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INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………. 3
1 Presentation of the topic………………………………………………….4
1.1 The origin of the topic…………………………………………………….4
1.2 Explanation of the topic basic terms…………………………………….4
1.3 Interest of the study……………………………………………………...…4
1.3.1 Personal interest………………………………………………………….5
1.3.2 Social interest ……………………………………………………………5
1.3.3 Scientific interest ………………………………………………………...5
2. Statement of the thesis……………………………………………………. 5
2.2.1 research problem………………………………………………………….5
2.3.2 research questions………………………………………………………….6
2.3.1 general question……………………………………………………………6
2.3.2 subsidiary questions……………………………………………………….6
2.4 research hypothesis…………………………………………………………...6
2.4.1 general hypothesis………………………………………………………….6
2.4.2 subsidiary hypothesis……………………………………………………….6
2.5 research objective………………………………………………………….6
2.5.1 general objective…………………………………………………………...6
2.5.2 subsidiary objectives……………………………………………………….6
Part two: conceptual framework …………………………………………….........7
1 the review of literature………………………………………….………….7
1.1 The role of social media as learning tool………………………….………….7
1.1.2 opportunity…………………………………………………………….......8
1.1.3 technology skills…………………………………………………………... 9
1.2 literature review of social media weakness on English learning………….9
1.2.1 social media were design to be addictive………………………………….10
1.2.2 social media give rise to abuses…………………………………………….10
1.2.3 social media impact the ability to communicate in real life…………….10

2) The methodological approach……………………………………………………11
2.2.1 The presentation of the data…………………………………………….11
2.2.2 The method of analysis of data………………………………………… 11


Social media has made a remarkable breakthrough in the last few years. It has
completely changed the way people communicate and interact because of the emergence of
several social media. Because English is an internationally recognized language for
communication across various cultures and languages, the communication platforms on the
internet are mostly based on English. Among various powerful tools developed for
communication among people, social media has become the most efficient platform for
people to come together and interact with each other. Hasnain (2015) states that because of
the development of technology and an increase in internet usage, social media has become a
part of our daily lives. At IIPEA, we can see English department student spending most of
their time surfing on social media. In such a way that we wonder what is the influence of
social media on their English learning. In our study, we’ll analysis the impact of social media
on English learning at IIPEA.



1.1) the origin of the topic

Since the spread of social media, we can notice that it became part of students’ habit namely
the students from IIPEA. Almost all tasks are made through social media. Even school
schedules are sent through social media. So, it is common to see student from IIPEA use
frequently social media even in classroom where they are supposed to learn. That draw our
intention to the influence of social media on students’ English learning.

1.2) Explanation of the topic key words

a) Social media

The term social media refers to a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of
ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks and communities. Social media is internet-
based and gives users quick electronic communication of content, such as personal information,
documents, videos, and photos. Users engage with social media via a computer, tablet, or smartphone
via web-based software or applications

b) Impact

Aaccording to oxford dictionary the term impact means, have a strong effect on someone or
c) Learning

learning means the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being

3) the interest of the study

a) Personal interest

As an English department student and also, user of social media, have decide to carry
out this study so that I may improve my way of learning and also limit the negative side of
social media on myself.

b) Scientific interest

Scientifically, this study will be helpful for all English learners by improving their English
through social media. Then also for teachers by using these social media to facilitates their
way of teaching and lead students to expend their way of learning English.

c) Social interest

This study may be beneficial for people, for it shows the negative and positive side of social
media in the process of learning English. That will help them to use appropriately social


1.2.1. Identification of the research problem

Social networks are used not only in our societies but also by many students. Since,
English is the most spoken languages around the world, and the main language attached to
the applications of these social media. Then, we figured out that students are always
surfing on social networks without any measure of usage.

1.2.2 discuss of the problem identified

In our study, we will focus on English learning through social media at IIPEA. This study will
give completed information in order to improve student English learning.

1.3. Research questions
2. The section includes a central question divided into subsidiary questions

1.3.1. Central question

what is the impact of social media on English learning?

1.3.2. Subsidiary questions

❖ What is social media?

❖ To what extent can social media be important for learning English?
❖ What is the correlation between media on English learning?

1.4) Research hypothesis

➢ The use of social media is beneficial for student English learning

➢ By social media, students can improve their English.
➢ Social media help student to get up to date with all type of English learning around the

1.5 Research objectives

1.5.1. General objectives

The general purpose of this review is to provide detail information about the impact of
social media on IIPEA English learners.

Specific objective
To show the importance of social media in English learning at IIPEA
To describe the correlation between English learning and the use of social media


1) Review of literature

Social media are forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social
networking) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas,
personal messages, and other content. Shrestha lucky (2013) described social media as means
of connections among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas
in virtual communities and networks.
According to, Ralph Jasper Faudree, professor of mathematics and the former provost of
the University of Memphis (2009), Facebook has five basic advantages: (1) Facebook is a
social networking site which students use frequently when they are bored, (2) Facebook is a
way of communication with others members, (3) Facebook is an environment in which
students feel themselves relaxed, (4) Facebook provides students to support each other and
learn their personal identities, (5) Facebook is a public sphere which can be observed by
school administrations and other members.

1.1. The role of social media as a learning tool

The rise of social media in the classroom isn't about how many people "like" your
posts. The collaborative environment and open forum that social media encourages, along
with the rapid-pace of information sharing that it facilitates, means that students can
accelerate the development of their creative, critical thinking, and communication processes
in certain ways when they use it.

Social media promotes self-directed learning, which prepares students to search for
answers and make decisions independently. When reinforced in a classroom setting, these
social media skills can be guided and refined to produce better learning outcomes and critical
awareness. Social media also allows students more freedom to connect and collaborate
beyond the physical classroom, which means students anywhere can start to experience the
globally connected world long before they enter the workforce.
On holidays, English learners can keep learning online not only from their friends but
also, also from native speakers via social media. For example, on YouTube, we have an
English teaching channel by EMMA. Social media sites allow teens to accomplish online
many of the tasks that are important to them offline: staying connected with friends and
family, making new friends, sharing pictures, and exchanging ideas.
Interaction and engagement between social media users is very rich and comes in
many different forms. Virtual communities use English language social media sites such as
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and many other platforms to
chat, trade pictures, share videos, create profiles, exchange opinions & give advice. This is a
great chance to learn and use the international language of English.
Another benefit of learning English via social media is that learners can stay up to date
with current events and learn new things and new cultures from people all around the world.
Social media gives us a chance to practice our English, grow intellectually and meet other
people without ever having to travel.
Social media likewise give all the more engaging non- direct messages that draw all
their millennial clients (Howe and Strauss, 2009). Even though it requires.
Besides, as our study indicated social media enhance students’ learning opportunities.
Students are using social media to connect with one another on home work and group projects
(Boyd, 2008). For example, Facebook and similar social media programs allow students to
gather outside of class to collaborate and exchange ideas about assignments. According to
third year student of the English department, some schools successfully use blogs as teaching
tools, which has the benefit of reinforcing skills in English, written expression, and creativity.

1.2. Opportunity

More extensive access to native speakers of English. Social media were seen by others
as stages where non-native English speakers are offered chances to increase more extensive
access for association and correspondence. It was seen that these advances interface them to
native English speakers or language specialists in all pieces of the world.
Social media additionally cleared to route for the lead of online training or classes.
Furthermore, language students are probably going to mirror or get how the individuals they
"follow" talk and compose through video online
journals, tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram inscriptions, digital recordings, music
sounds and recordings.

1.3. Technology skills

Learners can learn technology skills, English and professional skills all at the same time.
Technology is always growing and producing new things for all of us to learn. Technology
has become almost impossible to get away from. Knowing technology and its related English
is valuable in the workplace, and often in our personal lives too.

In this digital technology era, students can improve their writing skill through social
media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and others. They can take so many benefits
from social media in order to gain their vocabulary, grammar, and other knowledge. Boyd and
Ellison (2007) define social media as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a
public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with
whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made
by others within the system. Briefly, social media can also be defined as an online
communication tool which can be used to get and to share information with others.
From the above study, we can see that social media has some advantages.



Dorian Mauro is a French bilingual copywriter and editor on August 2020, wrote
about social media weakness. We are going to split his ideas for a better understanding
Social networking can have a negative impact on mental health
Spending too much time on social networks can have disastrous effects on mental
health. Multiple studies have found a correlation between social networks and increased
anxiety, depression, loneliness, self-harm and suicidal thoughts in youth. Through influencers,
social networks can also bring about a sense of physical and mental unhappiness in teens.

2.1 Social networks were designed to be addictive

-Nearly one in four young people aged 12 to 24 years would have a problem of
addiction to social networks. This increasingly widespread phenomenon, known as
cyberaddiction, is the result of the way these applications were designed. Like video games,
the design of social networks is made to make the user stay as long as possible. Through
various mechanisms, the platforms affect the user's brain, which will release large amounts of
dopamine (pleasure hormone) that will eventually cause neurotransmitter dysregulation.

2.2 Social networks give rise to abuses

The democratization of social networks has led to the appearance of new forms of
abuse. Among these negative effects are cyberstalking, facilitated by the possibility of
remaining anonymous online, but also various types of scams, data theft and encounters with
ill-intentioned people.

2.3 Social networks impact the ability to communicate in real life

One of the consequences of social networks that is less talked about is definitely the
impact that these platforms have on interpersonal relationships. It's quite simple, the new
generations have never had so much difficulty to communicate. Some studies have shown that
excessive use of networks accentuates shyness and lack of self-confidence in young people.

2.3 Social networks make you less sharp

Despite some positive effects on the human brain, regular use of social networks
would negatively impact cognitive development in the long run. Indeed, according to a study
by the Institute of Economic Research in South Africa, regular use of social networks would
reduce the ability to develop a critical mind and to make decisions. Moreover, they have a
very bad effect on attention since they reduce the capacity to conceive oneself.

2- Methodological approach

Here, we will present the nature of the data collected, then indicate their provenance,
where and from whom they have been collected. And eventually show the way data will be

2.1. Presentation of the data

To choose a design for our study Various factors were take into account due to its
multiple ramifications, the interpretive method of research was used. The opinions and views
of the participants were synthesized using a thematic approach to discuss each aspect of this
This study is based on a case study design as it looked to provide an in-depth analysis
of the “how” and “why” of the impact of social media in English language learning at IIPEA

2.2. Method of data analysis

This study was carried out in the base of two approach; inter-alea quantitative and
qualitative. information has been collected from my own experience as a student, and also by
a questionnaire submitted to student, teachers, and administrators.
The analysis of data was based on the themes that transpired during the conduct of the study.



A. The presentation of the topic
3 The origin of the topic
4 Explanation of the topic basic termes
B. The statement of the thesis
1. The identification of the research problem
2. The interests
3. The research objective
4. The resarch questions
1.1. The role of social media as a learning tool
1.2. Opportunity 2.1.3
1.3. Technology skills
1.1. pragmatic theorical
1.1.1. Personal motivation
1.1.2. Social interest
1.1.3. Scientific relevance
1.2. The problem
1.2.1. Identification of the research problem
1.2.2. The main question
1.2.3. Specific questions
1.3. The objectives of the study
1.3.1. The general objective
1.3.2. Operational objectives
1.4. Research hypotheses
1.4.1. General hypothesis
1.4.2. Secondary hypothesis


1. The presentation of the data…………………………………………………

2. The method of analysis of data………………………………………………


To conclude, let’s recall that our study is around social media and English learning.
We have decided to work on this topic because we noticed that people generally use social
media, mainly students become more and more addictive to social media.
Therefore, we wonder, what is the impact of social media on English learning. Our
study aims to analyze the impact of social media on English learning. To better apprehend this
study, we are going to use qualitave and quantitative method. We think that a few years later,
will have a great impact of social media on education. Our study will give solutions for an
appropriate use of social media in English learning


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