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Question - Response

Questions with an Interrogative
▪ 1. Who / Whose / Whom

▪ -Listen for a name, position title, or pronouns in the answer. Don’t

confuse who’s and whose.

▪ Who’s – is a contraction for “who is” or “who has”

▪ Who’s going to the party? (Who is)

▪ Whose – is a possessive pronoun used to indicate ownership or

▪ Whose book is this?

▪ Whose idea was it to leave early?

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 1. Who / Whose / Whom

▪ Who is our new manager going to be?

▪ I think it will be Mr. Smith.

▪ He is a good manager.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 2. What / Which

▪ Watch the noun after what. What time/what day means “when”, so look
for dates and times. Similarly, other nouns that follow what indicate
what kind of thing to listen for, if you hear what do, look for opinions or
details about a certain item.

Questions with an Interrogative

1. For Objects or Things:

1. Question: What is it? 4. For Actions:
2. Answer: It’s a table. 1. Question: What are you doing?

2. For Descriptions: 2. Answer: I’m reading a book.

1. Question: What color is your dress? 5. For Opinions:

2. Answer: It’s purple. 1. Question: What do you think about the
3. For Explanations:
2. Answer: I think it’s exciting.
1. Question: What happens if we’re late?

2. Answer: We might miss the beginning of

the show.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 2. What / Which

▪ What floor is the human resources department on?

▪ I think the 3rd floor.

▪ At 3 o’clock

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 3. Where

▪ Listen for a place.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 3. Where

▪ Where is the new branch located?

▪ I’ve been told it will be in Australia.

▪ We have many new branches opening.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 4. When

▪ Listen for a time, date, or day of the week. Also listen for time phrases.

▪ Examples:

▪ Yesterday, last night/week/month/year, a long time ago, a little while

ago, nowadays, at present, today, soon, tomorrow, next

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 4. When

▪ When do you expect the clients to arrive?

▪ They will arrive by train.

▪ They will be here soon.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 5. Why

▪ Listen for a reason.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 5. Why

▪ Why did Mr. Jones get transferred?

▪ He transferred last month.

▪ Because he was promoted.

Questions with an Interrogative

▪ 6. How

▪ i. How can/do…?
▪ iv. How often…?
▪ - listen for a way or method
▪ - listen for frequency

▪ v. How was… / How do you

▪ ii. How many/much…?
like… / How do you feel
▪ - listen for a number or an amount about…?

▪ - listen for phrases of

▪ iii. How long…? opinion

▪ - listen for a specific period of time

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