2 - June - 24 - The Global New Light of Myanmar

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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. XI, No. 47, 11 th Waning of Kason 1386 ME www.gnlm.com.mm Sunday, 2 June 2024

30th Pakokku Literary Award winners announced

PAKOKKU Literary Award Fund Awards and Literary Awards. the Literary Award for Lifetime with ‘Metta Nway Htway Par short stories genre, Ameithar
Supervisory Committee released Sayagyi U Khin Aung Achievement. Thi’, whereas the third prize to (Natmauk) won the first prize
the winners of the 30th Pakok- (Shwebo Bamahti Khin Aung) Author Nyein Nyo won the Nay Soe Thaw with ‘Sate’ (mind) with
ku U Ohn Pe Lifetime Literary and U Tint Lwin (Tet Lu) won second prize in the novel genre manuscript. In the collected SEE PAGE-2


efforts to
eradicate illegal
A large sculpture unearthed during the excavation of the Hanlin Palace city wall and Hanlin research team.

Enhanced conservation plan proposed NATIONAL PAGE-4

for Hanlin, recognized as key cultural

heritage site in Myanmar
HE ancient Pyu city of Hanlin, underground magnetic scanner, a solid guard image, as we guess from the fact
which is a World Heritage Site image was found, he said. that it is in Beikthano. But what we found
as well as an essential cultural The Hanlin section is trying to make at Beikthano is just a piece of leg. It is More than 6.2 million students
link for Myanmar, should be preserved a temporary shelter to protect these possible to unearth the complete statue enrolled at basic education
with a higher standard plan, U Kyaw cracked pieces of boulder and minimize of Hanlin. If we cannot do it thoroughly, schools for 2024-25 AY
Myo Win, director of the Department the damage. it could be damaged. There may be a
of Archaeology and National Museum A broken sandstone leg of a human similar statue that is not very far from
(Bagan Branch), suggested on his Face- statue unearthed on either side of the here. The Hanlin section submitted pres- BUSINESS PAGE-7
book page. gate to the palace at Beikthano’s Mound ervation plans to the director-general.
Hanlin, along with Beikthano and No KKG 8 is now on display at the Beik- We have discussed it several times in
Sriksetra, was inscribed on UNESCO’s thano Museum. It is consistent with the meetings. We have also made site visits.
World Heritage List on 22 June 2014. findings at Hanlin that the site of such Thanks to the efforts of the researchers,
Subsequent research revealed that the a giant statue could be the palace en- we can now open this rock to the pub-
city wall of Hanlin, previously thought to trance. For fear of damaging any possible lic with minimum damage. We should
be rectangular, was actually square, and paintings on the underside of the statue thank the Hanlin research team, which
the map had to be redrawn. if it is turned up hurriedly, the face-down had to work hard every day. While other
A vast sandstone slab found upside statue found at Hanlin has been left in sections were working two weeks on
down was assumed to be a human face situ for a few years before a temporary and two weeks off, they were tirelessly
because it had Kanote (floral writing) shelter could be constructed. The rock trying to recover this image in its original Myanmar signs MoU
similar to a human face, eyebrows and is 11.5 feet high, five feet wide, and 1-1.5 form in the jungle,” said U Kyaw Myo with Vietnam to bolster
hairs. When a slightly swollen hill not feet thick. Win. — MT/ZN
very far away was examined with an “This cracked statue could be a
coconut sector
2 JUNE 2024

400+ Japanese companies
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
State Administration Council to recruit over 1,300
Myanmar workers
Notification 106/2024
10th Waning of Kason 1386 ME
1 June 2024

Date set for Patent Law to come into force

THE Patent Law enacted as the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No 7 in 2019 came into force on 31
May 2024 (9th Waning of Kason 1386 Myanmar Era), according to Sub-Section (b) of Section 1
of this law.
I hereby sign this law under Section 419 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of
Min Aung Hlaing
Senior General
State Administration Council
The Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo, Japan.

MORE than 400 Japanese embassy said it has carried out

companies will provide jobs verification of demand letters

30th Pakokku Literary Award for more than 1,300 Myanmar

workers, according to a state-
ment issued by the Myanmar
sent by the Ministry of Labour
via the Ministry of Foreign Af-

winners announced Embassy to Japan on 31 May.

The Myanmar Embassy
has carried out verification of
It verifies whether labour
supervisory companies and
factories or companies that
demand letters organized in offer jobs in Japan are official-
order of date of receiving a re- ly established and re-submits
ply from Japanese companies, its findings and remarks to the
and the statement says that 409 Ministry of Labour through the
demand letters were received Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
until 21 April 2024 and submit- According to the letter from
ted to the Ministry of Foreign the embassy on 15 May, more
Affairs after verification. than 400 Japanese firms will
According to the statement, recruit more than 1,300 Myan-
more than 400 Japanese com- mar workers, and according to
panies will employ more than the letter dated 30 April, more
400 Myanmar male workers and than 400 Japanese companies
more than 940 Myanmar female will reportedly recruit more
The 29th Pakokku Literary Award presentation event in 2023. workers, totalling more than than 1,100 Myanmar workers.
1,300 Myanmar workers. The — MT/ZN
FROM PAGE-1 Yin Kyay Hmu Anu Lat Yar Myar’, the second
‘Muthar Cho Cho and other stories’, the second prize by Ko Zaw Htay (Culture) with ‘So Ka Yay
prize to Ko Ni Thway (Mann Myo) with ‘The Tee Yoe Yar Khayee’ and the third prize by Lat
Shortest Story, the Longest Play, and other sto- Yar (Myitta Tagun) with ‘La Pyae Nae Phwar
The people are urged to receive vaccination of
ries’, the third prize to Tun Hlaing (Myaing) Myanmar Lu Kyaw Myar’. Covid-19 without fail as full-time vaccination
with ‘Native Town and Friend and short stories’. The Pakukko Scholarship Award was won by of Covid-19 and receiving booster shots can
In the collected poem genre, Kaung Nwe Ma Thant Phyu Phyu Tun (second-year painting)
won the first prize with ‘Yaung Ni Than Chein from the University of National Culture and Arts effectively mitigate infection of the virus, severe
Pan Pwint Chein’, the second prize to Shwe and Maung Min Thu Han Kyaw (second-year suffering from the disease and increase of death
Minthar (Sagaing) with ‘Hmway Mya Gone Yi painting) from the University of National Culture
Sar Pan Thi Kabyar Myar’, the third prize to and Arts (Mandalay).
rate due to the disease.
Kanaung Naing Nwe Oo with ‘Bawa Tay Than The 30th Pakokku U Ohn Pe Library Award
Kabyar Myar’. went to Khin Maung Win (Anyamyay) for his
In the genre of the treatise, Ko Toe (Yan book 'The Village I know' and Saya Thae ‘Thaya
Kin) won the first prize in ‘Life and Literature
of Konboung Khit Sarso Lat Wae Thondara’,
Dway Linka Ahpwint Kyan’. The cash prize is
K1 million for the Pakukko Literary Award for Selling or renting citizenship scru-
the second prize by U Win Myint Maung (Linn Lifetime Achievement, K700,000 for the first prize tiny cards, mobile SIM cards, mo-
bile payment accounts, or bank ac-
AryonOo) with ‘Yadanabon Aein Shae San’, the of the Pakukko Literary Award, K500,000 for the
third prize to Thet Oo Maung with ‘Movie and second prize, and K40,000 for the third prize.
Political Affairs, Nationalism Role’. Winners must contact the chief editor of the counts to unauthorized individuals
may result in legal action.
In the research genre, the first prize was Sarpay Beikman and the administration section,
won by Marn Thit Nyein (Archaeology) with and the prize-presenting ceremony date and
‘Sri Ksetra Pyu Toh Ei Shwe Htal Ngwe Htal venue will be notified later. — TWA/KTZH
2 JUNE 2024

Union Information Minister discusses music
industry development
UNION Minister for Information Naing explained the construc-
U Maung Maung Ohn met with tion structure of Sarso Beikman,
officials from the music industry cost and location.
at the meeting hall of Myanmar Then, the Union minister
Music Association (Central) in said Sarso Beikman is a place
Yangon yesterday. for intellectuals and people for
The Union minister first their recreation, literary talks
highlighted the critical role of and peaceful reading sessions.
artistes in easing the pain of the It is an essential building for the
public and the massive participa- country. It will be constructed
tion of those who represent the with the help of India, showing
youths and serve for the sake of the bilateral relationship be-
the people. tween the two countries. He con-
He continued that cooper- tinued that the Prime Minister
ation is required to ensure the also instructed the implementa-
rights of musicians. The event to tion of the building as quickly as
celebrate Myanmar Music Day possible in accordance with the
will be held at the National Thea- rules and regulations.
tre on 27 June. The artistes from At noon, the Union minister
Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn is seen at the meeting for the reorganizing of the
various levels of the music indus- met the chairman of the Myan-
Myanmar Music Association, holding of Myanmar Music Day and Music Academy Award events and
try should work together in unity copyrights. PHOTO : MNA mar Press Council and jour-
for that entertainment event, and nalists at the Motion Pictures
the government will also provide Academy in detail and collect the after hearing the presentations On arrival at the site, region Branch in Bahan Township and
the needed assistance. attitudes of the artistes from the made by the attendees. Social Affairs Minister U Htay discussed matters related to the
He then stressed the need music industry so as to consid- The Union minister pro- Aung, Permanent Secretary U publications of newspapers and
to set the rules and regulations er the weaknesses for coming ceeded to the plot for Sarso Win Kyaw Aung and acting direc- journals, accurate news cover-
to select the categories of prizes events. Beikman in Mingala Taungnyunt tor-general of the Printing and age and distribution processes.
and numbers of prizes for Music He concluded the meeting Township. Publishing Department U Ko Ko — MNA/KTZH

Union Health Minister unveils new medical buildings in Bago

THE opening ceremony of the The Union minister and
Aung Thukha four-story medical officials then inspected the
ward building at Bago Gener- Emergency and Out-Patent De-
al Hospital was held yesterday partment, Haemodialysis De-
morning, attended by Union Min- partment, Intensive Care Rooms
ister for Health Dr Thet Khaing and medical wards for monks of
Win, Bago Region Chief Minister the new building.
U Myo Swe Win, regional minis- The new Aung Thukha
ters, senior Tatmadaw officers, four-storey medical building has
departmental officials, medical an area of 9,940 square feet and is
staff, and guests. well-built with a good structure.
The Union minister, the It also has five haemodialysis
Bago Region chief minister, Ag- machines and other medical
gamaha Thirithudama Theingi equipment worth K5,299.9 mil-
Mahasadhamma Jotikadhaza lion. Therefore, patients with
Daw Ni Ni, Dr Moe Kyaw Thu chronic renal failure will be able
(MD – Rain Forest Co Ltd), a to receive haemodialysis treat-
representative of Aung Thu ment comfortably.
Kha Yawgis, Director-General Furthermore, the Union
Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win inspects hospital equipment at the Aung Thukha four-storey
of Medical Services Department minister and officials contributed
medical building in Bago Region, on 1 June 2024.
Dr Myat Wunna Soe opened the to the children who underwent
building and sprinkled the in- the repair surgery for cleft lips In the afternoon, they also of a new building for cold storage a total cost of US$336,000, and
scription with scented water. and cleft palates. attended the opening ceremony medical store (Bago), built at inspected it. — MNA/TRKM

Daily newspapers available online

FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon and the Global New Light of Myanmar, published daily by the Ministry of Information, please visit
www.moi.gov.mm/mal, www.moi.gov.mm/km, www.moi.gov.mm/nlm and www.gnlm.com.mm/e-paper.
News and Periodicals Enterprise
2 JUNE 2024

More than 6.2 million students enrolled at basic
education schools for 2024-25 AY
AS primary, middle and high stationery and school text-
schools under the Depart- books provided by the Ministry
ment of Basic Education will of Education were presented
be opened on 3 June for the to students.
2024-25 academic year, enrol- Up to the 10th day of the
ment of students is admitted by school enrolment week on 1
setting the school enrolment June, a total of 6,275,691 stu-
week from 23 May to 2 June. dents have enrolled at basic
Yesterday, school heads, education schools, private
those in charge of schools and schools and monastic edu-
teachers of relevant basic ed- cation schools in all regions
ucation schools in regions and and states, and students are
states assisted parents and enrolling at the schools till 2
guardians in smoothly enroll- June. — MNA/TTA
ing their children. Moreover,

The school enrolment processing for the 2024-2025 academic year in


Interest in donating
voices to Kawechan
Myanmar Daily Weather Report
School for the Blind grows (Issued at 7:00 pm Saturday 1 June 2024)

tion sessions are full for June, BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is weak to moderate over the North Bay of Bengal and
and there are only five days left moderate to strong over the Andaman Sea and elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.
in July. People come in one, two FORECAST VALID UNTIL NOON OF THE 2 June 2024: Rain or thundershowers will
or a group. The appointment time be isolated in Magway Region and Chin State, scattered in Nay Pyi Taw and Kayah State,
is 9 am to 1 pm. It is aimed at en- fairly widespread in Sagaing, Mandalay, Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady regions and Rakhine
riching general knowledge of the State and widespread in the remaining regions and states with likelihood of regionally
students. We have a night library. heavyfalls in Mandalay Region and isolated heavyfalls in Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady and
We cannot buy books to read, and
Taninthayi regions and Kayin and Mon states. Degree of certainty is 100%.
it isn’t easy to read them. So, we
The Kawechan School for the Blind. THE CONDITION OF CUMULONIMBUS CLOUD: The Cumulonimbus clouds are
invite voice donors. Donors con-
developing in Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi
MANY people are interested in tribute by voice or by hand. They
regions and Shan, Chin, Rakhine, Kayin and Mon states.
donating their recorded voices read out with heart, and listeners
STATE OF THE SEA: Squalls with moderate to rough seas are likely at times in Deltaic,
to Kawechan School for the Blind are willing to listen,” said a school
in Yangon’s Insein Township, ac- official. Gulf of Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may
cording to a school official. Voice The donors have to audition reach 30 - 35 mph. Sea will be moderate elsewhere in Myanmar waters. Wave height will
donors come as individuals or their voices before being record- be about 7 - 9 feet in Deltaic, Gulf of Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi Coasts and
groups to read out the books they ed. If the donor has a different 5 - 7 feet in off and along Rakhine Coast.
like or that are available at the Myanmar accent, the school is OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Increase of rain Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady
school. afraid that the students will not and Taninthayi regions and Rakhine, Kayin and Mon states.
A donor’s reading is re- understand the text, so it will se- FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING AREA FOR 2 June 2024:
corded, and the school plays it lect the book to be reread. Inter- Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of certainty is 100%.
back for the students. “A donor ested voice donors can contact FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA FOR 2 June 2024: One or
shared their experience here, telephone numbers 09 32237848 two rain or thundershowers. Degree of certainty is 100%.
and it spread. The voice dona- and 09 253070585. — Thit Taw/ZN


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2 JUNE 2024

Myanmar joins working
lunch of EU Commission
vice-chair, ASEAN
ambassadors in Brussels
ACCORDING to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar Ambas-
sador U Soe Lynn Han, Ambassador of the Republic of the Union
of Myanmar to the European Union, as well as Myanmar Ambas-
sador to Belgium, attended a working luncheon in Brussels on 29
May with Mr Francisco Fontan Pardo, Head of Cabinet for the High
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/
Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/VP), and members
of the ASEAN-Brussels Committee (ABC) and ASEAN ambassadors.
During the luncheon, Mr Francisco Fontan Pardo briefed the
attendees on matters related to the upcoming EU elections in June
2024. He discussed the status of the implementation of commitments
made during the ASEAN-EU Commemorative Summit and the
EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in February this year. The photo shows one of prominent destination sites in Sagaing Region — the Kaunghmudaw Pagoda.
The Myanmar ambassador also provided an update on recent
developments in Myanmar, explaining the preparations underway to
conduct a nationwide census and compile voter lists for the upcom-
ing general elections. He emphasized cooperation with Myanmar’s
Sagaing Region gun Bell, and 1,585 domestic
visitors reached the Shwebo
Palace in the Shwebo desti-
constructive collaboration with international partners, including
ASEAN and the EU in humanitarian assistance issues. — ASH/TMT attracts 20,000+ nation area,” said Daw Yi Yi

local visitors in April

Out of the 60 hotels and
lodges registered with the
Sagaing Region Directorate
of Hotels and Tourism across
A total of 20,501 domestic Katha, Kalay, and Khamti 11 townships, 47 are currently
travellers visited the promi- — with the Sagaing tourism operating.
nent destinations of Sagaing, zone being the most visited According to the data,
Mingun, Monywa, and Shwe- by local travellers. more than 130,000 domestic
bo in April, according to Daw “Data shows that 7,880 and foreign travellers visit-
Yi Yi Than, Minister for Eco- domestic travellers visited ed the destination areas of
nomic Affairs of Sagaing Re- Kaunghmudaw Pagoda and Sagaing, Mingun, and Mony-
gion. 7,651 visited SunUPonnyas- wa in 2023, despite transporta-
Sagaing Region com- hin. tion difficulties in some parts
The photo showcases the working luncheon attended by Mr Francisco prises six tourism zones — Similarly, 2,957 domestic of Sagaing Region. — ASH/
Fontan Pardo and ABC Members in Brussels on 29 May. Sagaing, Monywa, Shwebo, visitors came to see the Min- MKKS

Myanmar chargé d’affaires pays courtesy ‘Seven Arrows’ group art

call on new Vietnamese President exhibition at Artistic Space
U Soe Ko Ko, Charge d’Affaires Art Gallery
ad interim to Vietnam, paid a
courtesy call on Mr To Lam, new ARTISTIC Space Art Gallery in Botahtaung Township is hosting a
President of Vietnam, along with group art exhibition titled ‘Seven Arrows’ from 1 to 5 June, according
heads of missions from the ASE- to the gallery. “The Seven Arrows’ exhibition will showcase various
AN embassies and the Timor- paintings by both senior and junior artists. We warmly invite you to
Leste Embassy at the Presiden- enjoy the largest number of paintings by many artists in this month’s
tial Palace on 30 May, according show,” said a representative of the art gallery.
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Seven Arrows group art exhibition will display various
During the meeting, Mr To beautiful paintings by 32 artists. — ASH/TRKM
Lam expressed his gratitude for
the congratulatory messages
from leaders of the ASEAN mem-
ber countries and Timor-Leste,
while the heads of missions ex-
tended their congratulations to
Mr To Lam on taking office as the
President of Vietnam. — ASH/ New Vietnamese President Mr To Lam meets heads of missions. The photo showcases the catalogue for the ‘Seven Arrows’ group art
TMT exhibition.
2 JUNE 2024

Senior General aims to foster dependable
future leaders
STATE Administration Council Chairman Senior General
Min Aung Hlaing directed and urged instructors and lecturer
officers to provide systematic military and academic training,
along with their accumulated experience, to trainees and cadets
to develop future leaders with a firm spirit which the State,
Tatmadaw, and the people trust.
The Senior General addressed this in his guidance given
at the meeting with senior officer instructors, senior officer
lecturers, faculty members, officers, trainees, and cadets at
the Defence Services Academy in PyinOoLwin.
The Senior General continued by saying that every junior
officer and cadet must be trained to become a qualified officer
The picture shows a demonstration of broadcasting urea fertilizer in Sagaing Region last year. who is physically and mentally strong. He emphasized that it is
essential to establish an insightful society in the future.

Myanmar aims to import 1.6 mln

Items arriving at ports without permits to
tonnes of fertilizer in FY 2024-2025 face action
AUTHORITIES have notified that disciplinary actions will be
MYANMAR aims to bring in fertilizer and 10,922 tonnes of cerned are encouraged to fa- taken if import items arrive at airports and terminals before
1.6 million tonnes of fertiliz- pesticides in April-June 2024, cilitate work procedures as the obtaining import licences and permits, starting from 1 July.
er in the 2024-2025 Financial following the reports of My- market price tends to fluctuate Aside from commodities permitted for storage in the cus-
Year, according to the Steering anmar Fertilizer, Seed and in a timely manner. Also, the toms warehouse, imported goods that lack permission are
Committee for Purchasing and Pesticide Entrepreneurs As- departments concerned need prohibited from arriving at terminals and airports. Companies
Distribution of Urea Fertilizer. sociation. The meeting also ad- to coordinate so that the fer- will be subject to penalties under the Import/Export Law if such
The import volume is dressed matters regarding im- tilizer input will be imported goods arrive without authorization.
based on the actual import port licences, import process in time during the monsoon
volume in the 2023-2024 FY. and delay and goods arrival season, along with meeting
Steering committee established for
The committee will screen and conditions of each company. quality and having a reason-
recommend importing more The reference price is set able price, quoted a remark Ayeyawady Integrated River Basin Project
depending on the needs, ac- at K73,000 per 50-kilogramme of the Union Minister for Co-
cording to its coordination bag in June 2024. The sales operatives and Rural Devel- WITH the purpose of conducting research, developing technical
meeting. price will decline, and farm- opment, who acts as a chair solutions, and managing public relations regarding the Ay-
The committee endorsed ers can buy them at a cheaper of the committee. — TWA/KK eyawady Integrated River Basin Myitsone Hydropower Project,
importing 679,999 tonnes of rate. The departments con- the steering committee has been established. The committee’s
leader is Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Aye Kyaw, with
Kachin State cabinet member and Kachin State Natural Resourc-

Myanmar’s Three Rs Movement 60th es Minister U Taint Sao being appointed as the second leader.

anniversary to be held with large attendance CBM injects US$5 mln, 5 mln yuan into
ACCORDING to the Literacy process of keeping the ceremo- erate and have primary edu-
and Regional Development ny and publishing books. cation. THE Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) sold US$5 million and
Support Association, the cele- The State Administration Three Rs is a significant five million yuan into the monetary market through online
bration of the 60th anniversary Council Chairman also stated educational project to erad- trading platforms on 31 May. The CBM has periodically sold
of Myanmar’s Three Rs Move- in the message sent to the 76th icate illiteracy among older dollars, yuan, and baht to exporters and importers via online
ment (1964-2024) will be held in Independence Day ceremony people throughout Myanmar. trading platforms.
a crowded manner. on 4 January that literacy ac- It is named after the three ini-
Discussions were under- tivities such as Myanmar’s tials of the Myanmar word ‘Ah’,
way for the publication of a Three Rs movement course which means writing, reading, 4 commodities, including medicines,
commemorative magazine will be implemented as a na- and arithmetic. permitted for storage in Customs warehouse
(Echo from the Heart) and tional movement throughout With a total of more than
the holding of an article com- the country. 70,000 student volunteers from PREVIOUSLY, a total of 14 commodities, including agricultural
petition commemorating the In such doing, volunteer universities, colleges, and insti- inputs, were allowed to be stored at the Customs warehouse. How-
60th anniversary of Myanmar’s students, teachers, local edu- tutes and a total of more than ever, the Department of Trade has now notified four commodity
Three Rs Movement at the cators and local employees will 500,000 local teachers and stu- groups that are permitted for storage at the Customs warehouse.
monthly meeting of the Liter- get the help of ethnic language dents, the great project started These include various electric vehicles and related products,
acy and Regional Development teaching assistants and imple- in Meiktila District in 1964 with industrial raw materials and chemicals for industrial use, food,
Support Association on 26 May. ment it in the form of a nation- the East Model Village Litera- and medicine. Items not included in this list must apply to the
According to the negotia- wide national movement. All cy Project and taught all over Customs Department for storage at the Customs warehouse, and
tions, the ceremony will be held rural people and indigenous Myanmar until 1984. — TWA/ applications will be accepted until 7 June. — Htun Htun/TMT
with a high turnout through the peoples will inevitably be lit- KZL
2 JUNE 2024

Myanmar signs MoU with Vietnam to Online business

bolster coconut sector amendments
available from 17 June
MYANMAR signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with Vietnam to boost AMENDMENT and renewal of business
cooperation in the development of the registration for owners of e-Commerce
coconut sector at Pan Pacific Hotel in online shops can be made through www.
Yangon on 29 May, according to the ecomreg.gov.mm from 17 June, according
Ministry of Commerce. to an export and import news bulletin
Myanmar held a workshop for the 7/2024 of the Trade Department released
“Potential Product (coconut) value on 30 May.
chain” project under the ACEMES- Before renewal, applicants are ad-
ROK Fund at Pan Pacific Hotel on vised to review the information. Renewal
29 May. Myanmar’s Orchard Compa- and amendment fees are set according to
ny Limited and Vietnam’s Hoa Binh Notification 17/2023. The renewal process
Hiep Agricultural Service Cooperative can be done in 60 days before the expiry,
signed the MoU to provide coconut the Trade Department stated.
saplings and technical assistance for The Trade Department under the
coconut plantations. Ministry of Commerce released the news
At the workshop, experts led by bulletin 17/2023 on 28 December regard-
Mrs Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, chairper- ing mandatory e-commerce registration.
son of the Vietnam Coconut Associ- The ministry allowed those online
ation, elaborated on coconut planta- sales business operators who registered
tions and production methods, carbon between 2 October and 31 December
Pieces of coconuts seen in the domestic market.
credit and creating Macapuno – a 2023 to be exempt from registration fee
new product. for six months.
Representatives from the Agri- in the evening of 30 May from the signing and cutting, polishing, drying The validity of registration granted
culture Department, Myanmar Fruit, Yangon International Airport. and decorating with the use of equip- from 1 January 2024 is two years. The
Flower and Vegetable Producers and Under the ACEMES-ROK Fund, ment step by step. A basic drawing registration fees are set at K70,000 for
Exporter Association, Myanmar Coco- the “Potential Product (coconut) Val- subject was included as well. companies or commercial institutions,
nut Producer and Trader Association ue Chain” project also includes coco- The trainees had to make prac- with a renewal fee of K70,000 and an
attended the workshop. nut handicraft courses in Ayeyawady tically coconut crafts such as lamps, amendment fee of K3,000. Those com-
The delegation led by the chair- Region between May 2023 and April DIY lamp shades, curtains, necklac- panies or commercial institutions holding
person of the Vietnam Coconut Asso- 2024. es, keychains and earnings. They re- the SME certificates have to pay K50,000
ciation, experts and attendees also This course offered practical ap- ceived a completion certificate. for registration, K50,000 for renewal and
went on a study tour to coconut farms proaches to turning waste coconut The three-day coconut-based K3,000 for amendment fees. Individuals
in Yinkadit village, Pantanaw Town- shells into a craft that is commercially products expo and competition was will be charged K30,000 for registration,
ship, Ayeyawady Region on 30 May. valued. The trainees learnt know- held in Pathein from 22 to 24 January K30,000 for renewal and K3,000 for amend-
Vietnam’s delegate left for Vietnam hows of choosing coconut shells, de- 2024. — NN/EM ment fee. — NN/EM

380 units of Thilawa and Kanaung Housing up for sale

A total of 380 apartment units from 11 send a message to the contact number
buildings of Thilawa and Kanaung af- 09 795824722.
fordable housing complexes developed The applicants must provide their
by the Department of Urban and Housing name, father’s name, citizenship scrutiny
Development (DUHD) under the Minis- card, housing name, and building types
try of Construction in Yangon Region will and the CHID Bank’s down payment
be sold this month under a home loan serial number.
with low interest rate, the department They are asked to consider which
notified. building they want to apply for. Each
A total of 2,189 prospective buyers bank account owner can apply for once.
who have a deposit of K3 million and over, Applicants are not entitled to select the
with the Construction, Housing and In- unit and floor themselves.
frastructure Development Bank (CHID) The drawing lots system will be prac-
until end-December 2023 are entitled to tised in order to follow the CHID Bank’s
purchase the apartment units and can list. Buyers will be selected on 21 June
make registration through direct mes- under the drawing lots system. Those
saging the DUHD Sale Housing Face- selected buyers must take out a loan,
book page between 10 and 14 June within however. Individuals can enquire about
working hours (9 am to 4:30 pm). Those the department through contact numbers
Thilawa low-cost housing flats.
who could not register online can also 067 3407527 and 09795824722. — NN/EM
2 JUNE 2024


Expedite collaborative Cleaner shipping fuel accelerated Rounds of Rain

efforts to successfully global warming: study B y M a n l e S ay a d aw ( T ra n s l at e d by My i nt Z a n ) By Chit Ko Pe

eradicate illegal trade Finding fault when ‘tis no fault

Droplets of rain touch the ground,
in a gust of wind around.
AN INTERNATIONAL the atmosphere.

HE eradication of illegal trade is crucial for the economic effort to improve air Scientists warn that such ‘tis a melody sweet to the ears,
if a dog barks at the moon
development of any nation. While legal trade, including quality by requiring ships to use “geoengineering” approaches played by the pitter-patters.
government and private sector initiatives, can significantly less-polluting fuel caused a spike to climate change may have un-
the golden sheen of the moon ပတ္တမြားရွှေဂူ
is not diminished The setting gives us joy and delight,
boost economic growth, illicit trade and smuggling can severely in global warming, according to wanted side-effects, and say that it continues to give light
with rounds of rain through day and night.
impede progress. In the ASEAN region, counterfeit goods generate research published Thursday on caution is needed. ပြစ်မရှိ ပြစ်ရာှ
an alarming annual loss of US$35 billion, with fake pharmaceuti- this unintended climate “shock”. For the new study, research- swine with malice and resentment လမင်းကို ခွေးဟောင်လ့ုိ
cals alone accounting for $2.6 billion. This illicit activity results in Global shipping’s switch ers combined satellite observa- roll (their bodies) ရွှေလရောင် ပြောင်မပျက်တယ်
business losses of around $6 billion each year. to low-sulphur fuels starting in tions and model simulations to ထွန်းလျက်ပင်သာ။
the ruby in the emerald cave
The International Trade Centre (ITC) highlights substantial 2020 “could lead to a doubling (or estimate the climate impact of
trade discrepancies between Myanmar and its primary trade more) of the warming rate” this slashing sulphur in shipping fuel မြရွှေဂူ ပတ္တမြားကိလ
ု လေအသက်မာှ
the more they rub their bodies
partners — China, Thailand, India, and Japan — ranging from $6 decade and has already contrib- under an International Maritime inside the golden cave ဝက်များက ငြူစူစာွ မိးု စက်လေးတွေ
billion to $12 billion annually. These figures underscore the rampant uted to record-breaking heat over Organization regulation that took the colours become ညွန်လးူ ကာ တိက ု န
် ။ဲ ကြွေ ... ကြွေ ... မြေခ ။
nature of illegal trade in the region. the past year, the study said. effect in January 2020. become much brighter than before
Illegal trade not only undermines the development of the That is because the tiny par- Introduced to limit airborne ပွတ်လေလေ မြေအသက်မာှ
Global shipping’s switch to low-sulphur fuels starting in 2020 “could lead
trade sector but also inflicts significant revenue losses on the state ticles in sulphur pollution reflect pollution, this ruling reduced sul- ဂူရွမ
ှေ ာှ အရောင်ထက
ွ တ
် ယ် မိးု စက်သတ ံ ွေ
to a doubling (or more) of the warming rate” this decade and has already
and negatively impacts the socioeconomic landscape. To combat and absorb sunlight and make contributed to record-breaking heat over the past year, the study said. phur dioxide emissions from the ရှေးကထက်က။ဲ ခြွေ ... ခြွေ ... ဂီတ ။
this, collective efforts from the clouds more mirror-like, creating PHOTO: PIXABAY global shipping industry by 80 per
entire population, in collabora- a temporary cooling effect on the cent, said Tianle Yuan, lead au- လေးဆစ် ကြည်နးူ စရာ
tion with the government, are planet. and accelerate warming, even if could put a brake on global warm- thor of the study published in the သာယာချမ်းမြေ့
Actually, those who suffer မန်လည်ဆရာတော်
essential. Scientists had anticipated they debated by how much. ing, even if such measures do not journal Communications Earth မိးု နေ့ မိးု ည ။
losses in illegal trade are The government must that switching to the cleaner fuels The study suggests that address the underlying driver: and Environment. ချစ်ကဖ
ုိ ေ
consumers. At the same prioritize the eradication of would reduce this reflecting effect deliberately brightening clouds pumping greenhouse gases into SOURCE: AFP
time, businesspeople illicit goods and ensure that
legitimate businesspersons
of national race groups and traders operate safely
also directly or indirectly and securely. This approach Broadcasting Service where the Book Title – Zati, Pawutti Hnint persons. Parents will be reluc-
encounter losses in would help prevent the loss Book Title – Lwanthahmyasartin, writer has been with as a govern- tant to abandon their sons and
of substantial state revenue. ment employee. She said Ko Oo Sarthinhsaung Hman Daga daughters, whereas husbands
illegal trade. As such, the Lwanyathu Koe Oo,
Currently, medicines, cosmet- is to her taste and he is her type. Go Lar Yaik Thaw Mondaing and wives will find it extremely
Illegal Trade Eradication ics, foodstuffs, and personal Lwanyathaw Sarpay But she has not tried to approach difficult to separate from their
Writer – Kyaw Win
Steering Committee and goods sold online are frequent- Hawpyawbwe Koe Myo him who is always surrounded by spouses in uncomfortable rela-
ly smuggled through illegal the girls. As she does not want Publishing House – Paris Publication House tionships.
special task forces from Writer – Shwegu May Hnin
channels. Hence, specialized him to think lowly of her, she has Publication Date – March 2024 (1st Edition) In fact, nothing is perma-
regions and states have task forces, One-Stop Service Publishing House – Mayumyit stayed aloof from him and only nent; everything is transitory.
Price – K18,000
to cooperate with the teams, and departmental of- Publication Date – May 2024 (1st Edition) when she gets a chance to talk With the passing of time, things
ficials need to confiscate il- to him on business, she makes will change, places will change,
government to eradicate legal goods and prosecute
Price – K5,000 friend with him. Later, they have and people will not be exempt-
unlawful trade, boost those involved in smuggling become close to each other. Then, ed. They will also change their
the State economy, and consistently.
The repercussions of
Lwanthahmyasartin, Lwanyathu Koe Oo, she writes how Win Oo has been
fond of his famous magazine
Zati, Pawutti Hnint Sarthinhsaung Hman Daga Go beliefs, thinking, attitudes and
lifestyles. Notwithstanding,
develop the private sector.
illegal trade extend beyond Lwanyathaw Sarpay Hawpyawbwe Koe Myo called Sandar. Lar Yaik Thaw Mondaing some very stubborn die-hard
economic losses. It leads to a After having stayed for ten people like the communists are
decrease in export volumes THIS book is the 37th book pub- poems composed by Sayagyi Min ed his guidance on the affairs of months in Insein Hermitage, she unwilling to change as they are
and foreign currency earnings, fuels the black market with trans- lished by the Publishing House Thu Wun. Many of Sayagyi’s po- the literature. She recalled him lost the art of writing. She went THIS is the seventh book pub- this project, I would name such mindset does not belong to the of the opinion that those who
actions conducted through illicit channels, and complicates the known as Mayumyit and written ems have been enshrined in the making an unforgettable remark to the house of Saya Mya Than lished by Paris Publication a book as People, Places and Myanmar people only. This is change are the revisionists,
accurate budgeting of state finances. Furthermore, it hampers by Sayamagyi Shwegu May Hnin. school textbooks. This being so, that she was very aggressive. Tint to seek advice. Saya Mya said House. The writer is Saya Kyaw Years. But for the moment, when a cross-border mentality, and reformists and the turn-coats.
the formulation of effective financial and monetary policies. The This is in fact the memoirs of all those who have gone to school Upon hearing this remark, she nothing; she just gave her a book Win, who writes books on politics I am not able to produce such thus, a discipline in manage- The writer said that he was
prevalence of illegal trade also undermines efforts to uphold the nine great writers and artists the have learned his poems. retorted that she was merely called City of Joy. After reading and biographies. Although the volumes, I’ve given this name ment science called change once criticized by a so-called
rule of law, fosters corruption among state officials, and disrupts writer miss very often as well as Another great man is Saya brilliant, not aggressive. Saya U this book, she was encouraged writer said this book is only a only.” management has arisen. politician that he has surren-
the administrative machinery. the experiences she has gained U Thu Kha, who she first met at Thu Kha stopped arguing with to try her pen again. This book very long article, it can be said to My reason for giving such As a matter of fact, many dered. This kind of word is be-
The fight against illegal trade requires expedited collaborative from the literary talks held in 18. When U Thu Kha asked her her, simply saying, “Yes, you’re has two volumes. I owed Saya be a partial biography depicting a title is that with the passage men across the country of My- ing used by the communists.
efforts. The government, businesses, and citizens must work to- nine different towns. She is very if she was willing to star in a film, sharp. But don’t forget that your gratitude. his life from 1952, when he was of time, people and places will anmar still think that trustwor- Actually, I have never been a
gether to dismantle smuggling networks, safeguard state revenue, frequently reminiscent of the she said that she wanted to finish sharpness can cut you.” Upon re- This book also contains the born, to 1976, when he finished change. This being so, people thy, reliable, and truthful people communist party member, al-
and promote lawful trade practices. By doing so, the nation can said nine towns she has been to. her tertiary education studies turn from his home, he escorted memories of Tekkatho Phone Na- his tertiary studies. will change their thinking, their should not change their beliefs, though communism has been
mitigate the adverse effects of illegal trade on its economy and The book is opened with because she had set an aim to me to the entrance, shouting to ing, Saya Nan Nyunt Swe, Saya Regarding the naming of lifestyle and even their taste for convictions, and attitudes. As to my taste. Therefore, I am
society, ensuring a more stable and prosperous future. the poems of Sayagyi Min Thu become a school teacher upon me, “Be careful; your sharpness Sein Khin Maung Yee, Tayaw Ko this book, the writer said in his food, attire and accommodation. known to all, Myanmar people free to believe in whichever
Actually, those who suffer losses in illegal trade are consum- Wun, a professor turned poet lau- graduation. Despite her rejection can cut you.” Saya is quite right; Tin Yee, and Saya Aung Thin. foreword, “What should be is Nevertheless, people tend to are highly conservative, resist- ideology of my choice. I can
ers. At the same time, businesspeople of national race groups also reate. The first poem is about of Saya’s generous offer, she had my fingers are stained with blood The nine towns that have I need four or five volumes of resist change, preferring the ing change. Even if they are change my belief, especially
directly or indirectly encounter losses in illegal trade. As such, the month of Tabaung, which is become close to him when she flowing out from the cuts. never gone out of her mind are this genre to publish. And the status quo. This mentality of faced with great trouble, they in this age of things changing
the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee and special March. Sayamagyi Shwegu May became a writer. During the last Then, she recounted her en- Toungoo, Pyinmana, Kume, My- last volume should deal with maintaining the present status will not abandon those persons at the velocity of light. Don’t
task forces from regions and states have to cooperate with the Hnin has admitted that she has days of Saya U Thu Kha, she kept counter with Win Oo, the great ingyan, Paung, Pathein, Taungd- my opinion about the events prevents people from effectu- and things for fear of being we need to keep pace with the
government to eradicate unlawful trade, boost the State economy, formed great attachment to the in touch with him as she need- actor. She met him at the Burma win, Lewe and Shwegu-Bhamo. after 2020. If I could implement ating development. And this considered to be unreliable time?
and develop the private sector.
2 JUNE 2024

Swan Zarni
MYANMAR traditional per-
former and actor Swan Zarni is
suffering from liver disease and
suspended his career for a long
time. Currently, the actor resumed his
Swan theatrical Thabin in Lewe town-
s h i p with the support of his mentor writer, Shan
Tun, as he needs proper financial status for his medical treatment. The
actor received massive applause from his Lewe fans, so he might keep running
Swan Thabin, depending on his health status, according to composer Shan Tun. Yi Yi Thant
A press conference for the new album
release of famous singer Yi Yi Thant’s ‘Sar
May Myint Mo Pachi’, which was produced by composer
ACADEMY May Myint Mo won the Shining International Diramore’s Music City Production, was
Award at HOFS Award 2024 held at Ritz-Carlton Millenia held at Studio Canvas in Yangon on 31 May.
in Singapore on 24 May. Myanmar national Dr Aung Thiha All the song tracts of the new album were
A Lwan Tha Chin Yay Tae Maung Kyaw (Dr A) also won the Beauty and Health Influencer Award, composed by Diramore, and orchestra
Zaw and singer Khin Nyunt Yi are seen at
and Omo brand CEO Nan Su Yati Soe received the Dietary Myanmar Pyi Kyauk Sein, Pantaya Sein
the event.
Supplements Hall Of Fame, which is one of the busi- Hla Myaing, pianist Zeyar Min and Harpist
Event to honour ness-influencer-creator awards. Academy May Myo Thet Tin made the music.
Myint Mo received positive comments from
composer Maung her fans on Facebook daily.

Kyaw Zaw, singer

Zaw Paing
Khin Nyunt Yi Famous singer Sithu Lwin posted a birthday
wish for singer Zaw Paing on 31 May. Singer
An event to honour composer
A Lwan Tha Chin Yay Tae
Maung Kyaw Zaw and singer Khin
Zaw Paing celebrated a music concert at the
Spicy Club in Bangkok on 1
Nyunt Yi was organized at M3 Food June with female singers
Centre in Yangon on 29 May, accord- Wyne Su Khine Thein
ing to writer Aung Shan Wine (Kyai- and Cherry Thinn.
kmaraw) who initiated the event.
At the event, singer Khin Nyunt
Yi’ sang her ‘Bay Dar Lan’ song with
her daughter O Pyae Shin and ‘Moe Ni Ni Linn Eain
Makha Alwan’ song with singer Myanmar Miss Ni Ni Linn Eain entered the 18th-mile
Thae Nu Wah.
mediation centre in the second week of May. She
Moreover, the singers Maung
also says thanks to her fans for supporting her.
Thein Win, Yi Yi Thant, Shwe Min
Thar, Hnin Yi Thant, Aye Pa Pa
Hlaing, Aye Lwin Aung, Moe Htet
Myint, May Thet Htar Swe, Nang
Kyawt Kalya and Cho Than Tha sang
the songs to honour the two artistes.
“It is an effort of me, Sayama Mya
Kyar Ngon (Dr Nilar Thein) and Say-
ama Ju for two artistes who are seeking
medical treatment. Writer and poet
Saya Maung Kyaw Zaw has been suf-
fering a stroke, and singer Khin Nyunt
Yi is under medical treatment for lung
cancer. We arrange for them to get
medical expenses. When we present

the cash assistance, their friends sing

b r i
one or two songs to encourage them,”

Cele ef
said writer Aung Shan Wine (Kyaik- Yair Yint Aung
maraw). Singer and actor Yair Yint Aung has got one
new tattoo on his body, ‘Kyay Mone’. The singer

Actor and singer Moe Htet Myint
read out the biography of composer explained the meaning of his tattoo: that people
Maung Kyaw Zaw and singer May Thet should be treated the way they treat others, like
Htar Swe about singer Khin Nyunt Yi. a mirror, and he got the idea to have that tattoo.
Two artistes received K6.6 million Academy Nay Toe also gave positive comments
cash assistance from their friends at for Yair Yint Aung and appreciated his outstand-
the event. — ASH/KTZH
ing acting skills. — Htun Htun/KTZH
2 JUNE 2024

China’s C919 serves first overseas S U M M A R I ES : WO R L D

commercial chartered flight Princess of Wales to miss major military

China aims to secure a share of the global civil aviation market, display amid cancer treatment
which is currently dominated by Boeing and Airbus, with its CATHERINE, Princess of Wales, will not be resuming her royal
self-developed trunk jetliner. duties with an appearance at the Colonel’s Review coming days
as she continues her treatment for cancer, CNN reported.
The ceremonial display, scheduled for 8 June in London,
serves as the dress rehearsal for Trooping the Colour, the official
birthday parade for the King, set for 15 June.
Concerns linger regarding her attendance at the highly an-
ticipated Trooping the Colour event, a spectacle renowned for its
grandeur and tradition.
Anticipation had mounted for the 42-year-old royal’s par-
ticipation, given her role as Colonel of the Irish Guards, whose
regimental flags will be trooped during this year’s ceremony,
according to CNN. — ANI

In historic first, Mexicans expected to elect

woman president
MILLIONS of Mexicans are expected to vote for their first woman
president in a landmark election Sunday, following a long and
The 6th C919 jetliner joins the China Eastern Airlines fleet. PHOTO: XINHUA sometimes acrimonious race overshadowed by soaring political
A C919 jetliner of the China Airport Saturday morning, it is passenger aircraft. In a watershed for a country with a long history of gender
Eastern Airlines fleet on Satur- expected to carry more than 100 This came one year after discrimination, two women have dominated the contest to lead
day kicked off its first overseas Hong Kong young talents on its the first commercial flight of the world’s most populous Spanish-speaking country.
commercial chartered flight, return trip on the same day. On C919 was made. With its self-de- Addressing a cheering crowd of thousands at her closing
providing a round-trip service Tuesday, the sixth C919 jetliner veloped trunk jetliner, China campaign rally, ruling party candidate Claudia Sheinbaum said
between Shanghai and Hong delivered worldwide joined the aims to secure a share of the Mexico was going to “make history” this weekend.
Kong. China Eastern Airlines fleet on global civil aviation market, “I say to the young women, to all the women of Mexico —
Flying from the Shanghai Tuesday, indicating the acceler- which is currently dominated colleagues, friends, sisters, daughters, mothers and grandmothers
Hongqiao International Airport ation of commercial operation by Boeing and Airbus. — Xin- — you are not alone,” the 61-year-old said.
to the Hong Kong International of China’s homegrown large hua Her vow to champion women’s rights was music to the ears
of Evelyn Trasvina.
“I’m very excited,” said the 42-year-old accountant from
western Mexico. — AFP

UN mission in Iraq to end after

two decades Forum for cooperation in
for Iraq (UNAMI) was estab-
lished in 2003 after the US-led
printing industry held in
invasion and fall of Saddam
But analysts say the mis-
sion has struggled to make an A forum on the global coopera- Intergraf, the Messe Dusseldorf
impact in areas such as impu- tion in the printing industry was Gmbh, alongside more than 180
nity, and that its exit is part of a held on Friday in the German experts, scholars and entrepre-
trend for host nations to reject city of Dusseldorf, with partic- neurs, providing a platform for
UN missions. ipants discussing the evolving exchanges and networking within
The UNSC resolution printing culture while exploring the global printing community.
adopted on Friday extended innovative development strate- The “Bi Sheng Forum for Co-
the mission’s mandate until 31 gies and further opportunities operation in the Printing Industry
December 2025 “after which for collaboration. — Drupa Dialogue” centred on
Motorists drive past Iraqi security forces’ armoured vehicles in
UNAMI will cease all work and The event, held during the the theme of “New Opportunity,
Baghdad on 26 December 2023. PHOTO: AHMAD AL-RUBAYE /
AFP/FILE operations.” 2024 Drupa exhibition, gathered New Cooperation, New Future”.
The mission has about industry leaders and specialists It is named after Bi Sheng, an
AT the request of Baghdad, more than 20 years. 700 staff, with tasks including from the Printing and Distribu- 11th-century Chinese scientist
the UN Security Council unan- The Iraqi government wel- advising the government on tion Bureau of the Publicity De- who made baked clay into mov-
imously decided Friday that comed the decision, saying it political dialogue and reconcil- partment of the Communist Party able characters for type-setting
the United Nations political reflected progress and stability iation, as well as helping with of China Central Committee, the printing, thus accomplishing a
mission in Iraq will leave the in the country since the Unit- elections and security sector World Print & Communication major revolution in printing his-
country at the end of 2025 after ed Nations Assistance Mission reform. — AFP Forum and one of its members tory. — Xinhua
2 JUNE 2024


Cambodia offers finance scheme to help fishery

growth after harvest
Cambodia boasts abundant fisheries resources, offering significant potential for success in the global fish
and fishery products market.
CAMBODIA’S Fisheries Admin- as inadequate fish-processing
istration (FiA) on Wednesday technologies, limited value ad-
launched an Investment Sup- dition, and food safety concerns
port Facility (ISF) scheme, aim- impacting consumer trust and
ing to catalyze growth in the the sector’s competitiveness on
country’s post-harvest fisheries. a global scale, the news release
The ISF scheme is a blend- said.
ed financing initiative in cooper- The ISF scheme was de-
ation with the United Nations signed to support post-harvest
Industrial Development Organ- fisheries enterprises and their
ization (UNIDO) and the Credit input suppliers in overcoming
Guarantee Corporation of Cam- these challenges, enhancing
bodia (CGCC) and co-funded productivity and product safety
by the European Union (EU), and quality.
said a news release after the “This scheme blends co-fi-
launching event. nancing from the enterprises’
With its rich fisheries re- own resources, guaranteed
sources, Cambodia holds great business loans distributed by
promise for excelling in the the local financial institutions,
global fish and fishery products and grant support from the pro-
Workers peel shrimps at a factory in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 7 September 2023. PHOTO: VAN POV/ market. However, post-harvest ject,” the news release said. —
XINHUA/FILE fisheries face challenges such Xinhua

SU M MARI ES: ECON India strongly connected to global

diamond hubs: MEA
New Zealand unveils tax-cutting budget
New Zealand’s fledgling centre-right government unveiled a tax-cut- India plays a significant role in the global diamond trade and
ting budget for “everyday people” Thursday despite a recession and
tough economic outlook.
has strong connections to major diamond hubs worldwide.
To pay for it, the ruling coalition of Prime Minister Christopher
Luxon said it would tighten spending. THE G7 plan to route rough (EU) were involved in talks to linkages between Indian dia-
Once dubbed a “rock-star economy” for its ability to weather diamond supplies through Ant- establish “diamond verification mond industry and other glob-
financial crises, the agriculture-dependant economy tipped into werp has triggered concerns in centres” in India. al centres. “There are strong
recession at the end of 2023. New Zealand has been battered by India. Prime Minister Narendra Jaiswal wouldn’t say if connections between Surat
natural disasters, while global supply chain issues have hurt the Modi has instructed his minis- there were ongoing discussions and Antwerp, and other cen-
isolated island nation more than most. ters to escalate the issue with between New Delhi and Brus- tres which are on the global di-
“This is a budget for everyday people getting on with their G7 and EU counterparts. India sels on the matter. However, the amond map,” the Indian official
lives,” said finance minister Nicola Willis. — AFP remains an “important player” MEA spokesman highlighted said. — SPUTNIK
in the global diamond trade
and has “strong connections”
Japan mulls providing state loan guarantees to major diamond hubs across
to chipmaker Rapidus the world, Ministry of Exter-
nal Affairs (MEA) spokesman
JAPAN’S industry ministry said Friday it is considering offering loan Randhir Jaiswal told a regular
guarantees to Rapidus Corp in its latest effort to help the state-backed press briefing in New Delhi on
chipmaker launch a domestic production line. Thursday.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is hoping such state “We have global manufac-
guarantees will help the chip venture raise funds from private-sector turing happening in India... we
banks, as the company estimates it needs about five trillion yen ($32 are one of the major centres of
billion) to complete a plant in Hokkaido, northern Japan, to begin global diamond trade, global pol-
mass production of next-generation chips in 2027. The US govern- ishing, value additions happen
ment and the European Union both provide generous financial aid in India. We are an important
to their local chip industry, so private-sector loans are vital in Japan as player in that sector,” Jaiswal The Surat Diamond Bourse is a state-of-the-art trading centre and
marketplace located in Surat, Gujarat, India. The bourse provides
its fiscal health remains the worst among major developed countries. said, responding to a question a modern and efficient platform for diamond merchants, traders,
Japan is also saddled with increasing social security costs. — Kyodo from Sputnik India on whether and buyers from around the world to conduct business. PHOTO:
India and the European Union WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
2 JUNE 2024


Huawei launches Seeds for Future 2024

programme in Nepal
The programme offers Nepali undergraduate students a unique
platform to gain insights into cutting-edge technologies,
promote cross-cultural understanding, and nurture their Reliance Industries chairman and managing director
entrepreneurial spirit. Mukesh Ambani. PHOTO: ANI/FILE

THE Seeds for the Future formation. students shall join on-site shall visit China again for Reliance Industries
2024 programme was in-
augurated here by Hua-
Undergraduate stu-
dents are encouraged
training and a regional
competition in China in
the global final.
“The experiences and
recognized as one of
wei on Friday, the fourth
consecutive year for the
to participate in the pro-
gramme co-organized
September, where they will
be attending seminars on
knowledge gained through
this programme will em-
world’s most influential
Chinese technology giant
to continue its efforts to
with Nepal’s ministry of
education, science and
cutting-edge technological
innovation as well.
power our young talents
to become leaders in the
companies by TIME
help the South Asian coun- technology. Under the The top two teams digital transformation of
try achieve a digital trans- programme, top selected from the regional round Nepal,” said Huang Jun, RELIANCE Industries in the latest edition of
CEO of Huawei Nepal. Limited (RIL) has been TIME’s influential com-
“They are the seeds that named one of TIME’s 100 panies list.
will grow into the future World’s Most Influential TIME lauded the
innovators, entrepreneurs Companies of 2024. This company, describing it as
and tech leaders of the marks the second time ‘India’s Juggernaut.’ The
nation.” Addressing the the conglomerate has re- publication highlighted the
inauguration ceremony, ceived this honour, previ- company’s origins, trac-
Bishwo Babu Pudasaini, ously being recognized in ing back to its foundation
secretary at Nepal’s min- the inaugural list in 2021 as a textile and polyester
istry of education, science for its subsidiary, Jio Plat- enterprise 58 years ago by
and technology, stressed forms. Dhirubhai Ambani, and its
that the Huawei pro- According to a press evolution into India’s most
gramme offers “a unique release, Reliance now valuable company with a
platform” for Nepali stu- holds the unique distinc- market capitalization ex-
dents to get insights into tion of being the only Indi- ceeding US$ 200 billion.
cutting-edge technologies, an company to have been The company’s align-
foster cross-cultural un- included twice in this elite ment with Prime Minister
People attend the inauguration ceremony of the Seeds for the Future 2024 programme derstanding and ignite list. Reliance Industries Narendra Modi’s vision for
by the Chinese tech giant Huawei in Kathmandu, Nepal on 31 May 2024. PHOTO: their entrepreneurial spir- has been categorized un- a “self-reliant” India was
SULAV SHRESTHA/XINHUA it. — Xinhua der the ‘Titans’ section also noted. — ANI

Japan begins 40,000 yen tax cut to Oil giant Aramco says to offer shares
help inflation-hit households worth over $10 bln on Saudi bourse Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO
FORTUNE VOY.NO. (0UV7QE1NC) are hereby
notified that the vessel will be arriving on 2-6-2024 and
A 40,000-yen ($255)-per-person tax cut programme began Oil giant Saudi Aramco said on Thursday it plans to cargo will be discharged into the premises of MITT/
on Saturday in Japan to ease the pain of inflation felt by sell 1.545 billion shares worth more than $10 billion AWPT where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and
households as Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, hit by low in one of the biggest such offerings in recent years. expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of
approval ratings, seeks to make the benefits of government In a statement posted to the Saudi stock ex- the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
support more visible to disgruntled voters. change, Aramco announced a “secondary public of-
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
Of the total reduced under the new temporary scheme, fering of 1.545 billion shares”, with an expected price declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
30,000 yen is from income tax, and 10,000 yen is from range between 26.70 and 29 Saudi riyals ($7 to $7.70). from the Vessel.
resident tax. High-income earners who receive 20 million The sale on the local bourse, which represents No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
yen or more annually will be excluded, with cash handouts approximately 0.64 per cent of the company’s issued the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185
given to those earning low incomes, such as those exempt shares, will commence on Sunday, Aramco said.
Shipping Agency Department
from paying both taxes. A household of three — an income It is the firm’s second listing after an initial public Myanma Port Authority
earner, a spouse and a child — will be entitled to a 120,000 offering in December 2019 that raised $25.6 billion, Agent For:
yen cut, for instance. The programme will cover some the biggest flotation in history. M/S CMA-CGM SHIPPING LINE PTE LTD
95 million people as a major feature of the government’s Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest crude oil ex-
efforts to help consumers at a time when wage growth has porter and, before the announcement on Thursday,
yet to outpace inflation. Workers can see their income tax the government owned about 82 per cent of its shares.
payments reduced on their pay slips. — Kyodo — AFP
2 JUNE 2024

China, Bahrain establish comprehensive strategic partnership
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Bahrain.

CHINESE President Xi Jinping is ready to work with Bahrain

and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin to develop their comprehensive
Isa Al Khalifa on Friday an- strategic partnership and to bring
nounced the establishment of a more benefits to the two peoples.
comprehensive strategic part- China firmly supports Bah-
nership between the two coun- rain’s efforts to safeguard nation-
tries, a new milestone in bilateral al sovereignty, security and stabil-
relations. ity, and supports Bahrain’s path
The announcement came as of independent development,
Xi held talks with Hamad, who is as well as Bahrain’s Economic
in China for a state visit. Hamad Vision 2030 and its diversified
also attended the opening cere- development strategy, he said.
mony of the 10th ministerial con- China is willing to strength-
ference of the China-Arab States en cooperation with Bahrain in
Cooperation Forum in Beijing the fields of energy, investment,
on Thursday. Bahrain is a good transport, new energy and digi-
friend and partner of China in the tal economy, and achieve more
Gulf region, Xi said, adding that results in high-quality Belt and
although the two countries have Road cooperation, Xi said.
different national conditions, they Both sides should enhance
have always treated each other cultural and people-to-people ex-
sincerely and enjoyed friendly changes, and facilitate person-
relations. As this year marks the nel exchanges to continuously
35th anniversary of the establish- Chinese President Xi Jinping holds a welcome ceremony for Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the strengthen public support for
ment of diplomatic ties between square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People before their talks in Beijing, capital of China, 31 May the China-Bahrain friendship,
China and Bahrain, Xi said China 2024. PHOTO : YAO DAWEI/XINHUA Xi said. — Xinhua

Japan billionaire Maezawa decides N EWS ROU N DU PS: WORLD

to cancel planned trip to Moon President Marcos Jr makes historic address

at Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore
JAPANESE billionaire entre- decided to cancel his planned Moon, as the mission’s feasibil- PRESIDENT Ferdinand R Marcos Jr of the Philippines made history
preneur Yusaku Maezawa has private space trip to orbit the ity became unclear, according on Friday as he became the first Philippine leader to deliver the
to a website on Saturday. keynote address at the 21st edition of the International Institute for
While he had initially tried Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.
to realize the circumlunar flight The Shangri-La Dialogue serves as Asia’s premier annual defence
with other crew members, in- summit, convening government leaders, senior officials, experts,
cluding American DJ Steve and business icons to foster cooperation and address regional se-
Aoki, by the end of last year as curity challenges. In his speech, President Marcos underscored the
part of the “dearMoon” project, paramount importance of maintaining peace and stability in the
the plan “became unfeasible”, international community, emphasising the rule of law as the foun-
a statement on the website dation for countries to pursue their respective aspirations. — ANI
“Without clear schedule Israeli army withdraws from Jabalia refugee
certainty in the near-term, it is
with a heavy heart that Maeza-
camp after weeks of operation
wa made the unavoidable de- THE Israeli army has withdrawn from the Jabalia refugee camp
cision to cancel the project,” in the northern Gaza Strip after nearly three weeks of military
the statement posted on the operation there, Palestine TV reported on Friday. The civil defence
dearMoon website said. agency in Gaza said that rescuers found a large number of bodies
The statement also said, in the area from which the Israeli army has withdrawn, and the
“Maezawa and the dearMoon search and rescue work is still ongoing. The Israeli troops of the
crew members will continue to 98th Division completed their mission in eastern Jabalia and began
challenge themselves in their preparation for continued operations in the Gaza Strip, after “res-
Yusaku Maezawa, the entrepreneur who became the first Japanese respective fields,” but it did not cuing seven bodies of hostages, eliminating hundreds of terrorists,
civilian to travel to the International Space Station in December 2021, mention whether or when the and destroying a 10-kilometre subterranean tunnel network,” the
attends an event in Tokyo on 27 November 2023, showing a capsule team would again aim to carry Israel Defence Forces said in a statement on Friday. — Xinhua
he used to return to Earth from space. PHOTO: KYODO out the mission. — Kyodo
2 JUNE 2024

Alcaraz, Swiatek push through Zverev survives French Open epic
for second week at Roland Garros
TWO-TIME Grand Slam winner Carlos Alcaraz defeated Sebastian
as Djokovic eyes Federer record
Korda in straight sets to reach the last 16 of the French Open for a
third successive year on Friday. ALEXANDER Zverev came Zverev, who effectively ended er. The 27-year-old German,
The Wimbledon defending champion, playing for the night back from the brink of defeat to Rafael Nadal's Roland Gar- who is playing under the shad-
session for the first time this year at Roland Garros, dispatched reach the French Open last 16 ros career in the first round, ow of an ongoing trial in Berlin
the American 27th seed 6-4, 7-6 (7-5), 6-3 to set a round of 16 clash for a seventh successive year came through against Tallon over allegations of assaulting an
against the winner between another American player Ben Shelton, on Saturday as Novak Djokovic Griekspoor 3-6, 6-4, ex-girlfriend, stayed on course
seeded 15th, and Canada's 21st seed Felix Auger-Aliassime, with the took aim at equalling Roger 6-2, 4-6, 7-6 (10/3) for a last-four showdown with de-
pair's match was interrupted by the rain when Auger-Aliassime led Federer's record for Grand despite trailing the fending champion Djokovic. "In-
by 5-4 in the first set. Slam match wins. Dutchman 1-4 in credible match, incredible player.
21-year-old Alcaraz reached the semifinals in Paris last World number four the decid- He's unbelievably dangerous. I
year, where eventual champion Novak Djokovic defeated him, always struggle against him,"
and beat Korda at the same stage in the clay major in 2022. said Zverev after the four hour,
The No 3 seed hit 38 winners (Korda totaled just 20) to 14-minute marathon.
27 unforced errors (Korda had 40), and landed 78 per cent of his Djokovic, chasing a fourth
first serves. title at Roland Garros and 25th
"It was a really good match. I think I played really, career major, will go level with
really, well, much better than the previous match. This was Federer on 369 Grand Slam
something that I really wanted: to get in the rally, to play good points, match wins if he sees off Italian
feeling (like) myself on the court, and I think I did that really well," Serbia's Novak Djokovic 30th seed Lorenzo Musetti in the
Alcaraz said on the court. plays a forehand return to night match.
Italy's Matteo Arnaldi delivered the biggest upset of the day as Spain's Roberto Carballes Djokovic has defeated Mu-
the unseeded player toppled 6th seed Andrey Rublev to reach the Baena during their men's setti four times in five meetings.
singles match on Court
round of 16 at Roland Garros for the first time. However the Italian gave the
Philippe-Chatrier on day five
Over three impressive sets in which he barely stumbled, the of the French Open tennis Serb a major scare at the French
23-year-old handed Rublev his second straight third-round exit in tournament in Paris on 30 Open in 2021 when he won the
Paris, 7-6(6), 6-2, 6-4. May 2024. PHOTO: AFP first two sets of their fourth round
It was the first victory over a top 20 opponent on clay or a top clash before retiring injured in
10 rival at a major for the world No35. —Xinhua the decider. — AFP

Myanmar-Japan football match Wayne Rooney recalls

draws enthusiastic fans time when he got “sued”
ID card. The upper-class ticket
by his former manager
price is K5,000, and the ordinary
ticket price is K2,000, which is
David Moyes
free admission for children under
ten years old. Myanmar Football but at Everton in 2002. Roon-
Federation's Facebook post about ey rapidly rose to success by
this football match has gained showcasing his remarkable
many likes and shares. talent on the field, especially
"Our whole family, three chil- in front of the goal.
dren and five adults, will go to In 2004, Rooney made a
watch the game. Our children switch to Manchester Unit-
have never been inside the sports ed for £30 million, which
field," a Facebook user comment- marked the beginning of the
ed. "No matter what it is, I support Moyes was furious about the relationship going downhill
the Myanmar team with the spirit claim and sued Rooney. In between him and Moyes.
of being Myanmar," a commen- the end, Rooney withdrew The tension between
An advertisement poster published online just after the match is five
the accusations he made and
days away. tator said. Many spectators will Rooney and Moyes came
also issued a public apology to
come to watch this match, said Ko Moyes. PHOTO: ANI into the limelight in 2008
THE Myanmar versus Japan Yangon. Upper-class tickets and Htet Myat, a Myanmar team fan. when the manager sued
football match, which will be ordinary tickets will be sold at the "I think there will be many FORMER England striker Rooney over the claims he
played soon, has caught the au- stadium's Gate 2 from 10 am to 3 spectators in this match. We've Wayne Rooney opened up made in his autobiography,
dience's attention. pm on 4-5 June. seen the public's interest in this about the time when manager “My Story So Far”. In his
The Myanmar versus Japan The remaining tickets will be match. Although there are people David Moyes sued him after book, Rooney accused his
FIFA World Cup 2026 Prelimi- sold at Gate 6 and Gate 8 on the who have a negative attitude, I he made a switch from Ever- former manager of leaking
nary Competition, Asian Zone match day from 10 am to the play- think there will be many specta- ton to Manchester United. details of a private conver-
Round 2, Group B's Matchday 5 time. ID card or driving licence tors. Rather than result, we will Moyes played a crucial sation that he had with him
will take place on 6 June at Thu- is required to buy the ticket, and support our national team," he role in Rooney’s career and regarding his plans to move
wana Youth Training Centre in two tickets will be available per said. — Thit Taw/ZS handed him his first-team de- away from Everton. —ANI
2 JUNE 2024


Young Cambodians
fight to preserve
ancient martial art
The practice includes
kicks, elbow and knee
strikes, and includes
stick, sword, and spear
fighting. Bunthav aims
to preserve the martial The ancient Khmer martial

art for future genera- art of Yutkromkhorm is

enjoying a mini revival in

tions. Cambodia. PHOTO: AFP

a small Cambodian town near combat martial art of Yutkromkhorm. For the students, who wear head- clearly and try to preserve this martial
the banks of the Mekong Riv- The practice was largely forgotten bands and arm ties, the training includes art for the next generations,” Bunthav
er, law student Oeun Bunthav after many of its masters were killed in learning to launch knockout blows with told AFP.
tenses his slender torso and steels him- a purge of intellectuals under the com- fists, high-powered precision kicks and Yutkromkhorm — which translates
self for an elbow strike to his head. munist Khmer Rouge between 1975 and rapid elbow and knee strikes. Stick, to “the art of war” in the Khmer lan-
Bunthav is among 20 young Cam- 1979, but Bunthav and his fellow students sword and spear fighting are also on guage — was born out of the numerous
bodians at an open-air club in Krong are determined to learn its techniques the curriculum. “I will try my best to wars fought by the ancient Khmer em-
Areyksat training in the ancient Khmer and keep their heritage alive. train with it so that I can know about it pire. — AFP

Humanity in ‘race against time’

on AI: UN
Doreen Bogdan-Martin highlighted the extraordinary develop-
ments in AI, which are already speeding up efforts to solve press-
ing global problems like climate change, hunger, and social care.
HUMANITY is in a race against “We’ve let the genie out of time,” she told the opening of
time to harness the colossal the bottle,” said Doreen Bog- a two-day AI for Good Global
emerging power of artificial in- dan-Martin, head of the United Summit in Geneva.
telligence for the good of all, while Nations’ International Telecom- “Recent developments in
The “Electric Salt Spoon” works by passing a weak electric current
averting dire risks, a top UN offi- munications Union (ITU). AI have been nothing short of
through the tip of the device. PHOTO: KYODO
cial said Thursday. “We are in a race against extraordinary”.
The thousands gathered
at the conference heard how
advances in generative AI are
Spoon that enhances salty
already speeding up efforts
to solve some of the world’s
taste goes on sale in Japan
most pressing problems, such
as climate change, hunger and A spoon that enhances the taste of saltiness through electric stim-
social care. “I believe we have ulation was launched by Kirin Holdings Co in Japan in May, aimed
a once-in-a-generation oppor- at people struggling to cut their salt intake.
tunity to guide AI to benefit The “Electric Salt Spoon” works by passing a weak electric cur-
all the world’s people,” Bog- rent through the tip of the device. Users can select their preferred
dan-Martin told AFP ahead of intensity out of four levels, the Japanese beverage group said.
the summit. But she lament- Priced at 19,800 yen ($126), the spoon was commercialized after
ed Thursday that one-third of the company said in 2022 that it had developed a chopsticks-like
humanity still remains com- device to alter taste perceptions using an electric current.
A robot using artificial intelligence is seen at a stand during the International pletely offline, and is “excluded The chopsticks were developed jointly with Homei Miyashita, a
Telecommunication Union (ITU) AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva on from the AI revolution without professor at Meiji University who won the Ig Nobel Nutrition prize
30 May 2024. PHOTO: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP a voice”. — AFP last year with another Japanese scientist. — Kyodo

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