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Understanding of designing Steps in Design Modeler and to practice line,
circle and rectangle sketch entities with a 2D practice drawing along with
dimensioning tool.

Design Modeler

Design Modeler is a powerful tool within ANSYS Workbench that allows users to create, modify,
and analyze geometry for various engineering simulations. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating
sketches and practicing with line, circle, and rectangle sketch entities, along with dimensioning

1. Open Design Modeler: Launch ANSYS Workbench and open Design Modeler from
the toolbox.
2. Create New Geometry: Start by creating a new geometry or open an existing one

3. Select Sketching Plane: Choose the plane on which you want to sketch. You can
select the XY, XZ, or YZ plane depending on your geometry requirements.

4. Activate Sketching: Once the plane is selected, click on the Sketching tab to activate
the sketching environment.

Sketch Entities

• Line: Click on the Line tool in the Sketching tab. Click on the sketch plane to define the
starting point of the line, then click again to define the endpoint.
• Circle: Select the Circle tool and click on the sketch plane to define the center point of
the circle. Drag the cursor to set the radius, and click again to finalize the circle. And then
click on dimensions in toolbox where click on radius. The detail of circle show on detail
view where we can change the dimensions easily.

• Rectangle: Choose the Rectangle tool. Click to define the first corner of the rectangle, then
drag and click again to set the opposite corner. And then click on dimensions in toolbox where
click on General as shown above pic as of circle . The detail of rectangle show on detail
view where we can change the dimensions easily.
• Exit Sketching: Once you have completed your sketch, exit the sketching
environment by clicking on the Finish Sketch button.

This lab session provided hands-on experience with Design Modeler's sketching and
dimensioning tools, enhancing our understanding of the software's capabilities and how to
efficiently create 2D sketches for further modeling and analysis in ANSYS Workbench.

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