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Nyte Vampyre Dominion Book One

Hellie Heat
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are few indeed, who, hearing it on any authority but his, would not
feel disposed to reject it, at once, as a grievous heresy. Yet such
was, unquestionably, the spirit, the word, and the practice of Jesus. It
was enough for him to know that the weight of human woe, which
called him forth on his errand of mercy, was lightened; and that the
spirit before darkened and bound down by the powers of evil, was
now brought out into glorious light and freedom. Most earnestly did
he declare this solemn principle of catholic communion; and most
distinctly did he reiterate it in a varied form. The simplest act of
kindness done to the commissioned of Christ, would, of itself,
constitute a certain claim to his divine favor. But, on the other hand,
the least wilful injury of one sent forth from him, would at once insure
the ruin of the perpetrator.

Soon after this solemn inculcation of universal charity, Jesus

began to prepare his disciples for their great journey to Jerusalem;
and at last having completed his preliminary arrangements, he went
on his way, sending forward messengers, (James and John, as it
would seem,) to secure a comfortable stopping-place, at a Samaritan
village which lay on his road. These select emissaries accordingly
proceeded in the execution of their honorable commission, and
entering the village, announced to the inhabitants the approach of
the far-famed Galilean prophet, Jesus of Nazareth, who, being then
on his way to attend the great annual feast in Jerusalem, would that
night deign to honor their village with his divine presence;――all
which appears to have been communicated by the two messengers,
with a full sense of the importance of their commission, as well as of
the dignity of him whose approach they announced. But the sturdy
Samaritans had not yet forgotten the rigid principles of mutual
exclusiveness, which had so long been maintained between them
and the Jews, with all the combined bitterness of a national and a
religious quarrel; and so they doggedly refused to open their doors in
hospitality to one whose “face was as though he would go to
Jerusalem.” At this manifestation of sectarian and sectional
bitterness, the wrath of the messengers knew no bounds, and
reporting their inhospitable and scornful rejection to Jesus, the two
Boanerges, with a spirit quite literally accordant with their surname,
inquired, “Lord! wilt thou that we command fire to come down from
heaven, and consume them as Elijah did?” The stern prophet of the
days of Ahaziah, had called down fire from heaven to the destruction
of two successive bands of the insolent myrmidons of the Samaritan
king; and might not the wonder-doing Son of Man, with equal
vindictiveness, commission his faithful followers to invoke the
thunder on the inhospitable sectaries of the modern Samaritan race?
But however this sort of summary justice might suit the wrathful piety
of James and his “amiably gentle” brother, it was by Jesus deemed
the offspring of a spirit too far from the forgiving benevolence of his
gospel, to be passed by, unrebuked. He therefore turned reprovingly
to these fierce “Sons of Thunder,” with the reply,――“Ye know not
what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of Man is not come to
destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” And thus silencing their
forward, destructive zeal, he quietly turned aside from the
inhospitable sectarians who had refused him admission, and found
entertainment in another village, where the inhabitants were free
from such notions of religious exclusiveness.

So idolatrous was the reference with which many of the Fathers and ancient theologians
were accustomed to regard the apostles, that they would not allow that these chosen ones
of Christ ever committed any sin whatever; at least, none after their calling to be disciples.
Accordingly, the most ridiculous attempts have been made to justify or excuse the faults and
errors of those apostles, who are mentioned in the New Testament as having committed
any act contrary to the received standards of right. Among other circumstances, even
Peter’s perjured denial of his Lord, has found stubborn defenders and apologists; and
among the saintly commentators of both Papist and Protestant faiths, have been found
some to stand up for the immaculate soundness of James and John, in this act of wicked
and foolish zeal. Ambrose of Milan, in commenting on this passage, must needs maintain
that their ferocity was in accordance with approved instances of a similar character in the
Old Testament. “Nec discipuli peccant,” says he, “qui legem sequuntur;” and he then refers
to the instance of extemporaneous vindictive justice in Phineas, as well as to that of Elijah,
which was quoted by the sons of Zebedee themselves. He argues, that, since the apostles
were indued with the same high privileges as the prophets, they were in this instance
abundantly justified in appealing to such authority for similar acts of vengeance. He
observes, moreover, that this presumption was still farther justified in them, by the name
which they had received from Jesus; “being ‘sons of thunder,’ they might fairly suppose that
fire would come down from heaven at their word.” But Lampe very properly remarks, that
the prophets were clearly moved to these acts of wrathful justice, by the Holy Spirit, and
thereby also, were justified in a vindictiveness, which might otherwise be pronounced cruel
and bloody. The evidence of this spirit-guidance, those old prophets had, in the
instantaneous fiery answer from heaven, to their denunciatory prayer; but on the other
hand, in this case, the words of Jesus in reply to the Sons of Thunder, show that they were
not actuated by a holy spirit, nor by the Holy Spirit, for he says to them, “Ye know not what
manner of spirit ye are of,”――which certainly implies that they were altogether mistaken in
supposing that the spirit and power of Elijah rested on them, to authorize such wide-wasting
and indiscriminate ruin of innocent and guilty,――women and children, as well as men,
inhabiting the village; and he rebukes and condemns their conduct for the very reason that it
was the result of an unholy and sinful spirit.

Yet, not only the Romish Ambrose, but also the Protestant Calvin, has, in his idolatrous
reverence for the infallibility of the apostles, (an idolatry hardly less unchristian than the
saint-worship against which he strove,) thought it necessary to condemn and rebuke
Maldonado, as guilty of a detestable presumption, in declaring the sons of Zebedee to have
been lifted up with a foolish arrogance. On the arguments by which Calvin justifies James
and John, Lampe well remarks, that the great reformer uses a truly Jesuitical weapon,
(propria vineta caedit Loyolita,) when he says that “they desired vengeance not for
themselves, but for Christ; and were not led into error by any fault, but merely by ignorance
of the spirit of the gospel and of Christ.” But was not this ignorance itself a sin, showing
itself thus in the very face of all the oft-repeated admonitions of Jesus against this bloody
spirit, even in his or any cause? and of all his inculcations of a universal rule of forbearance
and forgiveness?

John is not mentioned again in the gospel history, until near the
close of the Savior’s labors, when he was about to prepare his
twelve chosen ones, for the great change which awaited their
condition, by long and earnest instruction, and by prayer. In making
the preliminary arrangements for this final meeting, John was sent
along with Peter, to see that a place was provided for the
entertainment. After this commission had been satisfactorily
executed, they joined with Jesus and the rest of the twelve disciples
in the Paschal feast, each taking a high place at the board, and John
in particular reclining next to Jesus. As a testimony of the intimate
affection between them, it is recorded by this apostle himself in his
gospel, that during the feast he lay on Jesus’s breast,――a position
which, though very awkward, and even impossible, in the modern
style of conducting feasts in the sitting posture, was yet rendered
both easy and natural, in the ancient mode, both Oriental and
Roman, of reclining on couches around the table. Under these
circumstances, those sharing the same part of the couch, whose
feelings of affection led them most readily together,――such a
position as that described by John, would occur very naturally and
gracefully. It here, in connection with John’s own artless, but
expressive sentence, mentioning himself as the disciple whom Jesus
loved, presents to the least imaginative mind, a most beautifully
striking picture of the state of feeling between the young disciple and
his Lord,――showing how closely their spirits were drawn together,
in an affection of the most sacred and interesting character, far
surpassing the paternal and filial relation in the high and pure nature
of the feeling, because wholly removed from the mere animalities
and instincts that form and modify so much of all natural love. The
regard between these two beings was by no means essentially
dependent on any striking similarity of mind or feeling. John had very
little of that mild and gentle temperament which so decidedly
characterized the Redeemer;――he had none of that spirit of
meekness and forgiveness which Jesus so often and earnestly
inculcated; but a fierce, fiery, thundering zeal, arising from a
temperament, ardent alike in anger and in love. Nor was such a
character at all discordant with the generality of those for whom
Jesus seemed to feel a decided preference. There is no one among
the apostolic band, whether Galilean or Hellenistic, of whose
characters any definite idea is given, that does not seem to be
marked most decidedly by the fiercer and harsher traits. Yet like
those of all children of nature, the same hearts seem to glow, upon
occasion, as readily with affectionate as with wrathful feeling, both, in
many instances, combining in their affection for Jesus. The whole
gospel record, as far as the twelve disciples are concerned, is a
most satisfactory comment on the characteristics ascribed by
Josephus to the whole Galilean race,――“ardent and fierce.” And
this was the very temperament which recommended them before all
men in the world, for the great work of laying the deep foundations of
the Christian faith, amid opposition, hatred, confusion, and blood.
And among these wild, but ardent dispositions, did even the mild
spirit of the Redeemer find much that was congenial to its frame, as
well as its purposes; for in them, his searching eye recognized
faculties which, turned from the base ends of worldly strife and low,
brawling contest, might be exalted, by a mere modification, and not
eradication, to the great works of divine benevolence. The same
temperament that once led the ardent Galileans into selfish quarrels,
under the regenerating influences of a holy spirit, might be trained to
a high devoted self-sacrifice for the good of others; and the valor
which once led them to disregard danger and death in spiteful
enmity, could, after an assimilation to the spirit of Jesus, be made
equally energetic in the dangerous labors of the cause of universal
love. Such is most clearly the spirit of the Galilean disciples, as far
as any character can be recognized in the brief, artless sketches,
incidentally given of them in the New Testament history. Nor is there
any good reason to mark John as an exception to these harsher
attributes. The idea, now so very common, of his softness and
amiability, seems to have grown almost entirely out of the
circumstance, that he was “the disciple whom Jesus loved;” as if the
high spirit of the Redeemer could feel no sympathy with such traits
as bravery, fierce energy, or even aspiring ambition. Tempted
originally by the great source of evil, yet without sin, he himself knew
by what spiritual revolutions the impulses which once led only to evil,
could be made the guides to truth and love, and could see, even in
the worst manifestations of that fiery ardor, the disguised germ of a
holy zeal, which, under his long, anxious, prayerful care and
cultivation, would become a tree of life, bringing forth fruits of good
for nations. Even in these low, depraved mortals, therefore, he could
find much to love,――nor is the circumstance of his affectionate
regard, in itself, any proof that John was deficient in the most striking
characteristics of his countrymen; and that he was not so, there is
proof positive and unquestionable in those details of his own and his
brother’s conduct, already given.

At this Paschal feast, lying, as described, on the bosom of Jesus,

he passed the parting hours in most intimate communion with his
already doomed Lord. And so close was their proximity, and so
peculiarly favored was he, by the confidential conversation of Jesus,
that when all the disciples were moved with painful doubt and
surprise at the mysterious annunciation that there was a traitor
among them, Peter himself, trusting more to the opportunities of
John than to his own, made a sign to him to put to his Master a
question, to which he would be more likely to receive an answer than
anybody else. The beloved disciple, therefore, looking up from the
bosom of Jesus, into his face, with the confidence of familiar
affection, asked him, “Who is it, Lord?” And to his eager inquiry, was
vouchsafed at once a most unhesitating and satisfactory reply,
marking out, in the most definite manner, the person intended by his
former dark allusion.

After the scenes of Gethsemane, when the alarmed disciples fled

from their captured Master, to avoid the same fate, John also shared
in the race; but on becoming assured that no pursuit of the
secondary members of the party was intended, he quietly walked
back after the armed train, keeping, moreover, close to them, as
appears by his arriving at the palace gate along with them, and
entering with the rest. On his way, in the darkness, he fell in with his
friend Peter, also anxiously following the train, to learn the fate of his
Master. John now proved of great advantage to Peter; for, having
some acquaintance with the high priest’s family, he might expect
admission to the hall without difficulty. This incident is recorded only
by John himself, in his gospel, where, in relating it, he refers to
himself in the third person, as “another disciple,” according to his
usual modest circumlocution. John, somehow or other, was well and
favorably known to the high priest himself, for a very mysterious
reason; but certainly the most unaccountable point in Bible history is
this:――how could a faithful follower of the persecuted and hated
Jesus, be thus familiar and friendly in the family of the most powerful
and vindictive of the Jewish magnates? Nor can the difficulty be any
way relieved, by supposing the expression, “another disciple” to refer
to a person different from John; for all the disciples of Jesus would
be equally unlikely persons for the intimacy of the Jewish high priest.
Whatever might be the reason of this acquaintance, John was well-
known throughout the family of the high priest, as a person high in
favor and familiarity with that great dignitary; so that a single word
from him to the portress, was sufficient to procure the admission of
Peter also, who had stood without, not daring to enter as his brother
apostle did, not having any warrant to do so on the ground of
familiarity. Of the conduct of John during the trial of Jesus, or after it,
no account whatever is given,――nor is he noticed in either of the
gospels except his own, as present during any of these sad events;
but by his story it appears, that, in the hour of darkness and horror,
he stood by the cross of his beloved Lord, with those women who
had been the constant servants of Jesus during life, and were now
faithful, even through his death. Among these women was the
mother of the Redeemer, who now stood in the most desolate agony,
by the cross of her murdered son, without a home left in the world, or
a person to whom she had a natural right to look for support. Just
before the last agony, Jesus turned to the mournful group, and
seeing his mother near the disciple whom he loved, he said,
“Woman! behold thy son!” And then to John, “Behold thy mother!”
The simple words were sufficient, without a gesture; for the nailed
and motionless hands of Jesus could not point out to each, the
person intended as the object of parental or filial regard. Nor was this
commission, thus solemnly and affectingly given, neglected; for, as
the same disciple himself assures us, “from that hour, he took her to
his own house.” The highest token of affection and confidence that
the Redeemer could confer, was this,――marking, as it did, a most
pre-eminent regard, by committing to his charge a trust, that might
with so much propriety have been committed to others of the twelve
who were very nearly related to the mother of Jesus, being her own
nephews, the sons of her sister. But so high was the confidence of
Jesus in the sincerity of John’s affection, that he unhesitatingly
committed to him this dearest earthly charge, trusting to his love for
its keeping, rather than to the considerations of family, and of near

In the scenes of the resurrection, John is distinguished by the

circumstance of his hurrying first, along with Peter, to the sepulcher,
on hearing from the women the strange story of what had happened;
and both hastening in the most intense anxiety to learn the nature of
the occurrences which had so alarmed the women, the nimbleness
of the youthful John soon carried him beyond Peter, and outstripping
him in the anxious race, he came down to the sepulcher before him,
and there stood, breathless, looking down into the place of the dead,
in vain, for any trace of its late precious deposit. While he was thus
glancing into the place, Peter came up, and with a much more
considerate zeal, determined on a satisfactory search, and
accordingly went down into the tomb himself, and narrowly searched
all parts; and John, after his report, also then descended to assure
himself that Peter had not been deceived by a too superficial
examination of the inside. But having gone down into the tomb, and
seen for himself the grave-clothes lying carefully rolled up, but no
signs whatever of the body that had once occupied them, he also
believed the report of the women, that the remains of Jesus had
been stolen away in the night, probably by some ill-disposed
persons, for an evil purpose, and perhaps to complete the bloody
triumph of the Jews, by denying the body so honorable an interment
as the wealthy Joseph had charitably given it. In distress and
sorrowful doubt, therefore, he returned with Peter to his own house,
without the slightest idea of the nature of the abstraction.

The next account of John is in that interesting scene, described in

the last chapter of his own gospel, on the lake of Galilee, where
Jesus met the seven disciples who went on the fishing excursion by
night, as already detailed in the life of Simon Peter, who was the first
to propose the thing, and who, in the scenes of the morning, acted
the most conspicuous part. The only passage which immediately
concerns John, is the concluding one, where the prophecy of Jesus
is recorded respecting the future destiny of this beloved disciple.
Peter, having heard his Master’s prophecy of the mode in which he
should conclude his life, hoping to pry still farther into futurity, asked
what would be the fate of John also. “Lord, what shall this man do?”
which Jesus replied, “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to
thee?”――an answer evidently meant to check his curiosity, without
gratifying it in the least; as John himself, remarking on the fact, that
this saying originated an unfounded story, that Jesus had promised
him that he should never die,――says that Jesus never specified
any such thing, but merely said those few unsatisfactory words in
reply to Peter. The words, “till I come,” referred simply to the time
when Christ should come in judgment on Jerusalem, for that
unquestionably was the “coming,” of which he had so often warned
them, as an event for which they must be prepared; and it was partly
from a misinterpretation of these words, by applying them to the final
judgment, that the idle notion of John’s immortality arose. John
probably surviving the other apostles many years, and living to a
very great age, the second generation of Christians conceived the
idea of interpreting this remark of Jesus as a prophecy that his
beloved disciple should never die. And John, in his gospel, knowing
that this erroneous opinion was prevalent, took pains to specify the
exact words of Jesus, showing that they implied no direct prophecy
whatever, nor in any way alluded to the possibility of his immortality.
After the ascension, John is mentioned along with the rest who were
in the upper room, and is otherwise particularized on several
occasions, in the Acts of the Apostles. He was the companion of
Peter in the temple, at the healing of the lame man, and was
evidently considered by the chief apostle, a sharer in the honors of
the miracle; nor were the Sanhedrim disposed to deem him
otherwise than criminally responsible for the act, but doomed him,
along with Peter, to the dungeon. He is also honorably distinguished
by being deputed with Peter to visit the new church in Samaria,
where he united with him in imparting the confirming seal of the spirit
to the new converts,――and on the journey back to Jerusalem,
preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.

From this time no mention whatever is made of John in the Acts of

the Apostles; and the few remaining facts concerning him, which can
be derived from the New Testament, are such only as occur
incidentally in the epistolary writings of the apostles. Paul makes a
single allusion to him, in his epistle to the Galatians, where, speaking
of his reception by the apostles on his second visit to Jerusalem, he
mentions James, Cephas and John, as “pillars” in the church, and
says that they all gave him the right hand of fellowship. This little
incidental allusion, though so brief, is worth recording, since it shows
that John still resided in Jerusalem, and there still maintained his
eminence and his usefulness, standing like a pillar, with Cephas and
James, rising high above the many, and upholding the bright fabric of
a pure faith. This is the only mention ever made of him in the epistles
of Paul, nor do any of the remaining writings of the New Testament
contain any notice whatever of John, except those which bear his
own name. But as these must all be referred to a later period, they
may be left unnoticed until some account has been given of the
intervening portions of his long life. Here then the course of
investigation must leave the sure path of scripture testimony, and
lead on through the mazy windings of traditionary history, among the
baseless records of the Fathers.

Pillars.――This was an expressive figurative appellation, taken no doubt, with direct

allusion to the noble white columns of the porches of the temple, subserving in so high a
degree the purposes both of use and ornament. The term implies with great force, an
exalted excellence in these three main supporters of the first Christian church, and besides
expressing the idea of those eminent virtues which belonged to them in common with other
distinguished teachers of religion, it is thought by Lampe, that there is implied in this
connection, something peculiarly appropriate to these apostles. Among the uses to which
columns were applied by Egyptians, Jews, Greeks and Romans, was that of bearing
inscriptions connected with public ordinances of state or religion, and of commemorating
facts in science for the knowledge of other generations. To this use, allusion seems to be
made in Proverbs ix. 1. “Wisdom has built her house,――she has engraved her seven
pillars.” And in Revelation iii. 12, a still more unquestionable reference is made to the same
circumstance. “Him that overcomes, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he
shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the
city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from God,――and my
own new name;”――a passage which Grotius illustrates by a reference to this very use of
pillars for inscriptions. It is in connection with this idea, that Lampe considers the term as
peculiarly expressive in its application to “James, Cephas and John,” since from them, in
common with all the apostles, proceeded the oracles of Christian truth, and those principles
of doctrine and practice, which were acknowledged as the rule of faith, by the churches of
the new covenant. To these three, moreover, belonged some peculiar attributes of this
character, since they distinguished themselves above the most of the twelve, by their written
epistolary charges, as well as by the general pre-eminence accorded to them by common
consent, leaving to them the utterance of those apostolic opinions, which went forth from
Jerusalem as law for the Christian churches.

Lampe quotes on this point Vitringa, (Sacred Observations, I. iii. 7,) Suicer, (Church
Thesaurus voc. στυλος,) and Gataker, (Cinnus, ii. 20.) He refers also to Jerome,
commenting on Galatians ii. 9; who there alludes to the fact that John, one of the “pillars,” in
his Revelation, introduces the Savior speaking as above quoted. (Revelation iii. 12.)

the results of tradition.

Probably there are few results of historical investigation, that will

make a more decided impression of disappointment on the mind of a
common reader, than the sentence, which a rigid examination
compels the writer to pass, with almost uniform condemnatory
severity, on all apostolic stories which are not sanctioned by the
word of inspiration. There is a universal curiosity, natural, and not
uncommendable, felt by all the believers and hearers of the faith
which the apostles preached, to know something more about these
noble first witnesses of the truth, than the bare broken and
unconnected details which the gospel, and the apostolic acts can
furnish. At this day, the most trifling circumstances connected with
them,――their actions, their dwelling-places, their lives or their
deaths, have a value vastly above what could ever have been
appreciated by those of their own time, who acted, dwelt, lived, and
died with them,――a value increasing through the course of ages, in
a regular progression, rising as it removes from the objects to which
it refers. But the very course of this progression implies a diminution
of the means of obtaining the desired information, proportioned to
the increase of the demand for it;――and along with this condition of
things, the all-pervading and ever-active spirit of invention comes in,
to quench, with deep draughts of delightful falsehood, the honest
thirst for literal truth. The misfortune of this constitution of
circumstances, being that the want is not felt till the means of
supplying it are irrecoverably gone, puts the investigation of the
minutiae of all antiquity, sacred or profane, upon a very uncertain
ground, and requires the most critical test for every assertion, offered
to satisfy a curiosity which, for the sake of the pleasure thus derived,
feels interested in deceiving itself; for

“Doubtless the pleasure is as great

Of being cheated as to cheat.”

Even the spirit of deep curiosity which beguiles the historical

inquirer into a love of the fabulous and unfounded tales of tradition,
though specifically more elevated by its intellectual character, is yet
generically the same with the spirit of superstitious credulity, that
leads the miserable Papist to bow down with idolatrous worship
before the ridiculous trash, called relics, which are presented to him
by the consecrated impostors who minister to him in holy things; and
the feeling of indignant horror with which he repulses the Protestant
zeal, that would rob his spirit of the comfortable support afforded by
the possession of an apostolical toe-nail, a lock of a saint’s hair, or
by the sight of the Savior’s handkerchief, or of a drop of his
blood,――is all perfectly kindred to that indignant regret with which
even a reformed reader regards all these critical assaults upon
agreeable historical delusions,――and to that stubborn attachment
with which he often clings to antique falsehood. Yet the pure
consolations of the truth, known by research and judgment, are so
far above these baser enjoyments, that the exchange of fiction, for
historical knowledge, though merely of a negative kind, becomes
most desirable even to an uncritical mind.

The sweeping sentence of condemnation against all traditionary

stories, may, however, be subjected to some decided exceptions in
the case of John, who, living much longer than any other of the
apostles, would thus be much more widely and lastingly known than
they, to the Christians of the first and second generations after the
immediate contemporaries of the twelve. On this account the stories
about John come with much higher traditionary authority, than those
which pretend to give accounts of any other apostle; and this view is
still further confirmed by the character of most of the stories
themselves; which are certainly much less absurd and vastly more
probable in their appearance, than the great mass of apostolic
traditions. Indeed, in respect to this apostle, may be said, what can
not be said of any other, that some tolerably well-authorized, and a
very few decidedly authentic, statements of his later life, may be
derived from passages in the genuine writings of the early Fathers.

his judaical observances.

The first point in John’s history, on which the authentic testimony

of the Fathers is offered to illustrate his life, after the Acts of the
Apostles cease to mention him, is, that during the difficulties
between the weak-minded, Judaizing Christians, and those of a freer
spirit who advocated an open communion with those Gentile
brethren that did not conform to the Mosaic ritual, he, with Peter, and
more particularly with James, joined in recommending a compromise
with the inveterate prejudices of the Jewish believers; and to the end
of his life, though constantly brought in contact with Gentiles, he
himself still continued, in all legal and ritual observances, a Jew. A
striking and probable instance of this adherence to Judaism, is given
in the circumstance, that he always kept the fourteenth day of March
as holy time, in conformity with one of the most common of the
religious usages in which he had been brought up; and the respect
with which he regarded this observance is strongly expressed in the
fact that he countenanced and encouraged it, also, in his disciples,
some of whom preserving it throughout life as he did, brought down
the notice of the occurrence to those days when the extinction of
almost all the Judaical part of primitive Christianity made such a
peculiarity very remarkable. This, though a small, is a highly valuable
incident in the history of John, containing a proof of the strong
affection which he always retained for the religion of his
fathers,――a feeling which deserves the highest commendation,
accompanied as it was, by a most catholic spirit towards those
Gentile Christians who could not bear a yoke, which education and
long habit alone made more tolerable to him.

With Peter and James.――The authority for this is Irenaeus, (A. D. 150‒170,) who says,
“Those apostles who were with James, permitted the Gentiles indeed to act freely, leaving
us to the spirit of God. They themselves, too, knowing the same God, persevered in their
ancient observances. * * * Thus the apostles whom the Lord made witnesses of his whole
conduct and his whole teaching, (for every where are found standing together with him,
Peter, James and John,) religiously devoted themselves to the observance of the law,
which is by Moses, thus acknowledging both [the law and the spirit] to be from one and the
same God.” (Irenaeus, Against Heresies.)

Fourteenth day of March.――This refers to the practice of observing the feast of the
resurrection of Christ, on the fourteenth day of March, corresponding with the passover of
the Jews,――a custom long kept up in the eastern churches, instead of always keeping it
on Sunday. The authority for the statement is found in two ancient writers; both of whom are
quoted by Eusebius. (Church History, V. 24.) He first quotes Polycrates, (towards the end of
the second century,) as writing to Victor, bishop of Rome, in defense of the adherence of the
eastern churches to the practice of their fathers, in keeping the passover, or Easter, on the
fourteenth day of the month, without regard to the day of the week on which it occurred,
though the great majority of the Christian churches throughout the world, by common
consent, always celebrated this resurrection feast on the Lord’s day, or Sunday. Polycrates,
in defense of the oriental practice of his flock and friends, so accordant with early Jewish
prejudices, quotes the example of the Apostle John, who, he says, died at Ephesus, where
he (Polycrates) was bishop. He says, that John, as well as his brother-apostle, Philip, and
Polycarp his disciple, “all observed Easter on the fourteenth day of the month, never varying
from that day, at all.” Eusebius (ibid.) quotes also Irenaeus, writing to the same bishop
Victor, against his attempt to force the eastern churches into the adoption of the practice of
the Roman church, in celebrating Easter always on a Sunday, instead of uniformly on the
fourteenth day of the month, so as to correspond with the Jewish passover. Irenaeus, in
defense of the old eastern custom, tells of the practice of Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, a
disciple of John. Polycarp, coming to Rome in the days of bishop Anicetus, (A. D. 151‒160,)
though earnestly exhorted by that bishop to renounce the eastern mode of celebrating
Easter always on the fourteenth, like the Jewish passover, steadily refused to change;
giving as a reason, the fact that John, the disciple of Jesus, and others of the apostles,
whom he had intimately known, had always followed the eastern mode.

This latter authority, fairly derived from a person who had been the intimate friend of
John himself, may be pronounced entitled to the highest respect, and quite clearly
establishes this little circumstance, which is valuable only as showing John’s pertinacious
adherence to Jewish forms, to the end of his life.

Socrates, an ecclesiastical historian, (A. D. 439,) alludes to the circumstance, that those
who observed Easter on the fourteenth, referred to the authority of the Apostle John, as
received by tradition.

the departure from jerusalem.

Some vain attempts have been made to ascertain the time at

which the apostle John left Jerusalem; but it becomes an honest
investigator to confess, here, the absolute want of all testimony, and
the total absence of such evidence as can afford reasonable ground
even for conjecture. All that can be said, is, that there is no account
of his having left the city before the Jewish war; and there is some
reason, therefore, to suppose that he remained there till driven
thence by the first great alarm occasioned by the unsuccessful
attack from Cestius Gallus. This Roman general, in the beginning of
the Jewish war, (A. D. 66,) advanced to Jerusalem, and began a
siege, which, however, he soon raised, without any good reason;
and suffering a fine opportunity of ending the war at once, thus to
pass by, unimproved, he marched off, though in reality the
inhabitants were then but poorly provided with means to resist him.
His retreat, however, gave them a chance to prepare themselves
very completely for the desperate struggle which, as they could see,
was completely begun, and from which there could now be no
retraction. This interval of repose, after such a terrible premonition,
also gave opportunity to the Christians to withdraw from the city, on
which, as they most plainly saw, the awful ruin foretold by their Lord,
was now about to fall. Cestius ♦Gallus, taking his stand on the hills
around the city, had planted the Roman eagle-standards on the
highths of Zophim, on the north, where he fortified his camp, and
thence pushed the assault against Bezetha, or the upper part of the
city. These were signs which the apostles of Jesus, who had heard
his prophecy of the city’s ruin, could not misunderstand. Here was
now “the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place where
it ought not;” and as Matthew records the words of Jesus, this was
one great sign of coming ruin. “When they should see Jerusalem
encompassed with armies, they were to know that the desolation
thereof was nigh;” for so Luke records the warning. “Then let them
which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them who are in the
midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in other countries
enter into it. For these are the days of vengeance, that all things
which are written may be fulfilled.” The apostles, therefore, reading
in all these signs the literal fulfilment of the prophetic warning of their
Lord, gathered around them the flock of the faithful; and turning their
faces to the mountains of the northwest, to seek refuge beyond the

――“Their backs they turned

On those proud towers, to swift destruction doomed.”

Nor were they alone; for as the Jewish historian, who was an eye-
witness of the sad events of those times, records, “many of the
respectable persons among the Jews, after the alarming attack of
Cestius, left the city, like passengers from a sinking ship.” And this
fruitless attack of the Romans, he considers to have been so
arranged by a divine decree, to make the final ruin fall with the more
certainty on the truly guilty.

♦ “Gallas” replaced with “Gallus” for consistency

the refuge in pella.

A tradition, entitled to more than usual respect, from its serious

and reasonable air, commemorates the circumstance that the
Christians, on leaving Jerusalem, took refuge in the city of Pella,
which stood on a small western branch of the Jordan, about sixty
miles north-west from Jerusalem, among the mountains of Gilead.
The locality on some accounts is a probable one, for it is distant from
Jerusalem and beyond Judea, as the Savior directed them to flee;
and being also on the mountains, answers very well to the other
particulars of his warning. But there are some reasons which would
make it an undesirable place of refuge, for a very long time, to those
who fled from scenes of war and commotion, for the sake of enjoying
peace and safety. That part of Galilee which formed the adjacent
territory on the north of Pella, a few months after, became the scene
of a devastating war. The city of Gamala, not above twenty miles off,
was besieged by Vespasian, the general of the Roman invading
army, (afterwards emperor,) and was taken after a most obstinate
and bloody contest, the effect of which must have been felt
throughout the country around, making it any thing but a comfortable
place of refuge, to those who sought peace. The presence of hostile
armies in the region near, must have been a source of great trouble
and distress to the inhabitants of Pella, so that those who fled from
Jerusalem to that place, would, in less than a year, find that they had
made no very agreeable exchange. These bloody commotions
however, did not begin immediately, and it was not till nearly one
year after the flight of the Christians from Jerusalem, that the war
was brought into the neighborhood of Pella; for Josephus fixes the
retreat of Cestius Gallus on the twelfth of November, in the twelfth
year of Nero’s reign, (A. D. 66,) and the taking of Gamala, on the
twenty-third of October, in the following year, after one month’s
siege. There was then a period of several months, during which this
region was quiet, and would therefore afford a temporary refuge to
the fugitives from Jerusalem; but for a permanent home they would
feel obliged to look not merely beyond Judea, but out of Palestine.
Being in Pella, so near the borders of Arabia, which often afforded a
refuge to the oppressed in its desert-girdled homes, the greater
portion would naturally move off in that direction, and many too,
probably extend their journey eastward into Mesopotamia, settling at
last in Babylon, already becoming a new dwelling-place for both
Jews and Christians, among whom, as has been recorded in a
former part of this work, the Apostle Peter had made his home,
where he probably remained for the rest of his life, and also died
there. Respecting the movements of the Apostle John in this general
flight, nothing certain can be affirmed; but all probability would,
without any other evidence, suggest that he followed the course of
the majority of those who were under his pastoral charge; and as
their way led eastward, he would be disposed to take that route also.
And here the floating fragments of ancient tradition may be cited, for
what they are worth, in defense of a view which is also justified by
natural probabilities.

the journey eastward.

The earliest testimony on this point does not appear, however,

until near the close of the fourth century; when it arises in the form of
a vague notion, that John had once preached to the Parthians, and
that his first epistle was particularly addressed to them. From a few
such remnants of history as this, it has been considered extremely
probable, by some, that John passed many years, or even a great
part of his life, in the regions east of the Euphrates, within the
bounds of the great Parthian empire, where a vast number of his
refugee countrymen had settled after the destruction of Jerusalem,
enjoying peace and prosperity, partly forgetting their national
calamities, in building themselves up almost into a new people,
beyond the bounds of the Roman empire. These would afford to him
an extensive and congenial field of labor; they were his countrymen,
speaking his own language, and to them he was allied by the
sympathies of a common misfortune and a common refuge.
Abundant proof has already been offered, to show that in this region
was the home of Peter, during the same period; and probabilities are
strongly in favor of the supposition, that the other apostles followed
him thither, making Babylon the new apostolic capital of the eastern
churches, as Jerusalem had been the old one. From that city, as a
center, the apostles would naturally extend their occasional labors
into the countries eastward, as far as their Jewish brethren had
spread their refugee settlements; for beyond the Roman limits,
Christianity seems to have made no progress whatever among the
Gentiles, in the time of the apostles; and if there had been no other
difficulties, the great difference of language and manners, and the
savage condition of most of the races around them, would have led
them to confine their labors wholly to those of their own nation, who
inhabited the country watered by the Euphrates and its branches; or
still farther east, to lands where the Jews seem to have spread
themselves to the banks of the Indus, and perhaps within the
modern boundaries of India. Some wild traditionary accounts, of no
great authority, even offer reports, that the Apostle John preached in
India; and some of the Jesuit missionaries have supposed that they
had detected such traditions among the tribes of that region, among
whom they labored. All that can be said of these accounts is, that
they accord with a reasonable supposition, which is made probable
by other circumstances; but traditions of such a standing cannot be
said to prove anything.

Parthia.――The earliest trace of this story is in the writings of Augustin, (A. D. 398,) who
quotes the first epistle of John as “the epistle to the Parthians,” from which it appears that
this was a common name for that epistle, in the times of Augustin. Athanasius is also
quoted by Bede, as calling it by the same name. If he wrote to the Parthians in that familiar
way, it would seem probable that he had been among them, and many writers have
therefore adopted this view. Among these, the learned Mill (Prolegomena in New Testament
§ 150) expresses his opinion very fully, that John passed the greater part of his life among
the Parthians, and the believers near them. Lampe (Prolegomena to a Johannine Theology,
Lib. I. cap. iii. § 12, note) allows the probability of such a visit, but strives to fix its date long
before the destruction of Jerusalem; yet offers no good reason for such a notion.
India.――The story of the Jesuit missionaries is given by Baronius, (Annals 44. § 30.)
The story is, that letters from some of these missionaries, in 1555, give an account of their
finding such a tradition, among an East Indian nation, called the Bassoras, who told them
that the apostle John once preached the gospel in that region. No further particulars are
given; but this is enough to enable us to judge of the value of a story, dating fifteen
centuries from the event which it commemorates.

his residence in asia.

The great mass of ancient stories about this apostle, take no

notice at all of his residence in the far eastern regions, on and
beyond the Euphrates, but make mention of the countries inhabited
by Greeks and Romans, as the scenes of the greater part of his long
life, after the destruction of Jerusalem. The palpable reason of the
character of these traditions, no doubt, is, that they all come from the
very regions which they commemorate as the home of John; and the
authors of the stories being interested only to secure for their own
region the honor of an apostolic visit, cared nothing about the similar
glory of countries far eastward, with which they had no connection
whatever, and of which they knew nothing. That region which is most
particularly pointed out as the great scene of John’s life and labors,
is Asia, in the original, limited sense of the term, which includes only
a small portion of the eastern border of the Aegean sea, as already
described in the life of Peter. The most important place in this Little
Asia, was Ephesus; and in this famous city the apostle John is said
to have spent the latter part of his life, after the great dispersion from

The motives of John’s visit to Ephesus, are variously given by

different writers, both ancient and modern. All refer the primary
impulse to the Holy Spirit, which was the constant and unerring
guide of all the apostles in their movements abroad on the great
mission of their Master. The divine presence of their Lord himself,
too, was ever with them to support and encourage, in their most
distant wanderings, even as he promised at parting,――“Lo! I am
with you always, even to the end of the world.” But historical
investigation may very properly proceed with the inquiry into the real
occasion which led him, under that divine guidance, to this distant
city, among a people who were mostly foreign to him in language,
habits and feelings, even though many of them owned the faith of
Christ, and reverenced the apostle of his word. It is said, but not
proved, that a division of the great fields of labor was made by the
apostles among themselves, about the time of the destruction of
Jerusalem; and that, when Andrew took Scythia, and others their
sections of duty, Asia was assigned to John, who passed the rest of
his life there accordingly. This field had already, indeed, been gone
over by Paul and his companions, and already at Ephesus itself had
a church been gathered, which was now flourishing under the
pastoral care of Timothy, who had been instructed and
commissioned for this very field, by Paul himself. But these
circumstances, so far from deterring the apostle John from
presenting himself on a field of labor already so nobly entered, are
supposed rather to have operated as incitements to draw him into a
place where so solid a foundation had been laid for a complete
fabric. As a center of missionary action, indeed, Ephesus certainly
did possess many local advantages of a high order. The metropolis
of all Asia Minor,――a noble emporium for the productions of that
great section of the eastern continent, on whose farthest western
shore it stood,――and a grand center for the traffic of the great
Mediterranean sea, whose waters rolled from that haven over the
mighty shores of three continents, bearing, wherever they flowed,
the ships of Ephesus,――this port offered the most ready and
desirable means of intercourse with all the commercial cities of the
world, from Tyre, or Alexandria, or Sinope, to the pillars of Hercules,
and gave the quickest and surest access to the gates of Rome itself.
Its widely extended commerce, of course, drew around its gates a
constant throng of people from many distant parts of the world, a few
of whom, if imbued with the gospel, would thus become the
missionaries of the word of truth to millions, where the name of
Jesus was before unknown. And since, after the death of all the
other apostles, John survived alone, so long, it was desirable for all
the Christian churches in the world, that the only living minister of the
word who had been instructed from the lips of Jesus himself, should
reside in some such place, where he might so easily be visited by all,

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