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Ultimate YouTube Cheat Sheet

Channel header: This element is the banner on top of your main page, and at first it’s as
empty as a blank page. You’ll definitely want to click that Add Channel Art button to add a
compelling picture or another graphic along with the name of your channel.

Playlists: If you have enough videos on your channel, you can create a running order of
them. This playlist can provide an overview of your content or a specific sub-topic of your
videos. You can name every playlist, and even re-arrange them.

Annotations: You can add annotations to your YouTube videos that include clickable calls to
action. These annotations appear on top of your videos for a specified length of time and
can include links to other videos, playlists or channels, or include a subscribe option.

Make Your Videos Findable: Your videos should be findable both within and outside of
YouTube. Videos often appear on the first page of search engines, and are a proven method
of leap-frogging your competition to the top of the search results page. The fact that Google
owns YouTube can’t be overlooked.

To make your video more findable, you’ll want to focus on three key areas:

• Title: Make sure your targeted keywords are in the first few words of your title.

• Description: don’t be stingy with your description—more is… well, more. Be as

descriptive and keyword-rich as possible. This will help you get found more easily by
people searching YouTube for your type of content.

• Tags: Be sure to include any and all related keywords in the tags field.

These aren’t the only variables in getting found, but they’re the easiest to manage and
control. Page views, subscribers, comments and likes can all affect your video’s visibility.

Analytics: YouTube has some powerful analytics that give you insight into who’s watching
your videos and how they discovered them. You can gather information on an individual
video or on all the videos you’ve uploaded.
Reviewing your most-watched videos or the videos with the most community feedback
(comments, likes, etc.) can point to what type of content resonates most with your target

For a step-by-step guide to customizing your YouTube Channel check out our blog
post and video here or download our PDF. | 1.855.200.7433 | | @inhousevid

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