Unit 5 Connecting With People

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command, ask, Subject + Reporting verb + (indirect object) + (not) + to
tell, remind, + verb (inf.)
warn, adivce...

Opinion essay He ordered them to sit down.

If a direct question uses questin words such as who,

when, how or who, we repeat the question word in
Other reporting verbs & Suggest, Subject + Reporting verb + (that) + Subject + (should) +
recommend verb (inf.)
structures str u ctu r e

the reported speech Verb + subject (direct speech)

Subject + verb (reported question)

He suggested that we (should) go...
He suggested going to the cinema.

If a direct question don’t use question words, we use if or Subject + Reporting verb + verb + ING
whether in the reported question.

We change the pronouns and Reported
possessive adjectives which refer to
questions WITH PEOPLE
‘who’ the speaker is talking about.
ouns Voca
& po bula
adjec ssessive mar ry →
dignity indignity (n)
tives dignified → undignified (adj)
Use sticky notes to
explain things further.

Present simple → Past simple
Values, idiomatic expressions, such as equality
inequality (n)
unequal (adj) kindness →
unkindness (n)
Present continuous → Present continuous
Tenses Reported Values equally→ unequally (adv) kind →
unkind (adj)
Present perfect simple
Past simple

Past perfect simple
Past perfect simple statements REPORTED SPEECH relationships: verbs honesty → dishonesty (n)
kindly →
unkindly (adv)

honest → dishonest (adj) loyalty → disloyalty (n)

am/is/are going to → was/were going to
honestly → dishonestly (adv) loyal → disloyal (adj)
will → would can → could must → had to e & plac humanity → inhumanity (n)
Tim ns respect → disrespect (n)

essio humane → inhumane (adj) respectful → disrespectful (adj)

expr humanely → inhumanely (adv) respectfully → disrespectfully (adv)


this → that now → then, at the moment
Say & tell
these → those today / tonight → that day / night
here → there this (week / month) → that (week / month)
Reporting expressions
yesterday → the day before
last (week / month) → the (week / month) before verbs & Relationships:
(two days) ago → (two days) earlier structures verbs
tomorrow → the next / following day
next (week) → the next / following week
We use this structure for reported
say (+ that) + reported speech commands:
tell + object (+ not) + to + infinitive be in the doghouse: somebody is annoyed
or Subject + verb + object + to infinitive with you because of something you have
tell + indirect object (+ that) + reported speech For reporting orders and instructions, done.
say+ to + indirect object (+ that) + reported speech but we don’t use say For negative commands, use not before be over the moon: really happy
to: ask somebody out down in the dumps: unhappy
Subject + verb + object + not + to infinitive be in a relationship ‘me time’: time for yourself
The teacher said that break up with through thick and thin: in good and bad
The teacher told flirt times
get married to
get on well with
get over
get to know
go out with
have children
have something in common
make a commitment
meet somebody

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