MCQ Physiology On Endocrine 2024

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1-Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is:

a. Secreted in response to an increase in plasma Ca2+ concentration.

b. Acts directly on bone cells to increase Ca2+ deposition.
c. Acts indirectly on intestinal cells to increase Ca2+ absorption.
d. Not Essential for life.

2) Tetany is caused by:

a. Hyperparathyroidism.
b. Alkalosis.
c. Increased blood calcium.
d. Hypokalemia.

3) Hyperparathyroidism decreases the plasma levels of:

a. Phosphate.
b. Sodium.
c. Calcium.
d. Potassium.

4) Hyperparathyroidism increases the plasma levels of:

a. Phosphate.
b. Sodium.
c. Calcium.
d. Potassium.

5- Calcitonin:
a) Is secreted from follicular cells of thyroid gland.
b) Is secreted from parathyroid gland.
c) Increases plasma calcium level.
d) Decreases plasma calcium level.

1) Parathyroid hormone
a. Decreases Ca2+ reabsorption in proximal tubules of the kidney.
b. Increases phosphate ions reabsorption by the proximal renal tubules
c. Decreases the reabsorption of magnesium and hydrogen.
d. Activates 1α-hydroxylase enzyme in the proximal tubules of the kidney

2) Parathyroid hormone:
a) Secretion is regulated by a pituitary feedback control system.
b) Increases absorption of calcium from the intestines indirectly
c) Decreases absorption of calcium from the intestines.
d) Decreases phosphate excretion.

3) Calcitonin:
a) Is secreted from follicular cells of thyroid gland. b) Is secreted from
parathyroid gland.
c) Increases plasma calcium level. d) Decreases plasma
calcium level.
8) Rapid parathyroid hormone action includes:
a. Activation of osteoclast b. Osteolysis of the bone.
c. Decrease absorption of calcium from the intestines. d. Decreases phosphate

9-About physiological roles of growth hormone which of the following is

a. Stimulation of cartilage and bone growth
b. After closure of the epiphyses it causes linear growth
c. Before closure of the epiphyses it increases the thickness
d. It acts on bone growth directly

10- Vasopressin is responsible for which of the following?

a. It increases water reabsorption by the distal convoluted tubule of kidney.
b. It increases water reabsorption by the proximal convoluted tubule of kidney.
c. It causes powerful vasodilatation
d. It decreases body water

11-Oxytocin hormone has a major role during which of the following?

a. Milk formation
b. involution of the uterus
c. post-partum hemorrhage.
d. Semen formation.

12-About thyroid hormones which of the following is wrong?

a. It has Effect on growth
b. It has Effects on the nervous system
c. It has Effects on sexual function
d. Myxedema occurs , when thyroid hormone increased in fetal life

13- About glucocorticoids, which is False?

a. It stimulation of gluconeogenesis
b. it causes catabolism in intrahepatic cells
c. It has Anti-inflammatory effects
d. It antagonizes stress

Short questions:
Functions of calcium
Functions of parathyroid on kidney, bone, intestine and its regulation
Functions of vitamin D on carbohydrate metabolism


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