
39 Jul East Boston Bars Banana 22 2.27 49.94
ID075 21- Cookie Chocolate
40 Jul East Boston s Chip 32 1.87 59.84
ID075 24- Cracke Whole
41 Jul East Boston rs Wheat 23 3.49 80.27
ID075 27- Los Cookie
42 Jul West Angeles s Arrowroot 20 2.18 43.6
ID075 30- Los Cookie Chocolate
43 Jul West Angeles s Chip 64 1.87 119.68
ID075 2- New
44 Aug East York Bars Carrot 71 1.77 125.67
ID075 5- West San Cookie Arrowroot 90 2.18 196.2

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45 Aug Diego s
ID075 8- San Cookie Oatmeal
46 Aug West Diego s Raisin 38 2.84 107.92
ID075 11-
47 Aug East Boston Bars Carrot 55 1.77 97.35
ID075 14-
48 Aug East Boston Snacks Pretzels 22 3.15 69.3
ID075 17- Los
49 Aug West Angeles Bars Carrot 34 1.77 60.18
ID075 20- New
50 Aug East York Bars Bran 39 1.87 72.93
ID075 23- New Cookie Oatmeal
51 Aug East York s Raisin 41 2.84 116.44
ID075 26- San
52 Aug West Diego Bars Carrot 41 1.77 72.57
ID075 29- Cookie
53 Aug East Boston s Arrowroot 136 2.18 296.48
54 1-Sep East Boston Bars Carrot 25 1.77 44.25
55 4-Sep East Boston Snacks Pretzels 26 3.15 81.9
ID075 Los
56 7-Sep West Angeles Bars Bran 50 1.87 93.5
ID075 10- Los Cookie Oatmeal
57 Sep West Angeles s Raisin 79 2.84 224.36
ID075 13- New
58 Sep East York Bars Carrot 30 1.77 53.1
ID075 16- New Potato
59 Sep East York Snacks Chips 20 1.68 33.6
ID075 19- San
60 Sep West Diego Bars Carrot 49 1.77 86.73
ID075 22- Cookie
61 Sep East Boston s Arrowroot 40 2.18 87.2
ID075 25-
62 Sep East Boston Bars Carrot 31 1.77 54.87
ID075 28-
63 Sep East Boston Snacks Pretzels 21 3.15 66.15
ID075 Los
64 1-Oct West Angeles Bars Bran 43 1.87 80.41
ID075 Los Cookie Oatmeal
65 4-Oct West Angeles s Raisin 47 2.84 133.48
ID075 New Cookie
66 7-Oct East York s Arrowroot 175 2.18 381.5

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ID075 10- New Cookie Chocolate
67 Oct East York s Chip 23 1.87 43.01
ID075 13- San
68 Oct West Diego Bars Carrot 40 1.77 70.8
ID075 16- Cookie
69 Oct East Boston s Arrowroot 87 2.18 189.66
ID075 19-
70 Oct East Boston Bars Carrot 43 1.77 76.11
ID075 22- Cracke Whole
71 Oct East Boston rs Wheat 30 3.49 104.7
ID075 25- Los
72 Oct West Angeles Bars Carrot 35 1.77 61.95
ID075 28- New
73 Oct East York Bars Bran 57 1.87 106.59
ID075 31- New Potato
74 Oct East York Snacks Chips 25 1.68 42
ID075 3- San Cookie Chocolate
75 Nov West Diego s Chip 24 1.87 44.88
ID075 6-
76 Nov East Boston Bars Bran 83 1.87 155.21
ID075 9- Cookie Oatmeal
77 Nov East Boston s Raisin 124 2.84 352.16
ID075 12- Los
78 Nov West Angeles Bars Carrot 137 1.77 242.49
ID075 15- New Cookie
79 Nov East York s Arrowroot 146 2.18 318.28
ID075 18- New Cookie Chocolate
80 Nov East York s Chip 34 1.87 63.58
ID075 21- San
81 Nov West Diego Bars Carrot 20 1.77 35.4
ID075 24- Cookie
82 Nov East Boston s Arrowroot 139 2.18 303.02
ID075 27- Cookie Chocolate
83 Nov East Boston s Chip 211 1.87 394.57
ID075 30- Cracke Whole
84 Nov EastBoston rs Wheat 20 3.49 69.8
ID075 Los
85 3-Dec West Angeles Bars Bran 42 1.87 78.54
ID075 Los Cookie Oatmeal
86 6-Dec West Angeles s Raisin 100 2.84 284
ID075 New
87 9-Dec East York Bars Carrot 38 1.77 67.26
ID075 12- East New Cracke Whole 25 3.49 87.25

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88 Dec York rs Wheat
ID075 15- San Cookie Chocolate
89 Dec West Diego s Chip 96 1.87 179.52
ID075 18- Cookie
90 Dec East Boston s Arrowroot 34 2.18 74.12
ID075 21- Cookie Chocolate
91 Dec East Boston s Chip 245 1.87 458.15
ID075 24- Cracke Whole
92 Dec East Boston rs Wheat 30 3.49 104.7
ID075 27- Los
93 Dec West Angeles Bars Bran 30 1.87 56.1
ID075 30- Los Cookie Oatmeal
94 Dec West Angeles s Raisin 44 2.84 124.96

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