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Project Overview:

Restaurant Management App


 It aims to streamline various aspects of running a restaurant, including:

 Order management
 Table reservations
 Inventory tracking
 Staff scheduling
 Customer engagement

 It will offer both:

 Front-end features for customers, such as
i. Online ordering
ii. Table booking
 Back-end functionalities for restaurant staff, such as
i. Order processing
ii. Inventory management
Project Goal:
The main goal of the project is to develop a user-
friendly and efficient restaurant management app
that connects customers with local restaurants,
facilitating online ordering, reservations, and
menu exploration.
Design Strategy:

 We prioritize simplicity, intuitiveness, and accessibility in our

design decisions.
 Additionally, we focus on customization and scalability to
accommodate restaurants of varying sizes and needs.
Design Process:

1. Discovery: Conduct market research, gather requirements, and define

project scope.
2. User Research: Interviews, surveys, and usability testing with target
3. Ideation: Brainstorming sessions and concept sketches.
4. Prototyping: Create low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes for testing
and iteration.
5. Design Refinement: Incorporate user feedback and finalize the UI/UX
6. Development: Collaborate with the development team for
7. Testing and Launch: Conduct final testing and prepare for app launch.
Project Timeline:

Research and Planning Phase: 1 month

Design and Prototyping Phase: 2 months

Development Phase: 3 months

Testing and Iteration Phase: Half month

Launch and Deployment Phase: Half month

User Research:

 Interviews with 20 potential users (10 customers, 10 restaurant owners)

 Online surveys with 100
 Usability testing of competitor
apps and early prototypes
User Persona:

Restaurant Owner: Sarah, 40, owns a medium-sized restaurant.

She's tech-savvy but seeks solutions to streamline operations and
increase profitability.

Restaurant Manager: David, 35, manages a busy restaurant. He

needs tools to efficiently manage staff, inventory, and customer

Customer: Emily, 25, enjoys dining out and values convenience.

She prefers restaurants that offer online ordering and reservations.

Pain points: Lengthy reservation processes, outdated restaurant

Empathy Map:

Visualizing Sarah's, David's, and Emily's thoughts, feelings,

actions, and pain points helps us empathize with their needs and
tailor the app to address them effectively.
Information Architecture:

The app's information architecture includes menus, tables, orders,

reservations, inventory,
staff management,
analytics, and customer
It's organized in a
logical and intuitive
manner to facilitate
easy navigation and
access to relevant

1. Browse and search restaurants

2. View restaurant details (menu, reviews, photos)

3. Make a reservation or place an order

4. Track order status and provide feedback

UI Kits:

We provide a comprehensive UI kit comprising buttons, icons,

typography, color schemes, and layout templates that maintain

consistency and branding throughout the app.

The primary color palette will consist of: -
 Primary Color:
#FF6B00 (Vibrant Orange)
#000000 (Black)
#FFFFFF (White)
 Secondary Color:
#FFC107 (Amber)
#FF0000 (Red)
 Accent Color:
#4CAF50 (Green)
This color scheme aims to create a warm, appetizing, and vibrant
atmosphere for the app.

With this project overview in place, we can proceed to further

develop each aspect to bring your restaurant management app to

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