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1.WANG’ARA DENIS MURIGI E034-01-1880/2021
2.WAMBUI BRIAN KAMAU E034-01-1881/2021
3.KANG’ETHE JOAB NGAHU E034-01-2624/2020
4.NYANGUZA OWEN OGADA E034-01-1882/2021

Describe a factory/industry accident?

An electric eraser used by drafters at one company was
stored and left in a way such that the nose of the eraser
pressed against the side of the drawer. The contact
between the eraser and the side caused the eraser to
switch on and vibrate. The constant friction caused the
eraser to overheat and start a fire, which spread
throughout the room, fueled by the stacks of paper and
plans used by the drafters causing a fire outbreak in the

Why did the accident happen?

The accident happened because the employees were not aware
of the risk they were placing themselves in when they left the
eraser in the wrong storage place. They failed to take necessary
precaution in the storage of the innocuous equipment which
later became a hazard.
What was the cause of the accident?
1.Presence of combustible papers and plans used by the
The stacks of paper and plans fueled the fire causing the

2.Equipment and machinery.
-Due to friction between the moving part of the eraser
and the side of the drawer, there was production of
sparks that ignited the fire that caused the accident.
3.Lack of awareness of the workers.
-The workers were not aware of the risk of leaving the
eraser in a wrong place.
4.Lack of proper cleaning and housekeeping.
-The presence of the papers and plans shows that the
industry was not well kept.
-These then caught fire and fueled the accident.

What are the prevention measures of the accident.

1.Following a regular housekeeping regimen
-This could have enabled the removal of the paper and
plans which acted like fuel for the fire, thus it could not
have spread or become big.
2.Training the workers and spreading awareness among
-The workers could not prevent the risks they did not
know about and did know existed.
-Providing safety awareness training enables everyone in
the industry to know what risks to watch out for and what
to do if they find one.
3.Conduct a hazard analysis.
-The analysis which is carried out in the entire industry
assists in discovering exactly where the greatest risks lie
and what can be done to address them.
-The operation should also be reanalyzed regularly such
as after installment of a new piece of equipment on the
production line.
4.Establish fire prevention and emergency procedures.
-Policies and procedures that cover matters concerning
fire outbreaks should be put up.
-An emergency evacuation plan should also be placed
where everyone has access to the document at all times
and in strategic places in the facility.
1.Safe use and handling of flammable liquids HSG140 HSE Books 1996.
2.The storage of flammable liquids in containers HSG51(Second edition)
HSE Books 1998 ISBN 978 0 717614714.
3.Designing and operating safe chemical reaction processes HSG 1998
HSE Books.
4.DSEAR Risk Assessment 2008 BCGA Guidance notes GN13.

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