4.-Political Development

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CE 146 – Civil Engineering Project 2

Political Development of such freedoms as association and

expression. Linkages between economic
Broadly, the development of the
progress and political development are
institutions, attitudes, and values that form
much debated. The former has traditionally
the political power system of a society.
been seen as a begetter or facilitator of the
Political development has been defined in
latter, through the agency of intervening
many ways that reflect the passage of
variables like the spread of literacy and rise
societies' and analysts' preoccupations.
of plural interest groups, the accumulation of
One formulation dwell on the independent financial power and economic
emergence of national sovereignty and strength in society.
the integrity of the state, demanding respect,
Cross‐cutting cleavages created by
and upholding commitments in the
economic specialization and differentiation
international system. Others identify the
moderate social conflict. More recently
domestic attributes of constitutional order
democratization and good governance have
and political stability, attained through the
been portrayed both as constitutive of
formation of a settled framework of
political development and as conditions for
government, reliable procedures for
sustained economic development in
leadership succession, and a consolidation
developing areas and post‐communist
of the territorial administrative reach of
societies. The rule of law (and thus respect
government institutions. This conspectus
for property rights) and the development of
owes to the fascination exerted by nation‐
civil society are also included although the
building and state‐building in new states of
relationships with democratization are not
Africa and Asia. It also relates to earlier
well understood. For example, there is a
studies of legal‐rational authority: an
debate over sequencing, over whether the
endowment of coercive powers and
rule of law and some amount of
the ability to command obedience.
associational life must exist before
The establishment of bureaucracy,
movement towards liberal democracy
displaying characteristics like division of
becomes truly possible. The embedding of
labor and functional specialization, hierarchy
human rights is another central plank. The
and chain of command, and merit‐based
enduring problem of political development
recruitment, is connected.
for some divided societies, as in former
Political development enhances the Yugoslavia and especially in what the World
state's capacity to mobilize and allocate Bank calls low-income countries under
resources, to process policy inputs into stress, remains how to combine political
implementable outputs. This assists with stability with political liberalization and
problem‐solving and adaptation to democratization. Another challenge is
environmental changes and goalrealization. safeguarding democratic transition and
The contemporary notion of good consolidation amid drastic economic
governance also dwells on efficient, restructuring (see structural adjustment),
effective, and non‐corrupt public where that engenders popular
administration. Many Marxists define dissatisfaction and threatens a rise in
political development in advanced industrial political extremism. Political development
societies in terms of the growth of the class touches not just on formal constitutional and
consciousness and political organization of organizational arrangements but also on
the proletariat, leading, ultimately, to the such informal institutions as actual political
overthrow of capitalism and the approach of relationships, for example patron clientelism.
communism. A more common (though Thus, changes in attitudes and political
ethnocentric) and currently very fashionable culture are relevant too. All this places’ limits
view is progress towards liberal democracy, on how far political development can be
involving accountable government, and imported or imposed from without.
opportunities for participation (also seen by What is the political development?
some as an aspect of modernization, rather
than development), through the exercise
Compiled by: Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado for Classroom use only (June 1985)
This works can be reproduce by Students who are currently enrolled the subject “only for their classroom
activities and not for their intention to sell or for whatever profit purposes”.
Ultimately, political development can be What is the role of government in
defined as an increase in national political development?
unity and an increase in political
In the early stages of sustained
growth, government has often provided
What are the agents of political incentives for entrepreneurship to take hold.
development? In some economies the development of
transportation, power, and other utilities has
Agents of socialization, sometimes
been carried out by then government. In
referred to as institutions, work together to
others the government has offered financial
influence and shape people's political and
inducements and subsidies.
economic norms and values. Such
institutions include, but are not limited to: What do you mean by political?
families, media, peers, schools, religions,
Politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά,
work and legal systems.
politiká, 'affairs of the cities') is the set of
What is political modernization and activities that are associated with making
development? decisions in groups, or other forms of power
relations among individuals, such as the
Political modernization (also spelled
distribution of resources or status.
as political modernisation; Chinese: 政治現
代化), refers to the process of development What is politics in simple words?
and evolution from a lower to a higher level, Politics is the way that people living in
in which a country's constitutional system groups make decisions.
and political life moves from superstition of Politics is about making agreements
authority, autocracy and the rule of man to between people so that they
rationality, autonomy ... can live together in groups such as tribes,
What is social and political development? cities, or countries. In large groups, such as
countries, some people may spend a lot of
SPD is the process by which their time making such agreements.
individuals acquire the knowledge, analytical
skills, emotional faculties, and the capacity What is political development approach in
for action in political and social systems comparative politics?
necessary to interpret and resist oppression. According to Alfred Diamont, “political
Which is the most important indicator of development is a process which aims at a
political development? particular condition, but one which creates
an institutional framework for solving an
The effectiveness of bureaucracy is ever-widening range of social problems”.
one of the most important indicators of
political development. What is the importance of development?

What is the concept of development in As well as creating better jobs,

political economy? development is important for a country
because it improves business and trade. As
The Political Economy and country because it improves business and
Development track studies how the interplay trade. As countries develop more
between the economic system, politics, and international companies move in and trade
institutions allocates resources and with other countries grows. This further
generates incentives. Topics include improves the country’s economy and also
markets, poverty, welfare, inequality, further increases the range of good jobs on
taxation, regimes, transitions, growth, offer.
ethnicity, religion, and culture.
How is social development related to
What are the characteristics of political development?
development in political science?
These social changes imply political
3 Important Characteristics of “Political changes. Greater proportions of the
Development” population find themselves in life situations
(1) Equality: which lead to increased political information,
political awareness, sense of personal
(2) Capacity: political efficacy, and other relevant
(3) Differentiation and Specializations:
Compiled by: Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado for Classroom use only (June 1985)
This works can be reproduce by Students who are currently enrolled the subject “only for their classroom
activities and not for their intention to sell or for whatever profit purposes”.
What are the main points in developing How can the government contribute to
political skills? the development of the community?
6 Characteristics Associated with Political Local governments can initiate a
Skills community's economic planning efforts, to
build on their official community plan and
1. Social astuteness.
role of shaping community growth and
2. Interpersonal influence. determining land use. Local government
functions that influence economic
3. Networking ability. development and planning include Planning
4. Thinking before speaking. and zoning bylaws. Taxation.

5. Managing up. What is the Role of Local Government?

6. Apparent sincerity. Local Governments and Economic

Development Strategy
What is political sustainable
development? Local governments are key in leading or
supporting the creation of
The Brundtland Commission defined an economic development strategy. The
sustainable development as “development strategy's success will have a direct effect on
that meets the needs of the present without a community's tax base. The goal is to
compromising the ability of future provide revenue to maintain, grow and
generations to meet their own improve local infrastructure and community
needs”. services.
What are the main features of Local governments can initiate a
development? community's economic planning efforts, to
These are: build on their official community plan and
role of shaping community growth and
• It is a continuous process. determining land use.
• It follows a particular pattern like Local government functions that influence
infancy, childhood, adolescence, economic development and planning
maturity. include:
• Most traits are correlated in Planning and zoning bylaws
• It is the result of interaction between
individuals and environment. • Local business support

• It is predictable. • Collaborating between communities

and in the larger region
• It is both quantitative and qualitative.
• Accessing and using programs
What are the elements of development? offered by provincial and federal
These are (l) human resources, (2) natural
resources, (3) capital formation, and (4) • Advocating for community economic
technology: These four wheels operate in development priorities with
rich and poor countries, although the mix governments and industry
and strategy for combining them will differ
depending on the state of development. The benefits of local government activities
that support economic development
What is government policy include:
Helping create and keep stable, well-paying
Strategy and Policy Development involves jobs in the community
planning how to develop, draft, and prepare
for enactment of your policy. Improving the quality of life by providing:
2.1. Improved services
2.2. Environmental and recreational

Compiled by: Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado for Classroom use only (June 1985)
This works can be reproduce by Students who are currently enrolled the subject “only for their classroom
activities and not for their intention to sell or for whatever profit purposes”.
2.3 Cultural and social activities As of 2020, 2.37 billion people are without
food or unable to eat a healthy balanced diet,
hence the goal of zero hunger. “Zero
Promoting Economic Development Hunger” sets out to end hunger, achieve
food security, improve nutrition, and promote
Local governments can promote economic sustainable agriculture. The global
development by: pandemic has only worsened global hunger,
• Keeping your community members seeing as many as 161 million additional
informed and include them people will experience hunger as a result.
whenever possible in the Regarding women, 1/3 of those at a
decision making and marketing of reproductive age experience Anemia due to
the community. nutritional deficiencies.

• Promoting the growth of all economic Good Health and Well-Being.

sectors in the region With a focus on increasing life expectancy
• Encouraging sustainable business and reducing common children and maternal
practices diseases and killers, this goal targets
ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-
• Creating an official community plan being for all ages. The global pandemic has
and a strategic plan only made health disparities more apparent,
halting and even reducing life-expectancy
• Developing, using and promoting
business retention strategies
Quality Education.
• Identify and market the community's
assets. This goal ensures inclusive and equitable
quality education and promotes lifelong
• Creating projects that support learning for all. Sadly, COVID-19 reversed
economic development. years of education gains, and many
• Acting as point of contact for possible countries lack basic school infrastructure.
investors; providing accurate in education
information, encouragement and
support. Gender Equality.

• Championing current economic SDG 5 targets to achieve gender equality

development plans; reviewing and and empower all women and girls. The
updating as needed percentage of women who work in national
parliaments, local governments, and in
• Identifying key members for boards managerial positions is still significantly less
and assignments than that of men. Not to mention 1 in 3
• Working with and supporting women are subject to
economic development officers Clean Water and Sanitation.
• Building a shared understanding with The availability and sustainable
the community that economic management of water and sanitation
development is a long-term process ensures safe water for drinking, sanitation,
and success must be measured over and hygiene, yet 2.3 billion people live in
time. water-stressed countries.
Sustainable Development. Affordable and Clean Energy.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Almost 800 million people lack access to
electricity and 1/3 of the population uses
No Poverty.
dangerous cooking systems. This puts into
With a projected global poverty rate of 7% in perspective why this goal aims to ensure
2030, the equivalent of 598,394,116 people, affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern
this UN goal aims to end poverty of all kinds. energy.
The COVID-19 conflict set back poverty Decent Work and Economic Growth.
reduction progress.
Especially after the global pandemic,
Zero Hunger. joblessness and unemployment is
Compiled by: Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado for Classroom use only (June 1985)
This works can be reproduce by Students who are currently enrolled the subject “only for their classroom
activities and not for their intention to sell or for whatever profit purposes”.
extremely prevalent, making this goal of sustainable development. We, as a
promoting sustained, inclusive, and population, rely heavily on our oceans for
sustainable economic growth and productive food, tourism, recreational activities, and
employment and decent work ever more global trade. In fact, 3 billion people rely on
important. the ocean for their livelihood. However, our
oceans are under severe threat. Over half of
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.
key marine biodiversity areas are
Resilient infrastructure, inclusive and unprotected, and dead zones, zones lacking
sustainable industrialization, and innovation oxygen to support marine life, are rising. It is
is the objective of this sustainable thus imperative we protect our oceans
development goal. Enhancing rural road better.
connectivity, increasing research and
Life on Land.
development investment, and manufacturing
high tech products helps stabilize This goal overall promotes the health of land
infrastructure. life. It includes protecting, restoring, and
promoting land ecosystems, managing
Reduced Inequalities.
forests sustainably. Combatting
This sustainable development goal focuses desertification and halting and reversing
on reducing inequalities within and among land degradation and biodiversity loss. With
countries. Income inequality, the refugee many species under threat and ever-
crises, and inequality indexes all show that increasing biodiversity loss, it is essential we
certain areas and countries are highly more take better care of land ecosystems.
beneficial to live in than others. Living
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
standards between countries are very
unbalanced policies to reduce inequality, This goal involves reducing conflict,
wage and fiscal equality, better financial insecurity, and weak institutions by means of
market and institution regulation, legitimate promoting peace and inclusivity for
institutions that represent developing sustainable development and justice for all.
countries in global decisions, and safe
Partnership for the Goals
This last goal aims to help realize strong
Sustainable Cities and Communities.
partnership and global cooperation for the
This goal promotes making cities and human SDGs.
settlements safer, resilient, and sustainable
What Is the 2030 Agenda?
through use of national urban policies, more
access to public spaces, convenient public The 17 goals came with the adaptation of the
transportation, and the reduction of slums. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
which was adopted by all United Nations
Member States in 2015. These goals are
Responsible Consumption and associated with this
Production. agenda. The 2030 Agenda “is a plan of
action for people, planet, and prosperity,”
Ensuring sustainable consumption and
and the goals show the dedication of the UN
production patterns, as a goal, aims to
to this plan of action.
reduce climate change and negative
environmental impacts.
Climate Action.
Climate action is a goal involving the fight
against climate change and its impacts.
Rising greenhouse gas emissions, an
average global temperature increase, and
increased spending due to climate change
are all negative results of climate change.
Life Below Water.
The Life Below Water goal focuses on
conserving and sustainably using our
oceans, seas, and marine resources for
Compiled by: Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado for Classroom use only (June 1985)
This works can be reproduce by Students who are currently enrolled the subject “only for their classroom
activities and not for their intention to sell or for whatever profit purposes”.

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