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Drugs is a silent killer. Do you that the drugs are the binger of every disrespect activity like
Our respected English teacher miss Ally Florence and all the handsome class mate’s lady and
gentlemen’s (a very warm good morning to you all).
First of all, lets just express our gratitude towards Almighty GOD for giving us yet another
day to enjoy the morning sunshine and the beauty of school Bishop Epalle sail on.
Indeed, its a great pressure for me to be here at front to deliver my speech according to the
topic at hand, impact of drug on students’ health and learning. There are two different drug
that are use by student that is the healer drug and the killer drug. But today am going to
elaborate mainly on the killer drug, the one that are taking for enjoyment without realize its
effect upon them and its like they put a sharp knife at their own neck. And that is marijuana
and alcohol discuss to you the how it can destroy students’ goal in educational journey and
the good of their health. Therefore, pay close attention to realize why student are not allow
to take drugs.
Firstly, marijuana, how it destroys students learning. Student, our brain is actively
developing and continues to develop until around age of 25. Marijuana use during young
age can harm the developing brain. Making the brain to be difficult to maintain attention to
the teacher teaching in classes. In the hand its quite difficult for the brain to solve problems
for example class activities, can disturb the memory for studying instance fill with
hallucination, paranoia and not knowing what is real. Therefore, they take the class lesson
for granted.
Lady and gentlemen’s what dose marijuana do to the student’s health. Being a student, our
health is very import that’s why school always encourage us do to proper hair cut, not
colour your lips with smoking of cigarette that turn into black in colour looks like an old
woman sick with heart problem.
Secondly, Impact of alcohol on student health. Alcohol can destroy our live, our educational
aim and it is our enemies. If you are addicted to alcohol, it makes us doing bad thing than
we think. Alcohol has an impact on our life, our health and learning, it can destroy our
family. Alcohol consumption affect the risk of death, different disease, injuries and mental
illness. Too much drinking alcohol for one time can damage the heart and cause problem
such as stretching and drooping of the heart muscles. Irregular heartbeat, stroke, high blood
pressure and even accidents. You know what, all the accident that happen in our city
Honiara, Solomon Island are because of too much drinking to alcohol? And student, do you
think you can school with all the alcohol effect? Its quite difficult and at the end you will
droop out from school either you get suspended from school or you sick because of alcohol
Lady and gentlemen’s how can alcohol affect student learning, well then here is the
suggestion. If you student taking to much it can damage an area in the brain that are
responsible for your learning and your memory for memorising your note. Also, your verbal
skill and visual-spatial cognition. Those effect can change the mood and the behaviour of
students and make them more difficult to think clearly and move condition.

Lastly, I would like to conclude by saying that drug is like a hungry lion comes to destroy and
kill both young people and adult peoples. Marijuana is a devil that can destroy the student
learning by damaging the brain making it a problem with our memory and ability to learn.
Our health by giving us more mental disorder like not knowing what is real. In the other
hand alcohol also affect our learning in the way that interfere with the communication
channel of the brain and affect the appearance and the function of the brain. Also, our
health by giving us more disease that means it put our life into big risk. Therefore, student
now you all why student shouldn’t take drugs. I appeal for you all to make your wish
decision now either either to continue or put a stop to drugs and either take drugs or not
take drugs. And remember your future, Shema’s to bright and full of achievement.

Once again to our English teacher miss Alley Florence, student leaders and fellow class
mate’s lady and gentlemen’s.


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