UEME 3112 Free and Forced Vortex

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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Faculty Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and

Department: Department of Mechanical and Material
Unit Code and Name UEME3112 Fluid Mechanics II
Experiment No.: 3
Title of Experiment: FREE AND FORCED VORTEX
Laboratory Room No. and Name: KB731 Thermofluids Lab
Experiment Duration (hour): 3 hours
Number of Student per Group 5 students


1. To compare the theoretical and experimental values of the piezometric head and total
head against the square of radius for forced vortex.
2. To discuss the effect of different angular velocities of the paddle on the surface
profiles of the forced vortices.
3. To investigate discuss the effect of different orifice diameters on the surface profiles
of the free vortices.
4. To describe the physical difference(s) between free and forced vortex.


A vortex represents a flow in which the streamlines are concentric circles as is shown
in Figure 1. Two vortices are studied, i.e., free (irrotational) vortex, and forced (rotational)
vortex (Figure 2).

Figure 1. The streamline pattern for a vortex.

Latest updated: 14th Mar 2016

Figure 2. Motion of fluid element from A to B: (a) for free vortex; (b) for forced vortex.

The Bernoulli’s equation states that the head will be constant along the streamline
when the incompressible and inviscid fluid is in the steady motion. However, there is no any
indication of how total head H varies from one stream to another. Besides, the H also changes
from streamline to streamline across the section because the velocity rises from zero at the
wall to maximum at the center.
There is close relation between variation of H across the streamlines of the fluid in
steady motion and the rotation of the flow. Irrotationality is referred when H is constant
from streamline to another, there is no rotation in the fluid. On the other hand, rotational is
referred when the H varies across the streamline and possesses rotation.
Vortex flow is the flow that circulates about a fixed center and the streamline pattern
consists simply of a set of concentric circles.
The variation of radius r of piezometric head h and total head H can be determined
by using the following equations:

dh d  p  u2 u  u  dH u  du u 
   z      and    
dr dr  g  gr g  r  dr g  rd r 

(I) Forced Vortex

For the forced vortex, u  r , indicating the whole body of fluid rotates at angular
u du dh u  u 
velocity  . Therefore,   and   . From equation    , we know that
r dr dr g  r 
dh  2
 r . Integrate it and we can get
dr g

 2r 2
h  h0

Latest updated: 14th Mar 2016

where h0 is a constant of integration. Assuming that h is chosen as the reference line, such
 2r 2
that h0  0 , then the equation will be h  .

dH u  du u  dH r 2 2 r
Another equation     , we know that       .
dr g  rd r  dr g g

Integrate it and we can get

 2r 2
H  H0

where H 0 is a constant of integration. Assuming the same reference line for piezometric head
 2r 2
h , then the equation will be H  .

The pressure along the water surface is treated to be zero gauge pressure. The height
of the surface and the total head H raises from the surface level at the center can be obtained
 2r 2  2r 2
from equations h  and H  . Therefore, the excess height of H above the
2g g
surface will be

 2r 2 u2
H h  .
2g 2g

(II) Free Vortex

C u C du r
For the free vortex, u  . Therefore,  2 and   2 . Substitute into
r r r dr r
dH u  du u 
equation     , we get
dr g  rd r 

dH u  C C 
  2  2   0
dr g r r 

By integrating, we know H  H 0 , where H 0 is a constant. H 0 is the water surface level at

infinity since u  0 as r   . Assuming that H 0 is the reference line for both h and H .
u2 C
From equation h   , substitute the value u  , and we can get
2g r

2gr 2

Latest updated: 14th Mar 2016

Equipment and Materials
The apparatus consists of a clear plastic cylindrical vessel to enable the visualization and to
measure the characteristics of free and forced vortex. The free vortex is generated by water
being discharge through an orifice with various diameters, while the forced vortex is
activated by jets of water. The apparatus shall be used in conjunction with the basic hydraulic

A = Needle
B = Discharge port
C = Discharge control valve
D = Discharge KC nipple
E = Inlet control valve
F = Inlet KC nipple
G = Plug and orifice port (center of the base plate)
H = Water inlet port
I = Diameter arm
J = Bridge
K = Water tank
Quantity estimation
Item Description *Item category (e.g. per set/group of
Free and Forced Vortex Apparatus E 1
Allen key W 1
Vernier Caliper W 1
Plastic Reler (30cm) W 1

*Item category
SP Sample or specimen
C Consumable
CH Chemical
W Labware, glassware, tool, and
E Equipment
S Software

Latest updated: 14th Mar 2016


(I) Forced Vortex

1. Connect a hose to the discharge KC nipple (D) and the outlet hose of the hydraulic bench
to the inlet KC nipple (F).
2. Fully open both of the discharge and inlet control valve (C, E) and place the blanking plug
into the middle screw thread at the plug and orifice port (G).
3. Close the discharge control valve (C). Loosen all the set screws at the bridge (J). Allow all
the needles (A) to touch the bottom of the water tank. Measure the distance between the top
of the needle to the top surface of the bridge. Record this reading and state it as h0. Set the top
surface of the bridge as datum line.
4. Allow the water to be filled into the water tank (K) up to a certain height. Open the
discharge control valve (C). Try to regulate the discharge and inlet control valve (C, E) to
ensure the desired water height is maintained.
5. Using a stop watch, count the total number of revolution of the rotating paddle within a
time frame. Record the paddle total number of revolution and the time taken to complete the
6. Adjust the needle one by one until its tip just touched the water surface of the vortex.
Tighten the set screw. The radius of each needle is pre-set (i.e., r = 30, 60 and 90 mm). Then,
measure and record the distance between the top of the needle to the top surface of the bridge.
Connect the pitot tube to the U-tube manometer.
7. Place the pitot tube to the pre-set needle radius location (i.e 30 mm), immerse the pitot tube
at a depth of say 5 mm below the water surface. (Reminder: The pitot tube head must face
directly to the oncoming flow).
8. From the U-tube manometer, record the water level differences. Repeat for the remaining
pre-set radius. Repeat with another side of needle. Plot the graphs of H vs r², h vs r² and
h vs r.
9. Repeat the whole experiment using different angular velocity of the paddle by
changing the flow rate of the water inlet.

(II) Free Vortex

1. Connect a hose to the discharge KC nipple (D) and the outlet hose of the hydraulic bench
to the inlet KC nipple (F). Fully open both of the discharge and inlet control valve (C, E).
2. Place the end plug into the middle screw thread at the plug and orifice port (G). Measure
the diameter of the end plug.
3. Close the discharge control valve (C). (Reminder: Do not open this valve when running
this experiment). Allow the water to be filled into the water tank (K) up to a certain height.
4. Try to regulate the inlet control valve (E) to ensure the desired water height is maintained.
5. Once steady state occurred, loosen the set screw of the two measuring guide at the
diameter arm (I). Adjust both of the measuring guides to the largest diameter of the vortex.
Measure and record this diameter.
6. Adjust the height of the arm until the two measuring guide just touch the surface of the
water. Measure the distance of the top part of the diameter arm rod to the top surface of the
bridge. Record this reading and name it as h0. Set this distance as the datum line.
7. Loosen the set screw of the two measuring guides, set the guide to another desired
diameter and tighten it. Record the diameter reading. Adjust the height of the arm until the
two measuring guide just touch the surface of the water. Measure the distance of the top part
of the diameter arm rod to the top surface of the bridge. Record this reading.
8. Repeat for different diameters and using different type of orifice diameter.
9. Plot the graphs of h vs r for all the cases.

Latest updated: 14th Mar 2016

Results and discussions
(I) Forced Vortex
Discuss the effect of different angular velocities of the paddle on the surface profiles of the
forced vortices. Compare and discuss the theoretical values with the experimental values
from the two graphs.

(II) Free Vortex

Discuss the effect of different orifice diameters on the surface profiles of the free vortices.

(III) Difference between Free and Forced Vortex

Describe the physical difference(s) between free and forced vortex from the experimental

(IV) What would be your expectations on the results of this experiment?

Laboratory Report
1. Attach the ORIGINAL spreadsheets and plots containing the experimental data with
your report.
2. Provide a sample calculation. Coordinate with your group members to avoid
presenting the same sample calculation.
3. Your report should include: Objective, Introduction, Apparatus, Procedures, Results
and Discussion, and Conclusions and Recommendations.

Latest updated: 14th Mar 2016

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