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Digital Signal Processing

Spring 2024

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 1

Week 9
Material taken from:
Discrete time Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Schafer – 3rd Edition

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 2


Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 3

Linear Constant Coefficient Difference
• Nth order difference equation

• Used to represent (some) LTI systems

• Used in computational implementation of signal processing systems
Ideal Delay System y ( n )  x ( n  nd )
1 M2
Moving Average (causal) y ( n)  
M 2  1 k 0
x(n  k )

Accumulator y (n)  y (n  1)  x(n)

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 4

• Rewriting
1 M N
y[n]  { bk x[n  k ]   ak y[n  k ]}
a0 k 0 k 1

• This is a recursive equation

• Solving for y[n] we need y[n-1],.... y[n-N] (Auxiliary Conditions)

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 5

• Many distinct difference equations can be used to represent a given LTI
input–output relation
1 M2
• E.g. a causal moving average system y ( n)   x(n  k )
M 2  1 k 0
can be represented by:

• Without additional constraints a linear constant coefficient difference

equation for discrete-time systems does not provide a unique specification
of the output for a given input
• If a system is characterized by a linear constant-coefficient difference
equation and is further specified to be linear, time invariant, and causal,
then the solution is unique.

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 6

1 M N

LCCDE y[n]  { bk x[n  k ]   ak y[n  k ]}

a0 k 0 k 1

• If N=0, then:
1 M
y[n]   bk x[n  k ]
a0 k 0
• No recursion, so no auxiliary conditions required
h[n]    n  k 
k  0 a0

• FIR System

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 7

• Moving average system as a causal FIR system
1 M2
y ( n)   x(n  k )
M 2  1 k 0

• Recursive representation of the same system

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 8

System Characterization by LCCDE
Discrete-time filters are most typically realized through the implementation of a linear
constant-coefficient difference equation

k 0
k y (n  k )   bk x(n  k )
k 0
Y ( z ) ak z  k  X ( z ) br z  k
k 0 k 0
Y ( z ) k 0  k
b z
H ( z)   N
X ( z )  a z k
k 0

Difference Equation and system function are two different representations of the same
Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 9
System Function - Factored form

• Contributes poles at 0 and zeros at ck

 b0   k )
(1  c z 1

H ( z )    k 1
 a0 
 k )
(1 
k 1
d z 1

• Contributes zeros at 0 and poles at dk

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 10

System Function – Stability/Causality
• A system function does not uniquely specify a system unless we know the ROC
• Different choices of ROC lead to different impulse responses

• For Causality:
• ROC of H(z) must be outside the largest pole
• For Stability:
• ROC includes the unit circle
• For both
• All poles are inside the unit circle

• See Chapter 5 Example 2 in Oppenheim (3rd Ed.)

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 11

Inverse System
• For a given LTI system with system function H(z), the corresponding
inverse system is defined to be the system with system function Hi(z)
such that if it is cascaded with H(z), the overall effective system
function is unity

g(n) = h(n)* hi(n) = (n)

j 1
H i (e ) 
H (e j )
Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 12
Inverse System
• Not all systems have inverse systems but a class of systems do

 b0   (1  ck z )

 a0   k )
(1  d z 1

H ( z )    k 1
N H i ( z )    k 1
 a0 
 k )
k 1
 d z 1
 b0 
 k )
(1  c z 1

k 1

Zeros Zeros

Poles Poles
• ROC of Hi(z) must be overlapping with that of H(z)
• See Example 3 and 4 (Chapter 5 Oppenheim 3rd Ed.)
Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 13
First order system
with numerator factor
(Frequency response for a single zero) Dip of log magnitude
close to ω = 
(1  re j e  j )
r = 0.9

Large phase change

around ω = 

Dip of group delay

close to ω = 

Zulaikha Kiran, 2024 14

Pole zero vector diagram
Simple way to approximate freq. response
j 1 ( z-re j )
H ( z )  (1  re z )  , r 1

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