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Safety Campaign: Think Before You Act!

Purpose and Scope

The aim of unsafe act and unsafe condition campaign is to raise awareness, prevent injuries and any other
negative events on board our fleet by identifying and reporting any unsafe act and/or condition.
By identify, report, and correct hazards, related to deviations of stablished safety protocols and physical elements
that poses a potential risk or harm. Crewmembers and Office staff can take corrective actions and improve the
safety culture of our organization, as well in personal life.

Starting Date: 16th of October 2023

Running until: 16th of April 2024

Reference documents

• Unsafe Act / Unsafe Condition Posters.

• Unsafe Act / Unsafe condition reporting form.
• Safety – Security committee meeting from 02.08.01
• Key performance indicators Document reference 01.14.01

Campaign description

A safe workplace is of paramount importance for safeguarding employees and fostering a productive
environment. To Achieve this, it is crucial to address two key aspects: Unsafe conditions and unsafe acts, terms
that are related to workplace safety. They refer to the physical or behavioral factors that can cause harm to the
crew, equipment, or the environment. Understanding the difference between these terms is fundamental to
promoting a safe workplace on board our vessels.

As general definitions:

Unsafe Acts are actions or behaviors that deviate from established safety protocols. These actions can range from
disregarding safety guidelines to failing to use PPE correctly. Such acts not only jeopardize the individual involved
but also pose risks to other crewmembers.
Unsafe Conditions are physical hazards in the workplace that can cause harm or injury, such as faulty wiring or
slippery floors. These may include poor housekeeping, inadequate lighting or ventilation, malfunctioning
equipment, or improper handling of hazardous materials.

Unsafe conditions are hazards in the work environment, such as poor lighting, slippery floors, faulty machinery,
or exposure to toxic substances. Unsafe acts are the actions or behaviors of employees that deviate from the
established safety protocols, such as not wearing PPE, ignoring warning signs, or acting recklessly.

Doc ref: DP-01 Mooring Operations - General Owner: QSE Page 1 of 3

Version No: 01 Checked by: QSE Director
Revision date: 01-11-2023 Approved by: Managing Director
As a graphic example:

Importance if Identifying Unsafe Acts and Conditions:

Identifying unsafe acts and unsafe conditions can help prevent these negative outcomes by allowing timely
intervention and correction of the hazards. By proactively addressing the potential risks, Uniteam Marine staff
can reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries as well as other negative events. It will also improve the well-
being and satisfaction of our seafarers by creating a safe, healthy, and secure work environment on board our
fleet. Enhancing the productivity and efficiency of the work process by eliminating interruptions and errors.
Furthermore, embrace compliance with ISM Code and industry standards and protect the image and reputation
of our organization.

Therefore, identifying unsafe acts and unsafe conditions is essential for maintaining a safe and sustainable
workplace on board our fleet.

Consequently, a safety campaign named “Think before you act” for raising awareness and improving our safety
standards fostering a culture of safety among seafarers and shore staff, we are aiming to identify at least, total
of four (4) unsafe acts / unsafe conditions per month.

Doc ref: DP-01 Mooring Operations - General Owner: QSE Page 2 of 3

Version No: 01 Checked by: QSE Director
Revision date: 01-11-2023 Approved by: Managing Director
The initial focus will be in good housekeeping, paying particular attention to the:

• Safe and secure storage of loose items.

• Doors properly secure, etc.
• Good maintenance of fittings and fixtures.
• Excessive leaks.
• Adequate illumination of all work/transit areas.
• Avoidance of overloading of electrical circuits.
• Clear and legible IMO signs/operational notices; and
• Proper clearance, segregation, and disposal of garbage/waste residues

The vessel actions:

1) Study the campaign during an unscheduled shipboard safety committee meeting and understand the
2) Display the campaign to the safety and environmental board.
3) Print attached files and display Unsafe Act / condition poster at conspicuous places, e.g., recreation room,
wheelhouse, engine control room, etc.
4) Create Own Poster with pictures taken on board for an actual unsafe Condition and a simulated Unsafe
Act. Share with Office.
5) Report at least 04 Unsafe Acts /Condition, not later than 48 hours on being identified, as follows:
a. Sent to QSE function email:

QSE Function actions:

6) Distribute campaign to fleet and Office staff.

7) Discuss with Head of Departments campaign objectives to encourage implementation from other than
QSE functions.
8) Include in Pre-Joining briefings Unsafe acts / conditions initiative.
9) Collect Unsafe Act / Poster created by ship’s staff and send it across the fleet as good practice identify
on board the fleet.
10) Identify safety campaign champion on quarterly basis and circulate across the fleet as good practice
and best safety example.
11) Analize trend, identify systematic issues, and create strategies to improve safety protocols.
12) Create an statistic date to analyse effectiveness of campaign in reducing injuries and negative events.

Doc ref: DP-01 Mooring Operations - General Owner: QSE Page 3 of 3

Version No: 01 Checked by: QSE Director
Revision date: 01-11-2023 Approved by: Managing Director

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