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z GU PHAR TIENG A eet =D LOI NOI DAU uén "Ngit phap tiéng Anh" nay dugc bién soan nhim muc dich phuc vu viée hoc tiéng Anh trong cdc trudng Dai hoe va Trung hoc chuyén nghiép déng théi cing nhim déng gop vao viéc hoc tiéng Anh ca hoc sinh cdc trudng phé théng, cae lép tai chtte va cdc ban tu hoc. Né6 cé tinh chat cha mét cuén Ngit phap tiéng Anh ca ban va thue hanh, noi dung cha yéu nham gidi thiéu nhiing quy tac co ban va thong dung, kém theo nhiéu bai tap dé gidp ngudi hoc van dung dude cdc quy tac trong viéc rén luyén ky nang néi, nghe, doc, viét tiéng Anh. Do dé sach nay chua dé cap dén nhiing van dé phic tap, ft gap va it ding, cing khéng di s4u vao ng phap ly thuyét. Mat khac, dé dam bdo “Tinh chat Viét Nam va hién dai", ching téi cing cha y dua vao kinh nghiém thyc té day tiéng Anh cho ngudi Viét két hgp véi nhitng thanh tuu cia ngén ngi hoc va phuong phap gidng day ngoai ngit hién dai dé trinh bay cAc van dé ngit phap mét cach don gian, ngin gon nhung ro rang, dé hiéu, dé nhd, thich hop véi déi tugng ngudi Viét. Vé mat thuat ngi, chting t6i cha truong ding nhiing thuat ngit tiéng Viét va tiéng Anh cia ngit phap truyén théng, cé chon lee va tinh gian trong sO nhiing thuat ngi da quen ding, dé ngudi hoc khdi bd nga. ‘ Vé6i nhitng .dac diém nhu trén, chting téi hy vong cuén sach ~ sé dap ting duige yéu cdu cua déng dao cac ban hoc tiéng Anh. N6 6 thé ding lam gido trinh day ngit ph4p d trong lép, lam tai liéu 6n tap va tham khdo ngu phap cho hoe sinh va giao vién. Sau day chung téi gidi thiéu bé cuc cuén sach va mét sé goi y huéng d4n cach st dung. 1) Cuén sach gém 8 phan lén: Phan I gém 11 chugng, 31 bai, gidi thiéu cha yéu cach phan loai, hinh thai cdu tao, chtte nang va cach diing cac ti loai trong tiéng Anh, c6 két hop giai quyét mot sé van dé ct php (cach dat cAu) lién quan dén viéc st dung tix loai d6. Phan II gém 5 chuong, 14 bai, gidi thiéu cha yéu c&c van dé cu phap co ban, cé tinh ch&t nang cao va khai quat héa cach dat cau tiéng Anh theo nhiing cau tric, céng thtic, mAu co ban. Phan III 1a dap an cdc bai tap khé, nhdm gitp cdc ban tu hoc c6 thé tu kiém tra, danh gia két qua hoc tap cha minh. 2) Méi bai gdm ph4n trinh bay nhiing quy tac va phan bai tap ting dung, nham gidi thiéu gon va tap trung mét hay nhiéu v&én dé ngit phap co lién quan, theo tiing buée tir d& dén kho. Tuy nhién, cé nhiéu van dé khéng thé gidi quyét gon mét lan la xong duge, vi cé nhiéu diém lién quan dén cae van dé kh4e, thi chung t6i gidi thiéu tig phan, phan sau cé nhac lai, ciing cd, bd sung va nang cao phan truéc. Cac ban hoc nén chi y diém nay: hoc phan sau nén 6n lai va déi chiéu véi phan truéc, nhu vay mdi hiéu duge van dé mot céch ddy di, su va chdc. 3) Phan trinh bay quy tde trong méi bai duce viét theo tinh than tinh gidn, ngan gon, kém theo nhiéu thi dy minh hoa. Chiing t6i st dung réng rai cach trinh bay tom tat duéi dang cc bang téng hop, biéu dé, so dé va céng thie kém theo nhiing 131 ghi, nhiing cht thich can thiét. Cae ban hoe cén cha ¥ doc ky, hiéu chdc va hoc thude cdc thi du trong bai vi chting khéng nhiing cé tac dung minh hoa, gitip ngudi hoc ndém viing duge quy tac thay cho ldi gidi thfch tritu tugng, ma con 1a nhiing cau tiéu biéu cho cach dién dat cha ngudi Anh cé thé duoc sit dung trong nhiéu tinh huéng khac nhau. 4) Cac bai tap trong méi bai khéng tap trung 6 cudi ma dude bé tri rai ra trong titng muc nhé, theo phusng cham “hoc dén dau luyén dén dé", nhim gitip ngudi hoc vita ndm duge quy tc ngi phap via rén luyén dude ky nang stt dung ngén ngi. Cac bai tap duge danh s6 tha ty lién tuc trong tiing bai dé dé déi chiéu véi phan dap an. C&c ban hoe cfn dic biét cht ¥ lam céc bai tap mét cach ddy da, nghiém tic va luyén cho dén mite thudn thuc. Muén vay khéng nén chi nhin bing mat va viét ra gidy ngay, ma cén thong qua khau luyén miéng. Can doc to va nhac lai nhiéu lan nhiing cau tap da lam ding. . 5) Nhtng cau thi du va cau cho trong bai tap duge chon theo tiéu chudn tiéng Anh hién dai, pho thong, c6 néi dung thuc tién va tu tuéng tét, déng théi chi ding mét sé von tit ngit don gian (trudng hgp cé tit ngit khé thi chia nghia tiéng Viét). Cac ban gido vién huéng din cé thé tay theo trinh dé va von tit cha ngudi hgc ma cho thém thi dy hode bai tap thich hgp. Cuén "Ngit phap tiéng Anh" nay duge bién soan ldn dau, chdc chén khéng thé tranh khdi thiéu st. Mong cdc ban gép ¥ kién nhan xét dé ching téi hoan chinh cuén sach nhim pkac vu t6t hon cho viée hoc tiéng Anh cia déng dao ban doc. Cac tac gid PHAN MOT CHUONG MOT TU VA CAU (Words and Sentences) TU LoAI VA CAU TRUC CAU (Word Classes and Sentence Structures) L GIGI THIEU Cac khai niém vé tif loai va cau tric cdu trong tiéng Anh c6 nhiing diém gidng tiéng Viét, nhung do dic diém riéng cua ting ngon ngit, nén tat nhién cing cé nhiéu diém khac. Thi dy nhiing khai niém chung vé danh tit, déng ti, tinh ti, chi ngi, vi ngi... thi giéng, nhung di vao chi tiét cdu tao, chic nang, vi tri v.v... thi hae nhau nhiéu. Co nhiing khai niém chi tiéng Anh co ma tiéng Viét khong cé nhu c4ch sé hitu cia danh ti, thi ca déng tir, dong tinh tw, déng danh tw v.v... Bai dau nay nham gidi thiéu tong quat vé tw loai va céu tric cau tigng Anh dé ngudi hoe cé khai niém chung truéc khi di vao cc chi tiét cy thé. IL TU LOAI (Word Classes, hay cén ggi la Parts of Speech) C6 nhiéu cach phan loai, nhung theo ngit phap truyén thong Anh, ta cé thé chia 1am tam loai nhu sau: 11 Tén tit logi Céng dung | Thi du 1. Danh tw (Noun) Chi ngudi, vat, sw iéc hay khai niém Jooy, table, cat, freedom, lhappiness. 2. Dai tw (Pronoun) [Dung thay cho danh ter II, he, them, who, which, Imine, this... 3. Tinh tu (Adjective) ps nghia (néi r6 jthém) cho danh tit. |Gém nhiéu loai, ké cdi lmao tix (article) va sé ttt (numeral) ja good worker, the heroic Vietnamese people, my first lesson, some new books, those two houses are large. 4. Dong tix (Verb) ‘Chi hanh déng hoac 'e are learning tinh ti hode pho tit khac trang thai English. {The enemy was defeated, ‘5. Phé tix (Adverb) |Bé nghia cho déng tit, They work very hard. |He came here esterday. II was too tired. 6. Gidi tir bi trudc danh tw hodell spoke to him. \Preposition) {dai tir dé chi quan hé The desk of the pa chting véi céc tit teacher is near the Ikhae indow. (7. Lién tix INGi cc tit, cum tit. You and I. He is poor (Conjunction) hhoac cau véi nhau, put honest; he will _ me if you ask him. “8. Than ty Dién ta cam xtc ih! Ah! Hello! Alas! (Interjection) 12 Ghi cha: Can luw ¥ mét diém quan trong 1a viée phan chia tit loai trong tiéng Anh chi yéu dua vao chic nang cac tir dé trong cau. Do d6, mét tY cd thé khi 1A danh ti, khi 1a déng tw, hoac khi 1a tinh ti, khi la dai tw v.v... Nhiing tit nhu vay tuong déi nhiéu, can chu y hoc cach ding cu thé cua ching. Thi du: T have two hands - (Téi cé hai tay - hands 1a danh tit). He hands me the paper (Anh 4y dua cho t6i ta gidy - hand la dong ti). Around table (Cai ban tron - round la tinh ti). A round of beer. (Mét chau bia - round 1a danh tit). The earth moves round the sun (Trai dat quay xung quanh mat trdi - round 1a gidi tt). The police rounded them up (Canh sat quay ho lai - round 1a dong tw). This is his hat (Day 1a cai mit cua anh y - This la dai tu, his la tinh tiv sd hitu). This hat is his (CAi mi nay 1A cha anh 4y - This 1a tinh tu, his 1a dai tit sé hitu). Bai tap 1. Doc to nhiing cdu sau, tim hiéu ¥ nghia va ni ré tit logi cua nhitng tit in nghiéng. . 1. It is hard work, but I know you can work hard. 2. He éame by a very fast train. He can run very fast, but he is running slowly. 13 3. I like to drink tea. Let us have another drink. 4. These oranges are bigger than those. 5. This is my book. It is not yours. 6. The room is quite dark. He is not sitting in the dark, 7. This lamp gives a poor light. Light the other lamp, please. 8. Cotton is not heavy, it is light. 9. Nam is sitting at the back of the class. He has come back through the back door. 10. Let's go for a walk. We shall walk down the street. 11. CAU TRUC CAU (Sentence Structures) Mét cau tiéng Anh don gidn c6 thé chia lam hai phan chinh 1a cha ngit (Subject) va vi ngit (Predicate). Phan vi ngit trong cau tiéng Anh luén gém mét dong tit da chia vA néu cdn thi co thém tan ngit (Odject) hodc bé ngit (Complement). Ngoai ra, cau con cé nhiing thanh phan thit yéu 1a trang ngit (Adverbial Modifier) va tinh ngit (Adjective Modifier). Nhiing van dé nay sé hoc ky trong phan II ca sach nay, 6 day chi gidi thiéu so b6 dé cé khai niém chung khi hoe cc tit loai. C6 thé tom tat cau tric cu co ban nhat trong tigng Anh bing hai biéu dé nhu sau: A - Truéng hop cau chi cé nhiing thanh phan cha yéu (goi la cau hat nhan hay cau téi thiéu) 14 . Predicate Subject Verb Object or Complement 1. The door is opened. 2. He is running. 3. The boy opened the door. 4, We speak English. 5. That man is my brother. 6. They will become __| workers. Ja cdu mé réng) B - Trudng hgp cau c6 thém nhiing thanh phan thi yéu (goi Subject Predicate Subject + Adjective Verb Object or Adverbial Modifiers | Complement Modifier 1. The green door is opened lat once. Chiéc ctta xanh mo Ingay lap tric. 2. A little boy jis running lin the street. Mét cau bé \dang chay Itrén dudng pho. 3. The boy in the blue jopened the back dour |this morning. hat ICau bé déi mai xanh = |md Ictia sau hic sang nay 4. We all in this class |speak English irather well. IPat c& chting ta trong |ndi tiéng Anh kha tot. lép nay 5. That man there lis Imy big brother. INgudi dan éng d6 ila lanh trai tdi. . _ |6. These young men _|willbecome factory workers |next vear. INhiing thanh nién nay |sé tré thanh|céng nhan lvao sang nam. nha may 15 Ghi cha: Cau luu ¥ nhiing diém sau cé phan nao khac véi ng phap tiéng Viét hoac khac véi cach ding thuat nga 6 mét vai tai liéu ngit phap khac. a) Tan ngif chi déi tugng cha hanh dong (cé tai liéu goi la bd ngit déi tugng) tra 1éi cau héi: Gi? Cai gi? Ai? Tan ngit bé ng cho ngoai dong ti. Trudng hop ndi déng ti thi khéng cé tan ngit. Thi du 1 trong bang trén "The door opened", opened 14 ndi dong tix kh6ng cé tan ngit, nhung trong thi du 3, néu cau diing lai sau opened thi chua du nghia, vi opened day 1a ngoai dng tit ddi hdi phai cé tan ngi. b) Bo ngw (complement, cdn goi 1a predicative) 1A mét bd phan khéng thé thiéu duge cha vi nga, nhung khong chi déi tong nhv tan ngi. Bé ngit thudng 1a danh tw (nhu thf du 5 va 6 trong cc bang trén), nhung cing cé thé 1a tinh tit hay phé tu, nhu: Lam hungry. - Toi déi. They are here. - Ho 6 day. He looks different. ~ Anh ta tréng khac. G day ta thay ché khdc nhau gitia tiéng Anh va tiéng Viét. Téi déi (d6i 14 vi ngit) lam hungry (hungry khéng ding m6t minh 1Am vi ngit dugc) Vi ngii la: am (dong tw) + hungry (bé ngii). Chung téi dang thuat ngit bd ng vdi nghia hep nhu vay, khéng phai theo nghia rong 1a bat ctf tiv nao bé nghia cho déng tix nhu m6t vai tai liéu khac. . c) Trang ngw (adverbial modifier) thudng 1a phé tu hay cum ti tuong duong véi pho ti lam nhiém vy bé nghia cho déng tif hay cho ca cau dé néi 16 thém vé cach thiéc, thdi gian, noi chon vv... cia hanh déng hay su viéc. Nhiing thi du trong bang B cho ta 16 thay trang ngi la thanh phan phy, thém vao thi ré y hon, nhung khdng c6 né céu van di nghia. d) Tinh ti (adjective modifier) cin goi la dink ngit (attributive) 1A mét ty hay cum tit bé nghia cho danh ti. N6 1a thanh phan phu di kém véi danh ti, dd danh tir dé la cha ngi, tan ngii, bé ngit hay nim trong trang ngit cla cau cing thé. Bai tap 2. Ding nhitng tit trong cét 2 dién vao nhitng cdu trong cét 1 lam tan ngit cho dé nghia. Méi tit cé thé dién vao nhiéu céu néu nghia thich hop. 1 2 1. They are looking at... him, the house 2.1 don't know... >| your name, English 3. The student is doing... his work, that 4. She can see... the new factory, that river 5. My friend likes... this exercise, those books 3. Ding nhitng tit trong cot 2 dién vao nhitng céu trong cét 1 lam trang ngit. Céch lam nhu trén. 1 2 1, My brother is... an engineer, happy 2. The boys were... students, there 3. He seems to be... a good teacher, quite well 4. These girls will become... factory workers 5. They look... strong, tired 17 4. Ding nhitng tit trong cét 2 dién vao nhitng cau trong cét 1 lam trang ngi?. Céch lam nhut trén. 1 2 1. He is running... fast, now 2. They walked... to the station, yesterday 3. My father is working... today, in the garden 4, 1 saw many children... in the street, last week 5. You cannot play football... here, everyday 18 Cha ¥: Co thé thém mét hay nhiéu trang ngit vao cau. Thi du: He is running fast. He is running to the station. N6 dang chay nhanh. N6é dang chay tdi ga. He is running fast to the station. Nb dang chay nhanh tdi ga. CHUONG HAIL DANH TU (Nouns) DANH TU: DANG VA CHUC NANG (Nouns: Forms and Functions) 1. CAC LOAI DANH TU A- C6 nam loai danh tix 1. Danh tw chung (common noun): dog, table, man... 2. Danh tw riéng (proper noun): London, England, Fred... 8. Danh ti chi chat liéu (material noun): water, rice, ink... 4. Danh tt triu tugng (abstract noun): beauty, happiness, courage... 5. Danh tw tap hgp (collective noun): team, crowd, flock... Ghi nhé: Trong thuc tién, vé mat ng phap cdn phan biét trong tiéng Anh: 1. Nhing danh ti dém duge (countable noun): boy, chair, hou 1. Nhing danh tit khéng dém duoe (uncountable noun): - water, milk, ink, beauty, happiness, courage... B- Quy tc cau tao danh tw Nhiing quy tac chinh 19 20 1) Danh tu dém duge Verb + er: to teach — teacher Verb + or: to direct + director to govern -> governor Verb + ing: to build -> building to write > writing 2) Danh tw tritu tugng a) adjective + ness kind — kindness happy — happiness lazy — laziness (Chu ¥: Khi chuyén sang danh tw: y > i) b) noun + ship friend — friendship workman -> workmanship c) noun adj + dom king > kingdom wise > wisdom free — freedom @) adjective + th wide > width true > truth (Cha y: Khi chuyén thanh danh tit: bd e thém th). 3) Danh ti ghép a) adjective + noun black + board — blackboard grand + parent > grandparent 6) noun + noun bed + room — bedroom shop + keeper — shopkeeper c) gerund + noun looking + glass -» looking-glass writing + paper — writing-paper Chu y: Trong nhiing danh tw ghép trén, tit diing trudc cé gia tri mét dinh ngit lam ré nghia tit ding sau. d) Dang khdac Mother-in-law, passer-by, commander-in-chief Bai tap 1. Phan loai nhiing danh tit dui day: dog, cat, man, woman, country, crowd, team, happiness, beauty, health, patience, army, flock, desk, door. Paris, window, kindness, courage, house, building, poverty. France, pleasure, wood, paper, air, steam, family, sand, bread, ink, truth. Henry, chair, table, rice, salt. George, tree, flower, water, honey, grass, fame. 2. Tim trong sé danh tit d bai tap trén nhitng danh tit dém duge va nhitng danh tit khéng dém duoc. 3. Cau tao danh tit tudng ing cho nhitng tit dudi day: scholar, friend, boy, man, woman, long, wide, strong, warm, deep, true, to wash, to manage, to sing, neat, good, tender, dark, soft, sweet, neighbour, young. 4. Tao nhitng danh tit ghép dé dién ta: A knife for cutting paper. A glass for holding wine. A box for holding matches. A desk for writing at. 21 A needle used to darn socks with. A driver of taxi. A floor made of stone. A machine for washing clothes. A wall made of brick. A room where you have meals. A room in which you sleep. A brush with which we brush our teeth. Il. GIONG : Danh ti tiéng Anh rat dé xac dinh gidng cin cu theo y nghia cha ti. Gidng duc Nhiing danh ti chi| boy, man, father, (masculine gender) | vat giéng duc ram Gidng cai (feminine.| Nhiing danh tit chi| girl, woman, gender) vat ging cdi mother, ewe... Gidng trung Nhiing danh_ ti| child, person, (common gender) | chung cho ca duc, | parent, sheep... cai Trung tinh (neutral | Nhiing danh tir vé| table, chair, house... gender) tinh Ghi nhée: 1. Cé.rat nhiéu danh ti chung thudc trung tinh desk, lamp, stool, door, window... 2. Nhiing danh tw tritu tudng, chi chat liéu, tap hop bao gid cing thuéc loai trung tinh patience, kindness, water, rice, crowd, team... 3. C6 3 cach chinh dé phan biét mot danh ti thude gidng dye hay gidéng cai. a) Khéec han vé hinh thie: boy, girl, man, woman... b) Céng thém mét danh tix hay dai tiv (thude gidng duc hay giéng cai) vao mét danh ti gidng trung: boy-cousin, girl-cousin, he-wolf, she-wolf c) Thém vao mét danh tiv gidng duc (dé chuyén thanh danh tix gidéng cAi): poet - poetess host - hostess actor - actress Bai tap 5. Phan biét giéng ctia cdc danh tit dudi day: husband, wife, artist, cook, lady, gentleman, neighbour, doctor, writer, visitor, musician, school-boy, school-girl, school, uncle, aunt, cousin, bird, father, mother, parent, friend, enemy, pen, pencil, book, son, daughter, courage, poverty, health, friendship, kindness, love, truth. 6. Tim nhitng danh tit ging cdi cua nhiéng danh tit dudi day: boy, husband, brother, bull, father, gentleman, uncle-son, nephew, king, cock-sparrow, he-goat, man, school, master, prince, lion, tiger, cock, waiter. UL. SO NHIEU CUA DANH TU Quy tac chung 1. Muén chuyén mét danh tiv sé it sang sé nhiéu thi thém s va ding sau: book - books dog - dogs 2. Chi nhiing danh tiv dém duc (countable noun) mdi cé dang sé nhiéu "thém s". Nhiing danh tiv khéng dém duge (non- 23 countable) khéng cé dang sé nhiéu, (trit nhitng trudng hep ghi cha 6 cudi bai 4). Ghi nhé: a) - Nhiing danh ti tan ctng bang s, x, ch, sh, thém es (va doc 1a fiz]). glass - glasses; box - boxes; branch - branches; brush - brushes. . - Nhiing danh ti tan clung bang o thém es: hero - heroes, potato - potatoes, tomato - tomatoes Mét sé danh tif nguén géec nude ngoai khéng theo quy tic nay: piano - pianos; dynamo - dynamos; photo - photos. - Nhiing danh tw tan cing bang y ding sau mét phu 4m, truéc khi thém s, déi y thanh ie: lady - ladies, fly - flies, country - countries; (néu y ding sau m6t nguyén dm, chi cén thém s: boy-boys; toy-toys; day-days). - Nhiing danh tix tan cling bang f hoi fe, bé f hoac fe, thém ves: wife - wives; life - lives; wolf - wolves; self - selves; leaf - leaves; thief - thieves. Tuy nhién, c6 mét sé danh ti tan cing f hoac fe vin theo quy tac chung: cliff - cliffs; handkerchief - handkerchiefs; roof - roofs. C6 mét sé viét duge ca hai cAch: scarf - scarfs hoae scarves wharf - wharfs hodc wharves b) Cé mét sé danh tix khong theo quy tac chung man - men; woman - women; child- children; tooth - teeth; 24 foot - feet; mouse - mice; louse - lice; goose - geese; basis - bases; crisis - crises; sheep - sheep (khéng thay déi), memorandum - memorandums va memoranda (hai dang) v.v... c) Déi véi danh ti ghép - Thudng 1a chi thém s vao tit dting sau. armchair - armchairs; school-boy — school-boys. - Nhung néu dung truéc 1A man hay woman, thi ca hai tw déu chuyén sang sé nhiéu. manservant - menservants. - C6 mét sé danh tit ghép véi gidi tu hoac pho tw thi chi thém s vao tit ding trudc. sister-in-law — sisters-in-law. looker-on - lookers-on. d) Cach doc Am cuéi 6 danh ti sé nhiéu (Cha ¥ cach phat 4m theo phién 4m quéc té, khéng theo chinh ta). Danh ti tan cing bang! Doc la Thi du cac Am: Phu 4m v6 thanh, [f], [s] | roofs, books, lakes, shops, (kl, (pl, [4] hopes, hats. Nguyén 4m va phu 4m [z] days, birds, dogs, pens, hitu thanh walls, years, rows Phu 4m [iz] | horses, boxes, roses, (sl, [2], Ul, (tl, [dz] brushes, watches, villages. Bai tap 7. Viét sang sé nhiéu nhitng ti trong ngode dun. 1. Study the next three (chapter). 25 26 2. Can you recommend some good (book)? 3. Lhad two (tooth) pulled out the other day. 4, You can always hear (echo) in these mountains. 5. They are proud of their (son-in-law). 6. Did you raise these (tomato) in your garden? 7. I think we need two (radio). 8. My (foot) really hurt. 9. The (roof) of these houses are tiled. 10. How many (day) are there in this month? 11. Get me two (loaf) of bread. , 12. The (mouse) were running all over the empty house. 8. Chita nhitng ché sai (néu cd) 6 nhitng cdu dudi day: 1. He had a bag of rices. 2. There are many dirts on the wall. 3. We want more fuels than that. 4. He drank two milks. 5. Ten inks are needed for our class. 6. He gave me a great deal of troubles. 7. He learnt three poetries by heart. 8. He sent me many foods. 9. Many golds were found there. 10. Cows eat grasses, 11. The rain has left many waters. cACH SO HUU (Possessive Case) 1. GIGI THIEU - Cau "edi vudn cia cha toi" cé thé dién dat bang hai cach: Ding gidi tit "of" Ding cach sd hitu The garden of my father. My father's garden. Quy tie: - Dat “my father" (danh t& chi ngudi cé quyén sé hitu) lén trén. - Thém "s" vao ngay dang sau danh tir do. - Danh tit chi vat thude quyén sé hitu ditng sau "s" va bd mao tt "the". - Chi ¥: Déi véi danh tit sé nhiéu da cé s réi,-chi thé. dau’, nhung déi véi danh tit riéng tan cing bang s, thudng cing van thém 's (triy mét vai truéng hgp dac biét). The desk of the pupils ~- The pupils' desks. The clothes of the boys ~ The boys' clothes. The poems of Keats — Keats's poems. (Chit y khi doc: Keats's [ki:tsiz]). Léi ghi: Theo quy tae cd ban, cach sé hitu chi 4p dung cho nhiing danh tit chi déng vat, chtt khéng 4p dung cho nhiing danh tu chi vat dung. Thi du: Ngudi ta khéng viét The room's window. Ma viét: The window of the room. 27 (Tuy nhién trong thuc té, tiéng Anh, My hién dai ngudi ta dan dan cé khuynh huéng 4p dung cach sd hitu mét cach rong rai cho ca danh ttt chi vat dung). Bai tap 1. Ding cach sd hitu viét lai nhiing cau dudi day (theo quy tac co ban). 1. This is the book of Nam. 2. The tool of the mason was heavy. 3. She prepared the outfit of her children. 4. The coat of the boy was torn. 5. Mr. Van is the friend of Mr. Dong. 6. The windows of the house are green. 7. The caps of the boys are on the shelves. 8. The desks of the pupils are always clean. 9. He likes to read the poems of John Keats. 10. The house of my mother-in-law is in the country. Léi ghi: Cach sd hitu cé thé ap dung cho nhitng danh tit vé khéng gian va thdi gian. 28 Thidu: an hour's walk a year's absence today's lesson a mile's distance 2, Ding cach sé hitu viét lai nhiing cau dudi day khi c6 thé dude. 1. Tell me if the work of yesterday was well done. 2. It is a distance of two miles from the village to the town. 3. A drive of 500 miles in a small car is very tiring. 4. This is the lesson of today. 5. The exercises of yesterday were very difficult for him. 6. We have a splendid morning after the heavy rain of last night. 7. Will you attend the meeting of tonight? 8. He returned home after a holiday of two weeks at the sea side. 9. She has done the work of a whole day. 10. He had a talk of fifteen minutes. Léi ghi: Co nhiéu danh tw (house, home, office, shop, church, cathedral) cé thé hiéu ngdm sau 's duge néu trong cau c6 ngu y 3 nhiing nai dé hode dén nhitng noi do. Thi du: I live at the house of my uncle, - live at my uncle's. I go to the shop of the baker. - I go to the baker's. So sénh véi nhiing cau dudi day: My uncle's house is in the country. My baker's shop is at the end of the street. (house va shop khéng hiéu ngim duge vi trong cdu khéng ngu y ta 6 hode dén ndi dé). 3. Ding cach sé hitu viét lai nhiing cdu dudi day khi co thé dugc. 1. [have my hair cut at the shop of the barber. 2. We had dinner at the house of Comrade Nam. 3. Van is going to the office of his father. 4,1 stayed at the house of my aunt. 5. He bought his clothes at the shop of the outfitter. 6. The office of his father is in the center of the city. 29 7. T saw him at the house of my friend. 8. I got these cakes at the shop of the pastry-cook. Loi ghi: Ding cach sé hitu dé tranh su nhac di nhac lai mét ti (dat trude hay sau). - I have read some of Shakespeare's plays but none of Shaw's (plays). - Nam's is the only homework that is never badly done. 4,Ap dung quy tac trén viét lai cau didi day: 1. This is not my book, it is the book of Van. 2. The voice of my sister is the sweetest voice I have ever heard. 3. Whose book is this? It is the book of Nam. 4. He has no bicycle of his own and must. use the bicycle of his brother. 5. She put her arm through the arm of her mother. 6. His task is always better than the task of his friend. 7. The house of Doctor Ban is the sort of house I should like. 8. This is the room of my father, the room of my uncle is on the second floor. Il. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN NHG THEM VE CACH SO HUU 1. Nam and Van's books (sch chung cua Nam va Van) ho&c Nam's and Van's books . hoac Nam's books and Van's (sch cua Nam va sach cia Van, cua riéng ting ngudi) 2. He is a friend of Nam's = he is one of Nam's friends. (Anh ay lA mét trong nhiing ngudi ban cua Nam). 30 3. We saw a play of Shakespeare's = We saw one of the plays of Shakespeare. (Chung t6i xem mét trong nhiing vd kich cia Shakespeare). 3. Trong mét vai thanh ngw Out of harm's way. At his wit's end. For mercy's sake. To his heart's content. In my mind's cye. At his fingers's ends. For pity's sake. 31 CHUONG BA MAO TU (Articles) BAI4 MAO TU BAT DINH (Indefinit e Articles) VA MAO TU XAC DINH (Definite Articles) 1. GIGI THIEU 1. Mao tit bat dinh va mao tw xac dinh Mao ti bat] a |[@] trwéc Am phy 4m dinh (Indefinite Articles) an |[@y] trudéc 4m nguyén am la boy, a girl, al university lan egg, an apple, an| hour IMao ti xe| the |[3é] trudc Am phy am| dinh (Definite Articles) {oi} trude am nguyén am the boy, the girl, the; university the egg, the apple,| the hour Loi ghi: a) Mao tii bat dinh khéng thay ddi chung): a boy, a girl, a table. b) Mao tit x4c dinh khéng thay déi theo the boy the boys the girl the girls the table the tables 32 theo gidng (duc, cdi, gidng va sé 2. Danh tit dém duge (countable noun) va danh tit khéng dém duge (none-countable noun). Mudén dang mao ti cho dting phai ph4n biét hai loai danh tu nay. a) "Countable noun" chi nhiing ci dém dude nhu: boy, girl, book, chair... Nhing danh tv nay cé thé c6 sé nhiéu: boys, girls, books, chairs... b) "non-countable noun" chi nhiing cai khéng dém dugc (danh ti chi chat liéu, triu tugng...): water, milk, air, oil, tea... liberty, freedom, science... Nhiing danh ti nay thuéng khong ding sé nhiéu (xem ghi chit cudi bai). I. QUY TAC CHUNG VE CACH DUNG A. Mao ti ding voi danh ti chi cai dém dugc Sé it Sé nhiéu 1. Néu noi chung, ding Néu noi chung, khong c6 mao tit a,an la dog is an animal. Dogs are animals. la chair is a thing. Chairs are things. ia child must obey his parents.|Children must obey their parents. 2. Néu chi mot edi, mét don vi\Thudng ding vdi tinh tit chi sd ding a, an lwong: some, many, a few, three... (Xem bai 8) | havea pen I have three (many, some...) pens There isan English book in |There are many (some... my bookcase. books in my bookcase. English 33 |3. Néw da xdc dinh dung the I want the book on your desk. The picture on the wall is| beautiful. \Néu da xde dinh ding the i want the books on your desk. wall The pictures on the are| beautiful. B. Mao tit ding véi dan! h ti’ chi céi khong dém duge Sé it S6 nhiéu 1. Néu noi chung: - Khéng c6 mao ti. I like coffee. (Téi thich uéng ca phé) Water is composed of hydrogen| and oxygen. (Nude gém hidré va éxy) Honesty is the best policy. (Trung thyc 1a chinh sch tét| nhat) Néu néi chung - Khong ding sé nhiéu - Muon chi mét 6 lung nao dé cé thé ding tink ti chi sé luong: Isome, much, a little... (xem bai tinh tix chi sé lugng). ‘There is some milk in that bottle. (C6 mét it sta trong chai dé) I drink a little coffee. (Téi udng mét it cd phé) 2. Néu da xdc dinh: ding the I can't drink the coffee in this| icup. (Tdi khong thé udng thit ca phé trong tach nay) The water in this basin is very dirty. [Khong ding sé nhiéu (xem ghi chi Io cudi bai) 34 (Nuée 6 chau nay rat ban) The honesty of these people is} admirable. Su chan that cia nhiing ngudi nay that dang than! phuc) Bai tap 1. Déi sang sé’ nhiéu 1. A chair is made of wood. 2. A cow gives milk. 3. A buffalo eats grass. 4. A fly is an insect. 5. A writer writes a book. 6. We fill our pen with ink. 7. We drink tea out of a cup. 8. We can make a cake with flour, milk and sugar. 9. A boy likes to play football. 10. A pen is necessary for a pupil. 2. Déi sang sé it 1. Horses are animals. 2. Balls are toys. 3. Tables are pieces of furniture. 4, Roses are beautiful flowers. 5. Cities are big towns. 6. Oranges are good to eat. 7. Children must go to school. 35 8. Grammar exercises are not always easy for beginners. 9, Knives are made of metal. 10. Houses have roofs. 3. Dién vao ché tréng bang a, an, the, hotic some khi can thiét. milk come from... cow. 2. ... window is made of... glass. 3. ... table is made of ... wood. 4. We can write... letter on... paper. 5. We eat... soup with ... spoon. 6. I can write ... letter in... ink or with... pencil. 7. There is... dirts on this plate and... dirty mark on the tablecloth. 8. I want... glass of lemonade with... sugar in it. 9. like... music very much. 10. . il 12. I received ... letter this morning, ... letter was from my brother. doors of our room are broken. man standing at the door is my brother. 13. ... meat that we bought yesterday has spoiled. 14. ... birds can fly very high in... sky. Ghi nhé: a) Nhiéu khi mét "danh tit khong dém duge" cé thé duge dung nhu mét "danh tix dém duge" (thudng 1a véi nghia dac biét). Trong nhting truéng hop Ay c6 thé ding mao tiv a, vA khi 6 sO nhiéu 06 thé thém s. Nghién citu so s4nh nhiing c4u sau day: 1. I like to drink tea. 36 The teas of India arc of several varieties. (ngu ¥ néi cde loai tra cha An Dé) 2. What is democracy? What is the difference between a republic and a democracy? (Ngu y mét nude theo ché dé dan chi) 3. Science has contributed much to human progress. (khoa hoc néi chung) Would you call psychology a science? (mét b6 mén khoa hoc) 4. There isn't much water in this basin. ‘The territorial waters of Vietnam are defended by our navy. (ving bién cada Viét Nam) b) Ngoai céch dang chung, mao ti bat dinh @ cén duge ding trong nhiéu thanh ngi, dic ngi va cu trie dic biét cua tiéng Anh, c4n hoc cu thé qua bai khéa, khong néu hét trong bai nay duge. Thi du: as a rule, in a hurry, all of a sudden. with a view to, have a drink, go for a walk. what a pity, such a busy day, many a ship. quite a lot of people, a Mr. Brown (mét dng Brown nao dé)... 37 CACH DUNG MAO TU XAC DINH "THE" (Uses of Definite Article "THE" I. DUNG "the" Quy tde Thi dy 1. Véi danh tu di dude xdc dinh ré rang; bat cit trong truéng hdp nao The clock on the wall is keeping very good time. The man that came here yesterday is a doctor. Nam is the most diligent of all the boys in my class. I can't bear the heat of summer. This is the book that I promised to lend you. He was born on the 10 th of January. Once upon a time there was an old man who lived in a cottage. The cottage was on the border of a river and the old man had lived there all his life. 2. Véi nhiing danh ti chi vat 6 tinh chat "duy nhat" The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The Earth moves round the sun. 3.V6i nhéing danh ti sé nhiéu chi tén nude (va mt vai trudng hop sé it) The US.S.R; The United Kingdom; The United States; The Congo; The Netherlands. 38 4, Véi tan séng, day nti,| The Mekong; the Alps; the Black Sea; dai duong, vinh, eo bién,|the Atlantic; the West Indies, the quan dao. Hebrides, the Straits of Gibraltar 5, Véi danh ti chi nhac|She learnt to play the flute. cu. She can play the piano well. 6. Véi mét tinh tit hodc| Braille is a system of printing and dong tinh ti dung lam| writing for the blind. danh tit (chi mét tap thé,| We should help the sick and the poor. mét loai ngudi). The wounded were carried away. Il. KHONG DUNG MAO TU the Nhiing van dé dung the (néu da xac dinh) 1. Véi mét danh ti/Mr. Nam went toll don't want the Mr. riéng (proper noun)|Haiphong yesterday. |Nam who works at tén ngudi, tén nude,|Hanoi is the capitallyour office. I want the! tén thanh pho. lof Vietnam lother one (the other (Vietnam is a rich and|Mr. Nam) beautiful country 2. Véi nhiing danh|Brave men never|The independence and Quy tac Thi du tx tritu tugng|fear death. freedom of every country (abstract noun) cé|Nothing is more must be respected. nghia chung. precious than independence, freedom! 3. Véi danh tix chi|Rice is grown every[You may drink the chat liéu (material}where in our country. |milk in this cup. noun) co nghialMilk is necessary for| chung. children. 39 4. Véi nhiing danh tty chi tude hiéu, theo sau 1a tén ngudi. President Ho Chi Minh Professor John Bernal The President of the} Democratic lof Vietnam. Republic} 5. Vdi nhiing danh tit chi hé, ngon nui, nui, khi dat lién) truée tén riéng. Lake Leman \Mount Everest Cape Cod The lake of Lucern. The Hope. Cape of Good’ 6. Véi nhiing danh| tt? chi thang val ngay trong tuan She was born onl [March 14th, 1963; ‘Sunday is my day-off. [Do you remember the' ‘Sunday I spent with lyou? ‘7. Véi nhitng danh ttt chi cAc mén hoe, ngon ngi, mau sdc. We learn history. She can speak English! well. 1 I like green. We learn the history ol Greece. dress. like the green of your 8. Vdi nhiing danh tit cu thé sé nhiéul ngu y chung ‘Books are my best| friends, The books on the table are mine. 9. Trong mét sé) thanh ngit To go to church, to go to school, to go to bed, to go to market, to stay at home, to be in| debt, to be in trouble, at dawn, at daybreak, at sunset, by land, by sea, by air, on foot... Bai tap 1. Dién vao ché trong bing a, an, the khi cdn thiét. 1. ... Mekong is the longest river in Indo-china. 2. Tomorrow, there will be... lecture on ... history of China. 3. ... Washington is ... capital of... United States of America. 40 4. Tcan't bear... heat of summer. 5. His daughter was born on... 20th of January. 6. That ship is bound for... Philippine Islands. 7. This is... finest diamond that I have ever seen. 8. Do you know where... Caroline Islands are? 9. ... Tunisia is located in ... North Africa. 10. ... Professor Nam was elected Chairman of... Chemical Society of Vietnam. 11. Never before has... Red River been so swollen with flood. 12. ... Lake Hoan Kiem is smaller than... Lake Ba Be. 13. She wants to learn.... Russian before she goes to... Soviet Union. 2. Chita nhiing cdu dudi déy khi cdn thiét. 1. The brave men are never afraid of the death. 2. The Italy has many ancient buildings. 3. Wool of this carpet is soft and thick. 4. The cotton does not grow well in North. 5. World war which began in 1914 lasted four years. 6. Peoples of Asia and Africa are fighting for freedom and independence of their countries. 7. [have strongest objection to your plan. 8. Wise and good are always admired. 9. Paris is capital of the France. 10. Pacific Ocean separates Asia trom America. 11. Earth moves round sun. 12. He goes to the school every morning. 41 13. He got up at the dawn to learn his lesson. MOT VAI DIEM CAN GHI NHG THEM VE CACH DUNG MAO TU the a) The duge ding truée danh tit riéng chi: - Gia dinh, ho, dong ho: The Smiths, the Stuarts. - T6 chtic chfnh dang: The United Nations, the Communist Party. - Van kién, su kién lich su: The Paris Agreement, the Second World War. Bao chi: The Times, the Guardian. - Tau bé: The Queen Mary (tau Queen Mary) The M.L.G 21 (may bay Michs 21) - Khach san, cau lac b6, rap hat, rap chiéu bong: The Ritz Hotel, the Royal Theatre. The Odeon Cinema. b) the con duge ding truédc tinh ti 6 dang so sanh cao nhat: The best student in this class. va truée tinh tit é dang so sanh hon trong mét sé dac ngi: The more the merrier, the sooner the better v.v... (xem thém bai 7) 42 CHUONG BON TINH TU (Adjectives) BAIL6 TINH TU MIEU TA (Descriptive Adjectives) I. CAC LOAI TINH TU Hiéu theo nghia rong, tinh ti gém nhiéu loai nhu sau: 1. Miéu ta (descriptive adjectives): square, good, golden, fat, heavy, dry, clever, English. 2. Chi dinh (demonstrative adjectives): this, that, these, those. 3. Bat dinh (indefinite adjectives): each, every, either, neither, some, any, no, few, many. 4. $6 tit (numeral adjectives): one, two, twenty... 5. Nghi van (interrogative adjectives): which, that, whose... 6. Sé hiiu (possessive adjectives): my, your, his, her, its, our, their. 7. Mao tui (articles): a, an, the. Cha y: Newdi ta thudng dang chit tinh tiv theo nghia hep 1a tinh ti miéu ta. Dé 1a ndi dung cla chung nay. Mao tit da gidi thiéu d ba 43 bai trude, con cdc loai tinh tu khac hoc chung vdi dai tir trong chugng sau vi ching thudng vita 14 dai tt viva 14 tinh ti. I. QUY TAC CAU TAO TINH TU Duéi day la mot sé quy tac chinh vé edu tao. 44 a) Tinh tw don: Noun+y Noun + ly Noun + ful : Noun + less: Noun+en : Noun or rain+y = rainy cloud + y = cloudy daytly = daily man + ly = manly care+ful = careful beauty + ful = beautiful care+less = careless home + less = homeless gold +en = golden wooll+en = woollen Adjective + ish: girl+ish = girlish Noun + some: book + ish = bookish white + ish = whitish quarrel + some = quarrelsome trouble + some = troublesome b) Tinh tif ghép (compound adjectives) Adjective + adjective: a dark - blue coat a red - hot iron bar Noun + adjective: snow - white cotton the oil - rich Middle East Noun + participle (present or past): a horse - drawn cart a heart - breaking story Adjective + participle (present or past): ready - made clothes a good - looking boy Adverb + participle (present or past): a newly - built house an ill - smelling odour Noun + noun-ed: a tile - roofed house Adjective + noun-ed a dark - haired girl A group of words: a twenty - year - old girl an eight - day trip an air - to - air missile a never - to - be - forgotten story Bai tap 1. Tim nhitng tinh tit tuong ung vdi nhitng tit dudi day: rain, sun, mud, wind, fog, gold, wonder, cheer, wool, wood, pain care, beauty, child, cloud, storm, woman, boy, mother, father, day, month, week. 2. Thay thé’ bang tinh tit ghép 1. A house with yellow walls. Mét ngéi nha cé tuéng mau vang. 2. A dress of the same blue as the sky. 45 M6ét chiéc 4o xanh nhu mau tréi. 38. A man ina black coat. Mot ngudi dan éng mac ao khoae den. 4. Flowers which smell sweet. Hoa c6 huong diu ngot. 5. A plough drawn by oxen. Cay do bé kéo. 6. A country which produces tea.. Mét nude san xuat ché. 7. A face as white as the moon. Mét khuén mat trang nhu trang. 8. A girl whose hair is long. Mat cé gai téc dai. 9. A man with one leg. Mot nguéi dan 6ng cut chan. 10. A drawing made by hand. Mot bite vé bang tay. III, VI TRI VA CHUC NANG CUA TINH TU Lai ghi: Tinh tit tiéng Anh khéng thay déi. No chi co mét dang déi véi danh tii 6 it, sé nhiéu, gidng cai, gidng duc, gidng trung.... a good boy: good boys a good girl: good girls a good knife: good kives Tinh tit c6 thé dang lam tinh ngt (attributive use) hoac bo ngit (predicative use) 46 A. Lam tinh ngit Quy tdée co ban: Khac vdi tiéng Viét khi ding lam tinh ngit tinh tie tiéng Anh thudng bao gid cing ditng true danh tit. This is a new car. It is a hot day. Nam will become a good worker. Nhitng truong hap dac biét a) Ding sau mot nhém t¥ ngu y do luéng + A river two hundred kilometers long. Mét con song dai hai tram cay sé. +A road fifty feet wide. Mét con dung réng nam mudi fut. +A man eighty-five years old. Mot ngudi dan 6ng tam mudi lam tudi. b) Ditng sau: something, anything, nothing, everything + T'll tell you something new. Ti sé néi cho anh biét diéu mdi. + That is nothing new. Khéng cé gi méi. + He'll provide everything necessary. Anh ay sé cung cap moi thit can thiét. c) Ding sau danh tu khi cén phai cé mét nhém tit bé nghia cho no +I wanta glass full of milk. Tdi mudn mét coc sita day. + He is a man greedy of money. Anh ta 1A mét ngudi dan éng ham tién. + All these are attention. matters worthy of Tat ca nhiing diéu nay 1a nhiing van dé dang chu y. 47 d) Trong trudng hop ding nhiéu tinh ti hop véi mot danh tit c6 thé dat 6 dang sau + He is a man both witty and wise. Anh ay 1a mét ngudi vita df dém vita kh6n ngoan. + He had a face thin and worn, but eager and resolute. Anh Ay cé khuén mat gay gd va mét mdi nhung hang hai va quyét liét. B. Lam bé ng Tinh tiv lam bé ngit khi né két hgp voi mét d6ng tif lam thanh vi ngi (predicate) cla cau. Né thudng di sau cac déng ti to be, to become, to turn, to remain, to fall, to keep... (vdi nghia: 1a, tré nén, lam cho, v.v...). It is cold, wet and windy. Troi lanh, Nam has asleep. Nam da nga. uét va cé gid. That horse went lame. Con ngua ay qué. N6 cing cé thé di sau cA dong tit va tan ngit dé lAm bé ngit cho tan ngii nhu: The sun keeps us warm. Mat trdi lam chung ta am. This doesn't make me happy. Diéu dé khong lam cho téi sung suéng. (@iém nay sé hoc thém 6 phan ID 48 Bai tap Ldi ghi: Hau hét cac tinh ti c6 thé dung duge 6 ca hai chute nang, tinh ngif va bé nga, trix mot sé it chi dang 1am bé ngii, nhu: asleep, afraid, awake, alone, aware, alive, afloat, ashamed. (Hau hét nhing tinh tix nay déu bat dau bang tién t6: a) 3. Dat tinh tit dé trong ngodc dun 6 nhiing cau dudi day cho ding cho. 1. Bring me something to drink (cool). no . The leaves turn in Autumn (yellow). ~ . Woullen clothes keep our bodies (warm). a . Shelley is poet (famous all over the world). . [thought him very (intelligent). on . Ping-pong is sport for boys and girls (good). . Lhave nothing to give you (interesting). ors . The corn waved in the wind (ripe, golden). 9, Vietnam is a country (rich and beautiful). 10. I found him still in his bed (asleep). 11. Constant rain kept the river (full). 12. Wealth doesn't make man (happy). 13. She has a basket of flowers (full). 14. Isn't she a girl (pretty)? 15. Aren't these oranges (delicious)? 16. Isn't the boy (clever)? Iv. TINH TU DUNG LAM DANH TU ‘Tinh tit cé thé dang lam danh ti trong mét sé trudng hgp. 49 Thi du: We should do everything to help the poor. Ching ta nén lam moi thit dé gitip dé ngudi nghéo. The old and the sick should be looked after. Nhiing ngudi gia va ngudi 6m nén duge cham s6c. Tinh chat ctia nhiing ti nay 1a: a) Thuéng cé gia tri sé nhiéu (chi mét loai ngudi), nhung khéng bao gié c6 s. Bao gid cing 6 mao tl the dting truéc. Thi du A blind man is unhappy (mét ngudi ma...) The blind are unhappy (nhitng ngudi mi...) b) Khéng dung duge vdi cach sé hitu. Thi du The wisdom of the old (khéng thé viét: The old's wisdom) BAI? Quy TAC SO SANH CUA TINH TU (Comparison of Adjectives) I-SO SANH BANG (Comparison of Equality) Cau khang as+adj+as [Nam isas tallas Ba. dinh va cau . Nam cao bing Ba. di. Js Nam as tall as Ba? Nam cé cao bang Ba khong? Cau phu dinh | not so + adjective + |Nam is not so tall as Van, as Nam khéng cao bang Van. 50 Bai tap 1. Ap dung quy tée so sinh bang ivong nhitng cau sau day. 1. The moon is not... the sun (bright). 2. Is the moon... the sun (bright)? 3. There are... days in July as in August (many)? 4. Are there . days in July as in August (many)? 5. Autumn is... Summer (pleasant). 6. Is Summer... Autumn (pleasant)? 7. Our teacher is... he looks (severe). 8. It is ... today as it was yesterday (hot). 9. Are you... your friend (strong)? 10. Is she... her sister (careful)? 2, Déi nhiing cau sau déy sang dang phit dinh: 1. Winter is a pleasant. as Spring. 2. Butterflies are as useful as bees. 3. There are as many insects in Spring as in Summer. 4. It is as cold today as it was yesterday. 5. He made as many mistakes as Nam. 6. She is as careful as her brother. 7. She gave me as much milk as I wanted. 8. Hanoi is as large as Moscow. Cha y: Nhan xét cach viét nhiing cau dudi day: 1. Viét nhu trén la dung quy tac nga phap, nhung déi khi trong thuc té ngudi ta vin viét: He did not make as many mistakes as Nam. 51 2. Trong cau nghi van pha dinh van thudng ding as... as. Aren't you as strong as your brother? I, SO SANH KEM (Comparison of Inferiority) les: adjective + than. English is less difficult than Russian. Tiéng Anh khéng kho bang tiéng Nga. Tuy nhién dang “not so... as" thuéng dude ding hon dang trén: English is not as difficult as Vietnamese. Y trong cau: "he is less stupid than I thought he was "cé thé din bang hai cach khac hay hon: - He is not so stupid as [ thought he was. Anh ta khéng ngu nhv tdi nghi. - He is cleverer than I thought he was. (Xem muc So sanh hon) Bai tap 3. Viét lai nhitng cau dudi day cho hay hon (nhitng cau dudi khong hay): 1. Your house is less near than I thought it was. 2. A train is less quick than a bus. 3. This street is less wide than the next one. 4. Nam is much less intelligent than his sister. 5. February is less hot than July. 6. Ready-made clothes are less expensive than tailor-made clothes. 52 7. The hill is less low than I thought it was. 8. My aunt is less old than you think she is. 9. The river was less shallow than he expected. 10. The sea was less smooth than I had hoped. II. SO SANH HON (Comparison of Superiority) Tinh tit ngdn (mot! hoac hai Am tiét) adj+er+than |Van is taller than Ba. \Van cao hon Ba. ‘Tinh tu dai more + adj + than|English is more difficult] than Vietnamese. ITigng Anh khé hon tiéng Viet. Ghi nhé: 1. Chi ¥ cach vidt mét sé tinh tiv 6 dang so sanh hon: a) heavy — heavier, happy — happier. y sau phy 4m chuyén thanh ier: b) hot — hotter, big - bigger. ‘Tinh tit tan cung bing mét nguyén 4m + mét phu am khi chuyén sang so sanh hon thi thém mét phu Gm + er: 2. C6 mét sé tinh tit cé dang so sanh hon dc biét Dang thudng Dang so sanh hon dac biét Good (well) better Bad (ill) lworse Little less (lesser) Many Much more 53 F farther ar further older Old elder late . Late oer latter Bai tap 4,Ap dung quy tac so sinh hon, dat céu vdi nhitng tu dudi day: 1. Leaf, wood (heavy) 2. Boys, girls (strong) 3. Highway, country road (narrow) 4. A train, a bus (slow) 5. A story-book, a school-book (interesting) 6. Nam, his brother (industrious) 7. Nam's work, Van's work (good) 8. Lan, Huong (old) 9. This exercise, the last one (difficult) 10. Summer, spring (hot) NHUNG CHI TIET DANG GHI NHO THEM VE TINH TU G DANG SO SANH HON 1. Véi nghia: Cang ngdy.... cing (double comparative) Tinh titngén | adj + er and adj +er [Days are getting shorter] and shorter. Ngay cang| ngay cang ngan di. Tinh tit dai more and more + adj |Our lessons become more! and more difficult. Bai hoc cha ching tdi cang! + ___|ngay cang khé hon. 54 - The weather is getting colder and colder. Thdi tiét ngay mét lanh hon. - In the Autumn the days grow shorter and shorter and the nights longer and longer. Vao mia thu ngay cang ngay cang ngdn hon va dém cang ngay cang dai hon. - The story seems more and more interesting. Cau chuyén hinh nhu ngay mét thd vi hon. 2. Chu ¥ cach dang tinh ti dang so sénh hon trong nhiing cau dudi day: a) The higher the sun (is), the shorter the shadow. Mat trai cang cao, bong cang ngan. b) The lower the sun (is), the longer the shadow. Mat trdi cang xuéng thap, bong cang dai ra. The more the merrier. Cang dong cang vui. b) The other day I went to the theatre. The play seemed the finer ta me as I had never seen it before. Hom no téi di téi nha hat. Déi vi t6i, vo kich dudng nhu Jai cang hay hon, nhu truée day téi chua xem bao gid. I am reading a curious book, it seems the more interesting to me as it is the first time I read it. Toi dang doc mot cuén sach day ta mo. Déi véi téi lai cang ly tha han vi la lan dau tién tdi duge doe. 3. Tinh tt 6 dang so sénh cé thé déing mét minh (khong di vdi than). — Véi mét danh tt hoac "onc": I want a better job. 55 Tdi muén mét cong viéc tét hon. This box is too small, give me a bigger one. Cai hép nay nhé qua, cho téi mt cai 1én han. — Lam bé ngit He is better now. Bay gid anh ay da kha hon. It is warmer this morning. Sang nay trdi dm hon. ~ Sau mét danh ti hode dai ti (dé lam bé ngii cho tan ngit) They have made the house bigger. Ho da lam cho ngéi nha én hon. You must keep your room cleaner. Anh phai git cho phéng cia anh sach hon. Trong tat ca nhiing trudng hdp trén déu c6 ngu ¥ so sanh tuy kh6ng ndi ra. 4. M6t sé tinh tu nhu: senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, ban than ching di ngu y so s4nh hgn, nén khéng thém "more", va theo sau 18 "to" cht khong phai "than". Tam junior to him. Toi nhé tudi han anh ay. His strength is superior to me. Stic cha anh Ay lén hon stic téi. IV. SO SANH CAO NHAT (Superlative of Superiority) Léi ghi: Quy tac so sanh bing, hon, kém chi dude 4p dung khi muén so snh mét ngudi (hoac mét vat) vdi mét ngudi (hodc mot vat) khac, gitta hai ngudi (vat) vdi nhau. 56 Khi muén so sanh mét ngudi (hoac mot vat) véi tat ca trong nhém thi ding quy tae "so sanh cao nhat". 1. So sanh cao nhat ‘Tinh ti ngan| the + adj + est |February is the shortest month of the year. Thang hai la thang ngdn nhat! trong nam. [Tinh tit dai | the most + adj |He is the most diligent of all the boys in my class. N6 1a hoc sinh] siéng nang nhat ldp téi. Thi du: This is the largest room of the house. Autumn is the finest season of the year. He is the tallest boy in my class. This is the most difficult of our lessons. 2, So sanh kém nhat (Superlative of Inferiority). Tat ca | the least |+ Ba is the least tall of the family. Ba thap| cac tinh + hat (kém cao) nhat trong nha. ti | adjective|+ She is the least diligent girl in my class. Co ay 1a hoe sinh kém siéng nang nhat trong lép téi. Cha y: Trong thuc té dang so sanh kém nhat it dung. Bang trén cé tinh chat gidi thiéu dé biét. Ghi cha: 1. Cé mét sé tinh tw d dang so sanh cao nhat khéng theo quy tac trén (xem muc So sanh hon) 57 Dang thuéng _|Dang so sAnh hon Dang so sanh cao nhat | Good (well) better best Bad (ill) worse worst Little less (lesser) least Many ‘ more mos Much farther farthest. Far further furthest, ola older loldest elder eldest lat latest Late er ates’ latter last 2. Trong cau dang tinh tw 6 dang so sanh cao nhat thudng dung in va of - in truée nhiing danh tw chi ndi chén hay thdi gian. - of trong tat ca cdc trudng hgp. Thi du: February is the shortest month of the year (in a year). Thang hai la thang ngan nhat trong nam. Steel is the most useful of all metals. Bai tap 5. Ap dung quy tdc so sinh cao nhét viét nhitng cau dudi day 1, Summer is (hot) month in a year. 2. Autumn is (pleasant) season of the year. 3. Nam is (intelligent) of Mr. Minh's sons. 4. Ba is (bad) boy at English in my class. 5. Lomonosov is one of (great) Russian scientists. 6. He is (good) boy at mathematics in his class. 7. Van took (ripe) of all the oranges. 8. Lan is (pretty) of them all. MOT VAI CHI TIET CAN GHI NHG THEM 1. Trong trudng hop so sanh mét ngudi (hoadc mét vat) vdi ca nhém ma chi gém c6 hai, ta van dig dang so sénh han, c6 thé ding trudc. She is the older and the more beautiful of the two sisters. Trong hai chi em, cé ay 1a chi va dep hon. My right hand is the stronger one, Tay phai cha téi 1A cAi tay khoé hon. 2. Older va oldest: Cé nghia 14 "gia hon", "gia nhat", cd thé dang cho ca ngudi lin vat. Nam is older than Van. Nam nhiéu tudi hdn Van. Nam is the oldest boy in my class. Nam 1a hoc sinh nhiéu tuéi nhat ldp téi. That is the oldest house in the city. Dé 1a ngéi nha cé nhat trong thanh phd. Elder va eldest: Chi dang véi ngudi va dé so sanh vé tudi cha anh chi em trong mét gia dinh cé nghia 1A: anh (chi) lén, anh (chi) ca. My elder brother is three years older than I. Anb téi hon téi ba tuéi. Nam is Linh's elder brother. Nam 14 anh cua Linh. 59 Lan is my eldest sister. Lan 1a chi ea. 3. Farther va farthest: Thuéng duge ding dé néi vé khoang cach, khéng gian. Haiphong is farther from Hanoi than Haiduong is. Hai Phong xa Ha Noi hon Hai Duong. Further va furthest: C6 thé ding dé néi vé khong gian, thdi gian, va further con cé nghia 14 "thém vao", "hon nia", It's not further than a mile from here. N6 cach day khéng qua mét dam. I will give you further details later. Téi sé cung c&p cho anh thém chi tiét. I shall need further help with this. Téi sé cAn sy gitip dé tiép tuc déi véi van dé nay. 4. Most + tinh tie. C6 thé dang dé dién ta "hét stic", "rat", "lam lm"... Trong nhitng truéng hgp nay ding mao tit a hodc khéng dung mao ti (néu danh tix sé nhiéu). 60 He is a most diligent boy. N6 1a mét em bé hét stic cn cu cham chi. He wrote me a most interesting letter. Anh ta da viét cho téi mét bic thu rat hay. There are most delicious cakes. C6 nhiing chiéc banh ngot rat ngon Janh. CHUGNG NAM DAI TU VA TINH TU (Pronouns and Adjectives) BAIS TINH TU VA DAI TU CHi DINH, BAT DINH, SO TU (Demonstrative and Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns, Numerals) I. GIGI THIEU Dai tw trong tiéng Anh cé nhiéu loai, trong dé co nhiing tir vita 1a dai ti viva 1a tinh tii. Cé thé chia ra nhu sau: 1. Dai tix chi ngéi (personal pronouns): I, we, you, he... 2. Dai tt chi dinh (demonstrative pronouns): This, that, these, those. 3. Dai tit bat dinh (indefinite pronouns): Some, any, each, one, somebody, everything... 4, S6 tu (numerals): Two, a hundred, the first... 5. Dai tit nghi van (interrogative pronouns): Who, what, which... 6. Dai tix sd hitu (possessive pronouns): Mine, yours... 7. Dai ty phan than (reflexive pronouns): Myself, yourself... 61 8. Dai tt quan hé (relative pronouns): _ Who, which, that... Chudng nay sé lan lugt gidi thiéu cdc loai dai tw va tinh ti, tri tinh tir miéu ta d& hoc d bai trude. IL. TINH TU VA DAI TU CHi DINH This, that, these, those 1. Tinh tw chi dinh So it + This book is mine. (Cuén sdch nay 1A cua tdi. + That book is yours. S4ch kia 1a cha anh. Sé nhiéu + These books are mince. Those books are yours. Nhan xét: Tinh tit chi dinh khong thay di theo gidng (cai, duc, trung). This boy, these boys; That man, those men. This girl, these girl; That woman, those women. This book, these books; That house, those houses. 2. Dai tw’ chi dinh So it + This is my brother. + That is my friend. Day 14 anh téi. ‘Kia la ban tdi. - What is this? |- What is that? - Itis a book. |- It is a pen. Sénhiéu These are my brothers. |Those are my friends. - What are these? - What are those? - They are books. - They are pens. 62 3. Ding véi dai tiv one/ones C6 thé dung "this, that, those" véi "one /ones" (néu trong cau 6 ngu y so sanh hodc chon lua). Tuy nhién cing khéng bat buéc tri trvdng hgp cé mét tinh tir di theo. Thi du: That chair is too big. I'll sit in this (one) Cai ghé kia 1én qua. T6i sé ngdi 6 (chiéc) nay. Don't buy those oranges, buy these (ones). Ding mua nhiing qua cam dé, hay mua nhiing qua nay. T want a dress. I'll buy this green one Téi can mét chiée vay. Toi sé mua c4i mau xanh nay. You carry the heavy cases. I'll bring these light ones. Anh mang nhiing chiéc vali nang. Tdi sé mang nhiing chiée nhe nay. HL. TINH TU VA DAI TU BAT DINH 1. Each, every - Each: Méi (trong hai hoac nhiéu nguii, vat...) Each vita 1a tinh tu via 1a dai ti. - Every: Moi, tat cA (ngudi, v: tinh tir. Sau "Each" va "Every", dong ti 6 ngéi thit ba sé it. Thi du: The teacher gave two books to each boy. Thay gido cho méi cau hai quyén sach. Two boys entered. Each (boy) was carrying a suitcase (every khéng ding dude trong trudng hgp nay). . Every chi duge dang lam Hai dita bé trai di vao. Méi dwa mang mét chiée vali. 63 This was a very long procession, every (each) man carrying a torch. Day la m6t dam ruéc rat dai, méi ngudi mang mét ngon dude. 2, Everybody, everyone, everything Everybody, everyone (moi ngudi, ai ai), everything (moi vat, moi tht, moi diéu) 1A dai tu. Tuy ham y sé nhiéu nhung dong tix luén luén 6 ngéi thi ba sé it. Thi du: Everyone (everybody) likes him. Moi ngudi déu thich anh ay. Everybody (everyone) who comes here admires the scenery. Tat ca nhitng ngudi dén day déu mé phong canh nay. I was late, everybody else was early. Téi dén mudn, tat ca nhiing ngudi khéc déu dén sém. He told the news to everybody. Anh 4y noi cho moi ngudi biét tin dé. Everything is in good order. Moi thit déu dau vao day, Everything that he said was true. Moi diéu anh ay néi déu ding. He thinks he knows everything. Anh dy nghi anh ay biét tat ca. 3. Either, neither Either, neither vita la tinh tw vita la dai tw a) Either: mot trong hai (ngudi, vat) Thi du: You may go by either road. Ban cé thé di theo mét trong hai con dutng. (Bang mét trong hai con dudng, hoac con dwang nay, hoac con dung kia, cA hai déu dugc) 64 There are shops on either side. (Cé ctta hiéu 6 ca hai bén dudng) (ca bén nay lan bén kia, 6 ca hai bén dudng déu c6 ctta hiéu) You can take either of these roads to the village. Ban cé thé di mét trong hai con dudng nay téi lang do. (M6ét trong hai con dudng) Do you like either of these? - No, I don't like either, (Ban cé thich ca c4i nay 14n cai kia khéng?) - khong thich c4 hai. no. either cé nghia "cing khéng" (either 1a pho ti, twing dudng vdi too trong cau khang dinh). Thi du: He is not an artist. I am not an artist, either. Anh ay khéng phai la nghé si. Tdi cing khéng. If you don't go, I shall not either. Néu anh khéng di, téi cing khong di. : b) Neither + dong tit 6 dang khang dinh = either + déng ti phi dinh. I like neither = I don't like either. Tai khéng thich cai nao ca. I can’t agree in either case = Téi khéng thé déng ¥ véi ca hai truéng hop. I can not agree in either case. Toi khéng thé déng ¥ vdi truéng hp nao hét. Neither hay duge diing 6 ddu edu va cé thé ding mét minh trong cau tra di cho mét cau hdi. Neither of them was any good. Which did you buy? - Neither. Ca hai déu khéng tét. Anh mua cai ndo? Chang cai nao-ca. Neither of the books is of use to me. Which will you have? - Neither. 65 4. Some, any, no a) Some, any, no: dung lam ti ‘inh ti Co thé ding cA véi danh ti chi vat dém duge (countable noun) va danh tit chi vat khéng dém duge (non - countable noun). quy TAC CO BAN 1. Some ding trong c4u khang! dinh I have some books. There is some milk in the glass. [Any ding trong cau phu dinh,| Inghi van. No = not any. I have not any books. I have no book. Have you any books? There is not any milk in the’ glass. There is no milk in the glass. Is! there any milk in the glass? 2. Some c6 thé dang trong cAu Ihoi: ja) Khi ngu y mdi moc, yéu cau, dé nghi. {Will you have some tea? Will you have some wine? Will you carry some of these cases for me, please? b) Khi ngudi ta dén truéc, doan chac ho&e mong dgi cau tra 1di "06" Did you put some matches in lyour pocket? (ngu ¥ chae 1a anh cO mang mot it diém trong tui) roi chi?) 66 [Any duoc ding sau “hardly", “barely scarely" va "it" ys Ihave hardly any money. There are scarcely any flowers jin the garden. If I find any of your books, I'll send them to you. If you have any difficulty, ask; me for help. iAny trong cau khang dinh thwdng cé nghia 1a bat ctt (ngudi| nao, cai gi?...) You can take any book you like from my bookcase. (Anh ¢6 thé lay bat ct cuén sAch nao anh Unich trén gid sdch cua téi).

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