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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. XI, No. 46, 10 th Waning of Kason 1386 ME Saturday, 1 June 2024


The Burma Circle of the Geological Myanmar MRF offers

Embassy to ROK rice subsidy
Survey of India and their to switch to online scheme
Contributions to the Geology of appointment
in Yangon
Myanmar system for passport

MoALI allocates
960,000 acres
for monsoon
paddy from
economic fund
A total of 15 million acres of monsoon
paddy will be planted nationwide for
the 2024-2025 financial year, of which
960,000 acres will be grown with the
financial support of the State econom-
ic promotion fund, according to the
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and
The monsoon cultivation project
funded by the State economic pro-
motion fund will be provided with the
necessary inputs by the relevant de-
partments, ensuring quality and af-
fordability in a timely manner.
All the loans and service fees for
The Nepal-Myanmar Trade Relations: Promoting Software Business event in progress yesterday in Chatrium Hotel, Yangon. the cultivation of green gram and sum-
mer paddy projects in 2022-2023 have

Nepal-Myanmar Trade Relations:

been recovered in the agricultural sec-
tor operations using the State economic
promotion fund. Efforts are underway

Promoting Software Business

to ensure farmers return all the loans
and pay service fees for the remaining
projects on time.
In the same way, agricultural water

epal and Myanmar enjoy ex- are dried legumes, beans and pulses, Nepali banking software, and there is po- supply projects will be implemented
cellent relations. The relations while the exports from Nepal are rugs tential to expand the market further. The from the State economic promotion
between the two countries have and carpets, black tea, ayurvedic med- programme aims to bring IT companies fund in 18 townships across Mandalay,
been marked by goodwill, mutual re- icine, and handicrafts. The lack of land from Nepal and Myanmar together and Bago, and Yangon regions, benefiting
spect, trust, and support throughout his- routes connecting the two countries and establish networks between them so that over 1,400 acres of plantations, 133
tory, and they continue to be the same. the inaccessibility of the sea to Nepal they can engage in the export-import farmers, and 163 industries. — ASH/
The relations encompass areas such have hindered the prospects for further of software. The event is an opportu- MKKS
as trade, tourism, and cooperation on commodity trade expansion. nity for participating companies from
multilateral platforms such as BIMSTEC Nepal’s IT sector, with its software Nepal to share information regarding
and the United Nations. Lumbini, the development and digital services, meets their products and establish links with
birthplace of Lord Buddha – a sacred domestic demand. It has also made enor- potential buyers as well as IT companies
pilgrimage in Nepal and the presence of mous strides in exports in recent years. in Myanmar.
a large number of People of Nepali Origin In FY 2022, Nepal exported IT services This one-day event aims to facilitate
(PNO), commonly known as “Gurkha” in worth US$515.4 million. Considering the the identification of issues concerning
Myanmar, have contributed to enhancing booming IT sector of Nepal, the Embassy service-software trade, match the soft-
people-to-people relations between the of Nepal in Yangon organized an event, ware demand and supply requirements,
two countries. Nepal-Myanmar Trade Relations: Pro- and expand potential sectors of appli-
The existing trade relations between moting Software Business, on 31 May cation, such as banking, microfinance,
Nepal and Myanmar, which are mainly 2024 in order to enhance service trade and remittance by bringing relevant
comprised of commodity trade, are nom- between Nepal and Myanmar. At present, stakeholders from Nepal and Myanmar Farmers seen growing the monsoon
inal. The import items from Myanmar few private banks in Myanmar are using together. — GNLM paddy.
1 JUNE 2024

Condition of Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Southwest Announcement of Central Committee on Prevention, Control
Monsoon Onset and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
9th Waning of Kason, 1386 ME
Issued on 31 May 2024 31 May 2024

DURING the past 24 hours, IT is necessary to control Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection continuously. So it is
Southwest monsoon has ad- now announced that public requests, orders, notifications and directives (except for easing re-
strictions) released by Union-Level Organizations and Union Ministries up to 31 May 2024 have
vanced into the whole country.
been extended to 30 June 2024 for prevention, control and treatment on Coronavirus Disease

'Thabin The Saneain'

(Artiste's Home) begins
filming in Yangon
ACCORDING to Director Kyaw ducted by Thu Khu Ma Acade-
Bo Bo Thar of Thu Khu Ma my, will be acting in the series.
Academy, filming for the series The cast of the series will
'Thabin The Saneain' (Artiste's be Nang Kaday San Oo, Eaint
Home), produced by Thu Khu Thet Hmue Paing, Khun Than-
Ma Academy Film Production, thar, Herry Aung, Htet Yoon
began on 28 May in the Yangon Nadi, Moe Thauk Kyel, Yoon
Region. The director himself Cherry, Hnin Akkhaya, Eaint
wrote the plot of the series. Kyi Phyu, Thiri Yadanar Linn
The new actors, former and Thanzin Moe Htet. — ASH/
trainees of acting training con- TRKM

The image showcases a catalogue for the 'Duo Dynamics' art exhibition.

Sar Ga Art Gallery hosts 'Duo

Dynamics' Art Exhibition
THE art exhibition titled 'Duo The representative of the da has been featured in more
Dynamics' is scheduled to be gallery stated, "We will show- than 17 exhibitions".
showcased from 1 to 5 June case the paintings of artist Nyi The artist Nyi Aung Maw
at the Sar Ga Art Gallery in Aung Maw and artist Win Than- studied art at the State School
Pazundaung Township, Yan- da in a duet art exhibition this of Fine Arts in 1991. Artist Win
gon Region, according to the Saturday. We invite painting Thanda also graduated from
gallery representative. lovers to come and enjoy the the National University of Arts
The diverse and colourful diverse collection. Artist Nyi and Culture Yangon with a ma- Cast of 'Thabin The Saneain' (Artiste's Home).
paintings created by artists Nyi Aung Maw has participated in jor in Painting in 1998. Both of
Aung Maw and Win Thanda will over 12 group exhibitions, while them are professional artists.
be displayed at the exhibition. the artwork of artist Win Than- — ASH/TRKM

The people are urged to receive vaccination of Covid-19

without fail as full-time vaccination of Covid-19 and
receiving booster shots can effectively mitigate infection of
the virus, severe suffering from the disease and increase of
death rate due to the disease.
1 JUNE 2024

Sitagu Sayadaw
receives International
Buddhism Promotion
Award in Yangon
he ceremony to confer Indian Ambassador to Myanmar
the International Award Mr Abjay Thaku, Director-Gener-
for Promotion of Bud- al of Indian Council for Cultural
dhism title on State Ovadacariya Relations (ICCR) Mr Kumar
Sangha Raja of Shwekyin Nikaya Tuhin, U Nu-Daw Mya Yi Foun-
Buddhist Order Abhidhaja Maha dation Chairperson Daw Than
Rattha Guru Sitagu Sayadaw Than Nu, trainees and former
Dr Baddanta Nyanissara by the trainees of ICCR and invitees.
Indian government was held at The Indian ambassador extend-
India Centre in Yangon yesterday ed a greeting speech, and stu-
evening. dents of the Swami Vivekananda
The event was attended by Cultural Centre (SVCC) and stu-
Sitagu Sayadaw, Sagaing Region dents of the National University
International Buddhism Educa- of Arts and Culture (Yangon)
tion Centre Presiding Sayadaw gave performances.
Sitagu Sayadaw, Union Ministers U Maung Maung Ohn and U Tin Oo Lwin, Indian Ambassador Mr Abjay
U Sobhita, Rakhine State Alotaw Director-General Mr Kumar
Thaku and dignitaries are seen at yesterday’s event in Yangon.
Pyae Meditation Centre and Mon- Tuhin of the Indian Council for
astery Presiding Sayadaw U Pan- Cultural Relations(ICCR) and for Cultural Relations (ICCR) an ‘Award for Promotion pan) and Mr Choijamts Demberel
najota and monks, Union Min- Union Minister U Maung Maung then conferred the Interna- of Buddhism’ to recognize (Mongolia) received that award.
ister for Information U Maung Ohn made speeches, respectively. tional Award for Promotion of the contributions of foreign Sitagu Sayadaw was conferred
Maung Ohn, Union Minister for The Indian ambassador donat- Buddhism on Sitagu Sayadaw. scholars, individuals and or- the title of the International
Religious Affairs and Culture ed robes to Sitagu Sayadaw and Afterwards, Sitagu Sayadaw de- ganizations to the promotion Award for Promotion of Bud-
U Tin Oo Lwin, Yangon Region members of the Sangha. livered a speech of advice and of Buddhism globally in 2021. dhism to recognize his reli-
Chief Minister U Soe Thein and Director-General Mr Ku- concluded the event. Dr Duong Thi Thanh Huong (Vi- gious missions that were con-
regional government ministers, mar Tuhin of the Indian Council ICCR has instituted etnam) of Otani University (Ja- ducted in 2023. — MNA/KTZH

Myanmar Consul-General attends 2024

Hengqin Investment Conference
THE Myanmar Consul-General attended eration Zone on 26 and 27 May, along with
the 2024 Hengqin Global Investment other consuls-general based in Hong
Promotion Conference during a visit Kong and the Macao region.
to the Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Myanmar’s Consul-General attend-
Zone, as organized by the Office of the ed the 2024 Hengqin Global Investment
Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Promotion Conference on 26 May. On 27
Affairs of China, according to the Minis- May, he visited customs zones classified
try of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). according to criteria, the Cross-Border
Myanmar’s Consul-General, U Han E-commerce and Live-Streaming Base,
Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan looks into gem stones in the gems
Win Naing, based in the Hong Kong Spe- and culture and creative projects. —
market in Myitkyina.
cial Administrative Region, participated ASH/TKO

Kachin Chief Minister inspects

in a trip to the Guangdong-Macao Coop-

Myitkyina gems market, aids

displaced persons
KACHIN State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan inspected the jade and finished
jewellery shops in the Gems and Jewellery Entrepreneurs Association compound
in Sitapu ward of Myitkyina township yesterday. During the inspection, he urged
concerned personnel to work together to accelerate the transactions, although
the sales are slack currently. The chief minister comforted the internally dis-
placed persons who are sheltering at 18 places in Myitkyina at Manaw Shwe Pyi
Hall on 30 May. The chief minister and relevant officials provided 1,765 people of
346 households with K25,950,000 worth of 346 rice bags donated by the National
The Myanmar consul-general and other officials are seen during a visit to the Guangdong- Disaster Management Committee and K5,709,000 worth of 346 cartons of instant
Macao Cooperation Zone. noodles donated by the state government. — State IPRD/KTZH
1 JUNE 2024

2024 Inter-State/Region Sepak Takraw Championship concludes
Hmu Thang also presented to
the winner Rakhine State team,
first runner-up Mon State team
and second-runner-up Sagaing
Region team. Also, State Ad-
ministration Council Member
Mahn Nyein Maung presented
awards to the winner Mandalay
Region, first runner-up Nay Pyi
Taw team and second runner-up
Kachin State team for the men’s
foursome event.
Then, State Administration
Council member Porel Aung
Thein gave prizes to the men’s
State Administration Council Members (L) are seen watching the final match of the 2024 Inter-State and Region Sepak Takraw Championship championship winner, the Man-
yesterday. dalay Region team, and State
THE final match and award- Pyi Taw Union Territory Team Next, State Administra- State team and second-runners Administration Council member
ing ceremony for the 2024 versus the Mandalay Region tion Council Member U Shwe up Kachin State team for the Daw Dwe Bu presented awards
Inter-State & Region Sepak team for the men’s foursome Kyein presented awards to the women’s triple event. Next, to the women’s championship
Takraw Championship was held competition. Mandalay Region team for first State Administration Council winner, the Rakhine State team.
at Wunna Theikdhi Gymnasi- An awarding ceremony place, the Sagaing Region team Member Dr Ba Shwe presented With the aim of promoting
um A in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday continued after the final match. for second place, and the Shan awards to the winners of the the Sepak Takraw sports across
morning. State Administration Council State team for third place in the Mandalay Region team, first Myanmar, the championship
The State Administration Member U Yan Kyaw presented men’s double event. runners-up Magway Region was held at Wunna Theikdhi
Council members enjoyed the fi- awards to the first-placed Bago Likewise, State Adminis- team and second runners-up Gymnasium A in Nay Pyi Taw
nal matches played between the Region team, second-placed tration Council member Khun Shan State team for the men’s from 23 to 31 May, participat-
Mon State team and Rakhine Yangon Region team and third- San Lwin also gave prizes to triple event. ing 269 athletes from 15 men’s
State team for the women’s four- placed Rakhine Region team for the winners of the Mon State Meanwhile, State Admin- teams and 13 women’s teams.
some competition and the Nay the women’s double event. team, first-runners up Rakhine istration Council Member Dr — MNA/KZL

Counter-argument to false information

Public Notice
Misinformation: 4 killed, 7 wounded in Kalay
The Anti-Corruption Commission has established corrup-
as security forces fired heavy weapons tion prevention units within ministries to curb corruption
IN order to mislead the public, malicious
news media is circulating false news The ACC used SMS on mobile phones to ask the public who
that four people were killed and seven sought services at an office of the department of the relevant
were wounded in Tinther Village on ministries via short code No “1111” for feedback, including
29 May due to the explosion of heavy the public feedback programme (PFP).
weapons by the security forces in Kalay
Township, Sagaing Region. According to the PFP, the proper replies of the citizens via
In this incident, the security forces short code No “1111” will provide the quality of services of
who are there to provide security in the each department and the requirements for corruption pre-
area near the village have been falsely vention to be fixed.
fabricated to mislead the public as these
media outlets are purposely spreading Therefore, the public should reply to the questions of the ACC
false information based on incidents to and corruption prevention units of the ministries via SMS at
create fear and misrepresentation of short code “1111”. Such doing is a supportive measure for
the security forces in public. PFP, and the people are urged to cooperate in the operations.
According to a security official, no
heavy weapons were fired by the secu- Anti-Corruption Commission
The Screenshot validates false reports. rity forces. — MNA/KZL


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1 JUNE 2024

Union Information Minister inspects libraries in Yangon
UNION Minister for Informa- He then proceeded to
tion U Maung Maung Ohn, ac- the Tun Foundation Library
companied by Yangon Region in Bo Aung Kyaw Street of
Social Affairs Minister U Htay Botahtaung Township, where
Aung, inspected the Public Li- he met library officials.
braries and National Libraries During the tour, he said
in Yangon yesterday. that the efforts of the Head of
The Union minister first State in the development of
visited the Myoma Library libraries, benefits of the Tun
in Yankin Township and dis- Foundation Library for the
cussed the needs with the youths and students, and its
library supervisory commit- reference books, and donated
tee members to upgrade the 50 copies and publications.
library services, place prop- The Tun Foundation Li-
er books and journals for the brary was established in No-
youths to receive correct in- vember 2004 with 2,396 library
formation, and create an at- members. Currently, it pro-
mosphere to share knowledge. vides 7,500 Myanmar books,
He provided K2 million and 29,581 English books and 117
ten copies and publications for books of other languages.
the library. He also visited the Infor- Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn provides cash assistance and publications to the Myoma Library
The Myoma Library is lo- mation and Public Relations yesterday.
cated on Yan Naing Lane 7 in Department in Ahlon Township
Yankin Township and offers and the National Library (Yan- regarding the library develop- Cinema on Bogyoke Aung San to maintain the cinema in ac-
over 5,000 copies and publi- gon) in Pabedan Township and ment activities. Street on the same morning cordance with the standards
cations. provided proper instructions He inspected the Wazira and urged officials concerned systematically. — MNA/KTZH

Union Health Minister calls for cooperation to shield youth

from tobacco industry deception
THE internet and social me- ties and punishments. The law
dia are extensively utilized also aims to promote health
worldwide, and seizing this awareness about the dangers
opportunity, manufacturers of using tobacco and tobacco
and sellers of tobacco and to- products, including electron-
bacco products employ vari- ic vaporizers, and to protect
ous methods to promote their young people from deception
products, Union Minister for by tobacco and tobacco prod-
Health Dr Thet Khaing Win uct manufacturers and sellers.
cautioned at the ‘2024 World No The Union minister also urged
Tobacco Day’ held in Nay Pyi everyone to cooperate in the
Taw yesterday with the theme efforts to protect young people
‘Protecting Children from To- against the deception of tobac-
bacco Industry Interference’. co businesses.
In particular, certain to- Also present at the cere-
bacco companies are target- mony were the Deputy Minis-
ing young people in developing ter for Health, members and
countries. Additionally, some representatives of the Central
research organizations are Committee on Tobacco and To-
paid substantial sums to dis- bacco Products, directors-gen-
seminate false information to eral of departments under the
young people, claiming that ministry, departmental offi-
tobacco products manufac- Union Minister Dr Thet Khaing Win speaks on the occasion of the 2024 World No Tobacco Day, held in Nay Pyi cials, chairs and representa-
tured by certain companies Taw yesterday. tives of the Myanmar Women’s
pose no harm. Furthermore, Federation, the Myanmar Red
electronic vapourizers such as member states must prevent Framework Convention on To- sale of tobacco to individuals Cross Society, the Myanmar
E-cigarettes, Vape, and heated tobacco and tobacco product bacco Control in 2003 and en- under the age of 18 and within Medical Council and the Public
tobacco products, among oth- manufacturers from interfer- acted the Control of Smoking school premises or 100 feet of Health Foundation, medical
ers, are also of concern. ing in various ways to delay and Consumption of Tobacco school premises. Advertising, superintendents and primary
According to Article 5.3 of the implementation of public Product Law in 2006, based promotion, and support of health workers from hospitals
‘The WHO Framework Con- health policies. on the provisions of the Con- tobacco products are strictly in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territo-
vention on Tobacco Control’, Myanmar signed the WHO vention. The law prohibits the prohibited by law, with penal- ry. — MNA/TKO
1 JUNE 2024

CBM seeks bids for Layer 2 Switch, WLAN Controller & Access Points
THE Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon. CBM (Yangon branch) between 6 and 18 value. The three-month bank guarantee
called for bids from a domestic compa- The open tender forms can be avail- June during working hours and can be will be enclosed with tender documents
ny through an open tender system to able at the Network Section, Information submitted on 24 June there. in which cash or PO cheque is not ac-
configure Layer 2 Switch, Wireless LAN and Technology Division, Administration When submitting a tender, the tender cepted whatsoever, the CBM notified.
Controller & Access Point at its branches and Human Resource Department of the guarantee is one per cent of the tender — TWA/KK

The Central Bank of Myanmar in Nay Pyi Taw.

63rd Aungbarlay Myanmar Embassy to ROK to switch to online

Lottery tickets appointment system for passport extensions
worth over THE Myanmar Embassy to the Re- in accordance with laws, rules, regu- days and waiting time for Myanmar
K5,600 mln sold public of Korea (ROK) has announced
that it will switch from in-person book-
lations and procedures for the benefit
of Myanmar nationals in ROK, it said.
nationals has increased.
Appointments have been given
ing to online appointment system for Under the current in-person until 18 July 2024 under this booking
passport extensions from 22 July. booking system, there were many system for passport extensions and
The embassy is handling consular applicants and it exceeded the ca- for the provision of better services
affairs and passport related matters pacity of the consular office on some to the nationals with less burden on
them, appointment system will be
changed from in-person booking to
online application from 22 July, it an-
Starting from 31 May, Myanmar
nationals in the ROK can make online
appointments for the desired dates
through https://myanmarembassy- or QR
Code and for obtaining recommenda-
The Aungbarlay Division of the Internal
tion letters, the embassy will continue
Revenue Department.
to provide the service as usual at 2 pm
A total of 552,276 lottery ticket packages, every Tuesday and Thursday.
worth more than K5,600 million, were sold The necessary documents and
for the 63rd Aungbarlay Lottery, the results other information for passport exten-
of which will be announced today, accord- sions can be found on the embassy’s
ing to the Internal Revenue Department. website at Online
Seventy per cent of the proceeds, appointment can be made at https://
worth K3,865.93 million, and K250 million myanmarembassyseoul. setmore.
from the confiscated unclaimed prize mon- com/Myanmar or by scanning QR
ey will also be awarded as lottery prizes. Code and multiple applications will
Prizes include one K500 million prize, not be accepted, the embassy said.
one K200 million prize, one K100 million A Myanmar national in the ROK showing his passport. — MT/ZN
prize, four K50 million prizes, five K20
million prizes, nine K10 million prizes,
12 prizes of K5 million, 16 prizes of K2
million, and 14 prizes of K1 million. In addi- Daily newspapers available online
tion, Waiwai Sarsar Padetha prizes worth
K300,000, K200,000, K100,000, K50,000, and FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon and the
K10,000 are also to be awarded. Global New Light of Myanmar, published daily by the Ministry of Information,
Similarly, K1 million, K300,000, K200, please visit,,
000 and K100,000 prizes from the confis- nlm and
cated prices will also be awarded. — TWA/ News and Periodicals Enterprise
1 JUNE 2024

Hong Kong Fintech Week

2024 invites Myanmar
HONG Kong Fintech Week 2024 through governmental organiza-
(HKFTW 2024), organized by tions, a Complementary Delega-
InvestHK, will take place from tion Programme was arranged. A
28 October to 1 November 2024 business delegate, including five
at Asia World Expo, Hong Kong to seven Fintech companies, will
SAR. Myanmar businesspeople be provided with a 24-square-me-
engaged in finance and technolo- tre booth, and those with eight to
gy are invited to explore business ten companies will be allowed a
opportunities. 36-square-metre booth in order
This FinTech expo will of application. That programme
gather innovative tech solution only covers the booth location,
providers overseas to showcase and they must bear the cost of Consumers line up for purchasing Aemahta rice.
their services and solutions. It setting up the booth.
will feature conferences, exhibi- Those interested business
tions, networking events, demo
shows, and study tours to com-
entities and the members of the
Union of Myanmar Federation MRF offers rice subsidy scheme
in Yangon Region
panies in the Greater Bay Area of Chambers of Commerce and
and Hong Kong SAR. Industry can visit www.fintech-
Last 2023, HKFTW attract- for information and con-
ed over 35,000 participants from tact the FinTech Programmes
overseas. Therefore, the venue and Delegation Manager through MYANMAR Rice Federation Ahlon, Seikkyi Khanaung- Yangon Region. Consumers
capacity is extended for this email: susanna@finoverse. (MRF) offers a rice subsidy to, Mingaladon and Insein. can purchase reasonably
year’s HKFTW. com and the contact number +85 scheme that affiliated associ- Additionally, civil service well-milled (15 per cent bro-
To encourage participation 2 21569342. — NN/KK ations, depots, and rice com- personnel and factory and ken) white rice. An individual
panies run. The consumers company staff can buy them is entitled to buy two pyi at
can buy rice at an afforda- by contacting the MRF. a time.
ble price of Aemahta rice — Under the guidance of For further informa-
K3,000 per pyi. the MRF, Myanmar Rice and tion, individuals can enquire
This scheme current- Paddy Traders Association, about the MRF and depots
ly covers 58 retail shops in export companies and depots through email: admin@mrf.
18 townships: Hlinethaya, worked together to stabilize and contact num-
Shwepyitha, South Dagon, the price and initiated the bers (MRF 09 40067260 and 09
North Okkalapa, North Da- rice subsidy scheme in or- 400067270, Wahdan rice depot
gon, Dagon Seikkan, East der for the low-income peo- 01 8221448, 01 8220131, and
Dagon, Hmawby, Thingang- ple and civil servants to buy 01 8210287, and Bayintnaung
yun, Thakayta, Pazundaung, the rice at fairer prices at 58 rice depot 09 769029428). —
A poster of the Hong Kong Fintech Week 2024. Dawbon, Dala, Kyimyindine, retail shops in 18 townships, NN/KK

CBM to sell US$5M, 5M yuan for exporters, importers on online trading platforms
THE Central Bank of Myanmar 312 million baht in March, $77.38 mil- exchange trading freely as per the
(CBM) sold US$5 million and five mil- lion and 850 million baht in February market rate depending on supply and
lion yuan to exporters and importers and $68.33 million, 313.5 million baht demand, starting from 5 December
on online trading platforms on 31 May and 4.2 million yuan in January 2024, 2023. Additionally, the outward remit-
2024. with a view to curbing the instability tance procedures must adhere to the
CBM sold 10 million yuan on 20 in the foreign exchange market and rules and regulations stipulated by
May, $5 million on 9 May, 2.5 million stopping the currency devaluation. the Foreign Exchange Supervisory
yuan on 7 May, and five million yuan According to CBM’s notification Committee. — NN/KK
and 30 million Thai baht on 2 May on 15 March, it has been joining hands
to exporters and importers through with law enforcement agencies to According to CBM’s notification on 15
online trading platforms. combat and prosecute those who March, it has been joining hands with
CBM injected $3 million, two attempt to manipulate the curren- law enforcement agencies to combat
million yuan and 54 million baht into cy market under the existing laws. and prosecute those who attempt
to manipulate the currency market
the financial market in April. It also CBM allowed authorized dealers (pri- under the existing laws.
sold $18 million, 12 million yuan and vate banks) to operate online foreign

09 251022355, 09 255597511
1 JUNE 2024

Renewable energy: Touche’s statement that it contains no tourmaline is incorrect, as later work has shown

The Burma Circle of the Geological Survey of India

that tourmaline does occur in it, though quite sporadically.

The best drive to reduce The Chaung Magyi Series.

pollution in society and their Contributions to the Geology of Myanmar

This is the oldest sedimentary formation of the district and occupies a wide extent of
the country in the western area, coming between the Tawnpeng granite on the west and
the Palaeozoic rocks on the east. Its inner border with granite is very irregular, owing
to the intrusion of a large tongue in the latter neighbourhood of Loi Ma-raw. The series

HE surge in solar and wind energy generation in 2023 consists of soft, well-foliated, slaty shales, phyllites, and greywackes with subordinate
marked a pivotal shift in the global energy landscape, with sandy horizons, and although it forms much of the highest land, it yields exceedingly few
renewable sources accounting for 30.3 per cent of the world’s B y T H A N H T U N ( G E O S C I E N C E M YA N M A R ) good exposures. The Chaung Magyi rocks to the north of Bawdwin are of slightly different
electricity generation. This significant milestone underscores the facies, and sandy layers are perhaps commoner.
potential to triple renewable energy generation by 2030.
Solar energy, in particular, saw a remarkable increase of 29.4 Bawdwin Rhyolite Series.
per cent from 2022 to 2023. Developing and underdeveloped coun-
tries are increasingly relying on solar and wind power to meet their
EPISODE:35 The elongated irregular area occupied by these rocks has been carefully mapped and
found to comprise a narrow strip of country running in a general northwest and southeast
energy needs. Notably, China is a major player, generating more
than half of the world’s renewable energy.
Geology and Ore Deposits of the Bawdwin Mines direction. From Tiger Camp to the point in the upper Stern Valley where they finally dis-
appear beneath the Pangyuns is not more than three miles, in a straight line. The series
The world is currently facing a myriad of natural disasters This episode is the continuation of the previous Episode 34. consists of true rhyolites, rhyolitic tuffs, true tuffs of various kinds, an occasional band
due to the impacts of global warming, alongside geopolitical of volcanic breccia, and subordinate layers of sandstone and felspathic grit. I regard the
tensions, armed conflicts, and the instability of oil and natural whole exposure as a kind of low dome rising from underneath the Pangyun beds which
gas prices. These crises have underscored the urgent need for surround it. The main axis of the dome runs north-west-south-east. It is not always easy
a stable and sustainable en- History of the Mines deep and V-shaped, separated from one to separate the base of the Pangyuns from the uppermost beds of the Bawdwin Rhyolite
ergy supply, providing an op- In 1910-11, the permanent way of the railroad was at last in good order. The vertical another by steep, knife-edged ridges, their series, for the Pangyun conglomerate is always succeeded below by shales and grits-cer-
Renewable energy is portunity to escalate the use shaft was enlarged and equipped with a surface plant. It has two hoisting compartments, sides scored by innumerable glens and ra- tainly of no great thickness but still almost identical with those above it. Many of these
the best drive to reduce of renewable energy. At COP a ladder, and a pump way. Winding and steam plants were provided for the inclined shaft, vines that make up the amazing network of lower Pangyun felspathic grits contain much tuffaceous matter, and again, the uppermost
pollution and tackle 28 in Dubai, delegates from which was ventilated by two fans driven by a waterwheel. The total development work the feeder drainage system of the country. tuffs of the Bawdwin series are often gritty.
the pressing challenges over 100 countries committed for the year amounted to over 2,000 feet, and the winning of ore in the upper workings to Dense, temperate evergreen forest gener-
of global warming, to tripling renewable energy provide a silicious flux for the smelters was extended. 2,687 ½ tonnes of ore were mined, ally clothes the hills from base to summit. Pangyun Beds.
geopolitical instability, generation by 2030, reflecting the average value of which was approximately 19.38 per cent lead, and 7.72 ounces of silver The higher features range from 5,500 to In an unpublished manuscript report written in 1906, Dr J M Maclaren described
and fluctuating fossil fuel a global resolve to transition to per tonne were railed to the smelters at Mandalay. 6,500 feet above the level of the sea. East under the title of “Banyan Beds” a series of “fairly thin-bedded rocks made up of red and
markets. The commitment cleaner energy sources. In 1911-12, the smelters were removed from Mandalay to Nam Tu. The slags and ores of the Nam Tu and extending a few miles white sandstones chocolate micaceous shales and quartzites with subordinate dark shaly
From 2009 to 2019, re- smelted at Mandalay totalled 12,054 ½ tonnes, and at Nam Tu, 15,774 ½ exclusive fluxes. to the west of the river in the Mong Tat beds and occasional conglomerates” occurring near the Bawdwin mines. He was able
to expanding renewable
newable energy grew at an A lead refinery was erected at Nam Tu. The railway line from Malpwe to Bawdwin was neighbourhood, the true Shan plateau type to prove that they were younger than the rhyolites and the series to which he gave the
energy capacity, as
average annual rate of about re-sleepered and ballasted, resulting in a material decrease in maintenance charges. Sev- of country is found, though here again, the name of the Bawdwin beds. Maclaren also described an unfossiliferous series below the
evidenced by the pledges
five per cent. By 2021, wind eral Italians were engaged in mining work. The total development work done in the mine usual flatness is diversified by the deep val- Nyaungkangyi beds to the west of Lopah in the valley of the Nam Pangyun, “at first sight”,
made at COP 28, sets
and solar power accounted was 3,624 lineal feet and 8,159 cubic feet. The tonnage mined was 5,568 tonnes, of which leys of the Nam Tu and some of its smaller he writes, “they would appear to underlie the latter, but they are so very much fresher
a promising trajectory
for 10 per cent of the world’s a large portion was low-grade iron ore, which was only useful for fluxing. The company tributaries. The change from one type of and younger in lithological appearance that the final impression left in the mind of that
towards a sustainable and total electricity generation. took over a prospecting license issued for the old Chinese mines at Mo-ho-chaung, about scenery to the other is very abrupt and follows the boundary of the Plateau Limestone. they are much younger than the Nyaungkangyi beds.” He regarded the two sedimentary
resilient energy future. The increase to 30 per cent 35 miles from Bawdwin. series, the Bawdwin and Banyan beds, as being very closely connected-the latter overlying
With continued innovation in 2023 is a testament to the In 1912-13, the Chinaman lode was opened up on the 171’ level. Total developmental Stratigraphy the rhyolites unconformably. Regarding their age, he writes, “The sedimentary members
and investment, the goal of rapid advancements and wide- work equalled 6,127 lineal feet and 9,051 cubic feet, 6,222 tonnes of ore were mined, and General probably occupy a horizon in the Ordovician or maybe Upper Silurian. The solution to the
tripling renewable energy spread adoption of renewable 32,019 tonnes of slag were recovered by sluicing in the Bawdwin Valley. The 3rd level, at 300 The Bawdwin ore deposits are enclosed in a series of ancient rhyolites and rhyolitic question is not practicable from the single section run by the writer.”
generation by 2030 is technologies. However, cli- feet in the vertical shaft, was opened up, and an adit level 1,860 feet long was finished to tuffs, which form a dome-shaped structure protruding through the younger Pangyun strata.
achievable, paving the way mate change poses significant carry off the drainage from the No 1 level, which was formerly pumped through the shaft. Going west, an overthrust band of Nam Hsim sandstones is crossed before the rocks of Naungkangyi Beds.
for a cleaner and greener challenges, such as reduced The total tonnage of slag and ore treated at the smelter was 37,254 tonnes, containing ap- the Chaung Magyi series are reached. These form an ancient land surface and, with their The Pangyun series passes up conformably into the Nyaungkangyi beds of the Or-
world. As such, more use hydropower generation in proximately 80,000 ounces of silver, the increase in silver being due to the larger proportion associated intrusive granites, build up the highlands of Tawngpeng. The younger Palaeo- dovician age, and there is some difficulty in finding a horizon to map as their junction. I
of renewable energy is some regions, which has led to of ore now smelted with the slag. zoic rocks found east of Bawdwin and are especially well exposed in the gorge of the Nam have taken it as the top of a thick series of sandy purple mudstones that underlies the last
the best way to cure the an increased reliance on coal. In 1913-14, ending 30 June 1914, the finances of the company were recognized, and Pangyun were deposited in succession on the old land surface. The following rock groups Nyaungkangyi fossiliferous shale. In stream-beds where continuous sections are met, this
ailing world, which is Despite the high initial the Burma Mines Company was taken over by the “Burma Corporation Limited”. Great have been met within the Bawdwin district: - horizon is not so difficult to find, but in other situations, the line taken is more or less arbi-
encountering an influx of costs, renewable energy strides were made in opening up the mine both in the vertical shaft and Dead Chinaman trary, for exposures are few and far between. As the map shows, the Nyaungkangyi band
dangerous catastrophes. projects, including those for Tunnel sections. Name European equivalents. enters from the south and strikes the north. It is about 1 ½ miles broad at first. It becomes
hydropower, solar, and wind The development work for the year was 15,199 lineal feet, exclusive of diamond drilling Recent alluvium . . . wider in the Pangyun Valley, gradually thinning out towards the north-north-west before it
power, offer substantial long- and 18,910 cubic feet. The total tonnage of slag, ores, and fluxes treated in the smelters Sub-Recent River Terraces . . finally disappears below the overlying Plateau Limestone in the Nam Krak Valley. In most
term benefits. They significantly reduce pollution and decrease amounted to 51,482 tonnes, yielding 6,872 tonnes of lead, containing approximately 175,906 Nam Yau Series . . . Jurassic. of the places where I have crossed this band, I have succeeded in finding characteristic
dependency on fossil fuels, contributing to a more sustainable and ounces of silver. The small furnace at Mo-ho-chaung reached an output of five tonnes per Plateau Limestone . . . Devonian. Nyaungkangyi fossils; cystidean plates and Rafinesquina sp. are the most common.
environmentally friendly energy landscape. Countries around the day for part of the period. Nam Hsim Beds . . . Upper Silurian.
world are increasingly adopting renewable energy projects as an In the year 1914-15, the Chinaman ore body was opened up further, and the mine pre- Pangsapye Graptolite Bed . . Llandovery. Panghsapye Graptolite Bed.
effective strategy to mitigate climate change. pared for stopping in the upper levels. The Tiger Tunnel was driven further and should be Nyaungkangyi Beds . . . Ordovician. Immediately above the purple sandy shales at the top of the upper Naungkangi beds, a
Renewable energy is the best drive to reduce pollution and connected to the Chinaman ore body by the end of 1916. Steps have been taken to smelt Pangyun Beds . . . . Ordovician or Cambrian. thin band of carbonaceous shales containing large numbers of graptolites is found. I have
tackle the pressing challenges of global warming, geopolitical mixtures of roasted ore and concentrate estimated to produce about 1,500 tonnes of lead Bawdwin Volcanic Series . . . found the southern extension of the band where it crosses the bed of the Nam Tu, about a
instability, and fluctuating fossil fuel markets. The commitment and about 140,000 ounces of silver per month. Chaung Magyi Series . . . . mile below its junction with the Nam Pangyun and the mainstream, where it is a band of
to expanding renewable energy capacity, as evidenced by the Tawnpeng granite and associated intrusives. black slate containing abundant specimens of Monograptus sp.
pledges made at COP 28, sets a promising trajectory towards a General Geology Due to limited space, the summary of various groups is as follows: -
sustainable and resilient energy future. With continued innovation Topography Nam Hsim Sandstones.
and investment, the goal of tripling renewable energy generation Bawdwin district contains two types of sharply contrasted relief. West of Nam Tu, La Touche’s general summary of the rocks of this group is as follows: -
by 2030 is achievable, paving the way for a cleaner and greener the surface is mountainous and entirely occupied by steep slopes that are produced by The Tawnpeng Granite. A sandy series at least 2,000 feet thick, sometimes very coarse in texture, and elsewhere
world. As such, more use of renewable energy is the best way to the erosion of many streams. Flat ground, either as plateaux or in valley bottoms, is con- The Northern or small map intrusive granite of Tawnpeng forms most of the higher fine-grained and compact, hard and splintery.
cure the ailing world, which is encountering an influx of dangerous spicuously absent, the nearest approach to it being the sinuous narrow tracts of alluvium country west of Bawdwin. The rock is an ordinary white granite consisting of quartz,
catastrophes. which rarely border the banks of the larger streams. Even the more extensive valleys are orthoclase, microcline, and biotite. It usually bears evidence of intense crushing. La SEE PAGE-11
1 JUNE 2024

Pangas catfish: A top choice among fish farmers
AMONG different varieties of January of this year. Pantanaw
fish, fish farm owners prefer is a significant exporter of pan-
pangas catfish to breed in their gas catfish to Yangon Region.
farms, according to fish breed- Pangas catfish, which were
ing businesses. caught naturally, are also ex-
“Fish farms prefer pangas ported to Yangon. From there,
catfish to breed in the monsoon. they are distributed to other
Pangas catfish is the second regions and states, according
most favourite fish of farm to fish breeding businesses in
owners. They are sold in dried Pantanaw Township.
fish and raw. It is cost-effec- The breeding of natural
tive. The most favourite fish of pangas catfish, which is a
farm owners is rohu,” said an freshwater native species of
official from Aung Htet Kyaw Myanmar, has been thriving.
fish breeding and distribution It is one of the major fishes for
from Kayan Township. livestock farms as well as one
In December 2023, pangas of the most consumed fishes
catfish exported from Panta- in the domestic market, and
naw Township were sold well, selling it into dried fish is also Fish breeding pond and small pangas catfish.
and demand was also good in good. — Thit Taw/ZS

Illegal goods seized in various K4.425B worth of stimulant

states/regions tablets confiscated in
Shwetaung township
ACCORDING to the Myanmar Similarly, the police force
Police Force, stimulant tablets continuously arrested Kyaw
worth K4.425 billion were seized Swa Htun, who is the owner of
in Shwetaung township, Bago the vehicle and involved in the
Region. transport of the drug, Htun Htun
Acting on a tip-off, a com- (aka) Maung Maung and Yan
bined team comprising members Naung Htwe (aka) Naung Naung
of the Anti-Drug Police Force who are involved in the drugs
stopped and searched a six- trafficking.
wheel vehicle driven by Htun “The offenders admitted
Htun Win, accompanied by Htin that the seized drugs, which
Kyaw and Hein Min Min (aka) originated from Shan State, are
Hman Lay near Sinmakyet vil- to be transported from Yangon
lage on Yangon-Pyay Road in Region to Mindon Township in
Shwetaung township at 10:30 am Magway Region.
on 28 May. The search result- They are under prosecution,
ed in the discovery of 2,950,000 and perpetrators are still under
Officials inspect teak logs illegally extracted and transported from various regions. stimulant tablets packed in bags, investigation, according to the
valued at K4.425 billion, hidden Police Force. — MNA/MKKS
under bricks.
SUPERVISED by the Illegal out according to the Custom Region Illegal Trade Erad-
Trade Eradication Steering Procedures. ication Special Task Force
Committee, action is being tak- On 29 May, the on-duty seized illegal teak weighing
en under the law against illicit teams under the Magway Re- 1.877 tonnes, illegal hardwood
trading across the nation. gion Illegal Trade Eradication weighing 0.6124 tonne and il-
During inspections on Special Task Force captured legal other timbers weighing
29 May, the Customs on-duty two unregistered motorbikes 0.872 tonne worth K1,136,304
teams captured nine kinds of worth K700,000 at the Anawrah- in Toungoo and Pyay districts.
goods worth K241.935 million, ta checkpoint in Chauk township The action was taken under the
including 5,894.064 square me- and an unregistered Luojia-110 Forest Law.
tres of clear float glass that motorbike (estimated value of The Illegal Trade Erad-
were not declared in the Import K200,000) in Yenangyoung town- ication Steering Committee
Declaration (ID) from 19 con- ship. The action was taken un- reported that six arrests were
tainers at the Asia World Port der the Export and Import Law. made on 29 and 31 May, with an
Terminal container checkpoint. On 31 May, the combined estimated value of K243 million. Offenders are seen alongside seized drugs and a vehicle.
This enforcement was carried teams supervised by the Bago — MNA/MKKS
1 JUNE 2024


China’s leading industrial park launches one-stop

carbon neutrality services
The move aims to efficiently match
businesses with resources for reducing
carbon emissions, relieving costs incurred
during emission reduction efforts.

ONE of China’s leading industrial over 90 per cent of the overall

parks has accelerated its tran- energy consumption in SIP. In
sition to carbon neutrality as it late 2022, the park launched a
moves to aid businesses in their market-based inclusive carbon
carbon reduction endeavors. trading system for voluntary
Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), carbon transactions, and has
located in east China’s Jiangsu since publicized four guidelines
Province, has begun offering one- concerning carbon reduction
stop services incorporating the projects in sectors of distributed
verification of carbon reduction, photovoltaics, specialized charg-
carbon trading and certification ing poles, lighting energy conser-
of carbon neutrality to businesses vation, and wetland carbon sinks.
operating in the park. With the one-stop inclusive
The move aims to efficiently services of carbon neutrality
match businesses with the re- in place, the park will boost its
sources to reduce carbon emis- “dual carbon” service capacity
sions with those in need, thereby to meet businesses and public
relieving the costs incurred dur- institutions’ demand to cut CO2
ing enterprises’ emission reduc- emissions, according to the park
This aerial photo taken on 4 July 2023 shows a view by the Jinji Lake in Suzhou, east China’s Jiangsu tion efforts. administrative committee. —
Province. PHOTO: LI BO Clean energy accounts for Xinhua

Sri Lankan president emphasizes plan to The Burma Circle of the

exploit renewable energy Geological Survey of India and
their Contributions to …
During a discussion themed “Advancing Energy Transition”, the
President highlighted the significance of a recent report on green FROM PAGE-9 its sandstones, though beds
hydrogen and emphasized the need for meticulous planning to of grey and pepper and salt
capitalize on this burgeoning sector. Occasionally, their boundary
with the lower rocks is marked
sandstones and bands of yel-
low clay are sometimes inter-
by beds of coarse conglomer- stratified in the higher parts
SRI Lankan President Ranil ate, which consist of water- of the series.
Wickremesinghe on Wednes- worn pebbles and boulders of
day emphasized the need for a Chaung Magyi quartzites. Recent and Sub-Recent.
comprehensive plan to exploit In addition to the recent
renewable energy and explore Plateau Limestone. alluvium, which borders some
future trends in green hydro- To the east of the Nam of the larger streams in the
gen in Sri Lanka, the Presi- Hsim zone, the Plateau Lime- district, I have noticed raised
dent’s Media Division (PMD) stones occupy the whole coun- river terraces in both the
said. try except where they are Nam Kung and Nam Pang-
According to the PMD, the overlain in the southeast of yun streams, which points to
president made the remarks the map by the red beds of the the recent uplifts in the region.
during a discussion themed Namyau series of the Jurassic
Advancing Energy Transition. Age. References:
The president highlighted Sri Lanka aims to explore future trends in green hydrogen within Brown Coggin J, 1917: Geol-
a recent report on green hydro- PURPOSE/PIXABAY Namyau Beds. ogy and Ore Deposits of the
gen, noting its importance and The Namyau series of Ju- Bawdwin Mines, Records of
the necessity for detailed plan- in local expertise and called for Bank and all stakeholders, in- rassic Age rests unconforma- the Geological Survey of India,
ning to leverage the emerging international assistance from cluding local and internation- bly on the Plateau Limestone. Vol. XLVIII, Part 3.
sector, the PMD said. organizations such as the World al investors, according to the It is distinguished by the dark-
He acknowledged the gaps Bank, the Asian Development PMD. — Xinhua red to purplish-red colour of
1 JUNE 2024


SE Asia gas expansion threatens green transition: Report

Natural gas is often considered a “transition fuel” due to its SOUTHEAST Asia is on track to
vastly expand its gas-fired pow-
in 2019.
Leading the LNG expansion
lower carbon dioxide emissions compared to other fossil fuels, er plant and liquid natural gas in the region are Vietnam, the

aiding in emissions reduction while maintaining economic import capacity, threatening its
green energy transition, a report
Philippines, Indonesia and Thai-
land, GEM said.
growth. warned Thursday. But the area already has
The region’s existing plans enough large-scale solar and
project a doubling of gas-fired wind capacity in development
power capacity, and an 80 per to cover nearly two-thirds of the
cent increase in LNG import ca- projected increase in energy de-
pacity, said Global Energy Mon- mand by 2030, GEM added.
itor (GEM), a US-based NGO. It acknowledged, however,
Natural gas emits less car- that renewables potential is un-
bon dioxide than most other fos- evenly distributed across the re-
sil fuels, and so it is often consid- gion, with some countries better
ered a “transition fuel” that can placed to harness wind or solar
help economies reduce emis- than others.
sions without sacrificing growth. And grid infrastructure re-
But methane leaks from the gionally is also a barrier, with
gas industry are a key compo- upgrades needed to facilitate
nent of climate change, and the renewable integration.
International Energy Agency That might make LNG ap-
(IEA) has warned LNG should pear more attractive, particular-
only have a “limited role” in mov- ly where existing coal or diesel
ing away from coal. power plants can be converted.
“Beating coal on environ- “But ramping up gas pro-
mental grounds sets a low bar duction is not a long-term solu-
for natural gas, given there are tion,” said Warda Ajaz, project
Natural gas emits less carbon dioxide than most other fossil fuels, but methane leaks from the gas industry are lower-emissions and lower-cost manager for GEM’s Asia Gas
a key component of climate change. PHOTO: MOHD RASFAN/AFP alternatives to both fuels,” it said Tracker. — AFP

N EWS I N BRI EF Experts call for new Bretton Woods

system amid global economic challenges
Vatican urges debt cancellation for small
island states
Economists and central bank governors worldwide are
THE Holy See has urged developed nations to cancel debt held by advocating for a new Bretton Woods system to address
small island states, which are on the front line of climate change,
Vatican News said Wednesday. contemporary economic challenges such as high inflation,
“Debt cancellation is not just a matter of economic or develop- increasing protectionism, and climate change.
ment policy,” Vatican representative Robert Murphy said during a
four-day Small Island Developing States (SIDS) conference.
It is “a moral imperative rooted in the principles of justice and ECONOMISTS and central
solidarity”, he said Tuesday. SIDS are extremely vulnerable to climate bank governors from across
change but not rich enough to stop it on their own. the world have called for a new
“The escalating debt burden faced by SIDS is becoming more Bretton Woods system as the
and more unsustainable”, Murphy told the summit in the Caribbean world’s economy grapples with
nation of Antigua and Barbuda, according to Vatican News. — AFP challenges such as high infla-
tion, rising protectionism, and
climate change.
Iraq exports over 102 mln barrels of crude They made the comments
oil in April during an international forum
held on Monday and Tuesday in
IRAQ exported about 102.38 million barrels of crude oil in April, Hangzhou, capital of east Chi-
the country’s Oil Ministry announced on Wednesday. During the na’s Zhejiang Province. Zhu Min, founder of the Global Economic Governance 50 Forum and
month, about 100.92 million barrels were exported from oil fields “The world needs a new former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China and deputy
in central and southern Iraq via the port of Basra, and 1.016 mil- Bretton Woods system, and managing director of the International Monetary Fund. PHOTO:
lion barrels from the Qayyara oilfield in the northern province of the new system should benefit
Nineveh, the ministry said in a statement, citing statistics from the all countries, provide financial said Zhu Min, founder of the Bank of China and former dep-
State Organization for Marketing of Oil, an Iraqi company. — Xinhua stability for the future of human- Global Economic Governance uty managing director of the
ity, support economic growth, 50 Forum. He is also a former International Monetary Fund.
and achieve global prosperity,” deputy governor of the People’s — Xinhua
1 JUNE 2024


French pharmacists strike over

pay and drug shortages
FRENCH pharmacists Professionals say they FSPF pharmacists’ union
launched their first walk- are just as concerned about federation.
out in 10 years on Thursday, drug shortages, rural clo- Around 2,000 pharma-
closing up shop over drug sures and training reform cies have closed nationwide
shortages, low regulated as about remuneration and in 10 years, leaving around
prices, pharmacy closures conditions. 20,000 in operation, trade
and fears medications “The biggest worry bodies say. Pharmacist Al-
could be sold online. is vanishing pharmacies” exandre Aunis in central
After poster and email which face economic hard- Paris said he was staying
campaigns to warn of the ship in rural areas and open Thursday to make up
When SAG-AFTRA strikes outside Paramount Studios, it signifies a significant labour
closures in recent days, sometimes even in towns for this month’s revenue
dispute within the entertainment industry and highlights the efforts of union members to
advocate for their rights and interests. PHOTO: PIX FOR VISUAL PURPOSE/AFP/FILE patients found around 90 and cities, said Philippe shortfall due to repeated
per cent of pharmacies Besset, president of the bank holidays. — AFP
across France closed for
Los Angeles’ share of film, TV the day, with every single
one in some regional towns

employment fell precipitously shutting their doors.

Local authorities have

in 2023: report requisitioned some loca-

tions to ensure legally-re-
quired minimum coverage.
Protesters in cities in-
The Otis College Report on the Creative Economy, cluding Toulouse, Nice, An-
titled “Die Another Day — Hollywood Transformed gers and Limoges chanted
slogans like “Pharmacies
in the Streaming Era”, highlighted the growth of in danger means a threat
film and TV jobs outside of Los Angeles. to health” and “Where’s the
French musician, singer and pharmacist Julien Sfeir poses
amoxycillin?” referring to in the back shop of a pharmacy at Angers railway station,
an antibiotic that has suf- western France, on 28 May 2024. PHOTO: SEBASTIEN
LOS Angeles County’s formed in the Streaming ta, which are home to the fered repeated shortages. SALOM-GOMIS / AFP
share of US film and TV Era,” pointed out that film next two largest film and
employment fell precip- and TV jobs are growing TV centers in the country,
itously to 27 per cent in outside of Los Angeles made up 12 per cent and PESTICIDES DISTRIBUTOR CHANGING
2023, down eight percent- “will naturally raise age- two per cent, respective- We, Jiangxi Zhongxun Agrochemical Co.,Ltd, would like to change the Distributor of the
age points from the year old questions about Los ly, of the entertainment following products, from Myanmar Golden Sun Crop Science Co.,Ltd to Agro Hero Crop
before, but Hollywood re- Angeles’ place within the workforce. While Los Science Co.,Ltd. If any object or enquiry, please contact to Pesticide Registration Board,
mains the industry leader, film and TV industry, and Angeles County’s share Plant Protection Division, Department of Agriculture, Yangon, from here to next (2) weeks.
according to a new report the extent to which the in- of Film and TV employ- No Trade Name Active Ingredient Registration Registration
released on Thursday. dustry is leaving for com- ment has dipped, the in- Name Type Number
The Otis College Re- peting markets, threaten- dustry isn’t dispersing to 1 Trustco Profens 40 EC Profenofos 40% EC Provisional F2023-4271
port on the Creative Econ- ing LA’s traditional role as any particular place, but
Agro Hero Crop Science Co.,Ltd
omy, titled “Die Another ‘soundstage to the world”. many different places. —
Tel: 09-784772103
Day — Hollywood Trans- New York and Atlan- Xinhua

Bangladesh’s business
environment deteriorates in 2023

BANGLADESH’S business environment deteriorated Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SITC Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SEASTAR
slightly in 2023 compared with 2022, mainly because CHANGMING VOY.NO. (2406S) are hereby notified TITAN VOY.NO. (104922) are hereby notified that the
of sluggish regulatory reforms, weak infrastructure and that the vessel will be arriving on 1-6-2024 and cargo vessel will be arriving on 1-6-2024 and cargo will be
will be discharged into the premises of AWPT where it discharged into the premises of MITT-3 where it will lie
difficulty in access to finance, according to the Bangladesh
will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
Business Climate Index (BBX) released Thursday. to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Measured on a scale of 0-100, the homegrown index Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
fell to 58.75 in 2023 from 61.95 the previous year, according to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
to the BBX 2023-24 launched by the Metropolitan Chamber declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) and Policy Exchange
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
of Bangladesh (PEB), Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Star reported. Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185
“Significant reforms are required,” said PEB Chairman Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
M Masrur Reaz presenting the findings of the BBX at a Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
programme in Dhaka. Agent For: Agent For:
The survey was conducted among 520 small, medium M/S SITC CONTAINER LINE CO., LTD LTD
and large enterprises. — Xinhua
1 JUNE 2024

Ukraine, allies to receive N EWS I N BRI EF

devastating response if Western 40 injured in gas cylinder explosion in

southern Pakistan
arms used on Russia: Medvedev A gas cylinder explosion injured at least 40 people, mostly women
and children, in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province on Thursday,
police said.
Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry The incident happened in Hyderabad district of the province
Medvedev warned that Ukraine and its allies would face a where the explosion happened in a shop selling gas cylinders, the
district’s police told media.
devastating response if long-range Western weapons were The explosion sparked a massive fire that quickly spread to
used on Russian territory. Medvedev stated that such a several nearby houses, giving residents little time to escape, the
police added.
response could lead to NATO’s involvement in the conflict. The injured people were shifted to a nearby hospital where 10
individuals were reportedly in critical condition.
The military conflict with An investigation into the incident is underway, police said. —
the West is developing accord- Xinhua
ing to the worst scenario, there
is a constant escalation of the
power of applicable NATO
weapons, so no one can exclude
the transition of the conflict with
the West to its final stage, the
official said. “Western countries
Former US President
that allegedly ‘approved the use’
of their long-range weapons on
Donald Trump convicted
Russian territory (regardless of
whether we are talking about
on all charges
Medvedev suggested that the conflict with the West could old or new parts of our coun-
potentially escalate to its final stage. PHOTO: SPUTNIK /FILE try) must clearly understand
the following: all their military
UKRAINE and its allies will re- Medvedev said on Friday. equipment and specialists fight-
ceive a devastating response to “The former Ukraine and ing against us will be destroyed
the possible use of long-range its NATO allies will receive a both on the territory of former
Western weapons on the Rus- response of such destructive Ukraine and on the territory of
sian territory, which will lead force that the alliance itself other countries if attacks are
to NATO’s involvement in the simply will not be able to resist carried out on Russian territory
conflict, Russian Security Coun- being drawn into the conflict,” from there,” Medvedev said. —
cil Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev wrote on Telegram. SPUTNIK

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald

Hamas says ready to reach “full Trump walks to speak to the press after he was convicted in his criminal
trial at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City, on 30 May 2024.
agreement” if Israel stops war PHOTO: MARK PETERSON / POOL / AFP

A New York jury convicted Don- Judge Juan Merchan sentences

stops its war in the Gaza Strip, ald Trump on all charges in his him to prison time.
according to a statement from hush money case Thursday in a The verdict comes just
the Gaza-ruling Palestinian fac- seismic development barely five weeks before the Republican Na-
tion. Hamas said it has showed months ahead of the election tional Convention in Milwaukee,
flexibility and positivity in re- where he seeks to recapture the where Trump is due to receive
sponse to the efforts of the me- White House. the party’s formal nomination to
diators throughout all previous The historic first criminal tri- face Democratic President Joe
indirect negotiating rounds, but al of a former US president ended Biden on 5 November.
Israel used these negotiations with the 77-year-old Trump found The 12-member jury delib-
“as a cover for the continuation guilty on each of the 34 charges erated for more than 11 hours
of aggression” against the Pal- of falsifying business records to over two days at the end of the
estinian people, citing military hide a payment meant to silence extraordinary five-week trial held
operations in Rafah and seizure porn star Stormy Daniels. in a drab Manhattan courtroom.
of the crossing as evidence. Trump, who is all but certain Trump was convicted of
Hamas and other Palestin- to appeal, did not immediately falsifying business records to
People take part in a protest calling for the release of hostages taken by
Hamas in Gaza, at a shopping mall in Tel Aviv, Israel, on 21 February ian factions will not accept to be react, but sat still, his shoulders reimburse his lawyer, Michael
2024. PHOTO: TOMER NEUBERG/JINI VIA XINHUA/FILE part of this policy by continuing dipping. The conviction thrusts Cohen, for a $130,000 payment to
negotiations in light of “aggres- the United States into uncharted Stormy Daniels on the eve of the
HAMAS announced on Thurs- a “full agreement”, including a sion, killing, siege, starvation political territory but does not bar 2016 election, when her claim to
day that it has informed medi- comprehensive hostages-pris- and genocide of our people”, it Trump from a White House run, have had sex with him could have
ators of its readiness to reach oners exchange deal, if Israel added. — Xinhua even in the unlikely event that proved politically fatal. — AFP
1 JUNE 2024

Marc Brys reinstated as
Cameroon coach after
FA chief apologizes
CAMEROON Football Federation (FECA-
FOOT) announced Thursday evening that
Belgian Marc Brys has been reinstated as head
coach of the national men's football team
barely two days after he was sacked.
In a statement FECAFOOT said, the de-
cision was taken after an "important working
session" with Brys Thursday afternoon during
which FECAFOOT president Samuel Eto'o
apologized for a heated exchange between Myanmar U-16 footballers are seen posing for a

Lot-drawing event
him and Brys. group photo. PHOTO: MFF
On Tuesday, FECAFOOT appointed Mar-
tin Mpile Ndtoungou as interim head coach

for 2024 AFF U-16

of the Indomitable Lions after Eto'o and Brys Group A sees host Indonesia, Laos,
were seen on video exchanging harsh words the Phillipines and Singapore, while My-
before the start of a crisis meeting. anmar will take on ASEAN powerhouse

Championship held
"I apologize because during our first un- Vietnam, Cambodia and Brunei in Group
fortunate meeting, there was a lot of emotion. B. Meanwhile, Thailand will play against
The Cameroonian people are more important Australia, Malaysia and Timor Leste in
than us, and it is for them that we have to Group C. Japanese head coach Mitami
work. A lot-drawing event for the 2024 ASE- July. All the 12 AFF member nations will handle the young Myanmar squad.
Your assignment is not an easy one de- AN Football Federation (AFF) U-16 (divided into three groups of four) will The team is composed of players
spite your qualities and experience, but you Championship was held on 30 May, compete in the championship. Accord- who showed their skills in the FIFA-MFF
should know that you will have our support," as stated by the ASEAN Football Fed- ing to the format of the competition, U-15 league tournament that was held
Eto'o said during a press conference on Thurs- eration. the top three teams from each group at the end of last year, as well as players
day shortly before the official announcement Indonesia will host the tourney, and the best second-placed team will from football academies. — Ko Nyi Lay/
reinstating Brys as coach. — Xinhua which will be held from 21 June to 4 qualify for the semi-finals. KZL

Paris 2024 sport climbing A temporary 15-me-

tre-high outdoor wall has been
MFF Basic Referee Course
venue nears completion
erected in the new Parc des
Sports du Bourget, located in
2/2024 concludes
the northeastern suburb of
Paris, and the assembly of the THE graduation event for the MFF Basic Referee Course 2/2024,
temporary spectator stands is jointly organized by the Myanmar Football Federation and the
almost complete. Referee Committee, was held at the press conference hall of
The climbing wall, featur- Thuwunna Youth Training Centre in Yangon on 30 May.
ing the main colour scheme Senior officials from the Myanmar Football Federation, as well
of this year's Olympics with a as coaches and trainees, attended the event.
gradient of green and pink bor- General Secretary U Tun Tun Aung of the Myanmar Football
ders, is equipped with a canopy Federation, football federation consultant U Bunny Tin Aung and
to protect it from direct sunlight referee committee chairperson U Hla Tint delivered their speeches
and rain. and then presented certificates to the trainees.
The temporary spectator The MFF Basic Referee Course 2/2024 was conducted from
stands have 3,000 seats and 24 to 30 May, attended by two female trainees plus 18 male train-
3,000 standing places. After ees. — TWA/KZL
the competition, these struc-
This photo shows the competition venue for climbing events in Le tures will be dismantled, and
Bourget, near Paris. PHOTO: JULIEN MATTIA/XINHUA the climbing panels will be re-
assembled at other locations
The climbing wall features the main col- across France for continued
our scheme of this year's Olympics with use. "Our ticket sales have been
very successful. All our tickets
a gradient of green and pink borders and are sold out, and 36,000 peo-
is equipped with a canopy for protection ple will watch the competition
during the event," said Vincent
from sunlight and rain. Causse, the head of the climb-
ing venue.

HE construction of the is nearly complete, as organizers This will be the second
sport climbing venue unveiled one of the three new- appearance of climbing in the
for the upcoming Paris ly-built Olympic venues to the Olympics, following its debut in Trainees are seen posing for a group photo during the graduation event
Olympic Games in Le Bourget press on Thursday. the Tokyo Olympics. — Xinhua of the MFF Basic Referee Course 2/2024. PHOTO: MFF
1 JUNE 2024

Ukraine, allies to receive
devastating response if Western
arms used on Russia: Medvedev

Kesavan emphasized
that PM Modi is
following in the
footsteps of Swami
Vivekananda, making
this meditation a
milestone event in
Indian history.

resolve and faith to serve the people of

Bharat,” Kesavan said.
The Vivekananda Rock Memorial holds symbolic importance as a beacon of national unity and inspiration. PHOTO: PIX FOR VISUAL He also showed confidence in PM
PURPOSE/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Modi returning for a third term in office.
“We are very sure that on 4 June,

PM Modi meditates at Vivekananda rock

with the blessings of Swami Vivekananda
and blessings of the people of Bharat, he
will continue his historic journey to lead

memorial for the upliftment of Bharat:

Bharat in the Kartavya kaal to become a
viksit Bharat,” Kesavan said.
The Vivekananda Rock Memorial,

BJP’s CR Kesavan where PM Modi is meditating, stands as

a symbol of national unity and inspiration.
Recalling the significance of the location,
Kesavan narrated how in the 1890s, Swami

AS Prime Minister Narendra Modi

meditates at the Vivekananda
Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari, BJP
and praying at the divine feet of our Bharat
Mata at Kanyakumari in the Vivekananda
rock memorial. PM Modi is meditating
nanda, making this meditation a milestone
event in Indian history.
“PM Modi following in the footsteps
Vivekananda, distressed by the poverty
and lack of self-confidence among Indi-
ans under British rule, sought answers
leader CR Kesavan said that PM Modi’s and praying not for personal salvation but of Swami Vivekananda to meditate will be at this very rock. From 25 December to
meditation is not for personal salvation for the uplifting of Bharat,” Kesavan said. a milestone event in our history, and on 1 27 December, 1892, Vivekananda prayed
but for the upliftment of India. Kesavan emphasised that PM Modi is June, after he completes 45 hours of med- and found enlightenment and a path for-
“Currently, PM Modi is meditating following in the footsteps of Swami Viveka- itation, he will come out with a renewed ward. — ANI

SNAP PRESI DENTIAL ELECTION World No Tobacco Day: Global youth calls
for tobacco industry to stop targeting them
Ex-speaker of Iran’s parliament
Larijani registers for presidential with harmful products
election - Reports ON this World No Tobacco Day,
the youth across the world called
THE former speaker of the Iranian parliament, Ali Larijani, one of for the tobacco industry to stop
the most famous Iranian politicians, has registered his candidacy targeting them with products that
for the upcoming extraordinary presidential election, Iranian are harmful to their health.
news agency ISNA reported on Friday. The young people also called
The registration of candidates for Iran’s snap presidential on governments to adopt poli-
election, called after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, began cies to protect them from these
on 30 May and the final list of participants will be presented on 11 manipulative practices, including
June. Larijani attended the election headquarters at the Iranian relentless marketing of harmful
Interior Ministry at the beginning of the second day of registration products.
and submitted his candidacy for the 14th presidential election, The Member States of the
World No Tobacco Day 2024 will give a platform to young people across
becoming the sixth nominee, the news agency reported. World Health Organization desig-
the world, who are urging governments to shield them from predatory
Candidates will be able to conduct a two-week election nated 31 May as World No Tobac- tobacco marketing tactics. The industry targets youth for a lifetime of
campaign from 12 June to 26 June, media reported earlier in co Day in 1987, to draw attention profits, creating a new wave of addiction. ILLUSTRATION: WHO
the month. Currently, Larijani serves as an advisor to Iranian to the global tobacco epidemic,
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, as well as a member of the and the preventable death and children from the interference of targeting them with products that
country’s Expediency Discernment Council, the news agency disease it causes. the tobacco industry. Young peo- are harmful to their health,” WHO
reported. — SPUTNIK “This year, World No Tobac- ple across the world are calling Regional Director for Southeast
co Day calls on us all to protect for the tobacco industry to stop Asia, Saima Wazed said. — ANI

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