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Essentials of Nuclear Medicine and

Molecular Imaging: Expert Consult -

Online and Print 7th Edition Fred A.
Mettler Jr. Md Mph
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Essentials of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

7th Edition

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Wall & Melzacku2019s Textbook of Pain: Expert Consult
u2013 Online and Print (Wall

Minor Emergencies E-Book: Expert Consult – Online and

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Opie's Cardiovascular Drugs: A Companion to Braunwald's

Heart Disease: Expert Consult, 9th Edition Bhatt Md

Chapman & Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential

Diagnosis: Expert Consult - Online and Print 7th
Edition Hameed Rafiee Mbbs Frcr (Editor)

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging: the Requisites

5th Edition Janis P. O'Malley
Essentials of Nuclear Medicine and
Molecular Imaging
7th Edition

Fred A. Mettler, Jr., MD, MPH

Emeritus Professor
Department of Radiology
University of New Mexico
School of Medicine
Health Sciences Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Milton J. Guiberteau, MD, FACR, FACNM

Department of Radiology
Baylor College of Medicine
Texas Medical Center
Houston, Texas
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899



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To those who spend their time teaching residents and
to the families and spouses who support them, especially our own.

Six years have passed since the previous edition of our book, the suggested readings and the format for self-assessment.
and 38 years since the first edition. Although nuclear medi- We purposely elected to express radiotracer activities and
cine has continued to evolve with innovative radiotracers doses in both conventional and SI formats, because many
and new technologies (including hybrid imaging tech- physicians still use conventional units in some or all aspects
niques), its use has been replaced by CT, MRI, and ultra- of their practices. In the sixth edition, 40% of the images
sound for a number of indications. In this context, it is were new; the vast majority of these images remain relevant,
critical for practitioners to know the current indications, although new ones have been added where necessary.
benefits, and limitations of our procedures and to combine A primary goal of our long partnership as authors of this
this with additional noninterpretative skills for optimal book has been to create a clear and readable presentation of
patient outcomes. the essentials of nuclear medicine practice rather than accu-
In this seventh edition, we have added new material on a mulate a collection of chapters by multiple authors with
wide range of topics, including solid-state detectors, demen- varying teaching perspectives and writing styles. Our readers
tia evaluation, myocardial perfusion imaging and quantita- appear to have appreciated this over the years. We hope we
tion protocols, advances in radiopharmaceuticals, use of have succeeded with this edition and encourage you to
PET/CT for theranostics, initial therapy selection, treat- forward any suggestions for future editions to us. We wish
ment response evaluation and change in management when you the best of luck and satisfaction in your career.
needed, pulmonary embolism evaluation during pregnancy,
SNMMI practice guidelines and appropriateness recom- Fred A. Mettler, Jr.
mendations, new ICRP/ICRU dosimetry values, and radia- Milton (Mickey) J. Guiberteau
tion biology. Pearls and Pitfalls have been updated, as have


We would like to recognize the many residents, technolo-

gists, and others who provided suggestions, as well as a
number of our colleagues who provided images, background
material, and comments. We also thank RuthAnne Bump
for her help with the illustrations.

Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and

Basic Isotope Notation Investigational Radiopharmaceuticals

Nuclear Stability and Decay Radiopharmacy Quality Control
Radionuclide Production Generator and Radionuclide Purity
Radioactive Decay Radiochemical Labeling
Radionuclide Generator Systems Unsealed Radionuclides Used for Therapy
Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals for Imaging Phosphorus-32, Yttrium-90, and Gold-198
Single Photon Iodine-131
Positron Emitters Strontium-89, Samarium-153, Rhenium-186, and
Biologic Agents and Nanoparticles
Adverse Reactions

BASIC ISOTOPE NOTATION Of the known stable nuclides, most have even numbers of
neutrons and protons. Nuclides with odd numbers of neu-
The atom may be thought of as a collection of protons, trons and protons are usually unstable. Nuclear instability
neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons are may result from either neutron or proton excess. Nuclear
found in the nucleus, and shells of electrons orbit the decay may involve a simple release of energy from the nucleus
nucleus with discrete energy levels. The number of neutrons or may actually cause a change in the number of protons or
is usually designated by N. The number of protons is rep- neutrons within the nucleus. When decay involves a change
resented by Z (also called the atomic number). The atomic in the number of protons, there is a change of element. This
mass number, or the total number of nuclear particles, is is termed a transmutation. Isotopes attempting to reach stabil-
represented by A and is simply the sum of N and Z. The ity by emitting radiation are radionuclides.
symbolism used to designate atoms of a certain element Several mechanisms of decay achieve stability. One of
having the chemical symbol X is given by ZA X N . For example, these is alpha-particle emission. In this case, an alpha (α)
the notation 131
53 I78 refers to a certain isotope of iodine. In particle, consisting of two protons and two neutrons, is
this instance, 131 refers to the total number of protons and released from the nucleus, with a resulting decrease in the
neutrons in the nucleus. By definition, all isotopes of a given atomic mass number (A) by four and reduction of both Z
element have the same number of protons and differ only and N by two. The mass of the released alpha particles is so
in the number of neutrons. For example, all isotopes of great that they travel only a few centimeters in air and are
iodine have 53 protons. unable to penetrate even thin paper. These properties cause
alpha-particle emitters to be essentially useless for imaging
Nuclear Stability and Decay purposes.
Beta-particle emission is another process for achieving
A given element may have many isotopes, and some of these stability and is found primarily in nuclides with a neutron
isotopes have unstable nuclear configurations of protons excess. In this case, a beta (β−) particle (electron) is emitted
and neutrons. These isotopes often seek greater stability by from the nucleus accompanied by an antineutrino; as a
decay or disintegration of the nucleus to a more stable form. result, one of the neutrons may be thought of as being

2 C HA P T ER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals


Y Z-1
Beta particle emission Electron capture
(Z increases by 1, N decreases by 1) (Z decreases by 1, N increases by 1)


Positron emission Isomeric transition
(Z decreases by 1, N increases by 1) (no change in N or Z)

• Fig. 1.1 Decay schemes of radionuclides from unstable states (top line of each diagram) to more stable
states (bottom line).

transformed into a proton, which remains in the nucleus. in which energy is given off as gamma rays and in which
Thus, beta-particle emission decreases the number of neu- the numbers of protons and neutrons are not changed is
trons (N) by one and increases the number of protons (Z) called isomeric transition (see Fig. 1.1). An alternative to
by one, so that A remains unchanged (Fig. 1.1). When Z is isomeric transition is internal conversion. In internal conver-
increased, the arrow in the decay scheme shown in Fig. 1.1 sion, the excess energy of the nucleus is transmitted to one
points toward the right, and the downward direction indi- of the orbital electrons; this electron may be ejected from
cates a more stable state. The energy spectrum of beta- the atom, which is followed by characteristic radiation when
particle emission ranges from a certain maximum down to the electron is replaced. This process usually competes with
zero; the mean energy of the spectrum is about one-third gamma-ray emission and can occur only if the amount of
of the maximum. A 2-MeV beta particle has a range of energy given to the orbital electron exceeds the binding
about 1 cm in soft tissue and is therefore not useful for energy of that electron in its orbit.
imaging purposes. The ratio of internal conversion electrons to gamma-ray
Electron capture occurs in a neutron-deficient nuclide emissions for a particular radioisotope is designated by the
when one of the inner orbital electrons is captured by a symbol α. (This should not be confused with the symbol
proton in the nucleus, forming a neutron and a neutrino. for an alpha particle.) For an isotope such as technetium-
This can occur when not enough energy is available for 99m (99mTc), α is low, indicating that most emissions occur
positron emission, and electron capture is therefore an alter- as gamma rays with little internal conversion. A low conver-
native to positron decay. Because a nuclear proton is essen- sion ratio is preferable for in vivo usage because it implies
tially changed to a neutron, N increases by one, and Z a greater number of gamma emissions for imaging and a
decreases by one; therefore, A remains unchanged (see Fig. reduced number of conversion electrons, which are absorbed
1.1). Electron capture may be accompanied by gamma by the body and thus add to the patient’s radiation dose.
emission and is always accompanied by characteristic radia- In many instances, a gamma-ray photon is emitted almost
tion, either of which may be used in imaging. instantaneously after particulate decay. If there is a measur-
If, in any of these attempts at stabilization, the nucleus able delay in the emission of the gamma-ray photon and
still has excess energy, it may be emitted as nonparticulate the resulting decay process is an isomeric transition, this
radiation, with Z and N remaining the same. Any process intermediate excited state of the isotope is referred to as
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 3

142.7 keV Tc (6.03 h)

Gamma 1

140.5 keV

Gamma 2 Gamma 3

0 keV Tc (2.1 x 109 yr)
98.6% 1.4%

• Fig. 1.2 Decay scheme of technetium-99m.

metastable. The most well-known metastable isotope is 99mTc

(the m refers to metastable). This isotope decays by isomeric
transition to a more stable state, as indicated in Fig. 1.2. In
the decay scheme, the arrows point straight down, showing 511 keV photons
that there is no change in Z. Also, 99mTc may decay by one
of several routes of gamma-ray emission.
In cases in which there are too many protons in the
nucleus (a neutron-deficient nuclide), decay may proceed
in such a manner that a proton may be thought of as being
converted into a neutron. This results in positron (β+) emis- β
sion, which is always accompanied by a neutrino. This obvi-
180 degrees / 0.25 degrees
ously increases N by one and decreases Z by one, again β
leaving A unchanged (see Fig. 1.1). The downward arrow
in the decay scheme again indicates a more stable state, and
its leftward direction indicates that Z is decreased. Positron
emission cannot occur unless at least 1.02 MeV of energy
is available to the nucleus.
When a positron is emitted, it travels for a short distance
from its site of origin, gradually losing energy to the tissue
through which it moves. When most of its kinetic energy
has been lost, the positron reacts with a resident electron in
an annihilation reaction. This reaction generates two • Fig. 1.3 Positron Decay. After the positron (β+) is emitted from the
511-keV gamma photons, which are emitted in opposite radionuclide, it travels some distance before interacting with an elec-
directions at about (but not exactly) 180 degrees from each tron (β−) and undergoing annihilation, resulting in emission of two
511-keV photons at 180 degrees from each other.
other (Fig. 1.3).

bombarding particle are listed on the left side of the equa-
Most radioactive material that does not occur naturally can tion and the product and any accompanying particulate or
be produced by particulate bombardment or nuclear fission. gamma emissions are indicated on the right. For example,
Both methods alter the neutron-to-proton ratio in the
nucleus to produce an unstable isotope. Bombardment A
Z X + n (neutron ) → A +1
Z X + γ or more specifically
essentially consists of the irradiation of the nuclei of selected
42 Mo + γ
Mo + n (neutron ) → 99
target elements with neutrons in a nuclear reactor or with 42
charged particles (alpha particles, protons, or deuterons)
from a cyclotron. Bombardment reactions may be summa- These equations may be further abbreviated using paren-
rized by equations in which the target element and thetical notation. The molybdenum reaction presented
4 C HA P T ER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals

previously is thus represented as 98Mo (n, γ) 99Mo. The Appendixes B.1 and B.2. Specific activity refers to the activ-
target and product are noted on the outside of the paren- ity per unit mass of material (mCi/g or Bq/g). For a carrier-
theses, which contain the bombarding particle on the left free isotope, the longer the half-life of the isotope, the lower
and any subsequent emissions on the right. is its specific activity.
Once bombardment is completed, the daughter isotope Radionuclides decay in an exponential fashion, and the
must be physically separated from any remaining and term half-life is often used casually to characterize decay.
unchanged target nuclei, as well as from any target contami- Half-life usually refers to the physical half-life, which is the
nants. Thus, it is obvious that the completeness of this final amount of time necessary for a radionuclide to be reduced
separation process and the initial elemental purity of the to half of its existing activity. The physical half-life (Tp) is
target are vital factors in obtaining a product of high specific equal to 0.693/λ, where λ is the decay constant. Thus, λ
activity. Because cyclotron isotope production almost always and the physical half-life have characteristic values for each
involves a transmutation (change of Z) from one element radioactive nuclide. Decay tables for various radionuclides
to another, this process aids greatly in the separation of the are presented in Appendix C.
radionuclides to obtain carrier-free isotopes (i.e., isotopes A formula that the nuclear medicine physician should be
that have none of the stable element accompanying them). familiar with is the following:
Radionuclides made by neutron bombardment, which does
not result in a change of elemental species (e.g., 98Mo [n, γ] A = A 0e −0.693 Tp( t )
Mo), are not carrier free because the chemical properties
of the products are identical, and thus radionuclides are not This formula can be used to find the activity (A) of a
as easily separated. particular radioisotope present at a given time (t) and having
Fission isotopes are simply the daughter products of started with activity (A0) at time 0. For instance, if you had
nuclear fission of uranium-235 (235U) or plutonium-239 5 mCi (185 MBq) of 99mTc at 9:00 a.m. today, how much
(239Pu) in a reactor and represent a multitude of radioactive would remain at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow? In this case, Tp of
materials, with atomic numbers in the range of roughly half Tc is 6 hours, t is 24 hours, and e is a mathematical
that of 235U. These include iodine-131 (131I), xenon-133 constant. Thus,
(133Xe), strontium-90 (90Sr), molybdenum-99 (99Mo), and
cesium-137 (137Cs), among others. Because many of these (t )
isotopes are present together in the fission products, the A = A0e Tp

desired isotope must be carefully isolated to exclude as many −0.693

( 24 hours )
contaminants as possible. Although this is sometimes diffi- A = A0e 6 hours
cult, many carrier-free isotopes are produced in this manner. −0.693
( 24 hours )
Neutron bombardment and nuclear fission almost always A = 5 mCi e 6 hours

produce isotopes with neutron excess, which decay by beta

emission. Some isotopes, such as 99Mo, may be produced A = 5 mCi e −0.1155 ( 24 hours )
by either method. Cyclotron-produced isotopes are usually
neutron deficient and decay by electron capture or positron A = 5 mCi e −2.772
emission. Some common examples of cyclotron-produced
isotopes include iodine-123 (123I), fluorine-18 (18F),
gallium-67 (67Ga), indium-111 (111In), and thallium-201 A = 5 mCi e 2.772
(201Tl). In general, cyclotron-generated radionuclides are 1 
more expensive than are those produced by neutron bom- A = 5 mCi 
 15.99 
bardment or fission.
Positron-emitting radionuclides are most commonly A = 0.31 mCi
produced in cyclotrons by charged-particle bombardment
of a stable element with protons, deuterons, or helium Thus, after 24 hours, the amount of 99mTc remaining is
nuclei. The produced radionuclides have an excess of 0.31 mCi (11 MBq).
protons and decay by the emission of positrons. In addition to the physical half-life or physical decay of
a radionuclide, two other half-life terms are commonly
RADIOACTIVE DECAY used. Biologic half-life refers to the time it takes an organism
to eliminate half of an administered compound or chemical
The amount of radioactivity present (the number of disin- on a strictly biologic basis. Thus, if a stable chemical com-
tegrations per second) is referred to as activity. In the past, pound were given to a person, and half of it were eliminated
the unit of radioactivity has been the curie (Ci), which is by the body (perhaps in the urine) within 3 hours, the
3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second. Because the curie is biologic half-life would be 3 hours. The effective half-life
an inconvenient unit, it has been largely replaced by an incorporates both the physical and biologic half-lives.
international unit called a becquerel (Bq), which is 1 disin- Therefore, when speaking of the effective half-life of a par-
tegration per second. Conversion tables are found in ticular radiopharmaceutical in humans, one needs to know
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 5

the physical half-life of the radioisotope used as a tag or Saline vial Vacuum vial
label, as well as the biologic half-life of the tagged com-
pound. If these are known, the following formula can be
used to calculate the effective half-life:

Te = (T p × Tb ) (T p + Tb )

where Lead

Te = effective half-life
T p = physical half-life
Tb = biologic halff-life Mo-99
If the biologic half-life is 3 hours and the physical half-
life is 6 hours, then the effective half-life is 2 hours. Note
that the effective half-life is always shorter than either the
physical or biologic half-life.
Lead shield
A number of radionuclides of interest in nuclear medicine • Fig. 1.4 Generator. Schematic of dry molybdenum-99/technetium-
are short-lived isotopes that emit only gamma rays and 99m generator system.
decay by isomeric transition. Because it is often impractical
for an imaging laboratory to be located near a reactor or a
cyclotron, generator systems that permit on-site availability
of these isotopes have achieved wide use. Some isotopes point, for instance, the amount of daughter is slightly
available from generators include technetium-99m, indium- greater than the activity of the parent (Fig. 1.5). When the
113m (113mIn), krypton-81m (81mKr), rubidium-82 (82Rb), parent isotope has a half-life somewhat greater than that of
strontium-87m (87mSr), and gallium-68 (68Ga). the daughter, the equilibrium attained is said to be a tran-
Inside the most common generator (99Mo-99mTc), a sient equilibrium. In the case of a 99Mo-99mTc generator,
radionuclide “parent” with a relatively long half-life is firmly because 12% of 99Mo decays directly to 99Tc without pro-
affixed to an ion exchange column. A 99Mo-99mTc generator ducing 99mTc, the activity of 99mTc in the generator only
consists of an alumina column on which 99Mo is bound. reaches 97% of the 99Mo activity.
The parent isotope (67-hour half-life) decays to its radioac- Most generators used in hospitals have 99Mo activity
tive daughter, 99mTc, which is a different element with a levels of about 1 to 19 Ci (3.7 to 70.3 GBq). The amount
shorter half-life (6 hours). Because the daughter is only of 99mTc in the generator reaches about half the theoretical
loosely bound on the column, it may be removed, or washed maximum in one half-life (6 hours). It reaches about three-
off, with an elution liquid such as normal (0.9%) saline. fourths of the theoretical maximum in about two half-lives,
Wet and dry 99Mo-99mTc generator systems are available and and so on (see Appendix C.1). This indicates that if one
differ only slightly. A wet system (most common in com- elutes all of the 99mTc daughter from a 99Mo generator, 24
mercial radiopharmacies) has a saline reservoir and a vacuum hours later (four half-lives), the amount of 99mTc present in
vial that draws saline across the column. With a dry system the generator will have returned to about 95% of the theo-
(most common in imaging clinics), a specific amount of retical maximum.
saline in a vial is placed on the generator entry port and Other, much less common photon-emitting radionu-
drawn across by a vacuum vial (Fig. 1.4). clide generator systems include rubidium-81 (81Rb) (4.5
After the daughter is separated from the column, the hours)/81mKr (13 seconds), tin-13 (113Sn) (115 days)/113mIn
buildup process is begun again by the residual parent (1.7 hours), yttrium-87 (87Y) (3.3 days)/87mSr (2.8 hours),
isotope. Uncommonly, some of the parent isotope (99Mo) and tellurium-132 (132Te) (3.2 days)/132I (2.3 hours).
or alumina is removed from the column during elution and Although generator systems are most often used to produce
appears in the eluate containing the daughter isotope. This photon-emitting radionuclides, certain generators can
is termed breakthrough. produce positron emitters. These include strontium-82
To make efficient use of a generator, elution times should (82Sr) (25 days)/82Rb (1.3 minutes). 82Rb is a potassium
be spaced appropriately to allow for reaccumulation of the analog and can be used for myocardial perfusion imaging
daughter isotope on the column. The short-lived daughter using positron emission tomography (PET). Gallium-68
reaches maximum activity when the rate of decay of the (68 minutes) is another positron emitter that can be pro-
daughter equals its rate of production. At this equilibrium duced from a germanium-68 (68Ge) (271 days) generator.
6 C HA P T ER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals

separation 99mTc

75 equilibrium

Activity %
50 99mTc


99Mo decay

6 24 48 72
• Fig. 1.5 Radionuclide Buildup and Decay in a Generator. General schematic representation of
molybdenum-99 (99Mo) decay and technetium-99m (99mTc) buildup in a generator eluted at 0 hours
and again at 24 hours. See text regarding the reason that in reality the 99mTc activity never actually
exceeds 99Mo.

in Appendix E. Issues related to pediatric dose and preg-

RADIONUCLIDES AND RADIOPHARMA- nancy and breastfeeding are in Appendixes D and G.
CEUTICALS FOR IMAGING Although the localizing properties of radiopharmaceuti-
cals are generally sufficient to obtain adequate diagnostic
In evaluating the choice of a radionuclide to be used in the images, the localizing mechanisms may be altered by various
nuclear medicine laboratory, the following characteristics conditions in an individual patient, including the adminis-
are desirable: tration of other medications.
• Minimum of particulate emission
• Primary photon energy between 50 and 500 keV
• Physical half-life greater than the time required to prepare Single Photon
material for injection Technetium-99m
• Effective half-life longer than the examination time
• Suitable chemical form and reactivity Technetium-99m fulfills many of the criteria of an ideal
• Low toxicity radionuclide and is used in more than 80% of nuclear
• Stability or near-stability of the product imaging procedures in the United States. It has no partic-
The radionuclides most commonly used are shown in ulate emission, a 6-hour half-life, and a predominant
Tables 1.1 and 1.2. A radionuclide that has desirable (98%) 140-keV photon. The decay mode is 88% isomeric
imaging properties can usually be used to make a variety of transition and only a small amount (12%) of internal
radiopharmaceuticals. This is done by coupling the radio- conversion.
nuclide with various stable compounds that are localized by Technetium-99m is obtained by separating it from the
organs or disease states. Many radionuclides are radiophar- parent 99Mo (67-hour half-life) in a generator system.
maceuticals in their own right and can be administered Molybdenum-99 for generators is generally produced by
without alteration to obtain useful images. Commonly used neutron irradiation of 98Mo or by chemical separation of
imaging radiopharmaceuticals are shown in Table 1.3. The U fission products. In the latter case, 99Mo is nearly
biologic behavior of most of these radionuclides can be carrier free and has a high specific activity. In the alumina
markedly altered by a combination with additional sub- generator system, the molybdenum activity is absorbed on
stances to form other radiopharmaceuticals. an alumina column. By passing physiologic saline over the
Mechanisms of localization for some of these radio- column, 99mTc is eluted or washed off as sodium pertechne-
pharmaceuticals are listed in Table 1.4. The various tate (Na 99mTcO4–).
radiopharmaceuticals used in imaging procedures are addi- Technetium can exist in a variety of valence states,
tionally discussed in the appropriate chapters. Dosimetry ranging from −1 to +7. When eluted from an alumina
and protocols for the various radionuclides are presented column generator, 99mTc is present primarily as heptavalent
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 7

1.1 Characteristics of Commonly Used Radionuclides

Symbol Physical Half-Life Approximate Energy

Photon-Emitting Radionuclides for Gamma (keV)
Technetium-99m Tc 6h 140
Molybdenum-99 Mo 67 h 181, 740, 780
Iodine-123 I 13.2 h 159
Iodine-131 I 8.0 days 364
Xenon-133 Xe 5.3 days 81
Gallium-67 Ga 78.3 h 93, 184, 296, 388
Indium-111 In 67 h 173, 247
Indium-113m In 1.7 h 392
Thallium-201 Tl 73.1 h 69, 81 (x-rays from mercury daughter)
Krypton-81m Kr 13 s 191
Positron-Emitting Radionuclides Positron (MeV) (Image 511-keV
for Imaging Photons)
Carbon-11 C 20.3 min 0.960
Nitrogen-13 N 10 min 1.198
Oxygen-15 O 124 s 1.730
Fluorine-18 F 110 min 0.634
Gallium-68 Ga 68 min 1.9
Rubidium-82 Rb 1.27 min 3.150
Unsealed Radionuclides Used for Emissions
Strontium-89 Sr 50.5 days 1.46 MeV max; 0.58 MeV mean beta;
910 keV gamma (0.01%)
Yttrium-90 Y 64 h 2.2 MeV max; 0.93 MeV mean beta
Iodine-131 I 8.0 days 0.19 MeV mean beta; 364 keV gamma
Samarium-153 Sm 46 h 0.81 MeV max; 0.23 MeV mean beta;
103 keV gamma (28%)
Rhenium-186 Re 90 h 0.34 MeV mean beta; 186 keV gamma (9%)
Radium-223 Ra 11.4 days 5–7.5 MeV alpha (94%);
beta 1 MeV (< 4%);
gamma (< 2%)

Note: The approximate range (cm) of a beta particle in tissue is the energy (MeV) divided by 2.

(+7) pertechnetate (TcO4–). In the preparation of radio- than half leaves the plasma within several minutes and is
pharmaceuticals, 99mTc pertechnetate can be reduced from distributed in the extracellular fluid. It rapidly concentrates
+7 to a lower valence state, usually +4, to permit the label- in the salivary glands, choroid plexus, thyroid gland, gastric
ing of various chelates. This is generally accomplished with mucosa, and functioning breast tissue; during pregnancy, it
stannous (tin) ions. crosses the placenta.
As pertechnetate, the technetium ion is a singly charged Excretion is by the gastrointestinal and renal routes.
anion and is similar in size to the iodide ion. After intrave- Although 99mTc pertechnetate is excreted by glomerular fil-
nous injection, 99mTc pertechnetate is loosely bound to tration, it is partially reabsorbed by the renal tubules; as a
protein and rapidly leaves the plasma compartment. More result, only 30% is eliminated in the urine during the first
8 C HA P T ER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals

1.2 Characteristics of Common Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Radionuclides

Maximal and Maximum and

Nuclide (Decay Physical Average Positron Mean Range in
Product) Half-Life Decay Mode Energy (keV) Water (mm) Production Reaction
Carbon-11 20.3 min 99.8% positron 960, 385 4.1, 1.1 N(p,alpha)11C*
(Boron-11) 0.2% electron
Nitrogen-13 10 min 100% positron 1198, 491 5.1, 1.4 O(p,alpha)13N; 13
Oxygen-15 124 s 99.9% positron 1730, 735 7.3, 1.5 N(p,n)15O; 14
Fluorine-18 110 min 97% positron 634, 250 2.4, 1.0 O(p,n)18F; 20Ne(d,alpha)18F;
(Oxygen-18) 3% electron capture O(3He,alpha)18F
Gallium-68 68 min 100% positron 1899 8.9, 2.9 Ge generator (T 12 271 days)
Rubidium-82 75 s 96% positron 3150, 1385 14.1, 5.9 Sr generator (T 12 25.3 days)
(Krypton-82) 4% electron capture

*This symbolism means that a proton is accelerated into an atom of nitrogen-14, causing the ejection of an alpha particle from the nucleus to produce an atom
of carbon-11.

Ant Ant of tissue between the radionuclide and the detector removes
about half of the photons of interest, and 4 inches removes
about three-fourths.

Iodine-123 and -131

Two isotopes of iodine (123I and 131I) are clinically useful for
imaging and may be administered as iodide. Iodine-123 has
a 13.2-hour half-life and decays by electron capture to
tellurium-123 (123Te). The photons emitted are 28-keV
(92%) and 159-keV (84%) gamma rays. Iodine-123 is
usually produced in a cyclotron by bombardment of
antimony-121 (121Sb) or tellurium-122 or -124 (122Te or
Te). Another method is to bombard iodine-127 (127I) to
produce 123Xe and let this decay to 123I. Contamination with
I may increase the radiation dose; because 124I is long
lived, its proportion in an 123I preparation increases
30 min 2h with time.
Iodine-131 is a much less satisfactory isotope from an
• Fig. 1.6 Whole-Body Distribution of Technetium-99m Sodium
Pertechnetate. Activity is seen in the salivary glands, thyroid gland,
imaging viewpoint because of the high radiation dose to the
saliva, stomach, and bladder. thyroid and its relatively high photon energy. However, it
is widely available, is relatively inexpensive, and has a rela-
tively long shelf life. Iodine-131 has a half-life of 8.06 days
and decays by beta-particle emission to a stable 131Xe. The
day. The ion is also secreted directly into the stomach and principal mean beta energy (90%) is 192 keV. Several
colon, with a much smaller amount coming from the small gamma rays are also emitted, and the predominant photon
bowel. The colon is the critical organ and receives about 1 is 364 keV (82% abundance) (HVL in water of 6.4 cm).
to 2 rad/10 mCi (0.04 mGy/MBq) of 99mTc pertechnetate When iodine is orally administered as the iodide ion, it
administered. The biodistribution of 99mTc pertechnetate is is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and dis-
shown in Fig. 1.6. The principal emission (140-keV photon) tributed in the extracellular fluid. It is concentrated in a
of 99mTc has a half-value layer (HVL) of 0.028 cm in lead manner similar to that for 99mTc pertechnetate in the sali-
and 4.5 cm in water. Because tissue is close to water in terms vary glands, thyroid, and gastric mucosa. As with pertech-
of attenuation characteristics, it is clear that about 2 inches netate, there is renal filtration with significant tubular
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 9

1.3 Imaging Radiopharmaceuticals

Radionuclide Radiopharmaceutical Uses

Carbon-11 Acetate Prostate
Nitrogen-13 Ammonia Cardiac perfusion
Oxygen-15 Gas Brain perfusion
Water Metabolic agent
Fluorine-18 FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) Tumor, cardiac viability, brain metabolism, infection
Sodium Bone
Florbetapir Amyloid
Gallium-67 Citrate Infection, tumor
Gallium-68 DOTATATE Neuroendocrine tumor
Krypton-81m Gas Pulmonary ventilation
Rubidium-82 Chloride Myocardial perfusion
Technetium-99m Diphosphonate Bone
DISIDA (diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid) Biliary
DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid) Renal cortical
DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) Renal dynamic, brain, lung ventilation
ECD (ethyl cysteinate dimmer) Brain perfusion
Glucoheptonate Brain, renal dynamic
HMPAO (hexamethylpropyleneamine oxine) Brain perfusion
HMPAO labeled white cells Infection
Labeled red cells Gastrointestinal (GI) blood loss, cardiac function,
hepatic hemangioma
MAA (macroaggregated albumin) Lung perfusion, LeVeen shunt patency, intraarterial
MAG3 (mercaptoacetyltriglycine) Renal
Mebrofenin Biliary
Pertechnetate Thyroid, salivary glands, Meckel diverticulum,
Sestamibi Myocardial perfusion, parathyroid, breast
Sulfur colloid Liver/spleen, red bone marrow, esophageal transit,
gastric emptying
Sulfur colloid (filtered) Lymphoscintigraphy
Tetrofosmin Myocardial perfusion
Indium-111 DTPA Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow, gastric liquid
Oxine labeled white cells Infection
Pentetreotide Somatostatin receptor tumors
Iodine-123 Sodium Thyroid
MIBI (metaiodobenzylguanidine) Pheochromocytoma, adrenal medullary, neural
crest tumors
Iodine-131 Sodium Thyroid cancer
Xenon-133 Gas Lung ventilation
Thallium-201 Chloride Myocardial perfusion
10 C HA P T ER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals

1.4 Mechanisms of Localization and Examples

Capillary blockade Macroaggregated albumin in lung

Diffusion Filtration of DTPA by kidney
Sequestration Leukocytes for abscess scanning
Labeled platelets (damaged endothelium)
Heat-damaged red blood cells for splenic scanning
Phagocytosis Colloid scanning for liver and spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes
Receptor binding Neuroreceptor imaging
Active transport Iodocholesterol in adrenal scanning
Iodine or pertechnetate (accumulation by choroid plexus, Meckel diverticulum, salivary gland,
stomach, and thyroid)
Technetium-99m IDA analogs in liver/biliary tract
Orthoiodohippurate in renal tubules
Thallous ions in myocardium
Metabolism Fluorodeoxyglucose imaging of brain, tumor, and myocardium
Compartmental containment Labeled red blood cells for gated blood pool studies
Compartmental leakage Labeled red blood cells for detection of gastrointestinal bleeding
Physicochemical adsorption Phosphate bone-scanning agents
Antibody–antigen reactions Tumor imaging, monoclonal antibodies

DTPA, Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid; IDA, iminodiacetic acid.

reabsorption. Urinary excretion is the predominant route produced by a variety of reactions in a cyclotron. The prin-
(35% to 75% in 24 hours), although there is some fecal cipal gamma photons from 67Ga are 93 keV (40%), 184 keV
excretion as well. Iodine-131 trapped and organified by the (24%), 296 keV (22%), and 388 keV (7%). An easy way
normal thyroid has an effective half-life of about 7 days. to remember these energies is to round off the figures (i.e.,
Iodine is a useful radionuclide because it is chemically reac- 90, 190, 290, and 390 keV).
tive and is used to produce a variety of radiopharmaceuti- When injected intravenously, most 67Ga is immediately
cals, which are discussed in later clinical chapters. bound to plasma proteins, primarily transferrin. During
the first 12 to 24 hours, excretion from the body is pri-
Xenon-133 marily through the kidneys, with 20% to 25% of the
administered dose being excreted by 24 hours. After that
Xenon is a relatively insoluble inert gas and is most com- time, the intestinal mucosa becomes the major route of
monly used for pulmonary ventilation studies. Xenon is elimination. Typically on images, activity is seen in the
commercially available in unit-dose vials or in 1 Ci (37 GBq) liver and to a lesser extent the spleen. In addition to activ-
glass ampules. Xenon is highly soluble in oil and fat, and ity within the axial skeleton, liver, spleen, and bowel, con-
there is some adsorption of xenon onto plastic syringes. centration is also seen in the salivary and lacrimal glands,
Xenon-133 has a physical half-life of 5.3 days. The prin- as well as in the breasts and external genitalia. If imaging
cipal gamma photon has an energy of 81 keV and emits a is performed in the first 24 hours, kidney and bladder
374-keV beta particle. With normal pulmonary function, activity may also be noted.
its biologic half-life is about 30 seconds. Some disadvan-
tages of 133Xe include its relatively low photon energy, beta- Indium-111
particle emission, and some solubility in both blood
and fat. Indium is a metal that can be used as an iron analog; it is
similar to gallium. Isotopes of interest are 111In and 113mIn.
Gallium-67 Indium-111 has a physical half-life of 67 hours and is pro-
duced by a cyclotron. The principal photons are 173 keV
Gallium-67 has a physical half-life of 78.3 hours and decays (89%) and 247 keV (94%). Indium-113m can be conve-
by electron capture, emitting gamma radiation. It can be niently produced by using a 113Sn generator system. It has
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 11

a physical half-life of 1.7 hours and a photon of about

392 keV. Indium-111 can be prepared as a chelate with Positron Emitters
diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). Because of its Fluorine-18
long half-life, the 111In chelate can be used for intracranial
cisternography. Indium-111 is also used to label platelets, The most commonly used positron-emitting radiopharma-
white cells, monoclonal antibodies, and peptides. Indium- ceutical in clinical imaging is the glucose analog fluorine-18
111 oxine labeled white cells are commonly used to scan fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG). Many tumor cells use large
for infections. On these images, activity is seen mostly in amounts of glucose as an energy source and possess increased
the spleen and to a lesser extent in the liver and bone expression of glucose transporters (especially GLUT1) and
marrow (see Chapter 12). increased hexokinase activity (especially HK2). Glucose
transporters transfer glucose and fluorodeoxyglucose into
Thallium-201 the cells, where they are phosphorylated by hexokinases (Fig.
1.7). The rate-limiting step in this process is at the hexoki-
When a thallium metal target is bombarded with protons nase level and not at glucose transport. Although phosphor-
in a cyclotron, lead 201 (201Pb) is produced, which can be ylated glucose can be further metabolized, phosphorylated
separated from the thallium target and allowed to decay to FDG cannot be rapidly metabolized and 18F-FDG is essen-
Tl. Thallium-201 has a physical half-life of 73.1 hours tially trapped within the cell in proportion to the rate of
and decays by electron capture to mercury-201 (201Hg). glucose metabolism. This allows sufficient time to image
Mercury-201 emits characteristic x-rays with energies from its distribution in normal and abnormal bodily tissues. A
68 to 80 keV (94.5%) and much smaller amounts of notable exception to the trapping of phosphorylated FDG
gamma rays with higher energies. The relatively low energy is the liver, in which an abundance of phosphatases causes
of the major emissions can cause significant attenuation by enhanced dephosphorylation of FDG-6-phosphate, which
tissue between the radionuclide and the gamma camera. accelerates its washout from that organ.
The HVL in water is about 4 cm. For these reasons, attenu- Although 18F-FDG reaches a plateau of accumulation in
ation correction methodologies have been developed (see tumors at about 45 minutes after injection, the tumor-to-
Chapter 2). Because 201Tl is produced by a cyclotron, it is background ratio is best at 2 to 3 hours. Highest activity
expensive. Thallium-201 is normally administered as a chlo- levels at 2 hours are seen in the brain, heart (if not fasting),
ride and rapidly clears from the blood with a half-life and urinary system.
between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. Because it is roughly The effective dose to the patient for most 18F-FDG PET
a potassium analog, it is rapidly distributed throughout scans is about 0.1 rem (1 mSv) or about 0.093 rem/mCi
the body, particularly in skeletal and cardiac muscle. (0.025 mSv/MBq). Pregnancy and breastfeeding are
Thallium-202 (95% photon at 439 keV) contamination common concerns when administering radionuclides to
should be less than 0.5% and, if present in greater quanti- women. Fetal dose estimates after administration of
ties, can significantly degrade images. 13.5 mCi (500 MBq) of 18F-FDG to the mother are about

Cell membrane Intracellular

Glucose Glucose

Glucose 6-p


F-FDG transporter 18
(GLUT) Phosphorylation
F-FDG 6-p

• Fig. 1.7 18
F-FDG Metabolism. Although 18F-FDG is transported into the cell in the same manner as
glucose, it cannot be dephosphorylated and remains in the cell. FDG, Fluorodeoxyglucose.
12 C HA P T ER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals

1400 mrem (14 mSv) in early pregnancy and about 400 with the B lymphocytes then takes place, forming what is
mrem (4 mSv) at term. Although 18F-FDG can accumulate known as hybridoma. This hybridoma has the ability to
in breast tissue, it is not secreted to any significant degree continue producing antigen-specific antibodies based on
in the milk. It is usually recommended that the mother not the B-lymphocyte parent and, at the same time, to perpetu-
cuddle or breastfeed the infant for about 8 hours after ate itself based on the characteristic of continual mitosis
injection. conferred on it by the myeloma cells.
Fluorine-18 as a florbetapir is now used as a brain Once produced, monoclonal antibodies, or fragments
amyloid imaging agent (see Chapter 3). Fluorine-18 is also thereof, may be labeled with radionuclides and used to map
used in a sodium form as a skeletal imaging agent. Excretion the distribution of specific antigens in vivo. Although the
is predominantly via the kidneys. Images are similar to those concept initially appears simple, substantial problems exist
obtained with technetium phosphate compounds. This is that limit the clinical application of monoclonal antibodies
discussed in further detail in Chapter 8. for tumor imaging. Not the least of these problems is the
selection of an appropriate specific antigen, the successful
Other Positron Emitters labeling of the antibody, significant cross-reactivity with
other antigens, and poor target-to-nontarget ratios in vivo.
The positron emitters carbon-11, nitrogen-13, and Immune responses to the foreign antibody protein in
oxygen-15 are not used commonly in clinical practice pri- humans have provided a further barrier to successful wide-
marily because of their short half-lives (2–20 minutes) and spread use. When the antibodies are produced in a murine
thus the need for a cyclotron simultaneously operating system, human antimouse antibody (HAMA) develops in
on-site. Carbon-11 acetate and palmitate are metabolic up to 40% of patients receiving a single dose of the whole
agents, carbon monoxide can be used for blood volume antibody. As solutions to these drawbacks are devised,
determinations, and there are a few carbon-11 labeled monoclonal antibodies are gradually becoming part of the
receptor binding agents. Nitrogen-13 ammonia is a perfu- radiopharmaceutical armamentarium of diagnostic and
sion agent and nitrogen glutamate is a metabolic agent. therapeutic nuclear medicine. Radiolabels currently include
Oxygen-15 carbon dioxide and water are perfusion agents, radioiodines, 111In, 99mTc, and 90Y.
and oxygen as a gas is a metabolic agent. Nanoparticles have received recent interest, particularly
Rubidium-82 chloride is obtained from a generator and for potential cardiovascular imaging and therapeutic appli-
used for myocardial perfusion studies; however, widespread cations, but their clinical use remains very limited. Nanopar-
clinical use has been limited by cost issues and the very short ticles have diameters that range from a few to several
half-life (1.27 minutes) requiring almost continuous pro- hundred nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth (10-9)
duction during the procedure. Generator produced of a meter. In contrast, a small molecule is <1 nm and a
gallium-68 is used as a label for radiopharmaceuticals used microparticle is usually >1 µm. Small nanoparticles have
in imaging neuroendocrine tumors. relatively fast blood clearance by renal filtration and large
nanoparticles are cleared by the phagocytic system of liver
Biologic Agents and Nanoparticles and spleen. Most intermediate nanoparticles do not pene-
trate normal endothelium but will cross damaged endothe-
During the past several years, much interest has been gener- lium and remain longer than small molecules. It is hoped
ated in the development of labeled antibodies for the immu- that the cores and surfaces of nanoparticles can be modified
nodetection and immunotherapy of a variety of diseases, to contain multiple imaging and functional agents.
particularly those of an oncologic nature. However, it was
not until the development of methods of producing and Adverse Reactions
labeling monoclonal antibodies that the clinical potential of
such agents could be seriously explored. Growing interest As drugs, radiopharmaceuticals are extremely safe: mild
in antibody therapies developed to antigens on subgroups reactions are uncommon, and severe reactions are very rare.
of tumors and even tumors from individual patients has There are less than 200 serious reactions reported in the
given rise to prospects for realizing the potential for devel- worldwide literature even though tens of millions of doses
opment of patient-specific oncologic therapies. are administered annually. An adverse reaction may be
Monoclonal antibodies are so named because when defined as an unanticipated patient response to the nonra-
developed against a given antigen, they are absolutely iden- dioactive component of a radiopharmaceutical; this reaction
tical to one another. The technique for producing mono- is not caused by the radiation itself. Overdoses of radioactiv-
clonal antibodies first involves the immunization of an ity represent reportable events (see Chapter 13) and are not
animal, generally a mouse, with a specific antigen. This adverse reactions. The only adverse effect of a radiopharma-
antigen can be virtually anything capable of inducing the B ceutical that is required to be reported is one associated with
lymphocytes to begin producing antibodies against the an investigational drug.
injected substance. Once this is done, the B lymphocytes The incidence of reactions to radiopharmaceuticals in the
are harvested from the mouse and placed in a tube contain- United States is about 2.1–2.3 per 100,000 administrations.
ing mouse myeloma cells. Fusion of these myeloma cells Most reported adverse reactions are allergic in nature,
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 13

although some vasovagal reactions have occurred. The clini- complete drug labeling, including the most desirable dose
cal manifestations of most reactions are rash, itching, dizzi- and the safety and effectiveness of the drug.
ness, nausea, chills, flushing, hives, and vomiting. These Most reimbursement organizations and third-party
reactions may occur within 5 minutes or up to 48 hours payers will not pay for a drug unless it is fully approved
after injection. Rash or itching, dizziness, and/or headache by the FDA, and a number of approved drugs may not
have most commonly been reported with 111In WBC, 99mTc be reimbursed unless they are used for the approved
MAG3, 99mTc sestamibi, 99mTc bone agents, and 18F-FDG. indications.
Severe reactions involving anaphylactic shock or cardiac
arrest are reported in less than 3% of adverse reactions and RADIOPHARMACY QUALITY CONTROL
have been associated with radiolabeled MDP, sulfur colloid,
MAG3, MIBG, and FDG. Neurologic events (pain, hypes- Most nuclear medicine departments now get “unit doses”
thesia, and paresthesia) have occasionally been associated for individual patient use from commercial radiopharma-
with 99mTc-estamibi and 99mTc-tetrofosmin. Adverse effects cies. Such doses are prepared in an off-site commercial
with albumin particulates have been reported, owing to radiopharmacy, with each measured dose fulfilling the
pulmonary capillary vascular blockage in patients with ordering specifications of the laboratory in which it will be
already diminished pulmonary vascular capacity. used. Doses are supplied in syringes appropriately labeled
Reactions related to pyrogens or additives have become with the radiopharmaceutical, patient name, activity at
exceedingly rare because of the extensive quality control a specific time, and expiration date/time, if appropriate.
used in the manufacture and preparation of radiopharma- Prior to patient administration, the activity must be cal-
ceuticals. Pyrogen reactions may be suspected if more than culated through a decay correction of the stated activity
one patient receiving a dose from a single vial of a radio- on the syringe label, or it may be directly measured in a
pharmaceutical has experienced an adverse effect. dose calibrator, if desired. There also should be photopeak
Common nonradioactive pharmaceuticals used in analysis at the time of imaging. Additional quality control
nuclear medicine are dipyridamole and glucagon. Adverse should be requested from the radiopharmacy if the images
reactions (usually headache) have been reported to occur in demonstrate an unexpected biodistribution of activity
up to 45% of patients. Severe reactions to these occur in (Fig. 1.8).
about 6 per 100,000 administrations and include pro- Because most departments no longer use 99Mo/99mTc
longed chest pain, syncope (dipyridamole), and anaphy- generators to elute technetium or compound radiopharma-
laxis (glucagon). Furosemide used in renal imaging may ceuticals from kits, the burden of most radiopharmaceutical
trigger severe reactions in patients with sulfa allergies, and quality assurance issues has been shifted to others. However,
another loop diuretic, ethacrynic acid, has been suggested it is still important to understand the quality control
as an alternative in those patients. Anaphylactic reactions
have also been reported in up to 1% of patients receiving
isosulfan blue dye during sentinel lymph node procedures.

Investigational Radiopharmaceuticals
Any new radiopharmaceutical must be treated as an inves-
tigational new drug (IND) and must go through the process
outlined in the Guidelines for the Clinical Evaluation of
Radiopharmaceutical Drugs of the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Either manufacturers or health
practitioners can file an IND application. Initially, the
application must include complete composition of the
drug, source, manufacturing data, and preclinical investiga-
tions, including animal studies.
Clinical investigation of INDs occurs in three phases.
Phase one is early testing in humans to determine toxicity,
pharmacokinetics, and effectiveness. These studies usually
involve a small number of people and are conducted under
carefully controlled circumstances. Phase two trials are con-
trolled trials to test both for effectiveness in treatment of a
specific disease and for evaluation of risk. Phase three, clini-
cal investigation, involves extensive clinical trials, provided
• Fig. 1.8 Arterial Injection. An inadvertent arterial injection during
that information obtained in phases one and two demon- administration of 18F-FDG caused intense activity distal to the injection
strates reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness. site. This is known as the “glove phenomenon.” (Case courtesy Harry
Phase three studies acquire necessary information for Agress, MD.)
14 C HA P T E R 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals

processes and principles in case there is an adverse reaction may be present. The amount of 99Mo contamination, or
or the radiopharmaceutical does not localize in the patient’s breakthrough, during elution is normally determined by
tissues as expected. placing the eluate from the generator in a lead shield and
For those who continue to prepare radiopharmaceuti- measuring the penetration of any 99Mo (740- and 780-keV)
cals in the nuclear medicine department, there are new, photons. The presence of other radionuclides may be deter-
complex, and potentially very expensive requirements mined by multichannel analysis or by counting of the
(US Pharmacopeia [USP] Chapter 797) concerning the eluate at different times to allow for decay. The latter
compounding of sterile preparations. This USP chapter method indicates whether the half-life of the contaminant
provides strict requirements for inspection standards, is or is not consistent with that of 99Mo.
licensing, and accreditation. Preparation of kits is consid- The USNRC and USP regulations allow no more than
ered low-risk level but still requires International Organiza- 0.15 µCi (0.005 MBq) of 99Mo per 1 mCi (37 MBq) of
tion for Standardization (ISO) class 5 laminar airflow hood Tc at the time of administration. Because 99mTc decays
in an ISO class 8 clean room with an ante area. These areas much faster than 99Mo, the relative amount of any molyb-
must also be routinely monitored for cleanliness, and there denum contaminant rises with time. Thus, if the 99Mo in
must be a specific quality assurance program, written proof an eluate from a generator was barely acceptable at 8:00
of staff training, equipment maintenance, and calibration. a.m., it will likely become unacceptable later the same day.
Regardless of whether radiopharmaceuticals are commer- The elution column inside the generator is made of
cially obtained or prepared in-house, there are strict US alumina (Al2O3). If, during elution, sufficient alumina
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) requirements breaks through, the eluate may become cloudy. The presence
for receipt, management, and disposal. These are outlined of aluminum ion (Al3+) should be ascertained at the time of
in Chapter 13. eluting 99mTc from the generator. Small amounts of alumi-
num ion may be detected with an indicator paper similar to
Generator and Radionuclide Purity the pH paper used in chemistry. If aluminum ion is present,
a red color develops. The maximum permissible amount of
The first step in quality control is to ensure that the radio- aluminum ion is 10 µg/mL of 99mTc eluate with a fission
nuclide is pure (Table 1.5). Radionuclide purity is the per- generator. If too much aluminum is present, technetium–
centage of activity present that is due to the radionuclide aluminum particles form, which are manifested clinically by
of interest. Because 99mTc normally is obtained by eluting hepatic uptake. Excessive aluminum ion may also cause
or “milking” a molybdenum generator, there must be aggregation of sulfur colloid preparations, resulting in lung
assurance that only 99mTc is eluted. Most 99Mo-99mTc gen- uptake. The purpose of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid
erators are fission produced, and radionuclide impurities (EDTA) in sulfur colloid kits is to bind excess Al3+ and thus
such as 99Mo, iodine-131 (131I), and ruthenium-103 (103Ru) to prevent such problems. Agglutination of red blood cells

1.5 Radiopharmaceutical Quality Control

Tests Problem Limits Comment

Radionuclide purity 99
Mo breakthrough 0.15 µCi Mo/mCi Tc
99 99m
Test every generator elution for 99Mo. Note:
Mo/99mTc 99 99m
(0.15 kBq Mo/MBq Tc) Because of the longer half-life of 99Mo, a
generator dose that was just compliant at the time of
preparation may not be compliant at the time
of administration.
Sr/82Rb generator 82
Sr breakthrough 0.02 µCi 82Sr/mCi 82Rb Test every generator elution. Limits are at time
(0.02 kBq 82Sr/MBq 82Rb) of patient administration.
Sr contamination 0.2 µCi 85Sr/mCi 82Rb
(0.2 kBq 85Sr/MBq 82Rb)
Radiochemical 99m
Tc not in +7 valence 95% or more must be in Most radiopharmaceuticals must be at least
purity state. Free 99mTc +7 90% pure (i.e., 90% of the radioisotope
pertechnetate, bound in the desired chemical form). The +4,
hydrolyzed, or +5, and +6 valence states are impurities.
reduced moieties Detect with (instant) thin-layer
chromatography (TLC).
Chemical purity Alumina breakthrough <10 µg/mL Detected visually by paper colorimetric test.
Mo/99mTc Done for every generator elution.
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 15

may also occur when inordinate amounts of aluminum ion Most radiochemical impurities obtained in a kit prepara-
are contained in 99mTc pertechnetate solutions. tion are the result of interaction of either oxygen or water
Product standards and quality control requirements for with the contents of the kit or vial. If air reaches the vial
PET radiopharmaceuticals are provided by both the USP contents, stannous chloride may be oxidized to stannic
and guidance from the FDA (which, in some instances, is chloride even before introduction of 99mTc into the vial. If
more restrictive). For 18F-FDG injection, the FDA indi- this happens, the production of reactive technetium is no
cates that (1) the solution must be colorless and free from longer possible, and free pertechnetate becomes an impu-
particulate matter when observed visually (appearance), (2) rity. If moisture reaches the vial contents, stannous chloride
the half-life must be measured to be between 105 and becomes hydrolyzed, and the formation of stannous hydrox-
115 minutes (radionuclide identity), (3) no more than ide, a colloid, results.
4% of free 18F− must be present in an injection (radio- Reactive reduced technetium may also become hydro-
chemical impurity), (4) no less than 90% of the radio- lyzed, forming technetium dioxide. This hydrolyzed,
activity must locate at a specific spot on chromatography reduced form of technetium is insoluble and is another
(radiochemical purity), and (5) additional tests for chemi- impurity that must be tested. Technetium that has been
cal purity must ensure that various reagents, unwanted tagged to a compound can reoxidize and revert to
products, or residual organic solvents are not present pertechnetate.
in excess. To minimize oxidation problems, most cold kits are
purged with nitrogen, and additional antioxidants, such as
Radiochemical Labeling ascorbic acid, may also have been added. It is still extremely
important not to inject air into the reaction vial when pre-
Once radionuclide purity is ensured, a prepackaged kit con- paring a radiopharmaceutical. An often overlooked source
taining an unlabeled pharmaceutical may be used to produce of problems is the sterile saline used in preparation of the
a radiochemical compound. Radiochemical purity is defined kits. This saline should be free of preservatives because bac-
as the percent of the total radioactivity present in the desired teriostatic agents often interfere with the tagging process.
chemical form in a radiopharmaceutical preparation. Assess- To check for the presence of free pertechnetate, the
ment of chemical purity of 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals is radiopharmaceutical is placed on the chromatographic
performed by determining the degree of successful tagging strip, and acetone is used as the solvent. Most tagged radio-
of the agent contained in the kit and the amount of residual pharmaceuticals remain at the origin, whereas the free
(unbound 99mTc) in the preparation. The degree of purity pertechnetate advances with the solvent front (Fig. 1.9). To
may reflect the proficiency of those who prepare the kits or assess the presence of hydrolyzed technetium or technetium
simply any lot-to-lot or manufacturer-to-manufacturer vari- dioxide, saline is used as the solvent. In this case, techne-
ability in the kits. tium dioxide remains at the origin, whereas those radio-
Instant thin-layer chromatography is usually performed pharmaceuticals that are soluble in saline, such as DTPA
to assess RCP, using silica gel impregnated in glass fiber and pertechnetate, advance with the solvent front. For some
sheets or strips. By using various solvents, impurities can be compounds that are insoluble in saline, such as macroag-
identified by their different migrations in the particular gregated albumin (MAA), it is not possible to assess the
solvent used. presence of technetium dioxide by using instant thin-layer
A drop of the radiochemical compound to be analyzed chromatography.
is placed on the strip, and the solvent is applied. As the USP regulations define the lower limits of acceptability
solvent approaches the end of the sheet, an assessment is for radiochemical purity as 95% for pertechnetate, 92% for
made of the radioactivity present at the point of origin and Tc sulfur colloid, and 90% for all other 99mTc radiophar-
at the advancing solvent front. Although this may be per- maceuticals. Once the chromatographic procedures are
formed by various scanning methods, the simplest way is to established, they take little time to perform and ideally
cut the fiber strip into segments and count them individu- should be done before patient injection.
ally in a well counter. If this is done, the technician must One reason for performing thin-layer chromatography
be extremely careful to put only a very small amount of before patient injection is that simple errors can cause the
activity at the spot of origin because well counters are effi- radiolabeling to be completely ineffective. For example, in
cient and it is easy to exceed their count rate capability. the production of sulfur colloid, one kit normally calls
The most common 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals are pre- for injection of syringe A first and then for injection of
pared by adding 99mTc freshly eluted from a generator to a syringe B into the reaction vial. If these two injections are
cold kit, as prescribed by the kit manufacturer. The eluate reversed, no sulfur colloid is produced, and there is a large
of the generator should be 99mTcO4– (+7) (i.e., pertechne- amount of free 99mTc pertechnetate. Thus, a liver scan is
tate). Because pertechnetate in this valence state is relatively not possible with the agent. Free 99mTc pertechnetate is
stable, it cannot tag a cold kit preparation and must be seen as unexpected activity in both the thyroid and stomach
reduced to a lower valence state (+3, +4, +5). This is done (Fig. 1.10).
by using a reducing agent such as stannous chloride, which The 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals that are produced with
is generally present in the reaction vial. stannous chloride reduction or stannous chelates include
16 C HA P T E R 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals


solvent front


Origin Distance


solvent front


Origin Distance
• Fig. 1.9 Chromatography. (Top) Acetone chromatography is used to check for the presence of free
pertechnetate, which migrates with the acetone solvent front. (Bottom) To check for technetium dioxide
(99mTcO2), saline is used; those radiopharmaceuticals that are soluble in saline advance with the solvent.

Ant MAA, phosphate compounds, and glucoheptonate. The

only one in common use that is produced without reduc-
tion or chelation by tin is sulfur colloid. The compounds
in which the presence of hydrolyzed technetium (Tc
dioxide) may need to be checked are DTPA, phosphate
compounds, glucoheptonate, and iminodiacetic acid (IDA)
Excessive stannous agents can cause quality control prob-
lems during radiopharmaceutical preparation that become
evident in the actual clinical images. Excess stannous ions
(tin) may cause liver uptake on bone scans by formation of
a tin colloid (Fig. 1.11). Residual stannous ions in the blood
may also cause red blood cell labeling. Stannous ions may
remain in the blood after a bone scan, so that a 99mTc
pertechnetate thyroid or Meckel diverticulum scan attempted
within 1 week may result in red blood cell labeling.
Particle size of certain compounds may be checked by a
hemocytometer as part of the quality control procedure.
The USP maximum diameter recommendation for MAA is
150 µm, with 90% of particles between 10 and 90 µm. This
range is intended to target the precapillary arterioles in the
lung and prevent larger particle blockade of the greater
diameter pulmonary arterioles and smaller ones slipping
through the capillaries into the reticuloendothelial system
• Fig. 1.10 Free Technetium Pertechnetate. On this 99mTc-MAA
(macroaggregated albumin) lung scan, unexpected activity in the (liver, spleen, bone marrow). Most physicians prefer parti-
thyroid (top arrows) and stomach (bottom arrows) indicates the pres- cles less than 100 µm in size for pulmonary perfusion
ence of unlabeled free technetium pertechnetate. imaging.
CHAPTER 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals 17

• Fig. 1.11 Excess Tin. Images from a bone scan show unexpected hepatic activity because of poor
quality control and excess tin causing formation of colloid-size particles.

deliver a therapeutic dose. 90Y-labeled monoclonal antibod-

UNSEALED RADIONUCLIDES USED ies can be injected intravenously to treat some non-Hodgkin
FOR THERAPY lymphomas.

Radionuclides can be administered to patients for therapeu- Iodine-131

tic purposes in sealed or unsealed form. These procedures
account for about 1% to 1.5% of all nuclear medicine Iodine-131 is discussed earlier in the section on imaging
procedures. Unsealed radionuclides may be given orally, radionuclides; however, large administered activities of
administered intravenously, or placed directly into a body sodium 131I are commonly used for treatment of hyperthy-
cavity (such as a knee joint or peritoneum). Most unsealed roidism and thyroid cancer. Although 131I is a beta emitter,
radionuclides are predominantly beta and alpha emitters there is a predominant energetic gamma emission (364 keV),
with very limited range of travel beyond the patients treated which can be used to image the biodistribution. This gamma
with them. As such, they usually present little external photon also can result in measurable absorbed radiation
hazard to the public or family members or caretakers of doses to persons near the patient. Because excretion is via
patients. A few of these radionuclides also emit energetic the urinary tract and, to a lesser extent, via saliva and sweat,
gamma photons, which can be helpful in imaging the local- special radiation protection precautions need to be taken
ization of the material; however, a large amount of gamma for days after these patients are treated. These are discussed
emissions will present a radiation hazard and give a signifi- further in Chapter 4 in the section on thyroid therapy and
cant radiation dose to nontarget tissues as well as to those in Appendixes H-1 and H-2.
nearby. Some of these agents are referred to as “theranostics”
since they can be used for therapy and diagnosis.
Issues related to the release of patients in accordance with Strontium-89, Samarium-153,
USNRC regulations are included in Appendix G. Sealed Rhenium-186, and Radium-223
radionuclides are administered to patients in an encapsu-
lated form for regional radiotherapy. Because they are gener- All four of these radionuclides are administered intrave-
ally used in the practice of radiation oncology, sealed nously and used to treat painful osseous metastases (usually
radionuclides will not be discussed in this text. from prostate and breast cancer). Strontium-89 (89Sr) is
essentially a pure beta emitter and poses virtually no hazard
Phosphorus-32, Yttrium-90, and Gold-198 to medical staff or patient families, except for urinary pre-
cautions for a few days. Both samarium-153 (153Sm) and
All three of these radionuclides have been used for radioiso- rhenium-186 (186Re) also emit small amounts of relatively
topic therapy. Currently, they are rarely used in colloidal low-energy gamma photons, which can be used to image
form for intracavitary administration for abdominopelvic distribution. Radium-223 has recently been approved for
serosal metastases or knee joint synovectomy. Yttrium-90 use in treating prostate cancer skeletal metastases. Unfortu-
(90Y) can be coupled with a localization agent to deliver nately, it is very expensive, which limits its use. Radium-223
antineoplastic therapy. Yttrium-90 labeled microspheres, (11.4 days) is primarily an alpha emitter (94% 5–7.5 MeV).
injected through a transfemoral catheter into the hepatic These agents are discussed in more detail at the end of
artery, lodge in the small blood vessels of liver neoplasms to Chapter 8.
18 C HA P T E R 1 Radioactivity, Radionuclides, and Radiopharmaceuticals


• The superscript before a radionuclide symbol or the • Severe adverse reactions of radiopharmaceuticals are
number following in regular text is the mass number (A), extremely rare (about 2 per 100,000). Adverse reactions to
which is the sum of the number of neutrons (N) and nonradioactive pharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine
protons (Z). Thus, 131I (iodine-131) has 53 protons and 78 are much more common.
neutrons to equal 131. • Technetium-99m as eluted is in a +7 valence state. Tin
• All isotopes of a given element have the same number of (stannous ion) is used as a reducing agent to allow labeling
protons and only differ in the number of neutrons. of other compounds.
• Effective half-life of a radionuclide is always less than either • Molybdenum breakthrough in a generator eluate is detected
the physical or biologic half-life. by the penetration of 740- and 780-keV photons through a
• A becquerel is 1 disintegration per second. A curie is 3.7 × lead shield that attenuates the 140-keV photons of
1010 disintegrations per second. technetium. The limit is 0.15 µCi of 99Mo activity per 1 mCi
• Cyclotron-produced isotopes are often carrier free (do not of administered 99mTc.
contain any of the stable element) because the process • Aluminum ion breakthrough in the eluate from a 99Mo-99mTc
involves transmutation. Isotopes produced by neutron generator is detected by using a special test paper that
bombardment are not usually carrier free because they changes color. Excessive aluminum indicates the lack of
involve bombardment of the same element. Radionuclides stability of the generator column. The USP limits the
produced by fission in a reactor can be carrier free because amount of aluminum ion to 10 µg Al3+/mL 99mTc eluate from
they are produced by splitting other elements. a generator using fission produced 99Mo.
• A generator system for producing radionuclides uses a • Radionuclide purity is the percent of the total radioactivity
long-lived parent that decays into another shorter-lived being assayed that is the desired radionuclide. It is
element that can be chemically separated. performed by examining the energy of the photons emitted
• In most generators used, there comes a time when the and comparing it with those expected for a given
ratio of the daughter to the parent becomes constant radionuclide.
(transient equilibrium), and for 99Mo-99mTc generators, the • Radiochemical purity is the percentage of wanted versus
Tc activity is slightly less than the 99Mo activity. This takes unwanted radiolabeled chemical in the preparation. It is
several days. Once eluted, a 99Mo-99mTc generator will reach tested by using thin-layer chromatography with either
95% of maximal 99mTc activity in about 23 hours. acetone or saline as the solvent. Usually, 95% tagging is
• Once produced, most excited states of an atom decay required.
almost instantaneously to a more stable configuration. The • For traditional 99mTc diagnostic agents, there are three
“m” in technetium-99m refers to “metastable,” meaning that common radiochemical impurities that may be measured by
there is an excited state of the isotope that persists for an thin-layer chromatography: (1) Free 99mTc pertechnetate
extremely short time before there is emission of a gamma (99mTc04-; soluble), (2) hydrolyzed-reduced 99mTc (99mTc02;
ray. insoluble), and (3) 99mTc bound to other chemical
• If using unit doses, you must either measure the activity or compounds (either chemical impurities or secondary
calculate the decay from the radiopharmacy calibration and chemicals needed for the labeling process).
you must check the photopeak (often automatic on new • Free 99mTc pertechnetate is usually seen as unexpected
cameras). activity in the stomach, thyroid, and salivary glands.

Suggested Readings Silberstein EB. Prevalence of adverse events to radiopharmaceuticals

from 2007-2011. J Nucl Med. 2014;55(8):1308–1310.
Bushberg JT, Seibert JA, Leidholdt EM, et al. The Essential Physics of Simpkin DJ. The AAPM/RSNA Physics Tutorial for Residents:
Medical Imaging. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Radiation interactions and internal dosimetry in nuclear
Wilkins; 2012:[Chapters 15–19]. medicine. Radiographics. 1999;19:155–167.
Instrumentation and Quality Control
Geiger-Mueller Counter Data Acquisition
Ionization Chamber Tomographic Image Production
Sodium Iodide Well Counter SPECT/CT
Single Probe Counting Systems Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Dose Calibrator Overview of PET Cameras
PET Scintillation Detectors
Gamma Scintillation Camera
PET Detector Geometry
Attenuation Correction
Crystal and Other Photon Detector Devices
System Sensitivity and Resolution
Photon Transducers
PET Image Acquisition and Processing
Solid-State Photon Detectors
Pulse Height Analyzer PET/CT
Console Controls PET/MRI
Resolution Instrumentation Quality Control
Count Rate and Dead Time Gamma Cameras
Field Uniformity SPECT Quality Control
Image Acquisition: Memory and Matrix Size Detector Head Alignment With the Axis of Rotation
Image Display and Processing Collimator Evaluation
Frame Manipulation System Performance
Operator Interaction PET/CT Quality Control
Dedicated Molecular Breast Imaging Cameras Technical Artifacts
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Areas of Decreased Activity
Instrumentation Areas of Increased Activity
Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Cameras

GEIGER-MUELLER COUNTER Most GM counters are equipped with a thin window that
also allows detection of most beta rays. Very weak beta rays
Geiger-Mueller (GM) counters are handheld, very sensitive, (such as those from tritium) cannot be detected.
inexpensive survey instruments used primarily to detect Advantages of GM counters include their durability, por-
small amounts of radioactive contamination. The detector tability, and ability to detect many types of radiation with
is usually pancake shaped, although it may be cylindrical high sensitivity. Limitations include that they can neither
(Fig. 2.1). The detector is gas filled and has a high applied differentiate which type of radiation is being detected nor
voltage from the anode to the cathode. This causes one determine the exact energy of the detected radiation. Thus
ionization to result in an “avalanche” of other electrons, their primary use is simply to survey for the presence of
allowing high efficiency for detection of even a single radiation and radioactivity.
gamma ray. The avalanche of electrons takes some time to
dissipate; as a result, “dead time” must occur before the next IONIZATION CHAMBER
ionization can be detected. This precludes use of GM coun-
ters in high radiation fields. They are usually limited to Ionization chambers are handheld survey instruments used
exposure rates of up to about 100 mR (2.5 × 10-5 C/kg)/hr. to measure low or high exposure rates (Fig. 2.2). They have

20 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

• Fig. 2.1 Geiger-Mueller Survey Meter. (A) This instrument is used
for low levels of radiation or activity. On the instrument, the pancake
detector is located at the end of the handle and the face is covered
with a red plastic cap. The selector knob has various multipliers to use
with the displayed reading. Note the radiation check source affixed to
the side, which is used to make sure the instrument is functional. Also
there is a calibration sticker. (B) The dial reads in either counts per B
minute (CPM) or milliroentgens per hour (mR/hr). There is also a battery
test range that is used when the battery check button is pushed or • Fig. 2.2 Ionization Survey Chamber. (A) An ionization chamber
the selector knob is switched to battery check. must be used if there are high levels of activity or radiation. For this
handheld model, the detector is inside the body of the instrument. (B)
The scale reads in units of radiation exposure.
an air- or gas-filled chamber but a low efficiency for detec-
tion of gamma rays. These instruments have a relatively low
applied voltage from anode to cathode; as a result, there is emitting low-level light, which is detected and amplified by
no avalanche effect and no dead time problem. Ionization the PMT feeding into a scalar. The scalar readout directly
chambers typically are useful over a wide range of exposure reflects the amount of radioactivity in the sample and is
rates from 0.1 mR (2.5 × 10-8 C/kg)/hr to 100 R (2.5 × usually recorded in counts for the period during which the
10-2 C/kg)/hr. A dose calibrator is a special form of an sample is measured.
ionization chamber. Reflected light and scattering inside the well surface and
the thickness of the crystal limit the energy resolution of
SODIUM IODIDE WELL COUNTER the standard well counter. Because the sample is essentially
surrounded by the crystal, the geometric efficiency for
Well counters are gasless devices common in nuclear medi- detection of gamma rays is high. Geometric efficiency is
cine laboratories for performing in vitro studies as well as defined as the fraction of emitted radioactivity that is inci-
quality control and assurance procedures. Generally, there dent on the detection portion of the counter, in this case,
is a solid cylindrical sodium iodide crystal with a cylindrical the crystal. Because the crystal is relatively thick, most low-
well cut into the crystal, into which a radioactive sample is energy photons undergo interaction, and few pass through
placed, often within a test tube (Fig. 2.3). A photomulti- undetected. As a result, in the energy ranges below 200 keV,
plier tube (PMT) is optically coupled to the crystal base. the overall crystal detection efficiency is usually better
Radiation from the sample interacts with the crystal than 95%.
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 21

size Nal(Tl)

Pulse height
analyzer PMT



• Fig. 2.3 Well Counter. (A) Well counters are heavily shielded scintillation crystals used to measure and
identify small amounts of radioactivity contained in small volumes such as a test tube. (B) Schematic
diagram. PMT, Photomultiplier tube; NaI(TI), thallium-doped sodium iodide.

Because the top of the well in the crystal is open, it is in a well counter can lead to serious underestimates attribut-
important to keep the sample volume in the test tube small. able to dead-time counting errors.
If varying sample volumes are placed in the well counter,
different amounts of radiation escape near the top of the SINGLE PROBE COUNTING SYSTEMS
crystal, resulting in unequal geometric efficiencies. Absorp-
tion of gamma rays within the wall of the test tube is a Single probe counting systems using only one crystalline
factor when lower energy sources, such as iodine-125 (125I), detector are primarily used for measuring thyroid uptake of
are counted; therefore the sample tubes should also be radioactive iodine. The probe used for thyroid counting is
identical. actually similar to the standard well counter in concept
Because sodium iodide well counters have such a high (Fig. 2.4), although it does not have the central hole in the
detection efficiency, there is a serious problem with elec- sodium iodide crystal. The typical crystal is 5 cm in diam-
tronic dead time. If high levels of activity are used, much eter and 5 cm in thickness, with a cone-shaped (flat field)
of the radiation is not detected. In general, well counters collimator. As with the well counter, a PMT is situated at
can typically count activity only up to about 1 µCi (37 kBq). the crystal base. When these probes are used, it is important
Attempts to measure amounts of activity greater than this for quantitative consistency to maintain a fixed distance
22 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

Shielding distance

PMT Nal(Tl)

Pulse height

and display

• Fig. 2.4Single Probe Counting System. (A) Single crystal thyroid probe used for measuring radioiodine
uptake. The end of the barrel is placed a fixed distance from the sitting patient’s neck. (B) Schematic
diagram. PMT, Photomultiplier tube; NaI(TI), thallium-doped sodium iodide.

from the face of the crystal to the object being measured Within the chamber is a collecting electrode (Fig. 2.5). As
and to eliminate all extraneous sources of background radiation emanates from the radiopharmaceutical in the
radiation. syringe, it enters the chamber and interacts with the gas,
In addition to the larger type probes, there are also hand- causing ionization. An electrical differential applied between
held probes (and even very tiny gamma cameras) used intra- the chamber and the collecting electrode causes the ions to
operatively to identify and localize sentinel lymph nodes be captured and measured. This measurement is used to
and parathyroid adenomas. These need to have excellent calculate the activity of a dose contained in a syringe or
spatial resolution and are highly collimated counting devices capsule placed in the well. Limits for maximum activity that
with solid-state scintillation or semiconductor detectors. can be accurately measured by dose calibrators are usually
Some of the devices have interchangeable probes and can specified for 99mTc.
detect gamma, beta, or positron emissions and thus can be As with other radiopharmaceuticals, the activity of posi-
used for a variety of radionuclides, including 99mTc, 111In, tron emitters may be measured in a typical dose calibrator
and 18F. before administration to the patient. Although a dose cali-
brator (ionization chamber) cannot determine the energy of
DOSE CALIBRATOR emitted photons, the amount of electrical current in the
chamber produced by the photons varies directly with
Because it is extremely important to measure a dose (activ- photon energy. Because the 511 keV annihilation photons
ity) of a radiopharmaceutical before administration to a are substantially more energetic than are 99mTc photons, the
patient, the dose calibrator is an essential piece of equip- current produced is about three times greater. Therefore the
ment in any nuclear medicine laboratory. A standard sodium maximum activity limit for 18F is about one-third that speci-
iodide well counter is not useful because the upper limit of fied for 99mTc. Consequently, a dose calibrator with rela-
sample activity that can be measured accurately is in the tively high specified maximum activity is preferred. In
microcurie (37 kBq) range. A dose calibrator is essentially addition, more lead shielding around the dose calibrator is
a well-type, cylindrical ionization chamber filled with a required for measurement of 18F. It should be at least 5 cm
defined volume of pressurized gas (usually argon) capable or greater compared with the 4- to 6-mm thickness usually
of measuring quantities in the millicurie (37 MBq) range. supplied with a standard dose calibrator.
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 23

Plastic insert

Range Isotope
Cylindrical Digital
selector selector
collecting display
amplifier amplifier

• Fig. 2.5 Dose Calibrator. (A) The sample is placed in the shielded ionization chamber (arrow), which
is behind the technologist’s protective shielding. (B) The selector buttons on the control panel and display
require the user to select the appropriate radionuclide to display the correct activity. (C) Schematic

monitor with an image processing computer (workstation)

GAMMA SCINTILLATION CAMERA to further refine, format, and extract quantitative information
from the image data, and picture archiving and communica-
The most widely used imaging devices in nuclear medicine tion systems are also integral parts of the system. All of the
are the simple gamma scintillation camera and the single- newer cameras incorporate some digital features. Even the
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) capable most advanced digital scintillation cameras, however, start
gamma camera. A scintillation gamma camera converts with the analog signal in the scintillation crystal.
photons emitted by the radionuclide in the patient into a
light pulse and subsequently into a voltage signal. This Collimator
signal is used to form an image of the distribution of the
radionuclide. The four basic components of a gamma The collimator is made of perforated or folded lead approxi-
camera system (Fig. 2.6) are the collimator, the scintillation mately 1 to 2 inches (2.5–5 cm) thick and is interposed
crystal, an array of PMTs, and a computer to convert the between the patient and the scintillation crystal. It allows
output signals into an image display. A free-standing display the gamma camera to localize accurately the radionuclide
24 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

Image on PACS or
cathode ray tube

Digital computer

Corrected position and energy signals

Digital energy and spatial linearity

correction circuits

Position and energy signals

X Y Z (energy)

Position Summing
circuit circuit



Lucite light pipe

Nal crystal


• Fig. 2.6Gamma Camera Schematic. Sodium iodide scintillator type gamma camera, which uses bulky
photomultiplier tubes, creating a thick detector head. PMT, Photomultiplier tube; NaI, sodium iodide.

in the patient’s body. Collimators perform this function by the pinhole aperture to be imaged, and the image is always
absorbing and stopping most radiation except that arriving inverted on the scintillation crystal. Because little radiation
almost perpendicular to the detector face. Most radiation coming from the object of interest is allowed to pass through
striking the collimator at oblique angles is not included in the pinhole over a given period, the pinhole collimator has
the final image. Of all the photons emitted by an adminis- very poor sensitivity. Collimator sensitivity refers to the
tered radiopharmaceutical, more than 99% are “wasted” percentage of incident photons that pass through the col-
and not recorded by the gamma camera; less than 1% are limator. The poor sensitivity of a pinhole collimator makes
used to generate the desired image. Thus the collimator is placement near the organ of interest critical, and bringing
the “rate limiting” step in the imaging chain of gamma the object of interest close to the pinhole magnifies the
camera technology. image. Because magnification is a function of distance, the
The two basic types of collimators are pinhole and mul- image may be distorted if the object of interest is not rela-
tihole. A pinhole collimator operates in a manner similar to tively flat or thin. Pinhole collimators are routinely used for
that of a box camera (Fig. 2.7). Radiation must pass through very high resolution images of small organs, such as the
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 25




Parallel hole
(high resolution–low sensitivity)

Parallel hole Parallel hole

(high sensitivity–low resolution) (high energy)
• Fig. 2.7 Types of Gamma Camera Collimators. As the energy of the radionuclide increases, the best
collimator usually has thicker and longer septa. For a given septal thickness, spatial resolution of a col-
limator increases with septal length but sensitivity decreases.

thyroid, and for certain skeletal regions, such as hips or

wrists, especially in pediatric patients.
The holes in a multihole collimator may be aligned in a
parallel, diverging, or converging manner. The parallel hole
collimator is the most widely used multihole collimator in
nuclear medicine laboratories. It consists of parallel holes
with a long axis perpendicular to the plane of the scintilla-
tion crystal. The lead walls between the holes are referred
to as septa. The septa absorb most gamma rays that do not Source Source
emanate from the direction of interest; therefore a collima- A B
tor for high-energy gamma rays has much thicker septa than • Fig. 2.8 Effect of Septal Length on Collimator Sensitivity and
does a collimator for low-energy rays. The septa are gener- Resolution. (A) Longer septa in the collimator attenuate most photons,
except those exactly perpendicular to the crystal face. This increase
ally designed so that septal penetration by unwanted gamma in selectivity increases the resolution and decreases the count rate
rays does not exceed 10% to 25%. detected. (B) Shortening the length of the septa allows more photons
A parallel hole collimator should be chosen to corre- to reach the crystal; thus the count rate is higher. The spatial resolution,
spond to the energy of the isotope being imaged. Low- however, is decreased because the photons coming through a hole in
energy collimators generally refer to a maximum energy of the collimator are from a larger area.
150 keV, whereas medium-energy collimators have a
maximum suggested energy of about 400 keV. Collimators The difference between typical low-energy, general-
are available with different lengths and different widths of purpose collimators and low-energy, high-sensitivity colli-
septa. In general, the longer the septa, the better the resolu- mators is that high-sensitivity collimators may allow
tion but the lower the count rate (sensitivity) for a given about twice as many counts to be imaged, although the
amount of radionuclide. The count rate is inversely propor- spatial resolution is usually degraded by about 50%. A
tional to the square of the collimator hole length. If the high-resolution, low-energy collimator has about three
length of the septa is decreased, the detected count rate times the resolving ability of a high-sensitivity, low-energy
increases, and resolution decreases (Fig. 2.8). collimator.
26 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

With a parallel-hole collimator, neither the size of the sodium iodide crystal. Crystals also can be made with thal-
image nor the count rate changes significantly with the lium or sodium-activated cesium iodide or even lanthanum
distance of the object of interest from the collimator. This bromide, but these are uncommon. Interaction of the
is because as the object is moved small distances away from gamma ray with the crystal may result in ejection of an
the crystal, the inverse square law reduces the number of orbital electron (photoelectric absorption), producing a
counts. However, this is compensated for by the increased pulse of fluorescent light (scintillation event) proportional
viewing area of the collimator. On the other hand, resolu- in intensity to the energy of the gamma ray. PMTs situated
tion is best when the object of interest is as close to the along the posterior crystal face detect this light and amplify
collimator face as possible (Figs. 2.9 and 2.10), and scans it. About 30% of the light from each event reaches the
with multihole collimators are usually obtained with the PMTs. Because sodium iodide crystals are fragile and hygro-
collimator in contact with or as close as possible to the scopic, they must be encased in a sealed aluminum housing
patient. With a parallel-hole collimator, scattered photons to protect them from moisture, extraneous light, and minor
emitted from the patient perpendicular to the crystal face physical damage.
may be imaged (Fig. 2.11). These photons and those that The crystals are typically 10 to 25 inches in diameter and
penetrate the septa degrade spatial resolution. may be circular, square, or rectangular. For most cameras,
a 6- to 12-mm thick crystal is used. A larger-diameter
crystal has a larger field of view (FOV) and is more expen-
Crystal and Other Photon Detector sive, but has the same inherent resolution as does a smaller-
Devices diameter crystal. The thicker the crystal becomes, the worse
the spatial resolution but the more efficient the detection
Radiation emerging from the patient and passing through of gamma rays. In general, with a 12-mm thick crystal, the
the collimator typically interacts with a thallium-activated efficiency for detection of gamma rays from xenon-133
(133Xe) (81 keV) and technetium-99m (99mTc) (140 keV) is
almost 100%; that is, few of the photons pass through the
crystal without causing a light pulse. As the gamma energy


Source penetration

Apparent position
Source due to scatter
A B True
• Fig. 2.9 Effect of Different Source-to-Camera Distances. (A) With position
the source a long distance from the camera head, a large number of Source
photons can reach the crystal in an almost perpendicular fashion. The
large area of impact on the crystal increases uncertainty about the
exact location of the source. (B) As the source is brought closer to the
camera head, the correspondence of the scintillation event in the • Fig. 2.11 Scintillation Events That Degrade Images. Both septal
crystal with the actual location is much better, and resolution is penetration and photon scattering within the patient’s body cause
improved. events to be recorded in locations other than their true positions.

Contact 1 foot

• Fig. 2.10 Effect of Increasing the Patient-to-Detector Face Distance on Clinical Images. When the
camera is in contact with this patient, who is having a bone scan, the osseous structures are well defined.
Increasing the distance to 1 foot has a major adverse effect on resolution.
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 27

of the isotope is increased, the efficiency of the crystal is has been progress in development of solid-state radiation
markedly reduced. For example, with iodine-131 (131I) detection and imaging devices that can operate at room
(364 keV), efficiency is reduced to about 20% to 30%. temperatures, do not have vacuum tubes nor hygroscopic
With a thinner crystal, the overall sensitivity (count rate) crystals, and are much less bulky.
decreases by about 10% because more photons pass through, The sodium iodide crystal gamma camera can be thought
but there is about a 30% increase in spatial resolution of as an indirect detection system because the photons must
because the PMTs are closer to the event and thus can local- be absorbed in the scintillator, converted to light, which is
ize it more accurately, and because there is an increase in subsequently converted to an electrical signal, and amplified
light collection. Some newer cameras have pixilated detec- by a bulky PMT before energy and position evaluation
tors in which the FOV is covered by an array of detectors occurs. There are also unavoidable light signal losses in the
with a face size of 2 to 3 mm instead of a single large crystal. scintillator.
Solid-state imaging relative to gamma cameras means the
Photon Transducers absence of both vacuum tubes and PMTs; they instead use
segmented crystals and semiconductors. Solid-state gamma
A PMT converts a light pulse into an electrical signal of cameras use a cesium iodide (CsI) scintillator or a semicon-
measurable magnitude. An array of these tubes is situated ductor cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) matrix detector.
behind the sodium iodide crystal and may be placed directly CsI(Tl) crystalline detectors can be made of many tiny
on the crystal, connected to the crystal by light pipes, or columnar crystals and have “indirect” conversion of light to
optically coupled to the crystal with a silicone-like material. electricity with a photodiode attached to each tiny indi-
A scintillation event occurring in the crystal is recorded by vidual pixel crystal.
one or more PMTs. Localization of the event in the final In semiconductor direct detection systems there is no
image depends on the amount of light sensed by each PMT need to go through the optical phase. A semiconductor is
and thus on the pattern of PMT voltage output. The sum- made of a material that normally does not conduct electric-
mation signal for each scintillation event is then formed by ity, but when various impurities are included, there is either
weighing the output of each tube. This signal has three an excess of electrons (N material [think of negative]) or a
components: spatial coordinates on x- and y-axes as well as deficit of electrons (P material [think of positive]), which
a signal (z) related to intensity (energy). The x- and allows a current to flow through the material (Fig. 2.12).
y-coordinates may go directly for real-time display on a When an external current is applied to a block of joined N
cathode ray tube (CRT) or may be recorded in the com- and P semiconductor material, the electrons and electron
puter. The signal intensity is processed by the pulse height “holes” are pulled toward the anode and cathode, respec-
analyzer (PHA). tively, leaving a depletion zone in the middle. When photons
The light interaction caused by a gamma ray generally interact in this zone, by Compton or photoelectric interac-
occurs near the collimator face of the crystal. Thus, although tion, they convert the photon energy into high-kinetic-
a thicker crystal is theoretically more efficient, the PMT is energy electrons and holes (e-h pairs) which in turn create
farther away from the scintillation point with a thick crystal secondary e-h pairs until the energy is so low that the e-h
and is unable to determine the coordinates as accurately. pairs recombine. The detectors collect the electrons and
Therefore spatial resolution is degraded. The number of holes to produce a current detected in the readout circuit
PMTs is also important for the accurate localization of (Fig. 2.13) Semiconductor CZT has higher absorption effi-
scintillation events; thus for spatial resolution, the greater ciency than scintillation detectors of the same thickness.
the number of PMTs, the greater the resolution. Most Semiconductor detector systems typically have two times
gamma cameras use about 40 to 100 hexagonal, square, or better energy resolution, more than two times better spatial
round PMTs. resolution (2.5 mm versus 5–6 mm), and up to ten times
Some newer scintillation imaging systems have used more count sensitivity than scintillator sodium iodine
position-sensitive PMTs (PS-PMTs) and avalanche photo- crystal systems.
diodes (APD). PS-PMTs are usually used with small FOV The CZT system uses a collimator and an array of
devices that have pixilated detectors, rather than a large crystal units (about 4 cm each) that are pixelated (2.5 mm)
single crystal. APDs are solid-state photon converters that and formed as tiles, which are placed together to form
can be thought of as a light-sensitive diode and are being the detector. Usually the irradiated side of the detectors is
used in positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance the cathode side and the detector array with pixels is on the
imaging (PET/MRI) applications because they are less sen- anode or readout side. The pixel readout is used to obtain
sitive to magnetic fields. spatial information. For each pixel to be read out individually
requires thousands of electronic channels, making discrete
Solid-State Photon Detectors electronics impractical. The detector is coupled electrically
by bump bonds to a microelectronic circuit connected pixel
The majority of gamma cameras currently in use are based by pixel to an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
on crystal scintillation light detection systems invented for signal readout (Fig. 2.14), position, counting, and energy
more than 50 years ago. Over the last several decades there analysis.
28 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

Pulse Height Analyzer

Si Si Si Si The basic principle of the PHA in a sodium iodide scintil-
lator system is to discard signals from background and
scattered radiation and/or radiation from interfering iso-
Si Si Si Si
topes, so that only primary photons known to come from
the photopeak of the isotope being imaged are recorded.
Si Si Si Si The PHA discriminates between events occurring in the
crystal that will be displayed or stored in the computer and
events that will be rejected. The PHA can make this dis-
Si Si Si Si crimination because the energy deposited by a photon bears
a linear relation to the voltage signal emerging from the
$ PMTs.
A typical energy spectrum from a PHA is shown in
Fig. 2.15. The photopeak is the result of total absorption of
the major gamma ray from the radionuclide. If the charac-
Si Si Si P
teristic K-shell x-ray of iodine (28 keV) escapes from the
crystal after the gamma ray has undergone photoelectric
Si P Si Si absorption, the measured gamma-ray energy for 99mTc
would be only 112 keV (140 minus 28 keV). This will
cause an iodine escape peak.
Si Si Si P A backscatter peak may result when primary gamma rays
undergo 180-degree scatter and then enter the detector and
Si Si Si
are totally absorbed. This can occur when gamma rays strike
material behind the source and scatter back into the detec-
% tor. It may also occur when gamma rays pass through the
crystal without interaction and Compton scatter from the
shield or PMTs back into the crystal.
The lead x-ray peak is caused by primary gamma rays
Si Si Si Si undergoing photoelectric absorption in the lead of shielding
or the collimator; as a result, characteristic x-rays (75 to
90 keV) are detected. The effect of Compton scattering in
Si B Si Si
the detector gives a peak from 0 to 50 keV. The sharp edge
at 50 keV is called the Compton edge. If the source of radia-
Si Si Si B tion is within a patient, Compton scattering occurs within
the patient’s tissue, and some of these scattered gamma rays
travel toward the detector with an energy from 90 to
Si B Si Si 140 keV. These scattered photons from within the patient
& cause imaging difficulties, because the Compton scatter
overlaps with the photopeak distribution.
• Fig. 2.12 Semiconductor Schematic. (A) A crystalline material Signal intensity information is matched in the PHA
(such as silicon) that has four valence electrons forms covalent bonds against an appropriate window, which is really a voltage
which do not allow electrons (current) to travel easily. (B) Introduction
discriminator. To allow energy related to the desired isotope
of an impurity (doping) that has five valence electrons (such as phos-
phorus) creates a situation with extra electrons (negative charge) that photopeak to be recorded, the window has upper and lower
can move around. This is called N material. (C) Doping of the crystal voltage limits that define the window width. Thus a 20%
with a material with only three valence electrons (such as Boron) leaves symmetric window for 140 keV photopeak means that the
spaces in the bonds (electron “holes”) that other electrons can move electronics will accept 140 ± 14 keV (i.e., 140 keV ± 10%)
into. This is called P material.
gamma rays. Any signals higher or lower than this, particu-
larly those from scattered radiation, are rejected. Most
cameras have multiple PHAs, which allow several photo­
peaks to be used at once. This is particularly useful for
The usable energy range is 40 to 250 keV and the FOV radionuclides with multiple gamma emissions of different
can be as large as 50 × 40 cm. A number of these systems energies, such as indium-111 (111In) and gallium-67 (67Ga).
are currently available combined with CT, and research is On newer cameras, the signal processing circuitry, such as
underway to develop hybrid semiconductor gamma camera preamplifiers and PHAs, is located on the base of each PMT
MRI units (because PMTs cannot function in a high mag- so that there is little signal distortion between the camera
netic field). head and the console. In solid-state semiconductor systems
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 29

Depletion zone

N material P material

Power source

N material P material

Power source
B and current detector

• Fig. 2.13 Semiconductor Photon Detection. (A) When N and P material are joined and a reverse bias
power source is applied, the electrons and “holes” are pulled to the sides leaving a central depletion zone.
(B) When a photon enters the depletion zone, electrons and “holes” are formed in proportion to the energy.
These migrate and are detected as current.

Electronics Image photopeak window in half and calculates the number of

counts in each half. If the machine is correctly peaked, each
half of the window has the same number of counts from
Readout printed circuit board (PCB) the upper and lower portions of the photopeak. Occasion-
ally, an asymmetric window is used to improve resolution by
Application specific integrated circuit microchip (ASIC)
1 cm eliminating some of the Compton scatter (Fig. 2.16)
Bump bonds
Image exposure time is selected by console control and
Grouped pixillated CZT detectors is usually a preset count, a preset time, or preset information
Collimator density for the image accumulation. Information density
refers to the number of counts per square centimeter of the
gamma camera crystal face. Other console controls are
present for orientation and allow the image to be reversed
Patient on the x- and y-axes.
In addition, the CRT image may be manipulated by an
• Fig. 2.14 Solid State Semiconductor Detection Schematic.This intensity control, which simply affects the brightness of the
system with direct conversion of photon interaction to current and the
analytic microcircuitry allows the total detector head to be much
image, or by a persistence control, which regulates the
thinner than with sodium iodide systems. length of time the light dots composing the image remain
on the screen. Hard-copy images on film may be obtained
directly from the computer, although most institutions now
the readout ASIC has photon energy discrimination and display digital images on monitors and store the images in
there is no need for a separate PHA. a picture archiving system.

Console Controls Resolution

Most gamma cameras allow for a fine adjustment known as Resolution is one of the common performance parameters
automatic peaking of the isotope. This essentially divides the for gamma cameras. Resolution usually refers to either
30 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control



scatter in

Scatter Iodine Energy
and Pb

x-ray escape FWHM

Compton peak

50 100 140.5 keV 50 100 140.5 keV

Energy Energy

99mTc 99mTc
spectrum of point source spectrum from patient
• Fig. 2.15 Energy spectra for technetium-99m (99mTc) when viewed by the gamma camera as a point
source (A) and in a patient (B). Note the marked amount of Compton scatter near the photopeak that
occurs as a result of scatter within the patient’s body. FWHM, Full width at half maximum.

Symmetric window exact location of the light pulse on the sodium iodide
crystal. Gamma cameras have an inherent resolution of
about 3 mm.
scatter from Statistical variability is particularly important in resolu-
patient tion. An event occurring exactly between two PMTs does

not always give the same number of photons to each tube;

True thus for any single event, the distribution of photons is
photopeak statistically variable. Statistical variation is relatively greater
when fewer light photons are available. In other words, the
inherent resolution of a system or its ability to localize an
Energy event is directly related to the energy of the isotope being
imaged. When radioisotopes with low-energy gamma rays
Asymmetric window
or characteristic x-rays are used, the camera has less inherent
spatial resolution.
Overall spatial resolution is the resolution capacity of the
Compton entire camera system, including such factors as the collima-
scatter from tor resolution, septal penetration, and scattered radiation.
The simplest method of examining overall spatial resolution

is to determine the full width at half maximum (FWHM)

True of the line spread function. This refers to the profile response
photopeak of the gamma camera to a single point source of radioactiv-
ity, and reflects the number of counts seen by the crystal at
different lateral distances from the source (Fig. 2.17A). The
B source is often placed 10 cm from the crystal for these
• Fig. 2.16 Energy Windows. (A) Use of a symmetric window allows measurements. The FWHM is expressed as the width in
some of the Compton scatter to be counted and displayed. (B) Theo- centimeters at 50% of the height of the line spread peak.
retically, use of an asymmetric window obviates this problem. The narrower the peak, the better the resolution. When
state-of-the-art cameras and 99mTc are used, the position of
scintillation events can be determined to within 3 to 5 mm.
spatial or energy resolution. Energy resolution is the ability A typical high-resolution collimator has three times better
to discriminate between light pulses caused by gamma rays resolution than does a representative high-sensitivity colli-
of differing energies. Spatial resolution refers to the ability mator but allows only one-tenth as many counts per minute
to display discrete but contiguous sources of radioactivity. for a given activity.
The spatial resolution of various gamma camera systems is Although spatial FWHM is useful for comparing colli-
usually given in terms of either inherent or overall resolu- mators, it often does not give other desirable information
tion. Inherent spatial resolution is the ability of the crystal and does not necessarily relate to the overall clinical perfor-
PMT detector and accompanying electronics to record the mance of the collimator. More difficult, but perhaps more
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 31

Another category of resolution is energy resolution, or the

ability of the imaging system to separate and distinguish
Count rate between the photopeaks of different radionuclides. If the
energy resolution is good, the photopeaks are tall and
narrow; if energy resolution is poor, the photopeaks appear
Half maximum FWHM as broad bumps in the energy spectrum. The FWHM
concept is also used to examine energy resolution and is
usually quoted for the relatively high-energy (662 keV)
–x 0 +x photon of cesium-137 (137Cs). With lower-energy photons,
A the energy resolution is worse. Most gamma cameras have
an energy resolution of 10% to 15%, allowing use of 15%
to 20% energy windows to encompass all the photons
of interest.
Count rate

Count Rate and Dead Time

Septal penetration
FWHM As with any detection system, it is important that scintilla-
tion events do not occur so fast that the electronic system
is unable to count each as a separate event. If two equal
light pulses occur too close together in time, the system may
–x 0 +x
B perceive this as one event with twice the energy actually
• Fig. 2.17 Full Width at Half Maximum. (A) The full width at half
present. Such an occurrence of primary photons would be
maximum (FWHM) is the response in count rate to a single point eliminated by the energy window of the PHA, and none of
source of radioactivity at different lateral distances from the point the information from the two events would be imaged; thus
source. (B) With septal penetration, the image may be significantly the sensitivity of the system would be diminished. A more
degraded even though FWHM is unchanged. significant problem is loss of spatial resolution when several
scattered (low-energy) photons strike the crystal at the same
time, so that their light production is summed and mimics
encompassing, measurements of collimator performance are a primary photon of interest. The time after an event during
modulation transfer functions, which take other factors for which the system is unable to respond to another event is
optimizing collimator design, such as the presence of scat- referred to as dead time. Dead time can be important in
tering material and septal penetration, into account. The high count rate dynamic studies (in the range of 50,000
value of this can be seen in Fig. 2.17B, which illustrates that counts/sec), particularly with single crystal cameras. An
the septal penetration occurring in the collimator may be example is a first-pass cardiac study.
completely undetected by the measurement of FWHM
alone. Field Uniformity
When the overall spatial resolution of the system with
high-energy isotopes is considered, the limiting resolution Despite the efforts of manufacturers to produce high-quality
is that of the collimator. When low-energy isotopes are collimators, crystals, PMTs, and electronics, nonuniformity
imaged, the inherent resolution becomes more important inevitably occurs. Acceptable field nonuniformity is on the
than the collimator resolution. As the energy of the incident order of 2% to 5%. Much of this can be corrected by the
gamma ray decreases, the inherent resolution of the crystal computer system. Analysis of field uniformity is discussed
decreases markedly because the lower-energy gamma rays later in the chapter.
provide less light for the PMTs to record; thus there is more
statistical uncertainty regarding the origin of the gamma ray.
Although the inherent resolution of cameras is often cham- Image Acquisition: Memory and
pioned by salespeople, the overall resolution determines the Matrix Size
quality of the image because it is a combination of the
resolutions of each of the components in the imaging Data may be acquired either by frame mode or by list mode.
chain, including the collimator, the inherent resolution, In the frame mode, incoming data are placed in a spatial
septal penetration, and scatter. The overall system resolution matrix in the memory that is used to generate an image. In
(Rs) is the list mode, all data are put in the memory as a time
sequence list of events. At regular intervals, a special code
R s = square root of the sum of R 2 i + R 2c word is inserted into the list. This list is flexible and can be
sorted or divided into images at a later time. The list mode
where R2i is inherent resolution and R2c collimator has the disadvantage of a low acquisition rate and a large
resolution. memory requirement. Frame mode uses much less memory
32 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

than does the list mode and is more commonly used, except are normally collected in 64 × 64 byte images. Although a
for gated cardiac studies. All data for images that are col- 32 × 32 byte mode can be used, the decrease in spatial reso-
lected in the frame mode are acquired in a matrix. The usual lution is usually intolerable. Even in 64 × 64 pixel images,
image matrix sizes are 64 × 64 and 128 × 128, although 32 there is a noticeable saw-toothed appearance to the image
× 32 and 256 × 256 matrix sizes are occasionally used. The edges. Because the pixel matrix achieved on a display video
main disadvantage of frame mode is that the identity of is 1024 × 1024 with 256 levels of gray, the data are usually
individual events within a time frame is lost. processed to use all the pixels. The simplest method to fill
Matrix size refers to the number of picture elements in the extra pixels is linear interpolation.
along each side of the matrix. These elements may be To reduce the effects of statistical variation, particularly
either bytes or words. In an 8-bit computer, both a byte in low-count images, the image can be smoothed. Smooth-
and a word are composed of 8 bits. In a 16-bit computer, ing is accomplished through the use of filters, which may
a byte is 8 bits and a word is 16 bits. The maximum be either spatial or temporal. Temporal filters are used for
number of counts that can be represented by an 8-bit dynamic acquisition, and spatial filters are used on static
picture element (pixel) is 28, or 0 through 255 (256 differ- images. Spatial filters attempt to remove statistical fluctua-
ent values). Ordinarily, 16-bit collections are used; the tions of the image by modifying values of data points within
maximum size is 216, or 0 through 65,535 (65,536 differ- various pixels.
ent values) per pixel.
The matrix size determines the image resolution. Spatial Filters
Although the matrix size and the number of counts desired
have a significant impact on memory required, the ultimate The processing performed by spatial filters is done accord-
memory requirements depend on what the computer system ing to the spatial frequencies of the information. By atten-
is being used for and how many cameras it is interfaced with uating or augmenting parts of the spatial frequency
simultaneously. The matrix size has nothing to do with the spectrum, an image should be obtained that is easier to
final size of the displayed image. A 32 × 32 matrix has rela- interpret or that has more diagnostic value. The simplest
tively few pixels; therefore the final image is coarse. An smoothing method is nine-point smoothing. This takes 9
image obtained in a 256 × 256 acquisition matrix is much pixels of information and, by taking weighted averages of
more detailed. Remember that an image resolution of 256 the 8 pixels on the edge of a central pixel, changes the
× 256 may refer to either the memory acquisition matrix value of that central pixel.
or the CRT display matrix. Some manufacturers take a 64 Other kinds of filters that are commonly used are low-
× 64 matrix image from the memory and display it on the pass, high-pass, and band-pass filters. A low-pass filter selec-
CRT in a 256 × 256 or 1024 × 1024 matrix, using inter- tively attenuates high frequencies and smoothes the image
polation methods. by removing high-frequency noise. This filtering improves
The 32 × 32 matrix occupies less memory and therefore the statistical quality of an image but degrades the sharpness
less disk space. In addition, it can be acquired faster than and spatial resolution. Fig. 2.18A shows an example of low-
can a finer matrix. Thus there is a trade-off between spatial pass filtering applied to data from a SPECT liver scan.
and temporal resolution. In a 32 × 32 matrix, the spatial High-pass filtering enhances edges to some extent but also
resolution is poor but, because it can be acquired rapidly, augments the noise (Fig. 2.18B). This type of filtering is
the temporal resolution is excellent. For a given computer important in cardiac nuclear medicine for locating the edges
system, the matrix size desired for acquisition and the read- of the myocardium. A band-pass filter is a combination of
write speed of the hard disk dictate the maximum framing low-pass and high-pass filters that effectively suppresses
rate that is possible. high-frequency and low-frequency signals and transmits
The amount of memory determines the number of only signals that are in a given spatial frequency window.
frames that can be collected in the electrocardiographic R-R A simple way of performing low-pass filtering is by
interval on electrocardiogram gated cardiac studies. For the addition of dynamic images. Remember that dynamic
optimum measurement of ejection fraction, at least 25 images have a low number of counts in each pixel and
frames/sec are needed. If peak ejection or peak filling rate are therefore usually in the byte mode. Thus the highest
is to be measured, 50 frames/sec are needed. number of counts that can be stored in a pixel is 255.
When adding images, it is necessary to change from
Image Display and Processing the byte mode to the word mode so that the maximum
number of counts that can be accommodated in each pixel
Image display and processing is necessary in all nuclear is expanded. If the computer is in the byte mode and the
medicine computer systems. The computer plays an number of counts per pixel exceeds 255, the computer
extremely important role in lesion detectability, and can begins counting at 0 again for that pixel. This results in a
perform this function in a number of ways, including negative defect (rollover artifact) in areas that would nor-
reduction of noise, background subtraction, construction of mally have a high count rate. An example of this is seen in
cine loops, and production of tomographic images. Data Fig. 2.18A.
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 33

0 0
1 64 1 64

• Fig. 2.18 Application of spatial filtering to a coronal single-photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) image of the liver and spleen. Histograms of the activity defined in a linear region of interest are
shown in the upper portions of A and B. The reconstructed tomographic images are shown in the lower
portions (left, liver; right, spleen). (A) A low-pass filter removes high frequencies and smoothes the image.
Rollover artifact is seen as the white area in the central portion of the spleen. (B) With a high-pass filter,
the image appears noisier, but edges are enhanced.

Temporal Filters choices from a list or menu presented on the video terminal.
Although the menu system is somewhat slower than is the
Temporal filters are used on dynamic images and involve a command system, the operator does not need to be familiar
weighted averaging technique between each pixel on one with all the possible commands.
image and the same pixel from the frames before and after. Interaction of the operator with the computer also
Temporal filtering causes a loss of spatial resolution but occurs when a region of interest is selected. This can be
allows a cine loop to be viewed without flicker. Remember done by moving a cursor, light pen, trackball, mouse, or
that temporal filtering of dynamic studies does not preclude joystick. Once a region of interest is defined, the operator
spatial filtering of the same study, and, in fact, the two can perform various functions, the most common of
processes are frequently performed together. which is determining the total number of counts within
the region of interest. A region of interest can be main-
Frame Manipulation tained over multiple frames to produce a dynamic time-
activity curve.
Another common computer image-processing application
is frame subtraction. This method may be used for back-
ground subtraction and for subtraction of studies performed Dedicated Molecular Breast Imaging
simultaneously with two different radionuclides. Although Cameras
less commonly used, additional computer capabilities
include frame multiplication and division. Combinations Most standard gamma cameras have limited sensitivity for
of the maneuvers may be used to produce the so-called detection of breast lesions less than 1 cm and have a large
functional parametric images obtained from radionuclide imaging dead space around the camera face. With these
ventriculography. systems, imaging is usually performed with the patient in
the prone position. A breast-specific gamma camera is
Operator Interaction simply a high-resolution gamma camera with a smaller field
of view that allows easier positioning of the breast with mild
The operator interacts with the computer in one of two breast compression, close approximation of the breast with
ways, either by selecting from a menu or by using a the detector, and projections similar to those in mammog-
command structure. The menu system requires sequential raphy. Imaging may be performed with the patient either
34 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

sitting or standing. The detector systems have single or dual

heads and use pixelated detectors (either digital or scintilla- Camera
tor) rather than single crystals. Collimators come in a head
number of designs. These machines appear to be most
useful in women with dense breasts, those with questionable
mammograms, and in circumstances in which MRI is indi-
cated but not available (or is contraindicated).

The successful application of computer algorithms to x-ray computer
imaging in CT has led to their application to radionu-
clide techniques and to the advent of SPECT and PET.
Although planar radionuclide organ imaging in multiple
views is sufficient for many clinical settings, tomogra- Camera
phy offers several readily apparent advantages over two- –x console
dimensional planar images. The most obvious advantage
of tomography is improved image contrast because it
focuses on a thin slice of an organ, thus minimizing over- Tomographic
brain image
lying and underlying activity that may obscure a lesion
• Fig. 2.19 Schematic Representation of a Single-Photon Emission
or area of interest. In addition, SPECT and PET permit Computed Tomography (SPECT) System Using a Single Camera
absolute three-dimensional localization of radiopharma- Head. The camera detector usually rotates around the patient in a non-
ceutical distribution, with the possibility of quantification circular orbit while acquiring data to be fed to the computer. The tomo-
and three-dimensional cinematic representation of the graphic computer-reconstructed images are subsequently displayed.
organ imaged.
Emission CT can be accomplished by one of two main
techniques: (1) transverse or rotational tomography (usual
for SPECT) or (2) fixed-ring detector (usual for PET).
Although both approaches have been clinically applied with
success, rotational techniques have enjoyed widespread
application. The purpose of this section is to describe
SPECT instrumentation and principles. Clinical applica-
tions of each technique are discussed later in the organ
system chapters. Most modern gamma cameras have rotat-
ing detector heads and thus are SPECT capable.

In its simplest form, rotational SPECT is accomplished by
using a conventional gamma camera detector head and a
parallel hole or hybrid collimator fitted to a rotating gantry.
The detector is capable of orbiting around a stationary • Fig. 2.20 Standard Dual Head Gamma Camera. The detector
patient on a special imaging table, with the camera face heads are in the common opposed configuration. The rod between
the heads contains radioactive sources and is part of the automated
continually directed toward the patient. The camera head
quality control program.
rotates around a central axis called the axis of rotation
(AOR). The distance of the camera face from this central
axis is referred to as the radius of rotation (ROR). The orbit
may be circular, with a 360-degree capacity, although ellip- multiple two-dimensional slices (sections) are produced
tical (Fig. 2.19) or body contour motions are also used. from multiple angles during a single data acquisition
Rotational arcs of less than 360 degrees may be used, par- sequence. A computer is then used to apply a tomographic
ticularly for cardiac studies. The detector electronics are reconstruction algorithm to the multiple projections, yield-
coupled with a computer capable of performing acquisition ing a three-dimensional data set. More complex systems
and processing of the image data according to preselected using multiple camera heads are also in widespread use. The
parameters. The gamma camera is capable of acquiring data various camera head configurations are shown in Figs. 2.20
from a large volume of the patient during a single orbit, and and 2.21.
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 35

colon. The new ultrafast cardiac designs use multiple (3 to

19) solid-state fixed detectors arranged to view the heart
from multiple angles simultaneously and without the need
for gantry rotation. Most systems use pinhole collimation.
This design increases sensitivity, with imaging times reduced
to a few minutes, compared with about 15 minutes used
previously. Intermediate imaging times can be utilized, with
reduced administered activity and patient dose. There have
also been updates in the software with iterative reconstruc-
tion (rather than filtered back projection) that includes
noise suppression and resolution recovery. The software is
specifically designed to take into account the physical char-
acteristics of the collimator, detector, and patient, and also
reduces imaging time. Some of these systems can incorpo-
rate a CT scanner for CT applications, as well as attenua-
• Fig. 2.21 Dual Head Gamma Camera in Cardiac Configuration tion correction. The downside of these devices is that they
With Attenuation Correction. The large rectangular camera heads are limited to cardiac studies and cannot be used for most
have been moved to a perpendicular configuration. The gadolinium other imaging purposes.
sources used for attenuation correction are contained in the crescentic
structures opposite each camera head.
Data Acquisition
Minor artifacts and inconsistencies can be tolerated The data required to produce diagnostic SPECT images are
in planar imaging, but they cause major problems with usually acquired as a series of multiple planar images col-
SPECT. As the principal component of the SPECT imaging lected at discrete angular intervals or in continuous acquisi-
system, the gamma camera must be state of the art, with tion as the detector head moves around the patient. In the
an intrinsic resolution of at least 3 to 4 mm, an absolute step-and-shoot technique, the orbit of the camera is inter-
linearity deviation of less than 1 mm, and a basic uncor- rupted at regular angular intervals, referred to as azimuth
rected uniformity deviation of 3% to 5%, or less, across stops, so that an image may be recorded for a specified period
the useful FOV of the detector. A system with excellent of time at each of the stops. For example, a 360-degree
energy resolution is needed to permit adequate rejection of acquisition orbit using 60 stops yields 60 planar images
scattered radiation, a major degrader of contrast in SPECT obtained at 6-degree intervals. If each image is acquired for
images. This is enhanced by an autotune feature, which 20 seconds, then the entire scanning time will require 20
continually tunes and balances the PMTs of the detector minutes plus the small amount of time needed to move the
during the operation. Although count rate capacity of the detector head from each stop to the next. For practical
camera is not critical in SPECT, the system should be able reasons, a compromise must be reached regarding the
to handle significantly high count rates to avoid any field number of stops and the scanning time at each stop needed
uniformity distortion caused by high–count rate effects. to produce tomographic images of good statistical quality.
The rotation of the detector on the gantry subjects the These factors are largely dictated by the type of study,
camera head to thermal, magnetic, and gravitational forces amount of radiopharmaceutical used, patient motion con-
not experienced by planar instruments, and the system con- siderations, and specific resolution requirements.
struction must take these factors into consideration. This Patient motion can be detected either by stacking projec-
includes shielding of the PMTs with a nickel-based mu tion data for each angle of a slice and displaying it as a sino-
metal alloy to protect the electronics against changing mag- gram (so called because the image looks like a sine wave) and
netic fields during rotation. looking for discontinuities in the image or by simply viewing
the rotating cine loop images and looking for flicker.
Dedicated Cardiac SPECT Cameras A 360-degree arc is usually required for most SPECT
acquisitions. An arc of 180 degrees may be preferred,
The fact that about half of all nuclear medicine procedures however, for certain studies such as cardiac perfusion
are for cardiac indications has prompted manufacturers to imaging. With any given arc, the more individual projec-
bring out new designs of ultrafast gamma cameras, dedi- tions or views obtained, the better the quality of the recon-
cated to single photon agents. The older standard gamma structed images. Because the time allotted for obtaining
camera had a large sodium iodide (NaI) crystal and a rotat- each projection multiplied by the number of projections
ing head or gantry. Later models used two or three heads (usually about 15 to 20 seconds per stop in most studies)
that rotated and which could be placed in various configura- essentially determines the length of the study, an increase
tions. Unfortunately, with cardiac imaging, only a small in the number of projections typically results in a decrease
portion of the FOV of the crystal was used for the heart in the time at each stop. Each planar view obtained, however,
and there was a lot of unwanted activity from the liver and must be statistically significant (sufficient counts per pixel)
36 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

for adequate reconstructed images. Therefore fewer views appraisal of the patient’s ability to remain still. Any signifi-
obtained at longer times are generally used in count-poor cant motion by the patient during acquisition may render
studies, such as perfusion brain imaging, whereas a greater the results unusable.
number of images at shorter times may be used for count-
rich examinations, such as sulfur colloid liver scans. In Image Matrix Size
typical clinical applications, about 32 stops per 180 degrees The two matrix sizes commonly used in SPECT images are
of rotation (64 stops per 360 degrees) are obtained to 64 × 64 and 128 × 128. With increased matrix size, however,
produce acceptable images. come the trade-offs of substantial increases in acquisition
In general, the smaller the orbital ROR or the closer the time, processing time, and contiguous disk storage space.
camera head is to the patient, the greater the potential reso- Selection of a 128 × 128 matrix over a 64 × 64 matrix
lution of the tomographic images. Thus RORs should be requires a fourfold increase in most acquisition aspects of
kept as small as feasible. Standard circular orbits are fre- the study, including time, which may not be worth the
quently not ideally suited for imaging noncircular body added spatial resolution. Furthermore, the count density in
parts, such as the chest or abdomen, because the camera tomographic slices acquired in a 128 × 128 matrix is reduced
distance varies significantly according to its orbital position. by a factor of 8, which adversely affects perceived image
Furthermore, unless the detector head is small, imaging contrast. In most clinical studies, the 64 × 64 matrix may
smaller body parts such as the head may be compromised by be the best compromise.
the need for a larger-than-desired ROR dictated by the
shoulders and upper torso. Noncircular orbits and body Number of Views
contour orbits have the potential to solve these problems.
Specific parameters for acquisition of clinical SPECT Generally, the more views obtained, the better the image
images are presented in more detail in chapters concerning resolution possible. A compromise with total imaging time
specific organ systems and procedures and in Appendix E. must be reached, however, so that use of 64 views over a
However, a few generalizations may prove helpful. Opti- 360-degree orbit commonly produces adequate tomograms.
mally, a clinical imaging department seeks the highest-quality
images with the best resolution achievable in the shortest
time. Practically, the usual trade-offs between resolution and Tomographic Image Production
sensitivity must be made, which require the selection of a Image Reconstruction
specific set of acquisition parameters for each study.
The data available in the multiple digitized images are com-
Attenuation Correction bined and manipulated by the computer using mathematic
algorithms to reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the
Photons attenuated by overlying soft tissue are a major organ scanned. One method to accomplish this is known
source of artifactual defects on both planar and SPECT as back projection, which produces a transaxial view of the
radionuclide images. This is particularly true in SPECT organ by applying the technique to the data in each of the
myocardial perfusion imaging, in which artifacts produced planar views acquired. Unfortunately, simple back projec-
by breast and diaphragmatic attenuation are a primary cause tion produces a composite image with significant artifacts
of false-positive examinations. Thus some form of correc- (principally the “starburst” artifact) that seriously degrade
tion to prevent these artifacts is desirable. the quality of the image, rendering it clinically unusable.
One method to solve this problem is by obtaining a For this reason, a refined technique called filtered back pro-
patient-specific transmission map of body thickness and jection was developed.
contour to determine relative photon attenuation in the As modern computers have become more computation-
body and applying it to the emission images to effect an ally powerful, iterative algorithms for reconstruction have
attenuation-corrected image. With SPECT/CT, statistically been used in place of filtered back projection. With this
rich x-ray transmission scans are obtained in a very short method there is an initial guess as to the three-dimensional
time. object that could have led to the acquired data, incorporating
assumptions regarding the image acquisition process such as
Acquisition Time the device’s dynamic spatial resolution. The data sets are
compared and a new set of projections are simulated. This
An acquisition time that allows adequate image statistics is process is repeated (iterated) up to 50 times until a maximum
mandatory for the production of diagnostic images. This is likelihood object is computed. Such processing can give
in large part determined by count rate, matrix size, and better image quality compared with that of the filtered back-
number of projections per orbit. Obviously, the longer the projection algorithm. Further, the streak artifact observed
acquisition, the more counts collected and the better the when an area of the body is significantly more radioactive
image resolution. Typical patient tolerance for acquisition relative to its surroundings (e.g., the bladder on bone scans)
times, however, makes 30 to 45 minutes a realistic maximum. is often severe with filtered back projection but is markedly
Thus times per projection (stop) must be predicated on an improved by using iterative techniques. Iterative techniques
CHAPTER 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control 37

are now the standard for processing most images, including Although current methodology allows the production of
PET and CT. Once reconstructed, the tomographic views are high-quality diagnostic images for qualitative interpretation,
still in need of further filtering to produce acceptable images the inherent problems of photon attenuation with depth
for interpretation. and the imperfect attenuation methods available render
absolute quantitation of radionuclide distribution difficult.
Image Filtering The combination of SPECT and CT with newer reconstruc-
tion techniques and algorithms allows accuracy of quantita-
Image filtering of raw data has become a standard nuclear tion of 99mTc actually present in the tissue in the range of
technique for producing processed images that are visually ± 10%. PET with higher photon detection efficiency and
pleasing and yet preserve the integrity of the acquired data. spatial resolution can achieve accuracy of about ± 5% when
Essentially, filtering algorithms improve image quality by using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG).
reducing noise.
Filters are mathematic operations designed to enhance, SPECT/CT
smooth, or suppress all or part of digital image data, ideally
without altering their validity. In SPECT, however, image The success of PET/CT systems has prompted an interest
filtering not only enhances the data presentation but also is in SPECT/CT systems. The typical system involves two
a basic requirement for the production of the reconstructed rotating gamma camera SPECT heads combined with a CT
sections. scanner (Fig. 2.22). The gamma camera portion has the
Filters used in SPECT are usually expressed in terms of same characteristics as the SPECT cameras just discussed.
their effect on spatial frequencies; hence, the term frequency A SPECT/CT system has several advantages, including
filtering. Filters can be described by the frequencies that they accurately coregistered SPECT and anatomic CT images as
allow to pass through into the final image. Noise in such well as data-rich attenuation correction using CT transmis-
images is generally predominant at high spatial frequencies. sion images. CT attenuation correction allows for better
High-pass filters (passing more relatively high frequencies) quantification of radiotracer uptake than with other
generally produce sharper, but noisier, images with enhanced methods. The incorporated CT scanners are typically less
edge definition; low-pass filters (passing fewer high frequen- expensive versions of standard multidetector helical CT
cies) render smoother, less noisy images with less distinct scanners. However, systems with up to 64-slice capacity are
edges. When applied, filtering may be performed in one, available, allowing advanced imaging such as gated cardiac
two, or three dimensions. Three-dimensional filtering allows scans.
filtering between transaxial slices and is commonly applied The CT scanners can be operated as low-dose nondiagnos-
in SPECT image processing. tic scans or in regular diagnostic mode. Low-dose CT has an
In SPECT image production, filtering can be done effective dose in the range of 1 to 4 mSv, whereas a diagnos-
before, during, or after transaxial reconstruction. To avoid tic scan has an effective dose of up to 14 mSv. Using the
artifacts, accurate back-projection reconstruction requires diagnostic mode provides more accurate interpretation and
correction of all spatial frequencies through the use of a is often more convenient for the patient, eliminating the
ramp filter. Many different filters are usually available in the need to return for a dedicated CT scan. Examples of SPECT/
SPECT software, and selection depends on a number of CT scans are provided later in the various chapters.
factors, including the study being performed, the statistical
character of the acquired images, and operator bias. The
default filter commonly used for filtering SPECT images is
the Butterworth filter.

Image Display and Quantitation

After being processed, the acquired data may be displayed
visually as a three-dimensional representation of the part of
the body imaged. This is usually presented cinematically as
an image of the body turning continually in space, the so-
called rotating-man image. This view is useful in three-
dimensional localization and also in determining whether
any significant patient motion occurred during the acquisi-
tion. In addition to the transaxial tomographic slices pro-
vided, the data can also be easily manipulated to render
tomographic sections of the body in standard coronal and
sagittal planes, as well as in any oblique planes required by • Fig. 2.22 Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography/Com-
the organ being imaged. Oblique reconstructions are fre- puted Tomography Scanner. There is a dual head gamma camera
quently used in cardiac perfusion imaging. located in front of the computed tomography scanner gantry and bore.
38 C HA P T E R 2 Instrumentation and Quality Control

ring are likely to be from a single annihilation event. Such

a simultaneous detection event is called a coincidence. The
near simultaneous detection of two photons provides local-
izing information, in that the annihilation event can be
assumed to have occurred somewhere on a line between the
two detectors (the line of response, or LOR; Fig. 2.24). The
many coincidence events recorded by the PET scanner con-
stitute a raw data set representing projections of the distri-
bution of the positron radiopharmaceutical in the body.
These data are then reconstructed by using a filtered back-
projection algorithm or an iterative algorithm to produce
cross-sectional images.
Because photons travel at the speed of light, PET cameras
require very fast electronics to determine whether two
A detected photons were likely produced by a single annihila-
tion event. In a PET scanner, each annihilation photon
reaching a detector generates a single electronic pulse in the
detector. For this photon to be accepted and used in the
PET image, it must be in a specific energy range (ideally
approaching 511 keV) and be paired with another photon
reaching another detector simultaneously. Coincidence cir-
cuitry connecting the many detectors in the rings deter-
mines whether two such single pulses (representing the
captured photons in opposing detectors) fall within a short
coincidence time window, typically 6 to 12 nanoseconds. If
so, they are deemed to constitute a coincidence event and
are recorded in the resultant image. The actual coincidence
time is typically about 1 nanosecond. However, the time
window for coincidence detection varies with different
B camera systems, and depends in large part on the speed of
the electronic circuitry and detector scintillation crystal
• Fig. 2.23 Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography type. It is about 12 nanoseconds for bismuth germanium
Scanner. The machine is essentially a computed tomography (CT)
scanner placed adjacent to a positron emission tomography (PET) oxide (BGO), 8 nanoseconds for gadolinium oxyorthosili-
scanner. Here the machine is shown at installation (A) and operational cate (GSO) and NaI, and 6 nanoseconds for lutetium oxy-
(B) with a CT scanner in the front and PET scanner behind. orthosilicate (LSO) systems. Because the energy resolution
of the various crystal detectors is not precise, photons within
a broad energy range (≈ 250 to 600 keV) are counted as
valid annihilation photons.
Because of detector ring geometry and photon attenua-
POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY tion through scatter and absorption, many annihilation
(PET) events result in only one of the two 511 keV photons inter-
acting with the PET camera detectors (single event). Con-
All commercially available PET cameras now come as hybrid sequently, a very large number of such single events are
PET/CT scanners (Fig. 2.23A and B). The CT specifics are incident on the PET detectors. Because PET scanners use
discussed later in the chapter. The relatively limited integra- only photon pairs meeting the coincidence criterion in con-
tion of the PET and CT hardware allows easy upgrades structing PET images, single counts can be identified and
when advances occur in either modality. Primary integration discarded. In practice, about 99% of detected photons are
has occurred in the software to reduce complexity and to rejected by the coincidence circuitry of the PET system.
present similar menu appearances. The following section However, this principle of coincidence detection provides a
refers to the PET detection system of a PET/CT scanner. virtual electronic collimation of the events and makes PET
scanners inherently more efficient than are traditional
Overview of PET Cameras gamma cameras, which use parallel-hole lead collimators.
Events detected by PET scanners include true, scattered,
PET cameras contain multiple rings of detectors, consisting and random events, all of which may be recorded as coin-
of scintillation crystals coupled with PMTs. The ring design cidences, provided that both annihilation photons are actu-
takes advantage of the fact that two photons detected in ally detected and fall within the coincidence window. True
close temporal proximity by two opposed detectors in the coincidences are those that result when both 511 keV
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
way and to put in a handkerchief on your head under your helmet.
With plenty of ice you may perhaps escape without getting fever or
being suffocated.”


The trip by this line, which no European would care to take for
pleasure, is really to the negroes a treat, who go by the train as an
amusement. The directors did not count upon receipts from the
blacks when they started the line, especially after a train which ran
off the metals smashed up a whole carriage full of natives against a
huge baobab tree. Of course, when that happened no one thought
the negroes would patronize the railway again. But it turned out quite
the contrary. From that day they came in crowds, but they had
provided themselves with talismans!
The marabouts, who do a brisk business in charms, had simply
added a new string to their bow, for they sold gris-gris against the
dangers of the iron road!

This is the negro all over. If he has but confidence in his gris-gris,
he will brave a thousand dangers. If he has but confidence in his
chief, he will follow him without hesitation, and without faltering to the
end of the world. Inspire him then with that confidence, and you will
be able to do anything with him.
Baudry had come to meet me on the line, and with him was a
negro wrapped up in a tampasendbé, or native shawl. This man was
Mandao, the interpreter I had asked for. He had decided to go with
us without a moment’s hesitation. This was yet another trump card
for us, and all would now go well.
We reached St. Louis at six o’clock in the evening on January 17.
An officer on the Staff of the Governor was waiting for me. M. de
Lamothe, who was, by the way, an old friend of mine, received me
most graciously, and was ready to do everything in his power to help
The Brière de l’Isle of the Deves and Chaumet company was to
start on the 19th for the upper river. She was, however, already
overloaded. What should we do? Time
was pressing!
g of the
18th I
d the
BOUBAKAR-SINGO. were to follow us. Most of them were
Sarracolais, whose tribe lives on the
Senegal between Bakel and Kayes.
From amongst a hundred candidates Baudry had already picked out
twelve, and to these had been added a second master pilot
belonging to the local station. All these were experienced
campaigners, who had long been in the French service; they were
sturdy, well-built fellows, eager for adventure. I had but to eliminate
three, and to confirm Baudry’s choice of the others, for we were
limited to eight men, including their leader. After all, however, the
coolies were dismissed by order of Governor Grodet before we
actually started, so there is no need to introduce them more
particularly. Boubakar-Singo, the second leader, who became pilot of
the Davoust, alone deserves special mention. He was a splendid-
looking Sarracolais, a first-rate sailor, who, when a storm came on,
would jump into the water stark naked intoning all the prayers in his

Our coolies engaged, we had not only to equip, but to dress them.
We set them to work at once, for we had already solved the difficulty
of how best to transport our stores. The governor lent us a thirty-five
ton iron lighter, into which we stowed away everything, and the
Brière de l’Isle took her in tow.
It was not, however, without considerable trouble that we
managed the stowing away of all our goods, but we succeeded
somehow in being ready in good time. On the evening of the 19th
the Brière weighed anchor, and we started for the upper river; our
friends at St. Louis, the Government officials, the sailors, the
tradespeople waving their hats and handkerchiefs in farewell, and
shouting out “Good luck.”
What a Noah’s ark was this thirty-five ton barge of ours, and what
a mixed cargo she carried, with our bales and her sails, not to speak
of the passengers! coolies, stately Moors, sheep and women. With
the sails of the Davoust we rigged up a kind of shed in the stern to
protect all these people, who, with nothing to do all day, crept about
on the sloping roof sunning themselves like lizards. We turned the
two days during which we were towed along to account by going
over our numerous bales yet once more. Strange to say, almost
incredible indeed, nothing was missing. It was worth something to
see Bilali Cumba, a herculean coolie, pick up the instruments,
weighing in their galvanized case more than 240 lbs., as easily as a
little milliner would lift a cardboard box.
It was Bilali who made me the following sensible answer the other
day, when we had given out wooden spoons to the men for their own
use. Of course, like all negroes, they ate with their fingers, making
their porridge up into a ball, and rolling it till it was quite hard before
putting it into their mouths. I was laughing at Bilali about this when
he said, “Friend, tell me what is the good of your spoon?” then
spreading out the palms of his toil-worn hands he added, “What is
good to work with is good to eat with.”
As Joan of Arc with her flag, he dedicated his hands to toil and
honour too.
Our trip did not pass off without certain little accidents; the
constant splashing of the water loosened the joints of the barge, and
we had to stick them together as best we could. However, we arrived
on the 23rd at Walaldé, then the highest navigable point of the river.
Probably it would be possible to go much further up, as far as
Kaheide, in fact, at all times of the year, but it would have to be in
boats with a different kind of keel to that now in use, and we have
not got to that yet.
The Brière de l’Isle now left us to descend the river again.
Henceforth we were to fly with our own wings. Painfully and slowly
we made our way in our thirty-five ton barge, towed along by a rope
from the bank, the river gradually widening out as we passed
Kaheide, Matam, Saldé.
Then, alas! we got one piece of bad news after another.
At Saldé we heard of the death of Aube; at Bakel of the massacre
of Colonel Bonnier and his column.
Too much fuss has been made about these glorious deaths, say
many foolish critics. Over the ashes of soldiers killed in battle, there
has been too much heated
discussion. Well, at least, hyænas
only do their terrible work at night!
As for me, I lost a chief whom I
loved, and many old comrades with
whom I had been under fire or in
garrison. Hastily we pushed on for
Bakel and Kayes, eager for further
news, not only plunged in the deepest
grief, but somewhat anxious about
what was in store for ourselves.
On February 13 we arrived at
Kayes. I went at once with Baudry and
Mandao to the Governor, M. Grodet, who told me that he had
received despatches authorizing him to suspend my expedition, and
to employ us as he liked! Our party was at once broken up. Baudry
was sent to make forced marches to the Niger to escort some
convoys of provisions on their way to re-victual Timbuktu. I should be
disposed of later, and, as a matter of fact, I was eventually sent to
take command of the Niger flotilla.


I must quote the actual words of
this despatch, so fatal to us, for not
long since M. Grodet was defending
himself from the charge of having
been somehow the cause of the delay
to our expedition of two whole years.
The despatch was addressed
—“Colonies à Gouverneur, Sudan,”
and ran thus—“Autorise surseoir
GOVERNMENT HOUSE, Mission Hourst, et disposer de cet
KAYES. officier.”[2]
As will be observed, the Governor
of the Sudan was authorized, that is to say, he could do as
suggested or not, to suspend, that is to say, to stop us, for the limited
time which seemed desirable to him. But any further disputing about
it would do no good now.
One remark, however, I must make: we were stationary for two
years on the banks of the Niger above Timbuktu, doing no particular
service to our country. Decœur, Baud, and others were marching on
Say from Dahomey. Can one fail to see what immediate political and
diplomatic advantages would have accrued to France from a junction
which would have united the hinterlands of the two colonies?
It is true that Decœur and Baud were not starting from the Sudan,
but from Dahomey, where Governor Ballot was sending out exploring
expeditions, not stopping them.
But I have done. It is worse than useless to dwell on the endless
petty mortifications, annoyances, and disappointments we had to
endure. Useless indeed to recall all our own bitter experiences,
which could but damp the enthusiasm of future explorers as eager to
advance as we were. We succeeded in spite of everything in making
ourselves useful. Even whilst re-victualling Timbuktu, which was
threatened with famine—here again the responsibility rested with
very highly placed officials—I was able to survey the whole of the
system of lakes extending on the west of the town.
The most important of these lakes, Faguibine, is a regular inland
sea, with its islets, its promontories, and its storms. It is a vast basin
nearly 68 miles long by 12 broad, with a depth, which we sounded,
exceeding here and there 160 feet. It is fed by the Niger when that
river is in flood. We made a peaceful raid on this fine sheet of water
in the Aube, a boat I shall introduce to you later, whilst the terrible
Ngouna chief of the hostile Kel Antassar tribe retreated from us
along its banks. Here for the first time I came into actual contact with
the Tuaregs.
Baudry meanwhile explored the Issa-Ber (already visited by
Caron) in his barge, and proved the navigability of the river at high
I feel full of respectful gratitude to the military authorities of
Timbuktu, especially Colonels Joffre and Ebener, for the almost
affectionate consideration with which they treated me, and for being
willing to employ us, for giving us something definite to do to relieve
the monotony and ennui of our detention. This was really an
immense consolation to us, the best that any officer can hope for.
In May 1895 I received orders to return to France. Baudry, who, I
am happy to say, was worn out mentally rather than physically, had
preceded me by two months. As already stated, our coolies had
been disbanded—from motives of economy, said the order. Our
stores, too, were dispersed. Our boat was still at Bafulabé, and, mon
Dieu, in what a state! One might have sworn that its sections had
been intentionally twisted out of shape with blows from a hammer.
Our chronometers—little torpedo-boat watches, regular
masterpieces of precise time-keeping, made by that true artist M.
Thomas—were being used at Badumbé in the telegraph office. Our
bales, of the charge of which I had never been relieved, had been
sent to Mopti for the Destenave expedition, which had been allowed
to start. My friends in France, to whom I had addressed despairing
appeals, remained silent; even Baudry gave not a sign of life.
Everything seemed finally lost. My expedition had not been
superseded, it had been dissolved, destroyed.
I confess that when I embarked once more in the winter to make
my way, by slow stages, back to France, I did for the first time
despair of my unlucky schemes, and as I dwelt upon them, I believed
that they were at an end for ever.
I had at least the consolation, as Davoust had had before me, of
having struggled to the last.
On July 20, when I was halting at Bafulabé, and gazing with
inward rage though outward calm at the dented sections of my
Davoust, a telegram was handed to me. It was from Colonel De
Trentinian, who had—at last!—succeeded M. Grodet as Governor of
the French Sudan.
It said, “The Colonial Minister resumes the original project of your
I have had a few minutes of wild joy and happiness in my life. But
not even on the day when, after I had been struggling nearly a month
against fearful odds in the revolted district of Diena, I saw the column
of succour approaching; nor again, last December, when, as we
embarked at Marseilles, I thought all our difficulties were surmounted
and all our dangers were left behind, did I experience such an
immense sense of relief and delight as now. I could keep my oath
after all! and by successful action put to confusion those who, either
because they were badly advised or unscrupulous, had thrown
obstacles in our way.
This is what had happened.
In France they say the absent are always in the wrong, and our
story goes to prove it. Of all those who, when I left, had protested
their devotion, had congratulated me in advance, who had even
warmly embraced me, scarcely any—I had almost said not one—had
taken our part or pleaded for us. In France, scientific societies,
geographical and others, spring up like mushrooms, and form little
cliques, hating each other like poison, and losing no opportunities of
abusing each other in their speeches and declamations at their
various banquets. Without running any risk themselves, or making
any special exertion, their big-wigs—I was nearly saying their
shareholders—get a lot of notoriety and patting on the back, through
the work of a few members who are toiling far away from home.
If you ask their help in your difficulties, or even their moral
support, they take absolutely no notice of you; but later, when you
return, and have extricated yourself from your troubles by your own
unaided efforts, and if you are also very docile, they will make no
end of noisy fuss over you.
I have often thought of these scientific swells when I have
watched negro chiefs marching along followed by their satellites.
They strut about, playing on the flute or the fiddle, beating their
drums and shouting out compliments in a deafening manner. Every
epithet seems suitable to their chief; he is their sun, their moon, and
all the rest of it. “Thou art my father, thou art my mother, I am thy
captive!” they shout.
But when adversity overtakes this flattered chief of theirs, when
he is in trouble of any kind, gets the worst of it in some skirmish, for
instance, what becomes of all the toad-eating satellites? They melt
away, to go and offer their incense of flute and violin playing and
bell-ringing to some more fortunate favourite of the hour.
Oh, these self-interested sycophants, how well I know them!
I have, however, a grateful pleasure in adding that there are
exceptions to the rule. I will mention but one here. My dear and
venerated friend, M. Gauthiot, chief secretary of the Société de
Géographie Commerciale, was always ready to cheer us in our
hours of discouragement, to aid us in our hopeful days; putting at our
disposal all his influence, all his persuasive power, and exercising on
our behalf the undoubted authority he possessed in all things
geographical and colonial.
Directly he reached Paris Baudry went to seek him, not of course
without some arrière pensée. “Well, how goes the mission?” he
asked at once. “Done for, unless you can save us,” was the reply. “I’ll
see about it,” said M. Gauthiot at once.
Then he went to my old friend Marchand, who was expected to do
such great things on the Congo. “And Hourst and the descent of the
Niger?” “You see what has come of that,” was the answer. “Well,
perhaps something may yet be done.”
Both did their utmost for us, but it was M. Gauthiot who took the
last redoubt. The money question appeared to be the greatest
difficulty, for they were trying to cut down the expenditure budget as
much as possible. “Monsieur le Ministre,” said my friend, “I have
come with my hands full!” And five thousand francs were in fact
voted for my exploring expedition by the Comité de l’Afrique
In a word, the efforts of our new allies turned the scale in our
At that time M. Chautemps was, fortunately for us, Colonial
Minister, whilst M. Chaudie was Governor-General of French West
Africa, and Colonel (now General) Archinard Director of Colonial
Defence, and it was on these three that the final order depended. I
need only add, that they, with M. Gauthiot, became the four sponsors
of the re-organized expedition, and we are full of respectful gratitude
to them all.
“All I had to do in the matter,” said Baudry to me, “was simply to
put in an appearance.”
I alluded above to the question of funds. Well, the whole thing was
re-arranged on a fresh footing, otherwise the conditions were less
favourable than they had been two years before. Nothing had
changed with regard to the Tuaregs, but news had come by way of
the Sudan that Amadu Cheiku, the dethroned Sultan of Sego, was
trying to re-establish an empire on the banks of the Niger. Then the
Toutée expedition was already on its way; no news had been
received from it, and it is often more difficult to be second than first in
traversing a new district.
Colonel Archinard, therefore, wished to increase the strength of
our expedition considerably. To begin with, we were to have three
barges instead of one, and that meant twenty coolies instead of
eight. Then Lieutenant Bluzet, who, though still of low rank in the
service, was quite an old and experienced officer of the French
Sudan, was to take charge of the military training of our men. “Take a
doctor too,” said the Colonel, “he will make one more gun at least;”
and I choose Dr. Taburet, who had been my medical adviser with the
Niger flotilla, engaging his services by telegram.
All this of course added to the expense, and it was no easy matter
to balance the accounts of so big an expedition with so very small a
budget. However, we managed to do it somehow: Bluzet and Baudry
made advances from their pay, and Bolard went on campaign once
more with all his usual zeal and energy.
“You start four,” said Marchand to Baudry, when he saw him off at
the Orleans station, “only one will return!”
Thank God, however, we all came back!
Directly I received the telegram from Colonel de Trentinian I set to
work without losing a moment. I had to collect all our scattered
stores again at Bafulabé from here, there, and everywhere. The
Davoust had to be got into working order, and the only way to do that
was to put her together and launch her, there would then be no
unnecessary delay when the time for starting came. I was aided in
this by a quarter-master with a turn for mechanics, a man named
Sauzereau, who had already rendered me great service when I had
charge of the Niger flotilla. It was hard work, but we succeeded, and
it was a happy day when we baptized our boat by her already
chosen name of Davoust at the little station of Bafulabé. It was the
first time she had been afloat since we tried her near the Pont Royal
in Paris. A missionary from Dinguira had come over at considerable
inconvenience on purpose to pronounce a benediction over her.
Colonel de Trentinian was good enough to travel from Kayes to be
present, and I can tell you my Davoust presented a very fine
appearance on the Bakhoy. I would rather see her there than on the
Seine. Digui, who had been second master pilot on the Niger flotilla,
and whom I had chosen as Captain in place of Bubakar, dismissed,
was delighted with his boat.
When all was counted over, there were many missing loads.
Fortunately Captain Destenaves had only brought a few of the
valuable bales to Mossi, the rest were at Sego, but of the tins of
preserves and other provisions nothing was left but one case of fine
Cognac, which, taken in very small doses, was our greatest luxury.
There was still a little left a year later when we were at Fort
Archinard. See how temperate we were! Baudry’s bicycle, which we
had baptized Suzanne, I don’t know why, was in a pitiable state
when we found her again. But Sauzereau was a specialist in such
cases, and she was soon rolling along the Badumbé road, to the
great astonishment of the blacks.
I had now nothing more to do but to wait for Baudry at Kayes. I
went down there, and one fine morning he flung himself into my
arms with Bluzet and twenty coolies behind him. Of course with
regard to the coolies I speak figuratively. With a view to economy
these coolies had not been rigged out, and they really looked like a
band of brigands. Still they impressed me very favourably. I knew
several of them, who had already served under me. They were not, it
is true, quite equal to those I had engaged at first, and been obliged
to disband by order of the Governor, but they were not bad fellows,
and they would get into good working order by the way.
All had gone well with Baudry and Bluzet; they had even found
time on board the boat, which had brought them up from St. Louis, to
make up some rhymes, and in the evening, after copious libations—I
mean copious for Africa—we had the honour of listening to a sonnet
of which they were the joint authors. Here it is:

Slow through the reaches of the oily stream,

Unshapely, huge, and heap’d with cumbrous freight,
The steamer drags along its ponderous weight,
And panting, breathes a cloud of eddying steam;

Upon the deck the wearied negroes dream,

In sleep’s fine thraldom—humble, candid, great,—
While overhead the moon in regal state
Trails robes of gauze enmesh’d with astral gleam.

The misty night exhales a poisonous balm

From vague-spread margins, where the shadows lie,
Of softly-tufted bush and tropic palm;

Then from the silence, echoless, on high

Mounts through the torpor of the deadly calm,
To ethereal plains the siren’s piercing cry.



On October 10, 1895, we finally left Kayes. Our packages had

been piled up the evening before in three railway wagons, and our
party now took their places in the carriages. Baudry, Bluzet, and
Sauzereau our engineer, who were to go up in the Davoust,
remained, and the rest of my staff were the following: the second
master pilot, Samba Amadi, generally called Digui, a man of colossal
height and herculean strength, but more remarkable still for his zeal,
his fidelity, and his nautical skill; the native interpreter Suleyman
Gundiamu, who had been to Timbuktu with Caron as one of his
coolies; the Arabic translator, Abdulaye Dem, a cunning and
intelligent little Toucouleur, more cultivated than most of the negro
marabouts; and twenty coolies, or native sailors.
We reached Bafolabé in the evening without incident. A ferry-boat
took us across the Bafing, one of the two rivers which unite to form
the Senegal. A road some two feet wide starts from the right bank of
the Bafing, and follows the course of the other affluent, the Bakhoy,
to the village of Djubeba, where we camped on the evening of the
Thus far our journey had been effected by the aid of very civilized
means of transport. On leaving Djubeba, however, our difficulties
were to begin.

The carriage, or rather cart, which is used in the French Sudan for
taking down provisions and other necessaries to our different
stations on the Niger is of the kind known as the Lefebvre, about
which there was so much talk during the Madagascar expedition. It
consists of a big case of sheet iron mounted on a crank axle, and
provided with two wheels. It is drawn by a mule.
Is it an ideal equipage? or is it as bad as it is painted? I do not
venture to decide the question. The truth, perhaps, lies between the
two extremes. On the one hand, these carts were always able to
follow our troops in the Sudan; but on the other, their intrinsic weight
might very well be lessened. The chief advantage of metal rather
than of wooden carts, is that they are watertight, and that when
unloaded they can be floated across streams or rivers, but as I have
never seen a Lefebvre cart execute this manœuvre, I feel a little
sceptical about it still.

When the packages to be carried are small, compact, and about

the same size and shape, it is easy enough to stow them away, but
this was by no means the case with ours, and our large packages
would be fearfully difficult to arrange and balance in the heavy metal
On the 14th the mules arrived, some of which were to be
harnessed to the carts, whilst others were to carry pack-saddles. The
whole of that day and the next were occupied in the arranging and
The sections of the Davoust could not, of course, have been
carried in carts in any case. I had asked for seventy porters to take
charge of them, and these porters arrived in the evening. There was
nothing now to prevent our starting.
The route from the French Sudan, so often traversed to re-victual
our stations, has been too many times described for me to pause to
speak of the stages by which the traveller passes from the banks of
the Senegal to those of the Niger. For us, the usual difficulties were
increased by the variety of our means of transport, including as they
did carts, mules with pack-saddles, and porters. Moreover, ours was
the first convoy which had passed over the route since the winter,
and the road had not yet been mended all the way. The first few
days were very tiring, and men and animals were all alike done up
when we reached our first halting-place a little after noon. But every
one did his best, and became more skilful at managing, so that in
three days after the start our black fellows were as well up to their
work as we were ourselves.
This was our general mode of dividing the day. At two o’clock in
the morning the blowing of a horn roused everybody; the drivers
gave the animals their nose-bags containing a few handfuls of millet
to keep up their strength on the road; Bluzet, to whose special care I
had confided the porters, collected his people, whilst our cook
quickly warmed for each of us a cup of coffee which had been
prepared overnight. An hour later we were off, the porters leading
the way, our path lighted by torches of twisted straw, the fitful gleam
of which made our negroes look like a troop of devils come to hold
their sabbat in Central Africa.
Bluzet rides at the head of the caravan, looking back every now
and then, whilst two or three coolies run in the rear or on the flanks
of our little column, like sheep dogs keeping a flock together. About a
hundred yards behind the carts come jolting along on their rumbling
iron wheels, whilst the pack animals bring up the rear.

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