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Designing and Developing a Patient-Centric Clinic Management System for

Pregnant Women
Patient Portal


• Overview of current pregnancy stage and important milestones.

• Quick access to upcoming appointments and recent communications.

• Alerts and notifications (e.g., appointment reminders, new messages).


• Schedule new appointments.

• View, reschedule, or cancel upcoming appointments.

• Appointment history with details of past visits.

Medical Records:

• View medical records, including test results and visit summaries.

• Track prenatal care metrics (e.g., weight, blood pressure).

• Access prescribed medications and instructions.

Educational Resources:

• Library of articles, videos, and guides on pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care.

• Recommended resources based on pregnancy stage.


• Secure messaging with healthcare providers.

• View message history.


• Update personal information (e.g., contact details).

• Set notification preferences.

Doctor Dashboard


• Overview of today's schedule and patient appointments.

• Alerts for urgent issues or important updates.

• Notifications for new messages or tasks.

Patient Management:

• Search and view patient profiles.

• Access and update patient medical records.

• Add consultation notes and observations.


• View and manage personal schedule.

• Accept, reschedule, or cancel appointments.

• Send reminders to patients.

Medical Records:

• Access comprehensive medical records for each patient.

• Update records with new test results, treatment plans, and prescriptions.

• View patient progress and treatment outcomes.


• Secure communication with patients and other healthcare providers.

• Manage message history and respond to inquiries.

Reports and Analytics:

• Generate reports on patient outcomes and practice performance.

• Analyze treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction metrics.

Nurse Dashboard


• Overview of assigned tasks and patient visits for the day.

• Alerts for patient needs or important updates.

• Notifications for new messages or tasks.

Patient Management:

• Search and view patient profiles.

• Record vital signs and observations during visits.

• Update patient medical records.


• View personal schedule and assist with patient appointments.

• Manage follow-up visits and reminders.


• Track daily tasks and assignments.

• Coordinate care with doctors and other healthcare providers.


• Secure communication with patients and healthcare team.

• Manage message history and respond to inquiries.


• Access educational materials and clinical guidelines.

• Training resources and protocols for patient care.

Administrator Dashboard


• Overview of system metrics (e.g., registered patients, upcoming appointments).

• Alerts and notifications for system issues or updates.

User Management:

• Manage patient profiles (view, add, edit, delete).

• Manage healthcare provider profiles (view, add, edit, delete).

• Define and manage roles and permissions for all user types.

Appointment Management:

• View all scheduled, rescheduled, and canceled appointments.

• Manage appointments on behalf of patients and providers.

Medical Records:

• Oversee the integrity and accuracy of electronic medical records.

• Perform regular audits and checks.

Communication Management:

• Monitor and manage the internal messaging system.

• Configure system-wide notifications and alerts.


• Upload and manage educational resources for patients.

• Maintain system resources like templates for forms and notifications.

Reporting and Analytics:

• Generate comprehensive reports on various metrics (e.g., patient demographics,

appointment statistics).

• Analyze data for trends and areas of improvement.

System Configuration:
• Configure clinic settings (e.g., hours of operation, appointment policies).

• Manage data backup and recovery processes.

Security and Compliance:

• Monitor user activities and ensure compliance with security policies.

• Implement data security measures and conduct regular security audits.

Support and Maintenance:

• Provide technical support for users.

• Manage and deploy system updates and patches.

This structure ensures that each user type has access to the features and information they need to
perform their roles effectively while maintaining the security and integrity of patient data.

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