(1.8) TEA List - 2023

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Date Activity Name

1 17 Domain Quiz

2 24 Health is Wealth

3 1 Historical Fcats - Its all about history

4 8 Lets's Explore - My city

5 15 Memory Wall
6 22 Diwali Celebration

Domain Trainers to prepare quiz and organize it . Make groups/teams to conduct verbal quiz.
Create 20 puzzle questions
2. Have 3 rounds in quiz:
In first round each team to answer one by one (separate puzzle for each team, give 2
minutes to respond)
In second round question will be asked and whoever wants can respond (1 minute to respond)
third round make it rapid fire round- any group can respond immediately
3. Result will be derived by evaluating performance of all
3 rounds 4. Give Learnet certificates to the winner team

Presentation by trainee in a group on importance of Vitamins. 1.

Make groups in class and ask them to choose 1 or 2 vitamins 2.
Each group to present their selected topic in front of another class (Trainer to preapare schedule
for ararnging presentation in another class)
3. In virtual sessions limit this activity to their own class

1. Class to be divided in small groups(as per the batch strength/in advance)

2. Trainees to pick one state of India by doing a quick
discussion among themselves (1 day before)
3. Post selection of state each group to choose area of reasearch e.g. tourism, flora & fauna,
education, culture etc.
4. Each group to collect pictures (of their topic) which have to
present on a chart next day as an group activity
5. Trainees (In assigned groups) will do pictoral presentation (group presentation) to the
class 6. Activity time is 35 mins
7. Kindly
record this activity for media publication

1. Trainees will gather information about their city in advance 2. In class,

trainees will be made to sit forming one big circle 3. Starting
from the right side trainees will start sharing facts and information about their city
4 Each trainee is allowed to speak only 1
sentence about the city 5. Trainees have to share their views in a manner that a
story can be built 6. Activity
time is 20 mins 7. Kindly record this
activity for media publication

Duration - 1 hour, Resources - Chart, coloured pens, tape, markers, glue and other decorative
items Step -1 Participants will be
given 10 minutes to take a round of the institute and re-collect their good memories
Step - 2 Participants will take pictures from their mobile of the
palce that they want to show as a memory
Step - 3 They will come back to class and will paste picture(s) on sheet/chart and will write their
memory Step - 4 Their memories will be
displayed on the wall which must be especially designated for this task. They will share their
memory with rest of the class members
Cultural Program
Date Activity Name

5 Talk Show

12 Domain Quiz

19 Health is Wealth

26 Historical Facts - Its all about history


Role play activity -Trainer to identify any public figure (exclude political persons) and arrange for
talk show 1.
Choose by voting and select 1 or two trainees to play as famous personality ( 1 trainee = 1
2. Choose 5 - 8 trainees as reporters/journalist
3. Rest trainees to enact as public
4. Each character should have their set of questions ready to ask from famous
personlaity 5. Trainee playing as famous
personlaity should do research and be prepared for questions that will be asked by public &
reporters 6. This activity aims at improving
communication skills of trainees 7. Trainer to observe the
activity closely and should have his points written to give feedback to trainees on their
communication skills.

Domain Trainers to prepare quiz and organize it . Make groups/teams to conduct verbal quiz.
Create 20 puzzle questions
2. Have 3 rounds in quiz:
In first round each team to answer one by one (separate puzzle for each team, give 2
minutes to respond)
In second round question will be asked and whoever wants can respond (1 minute to respond)
third round make it rapid fire round- any group can respond immediately
3. Result will be derived by evaluating performance of all
3 rounds 4. Give Learnet certificates to the winner team

Presentation by trainee in a group on importance of Vitamins. 1.

Make groups in class and ask them to choose 1 or 2 vitamins 2.
Each group to present their selected topic in front of another class (Trainer to preapare schedule
for ararnging presentation in another class)
3. In virtual sessions limit this activity to their own class

1. Class to be divided in small groups(as per the batch strength/in advance)

2. Trainees to pick one state of India by doing a quick
discussion among themselves (1 day before)
3. Post selection of state each group to choose area of
reasearch e.g. tourism, flora & fauna, education, culture etc.
4. Each group to collect
pictures (of their topic) which have to present on a chart next day as an group activity
5. Trainees (In assigned
groups) will do pictoral presentation (group presentation) to the class
6. Activity time is 35 mins
Kindly record this activity for media publication
Date Activity Name Description
3 Lets Revisit Activity will be a group activity. Materials: Chart papers,
sketch colours. Trainees will be asked to list down the skills
that they have gained in the class till date. List down what
they have learnt (can be knowledge,skill or behaviour) .
Trainers will take feedback and record videos of any 5

10 Health is Wealth Presentation by trainee in a group on importance of

Vitamins.1. Make groups in class and ask them to choose 1
or 2 vitamins 2. Each group to present their selected topic
in front of another class (Trainer to preapare schedule for
ararnging presentation in another class)3. In virtual
sessions limit this activity to their own class

17 English Hour Individual Activity. Trainers will choose a time of 30

minutes (any slot) and for that duration everyone will
communicate only in English. Record the activity and share

24 Christmas Celebration Message writing , Card making

Trainees will be informed 1-2 days before the activity to be

prepared. All trainees will collect their memories and will
exchange their views/meories with each other for the year
that is going to complete. They can do it as chart activity
and palce it on their learning wall of the class.(Write their
31 Memory Wall memories on stickies and then chart can be used as
platform to place stickies)
S.no. Date Activity Name

1 17 Domain Quiz

2 24 Health is Wealth

3 1 Historical Fcats - Its all about history

4 8 Lets's Explore - My city

5 15 Memory Wall

Domain Trainers to prepare quiz and organize it . Make groups/teams to conduct verbal quiz.
Create 20 puzzle questions 2. Have 3 rounds in quiz: In first round each team to answer one by
one (separate puzzle for each team, give 2 minutes to respond)
In second round question will be asked and
whoever wants can respond (1 minute to respond)
In third round make it rapid fire round- any group
can respond immediately 3. Result will be derived by evaluating performance of all 3 rounds 4.
Give Learnet certificates to the winner team

Presentation by trainee in a group on importance of Vitamins. 1. Make groups in class and ask
them to choose 1 or 2 vitamins 2.Each group to present their selected topic in front of another
class (Trainer to preapare schedule for ararnging presentation in another class) 3. In virtual
sessions limit this activity to their own class

1. Class to be divided in small groups(as per the batch strength/in advance) 2. Trainees to pick one
state of India by doing a quick discussion among themselves (1 day before)
3. Post selection of state each group to choose area of reasearch
e.g. tourism, flora & fauna, education, culture etc.
4. Each group to collect pictures (of their topic)
which have to present on a chart next day as an group activity 5. Trainees (In assigned groups)
will do pictoral presentation (group presentation) to the class 6. Activity time is 35 mins 7. Kindly
record this activity for media publication

1. Trainees will gather information about their city in advance 2. In class, trainees will be made to
sit forming one big circle 3. Starting from the right side trainees will start sharing facts and
information about their city 4 Each trainee is allowed to speak only 1 sentence about the city 5.
Trainees have to share their views in a manner that a story can be built 6. Activity time is 20 mins
7. Kindly record this activity for media publication

Duration - 1 hour, Resources - Chart, coloured pens, tape, markers, glue and other decorative
items Step -1 Participants will be given 10 minutes to take a round of the institute and re-collect
their good memories Step - 2 Participants will take pictures from their mobile of the palce that
they want to show as a memory Step - 3
They will come back to class and will paste picture(s) on sheet/chart and will write their memory
Step - 4 Their memories will be displayed on the wall which must be especially designated for this
task. They will share their memory with rest of the class members
S.no. Date Activity Name

1 4 Holi Celebration

2 11 Tag your Peer

English Hour
3 18

4 25 Memory Wall
Rangoli Competition & best rangoli theme attire. Notes: Trainer to inform trainees about this
competition and select most colourful and vibrant attire worn by trainees. Winners can be given
colour packets and certificate as token of the event.

Identify your class mate and give tags to him/her in the following category: Excellent Orator,Team
Leader, Well Groomed,Most Lazy,Most active participant, Most silent. Notes: Trainers must
announce this activity one day before the class . Every candiadte must be given 6 chits for each
category. In the end try to find out who all get maximum tags and in which category.

Individual Activity. Trainers will choose a time of 30 minutes (any slot) and for that duration
everyone will communicate only in English. Record the activity and share

Duration - 1 hour, Resources - Chart, coloured pens, tape, markers, glue and other decorative
items Step -1 Participants will be given 10 minutes to take a round of the institute and re-collect
their good memories Step - 2 Participants will take pictures from their mobile of the palce that
they want to show as a memory Step - 3
They will come back to class and will paste picture(s) on sheet/chart and will write their memory
Step - 4 Their memories will be displayed on the wall which must be especially designated for this
task. They will share their memory with rest of the class members
Date Activity Name
1 Talk Show

8 Domain Quiz

15 English Hour

22 Lets Revisit

29 Health is Wealth
Role play activity -Trainer to identify any public figure (exclude political persons) and arrange for
talk show 1.
Choose by voting and select 1 or two trainees to play as famous personality ( 1 trainee = 1
2. Choose 5 - 8 trainees as reporters/journalist

3. Rest trainees to enact as public

4. Each character should have their set of questions ready to ask from famous personlaity
Trainee playing as famous personlaity should do research and be prepared for questions that will
be asked by public & reporters 6. This
activity aims at improving communication skills of trainees
7. Trainer
to observe the activity closely and should have his points written to give feedback to trainees on
their communication skills.

Domain Trainers to prepare quiz and organize it . Make groups/teams to conduct verbal quiz.
Create 20 puzzle questions

2. Have 3 rounds in quiz:

In first round each team to answer one by one (separate puzzle for each team, give 2 minutes
to respond) In
second round question will be asked and whoever wants can respond (1 minute to respond)
In third
round make it rapid fire round- any group can respond immediately
3. Result
will be derived by evaluating performance of all 3 rounds 4. Give Learnet certificates to the winner
Individual Activity. Trainers will choose a time of 30 minutes (any slot) and for that duration
everyone will communicate only in English. Record the activity and share

Activity will be a group activity. Materials: Chart papers, sketch colours. Trainees will be asked to
list down the skills that they have gained in the class till date. List down what they have learnt (can
be knowledge,skill or behaviour) . Trainers will take feedback and record videos of any 5 trainees

Presentation by trainee in a group on importance of Vitamins. 1. Make groups in class and ask
them to choose 1 or 2 vitamins 2.Each group to present their selected topic in front of another
class (Trainer to preapare schedule for ararnging presentation in another class) 3. In virtual
sessions limit this activity to their own class
S.no. Date Activity Name

1 20th May Name the peer

2 27th May Improvisation

3 3rd June English Hour

4 10th June Health is Wealth

Lets's Explore - My city

5 17th June

Memory Wall

6 24th June
Activity Description
Divide your class into teams and put everyone's name into a hat. Each side needs to take
turns as they draw a name and use words to describe that particular peer. You can make
this game get even tougher as you continue play, narrowing it down to one word as a

This game requires props so plan accordingly.Divide participants into teams of 8 or less. Supply
each team with a set of six random objects and give them five minutes to come up with a two-to-
three-minute skit making use of all the objects provided. You can let the groups pick their topic or
you can provide one for them. At the end of the activity, have everyone vote for their favorite

All trainees to start speaking in english at selected time (10:00 a.m.). The bell can be rung at 10
am and all the trainees will start communicating ONLY in english for next 30 minutes. Purpose is
to make them familiar with the language and have fun.

Presentation by trainee in a group on importance of Vitamins. 1.

Make groups in class and ask them to choose 1 or 2 vitamins 2.
Each group to present their selected topic in front of another class (Trainer to preapare schedule
for ararnging presentation in another class)
3. In virtual sessions limit this activity to their own class

In class, trainees will be made to sit forming one big circle

3. Starting from the right side trainees will start sharing facts and information about their
4 Each trainee is allowed to speak only 1 sentence about the city

5. Trainees have to share their views in a manner that a story can be built

6. Activity time is 20 mins

Duration - 1 hour, Resources - Chart, coloured pens, tape, markers, glue and other decorative
Step -1 Participants will be given 10 minutes to take a round of the institute and re-
collect their good memories
Step - 2 Participants will take pictures from their mobile of the palce that they want to show
as a memory
Step - 3 They will come back to class and will paste picture(s) on sheet/chart and will write their
memory Step - 4
Their memories will be displayed on the wall which must be especially designated for this task.
They will share their memory with rest of the class members

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