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~ 18 ~

สาระการเรียนรูที่ 3
Past Continuous

Kate is interviewing Sally Jarvis about an unusual invention which she wants to write about in her
school magazine. Read the interview. What costs Sally less money now?

Kate: Sally, what exactly is a solar even?

Sally: It’s an oven that uses heat from the sun instead of electricity.
Kate: Amazing! When did you become interested in solar evens?
Sally: A couple of years ago. I was making an effort to save energy at home when a friend told me
about solar evens. I thought it sounded like a great method of cooking, so I tried it.
Kate: And did you buy one?
Sally: No, I did some research and I made my own! I found some basic instructions on the Internet
and just followed them!
Kate: And how does it work?
Sally: It’s simple. The oven, which must be outside, is a black box with a glass lid. Around it there
are reflectors made of aluminum foil. These reflect the sun’s rays onto the box and create heat,
which cooks the food inside.
Kate: How hot is it inside the oven?
Sally: The temperature is between 150 and 250 degree Celsius on a sunny day.
Kate: Wow! And does it do the job of cooking well?
Sally: Yes. When I first used the oven, I didn’t think the food would be so delicious. I was
expecting it to be tasteless and watery, but fortunately it was fantastic.
Kate: It saves money, too.
Sally: Exactly. I used to spend a lot of money on electricity, but solar power is free!
Kate: Can you only use solar evens when it’s sunny?
Sally: No, that’s what I used to think, but they work on cloudy days too. It just takes longer to
cook the food.
Kate: Well, they sound like a brilliant idea! Thanks for talking to me, Sally.
Sally: No problem!

Write R (Right), W (Wrong) or DS (Doesn’t say).
1. Sally’s friend used a solar oven before Sally did. (.........)
2. Sally bought a solar oven on the Internet. (.........)
3. The oven works outdoors and indoors. (.........)
4. A meal takes two hours to cook at 250 degrees. (.........)
5. Sally thought the food she first cooked in the oven wouldn’t be tasty. (.........)
6. You can’t use the oven when there isn’t much sun. (.........)

Fundamental English for Mattayom 1-3 Watcharapol Malaiwong.

~ 19 ~

Circle the correct words.
1. Do many people use solar (electricity / power) at home?
2. (Expect / Follow) the instructions on the phone card to make a call.
3. Look at how the water (saves / reflects) the light.
4. The (rays / lids) of the sun make the different colours in a rainbow.
5. Jim wants to (create / spend) his own website.
6. Fridges keep food at a low (degree / temperature).

Complete the table with these words.

a decision a difference a favour a job a mistake

a sound an effort an experiment homework research

make do

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense มีโครงสรCางประโยค ดังนี้
Subject + was/were +
หลักการใชC Past Continuous Tense มีดังนี้
1. ใชCกับเหตุการณXที่กําลังเกิดขึ้นและมีเหตุการณXอีกอยaางหนึ่งที่ใชCเวลาสั้นกวaาเกิดขึ้นขัดจังหวะ เชaน คน
กําลังกินขCาว และมีเสียงโทรศัพทXดังขึ้น คนกําลังกินขCาว เปfนเหตุการณXที่กําลังเกิดขึ้นกaอนแลCว และ
กําลังดําเนินอยูa แตaขณะกําลังดําเนินอยูaนนั้ ก็มีเสียงโทรศัพทXดังขึ้น เหตุการณXที่กําลังเกิดขึ้นแลCวในอดีต
จะใชCเปfน Past Continuous Tense และเหตุการณXที่เกิดขึ้นมาขัดจังหวะ จะใชCเปfน Past Simple
เชaน While I was eating, a telephone rang.
I was watching TV when she called.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
My friends were waiting for me when I got off the bus.
2. มีการระบุเวลาทีช่ ัดเจนในอดีต เพื่อระบุวaากําลังทําอะไรอยูa
เชaน Last night at 6PM, I was eating dinner.
We were still talking at midnight.
3. ใชCบอกวaามีเหตุการณX 2 เหตุการณXกําลังเกิดขึ้นพรCอมกัน
เชaน I was working in the garden while my wife was making dinner.
While Suda was reading, Somsak was watching television.

Fundamental English for Mattayom 1-3 Watcharapol Malaiwong.

~ 20 ~

Complete the dialogue with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ............................ (tell) Anna about my new hobby.
2. Yesterday morning, it ......................... (rain) and we ....................... (play) football.
3. The twins ........................... (not play) outside because it was cold.
4. The new DVD player .......................... (not work) last night.
5. They ............................. (eat) ice cream in the café at lunchtime.

Write the affirmative, negative sentence and questions with the Past Continuous.

1. Sam / watch TV / last night

2. Tom / paint a picture / this morning
3. This girls / have lunch / yesterday at 12.30
4. George / swimming / at this time yesterday
5. They / eat lunch / in their kitchen / on Sunday
6. Sarah / study / from five o’clock till eight

Fundamental English for Mattayom 1-3 Watcharapol Malaiwong.

~ 21 ~

Complete the paragraph with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in

Bette Nesmith Graham was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1924. She .................... (not want) to be an
inventor. In fact, she ..................... (hope) to become an artist when she ...................... (get) a job as a
secretary after World War II. While she .......................... (work) as secretary, she .......................... (think)
of a good way to cover and correct the mistakes which she made on her electric typewriter. One
day, she ..................... (put) some white paint in a bottle and took it to work with her. While she
....................... (write) a letter, she put the paint on the mistakes and they ............................
(disappear)! She called her invention Mistake Out. Later it became famous and we still use it
today. We call it Liquid Paper.

Complete the article with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Life On Mars?
The Phoenix Mars Lander .......................... (take off) on 4th August 2007 and after a seven-
month journey it ........................ (land) on Mars in May 2008. A short time later, it ................... (make)
an amazing discovery.
While the ‘arm’ of the lander ............................. (dig) in the soil, something shiny ......................
(appear). The camera on the ‘arm’ .......................... (allow) scientists on earth to see this, and they
...................... (be) very excited about the discovery. As science expert Joseph Rogers explains: ‘The
scientists had found what they ....................... (look) for – ice! Ice means water, and water means
that one day humans might be able to live on the red planet.’

Fundamental English for Mattayom 1-3 Watcharapol Malaiwong.

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