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Technology is developing and progressing every day. This advanced future is a part of our life.

When we look the our daily routines and daily activities we can easily see technological equipment
everywhere. This technological development makes our life easier and faster. Also education is a part
of our life and it is goes on every age so technology must be in education system.

Firstly with technology we can reach the education everywhere and it gives a more
comfortable studying area. For example we can study at our houses and we don’t need go to school.
If we are sick or we have health problems and they are made a problem for us but with technology
we don’t drop out school, we can continue our education even we are at home.

Secondly, impact is technology gives us active learning system with projectors and smart
boards. In old time the people didn’t have so much opportunities than now. For example for physic
lessons students had trouble with motion of subjects or in chemistry what will happen when we mix
some of the elements? But now we can easily reach all these kind of information on the internet. If
we separate education and technology, we will have face with many education problem.

To sum up, with technology a big part of our life changed. It also change our education form.
My idea is this changing give more positive effect and make easy our life. It gives and opportunity we
can study and learn where we ever want. So technology must be in education we must use education
and technology together.

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