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Check Your Progress Pg6-7 v,~. Facrors affecrmg perspecuves tn communication <re
given below :
A. Multiple Choice Questions
(i) Language Jn chis facror, in case of use of incorr
Read the questions carc/Hlly and mcle the letter (a), (b), (c) or words, unfamiliar language and lack of derail, cq
(d) that best ansu·crs the questwns. language can act as a barrier ro communicate w~
person wishes ro convey.
/ .What 1s the purpose of communication?
(it) Visual Perception It is the brain's abiliry to matt
(a) Inform (tell someone about something) sense of what we see through our eyes.
(b) Influence (get someone to do somethmg you (iii) Past Experience If the past expe~ience has been
bmer, the future communication .between them
(c) Share thoughts, ideas, feelings surely be meffecrive.
(d) All of the above (iv) Prejudice Fixed ideas, such as chinking 'No one in
(d) All of the above my class likes me' may stop a students from
,v communtcating openly in the class.
/' Which of the following methods are used to (v) Feelings Our feelings and emotions, such as lack
receive information from the sender through a interest or not trusting the ocher person affect
letter? communtcanon.
(a) Listening (b) Speakmg (vi) Environment Noise or disturbance in the
(c) Reading (d) Writing surroundings may make communication difficult.
(c) Reading (vii) Culture Signs which have a different meaning in

~ How do you receive information on phone? different cultures, such as showing a thumb may
mean 'good job' done for some people but may be
(a) Listening (b) Speaking insulring co ochers.
(c) Reading (d) Wnting
~· (a) Listenmg '2. Give an example of the following :
(a) Clear communication
B. Match the Columns (b) Complete communication
1. Match the folloWing columns. Examplts of Clear communication and Complete
communication are given below:
Column I
(Communication Column II (a) Clear Communication In clear comm1uni·ati~
Barriers) (Examples) should be clear about what s/he WIDIS fO m,.
(b) Complete Communication In
1. Trying to read a book when
A Language somebody else Is watching
TV in the same room completely wbic:b:- .
2. In some cultures, wearing
8. Emotional shoes and walking inside the
kitchen 1s considered rude
and disrespectful.

C. Environmental 3. Talking in H1nd1 when othe11s

Know only Tamil

D. Cultural 4 Parent 1s not talking to the

lns A ➔ 3, B ➔ 4, C ➔ I, D ➔ 2,
C. Short Answer Question
Jr-write down the seven factors affecting
perspectives in communication.

\\ h.11,w,•, .1111q,1111hl 1,11.11qhll h11d) pn•,11111•

l 1'11\ 1'\ ,h,1\I'
\bl ...i.u•pt,, ",'I\~, l,,\ :-- "n,•,, (h\ I <',II
ldl .,~•bn•, ,JI\,,'' 1, \ 1 \,1111,l, 1111 ,, (d\ l11\<'lhq1'IH ,,
\', \. \,1t1l,l, n,,
\\ \ . .\ €'" ,\l :-
a \\ h11 h ,,1th,•,,·" 11111 ,Ill ,1pp1np1 1,11,,
a r~ n,,11 ',•1h,1I ',111111111111< .1t111n .ii \\mid
{,I\ \'lllt\ll'] ,ll\l\ ,11\\\llll I ,\ 1 11\\ l 1l 1,. I, 1·~ sh<lltlt!t•r
{hi 11111 h,111d, h11nh
\• l t ,,,,\;\l\q ,\I 11 11, ,p,•,i\..,•1 111th ., ,11111<•
{,t) ~t:111,hn<1 \I 1th ,Ill 11p11qhl pnsl111,,
$. Sh,,Tt \ru,"<'' ~lh',tt,,n, \.1\ \'1111111~ Jl1'1 1•,,nn.l ,111111,11~ i\ ,lw11l.ln.

\\me ,1,),, a, l,' difiPrt' it t, Fl', tl{, l'rb.\l \\h,'n ,,,11 ,111· 111,•p,11111q hn ,1 pt('~('t1l,1ltnn,
,o~uni- .;l.t'-n Cu, e c1.11 t'>-,,mp!t• f.,r ,\h h I ,,11 ,\11111\d , ,
t') pe. (,1) 1,,, 11' ,,11 llw ,1hJ,•1 ll\1•, nl lh0 p11·,,•11lo1l1on
Diff:r- t t'j ~, ,,f \, "'' •1mm1 ,at,,\ il' ~ ,, I {bl pr,1< !tu )Ollr ,p,', ch lll lrnnl ol ,1 mtir01 01
~do" lt1t•n,
\~ On o• '°""~ ' ·· ·,ar., \, ,h11,•lw,n,1\I~ t,, tmw )011r p1r,,,11111l1on of
\.\ln'"'l."' .. :',.,., \~\ 4l h! , hd,,,
t;~ e-a:~ ,t~ th .
..u,..,, , ... , ~:: ct\ \II ot th,,, hn,,
,jl \ ll ,,f •hr 3\,,,,,
For' \l:'\t' _. FJ,~t,'-b,'t" ~ l\~(~t ''"· ,:n•nr
d ,,u,,.,,,n. tal., is: t,, ft...· , "~ •1:-..•r Jt h,•m;-,
R 1'111 ,1 /. m.ul.. .1g,1in,1 tlw ,11 tHHb bdo" ,,hich arc
,on1<'Nt ,,11 "ith puc,', tO.l\',,f 't'~ '"'· t.u, •~
O'l fr,"-, l~ a.nJ J •~rtX'~ t"J,.h.•r.~ -:t, ith·,,rn·,·1 1,,r ,l1•m(,tbtr,11ing tlh· UH' (,t non-, crhal
, · , m n1 u ni,-.11 i(,l\
:b \\ rinen Com11nmk.1tiol! In th s tvr,: N
un .. : at ,,nth:" n-.:n ~\:.·, \'-t ~, ••t\,, ' ~ ~ ,~d
,1Y"l"' LHtcrhing dunng fnrmal romn1t1nic-at10n
mroa,,'- th, u,~~'1~ \\~~SJ.,·thJ. ~ ,t ... ~ 1 S, .. ;rhmg h1"dd.
ffimT•1ur ,anon \\ 1u:-1i u1, '-' ,~ "llttt 1. · , ' - , 1 \H\.l~.
for ~ • n , ...... "'~, n,.):~. e...,.tll. l\.'h..,!\~.
-,1S:n · ng ,, ht>n "ilC'nk1ng to a fncmd
ne,.,\.. ~ S\ ~ \!,Xtt:.!lent~ ..u:d tit..~ et,\ 11,1 '\,lddmg \\ht!n) ou agfN' "1th something
(\ I St,½:1dmg ~tra1ght
(\\1 \,l\\n:nq ,,ln[(' bstt'ntng.
Pg 16-17
. ~iulriple Chukt Qu~rwns (, 11' Situnil slrd1ght
cad me "IS c. "<'ti, :, a ·1.: ;·r,·.• .1. , ,r., f,il, It , k r1 l\ .111 ~huntamm9 C')t' contact while~
,! cha: t'es, ,l",t -r,, t~. qu,stwns. (1\.\ B1tll\g nails.
(\) Firm handshake
Which uf these JS a posltl\ e (good) facial
e..xpress1on, \Xl\ Clenching jaws.
(a' Stdnng hard (xu) Looking a.way wbea
(bi ~ dcling while lis erung you.
(c) W inkled forehead lnu) Intense
Id) Looking d\\a} from the speaker
(b Nodding while listening
,naffon Tcchn<,lrJu, ,
AJl/110ne f
In or -

/ ~ri1'1 / t I I ,11 1 t1 J/11 111ti

,3,,., W/JJC'll 11!_ th( SI
\. ,1 11111 .\ m11cr ()m·\tion, ((/1 JI'( tJy? I' oU !fl/lillJ
/,i) W!Jert rll Y l 1111[1 J,t,111-'. Ill, ,11,1 ,., I
on signs used
fourromn 1 .
I. t,11t' l'\.dlllJlll's ol uny (I>) I hr1VP iJ JI' II• 11 1 1•8 y111
!01 v1suc1l rommu111rc1t10n. . ·I (r J I ,JIil ~// /J,1(1/lY
I ]'fl )11, J~I
. 111th ire u1t•J for v1111.1 (dJ 'f }JJS JS Ab< IJ
t·our n.mipb of uimmon 11gm W •
tommun1,.1w>n .He J\ folltmi:
I J I1is , Ahdul )11111 <
An~ )I J 111 , 111 1, in, 11 11,,
: , , fLI/IJIJ, 1,

l)ndl'flllJC tbe I I t!Ji• ,• .,, 11l!:111':.
VPJbt11JdctdV(•t,JJ:, Jjl,1(' IJ{j, "/
J]rlY5 //// Iii I
..rJf •c ~~mbol '<'hich communicates not to (rt) S,wJaY I i fl( w l,ihY.
bO\\ horn (t)
I hit!d t. IJX f 11
I ijfl J y
(<) I IJJ)l'll"d t 11: /I' I
c . ol2y f,,,,r(rJI irry, I
All (,I) ,J Jll/lj t= Ad rl,
Noun Vcrl, Noun '


(b) IJivy,i! ~ ve /i rn 'w

Sign for ladies nnd gents 101let N,Jun Verb J',,,n,1 Jfl MJ
(cj I oprncd ti e red ';J
J'ro11•1111 V,rli " n

T•aff1c llghls Red for Stop Yellow for Wail

and Gieen for Go
a B. I-ill in the blanks
1 Fill< orre< t nouns ,rnd ,c f/J tiom th1 1,,17. ,,
1111 in thr t,J,mh; <JJV( Tl ht>l<,W
girl g1rls, boy, milk, doq, k I;J) nq nd ny
runnuHJ, studying drink nq, harkir g.

Sign showing railway crossing

Check Your Progress Pg24-25
A. ~fultiple Choice Questions
Rtad rhe carefully and mcle the letter la). (h), (c) or
(ct) rhar b.:ir ansu·cn rhc questwns.

What is a sentence?
(a) A group of ideas that form d complete
{b) A group of words that commumcate a complete
(cJ A set of rules that we must follow to wnte
(d} A set of words that conta.inS all the buic
punctuation marks.
Cornrnunicollon Skills-I 17

l'l r Sutemenc I live in I kllu.

l 'ihort i\ n~\\l'r Qm·\tilln\
Question Do you pl.i) rickcc>
J Idcntdy Hw c·oniunrllons dnd prepos1t10ns
Exclamatory The btrthd.1y c.ikr was sci gPo<l!
(RPm<?mbcr, c:oniunclions join two sentences
Order ~hut ehc door.
while prepos1t10ns help dnswer the words
'wh<'n'', 'wlwn' tlnd 'how'.). Choose the Wluch is your favourite fest1vdl2 Write two
rnn1unctions and prepos1t1ons from the box paragraphs about your favourite feslival.
~pven below and list in Lhe correct box Each paragraph should have a mimroum of
Under, And, In, Al, Or, Up four sentences. Make sure you follow all the
,, rules about sentences and pdragraphs you
Con1unc:..:t;_: ~o_sition_ _ have learnt.
And Under Aus. My favoume festival is Hali. le rs one of ehe most
Or In tmporcant feseivals tn India. Hol1 1s ehe symbol of
At celebration of brotherhood On this day, we all forget
Up our enmtCies and gee inro ehe fcsrival spirie. A day
before, a ritual called 'Holika Dahan is conducted. It
symbolises the burning of evil powers. The next day
Check Your Progress Pg3 l -32 people play with colours. They \plash water colours on
each ocher. Children play wieh water guns.
A. Multiple Choice Questions
Holt spreads love and broeherhood. le brings happiness
Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or and harmony in the country Holt symbolises the
(d) that best answers the questions. mumph of good over evil. This colourful festival unites
people and removes .ill sores of negaeivicy from life. I
...J:"Ictentify the subject in the sentence, "The eagerly wait for Holi every year
children played football".
(a) The chlldren (b) Children played Practice speaking correct sentences with your
(c) Played (d) Football classmates. Try and find the parts of
An~ (a) The children sentences which you use commo,,ly.
A11 Do it yourself.
/f: Identify the object in the sentence, "The
children played football."
(a) The children (b) Children played Check Your Progress Pg36
(c) Played (d) Football A. Multiple Choice Questions
4.n (d) Fooeball Read the questwns careful!y and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or
~3':- Which of these sentences has both indirect (d) that best answers the questions.
and direct objects? A" What is phonetics?
(a) I am watchmg TV. (a) It is the study of how we write words in
(b) She bought a blue pen. English.
(c) The girls played cricket.
(bl It is the study of how people und
(d) He wrote his sister a letter. sentences.
lh (d) He wrote his sister a letter. (c) It is the study of how m
.4. Which of these sentences is in passive voice? language has.
I (a) They are watching a movie. (d) It is the study
wesp •
(b) The clock was repaired by Raju.
(c) He is sleeping in the room. At1s. (d) It is the
(d) My pet dog bit the postman. s
An (b) The clock was repaired by Raju. •
B. Short Answer Questions
Y. Write one sentence of each type-statementr
question, exclamatory and order.

f tnformafion Tochnology Cl

'4'' •
l' f' ('
r 1111 atw1s N h'ltt•r~ ui.t I
( lo,
, 11 l•HtlclllHI
,, ,, It II
cl ll' 111tlll ,lit !ht• rloor ll
I ,I ., , ,•<I <' \l't u,~
I C'l ''
,up pf 11 111nlit'I' ,,1 It 111•1~ 11 •<'d h
1, I 10 1
w 1d1•rlllh d f(•q1,111
11(1' ) l
i' '' ,, ,c,t w 1dc11!1f1 d1ffp11 •ut p
(di ti 1 11
1'\)\ I 0,1 Of
,1 1111 >1I•, 1, ,,r I, rr, r, 11,1 d 1,1 rl
, \ :n•III' , · 1r Pa
...... (,, \ l"•ura•\ .; "'!!"''

cheek Yovr Progress_

, , j • I· l 'fh,i,,· (l111·,IH'll'
11I' 1
\ , ,Hll
J '~ 11~" \' ,011.l, h,l r/r,· /rnt·r (,l I,I

• t•t 1, rh,· ,111 ,rH"l'

1' • , ,h , ,
1,1,, 111<>1111,11. I It• ,111nts loJoi
\I 1\ ~.l"ll''h I' l (lllllllll ldlt' ('\ t•rr Od}'
,, , , , , tlH' t1>1l(n1111<11:-. tt quPslion thaf
~dill c.w (i:-1- J\,!lllt':-h?
,l' 1)1> \ ,•U C<llllt' llll flllll'i

b \ .,., ) ,111 lc1tP(

It I
( fl \\ 111 1t tll't lit• N!>lt'r to com
, l'll r0m1• 011 Um£ll
r Qur,r \Ir • , \\ h1 Jr, HlU H<' r1 en Jay?
If) ou h1n l' not undelS
, ou \\ h1ch qu st10n
1,tl \ n• the po
(b re

C/wkYotrPrr.,g,BSS Pg44

A. M s
Commun cohon S\l '.5-,

i:}. "lho rt \nq\d Qm.",t1on~ (r) Qucsiion, \\1th yn no an5V-rri .

...a. Whllh of lhPse nrc open t~nded q11estLOT1'-?

-- ~-- Rc-<.1.r ange the word~ to form questions

F .t'.'\
(,ll WltPH' clu you hvt l
(r) I lo\\ rlo you fpeJ?
(bl Aw you hunnr} ·1
(d) Did you m,•Pt htmi
lo J ✓• t (c r ft 'V do you f~tl?
/ Wlrn:h of these arc queslton words?
\ (u) What (b) Want (r) Which (d) How
(:1, c, d) Wh<.1t, which Jnd how

_.) Which of Lhesc is the correct way to convert

the sentence "You are studyin g" into a
(a) You are studying? (b) Studying you are?
(c) Are you studying? (d) Studyrng are you?
'c) o ay, ke footbaf' Do/you. to
(c) Are you srudying?
B. Sh or t Answer Questions
.,,,, ./Make a note of five questions your friends
d, ,.- ng? '"r:;/are/Why asked you. How many were open-ended
questions? Make a list of five close-ended
---------- questions you asked other peopl e in one d a y.
'a) Does she like 10 ~iog?
Five questions my friends asked me ;
(h) Whar ,ire you wa1ring for?
le) Do you like: to play football?
• I. 'Why did you not come to school yesterday?
(d) Why m: they fighriog? 2'. Did you take medicine?
3. How Jre yuu feeling now>
Check Your Progress Pg52-53 .4. Will you be able ro play?
A. Multiple Choice Que~tiom 5. Do you wa nt ro cake rcsr?
Reacl the q11e11wns ca-ref111ly and circle lhe letter (a), (b), (c) or Two of rhese were open-ended questiom.
h>r cx.impk I, 3.
(rlJ that hrn uns1.cers thl:' qurstions.
Close-ended questions
Whdt ctre close-ended qur~stiom,? I Have: you completed your homework?
(d) Ouestwns that rnn have c1ny an~wr,r. 2. Do you pl.iy cricket?
(b) Questions lhdt do not hdVP dnswt>rs, 3. Can you run 5 kilometres?
(c) Ou<>slwns wilh yPs/no answers. 4. ls London the capital of England?
(d) Questions lhdt have mc111y answers. 5. Did you tnjoy the party?

Communication skiJ!s are needud lo spcok and \I rile properly.
• The word communication derives from thr. laliu \\'Ord 'Cornruunicane' which meau 'W
• Jmportant elements of communication are, irleas, channel, receiver, a
• Factors whir,h affect perspe(,lives in communication are language, viaual p
rmvironmen!, personal factors and culturo
• Jv1ethods of communication are of three types, viz, verbal, non-verbal and
• In English, sentence is the basic framework of communication.
• There are eight basic parts of speech in the English language, viz, n0111
conjunction and interjection
/ Sentences have subject, verb and object.
• The object in a sentence can be either direct or indJirect.
• Sentences can be categorised into declarative, 1D
• in Bngllsh, words are made of three be,lc typef
• GreetiQp are of thtea types, viz, foflbal,
• In introduction, we need to talk
• There are two types of question&, Le.
we need to ask correct que,twna.

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