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Essentials of Educational Psychology:

Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

6th Edition Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
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(eTextbook PDF) for Essentials of Educational

Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching 5th

Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Loose-Leaf

Version 9th Edition Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

(eBook PDF) Educational Psychology for Learning and

Teaching, 6th Edition

Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching 7th

Edition Sue Duchesne
How to Manage: The Definitive Guide to Effective
Management, 6th Edition Jo Owen

How to Lead: The definitive guide to effective

leadership, 6th Edition Jo Owen

Educational Psychology 7th Edition John W. Santrock

Wild learning : practical ideas to bring teaching

outdoors Rachel Tidd

Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition, 15th

Edition Anita Woolfolk

Essentials of
Educational Psychology
Big Ideas to Guide Effective Teaching

Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

University of Northern Colorado, Emerita

Brett D. Jones
Virginia Tech
Content Development: Curtis Vickers
Content Management: Rebecca Fox-Gieg
Content Production: Janelle Rogers
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis, author. | Jones, Brett D., author.

Title: Essentials of educational psychology : big ideas to guide effective
teaching / Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, University of Northern Colorado,
Emerita, Brett D. Jones, Virginia Tech.
Description: Sixth edition. | Hoboken : Pearson, [2023] | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021042085 | ISBN 9780136817826 (paperback) | ISBN
9780136817628 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Educational psychology—Textbooks.
Classification: LCC LB1051 .O663 2023 | DDC 370.15—dc23
LC record available at


ISBN-10:     0-13-681782-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-681782-6
To Olivia, Miles, and Jack Fox (from Jeanne)

To Mia and Jack Jones (from Brett)
About the Authors

Jeanne Ellis Ormrod received her A.B. in psychology from Brown University and
her M.S. and Ph.D. in educational psychology from The Pennsylvania State U ­ niversity. She
earned licensure in school psychology through postdoctoral work at Temple U ­ niversity
and the University of Colorado at Boulder and has worked as a middle school geography
teacher and school psychologist. Dr. Ormrod was Professor of Educational Psychology at
the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) until 1998 and is currently Professor Emerita
in UNC’s School of Psychological Sciences. She has published and presented extensively
on cognition and memory, cognitive development, instruction, and related topics but
is probably best known for this book and four others: Human ­Learning (currently in its
8th ­edition); Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (10th edition, coauthored with
Eric Anderman and Lynley Anderman); Child Development and Education (coauthored with
Teresa McDevitt, currently in its 7th edition); and Practical Research (coauthored with Paul
Leedy, currently in its 12th edition). After raising three children (two of whom have become
teachers themselves), she now lives in New Hampshire with her husband, Richard. Within
the past few years, she has had the good fortune to visit schools in diverse cultural settings,
including Rwanda, Tanzania, Thailand, Malaysia, and Peru’s Amazon region.

Brett D. Jones is Professor of Educational Psychology in the School of Education at

Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). He received his B.A.E.
in architectural engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and his M.A. and
Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Jones has held faculty positions as an educational psychologist at Duke University,
the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, and Virginia Tech. He has taught over
20 different types of university courses related to motivation, cognition, and teaching
strategies. Dr. Jones has also conducted workshops and invited presentations at many
universities and has presented more than 150 research papers at conferences. His research,
which includes examining instructional methods that support students’ motivation and
learning, has led to more than 100 research articles, several book chapters, and two other
books (Motivating Students by Design: Practical Strategies for Professors and The Unintended
Consequences of High-Stakes Testing, the latter of which was coauthored with M. Gail Jones
and Tracy Hargrove). He and his wife stay busy with their two children, who enjoy school,
athletics, and cheering for the Hokies, Nittany Lions, and Tar Heels.


About This Book

Welcome to the interesting field of educational psychology! We’re excited to share with you
the many psychological concepts and principles that are related to teaching and learning.
Our goal in writing this book was not only to make these concepts and principles easy to
understand but also to provide readers with research-based teaching strategies that they
could use to help their students learn in a developmentally appropriate manner.
Two primary characteristics distinguish this book from most other educational psy-
chology textbooks: its shorter length and its organization into “Big Ideas.” We used the
word Essentials in the title of the book because we’ve distilled the many ideas in edu-
cational psychology down to the essential, big ideas. As a result, this book has only 10
chapters instead of the 15 chapters or so that are typical in many educational psychology
textbooks. This shorter book allows students to spend more time understanding concepts
in-depth instead of covering more topics in less depth. For example, in a 15-week course,
instructors could spend two weeks on some chapters instead of just one. Or, they could
provide supplementary readings or case studies to delve deeper into some of the chapter
With respect to the book’s organization, each chapter is divided into about four Big
Ideas that are further divided into important principles and teaching strategies. ­Organizing
the book’s chapters by Big Ideas focuses students on the most important educational psy-
chology ideas and teaching strategies. The traditional approach to teaching and writing
about educational psychology is to cover one theory at a time, explaining its assumptions
and principles and then identifying implications for educational practice. But in our exten-
sive experience in teaching educational psychology to college students, we’ve had suc-
cess in teaching our courses differently, focusing more on commonalities than differences
among theories. In fact, although researchers from different traditions have approached
human cognition and behavior from many different angles, they sometimes arrive at more
or less the same conclusions. The language they use to describe their observations is often
different, to be sure, but beneath all the terminology are certain nuggets of truth that can be
remarkably similar. We’ve tried to integrate these ideas from many theoretical perspectives
into what is, for us, a general set of principles and strategies that educational psychology
as a whole can offer teachers.
Chapter 1 introduces readers to how teachers can develop expertise, how they can
use research findings, and how readers can implement strategies to learn and study more
effectively. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 focus on many different factors that can affect learning,
including the brain, cognition, memory, complex cognitive processes (e.g., self-regulation,
transfer, problem solving), and the social and cultural environments in which the learn-
ing takes place. We then consider the effects of motivation (Chapter 5) and development
(Chapters 6 and 7) on students’ learning and achievement. The last three chapters of the
book build on the earlier ones to offer recommendations for instruction (Chapter 8), class-
room management (Chapter 9), and assessment (Chapter 10).

vi Preface

Pedagogical Features
The book includes a variety of features that can help readers better understand, remember,
and apply what they’re reading. These features are provided here in a bulleted list along
with an example of each.

Photo by Unsplash
• Big Ideas: Each chapter begins with about four Big Ideas—overarching principles that
provide a general organizational scheme for the chapter’s content.

Big Ideas to Master in this Chapter

4.1 Learners’ behaviors and cognitive processes are influenced by the

specific stimuli and consequences in their immediate environment.
4.2 Learners co-construct their knowledge with others.

4.3 The cultural and societal contexts in which learners grow up also
influence their behaviors and cognitive processes.
4.4 Although various environmental contexts influence learners and
their development, so, too, do learners influence the environments in
which they live and grow.

• Case Studies: Immediately following the list of Big Ideas presented at the beginning
of each chapter is a Case Study that introduces some of the ideas and issues that we
address in the chapter. Throughout each chapter, we periodically revisit the case to
offer new insights and interpretations.

130 Case Study: Why Jack Wasn’t in School

Jack, a Native American seventh-grader, lived in the Navajo Nation in the American Southwest.
Although he enjoyed school, worked hard in his studies, and got along well with classmates, School
he’d been absent from school all week. In fact, he’d been absent from home as well, and his 4.1
family (which didn’t have a telephone) wasn’t sure exactly where he was. Jack’s English teacher Context
M04_ORMR3618_06_SE_C04.indd 130 described the situation to Donna Deyhle, an educator who had known Jack for many years: 08/09/21 15:30

That seventh-grader was away from home for 5 days, and his parents don’t care! . . . Almost and Cognition
one-third of my Navajo students were absent this week. Their parents just don’t support
their education. How can I teach when they are not in my classes?
A few days later, Jack’s sister explained why her parents had eventually begun to look for Jack:
He went to see [the film] Rambo II with friends and never came home. If he was in trouble
we would know. But now the family needs him to herd sheep tomorrow. Learning
It was spring—time for the family to plant crops and shear the sheep—and all family members
needed to help out. Jack’s whereabouts were soon discovered, and the family stopped by
Donna’s house to share the news:
Jack’s dad said, “We found him.” His mother turned in his direction and said teasingly, Contexts
“Now maybe school will look easy!” Jack stayed at home for several days, helping with the
irrigation of the corn field, before he decided to return to school.1

Before you continue, please answer the following questions:

1. Did you interpret Jack’s absence from school in the same way his English teacher did,
concluding that “his parents don’t care” about his education? If so, how might your own 4.4
cultural background have influenced your conclusion? Environments
2. Like most parents, Jack’s mother and father cared deeply about his school achievement
and general well-being. What alternative explanations might account for their behaviors in Environment
this situation?


Quite possibly you concluded that Jack and his parents don’t place much value on for-
Exam: Adam
mal education. If so, your conclusion might have been based on two widely held beliefs
in your culture: (1) School should take priority over most activities at home and else-
where and (2) responsible parents insist that their children attend school. In reality, most
5.2 Internal Factors That Affect Learners’ Motivation and Engagement 205
Preface vii

It might seem paradoxical that learners who want to be successful 3.4 Thinking 119
• Guiding Principles
would actuallyandtryKey Strategies:
to undermine Boldfaced
their Guiding
own success. But ifPrinciples and KeyFigure
they believe
5.14 In this interview, a student
explains why she sometimes doesn’t work
are provided throughout
they’re unlikely to the
no to
matter highlight
what they key
especially and
if concrete
creativity skills.133 A particular advantage is that they can be designed in ways that recom-
very keep
hard on her assignments
mendations will reflect
students’ can poorly
cognitive loadonwithin
their intelligence
teachers and ability—they
in their decision
reasonable bounds making
and increase their
and classroom
appropriately structure practices.
and guide
chances justifying Interviewer: What if you don’t do so well?
students’ofefforts. 134 the failure and thereby protecting their self-worth (see

Figure 5.14).136 Student: Then you’ve got an excuse. . . . It’s

just easier to cope with if you think you
Help students
Curiously, avoid
some mental
learners setslikely
are more when to engaging in creative
perform at their best and problem
haven’t put as much work into it.
less likely
solving. to display self-handicapping behaviors when outside, uncontrol-
Interviewer: What’s easier to cope with?
lable circumstances
To avoid seemingly
mental sets that excludeminimize their
potentially chances
effective of success.
approaches andInsolutions,
such it’sStudent:
helpful From feeling like a failure because
cases, failure doesn’t
to encourage studentsindicate lowsituations
to encode ability and
it doesn’tin
multipletheir you’re not good at it. It’s easier to say, “ I
ways, as demon-
stratedofbyself-worth. 137
these examples:
failed because I didn’t put enough work into
it.” than “I failed because I’m not good at it.”
Learners identifytowhat
• Ask students work are, in their minds,
in cooperative the
groups to identify 3.2different
causes Transfer waysMartin,
of A. J., Marsh, H. W., Williamson, A., & Debus,
of their successes
• See for Yourself exercises:
a and
single failures.
problem on paper—perhaps as a formula,
We often put readers themselves in the position
a table,
R. L. and
(2003). aSelf-handicapping, defensive pessimism, and goal
orientation: of a study of university students. Journal of
A qualitative
try to make sense of their experiences, such as when they try to Educational Psychology, 95, 617–628.
“learner” and ask them
• Have
engage in a short learning or thinking teaching
problem before
Many of
identify thestudents
reasons for potential
success ways
or failure inofparticular
solving asituations. We can the
these See For Yourself
see this exercises
or procedures
in a 7-year-old are similar to
an expert would
boy’s explanation ones
to his use we’ve used
to solve
father 136 in our own educational
it. he missed two free-throw
as to why
psychology •classes.
shots When aOur
duringengaging students
basketball game:have
in divergent “The found
thinking, we
ask them
were to betake
students to quite
at helpful
thewasn’t in
as good
perspective making
as the
of others
other one.” (Note
have a that the
variety explanations
of roles. For children
example, provide
when don’t
concepts and principles more “real” for them—and hence more vivid, understand-
who creating aalways
list of align with
possible reality!)
novel uses
To gain
forinsight into the(besides
an umbrella kinds ofkeeping
a personyou dry
in themight
people try
able, and memorable. An example of such an exercise follows.
ing exercise.
think about how an umbrella could be reused by an artist, chef, physician, mechanic,
and athlete.137
• Take students for a walk around the school or outside while considering creative
See solutions.
For Yourself
The location of the walk doesn’t matter, simply the act of walking can help
Carberry and become
students Seville more creative.138
• Professor Josiah S.engage
Before students Carberryinhas just returned
a creative the first
activity, exam,them
show scored and graded,
examples of in your solu-
advanced psychoceramics class. You discover that you’ve received one of the few 139 high test
tions or have them copy examples that include aspects of creativity. For
grades in the class, an A–. Why did you do so well when most of your classmates did poorly?
Jot could possible
down several copy more abstractfor
explanations (and
whylessyou realistic)
might havedrawings
received a before starting
high grade in their
own Carberry’s
2. An hour later, you get the results of the first test in Professor Barbara F. Seville’s sociocosmetol-
• ogy
When providing
class, practice
and you learn problems,
that you failed it!mix
Whythe did kinds
you do of
so problems
poorly? Jotthat
downstudents tackle in
several possible
any single
reasons for practice this test. strategy we referred to in Chapter 2 as interleaved practice.140
your F onsession—a
Mixing problem types requires students to think carefully about which problem-solving
procedures are appropriate for each one so that they don’t fall into a particular mental
helps learning or performance
set reasons inyou
and simply another
apply thesituation.
just wrote down
same are Such attributions,
procedures and overwhich
again are one’s beliefs
mindlessly. 141 about
what behaviors and other factors influence
• Think About It questions: An additional feature think about it events in their lives. Learners form attributions
for many events in their daily lives, such as why they do well or poorly on tests and assign-
comes in the form of Think About It questions Can you think of a recent situation in
in the margin 3.4 Thinking
ments, why they’re popular or unpopular with peers, why they’re skilled athletes or totally
that encourage
uncoordinated, hinder readers
and so on. to theory
Attribution connect
Such which you exhibited positive transfer?
explains how peoples’ motivation is affected
Can you think of one in which you
chapter content
BigtheirIdeato their
3.4 past experiences
Thinking involves or cur-
for ana variety
event, such as why processes,
of cognitive they succeeded orproblem
failed at an
exhibited negative as
rent beliefs.
Are the
critical attributions
thinking, and you wrote
reasoning. for your grades in Professors Carberry and
Seville’s courses similar to those shown in Figure 5.15? Obviously, these examples are only
Thinking is a broad term that can be used to describe a variety of conscious cognitive pro-
some of many attributions you could’ve made. Notice that the attributions in Figure 5.15
cesses, such as problem solving, convergent and divergent thinking, critical thinking, and
• Exampleare artifacts
categorized from students
in three ways: and teachers: If you quickly flip through the
reasoning. But the term “thinking” is not limited to these processes; thinking can require
book, you’ll• see many classroom artifacts—that is, examples of work created by
Locus (“place”): Internal versus external. Learners sometimes attribute the causes
actual students and teachers.
of events We use
to internal factors artifacts
within throughout
themselves. Thinking the
that book
a good to help
grade readers
is due to
J. R. Anderson et al., 1996.don’t apply school
connect concepts,
your ownprinciples,
hard work andandstrategies to astudents’
believing that poor gradebehavior andlack
is due to your to classroom
of ability
Barab et al., 2010; Black et al., 2014; de Jong, 2011; Kuhn & Pease, 2010; Squire, 2011; Zohar & Aharon-
practices.Kraversky, 2005. 7.3 Moral and Prosocial Development 331
The principles inCovington,
this section
136 &1992; capture
Treffinger, many
1980.& Vohs,
Rhodewalt 2005;research
Sedikides & Gregg, 2008.
137 Brenner et al.,
Covington, 1997; J. C. Turner, Meyer, et al., 1998.
138 Chou & Tversky,
Graham, 2020. 1986, 2000, 2010. Prominent attribution theorists are Bernard Weiner, Carol
2020; Weiner,
Dweck, and &SandraFigure
Schwartz, 7.15 A strong moral code often
Okada & Ishibashi, a concern
2017; Yi et al., 2015. for the welfare
of animals,
Rohrer, 2012; Taylor as 2010.
& Rohrer, shown in this 9-year-old’s
Niu & Zhou, 2010; D. L. Schwartz
response et al., “Something
to the topic 2012. I Would
Vote For ”
Ideally, learners should acquire conceptual under-

M05_ORMR7826_06_SE_C05.indd 205 01/11/2021 14:39

M03_ORMR3618_06_SE_C03.indd 119 07/10/2021 12:53


less-is-more principle introduced in Chapter 2 applies here:

own sense of well-being.250

In-depth instruction is

Their acts of altruism and compassion aren’t
As children grow older, they become increasingly aware of their own thinking and learn-
ing processes and increasingly realistic about what they can learn and remember in a
given time period (see Table 3.2). With this growing self-awareness come more effective
viii Preface study strategies.
Truly effective strategies emerge quite slowly, however, especially if young learners
don’t get guidance from teachers, parents, or other adults about how to study.41 For
instance, unless specifically instructed to take notes, many young adolescents take few or
• Developmental Trends: To a considerable degree, we talk about concepts and prin-
no notes to help them remember class material. And even when they do take notes, they’re
apt to use superficial strategies in choosing what to focus on—perhaps focusing on defini-
ciples that apply to children and adolescents at all grade levels. Yet 1st graders often
tions and formulas in a textbook or writing down only the things their teacher writes on
think and act very differently than 6th graders, and 6th graders can, in turn, be quite
the board—and miss critical ideas as a result.42
Furthermore, many children and adolescents engage in little or no comprehension
different from 11th graders. Most chapters have one or more Developmental Trends
monitoring.43 When they don’t monitor their learning and comprehension, they don’t
know what they know and what they don’t know, and so they may think they’ve mastered
tables that highlight and illustrate developmental differences that teachers are apt
something when they really haven’t. This overconfidence leads to an illusion of learning,
which is seen in learners at all levels, even college students.44
to see in grades K–2, 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12. Here is an example from part of a Develop-
Comprehension monitoring isn’t just an important study strategy in its own right—it
mental Trends table.
also plays a pivotal role in the development of other study strategies.45 Learners will acquire

Developmental Trends
Table 3.2 Metacognition at Different Grade Levels
6.4 Intelligence 283
• Awareness of thought in oneself and An adult tells 6-year-old • Talk often about thinking processes

Photo by Unsplash
others, albeit in a simplistic form; limited Brent that she will read (e.g., “I wonder if . . . ” “How might you
Intellectual disabilities are
ability to often
reflect caused by genetic
on the specific natureconditions.
of him a listFor example,
of 12 words; shethey areremember to . . . ?”).
common in children with Down
one’s own syndrome, an inherited condition
thought processes then asksmarked by distinctive
him to predict • Provide opportunities for students to
• Considerable overestimation of what
facial features, shorter-than-average arms and legs, and poorhow many he’ll be able to
muscle tone. Other intellec-“experiment” with their memories (e.g.,
has been learned and how much can be remember. Brent predicts playing “I’m going on a trip and am going
tual disabilities are due to biological but noninherited causes,“about
remembered such as8 orsevere malnutritionto pack
9 . . . maybe ,” in which each student
Grades K–2
or excessive alcohol consumption during
• Belief that learning is athe mother’s
relatively pregnancy
passive or prolonged
all of them,” but in fact heoxygenrepeats items previously mentioned and
activity recalls only 6.
deprivation during a difficult birth. In still other situations, environmental factors, such
166 Later, when then adds another item to the list).
• Belief that the absolute truth about any the adult asks him what • Introduce simple learning strategies (e.g.,
as parental neglect or antopic
extremely impoverished
is “out there” somewhere,and unstimulating
waiting home
he did to try environment,rehearsal of spelling words, repeated
to remember
may be at fault.167 Although
to be usually
discovered a long-term condition, an theintellectual
words, he says disability
only, isn’tpractice of motor skills).
necessarily a lifelong disability, especially when its cause is“Think” and “Holdedrather
environmental it, holdthan
it in my brain.”
genetic. 168

Severe intellectual disabilities are usually identified long before children begin kin-
dergarten or first grade. However, mild cases can go undetected until school age. Teachers
De Lasuspect thatDunning
Paz, 2005; a student
et al.,has significant
2004; delays
A. King, 1992; in cognitive
Wong, 1985. development and adaptive
A. King, should definitely consult with2004;
specialists trained in identifying and working with
• Classroom Strategies boxes: Most chapters have two or more Classroom Strategies
1992; R. E. Mayer, 2010; Shanahan, Wade-Stein & Kintsch, 2004.

J. E. Barnett,
children who2001;
have Rawson
special& Kintsch,
educational2005; Schommer,
needs. 1994a; Schneider, 2010; Veenman, 2011.
Dee-Lucas & Larkin, 1991; Dole et al., 1991; R. E. Reynolds & Shirey, 1988.
boxes that offer concrete suggestions and examples of how teachers might apply a
Some students with mild intellectual disabilities spend part or all of the school day in
Dole et al., 1991; McKeown & Beck, 2009; Nokes & Dole, 2004.
L. Baker,education
1989; D. L. classrooms.
Butler & Winne, They’re apt to have
1995; Carpenter et al.,poor
2020; reading
Dunloskyand language
& Lipko, skills,&less
2007; Hacker
particular concept or principle. These features should provide yet another mecha-
Bol, 2004;knowledge about the world, poor memory for new information, difficulty with
N. J. Stone, 2000.
Kuhn etideas, and
al., 1995; fewet(ifal.,any)
Lodico 1983;metacognitive
Loranger, 1994. skills. Nevertheless, they can make con-

nism to help our readers apply educational psychology to actual classroom practices.
siderable academic progress when instruction is appropriately paced and provides a lot
Part of one of these Classroom Strategies boxes is shown here.
of guidance and support. The Classroom Strategies box “Working with Students Who
Have Significant Delays in Cognitive Development” offers suggestions for working effec-
tively with these students.

M03_ORMR3618_06_SE_C03.indd 93 07/10/2021 12:53

Classroom Strategies
Working with Students Who Have Significant Delays in Cognitive Development
• Introduce new material at a slower pace, and • Give students explicit guidance about how to study.
provide many opportunities for practice. An elementary teacher tells a student, “When you study a new
An elementary teacher gives a student only two new spelling word, it helps if you repeat the letters out loud while you
addition facts a week because any more than two seem practice writing the word. Let’s try it with the word house. Watch
to be overwhelming. Every day, the teacher has the student how I repeat the letters—H . . . O . . . U . . . S . . . E—as I write
practice writing the new facts and review the facts learned the word. Now you try doing what I just did.”
in preceding weeks.
• Encourage independence.
• Explain tasks and expected behaviors A middle school teacher teaches a student how to use her calcu-
concretely and in very specific language. lator to figure out what she needs to pay for lunch every day. The
An art teacher gives a student explicit training in the teacher also gives the student considerable practice in identifying
steps needed at the end of each painting session: the correct bills and coins to use when paying various amounts.
(1) Rinse the paintbrush out at the sink, (2) put the brush
and watercolor paints on the shelf in the back room, and • Provide technology that can enhance students’
(3) put the painting on the counter by the window to dry. self-reliance.
Initially, the teacher needs to remind the student of every Using a task organizer app on a smartphone (e.g., Visules,
step in the process. But with time and practice, the Picture Scheduler), a high school life skills teacher creates a
student eventually carries out the process sequence of step-by-step pictures that can help a student learn
independently. and remember how to cook a hard-boiled egg.

Sources: Feuerstein, Feuerstein, & Falik, 2010; K. L. Fletcher & Bray, 1995; Heward, 2009; Patton, Blackbourn, & Fad, 1996; Prout, 2009; Turnbull et al., 2010.

Dorris, 1989; Keogh & MacMillan, 1996.
Batshaw & Shapiro, 2002; A. A. Baumeister, 1989; D. A. Chapman et al., 2002.
Hallahan et al., 2009; Landesman & Ramey, 1989; Ormrod & McGuire, 2007.
• Use of footnotes: Some of our colleagues in the field may be surprised to see our
Beirne-Smith et al., 2002; Butterfield & Ferretti, 1987; Heward, 2009; Kail, 1990; Turnbull et al., 2010.

use of footnotes rather than APA (American Psychological Association) citation style
throughout the book. Our decision has been strictly a pedagogical one. Yes, students
need to know that the principles and recommendations in this book are research-
based. But we’ve found that APA style can be quite distracting for someone who
is reading about psychology for the first time and trying to sort out what things
M06_ORMR3618_06_SE_C06.indd 283 06/10/2021 20:33

are and are not important to learn and remember. Novice psychologists should be
concerned more with the ideas themselves than with the people behind the ideas.
By putting most of the research authors’ names in small print at the bottom of the
page, we can help novices better focus their attention on what things truly are most
important to know and understand.
Preface ix

Pearson eText, Learning Management System (LMS)–

Compatible Assessment Bank, and Other Instructor
Pearson eText
The Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience.
It allows you to easily highlight, take notes, and review key
30 vocabulary
Chapter 2all• in one place—
Learning, Cognition, and Memory
even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media will engage you and
give you access to the help you need, when you need it. To gain access or to sign-in to your
Pearson eText, visit: Figure 2.1
• Video Examples: One of the features in each chapter is the Video Examples that illus-
trate principles or concepts aligned pedagogically with the chapter. Some videos
provide examples of educational psychology principles or concepts in action by
2.5 Why Learners May orstudents
May Notand teachers
Remember in classrooms.
What Other videos
They Have Learned 77 show students or teach-
ers describing their teaching strategies or experiences.
(Chapter 3)
Theories Behaviorism
(Chapter 4)

Liquidation means to make some-

Pearson eText
Video Example 2.4
The teacher in this video asks many
questions to give hints that can
help students recall what they had
learned previously about how corn

• Content Extensions: Some of the chapters

Pearson eText
include Content Extensions that provide more Content Extension 2.1
information about a specific topic or founda- Learn more about how theories of
tional theory. This feature is intended to sup- learning have evolved over time in
this supplemental reading.
plement the information in the text, often by
providing additional details, background, or Cognitive psychology
context for the topic or theory.

LMS-Compatible Assessment Bank tives.2

With this new edition, assessments are included in LMS-compatible banks for the fol-
lowing learning management systems: Blackboard (ISBN 9780136817758), Canvas (ISBN
9780136817703), D2L (ISBN 9780136817918), and Moodle (ISBN 9780136817871). These
packaged files allow maximum flexibility to instructors when it comes to importing,
assigning, and grading. Assessment types include:

• Learning Outcome Quizzes: Each chapter Big Idea is the focus of a Learning ­Outcome
Quiz that is available for instructors to assign through their Learning Management
System. The Big Ideas identify chapter content that is most important for learners
self-regulation, a topic we
and serve as the organizational framework for each chapter. The quiz questions Figure 2.2
focus almost exclusively on meaningful learning and, often, on application of key learning
concepts and principles related to scenarios and problems. In general, the quiz-
zes have been written with a particular principle in mind: When used in the LMS

testing effect information at one time.
retrieval-based learning).142 Because students •

x Preface

environment, these multiple-choice questions are automatically graded and include

feedback for the correct answer and for each distractor to help guide students’ learn-
ing. As we say in Chapter 10, Assessment activities can be learning experiences in and
of themselves.
• Application Exercises: Each chapter provides opportunities for students to apply
what they have learned through Application Exercises. One Application Exercise is
available for each Big Idea within the chapter. The exercises require students to watch
short videos, read scenarios, or think about situations and then answer open-ended
questions. When used in the LMS environment, a model response written by experts
is provided after students submit the exercise. This feedback helps guide students’
learning and can assist the instructor in grading.
• Chapter Tests: Suggested test items for each chapter in the following formats: multiple
choice and short answer/essay. Some items (lower-level questions) simply ask stu-
dents to identify or explain concepts and principles they have learned. But many others
(higher-level questions) ask students to apply those same concepts and principles to
specific classroom situations—that is, to actual student behaviors and teaching strate-
gies. The lower-level questions assess basic knowledge of educational psychology. But
ultimately, it is the higher-level questions that can best assess students’ ability to use
principles of educational psychology in their own teaching practice.

Instructor’s Manual (ISBN 9780136817611)

The Instructor’s Manual is provided as a Word document and includes resources to assist
professors in planning their course. These resources consist of suggestions for learning
activities, supplementary lectures, group activities, and additional media resources. These
have been carefully selected to provide opportunities to support, enrich, and expand on
what students read in the textbook.

PowerPoint® Slides (ISBN 9780136817574)

PowerPoint slides are provided for each chapter and highlight key concepts and sum-
marize the content of the text to make it more meaningful for students. Oftentimes, these
slides also include questions and problems designed to stimulate discussion and to encour-
age students to elaborate and deepen their understanding of chapter topics.

Note: All instructor resources—LMS-compatible assessment bank, instructor’s manual,

and ­PowerPoint slides—are available for download at Use
one of the following methods:

• From the main page, use the search function to look up the lead author (i.e., O
­ rmrod)
or the title (i.e., Essentials of Educational Psychology). Select the desired search
result, then access the “Resources” tab to view and download all available resources.
• From the main page, use the search function to look up the ISBN (provided above)
of the specific instructor resource you would like to download. When the product
page loads, access the “Downloadable Resources” tab.

New to This Edition

Our knowledge about how children and adolescents learn and develop—and also about
how best to help them learn and develop—grows every year. Throughout this sixth edition,
we’ve made many changes to reflect new research findings and evidence-based classroom
strategies. General changes include the following:

• More explicit connections between principles and teaching strategies: For several
chapters in the prior edition, we provided most of the teaching strategies in separate
Preface xi

sections near the end of the chapter. In this edition, we integrated those teaching
strategies throughout the chapters. As a result, the Big Idea sections in many chapters
now include a subsection titled Teaching Strategies to make the connections between
the principles and the teaching strategies more explicit.
• More explicit connections between theories and principles: Although our approach
in this book is to integrate the concepts, principles, and educational strategies that
diverse theoretical perspectives offer, it’s also important for teachers to have some
familiarity with specific psychological theories and with prominent theorists who
have had a significant influence on psychological thinking (e.g., Jean Piaget, Lev
Vygotsky, B. F. Skinner). To better connect these theories to the Big Ideas and prin-
ciples presented in the text, we moved the theories from the Theoretical Perspectives
tables in the prior edition to within the body of the text.
• New figures to facilitate comprehension: We added over 90 new figures to sum-
marize or present the concepts explained in the text.
• Updated references and explanations: We have included over 500 new references
to provide readers with the most current and relevant research.
• New keywords and definitions: We added new keywords and definitions that are
consistent with current research.

Key Content Updates by Chapter

More specific, chapter-by-chapter changes include the following additions and

• Chapter 1: Added a second reflection question and explanation related to motivation

for the opening “Case Study: The ‘No D’ Policy”; switched the order of the first and
second big ideas (Sections 1.1 and 1.2); added an explanation and figure related to the
organization of the educational psychology topics within the book; added a brief his-
tory of the field of educational psychology; added examples of the types of questions
addressed in each chapter in the book; added a definition of variable with examples;
added a figure to show the relationships between variables, principles, theories, and
ideas; added several study strategies, with figures and examples, including spacing
study sessions, reviewing previously learned material, previewing material, taking
notes during reading, finding examples and nonexamples of concepts, checking and
practicing what you have learned, and evaluating your study schedule; and added
a principle about being an active participant and putting forth effort in learning and
• Chapter 2: Replaced the Case Study at the beginning of the chapter with a new
Case Study titled ”Studying for a Test”; moved all of the teaching implications in
­Section 2.5 to within the chapter at the appropriate locations; edited the wording and
order of a few of the Big Ideas; deleted Table 2.1 and distributed the text from the
table to within the chapter or within other chapters; added a definition of cognition
at the beginning of the chapter; added more specific information about the brain in
­Section 2.1 including two new figures (Figures 2.4 and 2.5); added a new Figure 2.6;
revised the model of memory in Figure 2.7; added a new Figure 2.8; added the
terms and definitions for mind wandering, selective attention, and divided attention in
­Section 2.2; added an explanation of cognitive load theory; added a new subsection
in Section 2.3 with three new theories of concepts (classical theory of concepts, proto-
type theory, and exemplar theory) along with a new table that includes examples of
different concepts; added a new subsection in Section 2.3 with teaching strategies for
teaching concepts, including a new Classroom Strategies box; added a new example
xii Preface

for organization along with a new Figure 2.16; added a new example for encouraging
elaboration along with a new Figure 2.18; added a new Figure 2.22 to show several
different types of constructivism; added a new Figure 2.26 to provide an example of
one of the teaching strategies; added an example in Section 2.5 about how memories
are retrieved by following pathways; added information in Section 2.5 about the role
of forgetting and new findings from neuroscience with updated citations; added a
new subsection in Section 2.5 about providing opportunities to practice retrieval,
including a new Figure 2.28; added a new subsection in Section 2.5 about intermixing
practice problems, including a new See For Yourself exercise and a new Figure 2.29;
added a new sub-section in Section 2.5 about spacing review sessions that includes
a definition for spacing effect; and made minor edits throughout the chapter.
• Chapter 3: Deleted Big Ideas 3.5 and 3.6 and moved the principles and practices
within them into other sections of the chapter; edited the wording of Big Idea 3.4;
added a figure to list many different types of complex cognitive processes; added
a new figure illustrating self-regulation, metacognition, and motivation; explained
the differences between self-regulation and metacognition in Section 3.1; provided
more explanation about metacognition and a figure showing the three categories of
metacognitive knowledge; added four new strategies and examples in the Classroom
Strategies section titled “Fostering Self-Regulation”; added a new figure related to
specific transfer; added a new paragraph using an example about computer pro-
gramming for general transfer in Section 3.2; revised the definition of service learning
and provided a new example of it in Section 3.2; added an explanation of critical
service learning along with an associated figure; added a new figure showing the
components of well-defined and ill-defined problems; expanded the explanation of
creativity in Section 3.3; added text and an associated figure related to the creative
problem-solving process; added the key term engineering design and explained the
processes involved in it; added three examples of how teachers can help students
avoid mental sets (Section 3.3); added a new section about thinking at the beginning
of Section 3.4 along with a figure of the categories of cognitive processes; added the
terms design thinking and computational thinking along with explanations of each;
moved the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 3.4) to within the text
in the appropriate section; and added a new figure related to students being critical
• Chapter 4: Deleted Big Ideas 4.5 and 4.6 and moved the principles and practices
within them into other sections of the chapter; edited the wording of Big Idea 4.3;
added a definition and explanation of ecological systems theory in the introduction;
added a definition of Behaviorism in Section 4.1; edited Figures 4.3 and 4.6; added a
definition and examples of the Premack Principle in Section 4.1; added a definition
of social cognitive theory in Section 4.1; added a definition of cognitive modeling in
Section 4.1; added new Figures 4.7, 4.8, and 4.12; provided more examples of
using verbal praise and a token economy in Section 4.1; added definitions of social
­constructivism and sociocultural theory in Section 4.2.; the ideas in the Cultural
­Considerations box (Section 4.3) were moved to within the text in the appropri-
ate section; added an example of how cultural lenses can affect students’ views
in Section 4.3; added a new section in subsection 4.3 related to race and included
definitions and examples of racial ideology, color-blind racial ideology, racial microag-
gressions, and racial battle fatigue; added a new Figure 4.16; added another example
of stereotypes in Section 4.3; and added two new sections for teaching strategies in
Section 4.4.
• Chapter 5: The title of the chapter was changed to “Motivation and Emotions”; Big
Ideas 5.2 and 5.4 were combined; deleted Table 5.1 and distributed the text from the
Preface xiii

table to within the chapter or within other chapters; added a new figure in Section 5.1
about theoretical approaches; added a new section in Section 5.1 titled “Teacher
Beliefs About and Assessment of Students’ Motivation” along with an accompany-
ing section with teaching strategies that include a new figure; included new figures
in Section 5.2 related to arousal, self-worth, and interest; added two new See For
Yourself activities in Section 5.2 (“Enjoyable Activity” along with an accompanying
figure and “Self-Efficacy for Different Activities”); added more explanation about
cost in Section 5.2; revised a figure related to self-efficacy and added a complemen-
tary paragraph to explain it; added a new figure related to appropriate attributions;
added a new teaching strategy related to usefulness in Section 5.3; moved the ideas
in the Cultural Considerations boxes (previously in Sections 5.3 and 5.4) to within
the text in the appropriate section; edited a couple examples in the Classroom Strate-
gies box titled “Enhancing Self-Efficacy and Self-Worth”; added a new figure related
to SMART goals; edited some examples and added two new examples (with an
accompanying figure) in the Classroom Strategies box titled “Forming ­Productive
­Expectations and Attributions;” added a new figure about situational interest in
­Section 5.3; added more strategies related to caring in Section 5.3; and added defi-
nitions of emotions, social and emotional learning, and emotion regulation (along with
accompanying explanations) in Section 5.4.
• Chapter 6: Deleted Big Idea 6.5 and moved the principles and practices within it into
other sections of the chapter; deleted Table 6.1 and distributed the text from the table
to within the chapter or within other chapters; updated several figures throughout
the chapter; added a figure that shows synaptic connections in Section 6.1; added a
paragraph about children’s use of different brain areas in Section 6.1; in Section 6.2,
added a figure that shows an example of mental schemes, a figure related to language
development, a figure explaining reciprocal teaching, and a figure about apprentice-
ships; added to the definition and explanation of scheme in Section 6.2; edited the
examples for assimilation and accommodation in Section 6.2; in Section 6.4, added a
figure related to dispositions and a figure about multiple intelligences; and moved
the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 6.4) to within the text in the
appropriate section.
• Chapter 7: Edited the wording of Big Ideas 7.1 and 7.2; deleted Big Idea 7.4 and
moved the principles and practices within it into other sections of the chapter; in
Section 7.1, edited the principles and the order in which some of them appear; added
a table for personality traits along with text to accompany it; created several new
­figures in Section 7.1; in Section 7.1, added definitions and accompanying explana-
tions for traits, sociability, activity level, environmental sensitivity, permissive and unin-
volved parenting, self-concept, self-esteem, reciprocal effects model, gender identity, and
sexual orientation identity; added a new See For Yourself exercise titled “Your Sense
of Self” along with an explanation of it; added a new principle related to sexual
­orientation; added a principle about creating positive environments for all gender
identities and sexual orientation identities; added a new definition for social and
emotional learning; added a new figure for steps in social problem solving; moved
the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 7.3) to within the text in the
appropriate section; and reorganized the principles and text in Section 7.4.
• Chapter 8: Added a new Figure 8.1 related to teacher control and edited two other
figures in Section 8.1; added a new See For Yourself exercise titled “Driving a Car”
along with an explanation of it; reorganized Section 8.2 and added a new table at the
beginning of this section to organize all of the approaches within this section; added
a new figure related to different question types; reorganized Section 8.3 and added
a new table at the beginning of this section to organize all of the approaches within
xiv Preface

this section; added a paragraph to explain debates and structured controversies;

added a new figure related to the procedures for a structured controversy; added a
new figure related to the procedures for the Jigsaw approach and the associated text
to explain it; added definitions for problem-based learning, project-based learning, and
engineering design along with explanations and two new figures; added a definition
for instructional simulations; added paragraphs to make connections to apprentice-
ships in Section 8.3 and differentiated instruction in Section 8.4; moved the ideas in
the Cultural Considerations box (Section 8.4) to within the text in the appropriate
section; added a definition of flipped classroom and an associated explanation in the
text; and made edits and organizational changes throughout the chapter.
• Chapter 9: Added a definition for social and emotional learning; revised two figures
in Section 9.1; added a new recommendation section in Section 9.1 about creating
a psychologically safe environment; added a definition for psychological safety; in
­Section 9.2, reorganized the section on communicating regularly with parents and
other primary caregivers; added a paragraph related to community member involve-
ment in Section 9.2; in Section 9.3, added a paragraph explanation to the See For
Yourself “Identifying Misbehaviors” section; added an image to the See For ­Yourself
“Putting Yourself in a Parent’s Shoes” section; moved the ideas in the ­Cultural
­Considerations box (Section 9.3) to within the text in the appropriate section; added
a paragraph and an accompanying figure about engaging strategies; and added a
new recommendation and paragraph about using the simplest and least intrusive
strategy possible at the end of Section 9.3.
• Chapter 10: Added a definition for diagnostic assessment; added a new figure and a
new table related to diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments; modified
Figure 10.5 and added more text explanation related to it; in Section 10.1, added more
explanation to how assessments can motivate students; added a new Figure 10.5;
added a definition for rating scale along with more explanation and checklists; edited
Figure 10.8 and added more text to accompany it related to attributes of effective
rubrics; added more explanation about dynamic assessment; added new Figure 10.9
about qualities of good assessments; added definitions for predictive validity and
construct validity; added seven more strategies in the Classroom Strategies box titled
“Guidelines for Constructing Multiple-Choice Items;” added a new Figure 10.13 and
accompanying text about grading multiple-choice items; added a new Figure 10.14
with the examples of performance assessments; added a new principle and associ-
ated text in Section 10.4 related to minimizing the negative effects of stereotype
threat; moved the ideas in the Cultural Considerations box (Section 10.4) to within
the text in the appropriate section; and moved some sections and made minor edits

Although the title page lists us as the authors of this book, we’ve hardly written it alone.
We’re greatly indebted to the countless psychologists, educators, and other scholars whose
insights and research findings we have pulled together in these pages. We are also incred-
ibly appreciative of the collective efforts of the Pearson team, including Rebecca Fox-Gieg,
Curtis Vickers, Janelle Rogers, Anitha Vijayakumar, Vanitha Puela, and others who have
attended to the gazillion (and sometimes mysterious) details of turning this book into both
concrete and virtual realities.
On the home front have been the many students and teachers whose examples, arti-
facts, and interviews illustrate some of the concepts, developmental trends, and classroom
Preface xv

strategies we describe in the book: Aleph Altman-Mills, Andrew Belcher, Katie Belcher,
Noah Davis, Shea Davis, Barbara Dee, Tina Ormrod Fox, Amaryth Gass, Anthony Gass,
Ben Geraud, Darcy Geraud, Macy Gotthardt, Colin Hedges, Philip Hilbert, Erin Islo, Jesse
Jensen, Sheila Johnson, Jack Jones, Mia Jones, Shelly Lamb, Michele Minichiello, Susan
O’Byrne, Alex Ormrod, Jeff Ormrod, Isabelle Peters, Laura Riordan, Corey Ross, ­Ashton
Russo, Alex Sheehan, Connor Sheehan, Matt Shump, Melinda Shump, Grace Tober,
Ashleigh Utzinger, Grant Valentine, Caroline Wilson, Hannah Wilson, and Brian Zottoli.
The reviewers who helped shape this sixth edition were Cassendra Bergstrom,
­University of Northern Colorado; Anthony C. Derriso, The University of Alabama; Carla
M. Firetto, Arizona State University; Jodi Legnon, Northeastern State University; Regina
Rahimi, Georgia Southern University; Jill Wendt, Arizona State University; and Maaly
­Younis, University of Northern Colorado. We are greatly indebted to all of these individu-
als for their deep commitment to preparing future teachers and to getting the word out
about the many things that the field of educational psychology has to offer.
We must also acknowledge the contributions of our professional colleagues around
the country who’ve reviewed prior editions of the book and offered many invaluable
insights and suggestions: Lynley H. Anderman, University of Kentucky; Heidi Andrade,
State University of New York at Albany; Bonnie Armbruster, University of Illinois at
Urbana–Champaign; Ty Binfet, Loyola Marymount University; Bryan Bolea, Grand ­Valley
State University; Kym Buchanan, University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point; Jessica C ­ hittum,
East Carolina University; Rhoda Cummings, University of Nevada at Reno; Emily de la
Cruz, Portland State University; Karen A. Droms, Luzerne County C ­ ommunity College;
Randi A. Engle, University of California, Berkeley; Vanessa Ewing, University of N ­ orthern
Colorado and Metropolitan State University of Denver; Robert B. Faux, ­University of
­Pittsburgh; William M. Gray, University of Toledo; Robert L. Hohn, University of ­Kansas;
Leah Johnson, Indiana University and Purdue University, Fort Wayne; Donna Jurich, Knox
College; Adria Karle, Florida International University; Julita G. Lambating, ­California State
University at Sacramento; Frank R. Lilly, California State University at S ­ acramento; Jenny
Martin, Bridgewater College; Jeffrey Miller, California State University at D ­ ominguez
Hills; Anne Marie Rakip, South Carolina State University; Marla Reese-Weber, Illinois
State University; Michelle Riconscente, University of ­Maryland at ­College Park; Cecil
­Robinson, University of Alabama; Analisa L. Smith, Nova Southeastern ­University;
­Beverly ­Snyder, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Karthigeyan Subramaniam,
University of North Texas; Debi Switzer, Clemson University; Mark Szymanski, Pacific
University; ­Kimberlee Taylor, Utah State University; Tenisha Tevis, American U ­ niversity;
Michael P. Verdi, California State University at San Bernardino; Vickie W
­ illiams, U
­ niversity
of Maryland, Baltimore County; Steven R. Wininger, Western Kentucky University; John
Woods, Grand Valley State University; and Sharon Zumbrunn, Virginia Commonwealth
Finally, of course, Jeanne must thank her husband, Richard; her children, Tina, Alex,
and Jeff; and her grandchildren, Olivia, Miles, and Jack. Brett would like to thank his
wife, Rebecca; his children, Mia and Jack; his parents, Carole and Jack; and his stepfather,
Larry. Our families have shaped our lives—and so also this book—in ways too numerous
to recall.
J. E. O.
B. D. J.
xvi Preface

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Brief Contents

1 Introduction to Educational
Psychology 2

2 Learning, Cognition, and Memory 28

3 Complex Cognitive Processes 82

4 Learning in Context 130

5 Motivation and Emotions 180

6 Cognitive Development 238

7 Personal, Social, and Moral

Development 288

8 Instructional Strategies 344

9 Strategies for Creating Effective Classroom

and School Environments 390

10 Assessment Strategies 436


1 Introduction to Educational 2 Learning, Cognition,

Psychology 2 and Memory 28
Case Study: The “No D” Policy 3 Case Study: Studying for A Test 29
1.1 Developing Expertise as a Teacher 5 2.1 Thinking and Learning in the Brain 31
Learn as much as you can about the subject matter you Functions of the Brain 31
teach, about teaching strategies, and about learners The various parts of the brain work closely with one
and their development. 5 another. 32
Believe that you can make a difference in students’ lives. 6 Most learning probably involves changes in neurons,
Continually reflect on and critically examine your astrocytes, and their interconnections. 33
assumptions, inferences, and teaching practices. 6 The brain functions in close collaboration with—rather than
Communicate and collaborate with colleagues. 6 in relative isolation from—the rest of the body. 34
Learn as much as you can about the culture(s) of the Knowing how the brain functions and develops tells us only
community in which you are working. 6 so much about learning and instruction. 34
Keep up to date on research findings and innovative Teaching Strategies: Supporting Optimal Brain Functioning 35
evidence-based practices in education. 7 Provide ongoing intellectual stimulation, but don’t overdo
Integrate action research into your ongoing classroom it. 35
practices. 7 Encourage physical exercise. 35
1.2 Using Research Findings to Make Instructional Encourage students to get plenty of sleep. 36
Decisions 8
2.2 A Model of Human Memory 36
The effectiveness of various classroom practices can best
Sensory Register, Attention, and Working Memory 37
be determined through systematic research. 8
Sensory input stays in a raw form only briefly. 37
Educational psychologists focus on the scientific study
Attention is essential for most learning and memory. 38
of psychological principles that are relevant to
education. 10 Working memory has a short duration and limited
capacity. 39
Research can provide quantitative information, qualitative
information, or both. 12 Teaching Strategies: Remembering the Limitations of Attention
and Working Memory 40
Different kinds of research lead to different kinds of
conclusions. 12 Grab and hold students’ attention. 40
Drawing conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships Keep the limited capacity of working memory in mind. 41
requires that all other possible explanations for an 2.3 Long-Term Memory 42
outcome be eliminated. 16
The Nature of Long-Term Memory 42
Principles and theories can help synthesize, explain, and
Long-term memory is composed of declarative and
apply research findings. 17
procedural knowledge. 43
1.3 Strategies for Learning and Studying Effectively 18 Long-term memory has a long duration and virtually
Before you study, prepare for your study session. 19 limitless capacity. 43
During your study session, use effective study Some declarative knowledge is stored as concepts. 43
strategies. 20 Information in long-term memory is interconnected and
At the end of your study session, evaluate your progress organized to some extent. 44
and schedule additional study sessions as needed. 24 Storing Information in Long-Term Memory 47
Be an active participant and put forth mental effort in your Some long-term memory storage processes are more
learning and studying processes. 25 effective than others. 47
Summary 25 Practice makes knowledge more automatic and
Case Study Practice Exercises 26 durable. 51

Contents xix

Automaticity frees up working memory capacity for other Teaching Strategies: Facilitating Retrieval 76
tasks. 52 Give students time to think about questions. 76
With age and experience, children acquire more effective Give hints that help students recall or reconstruct what
learning strategies and use them more intentionally. 53 they’ve learned. 77
Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Effective Long-Term Provide opportunities for students to practice retrieving
Memory Storage Processes 53 information. 77
Help students learn concepts through the use of defining Intermix practice problems with problems from previous
features, examples, and nonexamples. 53 lessons. 78
Help students organize ideas by making connections Space review sessions over time. 79
among them. 54 Summary 79
Facilitate visual imagery. 56 Case Study Practice Exercises 81
Present questions and tasks that encourage
elaboration. 57
Suggest mnemonics for hard-to-remember facts. 58 3 Complex Cognitive Processes 82
Focus assessments on meaningful learning rather than rote Case Study: Taking Over 83
learning. 58 3.1 Self-Regulation and Metacognition 84
Provide many opportunities to practice important Effective Self-Regulated Learning 84
knowledge and skills. 60
Self-regulating learners establish goals for their
Be on the lookout for students who have unusual difficulty performance and plan their actions accordingly. 86
with certain cognitive processes. 61
Self-regulating learners control and monitor their processes
2.4 Learning as Active Construction 62 and progress during a learning task. 86
Knowledge Construction 62 Self-regulating learners seek assistance and support when
Learners use what they already know and believe to help they need it. 87
them make sense of new experiences. 63 Self-regulating learners monitor and try to control their
Prior knowledge and beliefs affect new learning, usually for motivation and emotions. 87
the better but sometimes for the worse. 65 Self-regulating learners evaluate the final outcomes of their
Learners differ in the factors that influence their ability to efforts. 87
learn and remember. 66 Self-regulating learners self-impose consequences for their
Teaching Strategies: Helping Students Construct performance. 87
Knowledge 68 Most learners become increasingly self-regulating over
Relate new ideas to students’ prior knowledge and the course of childhood and adolescence, partly as a
experiences. 68 result of maturation in key areas of the brain. 88
Take advantage of students’ diverse background The Roles of Metacognition 91
knowledge in designing instruction. 69 Some effective study strategies are easily seen in learners’
Provide experiences on which students can build. 70 behaviors. 91
Identify and address students’ misconceptions. 70 Study strategies are effective only to the extent that they
involve productive cognitive processes. 92
Regularly assess students’ understandings. 70
Metacognitive knowledge and skills gradually improve with
2.5 Why Learners May or May Not Remember What age. 93
They Have Learned 72 Learners’ beliefs about the nature of knowledge and
Recalling Information 72 learning influence their approaches to learning
How easily something is recalled depends on how it was tasks. 95
initially learned. 72 Teaching Strategies: Promoting Self-Regulation Skills and
Remembering depends on the context and retrieval Metacognitive Development 97
cues. 73 Guide and support self-regulated learning and behavior. 97
How easily something is recalled and used depends Encourage metacognitive self-reflection. 98
on how often it has been recalled and used in the Explicitly teach effective learning strategies. 99
past. 74 Communicate that acquiring knowledge is a dynamic,
Recall often involves construction or reconstruction. 74 ongoing process—that one never knows something
Long-term memory isn’t necessarily forever. 75 completely. 101
xx Contents

3.2 Transfer 102 Critical thinking requires sophisticated epistemic

Factors that Affect Transfer 103 beliefs. 123
Meaningful learning and conceptual understanding increase Critical thinking is a disposition as much as a cognitive
the probability of transfer. 103 process. 123
Both positive and negative transfer are more common Teaching Strategies: Developing Students’ Critical Thinking
when a new situation appears to be similar to a Skills 124
previous one. 104 Encourage critical evaluation of information and ideas
Some knowledge and skills can be transferred to very presented by others and in printed and online
different situations. 105 materials. 124
Learning strategies, general beliefs, and attitudes can also Support complex cognitive processes through group
transfer to new situations. 106 discussions and projects. 126
Transfer increases when the learning environment Teach complex thinking skills within the context of specific
encourages it. 106 topics and content domains. 126
Teaching Strategies: Fostering Transfer 106 Summary 127
Pursue topics in depth rather than superficially. 106 Case Study Practice Exercises 128
Provide numerous and varied opportunities to apply

classroom subject matter to new situations and
authentic activities. 107 Learning in Context 130
Construct assessments that require students to apply their Case Study: Why Jack Wasn’t in School 131
knowledge to new situations. 109
4.1 Immediate Stimuli as Context 132
3.3 Problem Solving and Creativity 110
Stimuli and Consequences Influence Learners’ Behaviors and
General Principles Related to Problem Solving and Cognition 132
Creativity 113
Some stimuli tend to elicit certain kinds of
The depth of learners’ knowledge influences their ability to responses. 133
solve problems and think creatively. 113
Learners are more likely to acquire behaviors that lead to
Both convergent and divergent thinking are constrained by desired consequences. 133
working memory capacity. 114
Learners are also likely to acquire behaviors that help them
How learners represent a problem or situation influences avoid or escape unpleasant circumstances. 135
their strategies and eventual success. 114
Learners tend to avoid behaviors that lead to unpleasant
Problem solving and creativity often involve heuristics consequences. 137
that facilitate but don’t guarantee successful
Learners acquire many behaviors by observing other
outcomes. 116
people’s actions. 139
Effective problem solving and creativity require self-
Learners learn what behaviors are acceptable and effective
regulation and metacognition. 117
by observing what happens to people whom they
Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Problem Solving and perceive to be similar to themselves. 141
Creativity 117
By seeing what happens to themselves and others,
Create a classroom climate in which problem solving and learners form expectations about the probable
creativity are both expected and valued. 117 outcomes of various actions. 141
Pose questions that require students to engage in divergent Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Productive Behaviors 142
thinking. 117
Create conditions that elicit desired responses. 142
Require students to work on complex problems, projects,
Make sure that productive behaviors are reinforced
and designs. 118
and that unproductive behaviors are not
Use technology to simulate real-world tasks and reinforced. 143
problems. 118
Make response–reinforcement contingencies clear and
Help students avoid mental sets when engaging in creative appropriate. 144
problem solving. 119
As an alternative to punishment, reinforce productive
3.4 Thinking 119 behaviors that are incompatible with unproductive
Attributes of Critical Thinking 121 ones. 145
Critical thinking can take a variety of forms. 121 Model desired behaviors. 145
Students can have difficulties engaging in critical Provide a variety of role models. 147
thinking. 123 Shape complex behaviors gradually over time. 147
Contents xxi

4.2 Social Interaction as Context 148 Be sensitive to cultural differences in behaviors and beliefs
Other People Affect Students’ Learning 148 and, when appropriate, adapt instructional methods
Learners sometimes co-construct new understandings with to students’ accustomed ways of learning and
more experienced individuals. 149 behaving. 170

Learners co-construct knowledge and understandings with Be sensitive to the culture shock that recent immigrants
peers. 150 might be experiencing. 171

Other people sometimes provide the support learners need Work hard to break down rigid stereotypes of particular
to take on challenging new tasks. 151 cultural and ethnic groups. 171

Teaching Strategies: Providing Opportunities for Students to Provide opportunities for students to interact regularly and
Learn from Others 152 productively with people from diverse cultural, ethnic,
and racial groups. 173
Encourage student dialogue and collaboration. 152
Identify and, if possible, provide missing resources and
Use computer technology to support both within-class and
experiences important for successful learning. 173
across-class communication. 153
Create a community of learners. 153 4.4 How Students Modify Their Environments 174
How Students Influence Their Environment 174
4.3 Culture and Society as Contexts 155
Learners alter their current environment through both their
Culture as Context 155
behaviors and such internal variables as beliefs, mental
Any cultural group encourages and models certain processes, feelings, and personality traits. 174
behaviors and actively discourages certain other
Learners actively seek out environments that are a good fit
behaviors. 156
with their existing behaviors and internal variables. 175
Every culture passes along many cognitive tools that
Teaching Strategies: Attending to Students’ Behaviors 176
enhance learners’ thinking capabilities. 159
Help students become aware of how they are influencing
Every culture instills certain worldviews that color people’s
their environment. 176
interpretations of events. 159
Be aware of how students’ behaviors affect your own
Every culture has certain ways of doing things,
thoughts and behaviors. 177
and these, too, are passed from generation to
generation. 160 Summary 177

Inconsistencies between home and school cultures can Case Study Practice Exercises 178
interfere with school learning and performance. 161
Society as Context 162
Any large society has multiple layers that all affect 5 Motivation and Emotions 180
children’s learning and development either directly or Case Study: Passing Algebra 181
indirectly. 163
5.1 The Nature of Motivation 182
Different members of a society have different specialties,
The Role of Motivation in Education 182
and they call on one another’s areas of expertise as
needed. 164 A variety of theories are often helpful in explaining students’
motivation. 184
In most situations, some society members have greater
access to the society’s resources than other members Researchers have identified some general principles about
do. 164 students’ motivation. 185

Teaching Strategies: Considering Students’ Broader Cultural Teacher Beliefs About and Assessment of Students’
and Societal Contexts 166 Motivation 186

Remember that membership in a particular cultural or Teachers should believe that they can affect students’
ethnic group is not an either–or situation but, instead, motivation and that it’s important to motivate
a more-or-less phenomenon. 166 students. 186

Come to understand your own cultural lens and learn Teachers can assess students’ motivation and
as much as you can about students’ cultural engagement. 186
backgrounds. 166 Teaching Strategies: Assessing Students’ Motivation and
Be aware of how your beliefs about race affect your Engagement 187
behaviors and communications with students and Assess students’ motivation by observing their behaviors
others. 167 and reactions during class. 187
Incorporate the perspectives and traditions of many Assess students’ motivation by talking to them. 187
cultures into the curriculum. 169 Assess students’ motivation by surveying them. 187
xxii Contents

5.2 Internal Factors That Affect Learners’ Motivation and Communicate with students in a clear, but less-controlling
Engagement 188 manner. 214
Learners’ Psychological Needs 188 Use extrinsic reinforcers when necessary but do so in ways
Learners have a basic need for arousal. 188 that preserve students’ sense of autonomy. 215
Learners want to be in control of their actions to some Ask students to set some personal goals for learning and
degree. 189 performance. 216
Learners want to believe they are competent and have Teaching Strategies That Demonstrate the Usefulness of
self-worth. 191 Activities 216
Learners want to feel connected to other people. 192 Explicitly relate class activities to students’ values, goals,
Learners’ Interests and Enjoyment 193 and everyday lives. 216

Learners have existing interests, but new interests can be Ask students to talk or write about how what they are
triggered by the environment. 193 learning is useful to their lives. 216

Learners experience greater enjoyment and interest in Create conditions that foster internalization of values
school activities when their psychological needs are essential for students’ long-term academic and
met. 194 professional success. 217

Learners can become immersed in an activity when the Teaching Strategies That Foster Perceptions of Success 217
conditions are right. 195 Protect and enhance students’ self-efficacy and overall
Learners’ Values and Goals 196 sense of competence and self-worth. 217
Learners are more likely to choose to devote time and effort Present challenges that students can realistically
to activities that they value. 196 accomplish. 218
Learners’ values are affected by their social and cultural Form and communicate optimistic expectations and
environments. 197 attributions. 220
Learners typically form goals related to their academic Minimize competition. 220
achievement; the specific nature of these goals Focus students’ attention more on mastery goals than on
influences learners’ cognitive processes and performance goals. 222
behaviors. 198 Teaching Strategies That Stimulate Interest 222
Learners must juggle their achievement goals with their Conduct interest-arousing lessons and activities. 222
many other goals. 201 Relate activities to students’ individual interests. 224
Learners’ Self-Efficacy, Attributions, and Beliefs 202 Teaching Strategies That Show and Promote Caring 224
Learners are more likely to choose activities and try harder Show students that you respect them and are concerned
at them when they believe that they can succeed at about their well-being. 225
them. 202
Provide regular opportunities for students to interact
When learners think their chances of success are slim, they productively with one another. 225
may behave in ways that make success even less
Create a classroom environment in which students respect
likely. 204
one another. 225
Learners identify what are, in their minds, the likely causes
of their successes and failures. 205 5.4 Emotions and Their Effects on Motivation
Learners’ attributions for past successes and failures and Learning 226
affect their emotional reactions and future The Role of Emotions in Student Motivation and Learning 226
performances. 207 Emotions and motivation are interrelated. 226
Learners’ attributions are affected by their teachers’ Emotions are closely tied to learning and cognition. 227
attributions and resulting expectations for students’ Productive emotions can trigger effective learning
performance. 209 strategies. 228
Over time, learners acquire a general attributional Emotions can also trigger certain behaviors. 228
style. 210
Some anxiety is helpful, but a lot is often a hindrance. 229
5.3 Teaching Strategies to Support Students’ Motivation Teaching Strategies: Generating Productive Emotions for
and Engagement 211 Learning 230
Teaching Strategies That Empower Students 211 Get students emotionally involved in the subject
Give students control over some aspects of classroom matter. 230
life. 211 Help students to better regulate their emotions. 230
Contents xxiii

Keep anxiety at a low to moderate level. 233 Scaffold students’ early efforts at challenging tasks and
As students make the transition to middle school or high assignments. 253
school, make an extra effort to minimize their anxiety Involve students in age-appropriate ways in adult
and address their need for relatedness. 234 activities. 256
Summary 235 6.3 Trends in Cognitive Development 257
Case Study Practice Exercises 236 Development of Working Memory, Knowledge, and Thinking
Processes 258

6 Cognitive Development 238 Children’s growing working memory capacity enables them
to handle increasingly complex cognitive tasks. 258
Case Study: Hidden Treasure 239 Children’s growing knowledge base enhances their ability
to learn new things. 258
6.1 General Principles of Development 240
Children’s knowledge, beliefs, and thinking processes
Developmental Principles 240
become increasingly integrated. 258
The brain continues to develop throughout childhood,
Stages of Cognitive Development 259
adolescence, and adulthood. 240
Thinking becomes increasingly logical during the
The sequence of development is somewhat
elementary school years. 259
predictable. 242
Thinking becomes increasingly abstract in the middle
Children develop at different rates. 242
school and secondary school years. 261
Development is often marked by spurts and plateaus. 242
Several logical thinking processes important for
Development involves both quantitative and qualitative
mathematical and scientific reasoning improve
changes. 243
considerably during adolescence. 263
Heredity and environment interact in their effects on
Children can think more logically and abstractly about tasks
development. 243
and topics they know well. 265
Children’s own behaviors also influence their
True expertise comes only after many years of study and
development. 244
practice. 265
Teaching Strategies: Accommodating Developmental
Teaching Strategies: Fostering Cognitive Development 266
Differences and Diversity 245
Explore students’ reasoning with problem-solving tasks and
Ideally, teachers individualize instruction for every
probing questions. 266
student. 245
Rely heavily on concrete objects and activities, especially in
Technology-based instructional strategies can be used to
the early elementary grades. 267
meet students’ developmental needs. 245
Present abstract ideas more frequently in the middle school
6.2 Developmental Processes 246 and high school grades, but tie them to concrete
Knowledge Construction 246 objects and events. 268
Children have a natural tendency to organize their Initially introduce sophisticated reasoning processes within
experiences. 246 the context of familiar situations. 269
Children are naturally inclined to make sense of and adapt 6.4 Intelligence 270
to their environment. 248 The Nature of Intelligence 270
Inconsistencies between existing understandings and new Intelligence can be measured only imprecisely at best. 271
events promote development. 248
To some degree, intelligence reflects the general speed,
Development builds on prior acquisitions. 250 efficiency, and control of cognitive processing. 273
Observations of the physical environment—and, Intelligence also involves numerous specific processes and
ideally, frequent interactions with it—promote abilities. 273
development. 250
Learners may be more intelligent in some domains than in
Language development facilitates cognitive others. 274
development. 250
Intelligence is a product of both inherited characteristics
Knowledge Construction Through Interaction with Others 251 and environmental influences. 275
Interactions with other people promote development. 251 Intelligence may take different forms at different age
Challenging tasks promote development. 252 levels. 276
Teaching Strategies: Facilitating Learners’ Knowledge Learners may have specific cognitive styles and
Construction 252 dispositions that predispose them to think and act in
Encourage play activities. 252 more or less intelligent ways. 276
xxiv Contents

Learners act more intelligently when they have physical or Sexual orientation influences one’s sense of self and
social support for their efforts. 279 identity. 302
Teaching Strategies: Teaching with a Consideration of Despite the influence of others, growing children define and
Intelligence 279 socialize themselves to a considerable degree. 302
Interpret intelligence test results cautiously. 280 In forming their identity, it’s important for adolescents
Look for signs of exceptional abilities and talents. 280 to explore alternative beliefs, values, and career
Consult with specialists if children show significant delays in goals. 303
development. 281 Teaching Strategies: Fostering Personal Development 305
Be optimistic that with appropriate guidance and support, Accommodate students’ diverse personality traits. 305
all students can perform more intelligently. 284 Create a warm, supportive environment with clear
Be cautious in applying multiple intelligences theory and standards for behavior and explanations of why some
learning styles to teaching. 284 behaviors are unacceptable. 305
Summary 286 Help students get a handle on who they are and who they
Case Study Practice Exercises 287 want to become. 306
Channel adolescents’ risk-taking tendencies into safe
activities. 307

7 Personal, Social, and Moral Create a positive learning environment in which students
of all gender identities and sexual orientation identities
Development 288 feel welcome. 308
Case Study: The School Play 289 7.2 Social Development 308
7.1 Personal Development 290 Peer Relationships 309
Personality 290 Peer relationships promote personal, social, and academic
Personality traits can be grouped into five general development in ways that adult–child relationships
categories. 290 often cannot. 309

Personality traits are influenced by genetic and Peers help define “appropriate” ways of behaving. 310
environmental contexts. 292 On average, boys and girls interact with their peers in
One personality trait, effortful control, doesn’t fully mature distinctly different ways. 311
until adulthood. 292 Social groups become increasingly important in
Parenting styles can affect children’s personality traits and adolescence. 311
behaviors. 293 Romantic relationships in adolescence can provide
Cultural environments influence the development of valuable practice for the intimate relationships of
personality traits. 294 adulthood. 312

Sense of Self and Identity 294 Truly popular children have good social skills. 313

Children construct increasingly multifaceted understandings Social Cognition 314

of their sense of self over time. 295 As children get older, they become increasingly aware of
With age, self-perceptions become more realistic, abstract, other people’s thoughts and feelings. 315
and stable. 297 Children’s cognitive processes in social situations influence
As children reach puberty, they understand that they are their behaviors toward others. 316
unique individuals, but they may overestimate their Aggressive behavior is often the result of counterproductive
uniqueness. 297 cognitive processes. 316
Self-perceptions influence students’ behaviors, and vice Teaching Strategies: Encouraging Effective Social Cognition
versa. 298 and Interpersonal Skills 318
Other people’s behaviors affect students’ sense of Foster perspective taking and empathy. 318
self. 298 Talk with students about what it really means to be
Group memberships affect students’ sense of self and popular. 319
identity. 299 Provide frequent opportunities for social interaction and
Ethnic and racial identities also affect students’ sense of cooperation. 320
self and identity. 300 Explicitly teach social skills to students who have trouble
Gender plays a role in students’ sense of self and interacting effectively with others. 320
identity. 300 Explain what bullying is and why it cannot be tolerated. 321
Contents xxv

Be alert for incidents of bullying and other forms of Provide extra support and guidance for students who
aggression, and take appropriate actions with both the have disabilities that affect their personal or social
victims and the perpetrators. 322 functioning. 338
Explicitly discourage inappropriate electronic Know the warning signs of severe depression and possible
communications and postings. 323 suicide. 340
Promote understanding, communication, and interaction Foster resilience in students. 340
among diverse groups. 323 Summary 341
7.3 Moral and Prosocial Development 325 Case Study Practice Exercises 342
The Nature of Moral and Prosocial Development 325
Children begin applying internal standards for behavior at a
very early age. 325
8 Instructional Strategies 344
Case Study: Westward Expansion 345
Children increasingly distinguish between moral and
conventional transgressions. 325 8.1 Planning Instruction 346
Children’s capacity to respond emotionally to other Begin by identifying what students should ultimately know
people’s misfortunes and distress increases and be able to do. 346
throughout the school years. 326 Align long-term instructional goals with appropriate
With age, reasoning about moral issues becomes standards for various content domains. 348
increasingly abstract and flexible. 327 Include goals and objectives at varying levels of complexity
Challenges to current moral perspectives can promote and sophistication. 350
advancement toward more sophisticated Ask students to identify some of their own goals for
reasoning. 329 instruction. 351
Cognition, affect, and motivation all influence moral and Break complex tasks and topics into smaller pieces, identify
prosocial behavior. 329 a logical sequence for the pieces, and decide how
Moral values become an important part of some young best to teach each one. 352
people’s identity. 331 Consider how you might motivate students to actively
Teaching Strategies: Promoting Moral Reasoning and Prosocial engage in instructional activities. 354
Behavior 331 Develop step-by-step lesson plans. 354
Expose students to numerous models of moral and Use class websites to share information and scaffold
prosocial behavior. 332 students’ learning. 355
Engage students in discussions of social and moral
8.2 Conducting Teacher-Directed Instruction 355
issues. 332
Encourage and support students’ cognitive processes and
Discourage all forms of cheating. 332
motivation. 356
Get students actively involved in community service or
Ask a lot of good questions to promote and assess
service-learning experiences. 333
learning. 358
7.4 Students Who Face Exceptional Personal or Social Intermingle explanations with examples and opportunities
Challenges 333 for practice. 361
Students At Risk for Academic Failure 333 Help all students achieve mastery of basic knowledge and
Some students face, or have faced, exceptional challenges skills. 362
outside of school. 334 Take advantage of well-designed instructional software and
Some students do well in school despite hardships. 334 websites. 363
Teaching Strategies: Supporting Students Who Face Extend the school day with age-appropriate homework
Challenges 335 assignments. 365
Intervene early and often with students who are at risk for 8.3 Conducting Student-Directed Instruction 366
dropping out of school. 335 Have students discuss issues that lend themselves
Connect students and families to resources. 336 to multiple perspectives, explanations, or
Identify additional supportive strategies and services for approaches. 368
students who are homeless. 336 Create a classroom atmosphere conducive to open debate
Watch for signs of abuse. 338 and the constructive evaluation of ideas. 370
Be on the lookout for students who appear to be social Conduct activities in which students must depend on one
outcasts. 338 another for their learning. 371
xxvi Contents

Have students answer questions through their own 9.2 Expanding the Sense of Community Beyond the
research or investigations. 374 Classroom 404
Have students work on complex, real-world problems, Collaborate with colleagues to create an overall sense of
projects, and designs. 374 school community. 404
When real-world tasks are impractical or impossible, Work cooperatively with other agencies that play key roles
consider using simulations and games. 377 in students’ lives. 405
Have students work one-on-one with another student or a Communicate regularly with parents and other primary
teacher. 378 caregivers. 405
Use computer technology to enhance communication and Invite families and community members to participate in the
collaboration. 381 academic and social life of the school. 407
8.4 General Instructional Strategies 382 Make an extra effort with seemingly “reluctant”
Take group differences into account. 382 parents. 407
Consider how you might productively modify or supplement 9.3 Reducing Unproductive Behaviors 409
instructional strategies for the benefit of English Consider whether instructional strategies or classroom
learners in your classroom. 383 assignments might be partly to blame for off-task
Also take developmental levels, individual differences, and behaviors. 409
special educational needs into account. 383 Consider whether cultural background might influence
Provide sufficient scaffolding to ensure successful students’ classroom behaviors. 410
accomplishment of assigned tasks. 385 Ignore misbehaviors that are temporary, minor, and unlikely
Combine several instructional approaches into a single to be repeated or copied. 411
lesson. 385 Give signals and reminders about what is and is not
Summary 387 appropriate. 412
Case Study Practice Exercises 388 Get students’ perspectives about their behaviors. 413
Teach self-regulation techniques. 415

9 Strategies for Creating When administering punishment, use only those

consequences that have been shown to be effective in
Effective Classroom and School reducing problem behaviors. 416
Environments 390 Confer with parents. 418
To address a chronic problem, plan and carry out a
Case Study: A Contagious Situation 391 systematic intervention. 422
9.1 Creating an Environment Conducive Determine whether certain undesirable behaviors might
to Learning 392 serve particular purposes for students. 424
Arrange the classroom to maximize attention and minimize Use the simplest and least intrusive strategy possible to
disruptions. 393 address student misbehaviors. 426
Communicate caring and respect for every 9.4 Addressing Aggression and Violence
student. 393 at School 426
Work hard to improve relationships that have gotten off to a Make the creation of a nonviolent school environment a
bad start. 395 long-term effort. 428
Create a sense of community and belongingness. 395 Intervene early for students at risk. 430
Create a goal-oriented and business-like (but Provide intensive intervention for students in trouble. 430
nonthreatening) atmosphere. 396
Take additional measures to address gang violence. 430
Create a psychologically safe environment for all
Summary 433
students. 396
Case Study Practice Exercises 434
Establish reasonable rules and procedures. 398
Enforce rules consistently and equitably. 399
Keep students productively engaged in worthwhile
tasks. 400
10 Assessment Strategies 436
Case Study: B in History 437
Plan for transitions. 401
Take individual and developmental differences into 10.1 Using Assessments for Various Purposes 439
account. 401 Guiding Instructional Decision Making 440
Continually monitor what students are doing. 402 Diagnosing Learning and Performance Problems 441
Contents xxvii

Promoting Learning and Motivation 441 Carefully scrutinize items and tasks for characteristics that
Assessments can influence students’ cognitive processes might put some groups at an unfair disadvantage. 467
as they study. 442 When giving tests, encourage students to do their best, but
Assessment activities can be learning experiences in and of don’t arouse a lot of anxiety. 468
themselves. 443 Minimize the potential negative effects of stereotype threat
Assessments can provide feedback about learning during testing. 469
progress. 443 Establish conditions for the assessment that enable
Assessments can motivate students to study and learn. 443 students to maximize their performance. 471
Assessments can encourage engagement and self- Take reasonable steps to discourage cheating. 471
regulation if students play an active role in the Evaluating Students’ Performance on Formal Assessments 472
assessment process. 444 After students have completed an assessment, review
Through both words and deeds, communicate that evaluation criteria to be sure the criteria can adequately
promoting learning and mastery—not passing guide scoring. 473
judgment—is the ultimate goal. 444 Be as objective as possible. 473
Determining What Students Have Learned at the End of Make note of any significant aspects of a student’s
Instruction 445 performance that predetermined scoring criteria don’t
Evaluating the Quality of Instruction 445 address. 473
10.2 Enhancing Learning Through Classroom Assessment When determining overall scores, don’t compare students
Practices 445 to one another unless there is a compelling reason to
do so. 473
Make assessment criteria explicit early in the instructional
process. 445 Accompany any test scores with specific, constructive
feedback. 474
Ask students to evaluate their own performance. 448
Make allowances for risk taking and the occasional “bad
Assess students’ ability to learn new things given varying
day.” 475
levels of guidance and support. 449
Respect students’ right to privacy. 476
Take advantage of technology-based formative assessment
tools. 449 10.5 Summarizing Students’ Achievement with Grades
and Portfolios 477
10.3 Important Qualities of Good Assessment 450
Base final grades largely on final achievement levels and
A good assessment is reliable. 450
hard data. 477
A good assessment is standardized for most students. 452
Use many assessments to determine final grades, but don’t
A good assessment has validity for its purpose. 453 count everything. 477
A good assessment is practical. 455 Share grading criteria with students, and keep students
10.4 Informally and Formally Assessing Students’ continually apprised of their progress. 477
Progress and Achievements 456 Accompany grades with descriptions of what the grades
Conducting Informal Assessments 456 reflect. 478
Observe both verbal and nonverbal behaviors. 457 Also accompany grades with qualitative information about
Ask yourself whether your existing beliefs and expectations students’ performance. 479
might be biasing your judgments. 457 Use portfolios to show complex skills or improvements over
Keep a written record of your observations. 458 time. 479

Don’t take any single informal observation too seriously; Keep parents in the loop. 481
instead, look for patterns over time. 458 10.6 Assessing Students’ Achievement and Abilities with
Designing and Giving Formal Assessments 459 Standardized Tests 483
Get as much information as possible within reasonable time High-Stakes Tests and Accountability 485
limits. 459 Using Standardized Achievement Tests Judiciously 485
When practical, use authentic tasks. 460 When you have a choice in the test you use, choose one that
Use paper-and-pencil assessment tasks when they are has high validity for your curriculum and students. 486
consistent with instructional goals. 461 Teach to the test if—but only if—it reflects important
Use performance assessments when necessary to ensure instructional goals. 486
validity. 463 When preparing students for an upcoming standardized
Define tasks clearly and give students some structure to test, tell them what the test will be like and teach them
guide their responses. 466 good test-taking skills. 486
xxviii Contents

When administering the test, follow the directions closely Summary 490
and report any unusual circumstances. 487 Case Study Practice Exercises 491
Make appropriate accommodations for English
learners. 487
Appendix A: Describing Associations with Correlation
When interpreting test results, take students’ ages and
Coefficients A-1
developmental levels into account. 488
Appendix B: Understanding and Interpreting Standardized
If tests are being used to measure teacher or school
Test Results B-1
effectiveness, advocate for a focus on students’
improvement over time rather than on age-group Glossary G-1
averages. 488 References R-1
Never use a single test score to make important decisions Name Index N-1
about students. 489 Subject Index S-1
Essentials of
Educational Psychology
Big Ideas to Guide Effective Teaching
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Educational Psychology

Photo by Unsplash

Big Ideas to Master in this Chapter

1.1 Effective teachers continually work to enhance their professional
knowledge and skills.
1.2 Effective teachers use research findings and research-based
theories to make decisions about instructional strategies, classroom
management, and assessment practices.
1.3 Students read, study, and learn more efficiently when they plan
appropriately and use effective strategies.

Case Study: The “No D” Policy Chapter Outline
Anne Smith is a ninth-grade English teacher with 10 years of teaching experience, and by all Case Study: The “No D” Policy
accounts she’s an excellent teacher. Even so, in previous years many of her students haven’t 1.1 Developing Expertise as a
invested much time or energy into their writing assignments and seemingly haven’t been both- Teacher
ered by the low grades they’ve earned in her classes. In an effort to engage this year’s students 1.2 Using Research Findings
more fully in their schoolwork, Ms. Smith begins the school year by initiating two new policies. to Make Instructional
• First, to pass her course, students must earn at least a C. She won’t give anyone a final
grade of D because she knows that everyone can earn a high grade if they put forth effort. 1.3 Strategies for Learning and
• Second, students will have multiple opportunities to revise and resubmit assignments. She’ll Studying Effectively
give whatever feedback students need on the assignments to help them improve their work. Summary
And if needed, she’ll even give them one-on-one instruction to help them. Case Study Practice Exercises:
She solicits students’ questions and concerns about the new policies, gains their agreement to New Instructional App
“try something new,” and engages them in a discussion of specific, concrete characteristics of
A-quality, B-quality, and C-quality work.
As the school year progresses, she regularly administers brief surveys to get students’ feed-
back about her innovations, asking such questions as “How is the ‘no D’ policy working for you?”
“Do you think your grade is an accurate reflection of your learning?” and “Any suggestions?”
Students’ responses on the surveys are overwhelmingly positive. Students mention noticeable
improvements in the quality of their writing and increasingly report that they believe themselves to
be in control of both their learning and their grades. Furthermore, they begin to see their teacher
in a new light, “as one who will help them achieve their best work, not as one who just gives out
grades . . . as a coach encouraging them along the long race of learning.” Final course grades
also confirm the value of the new policies: A much higher percentage of students earn grades of
C or better than has been true in past years.1
Please answer these two questions before you read further:

1. What strategies does Ms. Smith use to develop her students’ writing skills?
2. How might Ms. Smith’s policies and behaviors motivate her students?

Effective teachers don’t simply transmit new information and skills to students, they
also help students master the information and skills. Ms. Smith develops her students’
writing skills by giving them feedback and individualizing instruction when needed to
help them improve their skills. By allowing students to revise and resubmit assignments,
Ms. Smith gives all students the chance to improve and demonstrates her commitment
to helping them learn and develop their writing abilities.
Effective teachers also motivate students to engage in learning activities. Ms. Smith’s
policies and behaviors likely motivate her students in many ways. Ms. Smith’s first
policy sets high expectations and demonstrates her belief that all students can succeed
with effort, which is supported by the second policy: students can revise and resubmit
assignments multiple times. These policies can motivate students, especially those who
might not have been as engaged otherwise because they perceived themselves to be poor
writers. Students’ successes, even minor ones, can motivate them to continue to succeed
and improve their writing. In addition, by surveying students and listening to their
feedback, Ms. Smith demonstrates that she respects and cares about students’ opinions
and their development as writers. If students trust Ms. Smith and feel a connection with
her, they’re more likely to listen to her and be motivated to participate in class activities.
Ms. Smith’s case study is an example of how teachers’ decisions to implement class-
room strategies and policies can affect what students know, think, do, and feel. However,

Based on a description in A. K. Smith, 2009.

4 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

students’ characteristics and behaviors must also influence the decisions teachers make,
Figure 1.1 A learner-
such as decisions about what topics and skills to teach ( planning), how to teach those top-
centered model of
ics and skills (instruction), how to keep students on task and supportive of one another’s
learning efforts (creating an effective classroom environment), and how best to determine
what students have learned (assessment). The relationships among these factors is depicted
Planning Instruction
in Figure 1.1. Notice how student characteristics and behaviors are at the center of the figure
because these must drive almost everything that teachers do in the classroom. Such an
Characteristics approach to teaching is sometimes known as learner-centered instruction.2
and Behaviors The purpose of this text is to help you understand children and adolescents: how they
learn and develop, how they’re likely to be similar to but also different from one another,
Classroom what activities and assignments are apt to engage them in the classroom, and so on. It will
Environment Assessment
also give you a toolbox of strategies for planning and implementing instruction, creating
an environment that keeps students motivated and on task, and assessing students’ prog-
ress and achievement. These topics are within the field of educational psychology, which
is an academic discipline that (1) systematically studies the nature of human learning,
development, motivation, and related topics and (2) applies its research findings to the
identification and development of effective instructional practices, including classroom
management and assessment. These topics are presented in this text in the order shown
in Figure 1.2. These topics don’t always fit neatly into just one chapter; they often overlap
and are related to one another. For example, classroom management strategies are built
upon theories of learning, development, and motivation. Throughout the text, we’ve tried
to make connections between topics to help you understand the interrelationships among
concepts as you further your knowledge of this fascinating field.

Figure 1.2 Chapter(s) in which each educational psychology topic appears most

Chapter 1: Introduction to Educational


Chapter 2: Learning, Cognition, Memory

Learning Chapter 3: Complex Cognitive Processes

Chapter 4: Learning in Context

Motivation Chapter 5: Motivation and Affect

Chapter 6: Cognitive Development

Chapter 7: Personal, Social, and Moral

Instruction Chapter 8: Instructional Strategies

Chapter 9: Strategies for Creating Effective

Classroom Management
Classroom and School Environments

Assessment Chapter 10: Assessment Strategies

For good general discussions of learner-centered instructional practices, see McCombs, 2005; National
Research Council, 2000. You may also want to look at the American Psychological Association’s 14
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (
1.1 Developing Expertise as a Teacher 5

Whether you’re preparing to become a teacher or you already have teaching experience,
the topics in this text help you on your road to becoming a more skillful teacher.3 We begin
the next section by examining some of the ways in which teachers can develop their profes-
sional expertise and the important role that educational psychology plays in developing
that expertise. Then, we explain the role of research and the scientific study of psychological
principles applied to education because effective teachers use research findings to help them
make decisions about their instruction. We conclude this chapter by presenting research-
based strategies that you can use to study most effectively. Students in our undergraduate
and graduate courses have told us that these strategies are very useful in learning the con-
cepts in this text and in other courses or educational settings. You can also teach these study
strategies to your students to help them become better at studying and learning.

1.1 Developing Expertise as a Teacher

Big Idea 1.1 Effective teachers continually work to enhance their professional
knowledge and skills.
You will become a better teacher by learning to apply the concepts in this text; however,
true expertise in teaching takes many years to acquire.4 In this section, we offer several
strategies that you can use over time to develop your knowledge and skills as a teacher—
all of them based on research on teacher effectiveness.

Learn as much as you can about the subject matter you teach, about
teaching strategies, and about learners and their development.
Effective teachers typically know their subject matter extremely well and can usually antic-
ipate and address the difficulties students will have and the kinds of errors students will
make in the process of mastering a certain skill or body of knowledge.5 Effective teachers
also know a variety of teaching strategies, including strategies for teaching particular
topics and skills, strategies collectively known as pedagogical content knowledge.6 In
addition, effective teachers have knowledge of how their students learn and develop in
social contexts and how students can differ individually and culturally (see Figure 1.3).7

Figure 1.3 Effective teachers draw on many types of knowledge when making
decisions in the classroom.
Knowledge of student
learning and

Knowledge of
subject matter
Knowledge of learner
Pedagogical content
(strategies for teaching
particular content)

Bransford et al., 2005; Brouwer & Korthagen, 2005.
Alexander, 2003; Berliner, 2001.
Borko & Putnam, 1996; Cochran & Jones, 1998; H. C. Hill et al., 2008; D. C. Smith & Neale, 1991;
Windschitl, 2002.
Baumert et al., 2010; Cochran & Jones, 1998; Krauss et al., 2008; Shulman, 1986.
Bransford et al., 2005; Council of Chief State School Officers, 2013; Russ et al., 2016.
6 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

Much of this knowledge—especially knowledge of learning, development, and learner

differences—is included in this text because it’s within the field of educational psychology.
To meet the needs of all their students, teachers must be prepared to teach students
with unique educational needs, including students with disabilities. Students with
­disabilities are different enough from their peers that they may require modifications to
their learning goals (e.g., alternative texts or assignments) or accommodations that allow
Pearson eText
Video Example 1.1 them to access class content (e.g., Braille, recorded texts, assistive technologies). Many of
The teacher in this video explains these students are included in general education classrooms, a practice called inclusion. At
the importance of meeting each several points in the text we consider students with particular kinds of needs and identify
­student’s individual needs in a strategies that may be especially useful in working with them.
diverse classroom.
Believe that you can make a difference in students’ lives.
In Chapter 5 you’ll discover the importance of having high self-efficacy—believing that
you’re capable of executing certain behaviors or reaching certain goals. Students are more
likely to try to learn something if they believe they can learn it; in other words, if they
have high self-efficacy. But teachers, too, must have high self-efficacy about what they can
accomplish. Students who achieve at high levels are apt to be those whose teachers have
confidence in what they, as teachers, can do—both individually and collectively—for their
students.8 Ultimately, what teachers do in the classroom matters for students, not only in
the short term but for years to come.9

Continually reflect on and critically examine your assumptions,

inferences, and teaching practices.
In the opening case study, Anne Smith reflects on her students’ performance in previous
years and then institutes new assessment policies that might be more motivating and pro-
ductive. Like Ms. Smith, effective teachers engage in reflective teaching: They continually
examine and critique their assumptions, inferences, and instructional practices, and they
regularly adjust their beliefs and strategies in light of new evidence.10

Communicate and collaborate with colleagues.

Good teachers rarely work in isolation. Instead, they frequently communicate with col-
leagues in their own school district and across the nation—perhaps with colleagues in
other countries as well—through face-to-face meetings, e-mail, regional or national con-
ferences, and professional websites (e.g., Ideally, teachers and
administrators at a single school create a professional learning community, in which they
Pearson eText share a common vision for students’ learning and achievement, work collaboratively to
Video Example 1.2
achieve desired outcomes for all students, and regularly communicate with one another
The teacher in this video provides
advice for how beginning teachers
about their strategies and progress.11 Most experienced teachers are happy to offer begin-
can learn from more experienced ning teachers advice and support during challenging times. In fact, they’re apt to be flat-
teachers. Notice how she also tered to be asked!
provides advice for how teachers
can maintain high self-efficacy for
Learn as much as you can about the culture(s) of the community
in which you are working.
Throughout the text, you’ll see numerous ways in which children from diverse cul-
tural groups may think and behave differently from one another. But a textbook can
offer only a sampling of the many cultural differences you might encounter. You can

   8 Holzberger et al., 2013; J. A. Langer, 2000; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2008.
   9 Hattie, 2009; Konstantopoulos & Chung, 2011.
Hammerness et al., 2005; T. Hogan et al., 2003; Larrivee, 2006.
DuFour et al., 2008; P. Graham & Ferriter, 2009; Raudenbush, 2009.
1.1 Developing Expertise as a Teacher 7

become more informed about students’ cultural beliefs and practices if you participate
in local community activities and converse frequently with parents and other com-
munity members.12

Keep up to date on research findings and innovative evidence-based

practices in education.
Occasional university coursework and in-service training sessions are good ways to
enhance teaching effectiveness.13 Also, effective teachers typically subscribe to one or more
professional journals and, as time allows, they attend professional conferences in their
region. Many websites provide teachers with information and ideas about effective class-
room practices, including the websites of professional organizations such as the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (, the National Council for the Social
Studies (, the National Association for Music Education (www, the National Science Teachers Association (, and the Interna-
tional Literacy Association (

Integrate action research into your ongoing classroom practices.

Like Anne Smith in the opening case study, practicing teachers sometimes have questions
that existing research findings don’t fully answer. In action research, teachers conduct
systematic studies of issues and problems in their own schools, with the goal of seeking
more effective strategies for working with students.14 For example, an action research
project might involve examining the effectiveness of a new teaching technique, seeking
students’ opinions on a new classroom policy (as Ms. Smith does), or ascertaining reasons Pearson eText
Video Example 1.3
why many students rarely complete homework assignments.
In this video, the teacher describes
Action research studies typically involve the following steps:15 the topic she chose for her action
research project.
1. Identify an area of focus. The teacher-researcher begins with a problem and gathers
preliminary information that might shed light on the problem, perhaps by reading
relevant books or journal articles, searching the Internet, or discussing the issue with
colleagues or students. The teacher-researcher then identifies one or more specific
questions to address and develops a research plan for answering those questions
(data-collection techniques, necessary resources, schedule, etc.). At this point, the
teacher also seeks permission to conduct the study from school administrators and
any other appropriate authorities. Depending on the nature of the study, parents’
permission may be necessary.
2. Collect data. The teacher-researcher collects data relevant to the research questions.
Such data might, for example, be obtained from questionnaires, interviews, achieve-
ment tests, students’ journals or portfolios, existing school records (e.g., attendance
patterns, school suspension rates), observations, or any combination of these.
3. Analyze and interpret the data. The teacher-researcher looks for patterns in the data.
Sometimes the analysis involves computing numerical statistics (e.g., frequencies,
percentages, averages, correlation coefficients). At other times, the analysis involves
an in-depth inspection of the data without numbers, such as reading students’
responses to identify themes and to interpret the meaning of the responses. Or, it
could be a combination that includes both statistical analyses and qualitative inter-
pretations of the meaning of the data. The teacher-researcher then relates the findings
to the original research questions.

Castagno & Brayboy, 2008; McIntyre, 2010; Rogoff, 2003.
Desimone, 2009; Guskey & Sparks, 2002; Hamre et al., 2012; Hattie, 2009.
Mertler, 2019.
Steps based on those recommended by Mills, 2014.
8 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

4. Develop and implement an action plan. The teacher-

Figure 1.4 The steps involved in an action research project.
researcher uses the information collected to take
action; for instance, to change instructional strate-
Identify focus 1 gies, school policies, or the classroom environment.

2 Collect data After the final step, a teacher-researcher may have all the
information needed to work more effectively with stu-
dents. Or, it may be necessary to go through the process
Develop and
implement plan 4 again by collecting more data, analyzing and interpret-
ing the data, and developing and implementing another
action plan. This cyclical process is shown in Figure 1.4
3 Analyze and
interpret data
and could continue over and over.

1.2 Using Research Findings to Make

Instructional Decisions
Big Idea 1.2 Effective teachers use research findings and research-based theories
to make decisions about instructional strategies, classroom management, and
assessment practices.
Teachers make instructional decisions based on their prior experiences, advice from oth-
ers, knowledge and skills they learned in their formal schooling, and so on. Although
many of these sources of information are potentially useful to teachers’ instructional deci-
sions, effective teachers rely on research findings and research-based theories to inform
their practices. In the principles that follow, we explain why teachers need to understand
research, we examine the different types of research conducted by educational psycholo-
gists, and we describe how this research can be synthesized and organized into principles
and theories that can be helpful to teachers.

The effectiveness of various classroom practices can best be

determined through systematic research.
You have been a student for many years now, and you’ve undoubtedly learned a great deal
about how individuals learn and develop and about how teachers can foster their learn-
ing and development. But exactly how much do you know? To help you find out, please
complete the following short pretest that was developed by one of us authors.

See For Yourself

Ormrod’s Own Psychological Survey (OOPS)
Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1. Some children are predominantly left-brain thinkers, whereas others are predominantly
­right-brain thinkers.
2. Students are good judges of how much they know about a topic.
3. Anxiety sometimes helps students learn and perform more successfully in the classroom.
4. Playing video games can enhance children’s cognitive development.
5. The ways in which teachers assess students’ learning influence what and how students
­actually learn.
1.2 Using Research Findings to Make Instructional Decisions 9

Now let’s see how well you did on the OOPS. The answers, along with an explanation
for each one, are as follows:

1. Some children are predominantly left-brain thinkers, whereas others are predomi-
nantly right-brain thinkers. False—With the development of new medical technolo-
gies in recent years, researchers have learned a great deal about how the human brain
works and which parts of it specialize in which aspects of human thinking. As you’ll
discover in Chapter 2, the two halves, or hemispheres, of the brain do have somewhat
different specialties, but they continually communicate and collaborate in tackling
even the simplest of daily tasks. Thinking and learning about almost anything is
distributed across many parts of the brain. Therefore, practically speaking, there’s
no such thing as left-brain or right-brain thinking.16
2. Students are good judges of how much they know about a topic. False—Contrary
to popular opinion, students are usually not the best judges of what they do and don’t
know. For example, many students think that if they’ve spent a long time studying a
textbook chapter, they must know its contents very well. Yet if they’ve spent most of
their study time inefficiently—perhaps by “reading” while thinking about something
else altogether or by mindlessly copying definitions—they may know far less than
they think they do. We consider this illusion of learning further in Chapter 3.17
3. Anxiety sometimes helps students learn and perform more successfully in the
classroom. True—Many people think that anxiety is always a bad thing. But actually,
a little bit of anxiety can improve learning and performance, especially when students
perceive a task to be something they can accomplish with reasonable effort.18 For
instance, a small, manageable amount of anxiety can spur students to complete their
work carefully and to study for tests. We explore the effects of anxiety and other
emotions in Chapter 5.
4. Playing video games can enhance children’s cognitive development. Sometimes
True—A great deal of time spent playing video games instead of reading, doing home-
work, and engaging in other school-related activities can definitely interfere with
children’s long-term academic success. But some video games can be powerful tools
for promoting important cognitive abilities, such as spatial abilities and the flexible
use of attention.19 And educational technologists have increasingly been designing
highly motivating video games that simulate real-world problems and foster com-
plex problem-solving skills.20 In upcoming chapters (especially Chapter 4 and Chap-
ter 8), we examine many ways in which computer technologies can support students’
learning and cognitive development.
5. The ways in which teachers assess students’ learning influence what and how
students actually learn. True—What and how students learn depend, in part, on
how they expect their learning to be assessed.21 For example, in the opening case
study, Anne Smith’s “No D” and multiple-submission policies encourage students
to seek feedback about their work, benefit from their mistakes, and enhance their
writing skills. In Chapter 10 we look more closely at the potential effects of classroom
assessment practices on students’ learning.

Gonsalves & Cohen, 2010; Schlegel et al., 2016.
Carpenter et al., 2020; Dunlosky & Lipko, 2007; Stone, 2000.
Preckel et al., 2006; Strack & Esteves, 2015; Travis et al., 2020.
Green, 2014; Parong et al., 2017, 2020; Rothbart, 2011; Tobias & Fletcher, 2011.
Blumberg, 2014; Squire, 2011.
Carpenter, 2012; Frederiksen, 1984; Haertel, 2013.
10 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

How many of the OOPS items did you answer correctly? Did any of the items con-
tradict certain beliefs you had? If so, you’re hardly alone. College students often agree
with statements that seem obvious but are, in fact, partially or completely incorrect.22 Fur-
thermore, many students in teacher education classes reject research findings when those
findings appear to contradict their personal beliefs and experiences.23
It’s easy to be persuaded by “common sense” and assume that what seems logical
must be true. Yet common sense and logic don’t always align with how people actually
learn and develop, nor do they always give us appropriate guidance about how best to
help students succeed in the classroom. Educational psychologists believe that knowledge
about teaching and learning should come from a more objective source of information,
such as from systematic research. Increasingly, educators and policymakers alike are call-
ing for evidence-based practices—the use of instructional methods and other classroom
strategies that research has consistently shown to bring about significant gains in students’
development and academic achievement.24

Educational psychologists focus on the scientific study of

psychological principles that are relevant to education.
Ideas related to educational psychology have been around for centuries, as philosophers
such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (and more recently, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, and
others) wrote about concepts such as knowledge, beliefs, development, self, motivation,
and memory. Yet, educational psychology didn’t formally emerge as a field until later,
perhaps around 1892 at the first meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA)
and 1910 when the first issue of the Journal of Educational Psychology was published.25 These
events occurred about the same time that psychology (the study of the mind and behavior)
was emerging as a scientific discipline separate from philosophy. Near the end of the 19th
century, researchers such as Wilhelm Wundt, Hermann Ebbinghaus, and William James
were among the first to conduct experimental research studies related to psychology. The
use of scientific methods in psychology opened the doors for researchers to scientifically
study topics related to teaching and learning.
At the dawn of this new field of educational psychology, William James, G. Stanley
Hall, and John Dewey led the way as they believed that educational psychology should
be a central force in developing a science of teaching.26 Over the next few decades (into
the middle of the 20th century), Edward Thorndike was a leader in laying the foundation
for educational psychology. Thorndike believed that teachers would be more successful if
they learned to apply psychology to teaching, similar to how farmers who know how to
apply botany and chemistry to farming are more successful than those who do not.27 Since
then, researchers have confirmed Thorndike’s belief and found that teachers are more suc-
cessful if they have knowledge about student learning and development (along with the
other knowledge and skills shown previously in Figure 1.3).28
As you progress through this text, you’ll learn the names of many researchers and
theories that have influenced the field of educational psychology since those early days.
Although educational psychologists now use a wide variety of research methodologies
and explore a broad range of topics (remember Figure 1.2), a consistent theme across
the years has been an emphasis on the use of rigorous scientific methods to study the

Gage, 1991; L. S. Goldstein & Lake, 2000; Woolfolk Hoy et al., 2006.
Gregoire, 2003; Holt-Reynolds, 1992; T. M. McDevitt & Ormrod, 2008; Patrick & Pintrich, 2001.
Cook et al., 2012. For example, see Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2005; Waterhouse, 2006.
Alexander et al., 2012; Berliner, 2006.
Berliner, 2006.
Thorndike, 1906.
Ball & Forzani, 2010.
1.2 Using Research Findings to Make Instructional Decisions 11

experiences of students, teachers, and others involved in educational activities.29 Given

the broad scope of educational psychology, the types of questions educational psycholo-
gists answer are also quite varied. Here are some example questions from each of the
chapters in this book:

• Chapter 1: What strategies can students use to study more effectively?

• Chapter 2: How can teachers help students remember facts and concepts?
• Chapter 3: How can students become better problem solvers?
• Chapter 4: What strategies can teachers use to change students’ misbehaviors?
• Chapter 5: How do teachers’ beliefs affect student motivation?
• Chapter 6: How does children’s thinking change as they get older?
• Chapter 7: What factors affect students’ identity and sense of self?
• Chapter 8: What types of questions can teachers ask students to foster their thinking
and learning?
• Chapter 9: How can teachers most effectively implement cooperative learning
activities? think about it
• Chapter 10: What are the characteristics of a valid test? Based on what you’ve read so far in
the text, how would you explain the
The science of educational psychology can provide teachers with guiding principles that discipline of “educational psychology”
to one of your friends who is unfamil-
can be used to answer all of these types of questions. Yet ultimately, it’s up to teachers iar with it?
to decide how they can best apply the principles to meet the needs of their students and
achieve their instructional objectives.
Topics in educational psychology are also studied by researchers in
closely related disciplines, such as education, instructional design and tech- Figure 1.5 Educational psychology
informs and is informed by other disciplines.
nology, learning science, cognitive science, and other overlapping areas
of psychology (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, developmental, social, and
school psychology). In addition, neurologists, cognitive psychologists, and Education
researchers from other disciplines are working together to discover how the
brain influences people’s behavior and learning and, conversely, how peo- Instructional Design
ple’s behavior and learning experiences can influence brain development. & Technology

This rapidly expanding field, known as cognitive neuroscience, is making

Learning Science
many noteworthy contributions to our understanding of human learning. Educational
As Figure 1.5 shows, educational psychology informs and is informed by Psychology
Cognitive Science
many different disciplines.
One way that researchers contribute to the field of educational psychol-
ogy is to publish their research findings in academic journals and books. Psychology

Many educational psychologists also belong to regional, national, and inter-

national organizations to share their research and discuss ideas with others Neuroscience
(see Figure 1.6 for examples). We synthesized much of this research as we
developed the Big Ideas presented in this text.

Figure 1.6 Examples of organizations that represent educational psychology.

Organizations Website URL
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)

Harris et al., 2012; Reynolds & Miller, 2013.
12 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

When educational psychologists write about and present their research, they iden-
tify the particular research articles, books, conference presentations, and other sources on
which they base their claims. Most educational psychology publications and conferences
require authors to follow APA style, guidelines prescribed by the American Psychologi-
cal Association for identifying sources and preparing references.30 In APA style, a source
is cited by presenting the author(s) and date of publication in the body of the text. For
example, in APA style, the sources for the following sentence (from a prior paragraph)
would be included at the end of the sentence: But actually, a little bit of anxiety can improve
learning and performance, especially when students perceive a task to be something they
can accomplish with reasonable effort (Preckel et al., 2006; Strack & Esteves, 2015; Travis
et al., 2020). In this text, we’ve intentionally deviated from APA style by presenting the ref-
erences in footnotes. We hope this style will help you focus on the ideas in the text instead
of on the names and dates provided in the references. But when you find some of the ideas
especially interesting, exciting, or surprising, we urge you to read the footnoted sources
firsthand by finding the detailed citations in the book’s References list.

Research can provide quantitative information, qualitative information,

or both.
Many research studies involve quantitative research—research yielding data that is
inherently numerical in nature or can easily be reduced to numbers, such as percentages,
frequencies, or averages related to certain characteristics or phenomena. For example, a
quantitative study might provide information about students’ scores on achievement tests
(e.g., 72 points out of 100 points), students’ ratings on questionnaire items (e.g., a 4 on a
rating scale ranging from 1 to 6), or school district records of students’ attendance (e.g.,
6 absences) and dropout rates (e.g., 23% of students drop out).
Other studies involve qualitative research—research yielding nonnumeric data (e.g.,
verbal reports, written documents, pictures) typically involving an in-depth examina-
tion of a complex phenomenon. For example, a qualitative study might involve lengthy
interviews in which students describe their hopes for the future, a detailed case study
of interpersonal relationships within a tight-knit clique of adolescent girls, or in-depth
observations of several teachers who use different teaching strategies.
In many cases, educators can gain a better understanding of students and effective
classroom practices when they consider findings from both quantitative and qualitative
research. Research that includes both quantitative and qualitative elements is called mixed
methods research.31 For example, in the research project described in the opening case
study, Anne Smith uses quantitative data to tabulate students’ responses to various sur-
vey questions and to compute the percentages of various final class grades. But she also
uses qualitative data when she looks closely at students’ specific comments on the survey

Different kinds of research lead to different kinds of conclusions.

In addition to yielding either quantitative or qualitative data (or both), research studies
typically fall into one of four general categories: descriptive, correlational, experimental,
or quasi-experimental. These various kinds of studies enable different kinds of conclusions
and are appropriate for different types of research questions (see Table 1.1).
A descriptive study does exactly what its name implies: It describes a situation.
Descriptive studies might provide information about the characteristics of students, teach-
ers, or schools (e.g., 38% of the students at Northern High School are African American).

For more information on APA style, see its Publication Manual (APA, 2020) or visit
Creswell, 2014.
1.2 Using Research Findings to Make Instructional Decisions 13

Table 1.1 Contrasting Various Types of Research

Experimental and
Descriptive Studies Descriptive Studies Correlational Studies Quasi-Experimental Studies
General Nature • Portray the complex, • Capture the current • Identify associations among • Manipulate one (independent)
and Purposes multifaceted nature of human state of affairs characteristics, behaviors, variable in order to observe
behavior, especially in real- regarding a real- and/or environmental its possible effect on another
world social settings world issue or conditions (dependent) variable
problem • Enable predictions about • Eliminate other plausible
one variable, given explanations for observed
knowledge of the degree or outcomes (especially
quantity of another variable in carefully controlled
• Provide an alternative when experimental studies)
experimental manipulations • Enable conclusions
are unethical or impossible about cause-and-effect
Limitations • Don’t enable predictions • Don’t enable • Enable only imprecise • May not completely eliminate
about one variable based on predictions about predictions, with possible alternative explanations
another variable one variable based exceptions to the general for observed outcomes
• Don’t enable conclusions on another variable relationships observed (especially true for quasi-
about cause-and-effect • Don’t enable • Don’t enable conclusions experimental studies)
relationships conclusions about about cause-and-effect • In some cases, involve
cause-and-effect relationships artificial laboratory conditions
relationships that don’t resemble real-life
learning environments
Examples of • What things do high-achieving • How pervasive are • Are better readers also • Which of two reading
Questions students say they do "in their gender stereotypes better spellers? programs produces
That Might Be heads" when they read and in popular children’s • Are students more likely greater gains in reading
Addressed study their textbooks? literature? to be aggressive at comprehension?
• What distinct qualities • What kinds school if they often see • Which method is most
characterize high schools in of aggressive violence at home or in their effective in reducing
which members of various behaviors occur in neighborhoods? aggressive behavior—
adolescent gangs interact schools, and with • To what extent are students’ reinforcing appropriate
congenially and respectfully? what frequencies? class grades related to their behavior, punishing
• In what ways do teachers’ • How well have scores on achievement aggressive behavior, or a
instructional practices change students performed tests? combination of both?
when their jobs and salaries on a recent national • Do different kinds of tests
depend on their students’ achievement test? (e.g., multiple-choice vs.
scores on statewide or essay tests) encourage
national achievement tests? students to study in different

They might also provide information about how frequently certain events or behaviors
occur (e.g., students at Southern Elementary School were absent an average of 5 days of
school last year). Descriptive studies allow us to draw conclusions about the way things
are—the current state of affairs—based on data that has been collected. Virtually all quali-
tative studies are primarily descriptive in nature, and some quantitative studies fall into
the descriptive category.
A correlational study explores possible relationships among two or more variables. A
variable is something that can vary over time, across contexts, or among individuals. For
instance, interest in playing basketball is a variable that can vary over time (e.g., Alejandra
was interested in playing basketball when she was a child, but she has very little interest
in playing now that she is an adult), across contexts (e.g., Zhang is interested in playing
basketball with his friends, but not with his younger brothers), or among individuals (e.g.,
Jennifer is very interested in playing basketball, but Gitanjali is only slightly interested
in playing basketball). In general, correlational studies enable researchers to draw con-
clusions about correlation—the extent to which two variables are associated somewhat
14 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

Figure 1.7 An example of a positive correlation (as Variable 1 increases, Variable 2 increases) and a negative correlation
(as Variable 1 increases, Variable 2 decreases).
Positive Correlation Negative Correlation
12000 12000

10000 10000

8000 8000
Variable 2

Variable 2
6000 6000

4000 4000

2000 2000

0 0
385 405 425 445 465 385 405 425 445 465
Variable 1 Variable 1

predictably. Two variables are positively correlated when one variable increases as the other
increases, and variables are negatively correlated when one variable increases as the other
decreases (see Figure 1.7). The bottom row of the fourth column in Table 1.1 presents three
examples of possible correlational relationships: those between (1) reading and spelling
ability, (2) aggressive behavior at school and violence at home, and (3) class grades and
achievement test scores. Correlations are often described numerically with statistics known
as correlation coefficients, described in Appendix A.
If a correlation exists between two variables, knowing the status of one variable allows
us to make predictions about the other variable. For example, if we find a positive correla-
tion between reading ability and spelling ability, we can predict that, on average, students
who are proficient readers will also be good spellers. Our predictions will be imprecise at
best, with exceptions to the general rule. For instance, we may occasionally see very good
readers who are poor spellers. A more significant limitation of correlational studies is that
although they may demonstrate that a relationship exists, they never tell us for certain
why it exists. They don’t identify which specific variables (e.g., previous experiences, per-
sonality, motivation) are the cause of the relationship. In other words, correlation does not
necessarily indicate causation.
Descriptive and correlational studies describe things as they exist naturally in the
environment. In contrast, an experimental study, or experiment, is a study in which the
researcher somehow changes, or manipulates, one or more aspects of the environment
(called independent variables) and then measures the effects of such changes on something
else (called the dependent variable). In educational research the dependent variable is often
some aspect of student behavior, such as end-of-year grades, skill in executing a complex
physical movement, persistence in tackling difficult math problems, or ability to interact
appropriately with peers.32 A key feature of an experiment is that the researcher separates
and controls variables, testing the possible effects of one variable while keeping constant
all other potentially influential variables. When carefully designed and conducted, experi-
mental studies enable researchers to draw conclusions about causation—about what vari-
ables cause or influence other variables.

You might think of the distinction this way: Student behavior (the dependent variable) depends on
instructional practice or some other aspect of the environment (the independent variable).
1.2 Using Research Findings to Make Instructional Decisions 15

Often experimental studies involve two or more groups that are treated differently.
Consider these examples:

• A researcher uses one instructional method to teach reading Group 1 Group 2

comprehension skills to one group of students and uses another
Instructional method A Instructional method B
instructional method to teach reading comprehension skills to a
similar group of students. In this case, the instructional method
is the independent variable. The researcher then assesses
students’ reading ability (the dependent variable) and compares
the average reading-ability scores of the two groups.

• A researcher gives three similar groups of students varying Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
amounts of practice with woodworking skills. Here, the
Little practice Some practice A lot of practice
amount of practice is the independent variable. The researcher
subsequently scores the quality of each student’s woodworking
project (the dependent variable) and compares the average
scores of the three groups.

• A researcher gives one group of students an intensive Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

instructional program designed to improve their study skills. The
Study skills instruction No instruction Subject instruction
researcher gives another group of students no instruction and
gives a third group instruction in subject matter unrelated to
study skills. The presence or absence of instruction in study skills
is the independent variable (the second and third groups did not
receive instruction in study skills). The researcher examines two
dependent variables to determine whether the program had an
effect on (1) the quality of students’ study skills and (2) students’
grade point averages.

Control groups

Each of these examples includes treatment groups that receive a particular intervention.
The third example also includes two control groups: one that receives no intervention and
another that receives a placebo intervention that’s unlikely to affect the dependent variable(s)
in question. In many experimental studies, participants are assigned to groups randomly—for
instance, by drawing names out of a hat or using a computer software program or app to
randomly select participants for different groups. Such random assignment is apt to yield
groups that are, on average, roughly equivalent on other variables (preexisting ability levels,
personality characteristics, motivation, etc.) that might affect the dependent variable.
Random assignment to groups isn’t always possible or practical, however, espe-
cially in research studies conducted in actual schools and classrooms. For example, when
studying the potential benefits of a new teaching technique or therapeutic intervention, a
researcher may not be able to completely control which students receive the experimental
treatment and which do not, or a particular treatment or intervention may have important
benefits for all students. In such situations, researchers often conduct a quasi-experimental
study, in which they consider, but don’t completely control, other influential variables.
The following are examples:

• A researcher implements a new after-school homework program at one high school

and identifies a comparable high school without such a program to serve as a control
group. The researcher obtains achievement test scores for students at both schools
both before and after the program’s implementation. Ideally, to document the
16 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Educational Psychology

homework program’s effectiveness, the average test scores for the two high schools
should be the same before the program begins. Then, if differences exist on students’
achievement test scores (the dependent variables) at the end of the program, they
may be attributed to the new homework program.
• A team of researchers wants to study the effects of safety instructions on children’s
behaviors on the playground. The researchers present the instructional intervention
to first-graders the first week, second-graders the following week, and kindergart-
ners and third-graders the week after that. The researchers monitor students’ play-
ground behavior before, during, and after the intervention to determine whether
each grade-level group’s risky playground behavior decreases immediately follow-
ing the intervention.33

When researchers conduct such quasi-experimental studies, they don’t control for all
potentially influential variables and therefore can’t completely rule out alternative expla-
nations for the results they obtain. For instance, in the after-school homework example,
it’s possible that the school that implemented the new homework program had simultane-
ously begun to use more effective instructional methods during the school day and those
methods are the reason for any increase in achievement scores. And in the playground
safety example, perhaps certain other things coincidentally happened at the four grade
levels during their respective safety-instructions weeks, and those things were the true
causes of children’s behavior improvements.
When carefully designed and conducted, experimental studies and, to a lesser degree,
quasi-experimental studies enable us to draw conclusions about causation—about why
behaviors occur. Yet for practical or ethical reasons, many important questions in edu-
cation don’t easily lend themselves to experimental manipulation and tight control of
other potentially influential variables. For example, although we might find a correla-
tion between children’s aggression levels at school and the amount of violence in their
home environments, it would be highly unethical to conduct an experimental study in
which some children are intentionally placed in a violent environment. Consequently,
some important educational questions can be addressed only with descriptive or corre-
lational studies, even though such studies don’t let us pin down precise cause-and-effect

Drawing conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships requires

that all other possible explanations for an outcome be eliminated.
Whenever we look at the results of a research study—regardless of who has conducted the
study and regardless of whether it has been described in a professional journal or other
credible media source—we mustn’t be too hasty to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect
relationships. As an example, imagine that Hometown School District wants to find out
which of two new reading programs, Reading Is Great (RIG) or Reading and You (RAY), leads
to better reading in third grade. The district asks each of its third-grade teachers to choose
one of these two reading programs and use it throughout the school year. The district then
compares the end-of-year achievement test scores of students in the RIG and RAY class-
rooms and finds that RIG students have gotten substantially higher reading comprehension
scores than RAY students. We might quickly jump to the conclusion that RIG promotes
better reading comprehension than RAY—in other words, that a cause-and-effect relation-
ship exists between instructional method and reading comprehension. But is this really so?
Not necessarily. If we look at the study more closely, we realize that the school
district hasn’t eliminated all other possible explanations for the difference in students’
reading comprehension scores. Remember, the third-grade teachers personally chose the

Here we’re describing a study conducted by Heck et al., 2001.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Plate 19.

Eggington Church. (Page 109.)

Willington Church.
As the manor of Egginton was divided into two moieties, so was
the rectory. Dr. Charles Cox thus writes, “Early in the reign of Henry
III., the two moieties of the rectory were respectively conveyed to the
newly-founded abbey of Dale by Amalric de Gasci and Geoffrey de
Musters.” In consequence of this division there were two rectors. The
abbots of Dale-Abbey continued to present till the year 1344,
meanwhile the lords of the manor laid claim to it, and, from that time
down to 1712, a series of law-suits were carried on, the result of
which is that at the present time the patronage is in five parts; two
turns belonging to the Everys, two to the Poles, and one to the
Leighs. An account of the various claimants, &c., and a list of the
rectors, will be found in Cox’s Derbyshire Churches, Vol. IV. The
church, dedicated to St. Wilfred, consists of chancel, nave, aisles,
and low west tower. At various times the church has been added to,
but it chiefly belongs to the Decorated period, the tower is
Perpendicular, as are some of the windows. In the south wall of the
south aisle are two recesses, one contains an effigy of a lady,
holding a heart in her hand, supposed to be Elizabeth, co-heiress of
Stafford, wife of William Tymmore. On the walls, and floor of the
chancel are memorial stones, and monuments of the Everys, and
several rectors.
There are three bells, bearing the following inscriptions:

I. “I was recast again to sing

By friends to country, church, and king.
Thomas Hedderley, founder, Nottingham, 1778.”

II. “Ihe. Ave Maria gracia plena Dominus tecum.”

III. “I sweetly toling men do call

To taste of meats that feeds the soole, 1615.”
Bell mark of Henry Oldfield.

The 2nd bell is supposed to be the only one left when the others
were sold for the repairing of Monks’ Bridge. The third bell is of the
same date, and bears the same inscription as the 2nd bell in Repton
The old Egginton Hall, the seat of the Every family, was destroyed
by fire in the year 1736, and was rebuilt by Sir Edward Every, Bart.,
from designs by Wyatt. In the Hall there are five splendid pieces of
tapestry, made at Gobelin’s, in Paris, by order of Sir Henry Every,
who died in 1709, before the order was completed. Four exhibit
emblematic devices of the four elements, earth, air, fire and water,
and armorial bearings, in each compartment.
Earth is represented by Ceres (Demeter) in her chariot in a
garden, with fountains in the background. By the side of the chariot
stands her daughter Persephone, wearing a mural crown. Lions and
other wild beasts occupy the foreground, the bordering is composed
of fruit and flowers.
Air is represented by Jupiter and Juno throned on the clouds.
Boreas blowing up a storm in the background, birds, storks, pelicans,
&c., occupy the foreground.
Fire is represented by Vulcan working at his forge, attended by
Venus and Cupid, at the back is a cave with a furnace in its
recesses. Weapons, and instruments of metal form a bordering.
Water is represented by Neptune and Amphitrite, in a chariot
drawn by sea-horses. The bordering is composed of seaweed,
shells, coral, &c.
The fifth hanging has a representation of Venus, with a little Cupid
standing before her, and has a pretty bordering of flowers,
landscapes, and medallions bearing symbolical emblems, coats-of-
arms, adorn the sides of the hanging. Le Brun, the famous director of
paneling at the Gobelin’s, is supposed to have designed the tapestry.
For many years the hangings were locked up in “a great chest at
Hodges’s, the coachmaker, in Chandos Street,” where they
remained till 1750, thus escaping the fire of 1736, they were set up
about the year 1760. In March, 1644, there was an engagement on
Egginton Heath, between the Royalists and Parliamentarians, when
both sides claimed the victory.

Stretton is a little village about 3½ miles from Repton. Its name is
derived from the Latin strata, a street, and as the old Roman Icknield
Street passes close to it no doubt that had something to do with its
name. Within the last two years it has become noted to all who take
an interest in churches, and works of art. Following the good
example of his partners Bass and Ratcliff, and other successful
brewers, John Gretton, father of the M.P. for South Derbyshire, has
built a most beautiful church in his native village.
It consists of nave with aisles, central tower over the choir, and
chancel. The east end of the south aisle is separated from it by an
arch and a stone screen, with wrought iron gates, and forms a small
The east end of the north aisle is used as an organ chamber, with
vestries for the clergy and choir behind it.
A cross, bearing an appropriate inscription, marks the site of the
former church, a little to the south of the present one. No expense
was spared in the construction of the church, and the greatest praise
is due to the founder, architect, (Mr. J. T. Micklethwaite), builder, (Mr.
Halliday of Stamford), and all concerned in the erection of one of the
finest village churches in England.
Where everything is so well done, it may seem unnecessary to call
attention to anything in particular, but the unusual beauty of design
and material of the font, (Frostely marble,) surmounted by its ornate
canopy of oak, the splendidly carved chancel screen, surmounted by
a cross of exceptional size and beauty, (the work of Mr. J. E. Knox,
of Kennington), the stone screen of the little south chapel, the
reredos, of marble and alabaster, in the chancel, the oak seats in the
nave, the choir stalls, the organ case and pulpit, the pavement of the
choir and sanctuary, and the furniture generally call for more than a
passing glance. In the chancel are three stained glass windows,
symbolizing our Lord in His glory, &c., by Sir William Richmond. The
tapestry in the chancel was designed by the late William Morris. The
roof of the chancel is decorated with angels playing and singing
“Gloria in excelsis,” the nave roof is also painted from designs by Mr.
Charles Powell, of London.

Sir Oswald Mosley, in his History of the Castle, Priory, and Town of
Tutbury, suggests that the name is derived from Tuisco, a Saxon
idol. At the Norman Conquest the town and castle were granted to
Hugh de Abrincis, who held them for a time till he acquired the
estates, &c., of the Earls of Chester, when the King conferred
Tutbury on Henry de Ferrariis or Ferrers, who was one of the
commissioners appointed to make the Domesday Survey. He rebuilt
and extended the Castle, and founded the Priory.
His descendant, Robert de Ferrers, joined Leicester in a rebellion
against King Henry III., which ended in Robert being fined £50,000.
Unable to pay so large a sum, he forfeited his estates to the King,
who granted them to his son Edmund, 1st Earl of Lancaster.
Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, was attainted and beheaded after
the battle at Boroughbridge, a.d. 1322. Tutbury Castle fell into a
state of ruin, and remained so till John of Gaunt, 4th son of Edward
III., rebuilt it. The only parts of this castle now remaining, are the
gateway, and the apartments on the north side which were occupied
by Mary, Queen of Scots, from January to December, 1585. Her son,
James I., often visited the Castle, “not,” as Sir Oswald writes, “to
indulge melancholy reflections, but to gratify an occasional delight
which he took in the diversion of hunting. His feelings were not much
affected when he surveyed the late abode of his unfortunate mother,
for extreme sensibility was not one of his foibles.”
King Charles I. also paid several visits to it, and in 1642 the Castle
was garrisoned for him, and placed under the command of Lord
Loughborough. After many privations, the garrison, at last, yielded
up the Castle on April 20th, 1646. By a vote on the 19th of July,
1647, the House of Commons ordered that “it should forthwith be
rendered untenable.” Its walls enclose a space of about three acres.
On the elevated mound, at its west side, the Julius Tower used to
stand, now its site is occupied by an artificial ruin. A deep moat or
foss surrounds three sides. Within the walls was a chapel, dedicated
to St. Peter, the site of which cannot now be found.
The Priory of Tutbury was founded by Henry de Ferrers, a.d. 1080,
and occupied the north side of the present church, which belonged
to it. On the 14th of September, 1538, it was surrendered into the
hands of King Henry VIII., when its revenue was valued at £242.
15s. 3d. All the Priory buildings were pulled down, with the exception
of the magnificent Norman nave and west end doorway of the Priory
church, which now form the present parish church.
The town is situated on the west bank of the river Dove, which
used to drive several corn and cotton spinning mills.
To John of Gaunt, Tutbury owed two of its ancient institutions, viz.:
—The Minstrel’s Court and Bull Baiting. The Minstrel’s Court was
held every year on the day after the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, being the 16th of August, to elect a king of the minstrels,
to try those who had been guilty of misdemeanours during the year,
and grant licences for the coming year. Various, very curious
customs were observed, which will be found in “The Book of Days,”
Vol. II., p. 224. The old horn, bearing the arms of John of Gaunt,
impaled with Ferrers arms, on a girdle of black silk, adorned with
buckles of silver, is now in the possession of the Bagshawes of Ford
Hall, Chapel-en-le-Frith.
The Bull Baiting is supposed to have been introduced, in imitation
of the Spanish bull-fights, by John of Gaunt, who assumed the title of
King of Castile and Leon, in right of his wife. A bull was granted by
the Prior of Tutbury, the poor beast’s horns were sawn off, his ears
and tail cut off, and his nose filled with pepper. Then the minstrels
rushed after the maddened beast, and if they could cut off a portion
of hair or skin before it crossed the river Dove, it belonged to the
Minstrels, if it escaped it was returned to the Prior. The proceedings
led to very great rows, and many returned home with broken heads,
&c. In 1778 the Duke of Devonshire abolished the whole
Plate 20.

Etwall Church. (Page 116.)

Etwall Hospital. (Page 119.)

In 1831 some workmen, digging gravel out of the bed of the river,
about thirty yards below the bridge, four or five feet below the
surface of the gravel, discovered “upwards of 300,000 valuable
coins,” which Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, lost, together with his
baggage, when he was attempting to cross the river, in flood. For five
hundred years the coins, consisting of English, French, and Scottish
pieces, had remained hidden below the bed of the river.
The chief attractions at Tutbury are the Castle, Church, and Glass-


Etwall is about four miles north-west from Repton, and six miles
from Derby.
The manor belonged to Henry de Ferrers at the making of
Domesday Survey, and included the lordships of Bearwardcote (its
old moated farm-house remains), and Burnaston. Etwall was for a
time in the possession of the Shirley family. In the year 1370 it was
conveyed to the Abbey of Beauvale in Nottinghamshire. In 1540,
King Henry VIII. granted the manor, together with the impropriate
rectory, and the advowson of the vicarage, to Sir John Porte, Knight,
one of the Justices of the King’s Bench, father of Sir John, the
founder of Repton School.
The church was granted by Roger de Pont l’Evêque, Archbishop of
York, (1154-1181), to the Abbey of Beauvale or Welbeck, and
belonged to it till it was granted to Sir John Porte, from whom,
through his son Sir John, it passed to Elizabeth, his eldest daughter
and heiress, who married Sir Thomas Gerard, Bart., of Bryn, County
Lancaster, “who, on account of his adherence to the Roman Catholic
faith, and alleged complicity in a plot for the release of Mary, Queen
of Scots, was imprisoned in the Tower of London, as a recusant,
during the years 1567-70, and again from September, 1586, to
August, 1588, when he was removed for some months to an inferior
jail, called the ‘Counter,’ in Wood Street.” Sir William Gerard,
grandson of Sir Thomas, sold the estate, and the advowson of the
vicarage, in 1641, to Sir Edward Moseley, who, five years later, sold
it to Sir Samuel Sleigh, whose co-heiresses Margaret and Mary, by
his second and third wives, married James Chetham, and Rowland
Cotton, of Bellaport, Shropshire, the descendants of Rowland still
live at Etwall Hall.
The church, dedicated to St. Helen, consists of nave, chancel,
north aisle, south porch, and a low embattled tower at its west end.
Originally the nave was separated from the north aisle by an arcade
of four semicircular Norman arches, supported by round piers with
indented capitals, the two arches, nearest the east end, have been
thrown into one, and a pointed arch substituted. The chancel is Early
English, but most of the church, including the tower, has been rebuilt
in the Perpendicular style. The chancel window of three stained
glass lights, representing the Crucifixion, is flanked by two small
square windows, a very unusual arrangement, they are also filled
with stained glass bearing the arms of the Sees of Canterbury and
Southwell. At the east end of the north aisle is the Porte chapel,
fitted up with carved seats and a reading desk for the use of the
“master and poor men” of the Hospital. The seats used to be
between the belfry and north door, and the Porte chapel partitioned
off from the nave. Early in the century the partition was taken down,
and the seats removed to their present position. Built on to the east
end of the north aisle is the Cokburne’s memorial chapel, which
blocks up the east window of the Porte chapel. Two of the
Cokburnes were Vicars of Etwall, their chapel was built about the
year 1830, it contains several mural tablets, and is now used as a
Since Dr. Cox wrote his account of the church, a much needed
restoration has taken place. The galleries at the west end, and the
plaster ceiling, have been removed, and new seats, of pitchpine,
pulpit, prayer desk, &c., have taken the place of the old ones.
There are several monuments in memory of the Porte family. The
oldest one is a brass in memory of Henry Porte, and Elizabeth his
wife, and used to be on the floor of the chapel. It has been taken up,
and used to block up a door on the north side of the chancel. Only
the matrix of the brass of Henry is left, but his wife, clad in
conventual dress adopted by widows, and his children, nine sons
and eight daughters, remain. At the upper corners of the brass are
two shields, one bearing a figure of our Lord, with the “orbs mundi” in
His left hand, and the other the Blessed Virgin, and Child. Of the two
shields at the bottom one bears the arms of Porte, the other has
been taken away. Below, on a brass scroll, is an inscription:—

“Orate pro an̄ abus Henrici Porte, et Elizabeth ūxis ejus, qui
quidem Henricus obiit in festo Sc̄ i Thomæ Marturis.
Anno Dn̄ i M. V. duodecimo quorum an̄ abus propitietur

“Under the arche that is bytwene the chancell and the chapell,
where I and my wyff had used commonly to knele,” so did Sir John
Porte, justice of the King’s Bench, by will dated January 19th, 1527,
order that his body should be buried. Over the grave a monument
was erected, on which rest the effigies of Sir John, and his two
wives, Jane, daughter and heiress of John Fitzherbert of Etwall, and
Margaret, daughter of Sir Edward Trafford. The tomb has been much
mutilated, the heads of Sir John and one of his wives have been
knocked off. He wears his robes of office, with a collar and pendant.
On the north side of the monument are shields bearing the arms of
Porte impaling Fitzherbert, on the south Porte impaling the quartered
coat of Trafford. The Porte motto, “Intende prospere,” is frequently
repeated on the cornice above, and the various emblems of the
Passion are carved among the other decorations of the monument.
Built against the south wall of the chancel is “the comely and
handsome tomb of pure marble” of Sir John Porte, Knt., son of
Justice Porte by his first wife Jane. “Set and fixed, graven in brass,”
are portraits of Sir John, his two wives, (Elizabeth, daughter of Sir
Thomas Gifford, of Chillington, and Dorothy, daughter of Sir Anthony
Fitzherbert), and his five children, two boys and three girls, all by his
wife, Elizabeth.
Above the tomb, on a square slab, is a shield bearing the arms of
Porte, surmounted by helmet and crest. On the tomb, at the top left-
hand corner, a shield Porte, impaling quarterly of Gifford and
Montgomery, in the right-hand corner Porte impaling quarterly of the
two Fitzherbert coats. Below, set in three quatrefoils, are three
shields, (1) Porte, (2) Porte impaling Gifford and Montgomery, (3)
quarterly of four, Stanhope, Maloval, Longvillers, and Lexington
impaling Porte and Montgomery.
Below the figure is the following inscription:—

“Under thys tombe lyeth buryed the Boodye of Syr John Porte Knyght sonne and
heyre unto Syr John Porte one of the Justyces of ye Kyngs Benche at Westmynstʳ
Elsebeth & Dorothe wyves to the same Sʳ John Porte the sonne whych sonne
dyed the syrt day of June Anno Dni 1557.”

Etwall Hall came into lay hands after the dissolution of

monasteries. It is a very plain building, built, or rather faced, with
stone brought from the ruins of Tutbury Castle. Nothing worth
seeing, but, for those who admire tapestry, there are two beautiful
pieces. One representing a garden scene, with a pagoda-like
building, columns, flowers, fruit and Cupids. At the bottom the
goddess Diana and other figures. Another piece represents scenes
in the life of King David: playing before Saul, Battle scene, Marriage
with Bathsheba. The border consists of a series of figures, chiefly
ladies, with dogs, fruit, and flowers.


Etwall Hospital was founded by Sir John Porte. By Will, dated

March 9th, 1556, he directed “that six of the poorest of Etwall parish
shall have weekly, for ever, 20d. apiece over and besides such
lodgings as he or his executors should provide for them in an
almshouse, to be built in or near the churchyard of Etwall, and that
the money so to be paid to the said poor should be had and received
out of the lands and tenements thereinafter limited for the
performance of his Will.” These lands, &c., were in Moseley,
Abraham, and Brockhurst, in the County of Lancaster. The Hospital
was built as directed. In 1622, (by letters patent, dated 20 June, 19
Jac. I.), owing to the improvements of the lands, &c., and
consequent increase of funds, the number of poor men was raised to
twelve, and a Master of the Hospital was appointed at a salary of
£20. per annum. It was also ordered that “every day twice the poor
men should repair to the church at Etwall, and there continue all the
time of divine service, and sermon, if any, except for some just cause
to be allowed by the master, and should receive the sacrament three
times every year at the least; ... and that every one of them should
have for their stipend or allowance for every week 2s. 6d., to be paid
to them monthly.” The original building having fallen into decay, the
present building was erected in the year 1681. Built on three sides of
a square, on the north side of Etwall churchyard, from which it is
separated by iron rails and a low wall, the Hospital consisted of
twelve rooms and a lodge, where the Master resided, (i.e., a room in
the north-west corner, (No. 5),) till 1812, when the “Master’s Lodge”
was built, about half of a mile away, on the road to Willington. A
nurse used to live in the room, which has its entrance from the back
yard, at the north-east corner, where there is a washhouse, &c., her
duties were to nurse, cook, and wash for the almsmen who had no
wives. This room is now occupied by an almsman, the nurse, if there
is one, living elsewhere.
Over the door in the centre of the north side is the following

“Sʳ John Port, Knight, son of Sʳ John Port, one of the

Justices of the Court of King’s Bench, haueing by his last Will
left an Estate for the Erection and Endowment of a Free
Schole at Repton and an Hospital in this place, departed this
Life June VI. MDLVII. the which Foundations hauveing been
accordingly established, this Hospitall, through length of time
falling to decay, was rebuilt, the Sallary’s increased, the Alms
Men augmented from VI. to XII. The Right Honourable
Theophilus Earle of Huntingdon, the Right Honourable Philip
Earle of Chesterfield, and Sʳ William Gerrard, Barronet,
Heires Generall to the Founder, being Governors,

Over the inscription are three shields, containing the arms of the
governors, quartering, or otherwise impaling, those of Sir John Porte,
over these the shield of Sir John.
The almsmen used to wear blue cloth gowns, with a silver badge
on the shoulder, bearing the arms of Sir John.
In 1825 the number of “poor men” was increased to sixteen, and
the four rooms were added on the east side of the Hospital.
List of Masters.

1622- [2] Rev. John Jennings, M.A.
1657- [2] Rev. John Jackson, M.A.
1692- [2] Rev. Ellis Cunliffe, M.A., Jesus Coll., Cambridge,
1712 Fellow, B.A., 1671, M.A., 1675.
1713- [2] Rev. James Cheetham, D.D.
1740- [2] Rev. Henry Mainwaring, M.A., St. John’s Coll.,
1746 Cambridge, B.A., 1732, M.A., 1736.
1746- [2] Rev. Samuel Burslem, M.A.
1785- Rev. Joseph Turner, M.A.
1809- Rev. William Beer, M.A.
1821- Rev. John Chamberlayne, M.A., Formerly 2nd
1832 Master of Repton School.
1832- Rev. William Boultbee Sleath, D.D., Formerly
1842 Headmaster of Repton School.
1842- [2] Rev. William Eaton Mousley, M.A., Trinity College,
1863 Cambridge, B.A., 1839, M.A., 1842.
1863- Rev. John Morewood Gresley, M.A.
1866 [2] Rev. David Crawford Cochrane, M.A., Trinity
College, Dublin, B.A., 1857, M.A., 1860. Ox.
Com. Caus. 1861.


Foremark, or Fornewerke, as it was called in Domesday Book,
when it belonged to Nigel de Stafford. After passing through the
hands of various families, it finally belonged to the Verdons, through
the Verdons to Sir Robert Francis, who purchased it from them. The
heiress of Sir Robert Francis married Thomas Burdett, Esq., of
Bramcote, created a baronet in 1618, and it still belongs to that
family. It and Ingleby are mentioned as Chapels of Repton as early
as the thirteenth century. In 1650 a report was made by
Parliamentary Commissioners, from which we gather that Ingleby
was to be disused, and Foremark made the parish church. Owing to
the ruinous state of both chapels, Foremark was rebuilt, and Ingleby
was demolished, its wood and stone were used to build the bell-
tower and churchyard wall of Foremark. On the Feast of St. Matthew,
1662, the new chapel was consecrated by Bishop Hacket.
The position of Ingleby Church, and the reason why it was not
restored, have been clearly pointed out, in a letter, to Dr. Cox, by Mr.
C. S. Greaves, Q.C., “the chapel of Ingleby stood at the corner of a
field, bounded by the road through the village on one side, and by a
wall of a farm-yard on the other, occupied in my time by Browne. It
was the nearest farmyard to Derby. The course of the walls was
plainly indicated by the raised ground where they had stood. When
the present church (of Foremark) was in contemplation, the then
Baronet (Sir Robert Burdett) told the inhabitants that if they would
draw the stone for the church, he would build it wherever they liked;
but if they would not, he would build it where he liked. They refused,
and accordingly it was built where it was most convenient for the
Hall, and most inconvenient for Ingleby.” See Addenda, Derbyshire
Churches, Vol. IV., p. 530.
Dedicated to St. Saviour, the chapel consists of nave, chancel,
and west tower, in the later Perpendicular style. The chancel is
separated from the nave by a high oak screen, glazed with large
sheets of glass. The altar, a large slab of grey marble, supported by
a wooden table, is, according to Dr. Charles Cox (from whose “Notes
on the Churches of Derbyshire” these particulars have been taken),
the one consecrated by Bishop Hacket. There are four five-light
windows in the east end, and sides of the chapel. A gallery was
erected in 1819.
In the bell-tower are four bells bearing the bell-mark of George
Oldfield with the following inscriptions:—

I. “Let God arise and his enemies bee scattered. 1668.”

II. “Saint Savior. 1668.”
III. “All glory bee to God on high. Saint Saviours.”
IV. “God save his Church. 1660.”

To the east of the church is Foremark Hall, it occupies the site of

the old hall, “the seat of the Francis family, it was a long, low, half-
timbered structure, with a garden occupying about two acres, in the
centre of which was a large dove-cote.”
In the year 1755 the present Hall was built. To the south-west of
the Hall, in a secluded dell, is a ruined house called “Knowl Hills.”
Bigsby says it was erected by Walter Burdett, younger son of Sir
Robert Burdett, Bart., the first possessor of Foremark. Until the
erection of the Hall it was occupied by another Sir Robert Burdett,
Bart. Then a greater portion of this singularly beautiful retreat was
destroyed, but a grove of beech and lime trees still afford a grateful
shade on a lawn where, during the summer months, “parties” are, or
used to be held. There are also some very curious cellars excavated
in the red sandstone rock beneath.

About two miles to the east of Repton the level meadow-land of

the Trent valley suddenly rises and forms a perpendicular bank,
composed of conglomerate rock, with bands of sandstone. The
Trent, which used to flow close to the bank, now flows at some
distance away, the old course is still indicated by a pool of sedge-
girdled water, (close in front of the rock,) which joins the river a little
lower down. The face of the rock is irregular and broken into
picturesque bays, with ivy-covered fissures between them, the whole
crowned with trees, brushwood, and bracken.
Here, ages ago, an Anchorite is supposed to have scooped out of
the rock an oratory and a dwelling, similar to that in Deepdale, (Dale
Abbey). Here he dwelt, far from the haunts of men, in quietness and
solitude. Who he was? who made it? and when? are questions that
can never be answered, the only reference to it is found in the
Repton Church Register under the year 1658. “Ye foole at Anchor
Church bur Aprill 19.” In later days it became the favourite retreat of
Sir Robert Burdett, who had it fitted up so that he and his friends
could dine within its cool, and romantic cells. It has been enlarged at
various times, at present it consists of a series of four cells.
Admittance is gained through an arched door-way, the first cell has
been divided into two by a brick wall, plastered over, a small one on
the right hand (10 ft 6 in. by 6 ft. 6 in.) with a small window, and a
larger one (13 ft. by 12 ft. 6 in.) with a window in front, and two
semicircular recesses at the back; between this and the next cell two
arch-ways have been made through the rock, with a pillar between
them, also of rock, this cell is 17 ft. 6 in. by 13 ft. 6 in., and also has
two similar recesses; through another arch the last cell is reached
(18 ft. by 17 ft.), this has three recesses, and two windows. The
ground plan is semicircular, so that the last cell projects some
distance out, and affords most extensive views of the valley of the
Trent, and the country to the north and west, including Twyford and
Repton. A little distance to the west is another cell (6 ft. by 4 ft.)
commonly known as the Anchorite’s “larder.”
The best way to get to the “Church” is, after passing in front of
Foremark Hall, and through a gate which blocks the road, to mount
the hill, and enter a field through the first gate on the left hand, cross
the field diagonally till a grassy glade is reached, which leads down
to a wicket gate on the right, the entrance to the “Church.”


Melbourne was in very ancient times a royal manor, and is
mentioned in the Domesday Survey as having a priest and a church.
It remained in royal hands, attached to the Earldom and Duchy of
Lancaster, till the year 1604, when King James I. granted it to
Charles, Earl of Nottingham, who conveyed it to Henry, Earl of
Huntingdon, from whom it descended to Francis, Marquis of
Hastings, now represented by the Earl of Loudoun. There used to be
a castle here, in which John, Duke of Bourdon, was imprisoned for
19 years, after his capture at the battle of Agincourt, in 1415. Queen
Margaret, wife of Henry VI., is said to have ordered it to be
dismantled in 1460, and it gradually fell into decay, only a few traces
of it can now be seen.
Plate 21.

Breedon Church. (Page 125.)

Melbourne Church. (Page 125.)

The name Melbourne is derived from Mael-burn, two Anglo-Saxon
words meaning the “brook of the Cross.” A tradition exists that a
cross was erected by the side of the brook, which runs on the south
side of the town, to commemorate the murder of Osthryth, Queen of
Ethelred, King of Mercia (675-704). Later on a small church was
erected over the spot, which was replaced by the present one, “one
of the finest and most interesting Norman churches in England—and
the earliest date we are inclined to assign to its commencement is
circa 1090.” Originally the church consisted of nave with side aisles,
central tower, with north and south transepts, three apses at the
east, two western towers, with a recessed doorway between them.
Galleries, supported by groined stone roof over the western portico,
extended over both aisles and central tower, two spiral stone stairs in
the western towers led up to the galleries. Five “horseshoe” arches,
ornamented with chevron or zizag mouldings, resting on round
pillars, 4 ft. in diameter, and 15 ft. high, separate the nave from the
aisles, the capitals are square, with slightly indented mouldings. The
triforium on the north side has triple round arches, that on the south,
of later date, has double pointed arches. The central tower, on the
inner sides, is divided into three tiers of semi-circular arches. The
three apses at the east end were removed probably during the reign
of Henry VII. A square end was then made, and is lit by a five-light
Perpendicular window. The apse arches in the transepts were built
up and a three-light Decorated window was placed in the south, and
a three-light Perpendicular window was placed in the north transept.
Later alterations and additions have been made which certainly have
not added to the beauty of the church, but, in spite of these, the
church remains, as Dr. Cox writes, “one of the finest and most
interesting Norman churches in England,” and well worth a visit.
In the year 1132 Henry I. founded the bishopric of Carlisle, and
granted the church to it as one of its endowments. The bishops built
a palace at the east end of the church, where they lived occasionally.
Melbourne Hall, built on the site of the palace by Sir Thomas Coke,
Chamberlain to Queen Anne, possesses one of the most beautiful
gardens in the kingdom, laid out in the old Dutch style, it affords a
favourite place of resort to many who visit its sylvan retreats during
the summer months. They are open to the public on Wednesday
About a mile from Melbourne is the village of King’s Newton with
its picturesque ruin, the remains of an Elizabethan Hall, the ancient
residence of the Hardinge family. About thirty-five years ago it was
burnt down. King Charles I. is said to have been entertained here by
Sir Robert Hardinge. After the King’s departure, some lines were
discovered written on a pane of glass, and signed “Carlos, Newton
Regis,” which accounts for the name. The view from the terrace is a
very extensive one, over the valley of the Trent, with Derby and the
high lands of the Peak district in the distance.
Breedon village is about two miles and a quarter from Melbourne,
it lies at the foot of a singular looking hill which rises suddenly out of
the plain. While all round is marl and sandstone, this hill is composed
of mountain lime-stone. Rising to a height of about one hundred and
fifty feet, it is seen for miles round, and is known as “the Bulwark,”
and was once an ancient camp. Its sides have been quarried, and
lime kilns at its base, when at work, do not improve the air. On its
summit is a church, all that remains of a Priory of Austin Canons,
built in Norman times. There is a legend which accounts for its
exposed position. It is said that evil spirits interfered with its erection
at the foot of the hill, and removed the foundations as often as they
were laid. In vain were exorcising prayers offered up, what was done
in the day was removed at night, so the materials were carried up to
the top, and the church was allowed to be built, in it have been laid
to rest members of the Ferrers, Curzons, and Shakespear families.
The Ferrers’ pew, separated from the church by iron bars,
surmounted by large escutcheons, is a rare example of the luxury,
selfishness, and exclusiveness which animated the feelings of “the
quality” in bygone times.



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