Dentin NEW Questions Fall 2010 - EZZ

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1. The main bulk of the tooth is formed of………………………..
2. The dentin is formed by …..% inorganic & ……..% organic.
3. In X-rays , dentin appears more ……………………than the pulp & more………………..than
the enamel
4. the unit structure of dentin is……………….
5. The ………………….cell forms a continuous layer around the pulpal surface of dentin.
6. The shape of odontoblast in the pulp chamber is ……………….. , in the beginning of root
canal is.……………. , in the mid root …………… , and in the apical part is………..
7. There is always a layer of………………..separating the odontoblast from the mineralized
8. The course of the dentinal tubules at the incisal edge and the cusp tip is…………………..
9. The course of the dentinal tubules at the cervical area is………………..
10. The course of dentinal tubules in the root is………………………
11. 1ry curvature of dentinal tubules is ……………………….
(answer: the s-shape course of dentinal tubules that is present in all dentin except incisal
edge and root)
12. The secondary curvature of dentinal tubules is due to………………… ( V.V.V.imp )
(answer: spiral tract of odontoblast)
13. The………………………result from the spiral tract taken by the odontoblast during its course
from the outer dentin surface to the pulp.
14. The primary convexity of the S-shape dentinal tubules is towards ……………..and the
second cenvexiy is towards ……………..( answer: root – crown)
15. There are 2 types of branching in the dentinal tubules; they are………………&……………….
(answer: terminal branching & lateral branching)
16. The content of dentinal tubules is…………………..&……………………..
(answer: odontoblastic process & periodontoblastic space that contains dentinal fluid
and some collagen fibrils )
17. The diameter of dentinal tubules is near the pulpal surface is (greater / smaller ) than the
outer surface of dentin (answer: greater)
18. The ration between the number of dentinal tubules / unit area on the pulpal surface and
the outer surface is ……………………….(answer: 4 : 1)
19. The periodontoblastic space is the space between …………...and……………………
20. The dentinal lymph is filling the………………………space
( answer : periodontoblastic space )
21. The type of dentin that is formed between the dentinal tubules and form the main bulk of
dentin is called………………………….
(answer : intertubular dentin )
22. The type of dentin that form the wall of dentinal tubules is called……………………………and it
characterized by being………………………
(answer: peritubular dentin – hypermineralized )

N.B: dentinal tubules :

-number : -diameter: -content : -course : -branching:
-surrounded by ( its wall ): - inbetween :

23. Incremental lines of dentin are……………………….,……………….&…………………………

24. The incremental line of dentin that marks the normal rythmic formation of dentin is
25. Contour line of Owen appears as a result of………………….
26. If disturbance of calcification of dentin occurs ., this will lead to accentuation of
incremental line called………..
27. Neonatal line of dentin separate ………………………from…………………….. , and appears as a
result of………………………….., and appears only in …………………………………
28. The cause of the interglobular dentin is………………………..and it is located in ………………..
29. The cause of the Tome's granular layer is……………………….and it is located in……………..
30. The mechanism of attachement between enamel and dentin is by 2
( the scalloping of the DEJ + projecting fibers from the mantle dentin beyond the DEJ
before enamel mineralization)
31. Theories of dentin sensitivity are……………………..,……………………..&……………………
32. Dentinogenesis is composed of 2 processes ; they are.....................and…………….
33. The primary dentin is formed of 2 types of dentin ; they are………………and…………….
34. Mantle dentin is formed ( before / after ) circumpulplal dentin
35. The first formed layer of dentin is called…………………………and the rest of dentin that form
the main bulk of the tooth is called………………………..
36. In the mantle dentin, the collagen fibers are arranged ………….in the crown and …………
the root.
(answer: perpendicular to DEJ – parallel to the root surface )
37. For dentin maturation , the odontoblast bud off small vesicles from their membrane
called……………..(answer: matrix vesicles)

38. Mineralization of dentin occurs in 3 patterns………………………or……………………or……………

39. The pattern of mineralization in mantle dentin is…………………..while the pattern of
mineralization of circumpulpal dentin is………………………………..
40. Primary dentin is defined as…………………
(answer: the dentin that is formed TILL the root is completed )
41. Secondary dentin is defined as……………………..
(answer : ANY dentin formed after the root is completed )
42. The types of 2ry dentin are……………………..and……………………..
43. The irregular 2ry dentin ( reparative dentin) is formed as a result of………………………
44. The types of reparative dentin are……………….or……………………..or……………………
(answer: osteo dentin OR vasodentin OR atubular dentin OR irregular dentin )

45. The reparative dentin with no tubules at all named ............................While that with
entrapped forming cells named .................................

(answer : atubular dentin – osteo dentin )

46. The name of dentin that is characterized by its vascularity ( containing blood vessels ) is

(answer: vasodentin )

47. The name of dentin that is characterized by entrappement of some odontoblasts inside it
is called………………

( answer : osteodentin)

48. There is always ………………………..separating the 1ry dentin from the secondary dentin
(answer : line of demarcation )
49. Age changes of primary dentin are……………………and………………………..
50. Dead tract is an age changing in………………….dentin.
51. Sclerotic dentin is formed as a result of……………………………
52. External stimulus accelerates ......................... dentin formation that eventually may
obliterate the tubules spaces.
(sclerotic dentin )
53. The dead tract is formed as a result of……………………
54. Under transmitted light the sclerotic dentin appears ……………………..while the dead tract
appears ………………………
Scientific word:
1. The cell that is present in the pulpal surface of denti n and has a protoplasmic process
that is present inside the dentinal tubule
2. The space between the odontoblastic process and the wall of dentinal tubules
( periodontoblastic space )
3. The type of dentin located in between the dentinal tubules
4. The type of dentin that form the wall of dentinal tubulesand characterized by being
5. The incremental line of denti n that represent the rhythmic pattern of dentin
(incremental lines of von Ebner)
6. Hypocalcified areas in dentin appearing in the crown formed as a result of failure of
fusion between globules of calcium and it follows the incremental line
7. Hypocalcified areas in root dentin appearing as a result of looping of terminal portions
of dentinal tubules
8. The first formed layer of dentin
9. The type of dentin that form the main bulk of dentin
( intertubular dentin OR circumpulpal dentin )
10. Type of secondary dentin that is formed on the entire pulpal surface of the tooth
11. The type of secondary dentin that is formed on localized areas along the pulpal
surface of dentin due to severe stimuli
12. The line that separate the 1ry dentin from the secondary dentin
13. Narrowing of dentinal tubules with age due to fatty degeneration of the odontoblast
and their process.
14. A constant feature appear in the root dentin adjacent to the cementum
( Tomes granular layer )
15. The odontoblastic process that extends in between the cells of IEE before formation of
enamel ( enamel spindles )
16. The theory supposes that dentin contains nerve endings, which respond when dentin
is stimulated. ( direct neural stimulation )

17. theory contends that a dental stimulus excites the odontoblastic process which then
transmits the excitation to the adjacent nerve plexus.

(answer: odontoblastic transduction theory )

1. Types of branching of dentinal tubules
2. Different shapes of odontoblast
3. Incremental lines of dentin
4. Hypocalcified structures in dentin
( answer: interglobular dentin , Tomes granularlayer , incremental lines)
5. Theories of dentin sensitivity
6. Types of primary dentin
7. Types of secondary dentin
8. Age changes of primary dentin
9. Different types of dentin and mention the site of each ( Very important)

Give reasons:
1. Dentin can be studied in both ground section and decalcified section
(answer: because dentin is formed of 75% inorganic so it appears in ground section
And formed of of 25% organic content so it appears in decalcified section)
2. Dentinal tubules have secondary curvatures
(due to spiral tract of odontoblast)
3. In T.S ground section of dentinal tubules , a translucent ring appears around the
dentinal tubules
(because the wall of the dentinal tubules is formed of peritubular dentin that is
hypemineralized so on ground section it resist grinding and appears translucent)
4. Neonatal line is only found in deciduous teeth and the 6.
(because these teeth are the only teeth in which part of their crown are formed before
birth and the other part is formed after birth )
5. The interglobular dentin areas appears black under the ground section
(because in these areas , ONLY some dentin matrix is present that can not withstand
the ground section so it is burned and becomes a space that is filled with air so
appears black)
6. The dentinal tubules can not cross the Tome's granular layer
(because the cause of Tome's granular layer is looping of the terminal portion of
dentinal tubules)
7. The enamel is strongly adherend to dentin
(by the help of scalloping of the DEJ + some projecting fibers from mantle dentin that
enter the enamel matrix before mineralization)
8. Interglobular dentin spaces can not be found in mantle dentin but can be found in
circunmpulpal dentin ( V.V.V important )
(because in the mantle dentin , the pattern of mineralization is linear only , while in the
circumpulpal dentin the pattern of mineralization is either globular or combination of
linear and globular pattern)
9. There is a line of demarcation appearing between the primary dentin and the regular
secondary dentin
(because the regular 2ry dentin is differ from the primary dentin by having dentinal
tubules that are less in number and more in curvature)
10. The sclerotic dentin appears translucent under transmitted light
(answer: write the cause of sclerotic dentin….)
11. The dead tract appears black under transmitted light
(answer: write the cause of the dead tract…..+ space filled with air so appears black)
12. The high sensitivity of pain in the DEJ
(answer: due to terminal branching of the process of the odontoblast at the DEJ
forming plexus at the DEJ )

Give short acoount on:

1.Incremental lines of dentin

2.Compare between : interglobular dentin and Tome's granular
( boss fel lecture slides – slide number 34 )
3.Compare between :mantle dentin and circumpulpal dentin
( boss fel lecture slides – slide number 45 )
4.Compare between :regular and irregular 2ry dentin ( age
changes in SECONDARY dentin)
( el ketab or el slides )
5.Compare between sclerotic dentin and dead tract ( age
changes in PRIMARY dentin)
( el ketab or el slides )
M.C.Q questions:
1.Obliteration of the dentinal tubules by minerals will result in the formation of:
a- dead tract
b- sclerotic dentin
c- reparative dentin
d- regular 2ry dentin

2. Reparative dentin is characterized by:

a- contain regular and numerous dentinal tubules
b- its formation is induced by the cells of the IEE
c- formed in localized regions on the pulpal surface of the dentin
d- obliterates the apical foramen

:the secondary dentin is differed from the primary dentin is that .3

a- there is no predentin in the secondary dentin

b- there are no hydroxyappatite crystals in the 2ry dentin

c- there are no collagen fibers in the 2ry dentin

d- the dentinal tubules pass in wavier course in the 2ry dentin

:which of the following is considered as age changes .4

a- transparent dentin

b- 1ry dentin

c- mantle dentin

d- enamel spindles

:which of the following has the highest mineral content.5

a- predentin

b- intertubular dentin

c- cementum

d- peritubular dentin
:which of the following is true concerning Tomes' granular layer .6

a- it does not follow an incremental pattern

b- result from looping of the terminal portions of the dentinal tubules

c- present adjacent to the cementodentinal junction

d- all of the above

:the dentinal tubules.7

a- are surrounded by hypomineralized rings of peritubular dentin

b- always follow a straight course to the DEJ

c- contain process that may extend into enamel as enamel spindles

d- shown no branching during its course

:primary dentin differs from regular 2ry dentin in that .8

a- its matrix is calcified

b- it is produced by UMC

c- it usually has a greater number of tubules / unit area

d-its inorganic component is hydroxyappatite crystals

:which of the following will not appear in the ground section.9

a- dentinal tubules

b- interglobular dentin

c- inorganic crystals

d- odontoblasts

:which type of dentin composes the bulk of the tooth.10

a- mantle dentin b- interglobular dentin

c- peritubular dentin d- intertubular dentin

:which of the following is wrong.11

a- the formation of the 1ry dentin continues throughout life

b- dead tract more commonly seen in the 1ry dentin

c- reparative dentin formed as a resonse to injury

d- 1ry dentin contain regular tubules with high number/unit area

:which of the following does not increase with age.12

a- pulp stones

b- sclerotic dentin

c- interglobular dentin

d- regular 2ry dentin

:formation of matrix vesicles in calcification of dentin is limited to.13

a- mantle dentin

b- circumpulpal dentin

c- all types of dentin

d- non of the above

:interglobular dentin spaces.14

a- do not contain dentinal tubules

b- do not contain collagen fibers

c- are formed in the circumpulpal dentin only

d- are seen in the 2ry dentin

: the interglobular dentin is found.15

a-near the cement enamel junction

b- in the root dentin

c-near the amelodentinal junction

d- near the cementodentinal junction

:which of the following is the content of the dentinal tubules.16

a- Tomes' fibers

b- Tomes' process

c- Oxytalan fibers

d-thick collagen fibers

:which of the following is not present inside the dentin.17

a- odontoblast

b- hydroxyappatite crystals

c- collagen type 1

d- incremental lines

:which of the following is not present in the odontoblast .18

a- golgi saccules


c- desmosomes – like junctions

d- numerous processes
:primary dentin is formed of .19

a- mantle & circumpulpal dentin

b-Tomes' process

c- cell bodies

d- atubular dentin

:which of the following is true.20

a- layer of predentin is formed between 1ry dentin and 2ry dentin

b- dentinal tubules do not pass the interglobular dentin

c- the physiological 2ry dentin contain dentinal tubules

.d- many large collagenous fiber bundles are found inside the dentinal tubules

:which of the following is least prominent in odontoblast and secretory ameloblast.21

a- rER

b- mitochondria

c- Golgi

d- Lysosomes

:Collagen fibers are not found in.22

a- mantle dentin

b- reparative dentin

c- prismeless enamel

d- predentin
:Amelogenesis and dentinogenesis are similar in that both .23

a- involves the secretion of collagen fibers + hydroxyappatite crystals

b- involves mineralization with the hydroxyappatite crystals

c- start at the early bell stage

d- continue through out the life span of the tooth

: age changes will increase.24

a- dentin sclerosis

b- interglobular dentin

c- dentinal tubule width

d- Tome's granular layer

put T or F
1- Sclerotic dentin appears black when viewed by transmitted light while with reflected light these areas
appear white. ( )

2- The dentin with no tubules at all named "atubular dentin". While the dentin with entrapped forming cells
named "vasodentin". ( )

3- Regular secondary dentin starts before root formation is completed ( F )

4- Linear calcification founds in secondary dentin. ( )

5-The fibers of circumpulpal dentin are present parallel or oblique angles to the tubule. ( T )

6- Sclerotic dentin is characterized by calcification of dentinal tubules, where the odontoblastic processes
undergo fatty degeneration and then calcification. ( )

7- In Mantle dentin, ground substance is incorporated with some pre-existing ground substance of the
dental papilla . ( T )

8- The function of matrix vesicles is to provide a special micro-environment in which the first
hydroxyappatite crystals can form. ( T )

9-The presence of matrix vesicles is limited to mantle and circumpulpal dentin ( F )

10- The circumpulpal dentin form the main bulk of dentin ( )

11-Globular calcification (calcospherite) usually presents in circumpulpal dentin formed just below mantle
dentin. ( )

12-Each dead tract is surrounded and isolated by a narrow zone of reparative dentin. ( F )
13- External stimulus accelerates intra -tubular dentin formation that eventually may obliterate the tubules
spaces. ( T )
14- The collagen fibrils of mantle dentin are aligned at right angles to the DEJ ,while in the mantle dentin of
the root the fibers are parallel to the root surface. ( T )

16- The sclerotic dentin slows down an advancing carious process, so it may help to prolong pulp vitality.
( T )

17- The matrix vesicles are rich in calcium and phosphate ions but not contain alkaline phosphatase
enzyme. ( F)

18- the enamel spindles are real enamel structure ( F )

19- quiescent stage is the active odontoblasts ( F )

20-In transparent dentin, the most likely source of the calcium salts is the fluid of "dental lymph" within the
tubules. ( )

21- The resting odontoblast doesn't produce dentin. ( F )

Good Luck  - Ezz

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