Lec 06

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Digital Signal Processing

Spring 2024

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 1

Week 7
Material taken from:
Discrete time Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Schafer – 3rd Edition

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 2

Frequency Response of LTI

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 3

Frequency Response of LTI Systems

Y ( z)  H ( z) X ( z)
• At unit circle z = e jw
jw jw jw
Y (e )  H (e ) X (e )
jw jw jw
| Y (e ) || H (e ) |  | X (e ) |
jw jw jw
 | Y (e ) |  | H (e ) |  | X (e ) |
• H(ejw) defines magnitude and phase change at each frequency

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 4

Magnitude and Phase Response
• Magnitude and phase change caused by LTI system may be desirable
or undesirable (magnitude/phase distortion)
• Phase of complex number is not unique (modulo 2p)
• Principal value of phase of H(ejw)  ARG[H(ejw)],
where,  p  ARG H (e jw )  p
• Any general angle can be represented in terms of principal value as
 
H (e jw )  ARG H (e jw )  2pr (w )

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 5

Wrapped phase
Unwrapped phase

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 6

Ideal filter
H lp (e jw )
Ideal Lowpass
Computationally w
Unrealizable p  wc wc p

1 | w | wc sin wc n
H lp (e )   hlp (n) 
0 wc  w  p pn
• Non-causal
• Zero phase
Causal approximation of this ideal filter must have non-zero phase response

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 7

Ideal filter with linear phase

e  jwnd
| w | wc
H lp (e )  
0 wc  w  p
sin wc (n  nd )
hlp (n)  ,   n  
p(n  nd )

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 8

Phase Distortion – Ideal Delay

hid (n)   (n  nd )
| H id (e ) | 1
H id (e )  wnd | w | p
Delay Distortion is considered a rather mild
form of phase distortion because of simple
correction possibility
Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 9
Group Delay as a measure of phase linearity

jw d
 (w )  grd [ H (e )]   {arg[ H (e jw )]}

 Linear Phase  (w)=constant

 The deviation of (w) away from a constant indicates the degree of nonlinearity
of the phase
 Group delay is a function of frequency indicating amount of delay applied to
each frequency component of input signal
 Non-constant group delay means different frequency components undergo
different delays

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 10

Wrapped/Unwrapped Phase Example

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 11

Group Delay Example

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 12

Group Delay-Illustration

System Info.


Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 13


Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 14


Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 15

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