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Design and implementation of reinforcement learning for

automated driving compared to classical MPC control
Ahmad Reda 1,†,‡ , József Vásárhelyi 2,‡,‡

Institute of Automation and Info-communication, University of Miskolc

1 2
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +3646565111
† Current address: University of Miskolc, Institute of Automation and Info-Communication, 3515
Miskolc-Egyetemvaros, Hungary
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: Many classic control approaches have already proved their merits in the automotive in- 1

dustry. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is one of the most commonly used methods. However, 2

its efficiency drops off with increase in the driving environment’s complexity. Recently, machine 3

learning methods are considered an efficient alternative to the classical control approaches. Unlike 4

supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning is a still emergent field and has not 5

been transitioned to the real world. In this paper, reinforcement learning-based framework is sug- 6

gested for the application of maintaining a safe distance in autonomous driving system. Additionally, 7

MPC-based control model is designed for the same task. The behavior of the two controllers was 8

compared and discussed. The trained RL model is deployed on low end FPGA (Processor in Loop). 9

The results show that the two controllers responded efficiently to the environment’s changes. In 10

details, the response of the RL controller is faster than that of the MPC controller, while the MPC 11

provides less overshooting performance in terms of following the references. The reinforcement 12

learning model displayed an efficient behavior after being deployed on FPGA with (4.9e−06 )m2 /s as 13

a maximum deviation compared to MATLAB Simulink. 14

Keywords: Automated driving; safety distance; Machine learning; Reinforcement learning; Classic 15

control; Model Predictive Control (MPC) 16

Citation: Reda, A.; Vásárhelyi, J.

Design and implementation of
reinforcement learning for automated 1. Introduction 17

driving compared to classical MPC Human perception error comes at the top of the significant factors that cause road 18
control . Journal Not Specified 2022, 1, 0. accidents. Recently, one of the automotive industry’s top priorities has been to provide 19 passengers with the highest level of safety by partially or entirely relieving the driver’s 20

Received: responsibilities [1]. Over the past decade, control engineers in the automotive industry 21

Accepted: have devoted major efforts to improving road transportation by developing and applying 22

Published: advanced control strategies. The advancement of sensing, communication, and processing 23

technologies has resulted in a rapid expansion in the development of advanced driver 24

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
assistance systems (ADAS) [2]. These systems are designed mainly to assist drivers by 25
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
either offering warnings to lessen risk exposure or automating some control functions to 26

relieve a driver of human control [3]. After being tested in highly structured environments 27

and under full supervision, the autonomous vehicle has been transitioned to the real world 28
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. alongside human-driven vehicles. It is anticipated that in the near future, fully autonomous 29
Submitted to Journal Not Specified
vehicles would replace humans in the role of drivers. This progress has raised many critical 30
for possible open access publication
concerns which need to be addressed. Safety-related challenges are at the top of these 31
under the terms and conditions
concerns, since it is crucial to ensure that the autonomous vehicle is capable of interacting 32
of the Creative Commons Attri-
with other vehicles safely. One promising ADAS technologies is adaptive cruise control 33
bution (CC BY) license (https://
(ACC), which uses data from sensors such as radar to maintain the speed of the vehicle in 34
order to keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. A detailed review of ACC 35

Version December 5, 2022 submitted to Journal Not Specified

Version December 5, 2022 submitted to Journal Not Specified 2 of 17

systems is provided by [4–6]. Studies have demonstrated that the safety systems that have 36

been already implemented in the automotive industry such as electronic stability control, 37

ACC and lane following have reduced the traffic accident rate, and consequently increased 38

the safety level [7]. 39

Generally speaking, any control problem can be described as an optimal control 40

problem and several classical control approaches have been used to address the safety 41

problem of autonomous vehicles. In[8], Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is used to describe 42

the system specifications for adaptive cruise control, where a discrete abstraction of the 43

system serves as the foundation for the controller, however, this solution is computationally 44

expensive as the complexity of the controller synthesis is exponential with the dimension 45

of the system (LTL formula). In [9], the safety constraints are maintained as control barrier 46

functions (CBFs) which penalize the violation of the determined constraints, while the 47

control objective (desired speed) is formulated as control Lyapunov functions. These two 48

sets of functions are structured in quadratic problem (QP) form. Despite the promising 49

performance, the computational loads and the resource requirement are still very high. In 50

addition, finding the control barrier functions is not an easy task. Model Predictive Control 51

(MPC) is very well-known control strategy that is used to solve control problems, where it 52

represents the state of art in real time optimal control [10]. Due to its capabilities to deal 53

with Multi-Inputs-Multi-Outputs (MIMO) systems and handle multiple (soft and hard) 54

constraints using future prediction strategy, an MPC framework is used to tackle ACC 55

systems safety problems, and its efficiency in many other autonomous control applications 56

has already been proven [11]. Bageshwar et al. [12], provided an MPC -based control 57

strategy for transitional maneuvers application. The results show that the efficiency of 58

the MPC controller in achieving a safe and comfortable driving system depends on the 59

explicit incorporation of collision avoidance and acceleration limits into the formulation 60

of the control problem. Recently, a cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) system 61

was introduced. The main idea of the approach is inter-vehicle communication, where all 62

the vehicles within the “cooperative team” know the trajectory of each other. However, 63

a collision can happen when an unexpected maneuver occurs due to a communication 64

problem [13]. Corona et al. [14], successfully implemented a hybrid MPC framework in 65

order to enhance the safety by achieving an optimal tracking of a time-varying trajectory. 66

The results confirmed the efficiency of the MPC controller in industry with computation 67

restrictions. Using MPC control strategy, multiple control objectives, such as tracking 68

and driver comfort, can be balanced with the cost function by solving the optimal control 69

problem over a finite horizon in a receding fashion [15]. However, MPC design has a lot of 70

parameters and it takes long time to fine tune as a result [16]. In addition, a thorough system 71

dynamics model with high fidelity is required in order to effectively anticipate system states. 72

Solving the optimization problem of high dimensional and nonlinear state spaces causes a 73

significant increase in computational loads, which in turns affects and impedes the real-time 74

implementations, especially with short sample time control. However, linearization is not 75

the best solution to deal with these systems. As a result, the implementations of the MPC 76

controller may become invisible solutions with limited resources computing platforms 77

such as FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) andSOCs (System on Chip). Thus, the 78

necessity of developing an alternative control approach that has the capability to deal 79

efficiently with the nonlinearity and uncertainty of vehicle dynamics becomes more urgent. 80

In this context, machine learning algorithms have shown outstanding performance in a 81

wide range of applications in different fields and recently became an efficient alternative 82

solution to the classical control approaches. 83

Machine learning has been used for many autonomous vehicles’ applications including 84

perception and motion planning [17], traffic routing [18], object detection and semantic 85

segmentation [19] and others. Pomerleau’s autonomous land vehicle was one of the earliest 86

research projects to implement machine learning (neural network) for autonomous vehicle 87

control [20]. Generally, machine learning is divided into three main categories: supervised 88

learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Unlike supervised learning 89

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and unsupervised learning, the implementations of the reinforcement learning algorithms 90

are still a very much open challenge. Even with the promising results that have been 91

reported, reinforcement learning is still an emergent field and has not been transitioned to 92

the real world as successfully as supervised and unsupervised learning [21]. 93

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a learning-based algorithm that is used for solving 94

complex sequential decision-making problems by studying the agent’s behavior and how 95

it interacts with the environment. RL is structured as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), 96

where the agent take an action within the current state of the environment and consequently 97

receive a reward. The action taken moves the environment to the next state. The objective of 98

RL agent is to learn an optimal (state-action) mapping policy that maximizes the long-term 99

cumulative rewards it receives over the time. RL depends on trial and error to achieve 100

the optimal policy, which is trained based on Bellman’s principle of optimality [22,23]. 101

Numerous studies have been conducted on reinforcement learning to address the learning 102

control or sequential decision-making problems within uncertain environments [24]. It is 103

worth mentioning that RL is also known as approximate dynamic programming (ADP) 104

from the perspective of learning control for dynamic systems. An actor-critic reinforcement 105

learning algorithm is suggested in [25] for addressing the longitudinal velocity tracking 106

control of autonomous land vehicles. The value function and the optimal policy were 107

approximated based on parametrized features that are learned from collected samples so 108

that the actor and critic share the same linear features. The results show the superiority of 109

the used approach over the classical proportional-integral (PI) control. In [26], an RL-based 110

model with energy management is suggested to increase fuel consumption efficiency, where 111

the Q-learning algorithm is implemented to obtain the near-optimal policy. In [27], an 112

RL-based controller was suggested to ensure the longitudinal following of a front vehicle, 113

where a combination between gradient-descent algorithm and function approximation is 114

employed to optimize the performance of the control policy. This study concluded that, 115

although performance was good, more steps must be taken to address the control policy’s 116

oscillating nature utilizing continuous actions. In [28], a deep reinforcement learning 117

algorithm is proposed to study the efficiency of RL in handling the problem of navigation 118

within occluded intersections. The solutions discovered by the proposed model highlight 119

various drawbacks of the present rule-based methods and highlighted many areas for more 120

investigation in the future. A multi-objective deep reinforcement learning (DQN) [29], is 121

suggested for automotive driving, where the agent is trained to drive on multi-lane ways 122

and in intersections. The results show that the learned policy was able to be transferred to 123

a ring road environment smoothly and without compromising performance. 124

For better understanding the importance of successful implementations of RL algo- 125

rithms compared to classical MPC, it is important to point out some key differences. MPC 126

is a model-based control strategy that benefits from the accurate dynamics of the plant, 127

where it is mainly developed to solve an optimal control problem of models that have been 128

explicitly formulated in the control problem using a future prediction strategy. 129

In contrast, RL is a learning-based method which has sufficient theoretical assurance, 130

and the efficiency of the model depends on how well the agent is trained within its 131

environment. The high computing demands of MPC for real-time applications prompts 132

financial concerns, while offline-trained RL, which uses neural networks, requires relatively 133

minimal computing time during deployment. Additionally, one of the primary advantages 134

of reinforcement learning is its effectiveness in handling high-dimensional environments 135

with complex observations obtained, for instance, from photos and videos, which are 136

regarded as more complex for the traditional MPC, which deals with signal measurements. 137

Compared to MPC, the trained policy in reinforcement learning model can be viewed as the 138

controller, the reward function is equivalent to the cost function while the observations and 139

the taken actions correspond to the measurements and manipulated variables, respectively 140

[30,31]. 141

The contribution of this paper comes in the orientation of enriching the studies that 142

have been conducted on reinforcement learning methods in order to pave the way for more 143
Version December 5, 2022 submitted to Journal Not Specified 4 of 17

successful RL applications in real-life autonomous vehicle applications and evaluate the 144

efficiency compared to classical control approaches. 145

In this paper, two different control models were developed for the application of 146

maintaining safety distance between two vehicles, an MPC-based control system and 147

a reinforcement learning-based control system. The performance and the efficiency of 148

the developed RL-based model is evaluated comparing to the behavior of the classical 149

MPC-based model. The two controllers were implemented and tested using the same 150

environment and subjected to the same conditions and constraints. 151

This paper is structured as follow: in the second section, a brief theoretical background 152

of the optimization problem and the related used methods is provided. In the third section, 153

the design process of the MPC-based and RL-based control models and the implementation 154

steps of the RL model on the FPGA are presented. The implementations and the obtained 155

results are discussed in the fourth section. Finally, conclusions are summarized in the last 156

section. 157

2. Materials and Methods 158

2.1. General Optimization Problem 159

Optimization is considered an essential aspect in a variety of applications in different 160

areas such as engineering, science and business. The goal of the optimization process 161

differs from one application to another based on the nature of the task itself. Generally, 162

optimization provides improvements in different aspects with the aim of minimizing 163

power consumption and cost or maximizing performance, outputs and profits. The value 164

and necessity of the optimization process mainly come from the complexity of the real- 165

world problems and their limitations in regards of resources, time and computational 166

capabilities. This means that finding solutions to optimally manage and use these resources 167

is an essential topic in the research area. As a result, it is not an overstatement to say that 168

optimization is needed in each and every real-world application. 169

Mathematically speaking, any optimization problem consists of an objective function, 170

decision variables and constraints. The objective function needs to be minimized or max- 171

imized and must be subjected to constraints, which can be soft and/or hard constraints. 172

The standard mathematical form of most of the optimization problems can be described as 173

minimize f i ( x ), (i = 1, 2, ....N ),
g j ( x ) ≤ 0, ( j = 1, 2, ....J ), (1)
gK ( x ) = 0, (k = 1, 2, ....K )

where f i ( x ) is the objective function or cost function, which can be subjected to 174

inequality constraints g j ( x ), equality constraints gK ( x ) or both of them. The objective 175

function can be linear or nonlinear, and similarly, the constraints can be linear, nonlinear or 176

even mixed. The components of the vector x = ( x1 , x2 , . . . xn ) T are called decision variables 177

and can be discrete or continuous variables. The inequality constraints can be written also 178

in the form of (≥ 0) and the cost function can be formulated as a maximization problem 179

maximize f i ( x ), (i = 1, 2, ....N ),
g j ( x ) ≥ 0, ( j = 1, 2, ....J ), (2)
gK ( x ) = 0, (k = 1, 2, ....K )

The optimization problem can be classified based on the two factors, the number of 180

objective functions and the number of constraints. In terms of the number of objective 181

functions, it can be divided into single objective where N=1 and multi objective where 182

N ≥ 1. On the other hand, and in terms of number constraints, the optimization problem is 183

divided into unconstrained (j=k=0), inequality constrained (k= 0 and j ≥ 1) and equality 184

constrained (j= 0 and k ≥ 1) optimization problems. It is worth pointing out that if both 185

the objective function and constraints are linear then the optimization problem is called a 186
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Figure 1. Local and global minimum points.

linear programming problem. In the case that both the objective function and constraints 187

are nonlinear, the problem becomes a nonlinear optimization problem. The problem is 188

called quadratic programming (QP) when the objective is a linear–quadratic function and 189

the constraints are affine (linear combinations). In some certain objective functions, we 190

could have a local minimum or global minimum. The point is called the local minimum if 191

the value of the function at this point is equal or smaller than its values at nearby points. 192

When the value of the function at this point is equal or smaller than its values at the feasible 193

points, the point is called the global minimum. Figure 1 shows three local minimum points 194

and one global minimum point. Global optimization problems are usually more complex 195

and challenging [32]. 196

2.2. Model Predictive Controller 197

MPC is a very well-known classical control strategy that is used in a variety of applica- 198

tions. MPC controller solves an online constrained optimization problem, which is mainly 199

a quadratic problem (QP). MPC uses an optimizer to ensure that the output of the plant 200

model follows the reference target. Figure 2 shows the control loop of the MPC controller. 201

The goal of the MPC controller is to minimize the cost function and satisfy the system 202

constraints such as acceleration and physical boundaries. MPC uses the future prediction 203

strategy to output its control actions, where it looks forward to the future and uses its 204

internal plant model to simulate different scenarios based on the current state. Here the 205

optimizer comes into the picture by choosing the optimal scenario. The optimal predicted 206

scenario is the one that achieves the minimum error comparing to the reference target 207

(Figure 3). Figure 4 shows the designing parameter of the MPC controller, where Ts is the 208

sample time which determines the rate at which the MPC controller executes its algorithm, 209

k is the current sampling step, the prediction horizon (P) represents the time which the 210

controller looks forward into the future to make predictions, and the control horizon (M) 211

represents the possible control steps to the (k+P) time step. MPC controller solves the 212

optimization problem at each time step, which makes it computationally expensive. In the 213

design process and in order to balance between the performance and the computational 214

load it is important to consider that by determining a longtime-step interval, the MPC 215

will not be able to respond in time, and while the response will be faster for a small time 216

step, but the computational load will significantly increase. The control horizon should be 217

chosen in a way that covers the dynamic changes of the system. The response behavior of 218

the MPC is significantly affected by the first two control moves, therefore a large control 219

horizon will only increase the computation complexity [33]. 220

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Figure 2. MPC control loop.

Figure 3. Future prediction strategy of MPC.

Figure 4. MPC controller parameter design.

2.3. Reinforcement Learning 221

Reinforcement learning is a category of machine learning that is formulated as Markov 222

Decision Processes (MDPs). An MDP system consists of an agent (decision maker), set of 223

Actions (T), set of states (S), transaction function (A) and reward function (R). At each time 224
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step, the agent takes an action At based on the current state St , and the environment is 225

transitioned to a new state S(t+1) where the agent receives a reward Rt . The main goal is 226

maximizing the total cumulative reward, which simply represents the sum of the expected 227

return at each time step. Figure 5 shows the MDP process. In case of a continuous systems 228

the final time step T= ∞, therefore the total reward cannot be calculated. To solve this 229

problem, the concept of discounted reward is provided and the goal in turn is to maximize 230

the discounted total reward. The main idea behind this concept is to minimize the effect 231

of the future returns on the taken actions in a way that makes the taken action greatly 232

influenced by the immediate reward compared to the future ones. Equation 3 represents 233

the concept of the total discounted reward. 234

Gt = Rt+1 + γRt+2 + γ2 Rt+3 + ... = Σi∞=0 γi Rt+i+1 (3)

where G is the total reward and γ is the discount factor which is chosen to be in the range 235

[0 - 1]. 236

Figure 5. Markov decision processes.

The function that maps the probabilities of selecting each action at a specific state 237

is called the policy (π). The function that evaluates how good it is for the agent to be 238

in a specific state under the policy (π) is called the state-value function (vπ ), while the 239

function that evaluates how good it is for the agent to select a specific action under policy 240

(π) at a given state is called Q-function or action-value function (qπ ).The optimal policy 241

(π ∗ ) corresponds to the optimal Q-function (q∗ ) and the optimal state-value function (v∗ ) 242

[34,35]. Based on the way the agent learns the policy and/or the value function estimates, 243

reinforcement learning is categorized into three main methods: policy-based methods, 244

value-based methods and actor-critic methods [36–38]. All of the RL methods follow the 245

same strategy of evaluating the agent behavior; however, the fundamental distinction 246

between them is concerned with where the optimality resides. Q-learning and Deep Q- 247

learning are the most common value-based methods. In Q-learning, the Q-values for each 248

pair (state, action) are stored in a Q-table, and the agent determines the optimal policy 249

by learning how to find the optimal Q-value. In reinforcement learning, the agent may 250

exploit its knowledge by selecting an action that is known to provide a positive reward 251

in order to maximize the total reward. On the other hand, the agent may take the risk of 252

exploring unknown actions, which may lead to a lower reward or to discovering actions 253

that provide a higher reward compared to the current best valued action. Managing the 254

exploration-exploitation trade-off is considered a critical challenge in RL algorithm and 255

an ϵ-greedy is one of the most common used strategies to overcome this challenge. In 256

this strategy, the exploration rate (ϵ) refers to the probability of exploring the environment 257

rather than exploiting it, meaning that the agent either will choose an action randomly with 258

probability (ϵ) or will be greedy by selecting the highest valued action with probability (1-ϵ). 259

Since the agent at the beginning knows nothing about the environment, the exploration rate 260

(ϵ) usually is initialized to be 1, so the agent starts by exploring the environment. With the 261

training progress, the agent learns more about the environment and should conduct more 262

exploitation, which can be achieved by gradually decreasing the probability of exploration 263

(ϵ) by a specific rate at the beginning of every new episode. After taking the action, the 264

agent observes the next state, obtains the gained reward and updates the Q-table. With the 265
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increase of the state space size the efficiency of the Q-learning algorithm drops off, due 266

to its iteration strategy and the large number of pairs (state-action) that need to be stored 267

in the Q-table. The deep Q-learning algorithm overcomes this problem by using a deep 268

neural network as a function approximation to estimate the optimal Q-value instead of the 269

value iteration strategy. Instead of learning the optimal policy based on the cumulative 270

reward, the policy-based method optimizes the policy itself directly by parametrizing the 271

policy and determining the parameters in a way that maximize the objective function of 272

the policy. The advantages of the value-based and the policy-based methods are combined 273

in the actor-critic method where two different approximators are used to determine and 274

update the parameters of the policy and the actions-value function. Deep Deterministic 275

Policy Gradient (DDPG) is one of the most common actor-critic methods. The DDPG 276

algorithm uses two neural network-based approximators, the critic and the actor. The actor 277

deterministically approximates the best action for the given state while the critic evaluates 278

the taken action [39,40]. 279

2.4. Design of the Controllers Models 280

The two controllers are designed to response to the environment changes using two 281

control modes, speed and maintain modes. In the case where the relative distance (drel ) 282

between the two vehicles (ego vehicle and leading vehicle) is greater than the reference 283

safety distance (dsa f ), the controller applies the speed mode that makes the ego vehicle 284

drive at the reference velocity. In the case where the relative distance is less than the safety 285

distance, the controller switches to the maintain mode, and the vehicle drives at the speed 286

of the leading vehicle to keep a safe distance (Figure 6). 287

Figure 6. The schema of applying the control modes.

2.4.1. Design of the MPC Controller 288

As the MPC controller is a model-based control strategy and it depends on the feedback 289

coming from its internal plant, the first step in the design process is to design the model 290

that describes the relation between the longitudinal velocity and the acceleration of the 291

vehicle. This relation is subjected to the dynamics that describe the relation between the 292

engine throttle system and the resistance of the vehicle to the change in direction or velocity 293

(vehicle inertia). The throttle system regulates how much air and fuel mixture reaches the 294

engine cylinders using a control valve. By increasing the opening angle of the control valve, 295

more fuel mixture enters the engine, which in turns increases the vehicle speed. Equation 296
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4 describes this relation, where TF is the transfer system that approximates the dynamics 297

between the throttle system and the vehicle inertia. Figure 7 shows the subsystem block in 298

MATLAB Simulink, which describes the transfer function in connection with the velocity, 299

acceleration and position of the vehicle. After designing the plant model, the next step is 300

to determine the input/output signals and the design parameters of the control system 301

(Figure 8 and Table 1). The measured outputs are used for state estimation, while the 302

manipulated variables are the optimal control actions. The MPC design parameters and 303

the control constraint are presented in table 2. Figure 9 shows the overall workflow of the 304

MPC-based control system. 305

TF = (4)
S(0.5S + 1))

Figure 7. MATLAB simulink subsystem -vehicle model actual position and velocity.

Figure 8. MPC plant model- Inputs/outputs.

Figure 9. Overall diagram of the control system-MPC model.

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Table 1. Inputs/Outputs signals of MPC controller.

Signal Type parameter unit description

Measured outputs vego m/s Longitudinal velocity
of the ego vehicle
(MO) dre f m The relative distance between the
proceeding and the ego vehicles
Measured disturbance v prcd m/s Longitudinal velocity of the
(MD) proceeding vehicle
Manipulated variable accego m/s2 acceleration\deceleration
reference velocity in speed
vre m/s
References mode
dsa f m The reference safety distance

Table 2. MPC design parameters.

MPC controller parameters
Sample time (Ts ) 0.1
Prediction horizon (P) 30
Control horizon (M) 3
Control action constraints
Acceleration [ -3, 3] m2 /s

2.4.2. Designing and training the Reinforcement Learning-Based Controller 306

In this study, the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm is used to design the 307

reinforcement leaning controller. As mentioned earlier, this algorithm uses two different 308

deep learning-based approximators, the actor and the critic. The design process went 309

through several steps, starting from preparing the environment, designing the neural 310

networks of the actor and critic, creating and training the agent, and finally running, 311

testing and validating the model. The observations of the environment are determined to 312

be the vehicle velocity (vego ), the velocity error (ver ) and the integral velocity error (per ). 313

Velocity error represents the difference between the reference and the vehicle velocity. The 314

acceleration constraint is determined to be in the same range as that of the MPC controller, 315

[-3, 3] m2 /s. Figure 10 shows the neural network structure of the actor-critic approximators, 316

where both of them consist of input layer, output layer, and fully connected layers as 317

a hidden layer. ReLU is the activation function between the layers. The figure shows 318

that the actor network accepts the observations as inputs and outputs one control action 319

(acceleration), while the critic network accepts the observations and the output of the actor 320

network (acceleration) and outputs the estimated Q-value. Figure 11 shows the overall 321

workflow of the RL-based control system. 322

Figure 10. RL model: actor – critic neural network structure.

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Figure 11. Overall diagram of the control system-RL model.

2.4.3. Training Algorithm 323

The goal of the training is finding the optimal policy which achieves the highest 324

cumulative rewards. During the training, the parameters of the policy is updated based 325

on the following algorithm: taking action, getting the reward, and update the policy. This 326

cycle continues until the trained agent learns to take the best action that achieves the 327

highest long-term reward at each state. The training options were determined such as 328

the maximum number of episodes, the number of steps per episode and the stop training 329

criteria. Considering S, A represent the state and the action respectively, training algorithms 330

can be summaries as follows: 331

1. Initialize the agent with random parameters (critic and actor). 332

2. For each episode: 333

(a) Reset the driving environment 334

(b) Obtain the initial state of the environment (S0). 335

(c) Select an action for the initial state (A0) 336

(d) Perform the following 337

i. A← A0 338

ii. S← S0 339

(e) As long as the episode is not done or the termination criteria is not reached, do 340

the following: 341

i. Execute the action A, and observe the reward R and the next state ( S ). 342

ii. Store the experience (S, A, R, S ). 343

iii. Learn from the experience. 344

iv. Take and execute the next action A . 345

v. Move (A←A’) and (S←S’). 346

3. If the training termination conditions not reached, then move to next episode, other- 347

wise terminate the training. 348

2.4.4. SOC Implementations and Verification 349

Due to the fact that the reinforcement learning algorithm depends on trial and error, 350

it is safer to test the design using the MATLAB Simulink first, before the implementation 351

on the real SOC. For this purpose, multiple simulations were performed and the final 352

trained policy that meets the requirements is taken to the next step to be deployed on 353

the target FPGA. The suggested RL-based control model is deployed on a low-end SOC 354

(ZedBoard). The deployment process went through several steps (see Figure 12). In the 355

first step, the trained policy is extracted from the trained agent (the Simulink model) and 356

represented in C code generated using MATLAB Embedded Coder. The generated code 357

accepts the environment observations as inputs, and outputs the optimal action for the 358

current state based on the trained policy. In the next step, the hardware configurations were 359

prepared in order to perform the communication between SOC and MATLAB Simulink. 360

The deployment is performed by downloading and running the generated code on the 361
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Figure 12. The overall diagram of running RL model on FPGA.

target SOC. Running the model on Zedboard goes through the following cycle: SOC 362

receives the signals from MATLAB Simulink through the communication channel, executes 363

the algorithm, outputs a control action (acceleration or deceleration), and then sends it to 364

the Simulink model to update the state of the driving environment. 365

3. Results and Discussion 366

In the first part of this section, the performance of the RL-based control model is 367

evaluated and compared to the performance of the MPC-based model. In the second section, 368

the deployment of the RL-based model on SOC is discussed and evaluated compared to 369

the Simulink results. 370

3.1. MATLAB Simulink 371

Figures 13 and 16 show the behavior of the MPC and RL-based controllers, respectively, 372

and their response to different driving scenarios. Figures 14 and 17 show the relative 373

distance between the two vehicles compared to the reference safety distance. Figures 15 374

and 18 show the change of the preceding vehicle’s velocity, the reference velocity and the 375

response of the ego vehicle to the outputs of the controllers. 376

3.1.1. MPC Controller 377

Figure 14 shows that, in the first 10 seconds, the relative distance between the two 378

vehicles is greater than the safety distance, and the MPC controller response is based on 379

the speed control mode, where it successfully drives the ego vehicle to follow the reference 380

velocity (Figure 15). Between 12 to 28 seconds, the relative distance is less than the safety 381

distance, the MPC controller switches to “maintain” control mode, and the ego vehicle 382

changes its speed in order to follow the minimum speed of the preceding vehicle. The 383

detailed behavior of the MPC during this period of time (0 to 28 seconds), shows that in 384

the first three seconds, the MPC controller outputs a near maximum acceleration (Figure 385

13) since the relative distance is much higher than the safety distance and the ego vehicle 386

followed the reference speed. On the other hand, with the continuous decrease in the 387

velocity of the preceding vehicle and consequently the relative distance, MPC begins to 388

gradually reduce the acceleration. At the second 10 the relative distance became very close 389

to the safety distance, and the MPC controller switches to the “maintain” control mode, 390

and responds in a way that drives the vehicle in the direction of following the speed of the 391
Version December 5, 2022 submitted to Journal Not Specified 13 of 17

preceding vehicle. At second 28 the MPC controller switches back to “speed” mode and 392

the ego vehicle follows the reference speed until second 58 regardless of the (maximum or 393

minimum) speed of the preceding vehicle, since the relative distance is greater than the 394

safety distance. 395

3.1.2. Reinforcement Learning Control Model 396

Figures 16, 17, and 18 show that the RL-based controller was able to switch between 397

“speed” and “maintain” control modes efficiently. The controller drives the ego vehicle to 398

follow the reference speed between 0 to 10 seconds, since the relative distance is greater 399

than the safety distance. Then it successfully switches to “maintain” control mode when 400

the relative distance becomes very close or less than the safety distance between 10 to 28 401

seconds. From 31 to 56 seconds the relative distance is greater than the safety, and the 402

RL controller switches back to “speed” control mode, where the ego vehicle follows the 403

reference speed. 404

3.1.3. Performance Compression 405

The results show that both controllers responded efficiently to the environment’s 406

changes based on the control modes and the design specifications. In detail, at the begin- 407

ning the RL controller drove the vehicle from the initial state to the reference velocity in 408

approximately 4.5 seconds, while it took around 6.2 seconds in the case of MPC controller. 409

The results also show that the RL controller was able to follow and respond to the environ- 410

ment changes faster than the MPC controller: it took approximately 4.6 seconds to reach 411

the preceding vehicle speed after changing to “maintain” mode with the RL controller, 412

while it took approximately 6.4 seconds in case of MPC controller. On the other hand, the 413

behavior of the RL controller shows higher overshooting in terms of following the reference 414

speed compared to the MPC behavior, especially against the initial state. As a conclusion, 415

the results demonstrate the advantage of the reinforcement learning model in term of the 416

ability to predict and follow the changes in the environment state faster than the MPC 417

controller. This result is compatible with the fact that solving the optimization problem 418

using a trained neural network is faster than solving an online quadratic problem at each 419

time step (MPC controller). 420

Figure 13. MPC-based controller’s response – MATLAB Simulink.

Figure 14. Relative distance compared to safety distance – MPC controller.

Version December 5, 2022 submitted to Journal Not Specified 14 of 17

Figure 15. Velocity of ego and proceeding vehicle compared to reference velocity – MPC controller.

Figure 16. RL-based controller’s response – MATLAB Simulink.

Figure 17. Relative distance compared to safety distance – RL controller.

Figure 18. Velocity of ego and proceeding vehicle compared to reference velocity – RL controller.

3.2. RL-model on SOC 421

The performance of the RL controller after being implemented on SOC is evaluated 422

compared to its performance on MATLAB Simulink. The compression is analyzed in term 423

of tolerance error, which is determined to be 0.2 m2 /s maximum. The results in Figure 424

19 shows that the response of the RL controller is within the determined tolerance range, 425

and Figure 20 represents the detailed deviations where the maximum was (4.9e−06 m2 /s) . 426

These results demonstrate the success of the deployment of the proposed RL controller on 427

SOC, which also in turn indicates the effectiveness of the approach employed to extract the 428

optimal policy that is trained and validated using MATLAB Simulink. 429
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Figure 19. FPGA – Simulink comparison - RL-based controllers’ response within the tolerance range.

Figure 20. FPGA – Simulink comparison – RL-based controller’s response deviations.

4. Conclusions 430

In contrast to the classical control strategies, whose efficiency strictly depends on the 431

design parameters, the reinforcement learning algorithm provides an efficient generalizable 432

model and higher stable control using a very well-trained agent that is exposed to all 433

possible scenarios within the environment. 434

In this paper, a reinforcement learning-based control strategy was suggested for the 435

task of maintaining a safe distance in an automated driving system. 436

The paper studies the efficiency of the reinforcement learning algorithm as an alter- 437

native approach to the classical MPC control. The performance of the suggested model is 438

evaluated compared to the performance of an MPC controller that is designed for the same 439

task. Additionally, the RL model is deployed on a low-end FPGA/SOC after being verified 440

in MATLAB Simulink. The obtained results show the superiority of the reinforcement 441

learning algorithm over the MPC in terms of the ability to predict, follow and respond 442

faster to environment changes. On the other hand, the MPC controller outperformed the 443

RL-based controller performing with less overshooting. After verifying the reinforcement 444

learning model, the trained policy is extracted and successfully deployed on FPGA. In 445

conclusion, developing a reinforcement learning-based control strategy for highly com- 446

plex environments can be considered as a promising and efficient solution to address the 447

disadvantages of classical control approaches. 448

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.R. and J.V.; methodology, A.R. and J.V.; formal analysis, 449

A.R. and J.V.; invited author by editor; writing—original draft preparation, A.R. and J.V.; writ- 450

ing—review and editing; A.R and J.V. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of 451

the manuscript. 452

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 453

Abbreviations 454

The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript: 455

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ACC Adaptive Cruise Control

RL Reinforcement Learning
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
CACC Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
DQN Deep Q-Learning
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
LTL Linear Temporal Logic
MDP Markov Decision Process
MIMO Multi Input-Multi Output
MPC Model Predictive Control
QP Quadratic Problem
SOC System on Chip

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