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Leadership is a skill that, although not discussed very often, stands as the

foundation of our entire society. But as with many other important concepts, it
can often be found at the centre of a myriad arguments and debates. One of
the main questions that can be attributed to our understanding of leadership is
whether younger or older people make better leaders.
Firstly, the truth of the matter is that both groups have specific areas of
expertise in which they excel. Young people are decently proficient in seeking
out and implementing innovation and progress through both social and
technological means, while the older generations prefer to follow tried and
true options, using the experience they have gained over the entirety of their
lives. Greta Thunberg is an exemplary leader of an environmental awareness
movement, fact which could not have become reality if not for her fiery
determination and reformist point of view. The protests that were started at
her initiative have managed to garner worldwide attention, bringing the issue
of global warming to the forefront of societal consciousness. Another person
that is often used as an outstanding example of leadership is Martin Luther
King Jr. And while he was also passionately advocating for change throughout
his whole life, his modus operandi could be considered more old-fashioned in
some ways. The speeches of Dr. King were written from a perspective of faith
and hope for a better future.
On the other hand, there cannot be any perfect leaders. Some young people
tend to make rash decisions, which could compromise their whole operation,
while the older members of our communities may prove to be less prone to
change. This is why we must strive to incorporate the best aspects of every
type of approach to leadership.
To sum up, there is no real discrepancy in effectiveness when it comes to
differently aged people in leader positions. I believe that choosing someone
who represents one’s interests is of utmost importance, their workstyle being
far more important than their age.

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