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Agrarian reforms focuses on the agricultural side of the country, it is a good way to encourage

the improvement of the agriculture side of our country, however currently the agriculture in our
country is having some issues, people who are engaging in livestock as a way of living has
increased and will increase however the number of farmers are decreasing and has the possibility
to decrease for years to come.
The use of technology factors in the current state of the agriculture, some technology can be
utilized to improve the agriculture of the Philippines however some are being used to destroy it,
some technologies are used in deforestation, illegal mining and illegal fishing, aside from those
machines the invention of new chemicals also factor in with the livestock that the country offers.
To further improve the agrarian reform program. current laws with much improved
consequences should be implemented in order to regain the true beauty of the Philippine’s
agriculture, fair treatment towards the farmers is must in order to improve the state of the
Philippine agriculture.
As said less and less people are interested with farming, the implementation of activities and
courses that focuses and encourages farming should be given to the young generation,

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