Wedding 1962

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Book Reviews 115

Concise, Organized, Diversified Cases

by David Faville.
(Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961. Pp. xiii, 352. Text: $4.95.
Trade edition: $6.60.)

This new addition to case books in marketing puts case are appropriate, thought-provoking, and directed
emphasis upon the managerial and decision-making toward decision-making aspects of marketing manage-
aspects of the field. The book contains a total of 92 ment. The author indicates that certain cases are
cases; no text material is included. designed to serve as "springboard" cases from which
Selected Cases in Marketing Management achieves the instructor may launch class discussion. Others have
good coverage of the areas of marketing management more adequate information and depth within themselves
with added sections on consumer attitudes and the use and may be used for written reports.
of marketing research. The book is divided into ten Case subject matter, as to type of marketing institu-
sections as follows: tion, is well diversified. In addition to manufacturers,
Section 1. Attitudes of the Consumer-9 cases cases deal with marketing problems of retailers, such
Section 2. The Use of Marketing Research in De- as chains, variety, women's specialty, electrical appli-
cision Making-7 cases ance dealers, and department stores. Distributors, agri-
Section 3. Product Planning, Policy, and Develop- cultural co-operatives, and agents are also represented.
ment-12 cases Of the total of 92 cases, 15 deal with industrial goods.
Section 4. Selection of Channels of Distribution- Among the out-of-the-ordinary features of the book are
12 cases such subjects as marketing of specialty agricultural
Section 5. Decision on Change in Channels of Dis- products, management of marketing services, and
tribution-8 cases influence of labor unions on marketing decisions. Thir-
Section 6. Management of Personal Selling-10 teen of the cases deal with European companies, and,
cases the author says, were included to aid in developing a
Section 7. Advertising Policy-10 cases better understanding of the nature of the marketing
Section 8. Management of Sales Promotion-8 manager's problems abroad.
cases A teachers' manual provides alternatives and sug-
Section 9. Price Consideration in Marketing Strat- gestions and indicates preferred decisions for each
egy-10 cases case. The book should make a most useful and welcome
Section 10. Marketing Programs-6 cases addition to a field which has constant need for ade-
Cases are brief, concise, and well organized. They will quate, appropriate case material.
probably be appreciated most by instructors whose ob-
jectives and teaching methods are suited to the short- NUGENT WEDDING
problem type of case. Questions at the end of each University of Illinois

Toward Liberalization of Advertising ...

and Vernon Fryburger.
(Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1960. Pp. ix, 499. $6.00.)

It will be no news to the readers of the J.oURNAL OF in 1955, the Wharton School established a course in
MARKETING that a major revolution is taking place on Fundamentals of Promotion which attempted to analyze
business school campuses all over the country. Sparked the place of adverticing in our society, show the psy-
chological basis of persuasion, analyze the economic,
by various studies of the past few years highly critical
ethical, moral, and political implications, and discuss
of extant business courses, curriculum committees have present and possible formal and informal social con-
been busy reexamining the old offerings. In reaction trols over the fields of advertising, selling, and public
to criticisms that there are too many "cookbook" relations. Those charged with developing sources looked
courses which stress business procedures instead of in vain for a suitable textbook. Therefore, articles,
principles and theory; that courses fail to be inter- monographs and excerpts from books were collected and
disciplinary and ignore the substantial literature of reproduced by mimeograph for the students. The qual-
sociology, psychology, economics, etc. that would liber- ity of these was uneven and few dovetailed nicely into
alize business subjects; and that students are not being the various topic areas assigned. For some areas, in-
trained to be responsible citizens capable of exerting deed, there were simply no suitable materials, and
needed leadership in public affairs, courses are being the instructors had to impart knowledge by lectures.
developed that try to explain "why" rather than "how." The readings in The Role of Advertising by Sandage
Advertising is no exception to the rule. For example, and Fryburger are for the most part worth-while and

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