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NIM : 041954565
Susunlah 5 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan istilah-istilah berikut:
1. Presumption of Innocence
2. Justice Collaborator
3. Contempt of court
4. Legal Standing
5. Shifting burden of proof

1. Presumption of Innocence
a) The use of drone strikes on terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan goes against
the presumption of innocence.
b) Mr. Queen's wealth should not deprive him of the right to be released on bail while under
the presumption of innocence.
c) At the same time the presumption of innocence is a fundamental right that has to be
d) A time of crisis doesn't change the presumption of innocence at the core of our legal
e) The presumption of innocence, which is supposed to underlie all progressive and
democratic judicial systems, should have been applied to them.

2. Justice Collaborator
a) Justice Collaborator in corruption cases also appear and their presence helps reveal
various veils of embezzlement and money laundering crimes
b) The defendant or convict, he said, is obliged to become a justice collaborator in order to
uncover criminal syndicates such as terrorism or drug rings.
c) Protection for the Justice Collaborator is very important because the person concerned
usually knows the exact pattern of the crime that occurred, who was involved in the crime
and the existing network.
d) Previously, Setya Novanto also stated his readiness to become a justice collaborator in
the e-KTP case to reveal the role of a larger figure in the corruption.
e) Dr Williams works with justice collaborator from the criminal justice, public safety and
legal fields to apply academic medicine, geriatrics and palliative care to transform criminal
justice health care through policydriven research and education.
3. Contempt of court
a) All forms of actions which in principle are forms of disrespect or contempt of court must
be sanctioned.
b) In June, he was released from jail after serving a five-week term for contempt of court.
c) The Attorney General has found your coworker in contempt of court for ignoring a federal
d) The maximum penalty for contempt of court is two years in prison.
e) A witness who refuses to comply can be held in contempt of court.

4. Legal Standing
a) Let Companies Incorporated do all the work for you and keep you in strong legal standing
and your corporate veil in tact.
b) Broadly speaking in Defendant II's response, the plaintiffs' lawsuit does not have legal
standing to sue.
c) A three-judge panel did not rule on the merits of the lawsuit, but said two of the doctors
involved had legal standing to file it.
d) The inking of such documents with a powerless regime installed by them has no legal
e) Blockchain transactions simply don't have the legal standing needed to transact yet.

5. Shifting burden of proof

a) The people don’t have shifting the burden of proof to prove the defendant incompetent
to stand trial.
b) Leonitiev said during his presentation, it’s very important that we shifting the burden of
proof to the company
c) The 409A valuation report shifting the burden of proof to the IRS to show that the exercise
price was explanation of incentive stock options wrong.
d) Aegis Europe, an alliance of 30 European manufacturing industries, said the anti-dumping
proposal crucially shifting the burden of proof, meaning EU producers must show such
e) Adler also said the court shifting the burden of proof from the prosecution to the Reuters
reporters, and called on Myanmar to"uphold its stated dedication to rule of law, freedom of
the press, and democracy by ordering the release of our colleagues".

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