Tugas Sapril Irfandi (c1b323130)

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1. - which jobs are easy? Usher, which are difficult? Kithoss instructor why?

Because usher
last deliver, but fitness instructor is teaching or guide.

- What’s your opinion? Are thesce good jobs vor student? I think no, because these job
takes up a lot of students study times.

- What are some other student job gamer.

2. Office work food service

Accountant casher

Server chef

website desiganer receptionist

Travel industy entertainment business

Flight attendant dancer

Tour garde musician

Pilot singar

3. A. B. C
Fa salesperson) builds houses in a restaurant
a chef cares for patients for a construction company
a mechanic writes storing in a hospital
a carpener cooks food in a garage
a reporter fixes cars in a department store
a nuse X selis clothes in a newspaper
4. B he is a student, have a part-time job, in fast-food restaurant & time name is Hamburger
5. A. 1 A. What do you do ?
B. I’m a full-time student. I study the violi.
A. And where do you go to shool ?
B. I go to the New York school of music
A. wow! How do you like your classis
B. I have then a lot
2. A. what does Tanya do?
B. she’s teacher she teaches an art class at a scool in Denver
A. And what about Ryan ? where does he work ?
B. He works for a big computer company in san francissco
A. what does he do exactly?
B. He’s a website designer, he creates fantastic websites.
B. A reporter A flight attendant A teacher
- works for a newspaper - works for campany - works in scha
- interviews people - works in a airplans - toach student
- writes stories - soevly passcoogs - works for govrtnmat
7. Kevin get uap at 09.00. he stark work afternoon
8. Oo Oo.o oOo
Jupiter salesperson accountant
Chef reporter carpcther
Singar mechanic musician
9. A. 1.I get up at/until six at / on weekdays.
2. I have lunch at / early 11:30 in/ on Mondays.
3. I have a little snanck in/ around 10:00 in / at night
4. In / On Fridays, I leave shool early / before.
5. I stay up before / until 1:00 A.M in/ on weekends.
6. I sleep until/ around noon in / on Sundays.

C. 1. Which days do you up early? Mandag ,late ? suday

2. What’s something you do before 8:00 in the morning ? frist I, pray after that I take a beth
3. What something you do on Saturday evenings? I go aut with my prands
4.What do you do only on Sundays? Sleep
Julia Denise Eddie
12. A. 1. To save money v
2. To pay for college v
3. To go out on the weekend v
4. To buy a house v

B. I choose oline sulesprsen because I cem work at have and eaed $20 an how.

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