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Measurement and Analysis of Partial Discharge in Switchgear

Claude Kane Igor Blokhintsev Alexander Golubev

Predictive Diagnostics of Eaton Predictive Diagnostics of Eaton Predictive Diagnostics of Eaton
Electrical Electrical Electrical
5421 Feltl Road 5421 Feltl Road 5421 Feltl Road
Suite 190 Suite 190 Suite 190
Minnetonka, MN 55436 Minnetonka, MN 55436 Minnetonka, MN 55436

Abstract: Partial discharge technology has been applied to * Maintenance Options

medium voltage rotating machines for many years. This * How the continuous monitoring of partial discharges can
technology can now be applied to support on-line diagnostics of overcome these major maintenance deficiencies.
medium voltage switchgear assemblies. Partial discharge sensors
have been developed, with calibration both in the factory-test
floor environment, as well as in the field under normal operating
conditions. The application of partial discharge measurement TRADITIONAL METHODS
technology to MV switchgear will be presented, with actual
examples of pending failures, which were identified by on-line Traditionally, PD tests have been performed on a periodic
partial discharge measurements. This application of partial basis, approximately every 6 to 12 months. However, most
discharge technology can greatly aid in the day-to-day reliability
and life-extension of the medium voltage electrical power standards related to the online assessment of insulation
substation assemblies. systems recommend trending of data in order to provide the
best assessment. Setting alarms or basing judgments on PD
pulse magnitudes (Qm) alone are not sufficient. The basis for
INTRODUCTION this statement is twofold.

In today's competitive environment, increasing demands are 1) No standard exists that clearly defines what magnitude of
being placed on the management of physical assets. It has PD activity is considered "good" or "bad". Some suppliers
become imperative to capitalize on advances in technology of PD technology have published data in an attempt to get
that allow new approaches to the maintenance of these to this point, but the data is conflicting, and thus
physical assets. These include reliability-centered controversial. Some of the variables that exist in field
maintenance, predictive diagnostics, condition monitoring and measurement of PD activity include:
expert systems. Concemed customers and suppliers are taking a) Lack of calibration. - No calibration of the system
advantage of the convergence of these new technologies to has been performed. Many less than ideal
implement proactive maintenance programs to improve the installations of coupling capacitors at the line
performance and extend the life of their installed base of terminals of motors and generators have been
equipment. In process industries, this approach has also been a observed. The high frequency signals produced by a
significant factor in reducing unscheduled downtime, allowing PD event attenuate quickly as the traveling wave
scheduled preventive maintenance to prevail over costly moves through a winding. In order for the PD signal
outages. Partial Discharge (PD) monitoring [1-4] has evolved to properly propagate, a low inductive circuit is
as a reliable means of determining deterioration in insulation required. Unless calibration has been performed on
systems for medium voltage rotating machines and power each and every machine, comparison of absolute
distribution equipment. This technology has proven very values of Qm is not valid.
effective when used on systems applied at 4000 volts and b) In many cases, a pulse count is much more important
above. than magnitude. In order to choose the proper
parameters to monitor, we recommended following
This paper explores the following as they apply to medium any of the key standards related to making PD
voltage switchgear: measurements found within IEEE and IEC. We also
recommend that PD power or PD Intensity be the key
* Reliability and Failure Statistics factor to monitor since they take into account both
* Why the Main Bus is not inspected and tested magnitude and pulse count.
* Several case studies of observed MV switchgear bus c) Trending is the key factor in determining the
failure modes will be presented The recommendations of condition of an insulation system. A low level of PD
the various maintenance guidelines

0-7803-9145-4/05/$20.00 C2005 IEEE

increasing quickly will signify a major defect, while a switchgear bus, some plants may apply a high-potential test
high level of PD that is stable indicates there is a occasionally, but for the most part, specifically the MV line-
major defect, but it is not getting worse. A generally side bus that runs the length of the gear is not inspected nor
accepted "rule of thumb" in the PD industry is that a provided any level of maintenance or testing. This is further
doubling of PD levels in six months will indicate the discussed in the next section.
insulation is in poor condition and is quickly
2) There are several external factors that may significantly
affect partial discharge. The most important are voltage,
temperature, humidity or absolute moisture in the air or
insulating fluid, load current and hydrogen pressure.
Neglecting these factors may produce incorrect diagnostic N~~~~~~~~~~% 9
conclusions resulting in missing a problem or producing a
false alarm. In addition, correlating PD characteristics to
these factors frequently provides valuable information
that allows one to further discriminate the type of PD
failure mechanism and to plan more appropriate
corrective action. _ ,.O7 P_ mw, Swalearo. ca. c.d. .33 .* ew *.. X.
b"O*7T_w _ n .JW T_
_ n

RELIABILTY AND FAILURE STATISTICS Figure 1 - Average Downtime Hours per Year by Equipment Type
The IEEE Standard 493-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice
for Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power WHY THE MAIN BUS IS NOT INSPECTED
Systems - Gold Book completed end-user surveys over two OR TESTED
time periods. This data is relatively old, but at the same time it
does represent the majority of existing medium voltage
electrical equipment in service today. [1]. Table I and Figure There are many reasons why the main bus of MV switchgear
I show the comparable hours of downtime per year of a is not inspected nor tested. Listed are some typical plant
variety of industrial equipment. conditions.
* No redundancy built into the overall plant system to allow
for outages of the main MV switchgear bus.
Table 1 * Complete outage may be required to test MV switchgear
Failure Rates and Average Downtime per Year for line-side bus, and this is unacceptable in most cases, even
Common Industrial Electrical Equipment during outages since power is required for other
IEEE Standard 493-1997 Avg. maintenance activity throughout the plant.
All Industry Failure Avg. Downtime * Plants do not view bus as an active piece of equipment
Equipment Type RateNYear Hours/Outage Hours/Year
Swltchgear - Bus Only7 Sections 0.0119 261 21.7413 like a transformer or circuit breaker.
Large Power Transformers 0.013 1076 13.988 * And probably most importantly, this can be costly and
MV Synchronous Motors 0.0318 175 5.565
MV Induction Motors 0.0404 76 3.0704 time consuming to remove covers and inspect all the
Cables (Below Grade) .3000 feet 0.00613 53 0.97467 joints as compared to testing a breaker or transformer.
Cable TerrninatIons (3) 0.000814 284 0.693528 Basically, a complete visual inspection of non-segregated
Small Power Transformers 0.0025 217 0.5425
MV Circuit Breakers 0 0064 89.3 0.57152 bus duct is sometimes practically impossible without a
Bus Duct - 30 feet 0.0038 128 0.4864 substantial outage and extensive labor to remove many
We note that transformers are identified as highly critical
assets and we also know from experience that much Due to the long lead time to failure of MV switchgear bus
preventive and predictive maintenance is completed on plant systems, some plants actually become complacent with the
electrical transformers. This includes ongoing inspections to minor crackling sounds they hear coming from their
predictive diagnostics such as dissolved gas analysis of the switchgear. To an experienced field engineer that crackling
transformer oil to complete insulation and AC testing during and the smell of ozone are obvious trouble-signs, but to some
maintenance outages. Tap changers are also serviced during less-experienced personnel this just becomes part of the
maintenance outages. [2,3]. switchgear operating characteristics.
Other items summarized in Figure 1, including cables, motors While the majority of MV switchgear bus failures are
and circuit breakers are also normally scheduled for extremely catastrophic, there is a substantial time period
maintenance inspections and testing. Concerning the between such failures, which creates a false sense of security.

When switchgear bus failures occur, they typically last for a CASE STUDIES
few days or longer depending on the severity of the failure.
Depending on the age of the switchgear, spare bus pieces may
not be readily available and custom manufacturing requires Case I Medium Voltage Switchgear
- -

additional time. In the interim, cable bypasses are usually Paper Mill
applied, which is labor intensive and this requires a second
complete outage to restore the damage bus and insulation with This case study is based on making periodic PD measurements
permanent replacement equipment. on a lineup of 13.8 kV switchgear, consisting of 21 cubicles.
The switchgear was approximately eight years old. Since
It has been observed by the authors and other contributors to installation, no outage was taken for testing and maintenance
this paper that in many cases a short final bridging of medium due to budgets and production constraints. At the time of
voltage to ground can have devastating effects. Part of this is measurement, no permanent PD sensors were installed in the
due to the ionization of the air within the switchgear bus switchgear. Therefore, temporary Radio Frequency Voltage
compartment after the arc is initiated. This ionized air Sensors (RFVS) sensors were installed in each cubicles
becomes a conductor without any additional help from current transformer (CT) circuit. This sensor uses the natural
contamination or conductive paths to ground. The ionized air capacitance between the CT and the main bus which couples
will continue to bridge other areas of MV voltage to ground. the high frequency signal generated by a PD event to the
secondary winding of the CT. The data was collected using a
Another factor is the inherent air-gaps which were part of the commercially available partial discharge analyzer.
design of early MV switchgear systems. These air-gaps
resulted in high potential stresses, which caused partial Little to no PD was detected until testing cubicle 13. Cubicle
discharges across the air-gaps and resulted in insulation 13 showed definite signs of significant PD activity. The
deterioration until eventual failure if not detected by a visual cubicle is a bus tie breaker feeding a current limiting reactor.
inspection. On August 13th 2003 there was approximately 1,000 amps of
load current flowing through the tie connection. In making
For example, older MV switchgear intemal bus consisted of confirmation tests on the following day, approximately 100
squared-copper bar, within an insulation sleeve. This sleeve amps were flowing. Significant changes in PD activity were
then penetrated the switchgear cells through a surrounding noted between the two days. Tests performed on the second
insulating support barrier. This design contains small air gaps, day showed considerably lower PD activity than the previous
or voids, between the copper bar and the insulation sleeve, and day. This is shown in the bar charts in Figure 2. The bottom
between the insulation sleeve and the support barrier [4]. This chart compares the number of pulses occurring per cycle while
is illustrated in Figure 6 and by the actual observed corona at the top chart compares the Partial Discharge Intensity (PDI).
these air-gaps in Figure 7. PDI is a calculated value of the amount of energy in the
discharges in milliwatts.
This sense of security with the low failure rate on MV
switchgear bus systems can be deceiving. For switchgear 25- PD Intensity (mWj

systems ten years or older, we most often find signs of partial

discharges or corona during detailed inspections or during bus
change-outs or upgrades. By the time the switchgear reaches

twenty to thirty years in life, it is very common to find pitting,



active tracking and treeing within the bus supports. CT3j.3

Additionally, one of the weakest points within the MV l.o- Pulse Repetition RoteapUlses per 60Hz cycle)
switchgear are the rear compartment barriers of draw-out type 125-

Potential Transformers (PT) or Control Power Transformer 75-

(CPT) drawers. Under normal conditions these deteriorating 50-

components may holdup but if system conditions or
environmental conditions were to change they may result in 0-

302n34a22 0.14.2h30:37
immediate catastrophic failures.
Figure 2 Comparison of PD activity in Cubicle 13 on subsequent


Upon inspection of the switchgear, the defect shown in Figure.

3 was observed. The problem was a result of improper
placement of a current transformer. One can also observe the
early stages of a defect developing on the middle phase.

Although only two tests were performed it is evident that load activity ceased. This is the time period when the ultrasonic
(most likely temperature) caused the variation on PD activity inspection was performed.
by four to five times.


Figure 3 Defects found in cubicle 13. Improper placement of CT

During repairs were made. The

the next available outage
cause misalignment was due to improper placement of
for the
the supporting brackets that secure the CT. They were
installed upside down at the factory. During 2003 and 2004,

permanent PD sensors were retrofitted into theswitchgear and

are now connected to a continuous partial discharge monitor. Figure 5 PD distribution of all channels (a) 7:00 in the morning

and (b) 1:00 in the afternoon

Case 2 Medium Voltage Switchgear Figure 6 shows the results of what was found during the visual
Steel Mill inspection. Although evidence of PD was found, they
switchgear was far from having a failure. Use of ultrasonic
This case study
on a lineup of 13.8 kV switchgear that has a
detection equipment in an attempt to locate defects is a valid
continuous monitoring system installed.
PD The system
technology, but one must make sure the PD sites are active at
consists of multiple sets of 80 pF coupling capacitors (one set
the time of tests.
per three cubicles) and a 15 channel PD monitor. One PD
monitor can monitor 15 cubicles of switchgear. Figure 4
shows the long term trend on one of the channels.

j as~
Figure 6 Results of visual inspection at one location

M*0W ApOI M404 Jw,Oq J,i#A 490 SepHt OdOl IbWO DWO JeW F*06

Case 3 Medium Voltage Switchgear

- -
Figure 4 Partial Discharge Intensity (PDI) trend from one channel
Steel Mill
of the PD monitor
In general the trend was downward and not near any alarm This steel mill has a continuous PD monitor on the main
levels. The data was reviewed and advice was given to leave switchgear feeding a key process area. The contract for
the equipment in service. Due to many past switchgear remote monitoring of the gear had expired in December 2003
failures before the PD monitoring was implemented, plant and not been renewed. No one at the facility picked up the
personnel were nervous and planned an outage. However, responsibility for reviewing the data stored by the monitor nor
prior to the outage an ultrasonic inspection was performed on were the alarm contacts connected to a plant
January 21, 2005. Figure 5a shows the PD distribution on all control/monitoring system.
15 channels at 7:00 in the morning on the day of the

inspection and Figure Sb shows the PD distribution six hours

later. Sometime between 0700 and 1300 hours, the PD At 4:35 in the morning on January 2, 2005 the switchgear bus
differential relays tripped the gear offline and shutdown

production. A quick visual inspection and insulation a closer look in Cubicle I on B phase. A planned outage was
resistance tests were performed. No abnormal conditions were taken for a detailed inspection and Figure 9 shows what was
found and the gear was placed back into service around 6:00 found. One can see in the picture on the right where there was
that same morning. an arc to ground and the most likely location of the fault that
caused the trip.
After the trip, the most recent stored data from the monitor
was uploaded and reviewed. Figure 7 shows the long term
trend of PD activity from cubicle I of the lineup. The lower Case 4- Medium Voltage Switchgear -
horizontal line represents the HI alarm point and the upper Defense Contractor
horizontal line represents the HI-HI alarm point.

Now Da: J. Fob M. APf MN J_ J AD Sep Od

- Cr_a0 .poDln,
Figure 10 shows the partial discharge growth from one
Figure 7 - Long term trend of PDI on channel I of PD monitor channel of the PD monitor. Here the PD had started to
As can be seen both alarm points were activated several times accelerate in the months from May to August and showed a
over a period of months. Figure 8 zooms in to the dates rapid increase in September. The partial discharges are
surrounding the day of the trip. detected with permanently mounted sensors within the MV
switchgear. The sensors can be added during a scheduled
outage to provide ongoing continuous monitoring.
Figure 10 - Long Term PD activity from one channel of a PD
monitor. Note fast growth in September.
At this time, an outage was scheduled and the severe damage
illustrated in Figure 11 was identified.

Figure 8 - PD activity surrounding date of trip

Four hours later after re-energization, the PD level was still
nearly at the HI-HI alarm point. On the following day, an
ultrasonic test was performned on the gear and no problems
were found. In reviewing Figure 8, it can be seen that on
January 3d, the PD site was not active. Using ultrasonic
equipment can be beneficial in locating a defect, if the defect
is active at the time of the test.

Figure II - Results of inspection during outage

Figure 9 - Results of further inspection after detailed review of the
data. The picture on the right shows the most likely location of the A continuous partial discharge monitoring allows for ongoing
fault that caused the trip.
monitoring with multiple rate-of-rise, low and high partial
In taking a detailed look at the data and reviewing the phase discharge alarm set-points as well as remote diagnostics and
resolved fingerprints, it was recommended that the client take analysis.

Sensors are not required in every cubicle, but placing sensors Let us review how a time of arrival system will respond
only at the ends of the switchgear bus has proven to be not assuming a normal Main - Tie - Main configuration with 8
effective due to the attenuation of the partial discharge signals. structures per half as shown in Figure 13.
as :1 C]
1 IL±J
m 0 o 0
The writers have extensive experience in the measurement and
monitoring of PD activity in switchgear. A great deal of 4
laboratory and field research has been performed on a variety
of switchgear over the past 10 years. This includes calibration Figure 13 - Common Main - Tie - Main configuration with
and attenuation tests on switchgear in operating plants as well eight structures
as on manufacturers' assembly floors.
This situation has one set of capacitors locate at position Cl
Some PD vendors are suggesting the use of only two sets of and another set at position C2 on the main bus. Assuming
coupling capacitors per lineup of gear with one set at each end there is a defect at location 1 that causes a PD pulse to occur.
of the main bus. Then by using time of arrival principals ofthe C1 will detect that signal and trigger a timer. When the pulse
PD traveling wave, they will be able to determine the location reaches C2, this will stop the timer and one can determine the
of the defect. In principle the theory is sound, but in actual time difference and thus the location. In the case of Pulse 1,
applications it is not effective. under the best of circumstances the signal will attenuate by a
factor of 0.6 (average real life attenuation factor) per "T"
As a PD pulse travels along a conductor, the pulse quickly connection. By the time the pulse reaches C2 it will have a
attenuates. It loses magnitude and its higher frequencies. In magnitude of 0.028 of the original pulse. Although there are
switchgear there are many "T" connections tapping off the many cases where high magnitude defects are detected, there
main bus. The PD energy will split at each junction based on are just as many cases where there are low magnitude, high
the overall surge impedance of the system. Figure 12 shows pulse count defects. There have been many documented
an ideal situation, with no reflection at the connections and pending failures of switchgear that have magnitudes in the
equal surge impedances (Z). order of 20 - 50 mV, with a pulse count greater than 5,000
V2 pulses per second.
P =1/2
V2 \
z Therefore if there is a 50 mV signal at the origin, C2 would
see a magnitude at best of around 1.4 mV, which is highly
unlikely to be of large enough magnitude to stop the timer.
Also, the pulse shape would be so distorted; many systems
would not detect the pulse since the pulse rise time would be
P=1/2 in excess of six nanoseconds (common cut-off point for
z discrimination).
Figure 12 - Ideal scenario how PD energy will split at a "T'
connection Experience has taught that pulse count and partial discharge
intensity (PDI), which is the amount of energy in the pulse, to
As the PD pulse travels from the left to right the Power (P) be a more effective parameter to trend than pulse magnitude.
will equally split at the "T" connection. The magnitude of the
pulse in Volts (V) after the "T" Connection will them be equal In the case of Pulse 2 and 3, the time of arrival system cannot
to the or 0.707 or 70.7% of the original magnitude. differentiate between the locations of the two defects. If the
defect is at location 4, the average total attenuation at the
In actual practice, there are reflections and not all surge sensors will be 13%. With a 20 mV signal (actual case that
impedances will be equal. The writers' experience has was close to failure) the magnitude would be around 2.6 mV,
demonstrated that the average attenuation factor for which is far below the threshold required to reliably trigger the
switchgear to be in the range of 0.5 to 0.7 per cubicle or single timers or even be detectable since the pulse rise time would be
structure based on making measurements in the 1 to 20 MHz in the order of 10 - 20 ns.
bandwidth. If a higher bandwidth is utilized for measurements
the attention factors will be even greater.

PD Power
Through the extensive experienced gained in the industrial E~~~~~~~~~~~
environment, it has been determined that a set of coupling E~~~~~ 5X i 5
capacitors should be placed every three cubicles. For an eight
cubicle layout as shown in Figure 14, it is suggested that one Figure 16 - PD levels distribution with sensors in every cell of a 16
set of capacitors be located in Cubicles 2, 5 and 8 (counting structure system
from the left).
The main purpose of a continuous PD monitoring system is to
Zone o Sensitivity alert the end user that they have a pending problem and to
provide some historical data to assist in the diagnosis. Beyond
that, an expert should be dispatched to perform additional on
/ line testing which may incorporate time of arrival
measurements using temporary sensors in every structure, use
of ultrasonic equipment or simply pulling out a Potential
Transformer drawer.
A central partial discharge monitor can normally obtain data
from fifteen (15) individual PD sensors, as well as monitor
other parameters such as humidity, temperature and load
Sensors currents. These parameters have been shown to greatly help
pinpoint the cause of partial discharge activity and help
Figure 14 - Recommended location of sensors for eight cubicles and provide immediate recommendations for investigation and
approximate "Zone of Sensitivity". correction. The continuous monitor can provide high and high-
high alarm contacts for local indication as well as RS485
Figure 14 also shows the relative "Zone of Sensitivity" for remote connection for remote monitoring and analysis.
each set of sensors. The sensors are common located in the
termination area of the feeder compartments. Ideally SUMMARY
mounting the sensors on the main bus is preferred, but space is
at a premium and many times is inaccessible. Figure 15 The implementation of continuous partial discharge
shows pictures of two common mounting methods. monitoring has been successfully applied to MV switchgear.
This technology also provides a method to properly address
the long-standing maintenance requirements of MV
switchgear bus. This technology was previously been
employed on MV generators and motors in utility generation
stations. The expansion of this technology to MV Switchgear
Bus provides the following system improvements are:
* Reliability improvements via predictive maintenance at
actual operating voltages.
* Reduced number of unexpected outages.
Figure 15 - Common methods of sensor installation * Improved outage planning and allocation of limited
outage resources to investigate potential areas of
Figure 16 shows PD levels in a 16 cubicle lineup of excessive bus insulation deterioration without inspection
switchgear that has sensors installed in nearly every cell. As * of entire switchgear bus.
can be seen there was very little PD measured at the end Older switchgear designs can be retrofitted to include
cubicles, whereas substantial PD activity existed at cubicles 8 continuous partial discharge monitoring as well as new
and 9. The proper allocation of PD sensors throughout the * Remote diagnosticscontaining
switchgear systems
continuous monitoring.
imnmediate expert support
entire line-up ensures full coverage of any potential PD
activity. for analysis and corrective actions
* Improvements in personnel safety due to diagnostics
without access to energized equipment and reduction of
the use of high voltage test equipment to simulate

operating voltages. Regardless of the preventive or company is now a subsidiary of Cutler-Hammer. He develops new
predictive test methods, safety concems should always be technologies for on-line monitoring and diagnostics of high voltage
given the highest priority and checked prior to any electrical equipment and provides on-site expert evaluations of
actions. equipment condition for electric utilities and industrial customers.
Igor Blokhintsev received his MD in both Mathematics and Physics
Also reviewed were the issues related to PD signal attenuation from the Moscow State University, Russia. Mr. Blokhintsev has
and using time of arrival principles from a PD monitor as a extensive experience in research and design for space exploration
method of defect location. It is evident that multiple sets of applications. Since 1995 he has devoted his efforts to the field of
sensors need to be installed in order to provide appropriate diagnosis of High Voltage apparatus through Partial Discharge
detection of pending defects. analysis initially as a field engineer, then as an expert in this field and
a designer of the new diagnostic technologies. Currently he holds the
REFERENCES position of a Senior Engineer with Cutler-Hammer Predictive
Diagnostics, a department of Cutler-Hammer Engineering Services.
He has over 40 publications.
[I] IEEE Standard 493-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for
Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems - Gold
Book, IEEE Inc., New York, NY, 1998.
[21 Moubray, J, Reliability Centered Maintenance, 2nd Edition,
Industrial Press Inc, New York, NY,1997-Appendix 4
[31 P. Gill, Electrical Power Eguipment Maintenance and Testing,
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, 1998
[41 Paoletti, G, Blokhintsev, I, Golubev, A., "On-Line Condition
Assessment of MV Electrical Switchgear and Ancillary Equipment
via Partial Discharge Technology", EPRI 9th Annual Substation
Conference, New Orleans, Feb. 2000
[5] James E. Smith, "Corona (Partial Discharge) Testing of Metalclad
Switchgear", The Association of Professional Engineers of the
Province of Ontario, 1985
[6] Paoletti et al, The Most Ignored Maintenance Electrical Item in
the Plant Power Distribution System and Practical Solutions, PIC -
Europe, August 2005, Basil Switzerland

Claude Kane has nearly 30 years of experience in the installation
and preventive and predictive maintenance practices on a large
variety of power distribution and generation equipment. He
graduated from the Milwaukee School of Engineering in February
1973. He started with Westinghouse as a field service engineer and
has held a number of technical and management positions. He has
presented numerous technical papers on the subject of partial
discharge at numerous IEEE conferences. He also was on the
committee for the development of the IEEE Guidelines for the
Measurement and Analysis of Partial Discharge on Rotating
Equipment (P-1434). Claude has recently joined Eaton Electrical and
is the Engineering Manager for the Eaton Electrical Predictive
Diagnostics Group, based in Minneapolis, MN.
Dr. Alexander Golubev received his MS in Experimental Physics
and Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics from the Moscow Physical
Technical Institute (Russia) in 1978 and 1985, respectively. He has
an extensive experience in research and design in Laser and Electron
Beam Generation, Plasma Coatings, High Frequency Measurements.
Since 1995 he is a Manager of R&D Engineering of IPDD. This


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