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10 May 2024 | 4:59PM BST

Metals: What’s going on? Copper’s non-visible deficit, Aluminium’s

China underpin, Iron ore’s re-tightening support

Copper’s non-visible deficit. Much of the recent focus on the copper market has Nicholas Snowdon
+44(20)7774-5436 |
been on the lack of clear metal deficit evidence. It is certainly true that visible global
Goldman Sachs International
cathode stocks are essentially flat so far in Q2. Total cathode stocks stand at 606kt,
Lavinia Forcellese
compared to 595kt at the end of March and 621kt at the end of April. However, it +44(20)7774-9243 |
would be wrong to conclude that the copper market is not tightening. Rather, the Goldman Sachs International

strength of the rally in the LME price – which represents cathode – has diverted the
tightening effects into other lower cost segments of the market for now. The
evidence of this is particularly clear in China, where port concentrate stocks have
fallen 300kt ytd, whilst downstream semis product stocks are also down 12% ytd.
The call on scrap from smelters and semi fabricators has also increased sharply
For the exclusive use of MARCELO.RATAFIA@GS.COM

onshore, given still significant discounts to cathode. However, we would note that
Western scrap discounts remain very tight, reflecting regional scrap tightness and
limited short run supply flex. These segments of the copper market beyond cathode
– concentrate, scrap, semis – all have finite stocks and when incentives abate, either
because price gaps narrow or stocks run out, demand and tightening effects will
refocus on the cathode market. In the current healthy end-demand and constrained
mine supply environment, we expect clearer aggregate draws in cathode stock to
start to play by the end of Q2 and then gather pace over H2 this year. It is also
crucial to recognise that from a price perspective, when markets face the degree of
scarcity bind that copper does to peak supply, with open-ended deficits amidst
already low stocks, they have tended to price to defer metal scarcity rather than after
the fact. As soon as cathode stocks are drawn down, the copper market is typically

in the scarcity end game. We continue to target copper to $12,000/t by the end of
the year, signalling 20% upside from current levels.

Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. For Reg AC
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Goldman Sachs Metals

Exhibit 1: Whilst global cathode stocks have stabilised so far in Q2, this masks significant tightening trends in less visible copper
concentrate, scrap and semis sections of the market

kt kt c/lb CNY/t
1100 Global visible copper cathode stocks 1300 80 European copper scrap discount 9000
China port copper concentrate stocks (RHS) US copper scrap discount
1000 70
China copper scrap discount (RHS) 8000
900 50
700 6000
600 700 40
500 30
400 4000
300 10 3000
100 100 0 2000

Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, SMM, CRU, Wind, Bloomberg

Aluminium’s China underpin. Following the sharp run up through March and April,
LME aluminium price has entered a consolidation phase so far this month. Whilst the
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announcement of new LME rules on Russian metal amplified price moves in mid-April,
pricing now sits just above the pre-rule change level. We continue to see a supportive
setting for the aluminium price path ahead (12M $2,700/t target, 2025 $2,850/t average),
underpinned by a progressive tightening shift into clearer global deficit. China remains
the most supportive fundamental dynamic currently. Domestic inventories peaked in
early April and have now fallen 100kt (-15%) since then. At the same time, China net
imports of primary aluminium have continued to strengthen, annualising close to 2.5Mt
year-to-date (vs total 1.4Mt imports in 2023). This increasing pull of metal into China is
underpinned by a robust domestic aluminium trend so far this year, tracking close to 6%
full year demand growth (more than twice our current forecast), set against the capacity
cap constrained onshore primary supply dynamic. Whilst the import arb is currently
closed, we think China will continue to need to price spot imports later in the year
especially once seasonal stock draws build into mid-year. We would also note that

onshore aluminium pricing also has greater support from a cost curve perspective, given
the 20% increase in alumina prices ytd. Trends in the ex-China aluminium market
continue to point to improving spot activity on an end to destocking and some end
demand uplift, best reflected in the uptrend in regional premia. Whilst there will
inevitably be focus on today’s large delivery and rewarranting of metal into the LME in
Malaysia (+562Kt), it is important to recognise that this is not fresh surplus but simply a
movement of metal previously held off-warrant. With a sustained tightening in the LME
forward time spreads so far this year, beyond the front-end, it should be no surprise that
less supportive carry incentivises more metal back into exchange.

10 May 2024 2
Goldman Sachs Metals

Exhibit 2: China’s strong demand and primary imports continue to be the key underpin on the global deficit path, whilst alumina strength is
offering the greatest smelter margin risk since 2022

kt kt $/t

2200 2200 2000

China aluminium inventories
2000 2000 1000
Western aluminium inventories
1800 1800 0
1600 1600
1400 1400
1200 1200 -2000

1000 1000 -3000

800 800 -4000 China aluminium smelter margin
600 600 EU aluminium smelter margin
400 400
200 200 -6000

Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, Bloomberg, Wind, SMM

Iron ore’s retightening support. The iron market has stabilised so far in Q2, with
China’s port stocks plateauing and pricing rebounding ~15% from the April lows. This
ultimately reflects the impact of an improving trend in China’s steel demand from March
For the exclusive use of MARCELO.RATAFIA@GS.COM

onwards. We estimate China’s steel demand fell 10% y/y in Q1, but so far in Q2 it is
only down 4% y/y. This improved demand setting has been tied to improved activity in
autos, machinery and ship building, as well as continued strength in steel exports. In
turn, this has supported a sustained tightening trend in onshore steel inventories which
has supported an improved environment for mill margins. Average blast furnace rebar
mill margins have improved from an average ~100 CNY/t loss in Q1 to closer to
breakeven in Q2 so far. Similarly, for blast furnace HRC mill margins, there has been an
improvement from a modest 46 CNY/t average profit in Q1 to a much stronger average
269 CNY/t in Q2. Importantly, margins at scrap based EAF plants have weakened so far
in Q2 vs Q1 due to scrap tightness. In that setting, this has supported a recovery trend
in hot metal production, with daily output now up 3% from Q1 average. This has
underpinned a stronger iron ore demand environment, reflected in elevated imports year

to-date (+7% y/y) as well as a stabilisation in port stock levels. Whilst we see a modest
deficit tilt in the iron ore market into mid-year, thereafter a shift into modest surplus
state is expected over H2. Given that balance path, absent any fresh increment whether
from supply disruptions or China property support, we expect the iron ore price to
remain rangebound in the near term before a modest drift lower later in the year.

10 May 2024 3
Goldman Sachs Metals

Exhibit 3: Stronger China steel demand so far in Q2 has supported mill margins and output, in turn curtailing the extended iron ore surplus
and bearish price phase

Mt Mt CNY/t
170 China iron ore inventories at ports 115 2000
Rebar margin at blast furnace mills
China iron ore imports (RHS) 1750 Rebar margin at electric-arc furnace mills
160 110 1500 HRC margin at blast furnace mills

150 105 1250

140 100 750

130 95 500
120 90 0

110 85 -250
100 80 -750

Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Base Metals Weekly Inventory

WoW change in global visible stocks

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Aluminium Copper Nickel Zinc

tonnes Global Western China Global Western China Global Western China Global Western China
Social Social
LME CMX SHFE (excl. SHFE) LME CMX SHFE (excl. SHFE) Bonded LME Social Bonded LME Social Bonded
03 May 1305758 487750 33008 222585 562415 619837 111300 23637 288340 116360 80200 117929 79920 33349 4660 453475 253975 195200 4300
10 May 1700858 903850 33008 211698 552302 606986 103450 22036 290376 111824 79300 118408 80286 33462 4660 447750 251950 191500 4300
w/w change 395100 416100 0 -10887 -10113 -12851 -7850 -1601 2036 -4536 -900 479 366 113 0 -5725 -2025 -3700 0
w/w % change 30% 85% 0% -5% -2% -2% -7% -7% 1% -4% -1% 0.4% 0.5% 0.3% 0% -1% -1% -2% 0%

Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, SMM, Bloomberg, Wind

Exhibit 4: China aluminium stocks continue to draw at a faster rate than copper so far in Q2

Stocks in weeks of Stocks in weeks of

consumption consumption kt kt
2.6 5.8 China copper stocks (2024, left)
950 1800
Copper 7 year median (2016-2022, left)
2.4 5.4
850 China aluminium stocks (2024)
2.2 Aluminium 5.0 1600
7 year median (2016-2022)
Zinc 4.6
2.0 750
Nickel (RHS) 4.2 1400
3.8 650
1.6 1200
1.4 550

1.2 1000
2.6 450
1.0 2.2 800
0.8 1.8 350
0.6 1.4 600
0.4 1.0
0.2 0.6 150 400


















50 200
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, Wind, SMM, Bloomberg

The authors would like to thank Frederik Witzemann for his contributions to the note.

10 May 2024 4
Goldman Sachs Metals

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