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Harry Potter

And the Philosophers . They treat him very bad, and we aren't sure why.
They look at him as some kind of slave or servant, who's just a burden on the

One day something really strange happend... The family went to the zoo for
Dudlys birthday. And Harry started talkint in the wild. Harrys uncle went relly

And one day an unfamiliar letter came for Harry in the mail. When he tried
to read it hes uncle snatched it out of his hand. But everyday more and more
came to a point where no one could stop it. So they moved in to a lighthouse in
the middle of the sea. One night exactly at midnight (when Harry turned 10) a tall
big man broke into the house and told Harry that he's a wiyard and took him with

On the way he told him everything. How hes parents died, the story how he
got to his aunts EVERYTHING. Then they went shopping for a wand, clothes,
animal etc. Hagrid then told Harry he has to go and gave him a piece of paper
which had a number on it. The number represented the number of the train he
was suposed to go with. He couldn't find it so he asked a guard, but he tought
Harry was crazy. As he was looking around he saw a family who ran in a wall but
disappeard. He asked them how it works, they explaind then he got in, hoped on
the train and begin the ride.

He met some friends and then they arrived to Hogwarts. He learnd about
the 4 houses and he got into Griffindor.

Harry had a lot of fun and adventures but we can't look at them all. One
was outstanding so I'm gonna tell that one. So the 3 friends tought that Python
will steal the most prechios stone so they decided tos stop him. They met with a 3
headed dog, killing plants flying keys and lastly with wizard chess, there Harry lost
Ron and had to finish the advanture alone. He had a masive fight with a teacher
who was secretly working for Voldemort. But of course he won and they even won
the housecup.

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