Utm PHD Exam

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Title: The title clearly indicates that the thesis focuses on the behavior of surface
settlement. This suggests that the study investigates how the ground surface reacts and
changes as a result of tunneling activities.

Recommendation: it would be great if geographical location is added to the title. The

thesis utilized numerical modeling techniques for the assessment of ground settlement, I
think it will be a good idea to add it as it is one of the keywords.

2. Abstract: Condense the abstract to focus on the most essential aspects of the study,
avoiding unnecessary details or background information.

3. Introduction: Provide a clear and concise overview of the importance of tunneling and
the challenges associated with excavation beneath non-greenfield surfaces. Ensure
consistency in citation format throughout the document. Use precise terminology to
describe the depth of tunnel excavations. Define terms like shallow, deep, and deeper
(give range). Clarify the significance of shallow tunneling and its impact on ground
surface stability. Provide a clearer explanation of the challenges associated with shallow
tunnel excavation and how it differs from deeper excavations. Provide additional detail
on the specific challenges faced in tunneling through weathered rocks and the limitations
of existing prediction models. Refine the objectives section to clearly outline the specific
aims of the research and how they will be addressed. Clearly define the scope of the
research, including what factors will and will not be considered. Specify any limitations or
constraints that may affect the interpretation of the results. Provide a more detailed
explanation of the significance of the research findings and how they will contribute to
addressing the challenges of shallow tunnel excavation in weathered rock conditions.
Emphasize the potential impact on infrastructure sustainability and resilience. Maintain
consistency in terminology and language throughout the document to ensure clarity and
coherence. Review the overall flow of the chapter to ensure that each section logically
progresses from the introduction to the conclusion, providing a cohesive narrative for the

4. Literature review: Some sentences are written in future tense. The literature review is
fine however it can be improved by adding the latest paper on the topic and relevant
subtopics. I would like to see an in-depth literature survey in a PhD thesis, followed by
highlighting the research gap. Why FLAC2D code is used in this research?

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