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R Studio Online: Access Guidance

Welcome to R Studio Online, a web-based platform that enables you to use R and R Studio directly in
your web browser. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for accessing R Studio Online, along with
a simple example to verify its functionality. Feel free to share this guide with your students for their
upcoming R programming class.

Accessing R Studio Online:

1. Open Your Web Browser: Launch your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla

2. Go to the Login Page: Visit the following URL in your browser:

3. Log In or Sign Up:

• Existing Users: If you have an account, click "Log In" and provide your username and

• New Users: For newcomers, click "Sign Up" to create a new account.

4. Dashboard: Upon logging in, you'll be directed to your R Studio Online dashboard, where you
can manage your R projects.

Step-by-Step Guide: Running a Basic R Script

Follow these steps to execute a simple R script and ensure R Studio Online is functioning correctly:

1. Create a New Project:

• Click "New Project" on your dashboard.

• Select "New Directory" and assign a name (e.g., "ExampleProject").

• Click "Create Project."

2. Open R Script:

• Access your project files on the right side of the screen.

• Click "New" and choose "R Script" to establish a new R script file.

3. Write R Code:

• Within the R script file, input the following code:

Copy the R code

# This is a simple R script

x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

mean_value <- mean(x)

4. Run Code:

• Highlight the desired code lines.

• Click the "Run" button (green arrow) located above the script editor.

5. View Output:

• Observe the code's output in the console panel beneath the script editor. The mean
value of the entered numbers should be displayed.


You've successfully accessed, logged in to, and executed a basic R script in R Studio Online. This guide
should facilitate a smooth start to your experience with cloud-based R programming.

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