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An Ode to the Delightful Play of Vraja

Çréla Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé


çré çré rädhä-kåñëa-pädämbujebhyo namaù

In a mood of great deference I offer my head unto the lotus feet of
Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa.

pratiñöhä-rajjubhir vaddhaà kämädyair vartma-pätibhiù
chitvä täù saàharantas tän aghäreù päntu mäà bhaöäù

I have fallen into a helpless condition, bound with the rope of pratiñöhä
by the highwaymen lust, greed and anger. I implore those heroic
personalities (headed by Çré Svarüpa, Çré Rüpa and Çré Sanätana) who
protect the path of bhakti by which one attains Aghäré Çré Hari, the
destroyer of sin, to defeat my captors and cut the ropes that are bind-
ing me.

dagdhaà värddhaka-vanya-vahnibhir alaà dañöaà durändhyähinä
viddhaà mämati-päravaçya-viçikhaiù krodhädi-siàhair våtam
svämin prema-sudhä-dravaà karuëayä dräk päyaya çré-hare
yenaitän-avadhérya santatam ahaà dhéro bhavantaà bhaje

Vånda Devé He Hari, I am scorched by the blazing forest fire of old age, deeply
bitten by the poisonous snake of blindness, pierced by the sharp
arrows of forced dependence on others, and surrounded by the lions
of anger, lust and greed. He Svämén! Kindly allow me to drink Your
ambrosial prema which will make me strong and brave enough to
resist all enemies so that I can resolutely do bhajana.

Bootleg Editions yan-mädhuré-divya-sudhä-rasäbdheù
from småteù kaëenäpy ati-lolitätmä
Pirate Press padyair vraja-sthän-akhilän vrajaà ca
natvä sva-näthau vata tau didåkñe
I have raided the beehives of Vraja and taken the choicest honey.
May all those bees smile upon my efforts Remembering the flavor of but one drop of the ocean of Çré Çré Rädhä-
Vicitri dasi Mädhava’s indescribable and incomparable ambrosial sweetness has
made my heart wildly eager to see Them. Presenting my heartfelt
prayers for Their darçana in this poetic treatise, I bow down before
Their Vraja Dhäma and all the Vrajaväsés, moving and non-moving,
2 3

even the dust, trees, animals, birds, insects and on and on. I pray that and His dearly beloved sakhäs. The astonishing sweetness of this
by their causeless mercy Rädhä-Mädhava will grant me Their darçana. place appears in the hearts of the rasika devotees. I take shelter of
Vraja, which is more precious even than Mathurä.
prädurbhäva-sudhä-draveëa nitaräm-aìgitvam-äptvä yayor- TEXT 7
goñöhe ’bhékñnam anaìga eña paritaù kréòä-vinodaà rasaiù vaidagdhyottara-narma-karmaöha-sakhé-våndaiù parétaà rasaiù
prétyolläsayatéha mugdha-mithuna çreëé-vataàsäv-imau pratyekaà taru-kuïja-vallari-giri-droëéñu rätrin-divam
gändharvä-giridhäriëau vata kadä drakñyämi rägeëa tau nänä keli-bhareëa yatra ramate tan navya-yünor yugaà
tat-pädämbuja-gandha-bandhurataraà våndävanaà tad bhaje
The disembodied Kämadeva, who attained a body by continually
tasting the nectar of the sight of Çré Yugala, eternally illuminates Surrounded by their witty and clever gopé friends, the youthful couple
the entire Vraja with a jubilant festival of Çré Kåñëa’s amorous Kiçora-Kiçoré day and night lose themselves in an unending play of
pastimes. When will my heart be laden with love so that I can amorous enjoyment in the kuïjas and mountain caves of Våndävana,
witness the confidential play of Çré Çré Gändharvä-Giridhäré, the dense with trees, bushes and blossoming vines. I worship the
crown jewels of innocent, young, beautiful couples? wonderful forest of Våndävana, delightfully saturated with the
intoxicating aroma of Their lotus feet.
vaikuëöhäd api sodarätmaja-våtä dvärävaté sä priyä TEXT 8
yatra çré-çata-nindi-paööa-mahiñé-våndaiù prabhuù khelati yatra çréù parito bhramaty avirataà täs tä mahä-siddhayaù
prema-kñetram asau tato ’pi mathurä preñöhä harer janmato sphétäù såñöir alaà gaväm udayané väso ’pi goñöhaukasäm
yatra çré-vraja eva räjatitaräà täm eva nityaà bhaje vätsalyät paripälito virahate kåñëaù pitåbhyäà sukhais
tan nandéçvaram älayaà vraja-pater goñöhottamäìgaà bhaje
The city of Dvärakä—where Bhagavän resides with His relatives,
including His brother and sons, and where He enjoys pastimes with a In Våndävana is the hamlet of Nandéçvara, where the goddess of for-
great multitude of queens, each eclipsing many hundreds of Lakñmés tune Kamalä always wanders around looking for service; where the
in virtues, beauty and good fortune—is dearer even than Vaikuëöha. great mystic perfections, seeking to serve the Vrajaväsés, are present
But Mathurä, due to being the place of Kåñëa’s birth, and being the in full; where the cows, accepting service from everyone, enjoy ever
abode and embodiment of the purest prema, is even more dear than increasing opulences; where the Vrajaväsés live in topmost bliss; and
Dvärakä. Within the district of Mathurä, the land of Çré Vraja manifests where Çré Kåñëa freely enjoys Himself under the loving protection of
in all its splendor. I eternally worship the land of Mathurä. His parents. I worship this town Nandéçvara, the home of Vrajaräja Çré
Nanda Mahäräja and the most exalted place within his kingdom
yatra kréòati mädhavaù priyatamaiù snigdhaù sakhénäà kulair-
putrasyäbhyudayärtham ädara-bharair miñöhänna-pänotkarair
nityaà gäòha rasena räma-sahito ’py adyäpi go-cäraëaiù
divyänäà ca gaväà maëi-vraja-yujäà dänair iha påaty-aham
yasyäpy adbhuta-mädhuré rasa-vidäà hådyeva käpi sphuret
yo viprän gaëaçaù pratoñayati tad-bhavyasya värttäà muhuù
preñöhaà tan-mathurä-puräd api harer goñöhaà tad eväçraye
snehät påcchati yaç ca tad-gata-manäs taà gokulendraà bhaje
Even today Çré Mädhava enjoys the sweet nectar of transcendental
For the welfare of his son, the king of Gokula, Çré Nanda Mahäräja,
pastimes there, lovingly herding the cows with His brother Baladeva
daily pleases the brähmaëas by respectfully presenting them with
4 5

sweets, ambrosial beverages and celestial cows decorated with many and formidable demons with His boundless power, and who although
jewels. Satisfying them with these valuable donations, he repeatedly knowing full well the supernatural strength of His younger brother
begged their blessings for his baby boy. I worship the king of Gokula, Çré Kåñëa, still, out of immense love for Him never lets Him out of His
who is always absorbed in thoughts of his son. sight in the woods even for a moment.

putra-sneha-bharaiù sadä-snuta-kuca-dvandvä tadéyocchalad parjanya-nämä nija-naptå-garvaiù
gharmmasyäpi lavasya rakñaëa-vidhau sva-präëa-dehärvudaiù parjanya-lakñäëy abhito vinindan
äsaktä kñaëa-mätram apy akalanät sadyaù prasüteva gaur yo narma tanvan ramate ’sya karëe
vyagrä yä vilapaty alaà bahu-bhayät sä pätu goñöheçvaré namämy aho kåñëa-pitämahaà tam

Because of Goñöheçvaré’s immense love for her darling son, a con- Aho! I offer praëäma unto Çré Kåñëa’s paternal grandfather, Çré
tinuous flow of milk trickles from her breasts. She is prepared to give Parjanya-gopa, who proclaims his pride in having Kåñëa as his grand-
son in a voice that mocks the roaring of millions of thunderclouds,
her life many millions of times to protect Him from even a single
and who always delights his grandson by speaking many joking words
drop of perspiration, and she is so attached to Him that if for a
in His ear.
moment she cannot see Him she cries like a cow frightened for
her newborn calf. May Yaçodä, the queen of Vraja, protect us.
priyasya naptuù sukhato ’ti-garvät
pädau na yasyäù patataù påthivyäm
puträd uccair api haladharät siïcati sneha-pürair namämi narmärcita-naptå-candräà
govindaà yä ’dbhuta-rasavaté prakriyäsu pravéëä varéyaséà kåñëa-pitämahéà täm
sakhya-çrébhir vraja-pura-mahäräja-räjïém nayais tad
gopendraà yä sukhayati bhaje rohiëém éçvaréà täm I offer praëäma to Varéyasé-devé, Kåñëa’s paternal grandmother. With
merry joking words she worships Çré Kåñëa, calling Him the moon of
I worship Rohiëé-devé, who showers her love upon Govinda more grandsons. Happy and proud of her grandson, her feet no longer
than on her own son Haladhara. She is thoroughly expert in the art of touch the ground when she walks.
cooking, she delights the queen of Vraja with the brilliance of her
sincere friendship and she gladdens Nanda Mahäräja, the king of TEXT 15
cowherders, with her saintly virtues. çveta-çmaçru bhareëa sundara-mukhaù çyämaù kåté mantraëä-
bhijïaù samsadi santataà vraja-pateù kurvan sthitià yo ’rcitaù
TEXT 12 sva-präëärvvuda-khaëòanair mura-bhidaà bhrätuù sutaà toñayet
udyac-chubhräàçu-koöi-dyuti-nikara-tiraskära-käry-ujjvala-çré- sähäre nivasan sa goñöham avatän nämnopanandaù sadä
snehäd apy unnimeñaà nijam anujam ito ’raëya-bhümau sva-vétaà His face handsome with a great white beard, and his complexion
tad-véryajïo ’pi yo na kñaëam apanayate staumi taà dhenukärim dark, the pious Upananda is the respected prime minister in the council
of the king of Vraja. He is prepared to give up his life millions of
I joyfully praise Çré Baladeva, the enemy of Denukäsura, whose bodily times over to please his nephew Çré Kåñëa. I pray that Upananda,
effulgence shines brightly like many millions of glistening moons, who lives in the village of Sähära, may always protect the land of
who easily destroys even a whiff of the false pride of the most sinful Vraja.
6 7

gauraù komala dhér udära-caritaù snigdho vrajendränujaù nädair yasya sphuöati parito divya-vidhy-aëòa-koöiù
çyäma-çmaçrur alaà tadéya caraëe bhaktaù sunandä-pitä ke te tävat kila diti-sutäù kñudrakät kñudra-jéväù
yaù präëaiù parimaïchya mädhava-sukhaà dadhnä mahiñyäù paraà- snehän mäträ vijayam abhito rakñaëe sanniyuktaà
sannandas tanute sa pätu nitaräà naù käsaréëäà patiù kåñëasyärät param iha bhaje hanta dhätré-sutaà tam

May we always be protected by Nanda Mahäräja’s younger brother Saying “Where are the demons? With ease I shall shorten their lives,”
Sannanda, whose complexion is golden and whose beard is black; Vijaya, the son of Kåñëa’s wet nurse, calls so loudly that his roaring
who is tender, generous and affectionate; who is deeply devoted to voice causes millions of spiritual universes to crack, what to speak of
his older brother’s feet; who is the father of Sunandä-gopé; who is the the demons, who are the most insignificant of living beings! Out of
master of a great herd of cows who have mothered many calves; and maternal affection for Kåñëa, Ambikä instructed her son Vijaya to
who worships his nephew Mädhava with every breath and pleases always stay near little Kåñëa to protect Him. I worship Vijaya, the
Him by giving Him palatable dishes made with fresh yoghurt. son of Kåñëa’s wet nurse.

çyämaù sükñma-matir yuväti-madhuro jyotir-vidäm agraëéù mantra-nyäsair iha mura-ripos tat-purodhäù purastät
päëòityair jita-géñpatir vrajapateù savye kåtävasthitiù sarväìgäni prakaöa-nigamo bhägurir yo ’bhirakñya
kåñëaà pälayatéha yaù priyatayä präëärvudair apy alaà äçérbhiç ca prati-dinam aho tac-chiro jighratédaà
mantreëäpy upananda-sünum iha taà prétyä subhadraà numaù vande tävan muni-sura-pates tasya pädäbja-yugmam

Upananda’s son Subhadra is dark complexioned, youthful, handsome, Bhäguré Muni, the learned chief priest of Vraja-pura, is the shelter of
intelligent, and mild natured. He is the best of astrologers and more the personified Vedas, who pray to him for some small service to Çré
learned than even Båhaspati. Always at the left side of the King of Nanda-nandana. Daily, while touching every part of Çré Kåñëa Muräri’s
Vraja, he gives good advice for protecting Kåñëa, who is millions of body he ceremoniously recites mantras to Bhagavän Näräyaëa for
times more dear to him than his own life. With great love I offer the protection of each of the child’s limbs. And daily he smells and
praëäma unto Subhadra. kisses Kåñëa’s head while offering Him many benedictions. I bow
down and offer praëäma to the king of all sages, Bhäguré Muni.
daityäd bhéter ati-vikala-dhéù komaläìgasya sünoù
kåñëasyoccaiù praëaya-vasatiù sampravéëaù sakhénäà
kåñëasyoccaiù satatam avane vatsalä vyagra-cittä
çyämäìgas tat-sama-guëa-vayo-veça-saundarya-darpaù
kåcchrair ambäà bahubhir abhito hanta santoñya çüraà
snehäd vandhoù kñaëam akalanäj jäyate yo ’vadhütaù
daitya-ghnaà yä sutam ajanayat sämbikä pätu dhätré
çrédämänaà hari-sahacaraà sarvadä taà prapadye
Frightened that the delicate Kåñëa may be hurt by the demons, Ambikä
I fully take shelter of Kåñëa’s constant companion Çrédämä, who never
performed severe austerities for many days to please Goddess Pärvaté.
leaves Kåñëa for an instant, who is the object of Kåñëa’s profuse love,
Satisfied, Devé granted her a heroic son who was able to kill many
who is the most skillful and clever of the sakhäs, whose complexion
demons. May Çré Kåñëa’s wet nurse Ambikä, whose mind is always
is dark, who is proud that his qualities, age, clothing and handsome
absorbed in maternal affection for Him, protect us.
features closely resemble those of Kåñëa, and who trembles with
anxiety if he cannot see his friend for even a single moment.
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TEXT 22 With great loving respect I praise and glorify Våndävana Candra’s
gäòhänuräga-bharato virahasya bhétyä priya-narma-sakhä Madhumaìgala, who is the very personification
svapne ’pi gokula-vidhor na jahäti hastam of häsya-rasa, the mellow of comedy. He is pure-hearted and ever
yo rädhikä-praëaya-nirjhara-sikta-cetäs jovial because he is always with Kåñëa. As he is controlled by hunger,
taà prema vihvala-tanuà subalaà namämi Kåñëa and the sakhäs enjoy teasing him and all laugh when he threat-
ens with his curses. He is expert in drowning his dearmost friends
I offer praëäma unto Subala, the embodiment of very concentrated Kåñëa and Balaräma in an ocean of laughter with his comical words
and ever fresh änuräga, who adores Kåñëa, the moon of Gokula, so and entertaining gestures.
much that when they are separated at night, he weeps and prays to
the moon for morning to come so that he can be with Kåñëa again, and TEXT 25
when sleeping, even in his dreams he is playing with his friend and güòhaà tat-su-vidagdhatärcita-sakhé-dväronnayanté tayoù
never lets go of His hand. His heart is overwhelmed in prema, premnä suñöhu-vidagdhayor anudinaà mänäbhisärot-savam
remembering how his friend Kåñëa enjoys the greatest happiness rädhä-mädhavayoù sukhämåta-rasaà yaivopabhuìkte muhur
goñöhe bhavya-vidhäyinéà bhagavatéà täà paurëamäséà bhaje
when meeting with Çrématé Rädhikä and He is bathing in a cascade
of Her praëaya. Indeed, Subala lives for this.
I worship Bhagavaté Paurëamäsé, who provides for the perpetual aus-
piciousness of Vraja. With the help of the most expert sakhés, she
secretly makes wonderful arrangements for the clever Rädhä-
kåttvaikatra gaväà kuläni paritaù kåñëena särddhaà mudä
Mädhava’s meetings. Nourishing Çré Yugala’s mäna (loving quarrels)
hastähasti-vinoda-narma-kathanaiù khelanti mitrotkaräù and abhisära (nocturnal rendezvous) she again and again relishes the
premämbhodhi-vidhauta-gaurava-mahä-paìkäs tad-aìkärcitäs ocean of nectar produced from these blissful festivals of love.
tat-pädärpita-citta-jévita-kalä ye tän prapadyämahe
Gathering together all the läkhas and läkhas of cows scattered here kharva-çmaçrum udäram ujjvala-kulaà gauraà samänaà sphurat
and there, Kåñëa’s cowherd boyfriends take great delight as they move païcäçattama-varña-vandita-vayaù-kåäntià pravéëaà braje
along in playfully pulling each other by the arm [grabbing Kåñna’s goñöheçasya sakhäyam unnatatara-çrédämato ’pi priya-
palm and reading the lines of His fortune, and joking about Kåñëa’s çré-rädhaà våñabhänum udbhaöa-yaço-vrätaà sadä taà bhaje
meeting with His beloved]. They have not a scent of aiçvarya-bhäva
in their hearts—the mud of awe and reverence has been completely I forever worship the renowned Våñabhänu Mahäräja, who sports a
washed away by the water from the ocean of their pure sakhya-bhäva. neatly clipped beard, who is very generous, who comes from a bril-
I take shelter of these sakhäs, who are decorated with all the apparel liant dynasty, whose complexion is golden, who at age fifty is very
of cowherders, like horns and sticks, and who have placed their hearts, wise and highly respected by everyone in Vraja, who is the most
lives, knowledge and their everything as an offering at Kåñëa’s lotus intimate friend of Vraja’s King Nanda, and who loves his younger
feet. daughter Rädhä even more than he does his eldest child Çrédhamä.

mürto häsya-rasaù sadaiva sumanäù kämaà bubhukñäturaù anudinam iha mäträ rädhikä-bhavya-värttäù
präëa-preñöha-vayasyayor anudinaà väg-deha-bhaìgy-utkaraiù kalayitum ati-yatnät preñyate dhätrikäyäù
häsyaà yo madhumaìgalaù prakaöayan sambhräjate kautuké duhitå-yugalam uccaiù prema-püra-prapaïcair
taà våndävana-candra-narma-sacivaà prétyä suvandämahe vikala-mati yayä ’sau kértidä sä ’vatän naù
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Her mind overwhelmed with a flood of love, every day Kértidä-devé TEXT 31
without fail sends the two unmarried girls of Rädhikä’s childhood prati nava-nava-kuïjaà prema-püreëa pürëä
nanny to gather the news of her daughter’s activities in Jävaöa . [Lalitä, pracura-surabhi-puñpair bhüñayitvä krameëa
Viçäkhä and the maïjarés convey to them only good news, telling praëayati bata våndä tatra lélotsavaà yä
about Rädhikä’s happiness, never any bad news.] May Kértidä-devé, priya-gaëa-våta-rädhä-kåñëayos täà prapadye
the mother of Çrématé Rädhikä, protect us.
I throw myself at the lotus feet of Våndä-devé, who, filled with a great
TEXT 28 flood of love, decorates the ever-fresh kuïjas of Våndävana with a
prathama-rasa-viläse hanta roñeëa tävat vast abundance of fragrant flowers, creating a festive atmosphere for
prakaöam iva virodhaà sandadhänäpi bhaìgyä Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa and Their beloved sakhés to enjoy sweet pastimes.
pravalayati sukhaà yä navya-yünoù sva-naptroù
param iha mukharäà täà mürdhni våddhäà vahämi TEXT 32
sakhyenälaà parama-rucirä narma-bhavyena rädhäà
I carry the dust of the lotus feet of elderly Mukharä-devé upon my päkärthaà yä vraja-pati-mahiñy-äjïayä sannayanté
head. Pevishly and cleverly contriving many obstacles to impede the premëä çaçvat pathi-pathi harer värttayä tarpayanté
amorous pastimes of her two young grandchildren, Kiçora-Kiçoré, she tuñyatv etäà param iha bhaje kuëòa-pürväà latäà täm
only increases Their boundless bliss.
I worship Kuëòalatä-devé, who on the order of Queen Yaçodä daily
comes to Jävaöa to take Çrématé Rädhikä to Nanda Bhavan to cook for
Kåñëa, and, as she hurries Rädhikä along, she pleases Her with a
sändra-prema-rasaiù plutä priyatayä prägalbhyam äptä tayoù
continuous narration of the latest news of Çré Hari. In turn, the
präëa-preñöha-vayasyayor anudinaà léläbhisäraà kramaiù
charming Kuëòalatä-devé, glowing with friendship and auspicious
vaidagdhyena tathä sakhéà prati sadä mänasya çikñäà rasair
playfulness, becomes filled with happiness.
yeyaà kärayatéha hanta lalitä gåhnätu sä mäà gaëaiù
Flooded with the nectar of intense love for Yugala Kiçora, who are vrajeçvary änétäà bata rasavaté-kåtya-vidhaye
more dear to her than her own life, Lalitä-devé, affectionately arro- mudä kämaà nandéçvara giri-nikuïje praëayiné
gant in Their presence, daily arranges for Their rendezvous, and then chalaiù kåñëaà rädhäà dayitam abhi täà särayati yä
with clever and nectarean words instructs her sakhé Rädhikä on how dhaniñöùäà tat-präëa-priyatara-sakhéà täà kila bhaje
to best utilize Her mood of jealous anger. I pray Lalitä-devé will one
day accept me into her own party. I worship Rädhä and Kåñëa’s dearmost sakhé Dhaniñöhä-devé, who,
after Çré Rädhä has been brought on Vrajeçvaré’s order to cook for
TEXT 30 Kåñëa in the morning, happily finds any pretext to arrange for Çrématé
praëaya-lalita-narma-sphära-bhümis tayor yä Rädhikä and Her beloved to meet in a kuïja on Nandéçvara Hill. And
vraja-pura-nava yunor yä ca kaëöhän pikänäm when she brings Rädhikä from Jävaöa, she knows which path to take
nayati param adhastäd divya gänena tuñöyä where they will come upon Kåñëa. Because she arranges these meet-
prathayatu mama dékñäà hanta seyaà viçäkhä ings, she is Rädhä’s life!

Viçäkhä-devé, who is the object of Yugala-Kiçora’s love and playful TEXT 34

joking, pleases Them with Her divinely sweet singing that eclipses avantétaù kértteù çravaëa-bharato mugdha-hådayä
even the cooing cuckoo. Aho! May Viçäkhä-devé be pleased with us pragäòhotkaëöhäbhir vraja-bhuvam uré-kåtya kila yä
and teach us the art of singing. mudä rädhä-kåñëojjvala-rasa sukhaà varddhayati täà
mukhéà nändé-pürväà satatam abhivande praëayataù
12 13

Her heart enchanted by repeatedly hearing the glories of Vraja-dhäma, I worship Kåñëa’s servants, led by Patri, who in all circumstances
Nändémukhé-devé left her native village of Avantépura and eagerly lovingly, enthusiastically and respectfully arrange for His happi-
came to Vraja, where she eternally increases the joy of Rädhä-Kåñëa’s ness by bringing Him His flute, offering Him a mirror, water and
amorous meetings. With great love I forever praise Nändémukhé-devé. betel nuts scented with camphor, carrying messages for Him, and
playing véëä and other instruments for Him. Lovingly dividing up
TEXT 35 all these services amongst themselves, and acting like His sakhäs,
mudä rädhä-kåñëa-pracura-jala-kelé-rasa-bhara they eternally attend to the Lord of their lives with body, mind and
skhalat kastüré-tad-ghuçåëa-ghana-carcärcita-jalä words.
pramodät tau phena-smitam uditam ürmi-sphuöa-kara-
çriyä siïcantéva prathayatu sukhaà nas taraëijä TEXT 38
Her waters tinted and fragrant with kuìkuma, kastüré (musk) and våndäraëya-maheçvaréà priyatayä yäs toñayanti priyäù
candana fallen from Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa as They joyfully play in her präëa-preñöha-sakhé-kuläd api kiläsaìkocitä bhümikäù
water, the Yamunä River happily smiles at Them with the smile of
kelé-bhümiñu rüpa-maïjari-mukhäs tä däsikäù saàçraye
her foam and softly splashes Them with the beautiful hands of her
waves. I pray that Yamunä, the daughter of the Sungod, may expand
By offering Her betel nuts, massaging Her feet, bringing Her water,
our happiness.
arranging for Her secret meetings with Çré Kåñëa, and performing
various other services, countless gopé maidservants constantly please
sarvänanda kadambakena hariëä präg yäcitä apy amüù Çré Rädhä, the queen of Våndävana forest. In their service to Yugala-
svairaà cäru riraàsayä rahasi yäù krodhäd anädåtya täm Kiçora they are even less shy than the präëa-preñöha-sakhés, for
präëa-preñöha-sakhéà nijäm anudinaà tenaiva särddhaà mudä whom Çré Rädhä is more dear than life. I take shelter of these gopé
rädhäà samramayanti täù priya-sakhér mürdhnä prapadyetaräm maidservants, led by Çré Rüpa Maïjaré.

Çrématé Rädhikä’s priya-sakhés, having gone to fetch the supremely TEXT 39

blissful Çré Hari on the order of their beloved sakhé, find Him sitting tåëé-kåtya sphäraà sukha-jaladhi-säraà sphuöam api
svakéyaà premëäà ye bhara-nikara-namrä mura-ripoù
alone in a solitary place. When He invites them to meet privately
sukhäbhäsaà çaçvat prathayitum alaà prauòha-kutukäd
with Him and catches them by the hand, they vehemently reject His yatas te tän dhanyän param iha bhaje mädhava-gaëän
appeal. Pushing Him away, they spontaneously and angrily rebuke
Him, “You will not find so much enjoyment with us. Our sakhé will I worship Mädhava’s fortunate associates who consider the vast ocean
give You much more pleasure, so come with us.” Thus, they daily of their own happiness to be as insignificant as a blade of grass, and
arrange for Rädhä to meet with Her sweetheart. I place my head at who filled with pure love for Çré Kåñëa, the enemy of the Mura demon,
the feet of Çrématé Rädhikä’s priya-sakhés and pray for the day when always lovingly and humbly strive to increase His happiness.
I will have the chance to do this sevä.
TEXT 37 tasyäù kñaëädarçanato mriyante
premëä ye paribaëöanena kalitäù seväù sadaivotsukäù sukhena tasyäù sukhino bhavanti
snigdhäù paraà ye kåta-puëya-puïjäù
kurväëäù paramädareëa satataà däsä vayasyopamäù
präëeçvaré-preñöha-gaëän bhaje tän
präëeçaà paritoñayanti paritas tän patri-mukhyän bhaje
14 15

I worship Çrématé Rädhikä’s intimate däsés, who become so distraught I perpetually venerate the foot dust of the elder gopés, who, brim-
that they appear as if dead if they cannot see their Sväminé even for a ming over with motherly affection, most lovingly adulate the drops
moment, who take their pleasure exclusively in Rädhikä’s pleasure, of perspiration that trickle from Mukunda’s lotus feet, whom they
whose hearts are melted with affection for Her, and who enchant love more than their own sons and their own selves, and who repeat-
Kåñëa with their pure characters and their single-pointed focus in edly kiss His head which is so nicely decorated with a peacock feather.
living only to bring joy to Yugala Kiçora.
TEXT 41 indranéla-khura-räjitäù paraà svarëa-baddha-vara-çåìga-raïjitäù
säpatnyoccaya-rajyad-ujjvala-rasasyoccaiù samud våddhaye päëòu-gaëòa-giri-garva-kharvikäù päntu naù sapadi kåñëa-dhenavaù
saubhägyodbhaöa-garva-vibhrama-bhåtaù çré-rädhikäyäù sphuöam
govindaù smara-phulla-vallava-vadhü-vargeëa yena kñaëaà Çré Kåñëa’s cows have very beautiful, bright blue hooves that shim-
kréòaty eña tam atra viståta-mahä-puëyaà ca vandämahe mer more than blazing sapphires. Their gold-studded horns are most
attractive, naturally looking like brilliant multi-colored gems, and their
I praise and glorify the highly fortunate rival gopés, who blossom with radiant white humps cripple the pride of snow-capped mountain
many amorous desires and who have so much puëya that Govinda peaks. May these cows ever protect us.
briefly enjoys amorous pastimes with them. Unable to satisfy Him
fully, these competing gopés serve to enhance Çrématé Rädhikä’s for- TEXT 45
tune, Her ecstatic bewilderment and Her pride in being the undis- yäsäà pälana-dohanotsava-rataù särddhaà vayasyotkaraiù
puted heroine of çåìgära-rasa.
kämaà räma-viräjitaù prati-dinaà tat-päda-reëüjjvalaù
prétyä sphéta-vanoru-parvata-nadé-kaccheñu baddha-spåho
goñöhäkhaëòala-nandano viharate täù saurabheyér bhaje
brahmäëòät param ucchalat-sukha-bharaà tat-koöi-saìkhyäd api
premëä kåñëa-surakñitäù pratimuhuù präptäù paraà nirvåtäù I worship these cows, the daughters of Surabhi, who are always
kämaà tat-pada-padma-sundara-nakha-pränta-skhalad-reëukä- eager to engage Vrajendra-nandana, Balaräma, Çrédämä and the other
rakñä-vyagra-dhiyaù sphuranti kila ye tän gopa-varyän bhaje cowherd boys in the joyful, daily festival of taking them out to graze
and milking them. Worshiped by Kåñëa and all the sakhäs, they cover
I forever worship the exalted gopas, who at every moment consider the boys and themselves with a mist of sparkling snow-like dust
themselves to be blessed with a happiness greater than all the happi- raised by their hooves as, filled with love, they roam around the
ness in the creation multiplied a million times over, who are protected dense forests, high mountains and river banks of Vraja.
by Kåñëa with more prema than can be found in all the universes put
together, and whose minds always remain fervently alert to protect TEXT 46
even the specks of dust falling from the tips of Kåñëa’s handsome lotus maëi-khacita-suvarëa-çliñöa-çåìga-dvaya-çrér
toenails. asita-maëi-manojïa-jyotir-üdyat-khuräòhyaù
sa jayati vaka-çatroù padma-gandhaù kakudmé
präëebhyo ’py adhikaiù priyair api paraà putrair mukundasya yäù All glories to Kåñëa’s pet bull Padmagandha, who is fragrant like a
lotus, whose handsome, gold-studded horns shimmer like many
snehät päda-saroja-yugma vigalad-gharmasya bindoù kaëam
colored jewels, whose charming hooves are more effulgent than
nirmaïchyoru-çikhaëòa-sundara-çiraç cumbanti gopyaç ciraà
precious sapphires, and around whose splendid white neck dances
täsäà päda rajäàsi santatam ahaà nirmaïchayämi sphuöam
a brilliant necklace made of red and white rope charmingly twisted
together with bells and jewels.
16 17

TEXT 47 tanvan kuïja-vihäriëoù sukha-bharaà sampädayed yas tayoù

mådu-nava-tåëam alpaà sa-spåhaà vaktra-madhye småtvä taà çikhi-räjam utsukatayä bäòhaà didåkñämahe
kñipati parama-yatnäd alpa-kaëòuà ca gätre
prathayati muravairé hanta yad-vatsakänäà I eagerly yearn to see Täëòavika, the king of peacocks. I remember
sapadi kila didåkñe tat-tad-äöékanäni how he bloomed with joy upon hearing the melody of Hari’s muralé,
and how, when Rädhä-Kuïja Vihäri were enjoying in the nikuïja, he
Sometimes Kåñëa feeds the calves, lovingly placing small bunches of delighted them by spreading out his tail-feathers and joyfully danced
tender fresh grass in their mouths, and sometimes He gently scratches before Their gate on the bank of Rädhä-kuëòa.
and rubs their bodies. Oh, how I yearn to one day see Kåñëa’s calves
jumping and frolicking in Våndävana. TEXT 51
saptäùaà mura-marddanaù praëayato goñöhaika-rakñotsuko
TEXT 48 vibhran mänam udära-päëi-ramaëair yasmai sa-lélaà dadau
naktan-divaà mura-ripor adharämåtaà yä gändharvä-murabhid-viläsa-vigalat-käçméra-rajyad-guhas
sphétä pibaty alam abädham aho subhägyä tat-khaööäyita-ratna-sundara-çilo govardhanaù pätu vaù
çré-rädhikä-prathita-mänam apéha divya
May we always be protected by Çré Govardhana, who became
nädair adho nayati täà muraléà namämi
worshipable when Çré Muräri for seven days lovingly held the hill
aloft with His graceful hand to defend Vraja. May we always be pro-
Aho! I continuously offer praëäma unto the most fortunate Muralé
tected by Çré Govardhana, whose caves are colored with shining
flute, who is nourished by deeply drinking the nectar of Kåñëa’s lips
kuìkuma particles falling from Gändharvä-Giridhäré as They enjoy
day and night without obstruction, and who dissolves Çré Rädhikä’s amorous pastimes. May we always be protected by Çré Govardhana,
great loving pique with her sweet sounds. whose boulders serve as beautiful jewelled sofas for the comfort of
dütébhir bahu-cäöubhiù sakhi-kulenälaà vaco-bhaìgibhiù népaiç campaka-pälibhir nava-varäçokai rasälotkaraiù
pädänte patanair vrajendra-tanayenäpi krudhälé-gaëaiù punnägair vakuläir lavaìga-latikä-väsantikäbhir våtaiù
rädhäyäù sa hi çakyate davayituà yo naiva mäno yayä hådyaà tat priya-kuëòayos taöa-milan madhya-pradeçaà paraà
phut-kåtyaiva nirasyate sukåtinéà baàçéà sakhéà täà numaù rädhä-mädhavayoù priya-sthalam idaà kelyäs tad eväçraye
Neither the flattering cajoling words spoken by Våndä and other gopé I take shelter of the supremely enchanting saìgam, named Keli-priya-
messengers, nor the gestures and jokes of Madhumaìgala and other sthala, where Rädhä-kuëòa and Çyäma-kuëòa meet. This is Rädhä-
sakhäs, nor the Prince of Vraja personally falling at Her feet and beg- Mädhava’s favorite playground, and is especially enchanting being
ging Her to forgive Him, nor even the angry rebukes spoken by Her full of many campaka, beautiful young açoka, mango, näga-keçara and
intimate friends were able to mollify Çrématé Rädhikä’s unrelenting bakula trees and dense masses of lavaìga and mädhavé creepers.
mäna. Only Kåñëa’s flute, disdaining all previous useless attempts,
was able to easily chase away Her jealous anger. I always glorify and
offer praëäma to this most fortunate sakhé, Kåñëa’s vaàçé.
çré-våndävipinaà suramyam api tac chrémän sa govardhanaù
TEXT 50 sä räsa-sthalikäpy alaà rasamayé kià tävad anyat sthalam
sphétas täëòaviko harer muralikä-nädena nåtyotsavaà yasyäpy aàça-lavena närhati manäk sämyaà mukuëòasya tat
ghärëac cäru-çikhaëòa-valgu sarasé-tére nikuïjägrataù präëebhyo ’py adhika-priyeva dayitaà tat kuëòam eväçraye
18 19

What to speak of other places, the delightful forest of Våndävana, With heaps and heaps of praise I lavishly glorify Ujjvala Mahäräja,
beautiful Govardhana Hill, and the Räsa-Sthali flowing with nectar who is prema itself inciting Yugala-Kiçora’s loving affairs, and who
are not equal to even a single particle of one of the atoms of Rädhä- worships Them by inspiring Their many wonderful erotic practices—
kuëòa. I take shelter of this most special pond, which is as precious Their eyes rolling automatically, Their arms extended invitingly,
to Mukunda as His dearmost beloved Çrématé Rädhikä Herself. nectarean gentle smiles, drinking ambrosia from each other’s mouths,
sweet kisses placed each other’s lips, and tight embraces. With body,
TEXT 54 mind and words I offer praëäma to Ujjvala Mahäräja.
sphéte ratna-suvarëa-mauktika-bharaiù san-nirmite maëòape
thutkäraà vinidhäya yatra rabhasät tau dampaté nirbharam TEXT 57
tanväte rati-nätha-narma-sacivau tad-räjya-carcäà mudä netre dairdhyam apäìgayoù kuöilatä vakñoja-vakñaù-sthale
taà rädhä-sarasé-taöojjvala-mahä-kuïjaà sadähaà bhaje sthaulyaà tan mådu väci vakri-madhurä çroëau påthu-sphäratä
sarväìge vara-mädhuré sphuöam abhüd yeneha lokottarä
rädhä-mädhavayor alaà nava-vayaù-sandhià sadä taà bhaje
Rejecting many lavish golden pavilions studded with jewels and
pearls as thoroughly paltry, I eternally worship Yugala-Kiçora’s pre-
I eternally worship Çré Rädhä-Mädhava’s early adolescence, when
ferred pastime place, the brilliantly shining and fabulous mahä-kuïja
various sweet symptoms become manifest—elongated eyes, crook-
on the bank of Rädhä-kuëòa, where Yugala-Kiçora enjoy Themselves edness of Their sidelong glances, broadening of the chest, blooming
blissfully absorbed in discussing at great length the humorous go- of the breasts, charming craftiness of Their spoken words, fullness of
ings-on in the kingdom of Kämadeva, having appointed him as Their Their hips, and an extraordinary intense sweetness pervading all Their
minister of amorous affairs. limbs.
käntyä hanta mithaù sphuöaà hådi-taöe sambimbitaà dyotate duñöäriñöa-vadhe svayaà samudabhüt kåñëäìghri-padmäd idaà
prétyä tan-mithunaà mudä padakavad rägeëa vibhrad yayoù
sphétaà yan-makaranda-viståtir iväriñöäkhyam iñöaà saraù
dhäträ bhägya-bhareëa nirmitatare trailokya-lakñmy-äspade
sopänaiù pariraïjitaà priyatayä çré-rädhayä käritaiù
gaura-çyämatame ime priyatame rüpe kadähaà bhaje
premëäliìgad iva priyä-sara idaà tan nétya nityaà bhaje
Aho, how wonderful! Glowing with intense love for each other,
Yugala-Kiçora reflect in the mirrors of each other’s hearts, as if I always eagerly worship Ariñöa-kuëòa (Çyäma-kuëòa), which is non-
wearing Their passion for each other as a locket [and as Their different from Çyäma Himself, which, upon the killing of the wicked
garments]. The creator Brahmä has beautifully fashioned Them Ariñöäsura, automatically sprang from Kåñëa’s lotus feet just as nectar
from the fabric of good fortune, and They are the abode of the naturally trickles from a blooming lotus. This pond, which holds Rädhä-
greatest beauty within the three worlds. When will I be able to kuëòa in an eternally tight embrace, is so dear to Çrématé Rädhikä that
directly serve my dearmost golden-bluish Yugala-Kiçora, beauti- with Her own hand She lovingly beautified it with bathing staircases.
ful like a streak of lightning flashing against a fresh, dark rain cloud?
TEXT 56 kadambänäà vrätair madhupa-kula-jhaìkära-lalitaiù
netropänta-vighürëanair alaghu tad-dor-müla-saïcälanair- paréte yatraiva priya-salila-lélähåti miñaiù
éñad-dhäsya-rasaiù sudhädhara-dhayaiç cumbair dåòhäliìganaiù muhur gopendrasyätmajam abhisaranty ambuja-dåço
etair iñöa-mahopacäåa-nicayais tan navya-yunor yügaà vinodena prétyä tad idam avatät pävana-saraù
prétyä yaà bhajate tam ujjvala-mahä-räjaà pravandämahe
20 21

On the pretext of going to fetch clear water, the lotus-eyed gopés TEXT 62
again and again go to Pävana Sarovara where they meet Gopendra- prétyä nandéçvara-giri-taöe sphära-päñäëa-våndaiç
nandana with great happiness and love. May Pävana Sarovara, which cätuñkoëye ’nukåti-gurubhir nirmitä yä vidagdhaiù
is surrounded with many kadamba trees resounding with the pleas- reme kåñëaù sakhi-parivåto yatra narmäëi tanvann
ant humming of many bees, protect us by granting us residence on its ästhänéà täà hari-pada-lasat-saurabhäktäà prapadye
bank. [May Pävana Sarovara enable us to directly realize the sweet-
ness of Yugala-Kiçora’s pastimes.] In the square-shaped pavilion named Ästhäné, which expert crafts-
men lovingly fashioned from large boulders at the foot of Nandéçvara
TEXT 60 Hill, Kåñëa, Çrédämä and all their friends play many fun-filled games.
parjanyena pitämahena nitaräm ärädhya näräyaëaà I take shelter of this pavilion which is fragrant with the scent of Çré
tyaktvähäram abhüd aputraka iha sväyätmaje goñöhape Hari’s lotus feet.
yaträväpi suräri-hä giridharaù pautro guëaikäkaraù
kñuëëähäratayä prasiddham avanau tan me taòägaà gatiù TEXT 63
vaidagdhyojjvala-valgu-vallava-vadhü-vargeëa nåtyann asau
Seeing that his son Vrajaräja Nanda had no offspring, Grandfather hitvä taà murajid rasena rahasi çré-rädhikäà maëòayan
Parjanya Gopa went to the bank of Kñuëëähära Sarovara. There he puñpälaìkåti-saïcayena ramate yatra pramodotkarais
worshiped Bhagavän Çré Näräyaëa by ardently fasting from food and trailokyädbhuta-mädhuré-parivåtä sä pätu räsa-sthalé
water in order to attain a worthy grandson who would be the abode
of all transcendental virtues, who could destroy all the demons and As He was dancing with the intelligent, graceful and splendidly beau-
lift Govardhana Hill. May this sacred pond, which is known all over tiful gopés, Çré Kåñëa, the subduer of the Mura demon, suddenly left
the world as Kñuëëähära Sarovara (the lake of fasting), be our shelter. their company and went with Çrématé Rädhikä to a secluded place.
There, after wonderfully decorating Her with many, many kinds of
TEXT 61 flowers, He greatly enjoyed intimate exchanges with Her. I pray that
särddhaà mänasa-jähnavé-mukha-nadé-vargaiù sa-raìgotkaraiù this sacred Räsa-sthalé, whose sweetness astonishes the residents of
sävitry-ädi suré-kulaiç ca nitaräm äkäça-väëyä vidheù all the three worlds, may grant us residence.
våndäraëya-vareëya-räjya-viñaye çré-paurëamäsé mudä
rädhäà yatra siñeca siïcatu sukhaà sonmatta-rädhä-sthalé TEXT 64TETEXT 64
Ordered by Brahmä speaking from the sky, Bhagavaté Çré Paurëamäsé- lélä-vinoda-rasa-nirbhara-bhoginéyam
devé coronated Çrématé Rädhikä as queen of the super-excellent govardhanojjvala-çilä-kulam unnayanté
kingdom of Våndävana. Accompanied by Sävitri-devé and many vécé-bharair avatu mänasa-jähnavé mäm
other joyfully dancing goddesses, she jubilantly performed Her
abhiñeka ceremony with the waters of Mänasa-gaëgä and other May Mänasa Gaìgä, who enjoys the abundant sweetness of Çré Çré
sacred rivers. May this sacred place, known as Unmatta-Rädhä- Gändharvikä-Muravimardana’s jubilant boating pastimes, protect us.
sthalé (the place where Çrématé Rädhikä was showered with joy), Her waves of ecstasy constantly bathe the Govardhana çéläs lining
shower us with great happiness. her shore. [May she protect us from everything unfavorable to relish-
ing the rasa of Yugala-Kiçora’s pastimes.]
22 23

TEXT 65 sakhyenäpi tayoù paraà parivåtä rädhä-vakadveñiëos

yeñäà kväpi ca mädhavo viharate snigdhair vayasyotkarais te hådyä måga-yüthapäù prati-dinaà mäà toñayantu sphuöam
tad-dhätu-drava-puïja-citritatarais tais taiù svayaà citritaù
kheläbhiù kila pälanair api gaväà kuträpi narmotsavaiù Hearing the beautiful sound of Çrématé Rädhikä playing Her Kacchapé
çré-rädhä-sahito guhäsu ramate tän çaila-varyän bhaje (65) véëä accompanied by Çré Kåñëa playing His Muralé flute, the most
enchanting, best of deer become stunned with rapture. With half-
I worship Giriräja Govardhana, the best of all the hills of Vraja. chewed grass hanging from their mouths and with deep feelings of
Mädhava and His beloved sakhäs, as they herd the cows, decorate friendship, they surround Yugala-Kiçora, looking up to gaze upon
themselves with the mountain’s colorful mineral pigments and joke Their lotus faces. May these charming deer, who are full of love for
and play hide-and-seek. In the secluded caves of Govardhana Çré Yugala, give us the treasure of their ecstatic love and thus delight
Mädhava enjoys intimate pastimes with Çrématé Rädhikä. us at every moment.

sphéte yatra sarit-sarovara-kule gäù pälayan nirvåto guïjad-bhåìga-kulena juñöa-kusumaiù sannadva-maïju-çriyäà
gréñme väri-vihära-keli-nivahair gopendra-divyätmajaù kuïjänäà nikareñu yeñu ramate saurabhya-vistäriëäm
prétyä siïcati mugdha-mitra-nikarän harñeëa mugdhaù svayaà udyat-käma-taraìga-raìgita-manas tan navya-yünor yugaà
käìkñan svéya-jayaà jayärthina imän nityaà tad etad bhaje teñäà viståta-keça-päça-nikaraiù kuryämaho märjjanam

While tending the cows in the summertime, Brajendra-nandana Çré The bewilderingly fragrant kuïjas of Vraja are permeated with a vast
Kåñëa jubilantly plays with His friends in the cool waters of the streams variety of pleasing flowers enjoyed by swarms of sweetly humming
and expansive lakes of Vraja. In their joking combat, both sides are bees. In these love bowers the youthful Çré Yugala enjoy amorous
eager for victory and vigorously splash each other as they enjoy their affairs, Their hearts delighted by the rising waves of käma. Let us
sports. I eternally worship these lakes and streams where the son of sweep these aromatic kuïjas with our long hair.
the king of gopas enjoys with His sakhäs.
[Gopendra-nandana comes with His friends and cows to the banks of yeñäà cäru-taleñu çéta-niviòa-cchäyeñu rätrin-divaà
the streams and lakes to get refreshed. The inviting, cool breezes puñpäëäà vigalat-paräga-vilasat-talpeñu klåptäçrayam
there carry the fragrance of the surrounding flowers, causing Kåñëa prétyä snigdha-madhuvratair madhu-kaëaiù saàsevitaà tan navaà
to remember His beloved Rädhä. Suddenly overwhelmed in separa- yünor yugma-taraà mudä viharate te päntu mäà bhüruhäù
tion He begins to perspire (sveda). Seeing this, the breeze drops the
fragrance of the flowers and replaces it with cool mist to relieve Kåñëa The youthful Rädhä-Mädhava, taking shelter under the umbrella of
of His symptoms, but the breeze is not successful in alleviating His refreshingly cool shade cast by the dense leafy trees, blissfully enjoy
viraha. Kåñna turns to His sakhäs for relief and joins in their games, love-play on a bed of flowers day and night. Their bed of blossoms
thus controlling His çåìgära-bhäva. The sakhäs invite Him to play in glistens with fragrant pollen falling from the flowers in the trees, and
the water for boating and swimming.] their honey attracts swarms of restless bees who happily worship
Yugala-Kiçora while humming Their glories. May these trees always
TEXT 67 protect us. [May we stay eternally in Vraja in their pleasant shade and
yeñäà kacchapikä-lasan-muralikä-nädena-harñotkaraiù do bhajana.]
srastärddhas tåëa-guccha eña nitaräà vaktreñu saàstambhate
24 25

gändharvä-muravairiëoù praëayiëoù puñpäëi saàcinvatoù cüteñv eñu kadambakeñu vakuleñv anyeñu våkñeñv alaà
svairaà smera-sakhé-kulena våtayor éñat-smitena dvayoù prétyä mädhavikädi-valliñu tathä bhäìkära-nädair dvayoù
dåñövä keli-kalià tayor nava-navaà häsyena puñpa-cchalaiù ye bhåìgäù paritas tayoù sukha-bharaà vistärayanti sphuöaà
kämaà yä vilasanti täù kila latäù sevyäù paraà premabhiù guïjanto bata vibhrameëa nitaräà tän eva vandämahe

The gently smiling lovers, Çré Çré Gändharvä-Muravairi, surrounded With body, mind and words I lavish heaps of praise upon the bees
by Their sweetly smiling gopé friends, playfully quarrel as They of Vraja who, while hovering about the mango, bakula, kadamba
slowly move along picking flowers from the creepers. Witnessing and other trees, as well as wandering through the mädhavi and other
these ever-fresh verbal contentions, the creepers of Vraja also smile flowering vines, greatly increase Rädhä-Govinda’s pleasure by
and laugh, their profuse blossoms expressing their joy. May we serve eulogizing Them with their melodious humming [the sound of
these transcendental creepers with great love and devotion. Madana’s conch].

paricaya-rasa-magnäù kämam ärät tayor ye puñpair yasya-mudä svayaà giridharaù svairaà nikuïjeçvaréà
madhuratara-rutenolläsam ulläsayanti phulläà phullatarair amaëòayad alaà phullo nikuïjeçvaraù
vraja-bhuvi nava-yünoù su-priyäù pakñiëas te éñan-netra-vighürëanena kalita-svädhéna uccais tayä
vidadhatu mama saukhyaà sphäram älokanena çrémän sa prathayatv aho mama dåçoù saukhyaà kadambeçvaraù

Plunged into the nectar of their service, the birds of Vraja are very Blooming with happiness Giridhäré, the king of the kuïjas, decorates
dear to the youthful Çré Yugala. Always staying close by, they delight Nikuïjeçvaré Çré Rädhä with many fully blossomed flowers that He
Kiçora-Kiçoré with their sweet singing. May they delight me as well picked from the grand kadamba tree outside Their kuïja. Her heart
with their merciful glance. blossoming with joy as He covers Her with kadamba flowers, She
brings Her beloved under control with Her crooked glances. May that
[The birds especially love to be with Çrématé Rädhikä, taking shelter king of kadamba trees, who assists in Çré Yugala’s enjoyment, appear
of Her oceanic vätsalya-bhäva and Her prema, greater even than before me and enhance the pleasure of my eyes.
Kåñëa’s. The birds perform so many intimate services for Her—help-
ing to arrange the léläs by carrying messages and letters to and from
[Her eyes rolling in invitation, Nikuïjeçvaré signals to Giridhäré that
Kåñëa, warning when Jatila is coming, fanning Her with their wings,
She will certainly satisfy His earnest request for prema. His heart
watching Her from the branches of the trees and singing just the right
abounding with excitment, Giridhäré is anxious to do battle with
song to increase Her moods, and even knowing when to keep silent,
Nikuïjeçvaré’s two soldiers, and He happily prays, “I want to fight
being so in tune with Her heart. These birds, deeply drinking prema-
with My two enemies.” Happily, Çrématé Rädhikä, now svädhéna
rasa, become thoroughly intoxicated, lose control of themselves and
bhartåkä controlling Her beloved, immediately accepts His proposal.
forget who they are. May these birds, who are Rädhikä’s constant
With great delight Nikuïjeçvara Çré Kåñëa decorates His sweetheart
companions, delight me with their merciful glance and help me to
with flowers from the nearby kadamba tree. From that tree’s many
reach their mistress. My heart is on fire without Her sevä, so I pray for
colored and many sized blossoms He fashions earrings, nose stud,
the cool shower of their glance. Because they are fully under Her
armlets and various other ornaments. He weaves flowers into Her
protection I pray that I may also come under Her wing. And may they
hair and delicately places petals on Her cheeks in a charming
inspire me to sing Rädhä-Mädhava’s glories as sweetly and lovingly
as they do.]
26 27

TEXT 74 With great love and devotion I worship the place located at the sum-
nécaiù prauòha-bhayät svayaà sura-patiù pädau vidhåtyeha yaiù mit of Govardhana Hill, named Hari-sthala, where the charming and
svar-gaìgä-salilaiç cakära surabhi-dväräbhiñekotsavam handsome Hari always enjoys ever new and fresh blissful pastimes.
govindasya navaà gaväm adhipatä räjye sphuöaà kautukät Here He is decorated with royal ornaments befitting a prince.
tair yat prädurabhüt sadä sphuratu tad govinda-kuëòaà dåçoù
[From this peak Hari is able to see Çrématé Rädhikä and the gopés standing
Greatly fearful that he had committed an offence to Çré Kåñëa, Sura- in another part of Govardhana, and He experiences great jublilation
pati Indra humbly grasped His lotus feet. With the help of a Surabhi
when They look at each other from the distance. Here He is deco-
cow, he performed Kåñëa’s abhiçeka festival, bathing Him with the
rated with Rädhikä’s bhävas which inspire His heart from afar. I do
water of the celestial Ganges. Receiving the name ‘Govinda’ Kåñëa
was established as king of the cows with great pomp and splendor. I praëäma to Hari-sthala, who should inspire anuräga in my heart so
pray that Govinda-kuëòa, the lake created by that ceremony, may that I can taste svaräsiké upasana.]
eternally manifest before my eyes.
TEXT 75 ghaööa-kréòä-kutukita-manä nägarendro navéno
vrajendra-varyärpita-bhogam uccair däné bhütvä madana-nåpater gavya-däna-cchalena
dhåtvä våhat käyam aghärir utkaù yatra prätaù sakhibhir abhito veñöitaù saàrurodha
vareëa rädhäà chalayan vibhuìkte çré-gändharväà nija-gaëa-våtäà naumi täà kåñëa-vedém
yatränna-küöaà tad ahaà prapadye
One morning Nägarendra (the youthful king of amorous heroes), sur-
I take shelter of the place named Annaküöa, where Vrajaräja Nanda rounded by His friends, became eager at heart to enjoy the däna-keli
offered a mountain of rice and huge quantities of other foodstuffs to pastime. Blocking the path, He forbade Çré Gändharvä and Her girl-
Giriräja Govardhana. Here Aghäri Kåñëa assumed a gigantic form, friends to pass, proclaimed Himself a toll collector appointed by
proclaimed that He was actually Govardhana Hill, and invited every-
Madana, and demanded that they pay tax on the milk products they
one to ask boons from Him. Fooling all the Vrajaväsés, and even Çrématé
were carrying. Time and again I offer praëäma and sing the glories
Rädhikä [who don’t know that Govardhana is actually Çyämasundara]
He gave benedictions to each person and then ate the huge offering. of Çré Kåñëa-vedé, where this lélä took place. [When will the day be
mine when I can go there with Çrématé Rädhikä and Her sakhés?]
[All the Vrajavasis happily prayed to Giriräja that Çyämasundara should
have a long life and should be blessed with a nice wife. Rädhikä was
also there, praying to Giriräja to make Kåñëa Her upapati and to give TEXT 78
Her the chance to serve Him. Våhat Käya Kåñëa answered Her prayer nibhåtam ajani yasmäd däna-nirvåttir asminn
but only after some time, wanting to keep Her there in front of Him to ata idam abhidhänaà präpayat tat sabhäyäm
drink Her beauty deeply.] rasa-vimukha-nigüòhe tatra taj-jïaika-vedye
sarasi bhavatu väso däna-nirvarttanena
giréndra-varyopari häri-rüpé May I always reside at Däna Nivartana Kuëòa, the solitary place where
hariù svayaà yatra vihära-käré Rädhä-Mädhava completed Their däna-keli lélä. The truth of this lake
sadä mudä räjati räja-bhogair remains hidden to persons averse to tasting pure devotional mellows
hari-sthalaà tat tu bhaje ’nurägaiù and is known only to the rasika devotees.
28 29

séri-brahma-kadamba-khaëòa-sumano-rudräpsaro-gaurikä- süryair dvädaçabhiù paraà muraripuù çétärtta ugrätapair
jyotsnä-mokñaëa-mälyahära-vivudhäréndra-dhvajädyäkhyayä bhakti-prema-bharair udära-caritaù çrémän mudä sevitaù
yäni çreñöha-saräàsi bhänti parito govardhanädrer amü- yatra stré-puruñaiù kvaëat paçu-kulair äveñöito räjate
néòe cakraka-tértha-daivata-giri-çré-ratna-péöhäny api snehair dvädaça-sürya-näma tad idaà térthaà sadä saàçraye

Eager to see the enchanting pastimes that happened around I eternally take shelter of the sacred place which bears the name
Govardhana, I praise all the exalted ponds and other holy places Dvädaça-sürya-tértha (the place of the twelve suns). After chastizing
manifested as so many beautiful jewels circling the hill: Baladeva- Käliya in the Yamunä the munificent Mura-ripu Çré Kåñëa was
kuëòa, Brahma-kuëòa, Kadamba-khaëòé, Kusuma-sarovara, Rudra- shivering with cold. Here He was warmed with great devotion
kuëòa, Apsarä-kuëòa, Gauré-tértha, Candra-sarovara, Åëa-päpa- by the strong rays of twelve suns (Ädityas) while the gopas,
mocana-kuëòa, Mälyahära-kuëòa, Vibudhäri-kuëòa (Çyäma-kuëòa), gopés and lowing surabhi cows looked on.
Indra-dhvajä Vedé, as well as Cakra-tértha and Çré Ratna-pétha, the
jewelled throne situated upon Daivata Giri (the divine Govardhana). TEXT 83
atyantätapa-sevanena paritaù saïjäta-gharmotkarair
TEXT 80 govindasya çarérato nipatitair yat tértham uccair abhüt
aho dolä-khelä-rasa-vara-bharotphulla-vadanau tat-tat-komala-sändra-sundaratara-çrémat-sad-aìgocchalad
muhuù çré-gändharvä-girivara-dharau tau pratimadhu gandhair häri su-väri su-dyuti bhaje praskandanaà vandanaiù
sakhé-våndaà yatra prakaöita-mudändolayati tat
prasiddhaà govinda-sthalam idam udäraà vata bhaje When Çré Govinda was being served by the intense heat of the Ädityas
shining from every direction, perspiration trickled from His body,
Aho! I worship Govinda-sthala, the famous and sanctified place creating a sacred pond. The waters of this charming pond are most
where every spring the gopés push Çré Gändharvä-Giridhäré on a aromatic and splendid, bearing the sweet fragrance of Govinda’s
swing. Their faces blossom with happiness tasting the nectar of these tender, beautiful and lustrous limbs. I worship and praise the most
swing pastimes. brilliant Praskandhana-kuëòa.

priyät priya-präëa-vayasya-varge kätyäyany atulärcanärtham amale kåñëä-jale majjataù
dhåtäparädhaà kila käliyaà tam kanyänäà prakarasya céra-nikaraà saàrakñitaà térataù
yaträrddayat päda-talena nåtyan håtväruhya kadambam ujjvala-paréhäsena taà lajjayan
harir bhaje taà kila käliyaà hradam smeras taà pradadau subhaìgi-murajit taà céra-ghaööaà çraye

Bathing here and drinking it waters, I worship Käliya-hrada, the lake I take shelter of Céra Ghäöa, where the cowherd maidens performed
where Hari punished Käliya-näga for having offended His friends, an exceptional vow to please Kätyäyané-devé to get Kåñëa as their
who are more precious to Him than His own life. He danced on his husband. They left their clothes on the bank of the Yamunä and dipped
hoods and rhythmically kicked him with the soles of His feet. into her clear cold waters. Smiling, Çré Kåñëa stole their garments
without being noticed and climbed a nearby kadamba tree with their
clothes. After teasing and embarassing the gopés sufficiently, He
eventually returned their garments.
30 31

heñäbhir jagaté-trayaà mada-bharair utkampayantaà paraiù bhayät kaàsasyärät sa-dayam aciräc chantanupade
phullan-netra-vighürëanena paritaù pürëaà dahantaà jagat vinikñiptä rädhä rahasi kila piträ prakåtitaù
taà tävat tåëavad vidérya vakabhid vidveñiëaà keçinaà sphurantaà taà dåñövä kam api ghana-puïjäkåti-varaà
yatra kñälitavän karau sa-rudhirau tat keçi-térthaà bhaje tam eväptuà yatnäd yam abhajata süryo ’vatu sa naù

With his mad whinnying the great horse-demon Keçi made the three Fearing Kaàsa [who was killing the new-born boys and kidnapping
worlds tremble, and with the wild rolling of his burning eyes he set the baby girls], Våñabhänu Mahäräja safely hid Çrématé Rädhikä in the
the entire universe in flames. Çré Kåñëa killed this demon as easily as secluded place known as Santanupada. Having seen the handsome
one splits a blade of grass and then washed His blood-stained hands Çyäma, whose complexion is as dark as a host of monsoon clouds,
in the Yamunä at a place now known as Keçi-tértha (Keçi-Ghaöa). I She earnestly worshiped Sürya-deva to attain His association. May
worship that sacred place. Sürya-deva protect us [and remove all obstacles to our bhakti].

annair yatra catur-vidhaiù påthu-guëaiù svairaà sudhä-nindibhiù ävirbhäva-mahotsave muraripoù svarëoru-muktäphala-
kämaà räma-sametam acyutam aho snigdhair vayasyair våtam çreëé-vibhrama-maëòite nava-gavé-lakñe dadau dve mudä
çrémän yäjïika-vijïa-sundara-vadhü-vargaù svayaà yo mudä divyälaìkåti-ratna-parvata-tila-prasthädikaà cädaräd
bhaktyä bhojitavän sthalaà ca tad idaà taà cäpi bandämahe viprebhyaù kila yatra sa vraja-patir vande våhat-känanam

I praise the place where Kåñëa and Balaräma were playing freely During Çré Kåñëa’s great birth festival, Vrajaräja Nanda respectfully
with Their beloved sakhäs when they were attacked by hunger. Here and happily donated to the local brähmaëas a mountain of glittering
the supremely beautiful wives of the learned yäjïika-brähmaëas jeweled ornaments, an even greater mountain of sesame, and 200,000
happily and devotedly fed all the cowherd boys many varieties of young cows, all beautifully decorated with gold and strings of pearls.
the four kinds of foodstuff, each dish rebuking the taste of nectar. [I I glorify Mahävana, the place where the king of Vraja distributed this
always glorify this sacred place and roll at the feet of these brämaëés, charity.
for it is certain that with their blessings one will attain steady devo-
tion.] TEXT 90
gändharväyä jani-maëir abhüd yatra saìkérttitäyäm
TEXT 87 änandotkaiù sura-muni-naraiù kérttidä-garbha-khanyäm
mudä gopendrasyätmaja-bhuja-pariñvaìga-nidhaye gopé-gopaiù surabhi-nikaraiù samparéte ’tra mukhyer-
sphurad-gopé-våndair yam iha bhagavantaà praëayibhiù ävalyäkhye våñaravi-pure präti-püro mamästäm
bhajadbhis tair bhaktyä svam abhilañitaà präptam aciräd
yamé-tére gopéçvaram anudinaà taà kila bhaje In Våñaravi-pura, densely populated with many gopas, gopés and
surabhi cows, the precious jewel of Çrématé Rädhikä emerged from
Desiring to attain the precious gift of being embraced by the arms of the mine of Kértidä-devi’s womb, which is glorified by jubilant demi-
Vrajendra-nandana Çyämasundara, the splendid gopés, filled with gods and sages as well as ordinary human beings. I pray that when I
praëaya, devotedly and happily worshiped Gopéçvara Mahädeva on enter King Våñabhänu’s capital city of Rävala, I may drown in a great
the bank of the Yamunä. I daily worship that Gopésvara Mahädeva, flood of love.
who quickly granted the gopés their desire.
32 33

yasya çrémac-caraëa-kamale komale komaläpi äkåñöä yä kupita-halinä läìgalägreëa kåñëä
çré-rädhocair nija-sukha-kåte sannayanté kucägre dhérä yänté lavaëa-jaladhau kåñëa sambandha-hénä
bhétä ’py äräd atha na hi dadhäty asya kärkaçya-doñät adyäpétthaà sakala-manujair dåçyate saiva yasmin
sa çré-goñöhe prathayatu sadä çeña-çäyé sthitià naù bhaktyä vande ’dbhutam idam aho räma-ghaööa-pradeçam

Although for Her own happiness She yearns to place Kåñëa’s soft and As the Yamunä was slowly flowing towards the salt ocean due to
beautiful lotus feet on Her raised breasts, Çrématé Rädhikä is reluctant separation from Kåñëa, Balarämajé ordered her to come close. When
to do so, fearing that, even though Her body is very delicate, Her she would not comply, He became irate and dragged her with the tip
breasts are too hard. I pray that Çeñaçayé Çré Kåñëa will kindly bestow of His plow. Even today the river’s crooked course can still be seen.
upon us eternal residence in His enchanting Vraja. With deep devotion I praise this wonderful place known as Räma
[Kåñëa briefly displayed His Anantaçäyé Viñëu form to satisfy Rädhikä’s
curiosity and laid down on a thousand-petalled lotus in the middle of TEXT 95
Kñéra-sägara while She massaged His lotus feet.] präëa-preñöha-vayasya-vargam udare päpéyaso ’ghäsurasy-
äraëyodbhaöa-pävakotkaöa-viñair duñöe praviñöaà puraù
TEXT 92 vyagraù prekñya ruñä praviçya sahasä hatvä khalaà taà balé
yatra käma-saraù säkñäd yatrainaà nijam ärarakña murajit sä pätu sarpa-sthalé
gopékä-ramaëaà saraù
rädhä-mädhavayoù preñöhaà Distressed at seeing His bosom friends enter the greatly sinful
tad vanaà kämyakaà bhaje Aghäsura’s belly, which burned with virulent poison dangerous as a
great forest fire, Muräri also entered the serpent’s mouth. Within a
Let me worship Çré Çré Rädhä-Mädhava’s most favorite forest, moment He killed that vile demon and rescued His friends. May Sarpa-
Kämyavana, which is the site of Käma-sarovara, also known as Gopékä- sthalé, the place where the Lord enjoyed these pastimes, also protect
Ramaëa-sarovara, where the gopés enjoy many amorous pastimes with us.
their beloved.
TEXT 93 drañöuà säkñät sva-pati-mahimodrekam utkena dhäträ
mallé-kåtya nijäù sakhéù priyatamä garveëa sambhävitä vatsa-vräte drutam apahåte vatsapälotkare ca
mallé-bhüya mad-éçvaré rasamayé mallatvam utkaëöhayä tat-tad-rüpo harir atha bhavan yatra tat-tat-prasünäà
yasmin samyag upeyuñä vakabhidä rädhä niyuddhaà mudä modaà cakre ’çanam api bhaje vatsahära-sthaléà täm
kurväëä madanasya toñam atanod bhäëòérakaà taà bhaje
I worship Vatsahära-sthalé, where, eager to behold his master’s
I worship Bhäëòéravana, where my rasa-mayé mistress, Kåñëa’s wonderful glories, the creator Brahmä quickly snatched away the
beloved Rädhä, dressed Herself and Her closest friends as wrestlers. cowherd boys and calves. Hari then assumed the forms of all the
When She proudly and eagerly wrestled here with Kåñëa, the killer boys and calves and greatly pleased their mothers by gladly eating
of Bakäsura, She greatly pleased Madana, the god of love. all the delectable foodstuffs they offered Him.
34 35

TEXT 97 TEXT 100

bäòhaà vatsaka vatsapäla håtito jätäparädhäd bhayair mudä yatra brahmä tåëa-nikara gulmädiñu paraà
brahmä säsram apürva-padya nivahair yasmin nipatyävanau sadä käìkñan janmärpita-vividha-karmäpy anudinam
tuñöävädbhuta vatsapaà vraja-pateù putraà mukuëòaà manäk kramäd ye tatraiva vraja-bhuvi vasanti priya-janä
smeraà bhéru caturmukhäkhyam aniçaà seçaà pradeçaà numaù mayä te te vandyäù parama vinayät puëya-khacitäù

I eternally offer respects to the sacred place known as Çeña-bhéru- With deep reverence I glorify all the residents of Vraja. How fortu-
caturmukha, as well as to Çeña Çré Kåñëa Himself. Here the four-faced nate they are to be so dear to Kåñëa and to always lovingly serve Him.
Brahmä fell on the ground and offered prayers to the Lord, afraid that Just to have the chance to bathe in the footdust of these pious
he had committed a grave offense by stealing the cowherd boys Vrajaväsés, even the great Brahmä, busy with the creation entrusted
and calves. Amidst profuse tears, he offered many wonderful and to him by Bhagavän, sincerely yearns to take birth in Vraja as a blade
unprecedented prayers glorifying the gently smiling Mukunda, the of grass, shrub, creeper or any other similar species. Every day I
wonderful cowherd son of the king of Vraja. praise and worship all of the Vrajaväsés [and I pray for their blessings
that I also will get eternal residence in Vraja].
gandha-vyäkula-bhåìga-saïcaya camü saìghåñöa-puñpotkarair TEXT 101
bhräjat-kalpa-latä-paläçi-nikarair vibhräjitäni sphuöam purä premodrekaiù pratipada-navänanda-madhuraiù
yäni sphära-taòäga-parvata-nadé-våndena räjanty aho kåta çré-gändharväcyuta-caraëa-varyärcana-valät
kåñëa-preñöha-vanäni täni nitaräà vande muhur dvädaça nikämaà sväminyäù priyatara-saras-téra-bhuvane
basanti sphétä ye ta iha mama jévätava ime
I glorify again and again Kåñëa’s dearly prized twelve forests, where
armies of intoxicated bees buzz about masses of fragrant flowers. Having previously worshiped the beautiful lotus feet of Çré
These forests are splendid with many desire trees and wish-fulling Gändharvä-Acyuta with ever fresh and sweet loving sentiments, some
creepers, and are further beautified by many expansive lakes, rivers great souls are able to reside on the bank of my Sväminé’s favorite
and large hills. lake, Rädhä-kuëòa. These exalted personalities are the mainstay of
my life.
TEXT 99 TEXT 102
pürëaù prema-rasaiù sadä muraripor däsaù sakhä ca priyaà yat kiïcit-tåëa-gulma-kékaöa-mukhaà goñöhe samastaà hi tat
sva-präëärvudato ’pi tat-pada-yugaà hitveha mäsän daça sarvänandamayaà mukuëòa-dayitaà lélänukülaà param
prétyä yo nivasaàs tadéya-kathayä goñöhaà muhur jévayaty çästrair eva muhur muhaù sphuöam idaà niñöaìkitaà yäcïayä
äyätaà kita paçya kåñëam iti taà mürdhnä vahämy uddhavam brahmäder api sa-spåheëa tad idaà sarva mayä vandyate

With utmost reverence I worship Çré Uddhava Mahäçaya, who is filled I praise the glories of the blissful grass, bushes, creepers, insects,
with the flavors of love for Çré Muräri both as servant and friend. Kåñëa’s snakes, animals, birds and other creatures of Vraja, who, helping
lotus feet are millions of times more dear to him than his own life, but to enrich His pastimes, are all very dear to Mukunda. They are all
he left them behind and stayed in Vraja for ten months. There he transcendental and increase His pleasure. Their good fortune is
consoled and revived the Vrajaväsés by constantly narrating Kåñëa’s coveted by Brahmä, Uddhava and others, as is repeatedly and clearly
pastimes and assuring them, “Look! Kåñëa is just now coming from established in Çrémad-Bhagavatäm.
36 37

TEXT 103 TEXT 106

bhraman kacche-kacche kñitidhara-pater vakrima-gatair rägeëa rüpa-maïjaryä rakté-kåta-muradviñaù
lapan rädhe kåñëety anavaratam unmattavad aham guëärädhita-rädhäyäù päda-yugmaà ratir mama
patan kväpi kväpy ucchalita nayana dvandva-salilaiù
kadä keli-sthänaà sakalam api siïcämi vikalaù May all my inclinations to love be fully fixed at the lotus feet of Çré
Rädhä, who is so qualified that all divine attributes worship Her. She
Aho! When will I wander around the slopes of Govardhana, madly has become the exclusive object of Muradviña’s blind infatuation
calling out over and over again, “Hey Rädhe! Hey Kåñëa!”, and when, through the diplomatic genius of Rüpa Maïjaré, who lovingly
stumbling and sometimes falling unconscious on the ground, will I and cleverly brings Yugala-Kiçora together for Their passionate
sprinkle Their playland with the constant flow of my tears? enjoyment.

TEXT 104 [The lotus feet of Çré Rüpa Maïjaré, who is brimming with love for
na brahmä na ca närado na hi haro na prema-bhaktottamäù Muradviña, and who expertly worships Çré Rädhä, are the only goal of
samyag jïätum ihäïjasärhati tathä yasyocchalan-mädhurém my life.]
kintv eko baladeva eva paritaù särddhaà sva-mäträ sphuöaà
premnäpy uddhava eña vetti nitaräà kià sa vrajo varëyate TEXT 107
idaà niyatam ädaräd vraja-viläsa näma stavaà
How can I possibly describe this land of Vraja, whose billowing sweet- sadä vraja-janollasan-madhura-mädhuré-vandhuram
ness cannot be fully comprehended even by Brahmä, Närada, Çiva, muhuù kutuka-sambhåtäù paripaöhanti ye valgu tat
or many other of the most exalted premé devotees. Only Baladeva samaà parikarair dåòhaà mithunam atra paçyanti te
and His mother Rohiëé-devé truly know the glories of Vraja, and Çré
Uddhava, intoxicated with prema, knows something of it. Those who always reverently and eagerly recite this beautiful Vraja-
viläsa-stava, which is filled with the sweetness and loving sentiments
TEXT 105 of the eternal residents of Vraja, will certainly attain direct darçana of
anyatra kñaëa-mätram acyuta-pure-premämåtämbho-nidhi Yugala-Kiçora along with all Their associates.
snäto ’py acyuta-saj-janair api-samaà nähaà vasämi kvacit
kintv atra vraja-väsinäm api samaà yenäpi kenäpy alaà
saàläpair mama nirbharaù pratimuhur väso ’stu nityaà mam

Even if I have the opportunity to bathe in the nectarean ocean of

prema, and even if I have the pure devotees as my associates, I will
not consent to live, even for a single moment, in any sacred place
other than Vrajabhümi. Even if the residents of Vraja appear to be
ordinary, and even if they fill my ears with useless gossip, I pray that
I may remain among them, eternally residing here in Vraja.

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