Invitation Letter

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ate Taos ifetime * I Istanbul, Turkey al Istanbul International MUN The continuous growth of the world as a global village has given birth to countless platforms where one's ideas are not limited to one's confined social circle, but the world can be rattled with any individual's ideas and perceptions. Istanbul International MUN is one of such platforms that invites young blood of this generation and provides them with the ‘opportunity to proffer solutions for numerous turmoil that have permeated this world, The world is undoubtedly more prone to calamities than it was fever before, and Istanbul International MUN can be of service for discovering the solutions for such growing irregulatities. Istanbul Internationak MUN second edition is an upcoming event, organised by Neoterican, which serves as a platform for one’s spectacular and apie development in personality, meticulous understanding of the current affairs, andielocution. These set of skills are, indeed, greatly recommended to contribute in the making of this world a better place, for they bring forward the lurking ingenuity of each individual Moreover, this endeavour will provide a great opportunity for the individuals to share their unique perspectives with the people beyand their physical borders which, in itself, is @ major step towards the better understanding of the world, It wil serve as a subtle chance for the young generation to forge their political, diplomatic and problem-solving skills at such an extent which isnecessary forthem toaccomplish their dream as future leaders It is an inevitable fact that the future resides on the shoulders of this modern generation. pants by Objectives QB ee Uinanecaan BO ua ete) ee) reste partcenis single platform for en eM ol) development and finding solutions to several problems NUNES around the gl sement of knowledge, character G To bring forth the vigour among the young leaders. ue To incite the basic knowledge and advantages of LP envy early stage, ‘eurship among the participants ats To raise awareness about the culture and traditions of Turkey by gallivanting in certain cities during the event. of traveling, Istanbul International MUN's Driving Force eae ee ee eer) Dea ee nce ens nurture the political, diplomatic and social skills among the Pee ec een eet ees The ambition of a better modern world is interweaved in every Coe ae cae ny eS et ee Cate eae erg COS cer Cee eee Se ee a eae eae) Se ee aoe .@ awareness about en eee See ae ee participants can infer possible remedies to these instabilities. ane eee Cee eons Ret eee Tae a note The organization aims to make learning @ wonderful experience See OR a ad Se eee eas y NX Programs TU eet eu ace oe CueL eT conduct events that are step towards growth for both the participants and the Se ae ede cee eee Model UN Conferences LeadershipTraining Diplomatic Training ‘An event akin to the seminars of Camps Workshops United Nations where delegates These provide ample opportunities A stupendous event augmented by represent designated countries ancl for sharpening the leadership skill professionals and experts dedicated propose reasonable solutions to the of individuals that are eager to test to teach considerable diplomatic matter at hand. The debates are the their innate. diplomatic skills Zkill tothe participants quintessence of delegates’ knowledge. Entrepreneur Workshop ‘A remarkable learning experience for individuals who have their eyes set on becoming successful businessmen and intend to excel their entrepreneurshif skills. The participants will have an opportunity of shadowing several accomplished entrepreneurs who will encourage and assist them to pursue their dreams, You can review the schedule on the website Been g oc care uci} Re Ce eee oe ec : goa TAVA LA (=f ate Sige epee er iets Cone e Reaerad The Ecclesia The Ecclesia was a formal meeting conducted by the citizens of Greek in order to discuss important political and public matters overa feast. The essence of ecclesia will be practiced at Istanbul where the participants will be mustered to meet and greet their fellow participants. This willbe an apt opportunity for participants to enhance their social sills by sharing their views and welcoming others’ school of thought to their perception. The participants will bask in the hospitality and culture of Turkey as they venture to the event. Several distinguished personalities willinteract with the participants in order to boost thei morale and fervour The Revel This formal event will be @ spree of relishing of the delicious cuisines of Turkey which will Ince forthe participants to interact with their fellows more amiably. This session will serve as an opportunity for the participants to form their network with the others which will be very helpful for them to grow their social skills and knowledge. Several organizations nd NGOs will also be a part of this revel and will provide both guidance and inspiration to the participants. also serve asa great ct Grand Game Night The eventis further enriched with a jocund evening where all the delegates would embark toentertain themselves. This activity will be conducted on the first day of the event and is aimed to bring nothing but joy for the participants, The delegates will be given gifts and souvenirs to make this event one of a lifetime for them, Council Sessions The participants willbe associated with the names of different countries under which they will havea specific role during the council sessions. Everyone will be given a topic to share their perspective about it and presentit with sheer confidence during the sessions before the council. These sessions ere aimed to hone the audacity and potential of the participants. The debates in these sessions will also induce the spirit of present impromptu argument there and then which tests the brink of participant's knowledge and ‘awareness about the issue, Musical Night A magical night will be arranged for the participants where they will feel unencumbered and will have a mesmerizing night filled with their heartful songs. This will be a strong bonding opportunity for them, and despite having different school of thought about a same agenda; they will relish their opponents’ company. The participants will have a splendid evening by telling jokes and stories, play parlour games or even by dancing. Istanbul City Tour Among several entertaining activities up the sleeve of Istanbul International MUN, we have also arranged a joyous tour of Istanbul for the participants which will be a great opportunity for them to discover the culture and trends of Turkey. The city of Istanbul manifests the ethos of Turkey's history that becomes more overwhelming with every wander inits streets. Exchange of Cultures This will be a closing ceremony of the event where the participants will share their cultures and traditions with other delegates in order to make this, ‘event more exciting and reminiscing. This departing ceremony will bring not merely the joys of experience but also new friends that can offera diversity of knowledge and enhancement of one's social network Cruise Dinner Istanbul Islands are just like fantastic cities from fairy tales. Istanbul International MUN has arranged a private yacht for the delegates so they may witness the beauty of the Istanbul’ Islands. They will have the ‘opportunity to discover uncharted coves that can only be reached in a private yacht. Why Join Us ete etek Ree nc Re eR Se Cee a eC ana Nasa Rn eTercd and entertain the participants, so they may have a time of their lifetime. At Neoterican, you will be given the opportunity to: Travel the world and be imbued in the different cultures of different Peratioe Interact with people having diverse Peete eee ed tears fore or ood from the ambassadors and expert CT ous fea ee OO enue aia leader in future. Deen eT Core ee nc tat and the society. ‘Augment your drafting and composition ee eee na ces Cee Cc cy rors Rete Ree ne eed more objective outlook towards life. Committees for Istanbul International Model United Nations 2023 UNSC Y NX, \\ tae Units Nations Chanarentblnhed sitmain organs of th United Nations, ng ¢ Ny | Sse Se teem Se and security to the Security Council, which may meet whenever peace is threatened. When a dispute leads to hostilities, the Council’ primary concernis to bring them to anend as soon as possible. In that case, the Council may issue ceasefire directives that can help prevent an escalation of the conflict, economic sanctions, arms embargoes, financial penalties and restrictions and travel bans. UNHRC The United Nations Humen Rights Council (UNHRO) is a United Nations body whose mission isto promote and protect human rights around the world, The Council investigates allegations of breaches of human rights in United Nations member states, v, Vy tndadiestes matic urn rahatenve eich as oso of aeocnon ond \ y assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of belief and religion, women's rights LGBT Ss TL rights and the rights of racial and ethnic minorities. UNDP UNDP's mandate is to end poverty, build democratic governance, rule of law, and inclusive institutions. We advocate for change, and connect countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life It promotes technical and investment cooperation among nations and advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources te help people build a better lfe for themselves. SOCHUM ¢/ The Unite Nations General Assembly Third Committee (also known asthe Soci \ Humanitarian and Cultural Committee of SOCHUM or C3)is one of six main committees YQ at the General Assembly of the United Nations. It deals with human rights humanitarian SS Aes aaa cS SOCHUM WHO - Ny scoponbe ornteeton| pubte natn To WHO Constaon which asl the IY} Storeysgovemingsvucure ond pny, sates s man objective ssw atabent Y by all peoples of the highest possible level of health’. The WHO hes played a leading role AY |) i seteaiv ae sateen mom nets te econ 3 pee near-eradication of polio, and the development of an Ebola vaccine. Y \ S\N UNFCCC ‘The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established ‘an international environmental treaty to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system, in part by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. ma VE C) It was signed by 154 states at the United Nations Conference on Environment and XN \ Development (UNCED) informally known as the Earth Summit, hel in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to14 June 1992. Tw Jec The Joint Crisis Committees (JCC) are very diferent from the normal MUN experience yet equsl even the United Nations Security Council in their complexity and challenge. Typically the factions of the committee have opposing positions in the crisis and either try to dominate the other side or seek common ground. Istanbul International Model United Nations Awards Best Delegate The delegate with ‘outstanding performance, throughout the event, and manifestation of sheer ingenuity will be awarded with this award, ENGU ATERTIONN, Outstanding Diplomacy The delegate who will demonstrate distinguished diplomatic skils will be awarded with this award. This is not merely atitle, but a testimony of their brilliance. Honorable Mention Delegates with competitive skills will be given this award. This award is the appreciation of their determination ‘and demonstration of their knowledge. Best Position Paper This awardis given to acknowledge the best standpoint presented by the ambassador ofthe entitled country Verbal Mention No efforts of delegates will go unnoticed, and, thus, their performance and contribution will be acknowledged with this award, Terms & Conditions | Eligibility @ Istanbul international MUN welcomes participants from all over the world to be the part of this exponential development. @ One does not have to be equipped with experience of MUN to be part of this event, for the experience itselt is greatly dynamic. @ The delegates can only participate by adhering to the deadlines on registrations, be it as an individual delegate oras a delegation. Conference Despite being thoroughly prepared, there is also a room for improvisation under citcurnstances that may compel the ‘organization to change the proceedings of the event. Rest assured that these changes will be duly informed and would not be applied until completely necessary. Following are the situations that may, if needed, invite changes: © Covernmont’s directives under any precedented or unprecedented event such a rapid increase in the nurnber of COVID patients © Impromptu rescheduling of hotels or halls depending upon the spontaneous directives by our hosting country © Security concerns © Unprecedented issues that may arise at the moment. Registration Deadlines © The rights of registration are only owned by the oficial website of Istanbul International Model United Nations @ The registration process will require the delegates to fill ll the requisites of the form which ineludes brief information about them and also the council and country they would lke to opt. © The delegates aro offered variety of options for their experience of MUN in which they will have the liberty to choose from non-accommedation, accommodation and full experience packages. © The categories offer diferent foe packages as per consumer's convenience, However, there willbe no extension in the deadline of registration, © As mentioned earlier, ary changes made in the plan due to any cause it wil be duly noted to the delegates on the Istanbul International MUN's social media accounts. Thus, the delegates would be required to stay connected © Delegates are advised to inform the ltanbul International MUN, orgarization in case they need visa support during the process of registration Payments © In order to maintsin a secure channel, our oficial website will cater to the payments of the registration @ We accept the payments made through credit /debit card or International Wire Transfer. @ Payments can be made through Credit/Debit Card or International Wire Transfer. @ As we have to pay hotels, vendors, tour guides, and so on well in advance to ensure the best possible experience for our delegates, ‘we are unable to refund any payments. However, under special cir ‘cumstances, we do assist our delegates by shifting their packages to any of our other conferences. Deeeeeniiiaiiiaa’ Code of Conduct On ees “contain any false information. In case of providing false information wil disqualify the participant from the Istanbul international Pe eee OVE es See ey Ce et een et ee ns Be Rete LUC Uo ee Re ke Rec a Igo © During the tour of cos of Trkay, whether oa confeenes or galivanting the toes, he laws inpseed by the Turkey Perens MONT NEA SOIC ecotr bid foglartcae © The dslaGates hereby afr that they understand the obligations and limitations whilsonthe thu shd that no oficial of the Eee see ete ee @ The delegates affirm to have read the instructions provided during the process of registration and the Code of Conduct published in the Conference Handbook. Cent ret ene, tet ee On rt Peeper tern eat ee epee mar aan een eee eee creer een pre renee nen et © The organization is rendered free of delegates’ action shell an instance occurs.

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