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I Won't: An Age Gap Mafia Romance

(The Caprizio Family) Landry Hill

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Copyright © 2023 I Won’t by Landry Hill
All rights reserved.
Editor: Erica Russikoff
Cover: Dark City Designs

This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book only. No part of this
book may be reproduced, scanned, transmitted or distributed in any form or by
any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by an
information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the
author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and incidents are a
product of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, events, establishments, or any other detail of the
book is purely coincidental. Any trademark used is not authorized, associated with,
or sponsored by trademark owners.

I Won’t

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

About the Author

Also by Landry Hill
I WO N ’ T

A monster cloaked in kindness showed up on my doorstep. Now,
I’m living in the pits of evil, forced to strip for men who are the
spawn of Satan. My only saving grace in this nightmare is that I’m
still holding onto my innocence. A precious commodity that the
monster intends to cash in on. And until he gets the price he wants,
I’m safe.

But my time is running out.

I need an escape plan. A way out of this prison. But I’ve been
warned. Bad things happen to those who speak. No one is to be
trusted. None of them will save me.
But when the man hired to protect my innocence, to keep me
perfectly in-tact for my new owner, arrives, hope ignites. Along with
feelings I can’t explain. He just may be my ticket to safety. Or, he
may be my ticket to everything.

Only thing is… he thinks I’m too young.

She’s too young.
Too innocent.
Too tempting.
My job is to protect her, and that’s all I’m going to do.


“W hat The
do we have here?”
man moves in closer, revealing his canines behind his
evil sneer. He’s like a wolf circling its prey. His tongue licking across
his lips in anticipation of his meal, like he’s salivating for a taste.
The way his eyes rake over every inch of me has me shivering in
cold fear. I can feel my clothes being torn away from my body by his
thoughts. Pure evil is seeping from his pores like a toxic smog and
it’s stifling the air in the room, making it impossible to breathe.
The dread of what’s going to happen next is trying to pull me in
its undertow, but I’m trying to stay afloat. I’m trying not to succumb
to the panic clawing at my nerves.
“Put your tongue back in your mouth, Angelo,” the monster who
kidnapped me snaps, and another tremble ripples down my spine.
“This is my daughter Alessia I was telling you about. You can look,
but don’t touch.”
He keeps claiming to be my biological father, but I have a hard
time believing him. What kind of father holds a gun to his daughter’s
side while describing in detail how he murdered her parents with his
own bare hands before he staged their car crash.
Except… When he showed me the picture of his late wife, the
one he claims is my birth mom, it was like I was looking at a picture
of myself. And the story he told me of how she hid the pregnancy
from him is definitely believable. She knew he was the devil and
tried to save me from him by giving me up for adoption while he
was in prison. And because of her “betrayal,” he killed her too.
“Damn, boss. You sure do make pretty babies.” The wolf smirks.
“The guys are going to love her. Skittish little thing with her perky
little tits. You may need to put a guard on her to keep the fleas off.”
The monster’s eyes roam over me. His stare anything but
fatherly. He’s a wolf, too. A wolf who dresses himself in sheep’s
clothing and prays on innocent girls.
“I think I’m going to put Bronx on her. Everyone’s terrified of his
ass. He’ll keep their grubby hands off.”
I’m actually shocked he’s trying to protect me. I thought he
would’ve thrown me to the wolves and let them feast away. But the
one before me, still leering, still stripping away my innocence in his
mind, isn’t coming any closer. He’s been told not to touch and he’s
respecting his order.
“Once her sister kills that little snot and sends the message to
Magniatti and Caprizio, then I’ll put this one on the market.”
On the market? Sister? Kill that little snot? Oh my God. What is
happening? And how the hell did I end up in this situation? I’m too
trusting, that’s how. The man comes to my door claiming to be an
old friend of my dad’s, dropped a couple of names which he
probably looked up online, and I let him right into my house.
The sick feeling builds tighter in my stomach. The panic is
starting to win the battle. I have to get out of here. I have to find a
way to escape. But how am I ever going to get past these two men
or the guards we passed on the way in? I’m only five two and weigh
a hundred pounds. They’re all huge. And armed.
“Bet she’ll make us at least a million when we sell her.” The
monster smiles. “She screams innocence, doesn’t she?”
I slink back as his hand runs up my arm. My action only making
his smile grow bigger. It’s clear he’s feeding on my fear. He really is
an absolute psychopath.
“She certainly does, boss.” The wolf licks his lips again as his
eyes narrow in on my chest. I cross my arms to hide, but it only
makes things worse. He moves in closer, revealing even more of his
cigarette-stained teeth. The foul odor of stale alcohol and smoke
makes my stomach roll.
“I say we put her in a little schoolgirl outfit and call her Cherry.”
His eyes run down my body again and land between my legs. “Bet
there won’t be a dry seat in the house.” He grabs his crotch and
squeezes. “By the time we put her up for auction, she’s going to
have her own damn fan club.”
Those beady eyes return to mine with a gleam even more
wicked. “By the way, boss, do you need me to confirm whether she’s
a virgin or not? I’m more than willing to stick my fingers up that little
cunt and feel for her hymen.”
Oh my God! No! My knees wobble and nearly take me down. The
room starts to shrink in, getting darker around the edges. I can’t
pass out…I can’t pass out….I can’t pass out. Whatever I do, I can’t
pass out. Who knows what they’ll do to me if I lose consciousness
so I can’t give into the anxiety fighting to take me under. I have to
stay alert. No matter what. I have to stay awake.
“Like I fucking said, Angelo. No one lays a single finger on her.”
The monster’s voice is so full of venom even the big bad wolf is
cowering. “One touch is liable to turn the most controlled men into
crazed animals and I’m not willing to risk my big payout. So I
suggest you warn the others that if anyone tries something, they’ll
be facing my wrath. And if you see them even thinking about
crossing the line, you deal with them. Understood?”
On the way here, the monster told me his name was Bugano and
he’s the “King of the Underworld.” If I hadn’t had a gun jabbing into
my rib cage, I would’ve rolled my eyes. But now, I’m starting to
understand what he meant. Even the wolf fears him. Here, he truly
is the king.
Angelo nods his head and finally puts distance between us. Relief
floods in and the darkness creeping into the edges starts to recede.
The monster really isn’t going to let anyone hurt me. At least, not
yet. I’m not sure who he plans on selling me to, or what will happen
when he does, but for now, I’m safe.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
The light knock on the door nearly has me jumping from my skin.
“Come in,” Bugano calls out, his voice authoritative just like a
The door opens and I’m hit with another wave of relief when a
girl who doesn’t look much older than me comes walking into the
room. I’m not alone. Which means maybe we can form a plan to
escape. But that hope disappears just as fast as it flooded in when I
see the nasty glare in her eyes as she looks me up and down. It’s as
if I’m a dirty little prisoner and she’s annoyed with my presence.
She steps up to Bugano, nearly knocking me over as she brushes
past my shoulder. When her hands run up the monster’s chest,
dread thickens the lining of my stomach.
“You wanted to see me, boss?” she purrs.
He takes her wrist in his grip and moves it down to his crotch. I
don’t think she’s the one he was talking about. The girl. My sister?
At least, I hope not. Another wave of fear crashes in and I avert my
eyes from her groping hand.
“Yes, Cheyenne,” the monster groans, making my stomach roll
again. “This is my daughter Alessia I was telling you about. The one
who’ll be sharing a room with you. I need you to give her the
rundown of how things operate around here and fill her in on exactly
what happens when girls don’t follow my orders.”
Her shoulders stiffen, but her hand doesn’t pause. I don’t think
she likes the idea of having to share her room with me. But when
she speaks, her voice doesn’t reveal any of the frustration I see in
her body language.
“No problem, boss. I’ll definitely make sure she knows exactly
what’s expected.” She shoots me a look over her shoulder that sends
a shiver down my spine. I’m not sure why she already hates me, but
it’s obvious she does. “Anything else?”
The sound of a zipper going down has me mistakenly looking
down at her hand again. It’s trying to work its way inside his pants.
Oh my God. What the hell is happening? She’s literally going to
stroke him off right here. Right now. In front of me and the wolf. I’m
seriously in some kind of sick hell.
Bugano groans again, obviously enjoying her direct contact.
“Yeah. There is something else I need from you,” he grunts. “I want
you to check and make sure she’s a virgin. Need to be certain before
I start spreading word of our newest addition to the flock. Won’t
ever be accused of false advertising.”
The girl grows even more tense, but again she doesn’t stop what
she’s doing. If anything, it looks like she’s picked up her efforts. “No
problem, boss. I’ll check her as soon as we get to the room.”
No! No! No! No! No! I thought no one was allowed to touch me.
Why is he letting her do it? My eyes scan the room again, searching
for an escape, but it’s impossible. Three against one, I’ll never get
out of here. Then who knows what they’ll do to me?
“Good girl,” the monster groans, his voice now thick with desire,
his heavy breathing making me struggle for air. “Such a good girl.
Damn, just like that.” His head falls back on his shoulders and his
eyes squeeze shut as he gets lost to the pleasure. The disgust and
terror that roll through has me spinning around, looking for a place
to hide myself from what’s about to happen. I take a step, wanting
to tuck myself into the corner of the room, but the wolf blocks my
“Where are you trying to run off to, my little cherry pie? You
should watch and learn. Because eventually you’re going to have
your own daddy to please.”
The room starts shrinking again, my lungs constricting even
further. The wolf is rubbing himself against me, like an animal in
heat, trying to dry hump my body. His brace on my hips is
unyielding. And the look on his face is definitely crazed. Maybe
giving into the darkness is better because then I won’t know what
happened. I won’t have to relive the nightmare in my head for the
rest of my life.
“Looks like Angelo’s about to pop that little cherry.” Cheyenne’s
voice pulls me from the emotional quicksand I’m sinking into. “You
may need to get her out of here before he loses control, boss.”
“Take your fucking hands off her!” Bugano’s roar blasts through
the room and right through my nerves.
The wolf releases me and holds up his hands in surrender. The
look on his face is one full of fear. I quickly move to safety, putting
as much distance as I can between me and the three monsters.
“Didn’t mean to, boss. She ran into me and I…”
“Take her to your room, Cheyenne,” Bugano cuts him off; his
voice is as dark as the glare in his eyes. He removes her hand from
his pants and zips himself up. “I need to remind Angelo of what
happens when he disobeys an order. I’ll call for you when I’m done
so you can finish my massage.” He points her with a look and she
nods. Massage? Seriously? God, he’s sick.
Those evil eyes turn in my direction and a shiver of fear runs
down my spine. “Don’t try anything stupid, or your sister will end up
paying for it and you’ll never be united with her.”
Oh my God. I think he’s telling the truth. I might actually have a
sister out there. And it sounds like she’s trapped like me. He
probably kidnapped her from her life, too, and is now forcing her to
murder someone. If I make it out of this alive, I need to find her and
help her.
Cheyenne grabs my arm and practically drags me from the room
and down a dark hall. I scan every crevice looking for an escape. We
pass a line of doors, each with numbers on them, but not a single
one is marked as an exit. Other than the way we came in, which is
guarded by two huge men, I don’t see another way out of this place.
There isn’t a single window. Not only that, but there are cameras
practically every five feet. So even if I wanted to make a run for it,
they’d catch me.
She stops in front of the very last door at the end of the hall. The
door I would’ve assumed was an emergency exit. But when she
opens it, it doesn’t lead to freedom, which isn’t surprising from the
devil who kidnaps girls and sells them to the highest bidder. They
don’t care about fire escapes or building code. This place is a prison,
meant to keep everyone inside. I’m trapped.
Cheyenne holds the door open for me to enter first. I’m shocked
to see how large the room is. It’s like a mini studio apartment with a
kitchenette, two full beds, and a bathroom. I expected the room to
look like a jail cell. Not that it makes any of this better, but at least I
won’t be sleeping on a cot in a dungeon, which is what I expected.
The door clicks closed and suddenly my back is pinned up
against the wall. Cheyenne’s hand is squeezing around my neck in a
stranglehold while her other clamps over my mouth. Her strength is
shocking, given that she’s not much older or bigger than me, but as
I struggle to get free from her hold, I fail.
“Listen, you little bitch. I’m the queen around here. What I say
goes. Understand? This is my room and you’re just a guest until they
sell your ass off, so don’t fucking touch one thing that belongs to
me. I don’t care if you’re the boss’s daughter, I’m his little girl, and
around here that trumps blood.”
I swallow hard, nodding. The last thing I’m going to do is argue
with her. By the way she’s glaring at me, she’s liable to kill me in my
“Good. Because if you do, I’ll…” She leans right to my ear.
“There’s a camera in the corner and a bug in the lamp. Careful what
you say in here. If you need to tell me something, you tell me in the
bathroom with the water running. Or you write it down discreetly.
Now, as soon as I’m done, you need to act like you’re afraid because
I just threatened you.”
She pulls away, releasing her hold. “Now, that we have an
understanding, let me tell you exactly what’s expected of you here.”
I’m completely stunned. The girl doesn’t hate me. It must’ve
been an act for the boss. Maybe she’s being held against her will,
too, and is playing the part of the bully to stay on the boss’s good
side. God, there are so many questions running through my mind,
but I can’t ask any of them. I just have to sit here and listen to her
give me the rundown, because apparently, Bugano is watching and
“I’m sure you already figured this out by now, but your dad is the
king. He gives the orders and you follow them. If he tells you to
smile, you smile. If you don’t, you’ll have to face the consequences.
So, if you don’t want to walk around in five-inch heels, serving drinks
to tables, with cigarette burns on the bottom of your feet, then I
suggest you make sure that smile is genuine.”
Oh my God.
“There’s only one way out of this place and that door is heavily
guarded. And as you may have noticed, there are cameras
everywhere. So, one wrong move, and you’ll pay for it. You try to
run, you’re dead. And don’t think that anyone who comes into the
club will help you either. The last girl who begged a customer to
save her was sold to the highest bidder.”
She swallows thickly as tears sting her eyes, but her voice
doesn’t waver and she manages to hold them back. “The man
bought the girl for a snuff film. Boss received a copy and we all got
to see exactly how she was punished for her betrayal. So keep your
mouth shut or you’ll end up with your own leading role and it could
be so much worse than death.”
The room starts to spin again and I’m so thankful for the wall
holding me up. This morning I woke up in my bed, ready to go for a
run and do some baking before I signed on for my online college
classes, and now I’m in a living nightmare where girls are tortured
for not smiling, and are sold on the black market to be murdered by
“Now, let’s check you out,” she says, giving me a look. I think it’s
a signal of some sort, but I’m not sure what it means. “Boss needs
to know if you’re a virgin, so I’m going to find out.”
Oh God, no! She’s not really going to do it, is she? Can’t we just
go into the bathroom and she can pretend like she did?
“Spread your legs.”
“Please don’t,” I beg. “I swear I’m a virgin.”
“Boss’s orders,” she snaps, and though she may be putting on a
performance, it’s hard to believe it’s an act. “Now spread.” Her
eyebrow gestures toward the corner of the room. The camera is
watching so I don’t have a choice. Neither does she.
I spread my legs, dread sinking my stomach fast while her hand
disappears under my dress. I’ve never been touched by anyone
there before, not even over my clothes. My nerves begin to get the
best of me. The darkness threatening at the periphery. I feel a pinch
on the inside of my thigh which snaps me back into focus. She
seems to be signaling for me to play along. Now I know what she
was trying to tell me.
“Wow, you’re tight. Have you even ever been fingered before?”
Her hand looks to be moving, but it’s not going anywhere. She’s
not going through with it. Oh, thank God.
I shake my head, my face contorting. “No. I’ve never…ow…” I
whimper in pain. “Um…no. I’ve only had one boyfriend and he was
really religious so we didn’t do anything. Ow…that’s hurting. Please
stop? I swear I’m a virgin. I’ve never even kissed a boy before.”
A gasp falls from her lips, matching the shock in her eyes. That
reaction was definitely not for the camera. I think she’s horrified
over just how innocent I am. That makes two of us because now my
first time is going to be stolen from me by a monster in some
horrendous way. Unless I can find a way out of here with her help.
“Yep. Definitely a virgin.” She pulls away and my dress falls back
down. Her eyes are now glossy again and I’m not sure why she’s so
upset, but it’s making me even more nervous. She must know that
there’s no escaping this hell hole and my doomed fate is inevitable.
“Next test is whether you can dance or not. I’m going to put
some music on and you’ll show me your moves. Not sure when the
boss will put you on stage, but you need to be ready to please the
She walks over to an old-school stereo and techno music fills the
room. “Now, show me your moves.”
I start to sway, but she shakes her head. She stalks forward,
coming behind me and grips onto my hips. “Tell me you need to use
the bathroom,” she whispers by my ear.
A minute later, I turn. “I’m sorry, I really have to pee. Can I use
the bathroom?”
She rolls her eyes and huffs, then drags me toward the open
door. Everything about her appears to be annoyed. If she ever gets
free of this place, she should be an actress.
“I need to wash your stench off my hand anyway,” she snaps
before she follows me right inside, leaving the door partly open,
probably trying not to set off any red flags. “Sit on the toilet,” she
whispers then turns the sink on. She quickly starts to talk, the words
coming out so fast it’s hard to keep up.
“Listen. Your father is a bad man.” Yeah, she doesn’t have to tell
me that. “Everything I said out there was the truth. You must follow
orders. Do not trust anyone who comes into the club; they’re all as
evil as the boss. It’s like this place is a magnet for sickos. And I’m
not kidding, he can hear everything so don’t talk to the other girls
either. You could get yourself in serious trouble, or worse, get them
in trouble. Just do as he asks and you’ll be fine. And just know that
any time I’m a bitch to you it’s because I have to be. I’m Bugano’s
favorite, his ‘little,’ and the closer I can get to him, the more of a
chance I can find a weakness and get us out of this place. Now, I
know it’s a lot to take in, but do you have any questions before we
go back out there?”
Everything is rushing in, making it difficult to think straight. I
have so many questions but don’t know where to start, so I just ask
the first that comes to mind.
“How many others are there?”
“Twenty right now. But not all of them are here against their will.
That’s another reason you can’t trust the others. Some came here
wanting to be whores, and actually believe this is a better life than
what they had before. Others applied to be strippers and have
bought into the lie that a sugar daddy will snatch them up and
they’ll be off living in a mansion when they leave here, so they do
everything they can to please the clients and kiss up to the boss.
There are a few who have realized the truth about their fate and
want out, but they still play the part like me. The girls that get
snatched like you usually sell within a few months. Virgins are a hot
commodity. They’re easy to spot amongst the others because of how
nervous they are. But like I said, don’t talk to anyone. Even the
nervous ones will turn against you in hopes to get themselves a free
pass out of here. Getting on Bugano’s good side is everyone’s goal
around here.”
“What about you? How did you get here?”
“I was on a date with an older man and he asked if me I’d be
interested in going to a strip club. The next thing I know, we’re here,
and I was being handed off to Bugano in exchange for ten thousand
dollars. The clients requested a redhead and your father made it
happen. That’s why I’m telling you not to trust a single one of the
men that come into this place. Most of them are in bed with the
devil; even the good-looking ones wearing suits are evil. The only
one you can trust is me.”
Oh my God. I can’t imagine. She was on a date and then ended
up in this hell. See, this is another reason I don’t date. You can’t
trust anyone these days. If I make it out of this place alive, I’m
never going to date again.
“How long have you been here?”
“A year.”
Oh God, no! My stomach sinks even further. I can’t imagine how
anyone has survived being here for that long. How is she still
standing? How is she so strong? “God, I’m so sorry, Cheyenne.”
She shakes her head. “Thank you. But in a weird way, I’m glad
they took me because now I know what’s happening and can put a
stop to it. It’s now going to be my life’s mission to make them all pay
for what they’ve done. Each and every single one will get what’s
owed to them.”
I hope she’s right. But what if we never get out of here?
She grabs my hands and squeezes. “Look, I know you’re freaking
out. But just know that you’re safe for now. Bugano isn’t going to let
anyone touch you until he feels he has the highest price for your
virginity, which gives us time to figure out a plan. Now, we need to
get back out there before he grows suspicious. Just remember that
everything I say is all for the camera. But you need to play your
part, too, so fear is expected and tears are good.”
She turns off the water, and I flush the toilet, playing my part—
the new role that I’ve been forced into. She stops before exiting the
bathroom and turns back. “Just don’t trust anyone. No matter how
nice they seem. They will all stab you in the back.”
I nod. “I won’t.”


D ominik’s name flashes across my screen. I’m half tempted to

ignore the call. With all the shit that’s been going down lately, I
need a fucking vacation. But that’s never going to happen. Not
unless I get myself hitched and have a damn honeymoon as an
excuse, which sure as hell won’t be happening anytime soon. If
fucking ever.
I don’t have time to date. Let alone the fact that it’s been a long-
ass time since someone’s even spiked my interest and gotten my
blood pumping. But that seems to be the only time us made-men
get any time off. Look at Dominik for example: bet he’s been back
from his honeymoon for all of an hour and is already right back in
the grind of organized crime.
“Boss, back so soon?”
I hear his sigh loud and clear.
“Yeah, too fucking soon. Wish I was still locked in that damn
house with my girl, because once again shit is hitting the fan. By the
way, I’m going to need you to pack a bag, Vin.”
Yep, I should’ve ignored the damn call. Sounds like there’s
another fire that needs to be put out and I’m going to be the
“Just found out Bugano owns a strip club called Sin City. Our
guess is it’s more than just a friendly gentleman’s club.”
Yeah, knowing that rat, it’s probably a damn whorehouse. I
swear, you’d think with the fucker finally behind bars, we’d get a
reprieve, but every time we turn around, we step in another pile of
his shit.
“We think that may be where he’s keeping Georgianna. Or if not,
maybe someone there knows where she is.”
Fuck! Even knowing what Magniatti’s niece did, my gut still twists
up. The girl’s only twenty years old. She didn’t know what the fuck
she was doing. Either that, or fear drove her to get in bed with the
“So, I take it you want me to go out there and poke my nose
around? See what I can find out?”
“Yeah, but that’s not all, Vinny.” Fuck. There’s more? “We just
found out that Bugano has a daughter. Girl’s name is Alessia. She’s
nineteen. Looks like the ex-wife hid the pregnancy from him and
then gave the baby up for adoption while he was locked in the
“Holy shit,” I breathe. Another fucking layer to this never-ending
“Yeah you can say that again. Ryker found out that the attorney
who signed the adoption papers died a few months ago. And shortly
after, her adoptive parents died in a car crash. Pretty damn sure it
wasn’t a fucking accident.”
“Fuck.” It seriously never stops. Bugano’s slime gets thicker and
thicker as he slithers along.
“Yep. But the cherry on top of this rat shit sundae,” he continues,
“is that, according to friends and neighbors, the girl hasn’t been
seen for a month. Some think she ran away to start over because
she was having a hard time dealing with the death of her parents.
Others think she was kidnapped. Turns out, right around the same
time of her disappearance, a girl by the name of Alessia Rossi
showed up on the payroll at Sin City. Considering the girl’s known as
a little princess who made the honor roll and is the world’s most
polite bookworm who’s also a bit of a recluse, it’s hard to believe
she’s suddenly feeling adventurous and wants to dance naked for
Goddamn. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. The bastard is
selling his own kid. I swear, if they’d let me into that prison to do the
honors, I’d happily offer Bugano his death sentence. Only, he
wouldn’t die by an injection; I’d make sure he felt every ounce of
pain he’s caused over the years. I’d draw out that suffering for as
long as his body survives.
“Consider my bag packed, Dominik.” There’s no way in hell I’m
standing by while innocent girls are exploited. I’m going to that club
to do my job, but when I’m done, that place will be burned to the
ground and all the sick fucks who’ve been abusing those girls will be
ten feet under, rotting in hell where they belong.
“Good. Now, turns out the club is looking for a bodyguard so
you’re going in for the position. Found a post on the dark web for a
‘sinner’ wanted. Know exactly what they’re looking for and have
gotten your new identity plugged into the system. You’re going in as
Vince Porter, an ex-con who just did sixteen for murder. Sentence
was twenty-five, but you got out on good behavior. We kept your
age the same, so you’re still a thirty-six-year-old old fart.”
I grumble as he chuckles. He’s one to talk, considering he’s two
years older than me.
“You were born and raised in Philly,” he continues. “Never been
married. And you obviously need this job because no one else is
looking to hire a murderer. Besides, you may have fooled everyone
on the inside, but your soul hasn’t been redeemed. You’re still a
sinner at heart. The rest you can look through in your inbox. And
you can pick up your identification on your way out of town.”
“Copy that.”
We finish up the call and within the hour I’m on the road,
heading straight to Sin City where I intend to repent for my sins by
making others pay for theirs.


T he place is packed tonight. I’m getting hives just seeing how

many men are here. Men of all shapes and sizes: young, old, tall,
short, professionals in suits, roughnecks in worn jeans and ragged T-
shirts, some with long hair, others bald, some with straggly beards,
others clean shaven, all of them different, from different walks of
life, and yet they all have one thing in common—they’re all
predators. Cheyenne was right, this place brings in a sick crowd. All
the guys who come in clearly have a thing for young girls. Young
girls who will make their perverted fantasies come to life. So, even if
there weren’t cameras watching our every move, not a single one of
these men would save me because that would spoil their fun. This
place would be shut down, and then where else would they go to
live out their dirty desires?
It makes my stomach churn, listening to the scumbags talk about
how fresh and ripe a girl is, or how they want to adopt that little one
and take her home with them. Or when they whisper in my ear that
my little pussy needs to be broken in and they want to be the one to
teach me all about sex. I have to fight back my panic when I think
of one of them possibly buying me. But what’s even worse than the
nasty men who whisper their sick desires in my ear is the group of
men sitting at my table tonight.
The ones wearing their uniforms who may or may not still be on
duty. They’re the ones that repulse me the most. Dirty cops who not
only accept bribes and turn a blind eye to all the illegal dealings that
take place behind the scenes, but who frequently sample the goods,
wanting to make sure the clients are getting what they’re paying for.
The second night I was here, I nearly jumped for joy when I saw
the officers walk in. I thought they had learned of my disappearance
and had come to rescue me. That they’d somehow managed to track
down my kidnapper. But I was so wrong. They weren’t here to save
me and arrest the bad guys; they were here to check out the “new
virgin.” To meet the girl Bugano had been bragging about.
“Cherry, you better get over to that table or I’ll go tell Angelo
your ass is slacking on the job,” Cheyenne snaps as she grabs her
drinks from the bar.
I know she’s trying to set an example and play the head bitch,
but she’s also trying to help me out. Because she’s right. The dirty
cops are the first to complain. And if they complain, then you’re
facing the consequences. Or so I’ve been told by Cheye. Thankfully,
I haven’t had to face any consequences yet. And I hope I never do.
I grab my tray. It’s time to face the inevitable. My feet get
heavier the closer I get. And as soon as I’m in their sights, my
stomach clenches up. God, I hate the way they look at me. If there
was a way to describe it, I’d say it’s rape glare.
“Well, look who finally decided to show her pretty little face.”
Sheriff Winslow smirks right as his hand grips onto the back of my
thigh. Out of the four officers that come in, he’s the worst. Which
makes perfect sense since he’s the one who holds the most power.
The most powerful are the meanest. Just like the richest are always
the dirtiest.
“We were wondering what was taking you so long, Cherry.
Thought maybe you were giving your attention elsewhere, and you
know how that makes us feel.”
I nod, struggling to find the words as his hand moves higher.
“I’m so sorry, officers. I had a snag in my stocking and needed to go
change.” I quickly look down at my white knee-highs, wishing I had
on thick tights instead. Then I wouldn’t have to feel his rough hand
on my bare skin, scraping across my leg. “What can I get you all to
“How about a shot of that sweet cherry juice squeezed fresh
from the source.” Officer Gordon sneers, casting a look that has me
wanting to run and hide. His words always feel like bugs crawling up
my skin. I don’t know how his wife can stand to lay next to him at
night. I’d have night terrors if I had to sleep under the same roof as
that man.
“Simmer down, son. You know if anyone’s going to have a taste,
it’s going to be me. Isn’t that right, Cherry?” Sheriff Winslow says,
squeezing my thigh.
“I…um…” have no idea what I’m supposed to say when all I want
to do is scream. These are men of the law. How can they sit here
and talk to me this way? How can they walk through the door,
knowing they’re supposed to protect the people and enforce the law,
and sit here and watch all the girls who aren’t even twenty-one
serve alcoholic drinks and then serve themselves up in the back
room to paying customers? Prostitution is illegal! Sex trafficking is
illegal! And yet they turn a blind eye so they can get their dirty rocks
off. It’s absolutely sick. And has made me lose all faith in the system.
“Damn, just look at how nervous she is, fellas. Bet that little
pussy of yours is quivering, too. Isn’t it?” The sheriff’s hand starts
moving higher up my leg and the room starts to spin as it gets closer
to his goal. “I can give her another reason to quiver. I’ll be happy to
rub the fear right away and make her feel good. So good she’ll never
cower in fear from me again. I’ll have her begging to be frisked
every time I walk through that door.”
This is what I’ve feared, being groped and manhandled by these
men. Up until two days ago, I had my own personal bodyguard who
followed me around like a shadow, hovering close and making sure
no one touched the goods without paying, but Bugano suddenly
disappeared, and now, I’m left without backup. “Um…I’m sorry,
Sheriff, but my boss says no one’s allowed to touch.”
He chuckles loudly, looking around the room, then narrows his
evil eyes back on me.
“Yeah, well then, the boss shouldn’t have left you unattended,
should he? That big brute isn’t here to keep you safe, which means
you’re free game now.” His fingers slide higher up my legs.
Instinctively my thighs clamp shut, locking him in place before he
can reach his destination. “You’re being a naughty girl. Now, open
up so I can feel this virgin little cunt and decide if I want to spend
my hard-earned money on it or not.”
My body begins to tremble and I’m barely able to hold myself
upright. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. I’m not sure which
action will get me into the least amount of trouble. Usually, Angelo
says that whatever the cops want they get, but Bugano said no one
is allowed to touch. He also said he wasn’t planning on selling me
yet, so I think the sheriff is just trying to use that as an excuse to
get his hands on me.
“Cherry, we need you in the back,” Angelo says, gripping onto my
arm tightly and yanking me from the sheriff’s hold. “If you’ll excuse
me, officers, we have some business to attend to. She’ll be back
He drags me toward his office, anger rolling off him in spades.
I’m not sure whether I’m relieved or not. The look on his face is
more terrifying than Sheriff Winslow’s hand on my body. When he
shoves me through the doorway and then slams it shut, I’m ready to
run back to the cops.
“Those fucking pigs are getting on my last nerve. Ever since your
damn father was arrested, they think they own this place. Well,
guess the fuck what, they don’t call the shots around here, I do. I’m
in fucking charge now. And no one gets to touch my girls without
paying for it. We ain’t serving up free pussy in this joint. I don’t give
a shit if he holds a badge or not. Got enough surveillance footage on
those fuckers to take their asses down too.”
Wait. What did he just say? The monster was arrested? He told
us that Bugano was away on business. That his attention was
needed elsewhere but that he’d be back soon. In the meantime,
Angelo’s been left in charge. But that was obviously a lie. Oh my
God, I have to tell Cheyenne. Maybe this means they’re going to
start investigating his businesses and the feds will come and look
into this place. Rescue us from these monsters.
“You’re hired!” he practically shouts, looking over my shoulder.
For a second, I don’t know who he’s talking to, but then I feel
someone step up behind me. A shadow so large it steals the light
from around my body.
I turn, having to tilt my head all the way back to see the man’s
face. The moment I do, the air is stolen straight from my lungs. The
man before me is huge. I’m not even sure I can call him a man.
That puny word is too small to describe him. He’s like a Viking from
the movies. A behemoth with a warrior’s body. His face is even a
weapon: lethal, intimidating, and with eyes like blades. Blades that
are cutting right through my every thought, slicing open my every
A prickling sensation begins to settle over me. It’s as if he’s
radiating some kind of charge and I’m being electrified. The man
before me, though the most dangerous I’ve ever encountered, is
undeniably the most incredible-looking. I’ve never really been
attracted to anyone before. At least not in real life. Sure, in the
movies there have been some actors that have had me drooling, but
in person, I’ve never met anyone who made me feel hot all over.
And after what I’ve been through over the last month, being pawed
at, gawked at, and smeared with nasty comments every night,
tormented by these monsters, I never thought I’d ever find a male
attractive again.
But the man in front of me, with his stubbled jawline, his dark,
penetrating eyes, and his lips which are locked in a sinister scowl,
has me salivating. And not just in my mouth, but between my legs.
He’s emanating anger like the sun radiates heat, and yet… I want to
step closer, even knowing I’ll be burned. I want to climb his body
and get blistered.
“Need you on her ass like fucking glue,” Angelo barks, yanking
me from my crazy thoughts. Goodness, what is wrong with me?
“All those fuckers think they can get a taste, but we aren’t
serving up free samples in this joint. If you see them lay one finger
on her, you break the damn thing off. This girl’s pussy is already up
to three million and I’m guessing by the end of the month, we’ll at
least get five for that little cherry.”
Wait, what did he just say? “I thought I wasn’t being sold. I
He cuts me off. “Your father changed his mind, my little cherry
pie. Five million dollars will get him a get-out-of-jail-free card, so as
soon as we get that number, you’ll be leaving us.”
Five million dollars? That’s crazy! And absolutely terrifying. Why
on earth would someone pay that much to have sex with me? And
then what will they do with me after they’re done? Am I going to
become the man’s personal sex slave? Is he going to rape me
repeatedly, or kill me once I’m no longer a virgin? Or maybe he
plans on making a film while he’s ripping away my innocence and
will sell the video to recoup the money.
The walls start closing in. Fast. I thought I had more time. More
time to find a way out. More time to plan an escape with Cheyenne.
But I don’t. I lose my balance, stumbling forward. The Viking
manages to catch me and steadies me in his arms. But having his
hands on my skin makes me even more unsteadied.
A current runs right through me, more intense than any static
shock I’ve ever experienced. My body trembles, but not out of fear
like it should. It short-circuits and reacts with lust instead of
repulsion. This place is making me lose my mind.
I should not be attracted to this man. He’s a monster just like the
rest of them. He works for them. Condones what they’re doing. And
is here to make sure my virginity stays intact so that another
monster can buy me like a piece of meat and have his way with me.
I should not take comfort in this stranger’s arms because he’s not
here to keep me safe. He’s here to protect the asset to ensure I
bring in top dollar.
“Think it goes without saying that you aren’t allowed to touch her
either, Vince. The last guy we had guarding her ass has a bullet in
his head, so I wouldn’t be getting any ideas.”
Oh my God! Angelo killed Bronx?
“You killed him?” The question flies out before I can stop it. What
could Bronx have possibly done? He was with me during all waking
hours. The only time he wasn’t lurking in my shadow like a creepy
stalker was when he was sleeping.
“Yes, my little cherry pie.” Angelo steps into my space, the smell
of scotch filling my nose. The guard’s hands tighten on my hips, and
though I know it’s meant to ensure I stay put, Vince’s grip gives me
comfort and I let his hard frame support the bulk of my weight as I
lean against him. Yep. My brain is definitely short-circuiting.
“I killed that little shit because he was getting ideas. I saw the
damn look in his eyes as he watched you. He’d done time for raping
two girls and I no longer trusted him with our most valued virgin.
There’s no way I’m letting all those millions be stolen from us so I
followed the boss’s orders.”
A gasp falls from my lips. The thought of Bugano being able to
bribe his way out of prison is absolutely horrifying. More so than the
thought of Bronx hurting me. Honestly, I never even noticed Bronx
looking at me. Then again, I’ve been so on edge since the moment I
Every chance I get, I look for an escape. A weakness with the
customers, an unattended exit, a cell phone I can snatch and use to
call someone for help. I was never paying attention to my guard. In
fact, he terrified me, so I did everything I could to avoid him. And
now, I know why I got the creepy vibe all the time. The guy was a
rapist, and apparently, I was his next victim.
“Bet you got some pent-up energy just getting out of the
slammer, don’t you?” Angelo says, looking at the giant braced
against me, who apparently is also an ex-convict. “Like I said, this
one’s ripe little cherry is off-limits, but any of the other girls are free
game. You can consider it a signing bonus. I’ll give you a week of
free fucks. You just tell me which girl you want in your bed each
night, and I’ll arrange it. After that, you’ll have to pay like everyone
“Thanks,” Vince states, his voice deep, dominant, and dangerous.
It’s as commanding as the rest of him. One word fills the space of
the room with more of that electrical current and my arm hairs are
now standing up. But as their arrangement settles in, another
strange emotion washes over me, cooling that spark running across
my skin.
It feels like jealousy. But that’s absurd. I should not be jealous
that this man is going to have sex with the other girls. I should not
be wishing I was the one he’d take all that energy out on. God, I
really am losing it. This place is messing with my head. I used to be
a straight-laced virgin who wanted to wait until marriage to have
sex, and now, after one month of being in this place, surrounded by
sex 24/7, I’m lusting over a man who just got out of prison and is
here to keep me imprisoned in this hell. And for all I know he could
be a murderer.
“Good. Now, take her back out there and make sure the officers
get to meet you, Vince. And Cherry”—he turns toward me—“give
them their drinks on the house tonight since they had to wait so
long. Still want to keep the peace around here.”
I’d love to give those horrible men free drinks. Right over their
laps. Vince’s hands pull at my waist and he guides me out of the
office and back into the inferno of hell. The room is crawling with
serpents. The noise is overwhelming. But all I can think about is how
Vince’s touch is burning me up and the fire inside is somehow
turning the fear I’ve felt over the last month into ash. Yes, I am
definitely going crazy because no one in this horrid place is safe. Not
even the one who’s being paid to keep the monsters away.


W hat in the fuck is wrong with me? I feel like all the other sick
fucks in this place, letting my hands linger on her soft skin,
watching her walk in front of me, memorizing every single one of
her perfect little curves, drooling over that plump little peach as it
sways with her every step. My dick is as hard as a steel beam. And if
she turns around, she’ll see the tent in my pants.
At least the tiny prick of a man who thinks he’s my new boss
won’t blame me for that. As far as he knows, I just got released
from prison. Throw a man who supposedly has been locked away for
sixteen years into a strip club full of naked young women, women
that I can’t even see because the one before me has captured all of
my attention, and you’d expect him to be sporting a damn chub for
But that’s the fucking bullshit story. I can’t even claim that
excuse because I haven’t been in prison. I just got one look at the
knockout little princess and my body had a full-blown reaction. Felt
like my lungs were closing up, like my heart was racing with
adrenaline, and like a damn shot of epinephrine had been injected
straight into my dick. Fuck. The girl is only nineteen years old
whereas I’m thirty-six. She’s too damn young. But even beyond our
age difference is the fact she’s been put through hell.
Alessia’s an innocent victim who was kidnapped from her life and
brought to this shithole, and here I am wanting to claim her for
myself. Wanting to make her mine in every humanly way possible.
Definitely intending to make damn sure none of these rats touch her,
not just because it’s my job. Goddammit. The girl deserves better
than to have another man lusting after her. She’s already getting
mentally fucked by half the room.
She stops before me, and I almost collide right into her back. I’m
too damn lost in my fucked-up thoughts. But thankfully, I catch
myself before she gets a feel of what my damn dick is thinking. Shit.
I need to get my head out of my ass and pay attention. More like
get my head off of her ass and pay attention.
If I’m going to keep her safe, then I need both eyes and ears on
deck. This place is packed with slimy snakes, and like Angelo said,
they all want to sample the goods. Over their dead bodies will I let
them lay a single finger on her, which means I need to focus.
“Sorry, officers,” Alessia says in that soft, timid voice of hers.
She’s trying to appear brave, to be strong, but I can hear her nerves
shining through, can see the tension gripping her tiny frame. “Drinks
are on the house tonight since the boss pulled me away and made
you wait. So, what can I get you?”
My fists clench as I look at the men sitting at her table. Now I
know why this place is still in business and how they’re getting away
with this shit. All the girls in this place look barely legal and they’re
serving up booze. And we all know what they’re serving up for cash
in the back.
I clock each and every face attached to the dirty pigs. I’ll be
making sure Ryker knows exactly which officers are in Bugano’s
pocket. Ryker may be a dirty cop in the eyes of the law, but he’s a
true man of the law. And he’s going to be fucking happy to know
who’s been working for the dirty rat who’s apparently trying to bribe
his way out of prison. Finally, Ryker will be able to clean up the
precinct once and for all, and get some solid men in there. Men
who’ll be on our side of the law.
“You’re going to have to do better than a free drink, Cherry. If
you want to make us happy, you need to give us a free look, too.
Show us what you got hiding in your training bra and what you got
under that skirt in those little cotton panties.”
The fuck?
I step in front of her, blocking her from their view. There’s no
way in hell I’m letting them talk to her that way. Degrading and
demeaning her. Trying to make her feel insecure about her small
breasts. Her tits may be small, but they’re the perfect size for her
petite little body. My palms would swallow them up, and my mouth
would too. Fuck. I wish there was a way to turn it off, to switch off
my damn attraction for her, but I can’t. I’m just damn thankful she
can’t see my thoughts because she’d be running scared. She
definitely would be putting me in the same category as the scum
sitting before me.
“She won’t be showing you anything, officers. Not tonight. Or
ever,” I state, making sure the message is sent in my tone. “Won’t
be serving you either, so if you want a drink, I suggest you get it
from the bar. I’d offer to get you something myself, but I can’t
guarantee it won’t be a glass of my piss.”
The officers narrow their eyes on me, bristling up like they intend
to make an arrest. Yeah, that won’t be happening. ‘Cause like
Angelo said, he’s got plenty of surveillance footage on these sick
fucks to put them away for life. And I’m sure the thought of them
being locked behind bars with the men they’ve put there is probably
their worst nightmare.
“You know who you’re speaking to, boy?” says the one who
opened his nasty mouth to my girl. “I think they went and hired a
stupid shit.” He looks toward the others. “You know I could arrest
your ass for speaking to an officer like that.”
My jaw clenches up tight. Fists clenched tighter as I struggle not
to put him out. I move in close, getting right in his face. If he thinks
I’m intimidated, I’m not. His shiny badge is nothing but scrap metal
as far as I’m concerned.
“You may want to watch who you’re calling boy. And I’d think
twice on that arrest if I were you.” I point around the room. “See all
those cameras up there? They’ve been recording you night after
night, catching every single move you’ve made on tape, and all that
footage has been saved for a rainy day. So you may want to point
that stupid finger back at yourself. You’ve got no leverage here, so I
suggest you remember that the next time you think about crossing a
line with her. Otherwise, the weatherman will be calling for a damn
The fucker looks fit to be tied, but he’s got nothing to say. His
sneer slowly loosens and turns up into a smirk. His hand reaches out
for me to shake. “You just earned my respect, son. Name’s Sheriff
Winslow. You ever need anything, you let me know.”
I look down at his fat palm and turn my back on the fucker. I’m
not shaking that man’s hand no matter what. Have no respect for
him and won’t pretend like I do.
“Come on, Cherry. You’ve got other customers to wait on.” I
gesture for her to walk, and as I follow her to her next table, I watch
the eyes around the room follow me. At least, those of the men who
heard our little exchange. Some of them are gritting their teeth,
looking pissed as hell. Some are loosening their collars like they’re
nervous that I’ll come for them next. They should be. Because I will
be coming for them. Each and every one.
I spot Angelo staring me down. Shit. He wanted to keep the
peace and I just went and stirred the pot. But when he nods and
gives me an approving smirk, I breathe a sigh of relief. It looks like I
may have just earned his respect. He doesn’t see the truth behind
my actions. As far as he knows, I was just doing my job and putting
the officers back in their place.
“Thank you.” Alessia’s whisper pulls my attention back to the
beautiful girl in front of me.
I’d like to wrap her in my arms and take her out of this
godforsaken place right now, but I can’t. Not yet. I can’t set off any
alarms with these men until I have backup and we get a full read on
this place. I don’t want these fuckers to burn the evidence, girls
included. So, I’m going to need to stay put for a few days.
But still, my girl will be kept safe. At least with her being such a
prized possession, I know she won’t be touched. And I also know
now exactly what it will take to get her out of here. Five million
dollars. As soon as I’m locked in my room tonight, I’ll be putting in
my call to Dominik.
“Just doing my job,” I tell her. My tone is a bit harsh, but I can’t
give myself away. If I turn soft now, she may act differently towards
me, or she may go run her mouth to the other girls and that will
send up some red flags to the boss. I can’t take that risk, so for
now, I have to act like the rest of the guards in this place—like a
ruthless, cold asshole.


G od, I’m such an idiot. Of course, he’s just doing his job. He’s not
my knight in shining armor who swooped in and protected me
from the evil monsters; he’s following his boss’s orders. It’s just…the
way he stepped in front of me and shielded me from the officers
made me feel safe for the first time since I’ve been here. It seemed
like Vince truly didn’t like how I was being treated. It felt like he was
on my side, not just doing his job.
Sure, Bronx would knock hands away and give warnings to keep
off, but he never stood up for me. He sat back and let the dirty old
men say whatever they wanted. No matter how awful or threatening
they were. But Vince didn’t let it slide, not even with the men who
could send him right back to where he came from. It has me biting
back a smile just thinking of how they were all squirming in their
seats, even the sheriff. From the looks on their faces, I think they
were not only shocked but scared.
“Do you gentlemen need anything?” I ask, stepping up to my
next table. I need to get back to my job and distract myself from
these ridiculous thoughts. Cheyenne has warned me time and time
again not to trust anyone, not even the nice ones. And she’s right;
the girls have all talked about how the nicest men turn into the most
wicked behind closed doors.
“We need another round, little one.” The man’s hand slides up
my leg, going right under my skirt. Before I can even react, it’s
gone, and the man trying to fondle me is squealing like a girl as
Vince removes him from my body.
“She’s off-fucking-limits. So touch her again, and you won’t just
have a broken wrist, you’ll end up in a full-body cast. Now, give the
girl your drink order because that’s all she’s going to be serving you
Again, a feeling of safety washes over me. And again, I mentally
kick myself for my Stockholm thoughts that are growing by the
second. It shouldn’t matter that he’s gorgeous. He’s still a bad man.
But as Vince’s hand squeezes my hip and pulls me closer to his huge
body, keeping the men from getting their filthy paws on me again, a
shudder of lust runs straight from my head down to my tippy toes.
God, I’m seriously losing it.
I shrug from his protective hold, needing to get my head on
straight, and head to the bar. Before I get there, I’m being snagged
by yet another customer. They seriously never stop. Every night it’s
the same. Men attack from all angles.
“Where you going, little girl? Why don’t you c’mere so we can
have a chat? I don’t bite,” says the older gentleman whom I’ve never
seen in here before. He looks both powerful and rich. Those are the
ones I fear above all the rest. Not only are they mean and dirty, but
they have the ability to pay the kind of money Angelo wants to get
for me. And this guy is wearing a million-dollar watch, which means
five million is probably petty cash.
Vince steps forward and the man’s attention turns toward my
Viking protector.
“Who’s this?” he asks, turning his eyes back on me, letting them
linger right on my chest. “Is he your daddy? Is he the one I need to
ask permission from to play with you for a bit?”
Vince’s chest presses against my back. His arm wraps around my
waist and pulls me into a protective embrace tucked right into his
side. Another warm feeling rushes in and calms my nerves, which
are starting to rattle again.
“That’s right. She’s mine,” Vince states in a deadly tone. “No
one’s allowed to touch her. I don’t share. Understand?”
That warm feeling grows hotter. A four-letter word striking the
match and lighting the fire. His arms shielding me from the nasty
man and his hands gripped on tight are only stoking those flames
faster. Throw in his woodsy clean scent and the feel of his hard
strength pressed against me, and I’m about to turn into ash.
“Damn. You’re a lucky son of a bitch.” The man shakes his head.
“She looks like a good little girl. One that doesn’t get out of line.” His
eyes slither over me again and if it weren’t for Vince’s tight embrace,
I’d be shaking from the sick desire burning in the predator’s stare.
But I feel safe. Because no matter what the creep says, Vince isn’t
going to let him hurt me. “You mind for your daddy, don’t you?”
I nod, trying to be polite so Angelo won’t punish me for being
rude to a customer.
“Tell me what your daddy does that has you so well behaved?”
Oh God, I have to answer him. But what do I even say to that?
The truth is the only thing that comes to mind. “He makes me
feel safe.”
The man smirks. “You are the perfect little, aren’t you?” He leans
in closer and Vince stiffens around me, fully shrouding me now from
the evil. “Now, prove you’re a good girl and give your daddy a thank
you for keeping you so safe and for making you feel good.”
I swallow thickly, whispering a thank you into Vince’s chest, but
the creep shakes his head. “No. Words aren’t enough. You need to
thank him properly. Now, be a good little girl and run that hand
down and give your daddy’s dick a hug. That way he knows you
really mean it.”
The darkness creeps in at the edges. My nerves are back in
control, making my body shake. Thank goodness Vince is holding me
up because I’d be on the floor. The rich, powerful ones truly are the
“No, Cherry. You don’t have to thank me,” Vince grits through his
teeth. I look up and see the anger searing in his eyes. “He’s not your
boss. He doesn’t give the orders.”
Yes, but if I don’t do as the customer asks, my boss will punish
me; technically every man in this place is my boss. They may not be
allowed to touch me themselves, but there isn’t a rule about me not
touching my guard per their request.
“You really her daddy, or you pulling a fast one on me?” The
man’s tone is now laced with anger, which means Angelo will be
furious if he complains. And if he decides to take his buckets of
money elsewhere, I won’t be the only one in serious trouble. Vince
will be, too. I definitely don’t want that to happen. I feel like I’ve just
been given a lifeline, an island of safety in this shark-infested ocean,
and I don’t want it taken away. Which means there’s only one thing
for me to do.
Thankfully, Angelo is nowhere in sight so he hasn’t seen the
tension building on the customer’s face. Before he does, I slide my
hand across Vince’s stomach, heading down between his legs. Truth
is, touching him doesn’t scare me. It probably should, but that fear
doesn’t creep in as my fingers get closer to his groin. What truly
scares me is Angelo’s wrath if this man complains or walks out.
Tulip could barely walk for a week after one of her customers
threatened to walk out, and all she did was bring him the wrong
whiskey by mistake even though she swore it’s what he had ordered.
We all think the man just wanted free booze, but Angelo still
punished her. I can barely walk in these heels to begin with; I
certainly won’t be able to with burns on my feet.
“No.” Vince stops my hand right as I get to my destination. “I
told you not to, Cherry. He’s not your daddy, I am. And if you cross
me, you’re going to be punished.”
His sharp command has me nodding. He tucks my hand in his
and holds it against his pounding chest. The action causes my fear
to wither away a little more. This Viking just protected me again
from another monster. He could’ve made me follow the man’s
orders, could’ve sat back and made me pleasure him, but he didn’t.
He spared me. And for that, my feelings don’t seem so ridiculous
anymore. I’m positive if Bronx had been here, he wouldn’t have
stopped me.
“Damn, you really are a good little girl,” the stranger groans. “I
need to find me one just like you. Or maybe I can make you an
offer? Name’s Burren, by the way. Burren Duke.” He looks up at
Vince as if his name is supposed to trigger something. Maybe how
much money he has.
Vince’s hold around me tightens, pulling me further into him.
“Sorry. Never letting this one go. She’s priceless. Come on, baby girl,
we need to go have a little chat in the back. It’s obvious you need to
be reminded of who your one and only daddy is.”
He pulls me away from the stranger and leads me down the back
hallway. My thoughts are spinning. A warm feeling is swarming in as
his words repeat in my head. He leads me into Angelo’s office
without even knocking and closes the door behind us. It’s like he
owns this place, like Angelo’s wrath doesn’t terrify him. I wish I
could say the same. I don’t know what the wolf will do when he
finds out I left the floor.
“This shit happen every night?” He practically shouts as he starts
to pace in front of me. His harsh tone has me backing up toward the
door. Maybe I shouldn’t be alone with him when he’s this mad.
I nod, not finding my voice through my rattled nerves.
My feet take another step back, but this time, he notices. His
head snaps in my direction and he closes the distance between us,
diminishing my chance of escape. His shaking hands reach for me
and I instinctively jerk back. He drops them and moves away, giving
me the safety buffer I need to breathe again.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Cherry. Please stop looking at me like
that. I promise you’re safe with me.”
There’s so much sincerity shining in his eyes, I don’t think he’s
just saying this because it’s his job. I actually think there’s good in
him after all. I’m tempted to beg him for help, but I’m still not sure if
I can trust him or not. Besides, the camera is watching and listening.
I glance up at the one in the corner, and see that the light is
definitely on.
“They’re listening, aren’t they?” His voice is so quiet I almost
miss his words.
I nod.
“Ignore what I’m about to say then.”
My heart begins to pound as hope blooms inside my chest. I
really think I can trust him. Just like Cheyenne, I think Vince is
playing his part for the camera. He may not be a monster after all.
“What the fuck are you doing in here with her alone?” The door
bangs against the wall as Angelo storms in. It slams shut in his wake
and my shoulders rattle along with the wooden frame. Angelo steps
between me and Vince, glaring into my protector’s eyes. Oh God. I
hope he doesn’t kill him. Vince may be someone who can help us
escape this place.
“My job!” Vince grits between his teeth. He steps right up to the
wolf, not showing an ounce of fear. It’s obvious he isn’t afraid of the
boss as he peers down at the shorter man. “I was keeping your
prized possession safe from all the fuckwads out there who keep
trying to shove their fingers up her skirt. Place is packed, and they’re
coming at her from every angle. Didn’t think you wanted me to start
knocking out all the paying customers and have a riot on your hands
so I brought her in here. Been in here for two minutes. Check your
fucking surveillance footage before you go accusing me of shit.”
Angelo looks at his camera and then nods. “Fine. I believe you.
But next time, you let me fucking know what you’re doing. Now, I
need her back on the floor. There are some very rich men here
tonight and I don’t want her hidden away. Their pockets are deep
and they’re in a spending kind of mood tonight. Hoping one of them
will make an offer we can’t refuse.” He turns his attention toward
me. “Make sure you pay extra special attention to the man in the
gray suit. His name is Burren Duke. One of the wealthiest men in the
state and it turns out he’s looking to adopt.”
Oh God, no! The one man Angelo is trying to sell me to is the
one who thinks I’m not available. When Angelo finds out Vince lied
to the guy, he’s going to kill him. My nerves start rattling again. I
need to think of a way to fix this.
Vince gives a tight nod. “I’ll make sure she’s on her best behavior
with him. Come on, Cherry.” He steps around Angelo, putting himself
back by my side. “By the way”—he stops—“you have a problem on
your hands with those cops. May want to drum up some footage
you’ve got stored in order to knock them down a few notches.
Otherwise, they’re going to start throwing their weight around.”
He leaves his two cents of advice in the air, and then turns and
takes me by the arm. He leads me back out the door and into the
crazy chaos. But the sound drowning out all the rest is the voice in
my head, telling me that my Viking is a good man. Or, at least, there
is some good in him.
“Just remember you’re safe, Angel. And don’t worry about that
rich fucker. I’ll handle the backlash on that one.” And just like that,
those Stockholm feelings multiply and my trust in him grows


B ybecause
the end of the night, I feel like I’ve run a damn marathon. Not
I’ve had to chase her cute little ass around while she
served drinks, or because I was having to bat away groping hands
for hours and restrain myself from strangling every single pervert in
this place, but because she makes it hard to breathe.
She’s terrified. Living in a nightmare. And yet, she’s still surviving.
Still holding strong. Still standing on both feet when everyone would
expect her to be hiding in the corner, too scared to function. Not
only that, but there’s still an innocence burning bright in her eyes.
Her sweetness hasn’t soured. Her warmth hasn’t turned cold.
Angelo turns the key, locking Alessia and the bitchy redhead in
their room for the night. My teeth clench. Hate that she’s got the
biggest bully as her roommate. But there’s not a damn thing I can
do about it. Not yet, at least.
“Once the girls are locked up for the night”—he continues
showing me the nightly routine now that all the dirty rats have gone
back to their sewers—“you just press this red button and the alarm
will be set. If anyone opens the door after that, it will blare like a
motherfucker. None of the guards get the code because we have to
protect our assets.”
I want to ask him what the hell happens if there’s a fire, but I
already know the answer. They’ll let the girls go up in smoke. Of
course, that won’t be happening on my watch. I’ll break down every
fucking door if I have to.
My stomach drops when he pushes the button and the red light
goes on. Fuck! Now, my girl is trapped in her cell and I won’t be able
to get to her if she needs me. Only thing keeping the madness at
bay is knowing that no one will go in and touch her in the middle of
the night. Even still, I don’t like not being able to have her near. It
agitates every nerve in my body. Leaves my soul feeling unsettled.
“Now, your room is here.” He turns and opens the door directly
across from Alessia’s. “You should have everything you need inside.
For a man who’s slept in a cell for the last sixteen years, this place
will feel like a fucking palace. By the way”—he nods toward the bed
—“your bag is over there. Hope you don’t take offense to our
security measures. Just have to make sure no one’s coming in with
wires or weapons.”
“No offense taken. You can never be too careful.” He’s an idiot for
not inspecting my damn shoes closer. But I’m not going to teach him
a course on how to take true security measures right now.
I step inside the room. Do a quick scan for traps. It has a king-
sized bed, sofa, little kitchenette, and a bathroom. And of course,
there’s a camera up in the corner. That’s what I’m looking for. But so
far, I only see one. “You got a camera in the john, too?” I gesture
towards the thing.
Angelo chuckles. “Nah. Not interested in watching you take a
shit. Besides, the steam kills the damn wires and everything shorts
Good to know. I’ll make sure he’s telling me the truth. If he is,
that’s where I’ll be checking in with my boss.
“Girls cook breakfast at noon. Can’t have them walking around
looking like racoons with bags under their eyes, so we let them sleep
in. You get hungry before that, help yourself.”
Fuck. So not only do the girls have to serve those scumbags, and
have their bodies used and abused night after night, but they have
to do all the cooking too. I’m guessing they’re also the damn maids
responsible for keeping this place so clean, too. Yeah, when all is
said and done, this place will be burnt to the ground and all the rats
will end up in an actual sewer.
“Now, which girl do you want me to get to warm that cock
Angelo’s question snaps me from my thoughts. Hell no. I’m not
abusing any of these girls. Besides, the only one I want is off-limits.
Not that I’d ever cross a line with Alessia. I made a vow tonight that
from this point on, I’ll be her provider and her protector. And
regardless of what my cock wants, I’m never going to be another
dirty old man trying to get into her pants. She’s had enough of that
for a lifetime. I’d rather go to my grave being celibate, knowing that
she’s happy and living the life of her dreams, than take advantage of
her vulnerable innocence.
I shake my head. “After sixteen years of sleeping on a damn
board with one eye open, I’m not sharing my bed with a soul.
Besides, I’m dog tired. More noise in this place than from the
squealing sissies in the slammer. Right now, I’m going to take a hot
shower without looking over my shoulder. Then I’m going to crawl
into bed and get a decent night’s sleep.”
He claps me on the back like we’re old pals. Fucker really is a
stupid shit for trusting me so fast. Then again, I’m damn good at
what I do. “Yeah, I get it. It’s been so long since I got out, I’d
forgotten what that first night was like. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you
to the girls. Once you see what’s available, I guarantee sleep will be
the last thing on your mind.”
He gives me a wink before he exits the room, and all I want to
do is punch that blinking eye out.
As soon as his footsteps fade down the hall, I’m locked inside the
bathroom, making sure he was telling the truth and that I don’t have
any other eyes watching me. There’s nothing. Not even behind the
mirror. But just to be sure, I pull out the phone I’ve got hidden in
the heel of my boot and scan for signals in the area. It confirms
there are no other hidden cameras, but I’ve got an extra set of ears
listening in the other room. Looks like I’ll have to stick to texting.
When I open up my messages, I see I’ve already got one from
Dominik. A lengthy one at that. By the time I’m done reading it, my
head is fucking spinning. Pretty damn sure the fan is going to break
soon from all the shit hitting it. Looks like Bugano has another
daughter, and the damn girl has managed to weasel her way into my
friend’s heart, deceiving him into thinking she loves him. But all she
wanted was a way in, so she could carry out her father’s plan.
Fuck. I swear. Lately, life’s been like a fucking soap opera: As the
Bugano World Fucking Turns. Damn. I’m just thankful Anthony’s
handling that situation, because my sole focus is on keeping my girl
safe and giving her the life she deserves once I get her out of this
Me: Room is bugged so can only communicate by text. I’m in.
Assigned as Alessia’s guard. They haven’t touched her yet. Plan on
selling her virginity to the highest bidder. Already up to three million.
Said as soon as they get five, they’re taking it. That’s how much
Bugano’s freedom is going for. Need to get her out of here stat. This
place is crawling with vermin and needs to be exterminated. Haven’t
seen Georgianna yet, but tomorrow I’ll meet all the girls. BTW, cops
showed up tonight. Got names on which pigs are in Bugano’s
pocket. I’ll list below so you can pass them along to Ryker. There are
cameras everywhere, so we need to get ahold of the footage.
Sending a screenshot of the Wi-Fi servers showing on my phone for
you to get tapped in.
As soon as I hit send, I see the circles spinning on his end.
Dominik: Do you know how they’re drumming up buyers for the
Me: Scan the dark web for Sin City again. This time check for
Cherry. That’s what they’re calling Alessia.
The phone goes silent for a minute but then he’s back, already
having found something. Screenshot shows a listing for a ripe cherry
pie for sale, and along with the post is a picture of my sweet girl
holding a pie. Fucking dirt bags. They’re going to pay for exploiting
my princess.
Dominik: The one offering three million is DaddyGov. Tracing IP
address now to see who it is.
It doesn’t take long for a text to come in.
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Rambler
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Title: The Rambler Club's house-boat

Author: W. Crispin Sheppard

Release date: January 20, 2024 [eBook #72766]

Language: English

Original publication: Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Company,


Credits: Carla Foust, David Edwards and the Online Distributed

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The Rambler Club’s House-boat



Illustrated by the Author


1912 BY
The Rambler Club’s House-boat
The earlier adventures of Bob Somers and his friends have been
described in “The Rambler Club Afloat,” “The Rambler Club’s Winter
Camp,” “The Rambler Club in the Mountains,” “The Rambler Club on
Circle T Ranch,” “The Rambler Club Among the Lumberjacks,” “The
Rambler Club’s Gold Mine,” and “The Rambler Club’s Aeroplane.”
“The Rambler Club’s House-boat” deals with the adventures on the
Hudson of the Rambler boys and Jack Lyons and his friends.
They have an exciting and enjoyable time on the historic river, and
begin to appreciate its varied beauty and charm.
When the “Gray Gull,” Jack Lyons, Master, is close to Yonkers Bob
Somers is the means of aiding a young man in distress. Formerly he
had been the tutor of a boy residing at Nyack; but, for a reason
which reflects no discredit upon him, he lost his position.
A friendship springs up all around. The lads on the house-boat meet
the Nyack boy, who is enthusiastic over the idea of such a trip, and
decides to join.
Misunderstandings arise, and for a while the trip of the “Gray Gull”
promises to be the means of causing much trouble. But events so
shape themselves that in the end right prevails, and his chance
meeting with the boys turns out to be a fortunate thing for the former
W. Crispin Sheppard.
I.The “Gray Gull” 9
II.The Engine 30
III.“All Aboard!” 46
IV.A Voice in the Night 70
V.An Exploring Trip 91
VI. Joe in Trouble 105
VII.The Battle for the Boat 116
VIII.A Collision 130
IX. The Millionaire Boy 140
X.In the Automobile 155
XI. George Goes Along 166
XII.Pierre Catches Up 181
XIII.Colonel Ellison Takes a Hand 188
XIV.“That Chaffer Fellow” 196
XV.The Colonel Speaks His Mind 212
XVI.The War-Call 228
XVII.In the Red Car 240
XVIII.The Colonel is Angry 257
XIX.George is Wanted 266
XX.Two Nights 275
XXI.A Midnight Tow 286
XXII.The Push-Ball Contest 295
XXIII.Good News for Redfern 308
XXIV. The End of the Cruise 318

The Voyage Was Begun Frontispiece

“I Wish I Were Going With You” 82
“His Eyes Snapped Fiercely” 163
“Hang On Tight, Sir” 220
“See Who’s Coming” 302
The Rambler Club’s House-boat
“Well, Bob Somers, I certainly am glad you came on to New York
with your father. Dad has been talking so much about you Rambler
chaps lately that I’ve been simply wild to meet the crowd.”
“And three of us are here for your inspection, Jack Lyons,” laughed
Bob. “Dave Brandon”—his hand fell on the shoulder of a stout, good-
humored-looking boy standing by his side—“is our poet, artist and
historian; and this is Tommy, or, perhaps, I’d better say, Mr. Thomas
A very tall, thin boy flushed as Jack Lyons eyed him quizzically and
then heartily shook his extended hand.
“If titles go by the length of people I think you’d better add Esquire,
too,” gurgled Jack.
“For a long time Tommy was the smallest member of our crowd,”
explained Dave Brandon; “then, suddenly——”
“Nothing could keep him down,” supplemented Bob, with a smile.
“And I don’t wonder, after the way you boys have been living out in
the open,” said Jack. “But what’s the use of our standing here in the
hallway when there are comfortable chairs in my den up-stairs?”
“And I do feel most uncommonly tired,” confessed Dave, stifling a
yawn, “for, honestly, I didn’t sleep a minute more than twelve hours
last night.”
Jack laughed heartily as he led the way into the drawing-room.
Mr. John Lyons, his father, a widely-known New York lawyer and
promoter, resided in a fine mansion on Fifty-seventh Street.
Externally, there was nothing about the house to distinguish it in any
way from the rest of a long brown-stone row, but the interior was
famed for the wealth and beauty of its appointments.
“Thought you might like to take a look in here, fellows,” remarked
Jack. “Dad goes in a lot for painting and statuary. Some of these
things he picked up while abroad. Everything free for this day only.
Step around and see the animals.”
“It’s simply stunning!” cried Bob.
The furnishings were nearly all of the Louis XV period. A beam of
sunlight coming in through a half-opened window caressed in its
course original chairs and a couch which had once adorned an old
French chateau. Rare tapestries hung on the walls, while carved
chests and objects of copper and brass revealed their presence by
rich, glowing touches of color.
Many pictures by old and modern masters immediately attracted
Dave Brandon’s attention.
“Aren’t they wonderful?” he sighed.
“You’ve painted some pictures just as wonderful,” said Tommy.
“That’s the trouble,” laughed Dave, “wonderful—but in a different
way. Your father and Mr. Somers seemed to find a lot to talk about,
A hum of steady conversation was coming from an adjoining room
which Mr. Lyons used as a study.
“That reminds me,” said Jack; “you chaps will have to unbosom
yourselves at once. Gold mines, aeroplanes and all sorts of hunting
experiences seem to have been in your line. Come right up to my
The room on the top floor which Jack called his very own was about
twelve by sixteen feet, and furnished with several chairs, a desk and
table. Gridiron heroes and baseball idols looked at the beholder from
their cardboard prisons—Jack had them tacked up all over the walls,
while a fishing pole and old-fashioned musket decorated one corner.
The den did not appear extraordinarily neat; several coats, a pile of
books, and a box of note-paper with its contents scattered in glorious
confusion over the desk might have offended a fastidious taste. But
Jack airily explained that a very important matter had prevented him
from tidying up.
“And I’ll tell you all about it, fellows,” he said, animatedly, when his
visitors had seated themselves. “We—and by that I mean Joe
Preston, Aleck Hunt, Fred Winter and myself—have the dandiest
scheme. What is it?—Well, I want to hear your story first. Dad has
been telling me how you found the ‘Rambler Club’s Gold Mine’—he’s
a stockholder in the company, you know.”
“Yes; and just as soon as father said he intended to go East to see
Mr. Lyons on business we made up our minds to keep him
company,” said Bob, with a smile.
“It means a whole lot of work for me,” sighed Dave.
“It’s this way,” a peculiarly gruff voice broke in—Tommy was
speaking—“Dave always writes a history of our trips. He has about
two thousand, one hundred and ninety-seven pages finished up to
date. So, of course, this New York trip——”
“Say, fellows!” Jack Lyons jumped up and began pacing the floor. An
idea which made his eyes sparkle brightly had suddenly entered his
head. “Say, why don’t you chaps stay here a couple of weeks?”
“Eh?” said Tommy.
“And then your historian would have something worth while to
scribble about.”
“How?” asked Dave.
“Well, honest, I can’t keep still about it a minute longer.” Jack Lyons’
voice indicated a spirit fairly bubbling over with enthusiasm. “Why,
we’ve got hold of a house-boat—a real h-o-u-s-e-b-o-a-t, mind you;
“Intend to take a trip somewhere?” asked Tommy, eagerly.
“Do we?—Well, I should rather say so! It’s all arranged, too. Rah—
rah! The ‘Gray Gull,’ Jack Lyons, master, is bound from New York to
Albany. Now”—Jack paused; his arm swept around in a half-circle
—“you chaps ought to, and, by ginger, must go along.”
“I felt it coming,” sighed Dave. “That means another book to write.”
“How about it?” queried Jack, eagerly. “Don’t say no. It’ll be one of
the greatest trips you ever had. Joe, Aleck and Fred are dandy
chaps. Say, can’t you go out with me this morning to see our house-
“Well, r-a-t-h-e-r,” cried Tommy—“eh, Bob?”
Bob nodded.
“Sure thing. It will give us a good chance to see a bit of New York.
Where is the ‘Gray Gull,’ Jack?”
“Moored on the Harlem River. Hurray! I’ll call up Joe Preston just as
soon as you’ve told me a bit about yourselves. Now, somebody,
please fire away.”
The “somebody” happened to be Bob Somers, and, as he related
modestly the story of their many adventures, Jack Lyons’ eyes
opened wider with interest and enthusiasm.
“Great Scott; what corking times! Don’t I wish I’d been along. I must
tell Joe you’re here.” And Jack sprang to the side of his desk, where
the boys noticed a telephone.
“Talk about that for a great scheme,” remarked Tom.
“Talk through it for a greater,” returned Jack. “Hello, hello—yes, that’s
the number. Hello, Joe Preston! Not Joe! Well, won’t you please tell
him that Jack Lyons is at the ’phone?”
“He’s at home, fellows.” Jack looked up; then turned toward the
instrument again. “Hello, Joe! Say, old boy, the Rambler chaps are
here; honest—no joke about it. We’re going right out to see the ‘Gray
Gull.’ Can you meet us there? Good! Yes; maybe they’ll take the trip
with us. Wouldn’t that be jolly! You pick up Aleck and Fred. Race
you? Sure! Good-bye.”
“Fellows, you’ll meet the whole bunch,” laughed Jack, as he hung up
the receiver. “Now, I’ll explain how we happened to get hold of the
house-boat. A client of dad’s, who went out west, turned it over to
him in part payment for his services. If dad didn’t know what to do
with the ‘Gray Gull,’ I did; and the way Joe, Aleck and Fred jumped
at the chance to go on a cruise would have made you laugh.”
“How do you make it go?” asked Dave, languidly.
“Oh, I’m coming to that. A Mr. Marshall we know owned a motor
boat; and, last month, this boat motored right into a barge. That kind
of scared Mr. Marshall—he found he didn’t like the sport so much as
he thought he would; and what do you think?”
“Lots of things,” cried the interested Tommy; “go ahead.”
“When he heard about our house-boat he said we could have the
engine for it. Wasn’t that nice of him?”
The Ramblers agreed that it showed a thoughtful and proper spirit.
“That’s what I say,” exclaimed Jack, enthusiastically. “And he’s going
to have the motor sent right over, too.”
“Who will install it in the house-boat?” queried Bob.
“Jim Benton, a machinist who has done a lot of work for dad. But
come on, fellows; Joe thinks he can beat us out to the Harlem River.
And say, Bob, when you get a chance, ask your father about going
on that trip with us.” And Jack, happy and excited, fairly dashed out
of the room.
They were on the street in a few moments. It was a very hot morning
in August, with hardly a breath of air stirring.
“Fellows, I have a dreadful fear that I’m going to melt,” sighed Dave
Brandon, vigorously mopping his face.
“Do try to last until you see the house-boat,” urged Tom, with a broad
Seeking shade wherever it could be found, the four walked toward
the elevated railroad station at Eighth Avenue and Fifty-third Street.
The city, full of noise, life and color, possessed immense attractions
for the Ramblers, and Jack Lyons’ patience was sorely tried, as they
often stopped to look about them. When, at last, all had safely
boarded a train for One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Street he breathed a
sigh of heartfelt satisfaction.
“Dave, this is quite a change, after the plains and mountains of
Wyoming,” remarked Bob Somers.
The stout boy, gazing through half-closed eyes at the rows of
buildings and streets flashing by, nodded.
“Not much here to remind us of Lone Pine Ranch, Bob,” he said.
Station after station dropped behind them. At One Hundred and
Tenth Street the train swung around a great curve, with Morningside
Heights, crowned by the impressive, partly finished cathedral of St.
John the Divine, to their left, while on the right they had a good view
of the upper end of Central Park.
“Isn’t it stunning!” cried Bob.
“And to think that we’re actually in New York,” murmured Tommy.
“One Hundred and Twenty-fifth!” called out the conductor, a few
minutes later.
The boys caught a glimpse of a wide, busy thoroughfare. Then the
train sent the rails spinning swiftly behind it again, and the terminus
of the line was soon reached.
The four, mounting a stairway, found themselves on a great iron
viaduct sloping downward toward the east.
“What dandy views!” cried Dave Brandon, whose languid mood
seemed to drop suddenly away. “Magnificent! Eh, Bob?”
“Corking!” Bob’s voice was full of enthusiasm.
To the northwest rose a high bluff with houses on its summit, while
near at hand the boys could see the famous Polo grounds. Some
distance off, veiled in a scintillating haze, were other hills, with vague
suggestions of buildings dotted here and there over their surface.
Smoke from passing tugs on the Harlem River seemed to hover
almost motionless in the air, sometimes pierced by bursts of steam
which shone dazzlingly white in the sunlight.
But Jack Lyons was in no mood to appreciate the beauties of this
scene; he wanted not only to be the first to arrive at their meeting
place, but to show his interested visitors the “Gray Gull” without
delay. So he immediately began walking along the viaduct at a rate
which made them hustle.
“First time I’ve ever been in a walking match,” chuckled Tom. “How
far is it?”
“We’ll soon be there,” answered Jack, cheerily. “Joe Preston will
never win this race.”
In a few minutes they reached a bridge and began crossing the
Harlem River.
“There’s the famous High Bridge, fellows,” exclaimed Jack, pointing
to the north. “A dandy, eh? And the ‘Gray Gull’ is moored this side.”
“Good!” sighed Dave.
A noisily-puffing tug, towing a flotilla of empty barges, was
approaching, and, as a hoarse blast came over the silent air and was
answered by the whistle of another boat, the stout boy gave
unmistakable evidence of a desire to hold up the crowd for the
double purpose of rest and observation.
“Don’t stop, fellows,” pleaded Jack.
All laughed at Dave’s comical expression of dismay, and kept on
A wide roadway led down to the river, and this stretch Jack took at a
pace which taxed even the long-legged Clifton.
At intervals the New York boy cheerily exclaimed: “Not much further!”
or words to that effect, and just when Dave was beginning to have a
dreadful presentiment that this meant nearly all the way to the High
Bridge he varied the monotony by announcing: “Hooray! I knew we’d
beat ’em. There’s the house-boat, now.”

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