Useful Reference - Children Stage 6 Story Telling

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Auditory Sequence Story Retelling Part 1 Key Strategies Part 2 Key Strategies

Stage 6. Story Retelling

Children love to listen to their favorite story many times and will start to retell it to others. Help your child progress from
listening to many repetitions to listening to a story once only, then retelling it in sequence including as many details as
possible. (See My Experience Book
Introduction Setting Main Action Events – Resolution Conclusion

Little Bear’s Breakfast

Little Bear is fast asleep. Mama Mama Bear walks and walks Mama Bear’s friends happen Mama Bear climbs to Mama Bear comes back to sleeping Baby
Bear know’s Little Bear will be but cannot see any of the right to fly over and together they the top of the tree and Bear. She will have his breakfast ready
hungry when he wakes up. type of gum tree. look for a gum tree with lots of collects lots of fresh when he wakes up. When he gets bigger
leaves for Baby Bear to eat. gum leaves. though, he will have to learn to find his
own gum leaves.
Who? Main character. Who? What happened? What happened then? How did it end? What does Teddy
Where? What? What do you think? Why? How did she feel? Why? What do you think? know now?

Ask questions to help your child retell it in the correct sequence.

Questioning is a common strategy used to check a child’s understanding of what they heard and to encourage
vocal responses. As your child’s language develops, the child’s response to questions should be more than a one
word answer. You can ask questions that are more complex so that your child learns to reason, express ideas, feelings and
develop the skills of problem solving, predicting and understanding cause and effect. (See Integrated Scales of Development and SFB).
Introduction Setting Main Action Events – Resolution Conclusion

The summer holidays. School is finished for the We got lost on the way A tow truck came and Dad will have to spend their
summer & all the family is and then the car broke down! towed the car all the way vacation time fixing the car!
going on a camping trip. Uh! Oh! to our holiday house. I can help him with the tools.

Who? What? Where? How? What happened? So what did you do then? How did your holiday finish?

The number of steps or events in a story would increase as the child’s

language and auditory memory develop. See SFT Week 38. Audition, Language (exp and rec) LLT p100-106.
Extension ideas for Children. Cochlear Experience Book App

co u p le of y e ar s a f te r b ei ng im p la n ted, I
e d m y h e arin g aid b a ck o n a n d it s ounded
t ri
a lly w e ird be ca u se it fe lt lik e th e y were
e m y h e a d a n d no w I f e el re a lly normal.
in s id – Madison now aged 15 years

Cochlear is a trademark of Cochlear Limited. © Cochlear Limited 2012. N389130 ISS1 APR13

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