1 - HRD Is A Pro 2

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1- HRD is a process which helps employees of an organisation

(A) to improve their functional capabilities for their present and future roles

(B) to develop their general capabilities

(C) to harness their inner potentialities both for their self and organisational development

(D) All of the above

2- HRD is concerned with an organized series of

(A) learning activities

(B) events

(C) development

(D) all of the above

3- Training can be conducted

(A) through in-house programmes

(B) by retaining professional trainers

(C) both (A) and (B)

(D) none of the above

4- ___ of training is easy because of its job relatedness.

(A) Conduct

(B) Evaluation

(C) both (A) and (B)

(D) none of the above

5- The education component of HRD is

(A) future oriented

(B) career oriented

(C) goal oriented

(D) none of the above

6- The development component of HRD is to conduct learning experiences for a ___ .

(A) future defined job

(B) future undefined job

(C) present defined job

(D) all of the above

7- HRD is needed in an organisation because

(A) HRD improves the capabilities of people

(B) HRD improves team work

(C) HRD leads to greater organisational effectiveness

(D) All of the above

8- Human resources can be viewed as ___ of the people of an organisation.

(A) skills

(B) knowledge

(C) commitment

(D) sum of knowledge, skills and commitment

9- Development is acquisition of capabilities that are needed to do the

(A) present job

(B) future expected job

(C) present job, or the future expected job

(D) none of the above

10- HRD is useful at

(A) macro level

(B) micro level

(C) both at macro and micro levels

(D) none of the above

11- HRD department of an organisation focuses on

(A) balanced organisational culture

(B) learning contextual factors

(C) working with unions by taking them into confidence

(D) all of the above

12- HRD is a ___ concept.

(A) multi-disciplinary

(B) inter-disciplinary

(C) multi-dimensional

(D) none of the above

13- At the …………………. level HRD is concerned with the development of people for the
nation’s well-being.

(A) macro

(B) micro

(C) higher

(D) lower

14- HRD at ___ talks of the organizations’ manpower planning, selection, training, performance
appraisal, development, potential appraisal, compensation, organisational development, etc.

(A) macro level

(B) micro level

(C) lower level

(D) higher level

15- The ___ shows the interrelationships between HRD instruments, processes, outcomes and
organizational effectiveness.

(A) HRD Matrix

(B) HRD policy

(C) HRD practices

(D) none of the above


1-(D), 2-(A), 3-(C), 4-(B), 5-(A), 6-(B), 7-(D), 8-(D), 9-(C), 10-(C), 11-(D), 12-(A), 13-(A), 14-(B),

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